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A novel olefinic analog, Z,Z-1,12,14-heptadecatriene, was synthesized from Z,Z-11,13-hexadecadienal, a major pheromone component of the navel orangeworm, Amyelois transitella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), and evaluated as a potential disruptant of mating communication in commercial almond orchards. The effectiveness of the triene as a disruptant was compared to that of the aldehyde by evaluating the reduction in captures of feral males in female-baited traps and the reduction in mating success for females. The triene was highly effective in bringing about reductions in male captures in traps in all tests relative to controls. This effectiveness lasted as long as 5 weeks in one test and was influenced by type of dispenser, release rate and proximity of dispensers to female-baited traps. In none of the tests did the triene outperform the aldehyde in reducing male captures. The results of mating success tests showed the triene to be ineffective relative to controls (26% reduction) while the aldehyde yielded 100% reductions in matings during a 6-day period.
Résumé Le Z-Z-1,12,14-heptacécatriène, qui mime l'aldéhyde Z-Z-11,13-hexadécadénial, principal composé de la phéromone de A. transitella Walker, a été essayé pour interrompre les accouplements dans la nature. Un conditionnement avec plastique stratifié a mieux dispersé le triène que la présentation en capsules de polyéthylène. Comme dans le cas des autres produits examinés précédemment, ce triène a interrompu l'attraction sexuelle (réduction du nombre de mâles capturés dans les pièges, réduction du nombre d'accouplements) de A. transitella dans les vergers d'amandiers, pendant moins longtemps que l'aldéhyde. Placé dans des pièges contenant des femelles vierges, il est efficace comme l'aldehyde pendant 5 semaines, pendant 3 semaines lorsqu'il est placé autour des pièges et pendant 13 jours quand il est utilisé dans des parcelles de 9 arbres. Des essais ultérieurs avec d'autres présentations et des quantités plus élevées de triène devraient montrer si ce produit peut être utilisé pour l'interruption des accouplements. Les analogues de phéromones ont généralement une plus grande stabilité et un coût de synthèse moins élevé que les aldéhydes.

Acclimation to a particular environment may provide organisms with advantages in that environment. In species with multiple generations per year, acclimation may cause life‐history traits to vary with season and between generations. We investigated flight performance, lifetime egg production, and longevity in relation to the temperature experienced during development and adulthood in the invasive moth pest Grapholita molesta (Busck) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). We found that females that developed at low temperature had good flight abilities when they were flown at low, intermediate, and high temperatures. At high temperature, females that developed at high temperature did not outperform females that developed at low temperature. Flight performance was generally poor at low ambient temperature. Our findings suggest a beneficial acclimation effect, occurring at low temperature. Nonetheless, there were potential costs of development at low temperature: development took longer, resulting in smaller females, which laid fewer eggs. Given temporal and spatial temperature variability in the field, dispersal potential should not be considered homogeneous within populations or across generations. Our results suggest that the most favourable time periods for female dispersal are at the beginning and towards the end of the host crop growing season, which has potential implications for monitoring the occurrence and range expansion of this invasive pest species.  相似文献   

The navel orangeworm (NOW), Amyelois transitella (Walker), is a major post-harvest pest of tree nuts including walnut, almonds and pistachios. Nitric oxide (NO) was recently discovered to be a potential fumigant under ultralow oxygen conditions for post-harvest pest control. In this study, NO fumigation was evaluated for efficacy against eggs, larvae and pupae of NOW. NO fumigation was found to be similarly effective against NOW on artificial diet and in infested walnuts. Fumigations of 4, 8 and 16 hr with 2.0, 1.0 and 0.5% NO, respectively, achieved complete control of small and large larvae in artificial diet. Complete control of pupae on artificial diet was achieved in 8, 16 and 24 hr fumigations with 2.0, 1.0 and 0.5% NO, respectively. For NOW in infested walnuts, complete control was achieved in 6, 8 and 16 hr fumigations with 1.5, 1.0 and 0.5% NO, respectively, for small larvae; in 4-, 8- and 24-hr fumigations with 2.0, 1.0 and 0.5% NO, respectively, for large larvae; and in 8-, 16- and 24-hr fumigations with 2.0, 1.0 and 0.5% NO, respectively, for pupae. Eggs were more tolerant to NO fumigation than larvae and pupae, and complete control of NOW eggs was achieved in 8- and 16-hr fumigation with 3.0 and 2.0% NO, respectively. This study demonstrated the efficacy of NO fumigation against NOW on walnut and its potential as an alternative post-harvest treatment for the pest.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The flight pattern of mated female navel orangeworm moths, Amyelois transitella (Walker), responding to odour from potential larval hosts is zigzagging upwind flight. However, at times these moths are capable of flying nearly directly upwind towards the odour source (track angles near 0). This response indicates that these females are capable of very accurate anemotactic control of their heading or course angle, since small angular errors in this measure would translate into larger deviations from direct upwind flight. Males of this species exhibit flight patterns similar to those of females, including track angles clustered about 0 when flying upwind to a source of the female-produced pheromone, but under these experimental conditions they flew with a higher average airspeed than the females. When females lose contact with an odour plume they initiate a well-defined programme of cross-wind counterturning or casting, which may normally increase their chances of retrieving contact with that plume when the wind direction shifts. The resultant track angles of females increase significantly by 0.8 s after plume loss, indicating that the female has initiated changes in both her course angle and airspeed. By 1 s after plume loss the females' track angles are no longer unimodally distributed about 0, but are bimodally distributed about -90 and +90. Males responded more rapidly to the loss of a pheromone plume, demonstrating a significant change in track angle 0.4 s after plume loss. Overall, female and male A.transitella exhibited remarkably similar anemotactic flight manoeuvres during upwind flight to odour sources as well as after plume loss.  相似文献   

