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新疆塔里木盆地西部晚二叠世轮藻类   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文研究的晚二叠世轮藻化石产自新疆塔里木盆地西南部之地表及井下剖面中,计有2属4种,其中2新种(Stomochara kulunshanensis sp. nov., Porochara moyuensis sp. nov.)。这一化石组合不同于我国目前已知的晚二叠世轮藻类组合,而与欧洲同期轮藻类组合相近,可能反映了当时塔里木盆地与欧洲气候环境相近。文中还讨论了晚古生代末期轮藻类的演化关系,指出无顶孔的Paracuneatochara应起源于早二叠世早期或晚石炭世末期的Cuneatochara或与其性状相近的某属。  相似文献   

论可可西里晚古生代裂谷的消亡时代   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
可可西里西金乌兰湖北侧和岗齐曲北部均有石炭纪—早二叠世的蛇绿岩出露,表明可可西里晚古生代曾有裂谷或洋盆存在。蛇绿岩的上覆浅海相碳酸盐岩中产晚二叠世的?、有孔虫、牙形刺和钙藻等化石,指示了可可西里晚古生代裂谷或洋盆消亡于晚二叠世之前或晚二叠世初。  相似文献   

一、前言 本文研究的晚二叠世轮藻化石,系卢辉楠1982—1983年在新疆北部考察时采获,三叠纪的材料产自南疆,系石油部新疆石油管理局勘探开发研究院古生物室提供。中三叠世轮藻类,在我国不少地区已被发现(王振、黄仁金,1978;张捷芳、卢辉楠等,1978;赵志清等,1980;王振,1981;张振来,1981;黄仁金,1983)。而晚二叠世和早三叠世轮藻类在国外报道的较少(Peck and Eyer,1963;1966b,1967,1968),晚二叠世轮藻类在我国最近才有报道(王振,1984),早三叠世仅个别种被报道(王振、黄仁金,1978)。  相似文献   

20世纪中国古生代放射虫研究取得三方面成绩:1.研究地域涉及全国大部分省区。除东北三省、河北、山西、山东、海南、台湾外,古生代放射虫巳在我国19个省区发现。时代从晚寒武世至晚二叠世长兴期;2.研究领域逐步扩大,确立了三种不同的放射虫岩相类型,洋盆相区以广西钦州板城最为典型,从晚泥盆世弗拉斯期-晚二叠世长兴早期共建立18个化石带;岛孤相区以云南西部昌宁-孟连地体作代表,从中泥盆世吉维持期-晚二叠世长兴期发育12个化石带;台盆相区以苏皖地区中二叠世孤峰组放射虫研究得较好,建立3个化石带,这些放射虫化石带,与洋盆相区,岛弧相区同时代的带基本上相似和相同;3.中国4条主要蛇绿岩带都发现了放射虫硅质岩和放射虫动物群。这对蛇绿岩带的形成时代和板块碰撞时间和确定提供了有力的证据。最后,文中还提出了新世纪里我国古生代放射虫研究的方向。  相似文献   

贵州晴隆、安顺晚二叠世三叶虫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记述贵州晴隆、安顺晚二叠世的三叶虫2属6种,其中属于Pseudophillipsia 的5个新种。建立了一新属Acropygy,丰富了晚二叠世三叶虫化石资料。  相似文献   

虽然二叠系-三叠系界线附近的微生物岩是研究生态环境转折期海洋环境的热点素材,但以往所发现的实例都赋存于显生宙最大灭绝事件界线之上,还未报道过位于灭绝界线之下的微生物岩。川东北地区长兴组上部发育骨架礁层位之上的微生物丘,其中以尖山微生物丘最为典型,具三个生长旋回。根据微生物丘地层中所含牙形刺,和有孔虫,其时代为长兴晚期,处于大灭绝界线之下,其顶部距Hindeodus parvus带7.5m。碳同位素及微量元素分析揭示,从晚二叠世晚期开始,海洋生态环境条件的幕式不稳定性就已经显现并持续发展,导致生物危机也呈多阶段性特征。川东北晚二叠世微生物丘记录见证了重大地质转折期将至时生物与环境的相互作用关系。  相似文献   

