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GC/MS分析血浆中丁丙诺啡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:建立血浆中丁丙诺啡GC/MS分析方法。方法:血浆中丁丙诺啡,加入内标长春西汀,加pH 7缓冲溶液,用三氯甲烷提取,提取物经BSTFA衍生化后进行GC/MS分析。结果:方法的线性范围为2~100 g·L~(-1),检出限为1g·L~(-1)。结论:该方法灵敏度高,可用于涉毒案件血浆中丁丙诺啡的分析。  相似文献   

目的:探讨丁丙诺啡透皮贴剂治疗肩关节周围炎的患者对于疼痛的缓解效果和肩关节活动功能的改善作用。方法:搜集本院近5年来门诊就诊及住院治疗的肩周炎患者152例,全部患者均规范化按照VAS评分使用镇痛药物。其中,78例患者在达到中度及以上疼痛水平时,额外加用丁丙诺啡透皮贴剂。每隔3月通过电话随访量化患者疼痛评分变化情况,门诊随访检查患者肩关节活动功能,并使用Constant-Murley肩关节功能评分量表进行数字化评估。结果:152例肩周炎患者在治疗观察期间,疼痛及肩关节活动功能均有一定程度的缓解和改善,在观察期末,平均Constant-Murley肩关节功能评分保持于80分水平。在治疗观察期内,外用丁丙诺啡透皮贴的患者在6-18月期间时,Constant-Murley肩关节功能评分上升速度明显高于对照组(P0.05)。结论:丁丙诺啡透皮贴剂可以加快肩周炎患者的康复速度,提升肩周炎患者在治疗期间的生活质量。  相似文献   

正尿液是动物新陈代谢的产物,在动物的化学通讯中发挥着重要作用,动物依靠它识别个体,选择高质量的配偶,判断亲缘关系,吸引异性等,以增加个体的适合度(Macdonald and Brown,1985)。各种动物尿液的化学成分复杂,含有挥发性和非挥发性两类化学信号物质。尿液的化学组成和其功能在许多动物中已进行报道,如大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)(刘玉良等,2012)、水獭(Arvicola  相似文献   

尿液在大熊猫化学通讯过程中具有重要作用。对大熊猫尿液中化学成分的检测是揭示大熊猫尿液中化学物质组成及其功能的关键。本实验通过使用顶空固相微萃取技术(Headspace-solid phase microextraction,HSSPME)对大熊猫尿液样品进行前期处理,继而利用气相色谱- 质谱联用技术(Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,GC / MS)对大熊猫尿液中化学成分进行检测。共检测到56 个峰,通过在NIST (National Institute of Standards
and Technology)质谱库中进行检索,初步推定出其中的38 种物质。除此之外,还对HS - SPME 萃取头的净化方法进行了探索和改进。结果表明,顶空固相微萃取技术结合气相色谱- 质谱联用技术能够应用于大熊猫尿液中挥发性与半挥发性化合物的检测,并且能够得到较好的实验结果,为揭示大熊猫化学通讯机理提供基础。  相似文献   

目的:建立定量测定人体血浆中氨氯地平浓度的HPLC-MS/MS的方法.方法:以克林霉素为内标,采用Shim-pack VP-ODS柱(150× 2.0 mm I.D.,5μm,日本Shimadzu Technologies Inc.公司)为固定相;乙腈-10 mmol/L乙酸铵溶液(90∶10,v/v)为流动相,流速为0.4 mL/min;通过电喷雾离子源(ESI),以正离子多反应监测模式进行检测.氨氯地平与内标用于检测的离子对分别为m/z409.3 m/z 238.2和rn/z 425.2 m/z 126.3.结果:氨氯地平在0.10~20.00 ng/mL范围内与峰面积比值线性范围良好(r=0.9968),定量下限为0.10 ng/mL,日内日间精密度的RSD均小于7%,平均回收率大于86%.结论:所建方法准确度较高,灵敏度好,专属性强且操作简便,可适用于氨氯地平的血药浓度测定和临床药代动力学研究.  相似文献   

