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Mutants of Saccharomyces cervisiae with defects in enzymes of the electron transfer chain and in the rutamycin-sensitive ATPase have been isolated. Some of the mutants are specifically affected in either cytochrome oxidase, coenzyme QH2-cytochrome c reductase or ATPase. Other strains are deficient in both cytochrome oxidase and coenzyme QH2-cytochrome c reductase but still have rutamycin-sensitive ATPase. All the mutants reported in this study fail to be complemented by a rho0 tester derived from a respiratory competent strain. The meiotic spore progeny obtained by mating the mutants to a respiratory competent haploid yeast, when scored for growth on glycerol, show a non-Mendelian segregation of the phenotype. These two genetic tests indicate the mutations to be cytoplasmically inherited.  相似文献   

A selection procedure is described which permits a large number of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants to be screened for specific lesions in mitochondrial respiratory enzymes and the adenosine triphosphatase. The method has been used to isolate nuclear mutant strains with specific lesions in coenzyme QH2-cytochrome c reductase, cytochrome oxidase, and adenosine triphosphatase. In addition, two cytoplasmic mutants have been found whose primary defect is in cytochrome oxidase, and others have been found that show variable degrees of abnormalities in their mitochondrial translation products.  相似文献   

Characterization of the plasma membrane ATPase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1. The distribution of ATPase and several marker enzymes was examined after differential and sucrose gradient centrifugation of yeast homogenates. 2. An ATPase activity not sensitive to oligomycin is found exclusively associated with a particulate fraction equilibrating at densities of 1.23-1.25. This particulate material shows the chemical and enzymatic characteristics of the yeast plasma membrane. 3. The pH optimum of the plasma membrane ATPase is 5.6, as compared with 8.5 for the mitochondrial ATPase. In addition to oligomycin, the enzyme is not sensitive to other inhibitors of the mitochondrial ATPase as azide, dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and the mitochondrial ATPase inhibitor protein. It is inhibited by p-chloromercuryphenyl sulfonate, fluoride, quercetin and by the antibiotic Dio-9 but is not affected by ouabain. 4. The plasma membrane ATPase shows a high affinity for ATP (Km = 0.1 mM) and is very specific for this compound, hydrolyzing other nucleotide triphosphates less than 25% as rapidly. No activity was detected with ADP. 5. The enzyme requires a divalent cation for activity and Mg2+ is the most effective. It is not significantly stimulated by K+ or bicarbonate and Ca2+ is inhibitory. 6. The activity cannot be assayed in intact cells unless they are permeabilized with toluene. This suggest that the active site is on the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Summary The role of mitochondrial protein synthesis, electron transport, and four specific mitochondrial gene products on sporulation were studied in respiratory deficient mit - mutants. These mutants were isolated in an op1 strain and localized on the mitochondrial genome by petite deletion mapping. All 153 mutations studied could be assigned to the four mitochondrial regions OXI1, OXI2, OXI3 and COB, known to affect cytochrome c oxidase and cytochrome b. The specific loss of one mitochondrially translated polypeptide was found in some mutants of each locus: OXI1—cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2, OXI2 — subunit 3, OXI3 — subunit 1, and COB — cytochrome b.The ability of diploid mit - mutants to sporulate was systematically investigated. About one third of the mutants, representing three loci, were incapable of forming spores. All other cultures produced either respiratory competent mit + tetrads, both mit + and mit - tetrads, or only mit - tetrads. Mutants forming mit - tetrads mapped in all four loci. These results demonstrate that in contrast to petite mutants some mit - mutants have retained the ability to perform meiosis and sporulation.  相似文献   

A method has been devised to test intergenic complementation of mutations in the mitochondrial DNA of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The test is based on the observation that diploids issued from pairwise crosses of certain mit- mutants with deficiencies in cytochrome oxidase, or coenzyme QH2-cytochrome c reductase, acquire high levels of respiratory activity shortly after zygote formation. Under our experimental conditions neither biochemical complementation, interallelic complementation, nor recombination has been found to contribute to any significant extent toward the respiration measured in the diploids at early times. The test has been used to study the number of complementation groups represented by a large number of mit- mutants. Results of pairwise crosses of mutants in the oxi 1, oxi 2, oxi 3, cob 1, and cob 2 loci indicate that complementation occurs between the oxi and cob loci between different oxi loci but not between the two cob loci. The five loci have, therefore, been assigned to four different complementation groups.  相似文献   

A method is described for isolating cytoplasmic mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with lesions in mitochondrial transfer ribonucleic acids (tRNA's). The mutants were selected for slow growth on glycerol and for restoration of wild-type growth by cytoplasmic "petite" testers that contain regions of mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) with tRNA genes. The aminoacylated mitochondrial tRNA's of several presumptive tRNA mutants were analyzed by reverse-phase chromatography on RPC-5. Two mutant strains, G76-26 and G76-35, were determined to carry mutations in the cysteine and histidine tRNA genes, respectively. The cysteine tRNA mutant was used to isolate cytoplasmic petite mutants whose retained segments of mitochondrial DNA contain the cysteine tRNA gene. The segment of one such mutant (DS504) was sequenced and shown to have the cysteine, histidine, and threonine tRNA genes. The structures of the three mitochondrial tRNA's were deduced from the DNA sequence.  相似文献   