川西北地区绵竹汉旺青岩沟、观音崖以及安县雎水剖面三叠纪卡尼期马鞍塘组硅质海绵礁群生长于碳酸盐岩缓坡带,可划分为礁基、礁核、礁翼、礁间沉积等亚相,据内碎屑含量、化石埋葬学特征以及灰泥等基质比例厘定岩相和群落特征。礁灰岩主要为海绵格架岩和钙质微生物凝块岩,附礁生物类型包括有孔虫类、双壳类、棘皮类、介形类、腕足类、粗枝藻类、钙质海绵等。马鞍塘组海绵礁终结之后上覆黑色页岩沉积。晚三叠世卡尼期气候骤变在全球生物圈引发广泛的效应,海平面升降速率相对海绵礁的生长速率较大,加之构造活动频繁,大火山岩省集中爆发以及超级季风盛行,从而导致了硅质海绵礁灭绝。  相似文献   

二叠纪-三叠纪礁相房室海绵演化与灭绝   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
就礁相房室海绵而言,早二叠世的物种数最少,中二叠世的分异度最高,晚二叠世的其次,中三叠世的较少,卡尼斯的增多,诺利期的更多。礁相房室海绵的演化反映出二叠纪-三叠纪有3次灭绝事件,分别发生在中二叠世末期、长兴期末期、卡尼期末期。这3次灭绝事件的规模各不相同:中二叠世末期的灭绝事件规模较小,它使83.8%的中二叠世礁相房室海绵种灭绝;长兴期末期的灭绝规模最大,它使100%的长兴期种灭绝;卡尼期末的灭绝事件规模也较大,它使97.7%的卡尼期种灭绝。  相似文献   

记福建省二叠纪一蛇尾纲化石   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
福建省区测队一中队地层组在测制龙岩幅地质图时,于1976年8月在华安县福里村西南500米处的上二叠统中采获一枚保存完美的蛇尾纲化石。到目前为止,我国已报道的蛇尾纲化石均产于三叠纪和早侏罗世的地层,在古生代地层中发现,尚属初次。与蛇尾纲化石共生的化石经我们鉴定计有:Schuchertella frechi,Orthotetina ruber,Leptodus nobilis,Linoproductussp.,Aviculopecten cf.bella-tulus,这些共生的化石证实该地层的时代应属于晚二叠世。  相似文献   

中国南部的晚二叠世地层相当发育并产有丰富的菊石和鹦鹉螺化石。赵金科等(1978)曾对华南晚二叠世菊石进行较系统的研究,关于鹦鹉螺,限于标本,仅描述了部分保存较好的。近年来,在安徽、湖南、广西又陆续发现一些鹦鹉螺化石,其中有的保存相当完整,特在此文予以报道。头带角石科鹦鹉螺是二叠世常见的化石,本文新建的Nodonautilus gen.nov.与Neoclavinautilus gen.nov.即属于此类。这类鹦鹉螺的壳面往往饰有发育的肋与瘤,有时骤然一看,与假提罗菊石类有某些相似之处,如果标本好,保存有缝合线则就不难区分,因为鹦鹉螺的缝合线远较菊石的简单。 Permonautilus属系首次在我国发现,这类鹦鹉螺很特征,即在近口部处脐缘迅速向侧部  相似文献   

所讨论的“板状水螅”是一类分类位置尚有争议的化石,为华蓥山地区上二叠统生物礁的主要造礁生物之一。这里描述了3属3种.其中包括2新属和3新种.它们是Pseudopalaeoaplysinahuayingensis,Phragmorphaasiatica和Cnidoporatuberculosa。  相似文献   