建立了用含1%乙酸的乙腈提取,基质分散固相萃取法(Qu ECh ERS)对样品净化,结合UPLC-MS/MS,应用于果蔬中有机磷、氨基甲酸酯及其它等50种农药的同时测定。试验采用外标法定量,50种农药检出限均小于5μg.kg-1,标准曲线在0.01 mg.L-1~0.5 mg.L-1间线性相关系数(r2)0.98。在0.01 mg.kg-1~0.1 mg.kg-1的添加水平下分别进行添加回收实验,平均回收率在65%~118%之间,相对标准偏差25%。试验表明,方法操作简单、快速、成本低,能够应用于果蔬中农药多残留的快速筛选及定量分析。  相似文献   

本文评述了固相微萃取技术的工作原理、萃取装置、操作过程及技术条件,介绍了固相微萃取技术在药物分析相关领域的应用近况,展望了这一技术的发展前景。  相似文献   

午子绿茶香气物质固相微萃取GC-MS分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
选用春、秋两季的午子绿茶样品,采用固相微萃取法提取、富集其芳香物质,经GC-MS分析,共鉴定出112种化合物,其中春茶102个组分、秋茶96个组分.不同生产季节绿茶中香气物质构成种类基本相同,其含量分布存在差异.苯乙醇、苯甲醇、2,6-二叔丁基对甲苯酚、壬醛、咖啡因、香叶醇、β-芳樟醇、1,2,4a,5,8,8a-六氢-4,7-二甲基-1-异丙基萘等化合物作为午子绿茶中主要的香气物质,对于构成其特征风味具有重要作用.  相似文献   

目的:建立定量测定人体血浆中阿托伐他汀浓度的HPLC-MS/MS的方法.方法:以吲哚美辛为内标,采用Shim-packVP-ODS柱(150× 2.0 mm I.D.,5μm,日本Shimadzu Technologies Inc.公司)为固定相;乙腈-0.5%甲酸溶液(90:10,v/v)为流动相,流速为0.3 ml/min;通过电喷雾离子源(ESI),以正离子多反应监测模式进行检测.阿托伐他汀与内标用于检测的离子对分别为m/z 559.4 m/z 250.3和m/z 358.3 rn/z 139.2.结果:阿托伐他汀在0.10~20.00 ng/ml范围内与峰面积比值线性范围良好(r=0.9962),定量下限为0.10 ng/ml,日内日间精密度的RSD均小于12%,平均回收率大于71%.结论:所建方法准确度高,方法灵敏,专属性强且操作简便,可适用于阿托伐他汀的血药浓度测定和临床药代动力学研究.  相似文献   

采用顶空固相微萃取结合气相色谱-质谱联用技术分析鉴定了野松茸干品中的挥发性风味成分.鉴定出48种风味化合物,占挥发性成分总量的91.44%,其中酸类9种、酯类6种、含氮杂环化合物11种、醇类3种、醛类5种、酮类10种、其他类4种.野松茸干品中主要的芳香成分是桂酸甲酯(42.99%)、3-甲基丁酸(8.56%)、2,6-二甲基吡嗪(8.36%)、2,5-二甲基吡嗪(2.46%)和1-辛烯-3-醇(2.06%).  相似文献   

A well-reproducible method for determining five common chlorophenols in soils is described. Chlorophenols were extracted from a soil with sodium hydroxide and, after being acidified to pH 6.5, the extract was cleaned by partitioning between chloroform and sodium hydroxide. After adjusting the pH value to 5.5, the sample was concentrated in a C-18 minicolumn. The chlorophenols were desorbed with methanol, the extract was basified, the solvent volume was reduced to 100 μl, and the concentrated extract was acidified. An aliquot was analyzed by HPLC with UV detection (225 nm). Recovery experiments were performed at concentration levels of 1 ppm, 0.1 ppm, and 0.01 ppm. Recovery levels between 65% and 83% with a standard deviation of ±3.75 were achieved at the concentration level of 0.1 ppm. Detection limits between 2 ppb (2,4,6-trichlorophenol) and 2.5 ppb (4-chloro-3-methylphenol) were determined.  相似文献   