Two mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae which show a loss of mitochondrial rutamycin-sensitive ATPase activity are described. Although phenotypically similar to mutants of the mitochondrial locus pho1 [F. Foury and A. Tzagoloff (1976) Eur. J. Biochem. 68, 113-119], these mutants define a second ATPase locus on the mitochondrial DNA (designated pho2), which is genetically unlinked to pho1. Analysis of recombination in crosses involving multiple antibiotic resistance markers indicates that the locus is in the segment of the genome between ery1 and oli2, very close to oli1. In fact it is proposed that the oli1 and pho2 mutations are in the same gene. Supporting evidence for this proposal includes: 1. The analysis of marker retention in petite mutants shows that the oli1 and pho2 loci were either retained or lost together in all cases. 2. Recombination frequencies of 0.05% or less are observed in crosses between the oli1 and pho2 loci. 3. When rho+ revertants are isolated from the pho2 mutants they frequently are oligomycin resistant. 4. pho2 mutants have an altered subunit 9 of the ATPase complex.  相似文献   

1. Mitochondria of Saccharomyces cerevisiae contain two tRNA's that are acylated with threonine. The two isoaccepting species (tRNA1Thr and tRNA2Thr) can be separated by reversed-phase chromatography on RPC-5. 2. A cytoplasmic mutant has been isolated which lacks tRNA1Thr but has normal levels of tRNA2Thr. This mutation was previously shown to map between the oxi 1 and oxi 2 loci on mitochondrial DNA. 3. tRNA1Thr and tRNA2Thr hybridize to wild type mitochondrial but not nuclear DNA and are capable of partially competing with each other. Hybridization of each species to different segments of mitochondrial DNA isolated from p- clones indicate that there are two threonyl tRNA genes. One gene is located between oxi 1 and oxi 2 and codes for tRNA1Thr. The second gene codes for tRNA2Thr and is near the cap locus. 4. Binding assays to E. coli ribosomes indicate that tRNA2Thr recognizes the threonine triplet ACA and may also recognize the other three triplets but with a much lower efficiency. None of the four codons for threonine stimulate the binding of tRNA1Thr to the ribosomes.  相似文献   

Ubiquinol (QH2) is a lipid-soluble molecule that participates in cellular redox reactions. Previous studies have shown that yeast mutants lacking QH2 are hypersensitive to treatment with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) indicating that QH2 can function as an antioxidant in vivo. In this study the effect of 1 mM linolenic acid on levels of Q6 and Q6H2 is assessed in both wild-type and respiration-deficient (atp2 delta) strains. The response of Q-deficient mutants to other forms of oxidative stress is further characterized to define those conditions where QH2 acts as an antioxidant. Endogenous antioxidant defense systems were also assessed in wild-type, Q-deficient, and atp2 delta strains. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity decreased and catalase activity increased in both Q-deficient and atp2 delta mutants compared to wild-type cells, suggesting that such changes result from the loss of respiration rather than the lack of Q.  相似文献   

Modified plasma-membrane ATPase in mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Mutations affecting the plasma membrane ATPase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were obtained by selecting mutants resistant to Dio-9. In a plasma-membrane-enriched fraction of the mutant MG2130, the ATPase activity was resistant to vanadate (50% inhibition by 26 microM in the mutant compared to 1.3 microM in the parental strain). Several catalytic properties of the membrane-bound ATPase were modified by 60-120% in the mutant which had a higher Km for MgATP and was more heatstable, less sensitive to mercurials, and more stimulated by monovalent cations than the parental type. A single mutation is responsible for the phenotypes of four independent allelic mutants. Resistance to Dio-9 in vivo and resistance to vanadate in vitro segregated together in three tetrads issued from a cross between the wild type and mutant. The mutation is semi-dominant as shown by expression of the mutant phenotype in a heterozygous diploid resulting from the cross between the wild type and mutant. It is concluded that the pma locus, affected by these mutations, is the structural gene either for the 100000-Mr subunit of plasma membrane ATPase or for a protein which tightly controls the conformation of the plasma-membrane ATPase within the membrane.  相似文献   

We isolated a large number of mutations in the structural gene for the plasma membrane ATPase (PMA1) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These mutations were selected by their resistance to the aminoglycoside antibiotic hygromycin B. Biochemical analysis of purified membrane preparations showed that the plasma membrane ATPase activity of the mutants was reduced as much as 75%. Intragenic complementation of pma1 mutants suggested that the yeast plasma membrane ATPase was a multimeric enzyme. The pma1 mutants were apparently defective in maintaining internal pH; more than half of the mutants were unable to grow either at a low pH or in the presence of a weak acid. Most pma1 mutants were also osmotic pressure sensitive. At a very low temperature (5 degrees C) many pma1 mutants were unable to grow and were arrested as unbudded cells. The three most severely affected mutants were also unable to grow in the presence of NH4+. The most extreme mutant exhibited a severe defect in progression through the cell cycle; on synthetic medium, the cells progressively accumulated nucleus-containing small buds that generally failed to complete bud enlargement and cytokinesis. Most of the pleiotropic phenotypes of pma1 mutants could be suppressed by the addition of 50 mM KCl but not NaCl to the medium.  相似文献   

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