Permian-Triassic boundary microbialites (PTBMs) are thin (0.05-15 m) carbonates formed after the end-Permian mass extinction. They comprise Renalcis-group calcimicrobes, microbially mediated micrite, presumed inorganic micrite, calcite cement (some may be microbially influenced) and shelly faunas. PTBMs are abundant in low-latitude shallow-marine carbonate shelves in central Tethyan continents but are rare in higher latitudes, likely inhibited by clastic supply on Pangaea margins. PTBMs occupied broadly similar environments to Late Permian reefs in Tethys, but extended into deeper waters. Late Permian reefs are also rich in microbes (and cements), so post-extinction seawater carbonate saturation was likely similar to the Late Permian. However, PTBMs lack widespread abundant inorganic carbonate cement fans, so a previous interpretation that anoxic bicarbonate-rich water upwelled to rapidly increase carbonate saturation of shallow seawater, post-extinction, is problematic. Preliminary pyrite framboid evidence shows anoxia in PTBM facies, but interbedded shelly faunas indicate oxygenated water, perhaps there was short-term pulsing of normally saturated anoxic water from the oxygen-minimum zone to surface waters. In Tethys, PTBMs show geographic variations: (i) in south China, PTBMs are mostly thrombolites in open shelf settings, largely recrystallised, with remnant structure of Renalcis-group calcimicrobes; (ii) in south Turkey, in shallow waters, stromatolites and thrombolites, lacking calcimicrobes, are interbedded, likely depth-controlled; and (iii) in the Middle East, especially Iran, stromatolites and thrombolites (calcimicrobes uncommon) occur in different sites on open shelves, where controls are unclear. Thus, PTBMs were under more complex control than previously portrayed, with local facies control playing a significant role in their structure and composition.  相似文献   

桂西南柳桥地区二叠纪末期浅水相小有孔虫动物群   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本文研究了广西扶绥县柳桥地区二叠纪末期的浅水相小有孔虫动物群。该动物群赋存于硅质岩相地层中的灰岩夹层里。动物群丰度和分异度均较高,共发现12属25种。其中包括长兴期的常见分子如Glomospira,No-dosaria,Colaniella等。此有孔虫组合与Colaniella组合大致相当,可以与类Paleofusulina带和Gallowayiella带相对比。  相似文献   

中国南方二叠纪海绵礁的成礁模式   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
广泛发育于我国南方碳酸盐岩台地区的二叠纪生物礁,其中绝大多数属于海绵生物礁。从该地区二叠纪海绵生物礁的内部成礁因素分析,即从主要造礁生物-钙质海绵和钙质藻类等的生物学和生态学特征、埋藏和保存特点等方面进行分析,提出了华南二叠纪海绵生物礁主要是由于其主要造礁生物钙质海绵和钙质藻类独特的生物学特征、生态学特征以及它们的共同作用所形成的。此模式与其它地质历史时期生物礁的成礁模式明显不同。  相似文献   

The spiny damselfish, Acanthochromis polyacanthus, is widely distributed throughout the Indo‐Australian archipelago. However, this species lacks a larval dispersal stage and shows genetic differentiation between populations from closely spaced reefs. To investigate the dispersal strategy of this unique species, we used microsatellite markers to determine genetic relatedness at five dispersal scales: within broods of juveniles, between adults within a collection site (~30 m2), between sites on single reefs, between nearby reefs in a reef cluster, and between reef clusters. We sampled broods of juveniles and adults from seven reefs in the Capricorn‐Bunker and Swain groups of the Great Barrier Reef. We found that extra‐pair mating is rare and juveniles remain with their parents until fledged. Adults from single sites are less related than broods but more related than expected by chance. However, there is no evidence of inbreeding suggesting the existence of assortative mating and/or adult migration. Genetic differences were found between all of the reefs tested except between Heron and Sykes reefs, which are separated only by a 2‐km area of shallow water (less than 10 m). There was a strong correlation between genetic distance, geographical distance and water depth. Apparently, under present‐day conditions spiny damselfish populations are connected only between sites of shallow water, through dispersal of adults over short distances. Assuming that dispersal behaviour has not changed, the broad distribution of A. polyacanthus as a species is likely based on historical colonization patterns when reefs were connected by shallow water at times of lower sea levels.  相似文献   