Neonicotinoid pesticides have been widely applied for the production of fruits and vegetables, and occasionally detected in conventionally grown produce. Thus oral exposure to neonicotinoid pesticides may exist in the general population; however, neonicotinoid metabolites in human body fluids have not been investigated comprehensively. The purpose of this study is the qualitative profiling and quantitative analysis of neonicotinoid metabolites in the human spot urine by liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC/MS). Human urine samples were collected from three patients suspected of subacute exposure to neonicotinoid pesticides. A qualitative profiling of urinary metabolites was performed using liquid chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC/TOFMS) with a database of nominal molecular weights of 57 known metabolites of three neonicotinoid pesticides (acetamiprid, Imidacloprid, and clothianidin), as well as the parent compounds. Then a quantitative analysis of selected urinary metabolites was performed using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) with a standard pesticide and metabolite, which were detected by the qualitative profiling. The result of qualitative profiling showed that seven metabolites, i.e. an acetamiprid metabolite, N-desmethyl-acetamiprid; three Imidacloprid metabolites, 5-hydroxy-Imidacloprid, 4,5-dihydroxy-imidacloprid, 4,5-dehydro-Imidacloprid; a common metabolite of acetamiprid and Imidacloprid, N-(6-chloronicotinoyl)-glycine; and two clothianidin metabolites, N-desmethyl-clothianidin, N-(2-(methylsulfanyl)thiazole-5-carboxyl)-glycine, as well as acetamiprid, were detected in the urine of three cases. The result of the quantitative analysis showed N-desmethyl-acetamiprid was determined in the urine of one case, which had been collected on the first visit, at a concentration of 3.2 ng/mL. This is the first report on the qualitative and quantitative detection of N-desmethyl-acetamiprid in the human urine. The results suggest that the one case with detection of N-desmethyl-acetamiprid was exposed to acetamiprid through the consumption of contaminated foods. Urinary N-desmethyl-acetamiprid, as well as 5-hydroxy-Imidacloprid and N-desmethyl-clothianidin, may be a good biomarker for neonicotinoid exposure in humans and warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Different experimental strategies using short columns in both conventional liquid chromatography (HPLC) and ultra‐high pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) were evaluated to allow, for the first time with these techniques, the lipophilicity determination of compounds with log P>5. Various organic modifiers, stationary phases, and elution modes were tested on 14 rigid compounds with a CLogP between 5 and 8, and 38 compounds with log Poct from 0 to 5. The best results in HPLC were obtained with the 20‐mm Discovery ® RP Amide C16 stationary phase in isocratic mode using MeOH as organic modifier. To improve analysis time, the UHPLC approach was then evaluated. Consequently, a generic method was developed with a 30‐mm Acquity BEH Shield RP18 column in gradient mode using MeOH as organic modifier, allowing a fourfold gain of time compared to the HPLC method, for the highly lipophilic compounds tested. Finally, the most rapid and accurate results were obtained with a 10‐mm HypersilTM GOLD Javelin HTS stationary phase in UHPLC, enabling an eightfold gain of time compared to the HPLC method.  相似文献   

高效液相色谱法测定毛豆中吡虫啉残留量   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用高效液相色谱法测定毛豆中吡虫啉农药残留。试样用二氯甲烷超声波提取,中性氧化铝柱净化,石油醚去除脂类杂质,以0.2%冰乙酸水溶液-乙腈(70:30,体积比)为流动相,配备Agilent TC-c18柱、高效液相色谱紫外检测器检测(HPLC-UV),外标法定量。实验表明,毛豆样品中吡虫啉添加回收率为84.0%~102.8%,相对标准偏差(n=6)为6.8%~10.9%,样品中吡虫啉最低检测浓度为0.003 mg/kg。  相似文献   