The factors explaining host‐associated differentiation (HAD) have not yet been fully characterized, especially in agricultural systems. It is thought that certain characteristics within a system may increase the probability for HAD to occur. These characteristics include relatively long‐standing evolutionary relationships between insects and their host plants, endophagy, and allochrony in host‐plant phenologies. We assessed the status of these characteristics as well as the presence of HAD in the cranberry fruitworm, Acrobasis vaccinii Riley (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), a pest associated with blueberry and cranberry in eastern North America. We reveal the occurrence of two distinct populations of A. vaccinii that are allochronically isolated by the phenological stage of their respective host plants (cranberries or blueberries). Laboratory‐reared A. vaccinii adults collected from blueberries emerge at least 1 week earlier than adults from cranberries and the antennal sensitivity of adults to host‐plant volatiles differs between A. vaccinii collected from blueberry and cranberry. Despite finding characteristics indicative of HAD, we did not detect a genetic signature of HAD in A. vaccinii. These findings suggest that HAD may occur through behavioral and phenological mechanisms before there is sufficient genetic variation to be detected.  相似文献   

The Asian Long‐horned Beetle (ALB) is a highly polyphagous species invasive in North America and Europe. This species has been reported to have low dispersing potential, but long‐distance dispersal could occasionally happen. We conducted a preliminary study on laboratory‐reared adults from invasive populations to measure the flying potential of beetles using computer‐linked flight mills. Under standardized conditions, ALB was capable of flying over longer distances than previously described. The highest distance recorded over an adult lifespan outreached 14 km. Flight mill method is therefore useful to estimate the maximum physiological flight abilities of the species that should be taken into account to improve management of invasive populations.  相似文献   

The ability of insects to learn locations of future resources has rarely been studied. Here, we show that males of the solitary parasitoid wasp Pimpla disparis Viereck (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) learn locations of future mates. Male P. disparis reportedly arrest on parasitized pupae of wax moth, Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), and gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L. (Lepidoptera: Erebidae), when mate emergence is imminent. We tested the hypothesis that male P. disparis identify, memorize, and revisit the location(s) of parasitized host pupae as a strategy to attain mates. We colour‐coded P. disparis males in the field and noticed that they revisit parasitized moth pupae on consecutive days, and arrest on those pupae with a near‐emergence P. disparis parasitoid. In a laboratory experiment with two large corrugated cardboard cylinders (CCCs) as surrogate trees, each CCC bearing two parasitized moth pupae with a near‐emergence P. disparis parasitoid or two pupae not parasitized, males on day 1 of the experiment visited parasitized pupae more often than pupae not parasitized. On day 2, when each CCC had been replaced and now carried pupae that were not parasitized, males returned to the same CCC, or the same micro‐location on that CCC, which on day 1 had carried parasitized pupae. Field and laboratory data combined indicate that male P. disparis learn the location of future mates. With female P. disparis being haplodiploid and capable of reproducing without mating experience, the onus to find a mate is on males. They accomplish this by detecting parasitized pupae, learning their location, revisiting them frequently, and then arresting on them when the prospective mate nears emergence, taking a 50% chance that it is indeed a female.  相似文献   