A carbonate ramp in the shallow‐marine northwestern part of the Central Tarim Uplift, Bachu, NW China, exhibits an extraordinary Late Ordovician reef complex along the Lianglitag Mountains, exposed for a distance of about 25 km. Seven localities within the ‘Middle Red Limestone’ of the Upper Member of the Lianglitag Formation (Katian, Late Ordovician) illustrated the changes in biofacies and lithofacies: northern, seaward‐directed patch reefs are replaced towards the south by coeval grain banks. The patch reef units are dominated by microbial and calcareous algal components. The reefs at the northernmost locality are knoll‐shaped, kalyptra‐shaped or irregularly shaped with sizes of individual reefs increasing from about 2 m in height and diameter. Stratigraphically upward, reefs notably expand to larger structures by several mounds coalescing; they are generally about 10 m thick and tens of metres in lateral extent. The maximum thickness of the main patch reef is more than 30 m, and its diameter is around 100 m. The reefal units turn into biostromes with gentler relief southward and still further south grade into banks composed of peloids and coated grains. The southernmost locality is still a shallow‐water bank, and the coastline is not documented in the study area. The present evidence indicates that the Late Ordovician palaeo‐oceanography provided a number of environments for the optimal growth of carbonate build‐ups; microbial‐calcareous algal communities could thrive in areas where the innovative metazoan reef frameworks consisting of corals and stromatoporoids did not play a significant role. The ramp morphology, especially changes in water depth, controlled the configuration of the reef complex.  相似文献   

Natural systems are increasingly being modified by the addition of artificial habitats which may facilitate invasion. Where invaders are able to disperse from artificial habitats, their impact may spread to surrounding natural communities and therefore it is important to investigate potential factors that reduce or enhance invasibility. We surveyed the distribution of non-indigenous and native invertebrates and algae between artificial habitats and natural reefs in a marine subtidal system. We also deployed sandstone plates as experimental 'reefs' and manipulated the orientation, starting assemblage and degree of shading. Invertebrates (non-indigenous and native) appeared to be responding to similar environmental factors (e.g. orientation) and occupied most space on artificial structures and to a lesser extent reef walls. Non-indigenous invertebrates are less successful than native invertebrates on horizontal reefs despite functional similarities. Manipulative experiments revealed that even when non-indigenous invertebrates invade vertical "reefs", they are unlikely to gain a foothold and never exceed covers of native invertebrates (regardless of space availability). Community ecology suggests that invertebrates will dominate reef walls and algae horizontal reefs due to functional differences, however our surveys revealed that native algae dominate both vertical and horizontal reefs in shallow estuarine systems. Few non-indigenous algae were sampled in the study, however where invasive algal species are present in a system, they may present a threat to reef communities. Our findings suggest that non-indigenous species are less successful at occupying space on reef compared to artificial structures, and manipulations of biotic and abiotic conditions (primarily orientation and to a lesser extent biotic resistance) on experimental "reefs" explained a large portion of this variation, however they could not fully explain the magnitude of differences.  相似文献   