A simple and rapid assay method for three stimulant drugs (amphetamine, methamphetamine, and dimethamphetamine) in human urine using solid-phase microextraction was developed. In solid-phase microextraction, the drugs were equilibrated between the adsorbent coated-fiber and aqueous sample matrix. After adsorption of the analytes, the fiber was directly transferred to the injector of a gas chromatograph, where the analytes were thermally desorbed and subsequently separated by the gas chromatograph and detected by mass spectrometer. The solid-phase microextraction method, which did not require solvents, was found to be a fast and simple analytical method. We optimized the solid-phase microextraction technique, for factors such as the NaCl salt effect (30%), pH effect (pH=12.4), equilibration time (30 min), desorption time (1 min) and coated-fiber type (100 μm poly(dimethylsiloxane)) and detected the stimulants in human urine, obtained from human subjects. The detection limits of each drug were below 1–10 ng/ml. The developed method can be applied to the abused drug test.  相似文献   

Aflatoxins Bl, B2, G1 and G2 were quantitatively detected by high-performance liquid chromatography on a 12 µl flow-cell in the fluorometric detector using the mobile phase of toluene system instead of chloroform, dichloromethane or methanol system. Various kinds of columns and mobile phases were tested, and fine mutual separation of all the four aflatoxins without quenching their fluorescence was achieved by using sHica gel column and toluene- ethyl acetate-formic acid-methanol (89.0: 7.5: 2.0: 1.5 v/v/v/v). The relationship between the fluorescence peak area and the amount injected was linear in the range of 0.3 ng to 120 ng. This method, as applied to food and feed extracts, is sensitive at the 10~20 ppb levels of the four kinds of aflatoxins.  相似文献   

建立了同时测定益气养血口服液中的淫羊藿苷、黄芪甲苷、黄芪皂苷域、五味子醇甲和麦冬皂苷D5种有效成分含量的超高效液相色谱-串联质谱(UPLC-MS/MS)分析方法,用Agilent Zorbax RRHD Eclipse Plus C18(50 mm×2.1 mm,1.8滋m)色谱柱,流动相:A相为乙腈溶液,B相为含0.2%甲酸的水溶液,流速为0.35 mL/min。在电喷雾电离(ESI)正离子模式下,采用的是多重反应监测模式(MRM)进行检测。结果表明,黄芪甲苷、黄芪皂苷域、淫羊藿苷、五味子醇甲和麦冬皂苷D的线性范围分别为0.003~12 mg/L、0.3~12 mg/L、0.009~18 mg/L、0.006~1.2 mg/L、0.003~3.0 mg/L;检出限分别为1滋g/L、1滋g/L、3滋g/L、2滋g/L、1滋g/L;5种成分的加样回收率为75.9%~104%;相对标准偏差均不大于3.8%。该方法简便、准确、快速、高灵敏度,已成功地用于实际的样品分析。  相似文献   

Globally, tuberculosis is slowly declining each year and it is estimated that 37 million lives were saved between 2000 and 2013 through effective diagnosis and treatment. Currently, diagnosis relies on demonstration of the bacteria, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), in clinical specimens by serial sputum microscopy, culture and molecular testing. Commercial immunoassay lateral flow kits developed to detect Mtb lipoglycan lipoarabinomannan (LAM) in urine as a marker of active TB exhibit poor sensitivity, especially in immunocompetent individuals, perhaps due to low abundance of the analyte. Our present study was designed to develop methods to validate the presence of LAM in a quantitative fashion in human urine samples obtained from culture-confirmed TB patients. Herein we describe, a consolidated approach for isolating LAM from the urine and quantifying D-arabinose as a proxy for LAM, using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. 298 urine samples obtained from a repository were rigorously analyzed and shown to contain varying amounts of LAM-equivalent ranging between ~10–40 ng/mL. To further substantiate that D-arabinose detected in the samples originated from LAM, tuberculostearic acid, the unique 10-methyloctadecanoic acid present at the phosphatidylinositol end of LAM was also analyzed in a set of samples and found to be present confirming that the D-arabinose was indeed derived from LAM. Among the 144 samples from culture-negative TB suspects, 30 showed presence of D-arabinose suggesting another source of the analyte, such as disseminated TB or from non-tuberculosis mycobacterium. Our work validates that LAM is present in the urine samples of culture-positive patients in small but readily detectable amounts. The study further substantiates LAM in urine as a powerful biomarker for active tuberculosis.  相似文献   

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