Animal personality has been studied extensively in recent years, yet multidimensionality in tendencies of risk‐related behavior, and the role of such consistency from a mating tactics perspective, is yet to be investigated. We used a semi‐domesticated herd of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) to examine individual subdominant male propensity to risk mating attempts on guarded females, as well as flight initiation distance (FID), within the personality paradigm to elucidate potential fitness consequences of consistency from an adaptive perspective. Data were collected at the Kutuharju Reindeer Research Station in Kaamanen, Finland, where measures of personality were generated using field observation data based on the relative frequency of dominant male–subdominant male agonistic interactions over 4 years and subdominant males' FID measured over 1 year. Individual propensity for transient mating attempts was not significantly repeatable and did not significantly predict reproductive success or somatic cost during the mating season. Individuals varied consistently in FID, and although repeatable, FID was not related to reproductive success or somatic cost. Proximate state‐dependent or social mechanisms may be driving decision‐making with respect to mating effort, whereas consistent between‐individual differences in FID may be maintained by mechanisms unrelated to life‐history trade‐offs involving productivity.  相似文献   

Changes in female calling behavior in response to the presence of conspecific pheromones (pheromone autodetection) have been demonstrated in a number of moth species. However, the observed changes vary between species, and several ecological and adaptive explanations for autodetection have been proposed. We studied the effect of conspecific females on the calling behavior of the noctuid moth Pseudaletia adultera (Schaus) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, Hadenini), by comparing the age of first calling, as well as the onset and pattern of calling, when females were held individually or in the presence of conspecifics. Grouped females started calling at a lower age, a higher percentage of females called during the scotophase, and they called longer compared to females held in isolation. We also demonstrated that female antennae respond to each of the three main components of the sex pheromone – (Z)‐11‐hexadecen‐1‐ol, (Z)‐11‐hexadecen‐1‐yl acetate, and (Z)‐11‐hexadecenal – and that the response patterns differed from those of male antennae. By calling more and extending her calling window in presence of conspecific females, a female may increase her chances of accessing males. However, the potential benefits need to be considered within an ecological context, considering factors such as migration, oviposition, and foraging.  相似文献   

The emergence of agricultural land use change creates a number of challenges that insect pollinators, such as eusocial bees, must overcome. Resultant fragmentation and loss of suitable foraging habitats, combined with pesticide exposure, may increase demands on foraging, specifically the ability to collect or reach sufficient resources under such stress. Understanding effects that pesticides have on flight performance is therefore vital if we are to assess colony success in these changing landscapes. Neonicotinoids are one of the most widely used classes of pesticide across the globe, and exposure to bees has been associated with reduced foraging efficiency and homing ability. One explanation for these effects could be that elements of flight are being affected, but apart from a couple of studies on the honeybee (Apis mellifera), this has scarcely been tested. Here, we used flight mills to investigate how exposure to a field realistic (10 ppb) acute dose of imidacloprid affected flight performance of a wild insect pollinator—the bumblebee, Bombus terrestris audax. Intriguingly, observations showed exposed workers flew at a significantly higher velocity over the first ¾ km of flight. This apparent hyperactivity, however, may have a cost because exposed workers showed reduced flight distance and duration to around a third of what control workers were capable of achieving. Given that bumblebees are central place foragers, impairment to flight endurance could translate to a decline in potential forage area, decreasing the abundance, diversity, and nutritional quality of available food, while potentially diminishing pollination service capabilities.  相似文献   

The diel flight periodicity of the nocturnal moth Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera;Pyralidae) was measured in the laboratory using an actograph and in the field with suction traps. Females showed almost no flight activity on the night of eclosion. Flight activity of mated females peaked before midnight, the period of peak oviposition activity. Male peak activity occurred after midnight coinciding with female eclosion. Presence or absence of females did not affect when or how long males were active. Data on flight activity and reproductive behaviour are discussed in relation to the use of pheromones to protect maize.  相似文献   

Predator‐prey interactions are an important evolutionary force affecting the immunity of the prey. Parasitoids and mites pierce the cuticle of their prey, which respond by activating their immune system against predatory attacks. Immunity is a costly function for the organism, as it often competes with other life‐history traits for limited nutrients. We tested whether the expression of antimicrobial peptides (AMP) of the larvae of the greater wax moth Galleria mellonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) changes as a consequence of insertion of a nylon monofilament, which acts like a synthetic parasite. The treatment was done for larvae grown on a high‐quality vs. a low‐quality diet. The expression of Gloverin and 6‐tox were upregulated in response to the insertion of the nylon monofilament. The expression of 6‐tox, Cecropin‐D, and Gallerimycin were significantly higher in the ‘low‐quality diet’ group than in the ‘high‐quality diet’ group. As food quality seems to affect AMP gene expression in G. mellonella larvae, it should always be controlled for in studies on bacterial and fungal infections in G. mellonella.  相似文献   

Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is considered to be rather sedentary, but some individuals undertake flights of several kilometres in the field. This paper investigates the genetic influence on this variability. The flight capacity was measured in the laboratory by a flight mill and its heritability was estimated for two different strains. The laboratory strain was kept for more than 45 generations and the field strain from Embrach (northern Switzerland) was recently collected in the field.The multiple-trait-restricted-maximum-likelihood method was used for the estimation of genetic variances and covariances. A mixed full-sib/half-sib design was applied for the field strain and a full-sib design for the laboratory strain. The heritability of total distance was 0.57 for the field strain and 0.37 for the laboratory strain (both sexes). In addition, a heritability of 0.38 for total distance was estimated by parent-offspring regression for the laboratory strain. All three values were significantly different from zero P<0.05 and show that there is a significant additive genetic influence on flight capacity.The genetic correlations between total distance and other flight traits (total duration, flight velocity, longest flight) were between 0.84 and 1.00 for both strains and suggest that these traits actually belong to a single one. High genetic correlations were also found between total distance and the morphological traits body weight and wing length for the field strain, whereas a negative correlation was found between total flight distance and body weight for the laboratory strain. This difference between the two strains was interpreted as a possible trade-off between flight capacity and fecundity.  相似文献   

The effect of reduced application rate, soil temperature at shallow depth (2.5 cm), and soil type on the efficacy of Steinernema carpocapsae against the navel orangeworm, Amyelois transitella, was evaluated in six field trials employing 1 m2 plots conducted from November 2003 through December 2004 in Madera and Kern Counties, California. Nematodes were applied at a concentration of 100,000 infective juveniles (IJs)/m2 (109/ha) in a volume of 187 ml water/m2 (1870 L/ha) with a post-application irrigation in all trials. Mortality ranged from 7.9 to 64.9% in successful trials and percent reduction in live larvae per plot was as high as 74.6%. Percent reduction and mortality were highly correlated (r2 = 0.78) and larval reduction typically was 10–11% greater than mortality for any treatment. In one trial, although nematode treatment significantly increased mortality compared to the controls, the treatment was deemed unsatisfactory because mortality was <15%. Soil temperature in this trial rose to 39 °C within 5 h after application. Nematodes failed in two other trials when soil temperature fell below freezing (minimum temperatures −3.0, −5.5 °C, respectively) several times in a 5-day period. We conclude that a commercially feasible application volume of 1870 L water/ha followed by post-application irrigation at this same rate was effective, and that soil maximum temperature at or below 32 °C during the first 24 h after application is necessary for treatment success.  相似文献   

Previous studies show that the position of centre of body mass ( cmbody ) and the ratio of flight muscle to total body mass (flight muscle ratio, FMR) are good predictors of flight speed and manoeuvrability in butterflies. However, cmbody , FMR, and related morphometric traits are strongly correlated phcnotypically, making it difficult to identify the causal determinants of flight performance. By experimentally gluing weights that amounted to 15% body weight to a palatable Neotropical butterfly species (Anartia fatima) , we tested the effects of altering FMR and repositioning cmbody on two measures of flight performance: flight speed and the ability to evade capture. We then tested their effects on survival in a natural setting. Flight performance studies detected no significant differences in airspeed or evasive flight ability among unweighted controls, weighted-loaded butterflies (WL), and those with cmbody positioned further posterior (CM). In two mark-release-recapture experiments, survival of treatment groups did not differ, but males survived longer than females. In one experiment, WL and CM butterflies were recaptured more frequently than controls, whereas the probability of recapture for females was higher than that for males in the second experiment. When significant, results for recapture were consistent with a causal relationship between FMR and flight speed. Presumably, a decrease in flight speed was due to a reduction in muscle mass-specific power output in the weighted butterflies. However, the results did not support a relationship between manoeuvrability and cmbody  相似文献   

Anthropogenic interference forces species to respond to changing environmental conditions. One possible response is dispersal and concomitant range shifts, allowing individuals to escape unfavourable conditions or to track the shifting climate niche. Range expansions depend on both dispersal capacity and the ability to establish populations beyond the former range. We here compare well‐established core populations with recently established edge populations in the currently northward expanding butterfly Lycaena tityrus. Edge populations were characterized by shorter development times and smaller size, a higher sensitivity to high temperature and an enhanced exploratory behaviour. The differences between core and edge populations found suggest adaptation to local climates and an enhanced dispersal ability in edge populations. In particular, enhanced exploratory behaviour may be advantageous in all steps of the dispersal process and may have facilitated the current range expansion. This study describes differences associated with a current range expansion, knowledge which might be useful for a better understanding of species responses to environmental change. We further report on variation between males and females in morphology and flight behaviour, with males showing a longer flight endurance and more pronounced exploratory behaviour than females.  相似文献   

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