Summary After the end-Permian crisis and a global ‘reef gap’ in the early Triassic, reefs appeared again during the early Middle Triassic. Records of Anisian reefs are rare in the Tethys as well as in non-Tethyan regions. Most Anisian reefs are known from the western part of the Tethys but there are only very few studies focused on biota, facies types and the paleogeographical situation of these reefs. From the eastern part of the Tethys, Anisian reefs, reefal buildups or potential reef-building organisms have been reported from different regions of southern China. Most of the Anisian reefs known from western and central Europe as well as from southern China seem to be of middle and late Pelsonian age. The study area is situated in the northern Dolomites (South Tyrol, Italy) southeast of Bruneck (Brunico). It comprises the area between Olang (Valdaora) and Prags (Braies). The study is based on detailed investigations of the regional geology, stratigraphy and lithofacies (R. Zühlke, T. Bechst?dt) as well as on a comprehensive inventory of Anisian reef organisms (B. Senowbari-Daryan, E. Flügel). These data are used in the discussion of the controls on the recovery of reefs during the early Middle Triassic. Most late Anisian reef carbonates studied are represented by allochthonous talus reef blocks of cubicmeter size. Small biostromal autochthonous mounds are extremely rare (Piz da Peres). The reef mounds as well as most of the reef blocks occur within the middle to late Pelsonian Recoaro Formation. They were formed on the middle reaches of carbonate ramps in subtidal depths, slightly above the storm wave base with only moderate water energy. Most lithotypes observed in the reef blocks correspond to sponge and/or algal bafflestones. Low-growing sessile organisms (Olangocoelia (sponge, alga?), sphinctozoan sponges, bryozoans, soleno-poracean algae, corals) and encrusting epibionts (sponges, porostromate algae, cyanophycean crusts, foraminifera, worms, microproblematica) created low cm-sized biogenic structures (bioconstructions) which baffled and bound sediment. Organic framework was only of minor importance; it is restricted to theOlangocoelia lithotype. Framework porosity was small in these reef mounds. Submarine carbonate cements, therefore, are only of minor importance s compared with Permian or Ladinian reefs. The relatively high number of lithotypes encountered in the reef blocks indicates a high biofacies diversity. Regarding the relative frequency, the diverse biota consist in descending order ofOlangocoelia, sponges (sphinctozoans, inozoans, siliceous sponges), bryozoans, porostromate algae and worm tubes. The sphinctozoans are characterized by small, mostly incrusting forms. The numerical diversity (species richness) is low compared with late Permian or Ladinian and late Triassic sphinctozoan faunas occurring within reefs. Following the sponges, monospecific bryozoans (Reptonoditrypa cautica Sch?fer & Fois) are the most common organisms in the reef limestones. Porostromate algae were restricted to areas within the bioconstructions not inhabited by sponges. The low-diverse corals had no importance in the construction of an organic framework. Surprisingly, microbial crusts are rare or even lacking in the investigated Anisian bioconstructions. This is in contrast to late Permian and Ladinian as well as Carnian reefs which are characterized by the abundance of specific organic crusts. The same comes true for‘Tubiphytes’ which is a common constituent in Permian, Ladinian and Carnian reef carbonates but is very rare in the Anisian of the Olang Dolomites. Instead of‘Tubiphytes’ different kinds of worm tubes (spirorbid tubes, Mg-calcitic tubes and agglutinated tubes) were of importance as epifaunal elements. Macrobial encrustations consisting of characteristic successions of sponges, bryozoans, algae, worm tubes and microproblematica seem to be of greater quantitative importance than in Ladinian reefs. Destruction of organic skeletons (predominantly of bryozoans) by macroborers (cirripedia?) is a common feature. The Anisian reef organisms are distinctly different from late Permian and from most Ladinian reef-builders. No Permian Lazarus taxa have been found. New taxa: Sphinctozoan sponges—Celyphia? minima n.sp.,Thaumastocoelia dolomitica n. sp.,Deningeria tenuireticulata n. sp.,Deningeria crassireticulata n. sp.,Anisothalamia minima n.g. n.sp., Inozoan sponges-Meandrostia triassica n.sp. Microproblematica-Anisocellula fecunda n.g. n.sp., Porostromate alga-Brandneria dolomitica n.g. n.sp. Most of our data are in agreement with the model described byFois & Gaetani (1984) for the recovery of reef-building communities during the Ansian but the biotic diversity seems to be considerably higher than previously assumed. Anisian deposition and the formation of the reef mounds within the Pelsonian Recoaro Formation of the Dolomites were controlled by the combined effects of synsedimentary tectonics and eustatic changes in sea-level. During several time intervals, especially the early Anisian (northern and western Dolomites: tectonic uplift), the early Pelsonian (eastern Dolomites: drowning) and the late Illyrian (wide parts of the Dolomites: uplift and drowning), the sedimentation was predominantly controlled by regionally different tectonic subsidence rates. The amount of terrigenous clastic input associated with synsedimentary tectonics (tectonic uplift of hinterlands) had a major influence on carbonate deposition and reef development. The re-appearance of reef environments in the Olang Dolomites was controlled by a combination of regional and global factors (paleogeographic situation: development of carbonate ramps; decreasing subsidence of horst blocks; reduced terrigenous input; moderate rise in sea-level).  相似文献   

1. The classical ‘coral reef problem’ concerned the geological relationships of reefs as major topographical features; modern coral studies consider reefs both as complex biological systems of high productivity and as geological structures forming a framework for and being modified by coral growth. 2. Deep borings in reefs have conclusively confirmed the general arguments of Darwin, that oceanic reefs developed by progressive subsidence of their foundations. Darwin failed to take account of Pleistocene changes in sea level and their effect on the present surface features of reefs. Daly's alternative ‘glacial control theory’ was based on false assumptions concerning marine erosion rates during glacial periods, but if sea level during the Holocene was higher than at present, as Daly also supposed, the effects on reef features would be profound. 3. Reefs are complex biological systems in tropical seas, dominated by scleractinian corals. Coral faunas are larger and more diverse in the Indo-Pacific than in the Atlantic. Hermatypic corals are restricted to shallow water by the light requirements of their symbiotic algae, but temperature is a major control of worldwide distributions. Temperature, salinity and sediment tolerances of corals are wider than formerly supposed, and corals can survive brief emersion except when it coincides with heavy rainfall. Water turbulence is an important ecological control, but difficult to measure. 4. The trophic status of corals is still unclear, but in spite of their anatomical and physiological specialization as carnivores it is likely that they derive some nutrient substances from zooxanthellae. Suggestions that filamentous algae in coral heads play a major part in the economy of the corals have not been supported by later work, but biomass pyramids constructed on the basis by Odum and Odum remain the only ones available. Most reefs are apparently autotrophic, with 1500–3500 g. Carbon being fixed per m.2 per year. 5. Few animals eat corals, which may account for their success. Important predators are fish and the echinoderm Acanthaster. Quantitative estimates of biogenic erosion of organic skeletons on reefs are high. Fish affect not only corals but other invertebrates, algae and marine phanerogams. 6. Corals may be killed by ‘dark water’, intense rain or river floodwaters, earth movements, human interference and especially hurricanes. Reef recovery after hurricanes may take 10–20 years. 7. In addition to fringing, barrier and atoll reefs, intermediate types are recognised. The main types may consist of linear reefs or faros. Smaller lagoon reefs include pinnacles, patches and platforms, and submerged knolls. Complex cellular or mesh reef patterns are also found. 8. Reefs are conspicuously zoned, both laterally in response to changing exposure to waves to form windward and leeward reefs, and transversely, as a result of steep environmental gradients across reef flats from sea to lagoon. Topographic and ecological zones may be characterized by particular coral species, but these vary widely from reef to reef. A major distinction can be made between reefs with and without algal ridges, which are common on open-ocean trade-wind reefs, in the Indo-Pacific, but are absent on Caribbean reefs and on Indo-Pacific reefs in more sheltered waters. gorgonians are common on Caribbean reefs, alcyonaceans in the Indo-Pacific. 9. Much of the difficulty in comparing reefs stems from the lack of uniformity in surveying methods. Problems of describing the complex three-dimensional patterns of organisms on reefs have yet to be solved, and hence little progress has been made in explanation of these patterns. Explanation in terms of simple environmental controls is inadequate. 10. Understanding the distribution of corals is made more difficult both by taxo-nomic problems and by the plasticity of growth form in different situations. 11. Growth of corals and reefs may be estimated by measuring the growth of individual colonies, measuring rates of calcium carbonate deposition in the skeleton, measuring topographic change on the reef and deducing net rates of reef growth from geological evidence. Massive corals may increase in diameter by 1 cm./year, branches of branching corals may increase in length by 10 cm./year. Study of deposition rates shows variation within colonies, between species, in light and dark, and seasonally. Rates of reef growth extrapolated from colony measurements reach 2–5 cm./year, and contrast with figures as low as 0–02 cm/year averaged over 70 million years from borehole data. Both colony growth rates and geological data suggest worldwide variations in rates of reef growth. 12. In spite of clear evidence of long-continued subsidence, present surface features of reefs, often only thinly veneered by modern corals, have been much affected by recent sea level fluctuations. Many slightly raised reefs at 2–10 m. above sea level date at 90–160 thousand years B.P.; there is evidence for a sea level at about the present level at 30–35 thousand years B.P.; and controversy continues over whether sea level has stood higher than the present at any time since the last sea level rise began about 20,000 years ago. Evidence from many reefs suggests a slightly higher sea level in the last 4000 years, but on other reefs such evidence is lacking. 13. Several reef features (submerged terraces, groove-spur systems, algal ridge, reef flat, reef blocks and reef islands) have been interpreted either as relict features dating from a higher sea level in the last 5000 years, or contemporary features developed in response to present processes. In some cases the evidence is equivocal; in others it is clear that diverse features are being grouped together under the same name. If such features are referable to a higher sea level, this may have been of last Interglacial or even Interstadial age rather than Holocene. 14. A reef consists of a rigid framework defining several major depositional environments within and around it. Sediments are of biological, mainly skeletal origin, except in unusual environments such as the Bahama Banks. The characteristics of sediments derived from organisms depend partly on the breakdown patterns of particular skeletons, partly on transportation and sorting processes. Fine sediments may be either detrital, or physicochemical precipitates. 15. Organisms affect sediments after deposition, by disturbance, transportation and probably comminution. Fish and holothurians have been studied in detail. 16. While new theories of coral reefs are proposed from time to time, the need is less for new theories than for standardised procedures to ensure comparability of reef studies and the identification of variations in reefs both on local and regional scales. While reefs as biological systems adjust relatively rapidly to changes, reefs as geological systems adjust much more slowly. Because of the magnitude and recency of Pleistocene fluctuations in sea level, many biological features of reefs are out of phase with inherited geological features, and this had led to much controversy.  相似文献   

The concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) in the porewaters of shallow-water tropical marine sediments can be as high as 50-100 μM, at sediment depths of shallow as 20 cm. These concentrations are at least two-orders of magnitude greater than the DIN concentration in the overlying water. High porewater concentrations, and the resulting concentration gradient, result in substantial efflux of DIN from the sediments to the water column. This sediment-derived DIN may be an important nutrient source for benthic algae. In Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, a mean ammonium efflux rate of 490 μmolm(-2)day(-1) and a mean nitrate+nitrite efflux rate of 123 μmolm(-2)day(-1) were measured on reef slopes in the habitat occupied by benthic algae. It has been demonstrated that this nutrient source is essential for the growth of at least one abundant alga, Dictyosphaeria cavernosa, and possibly others. The DIN concentrations in Kaneohe Bay sediment porewaters, and the rates of DIN efflux from those sediments, are greater than porewater concentrations and efflux rates reported for other, more pristine tropical sites. The rate of sedimentation of particulate nitrogen is similar to rates reported from other tropical lagoons, and about twice as high as the efflux rate of total dissolved nitrogen. Given the present low nutrient concentrations in the water column of the Bay, these results support the view that nutrient efflux from the benthos is in part responsible for the persistence of D. cavernosa on these reefs. It is possible that efflux of DIN from sediments may be responsible for sustained benthic algal productivity in similar habitats on other tropical reefs.  相似文献   

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