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Epididymal delta 4-steroid 5 alpha-reductase (cholestenone 5 alpha-reductase), the enzyme that catalyses the conversion of testosterone into the biologically active metabolite dihydrotestosterone (17 beta-hydroxy-5 alpha-androstan-3-one), is a membrane-bound enzyme found in both nuclear and microsomal subcellular fractions. In order to characterize epididymal delta 4-steroid 5 alpha-reductase, it was first necessary to solubilize the enzymic activity. Of the various treatments tested, a combination of 0.5% (w/v) Lubrol WX, 0.1 M-sodium citrate and 0.1 M-KCl maintained enzymic activity at control values and solubilized 66% of total epididymal delta 4-steroid 5 alpha-reductase activity in an active and stable form. The sedimentation coefficient of solubilized delta 4-steroid 5 alpha-reductase, as determined in continuous sucrose density gradients, was greater for the microsomal than for the nuclear enzyme (11.6S compared with 10.1S). Although the apparent Km values of the enzyme for testosterone were similar in nuclear and microsomal subcellular fractions (range 1.75 x 10(-7) - 4.52 x 10(-7)M), the apparent Km of the enzyme for NADPH was about 30-fold greater for the microsomal enzyme than for the nuclear enzyme. The apparent Km of the enzyme for either substrate was not significantly altered after solubilization. The relative capacity of steroids to inhibit the enzymic activity, the pH optima and the effects of Ca2+ and Mg2+ were similar for membrane-bound and solubilized delta 4-steroid 5 alpha-reductase in both the nuclear and the microsomal fractions. The results reported demonstrate that epididymal delta 4-steroid 5 alpha-reductase can be solubilized in an active and stable form with no significant changes in the kinetic characteristics of the enzyme after solubilization; furthermore, kinetic and molecular-size differences observed for the nuclear and the microsomal forms of the enzyme suggest that there may exist at least two forms of epididymal delta 4-steroid 5 alpha-reductase.  相似文献   

It has been shown previously that liver microsomal steroid 5 alpha-reductase activity increases with age in female but not male rats, which coincides with a female-specific, age-dependent decline in the cytochrome P-450-dependent oxidation of testosterone to 1 beta-, 2 alpha-, 2 beta-, 6 alpha-, 6 beta-, 7 alpha-, 15 beta-, 16 alpha-, 16 beta-, and 18-hydroxytestosterone and androstenedione. To determine whether the increase in steroid 5 alpha-reductase activity is responsible for the decrease in testosterone oxidation, we have examined the effects of the steroid 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor, 4-MA (17 beta-N,N-diethylcarbamoyl-4-methyl-4-aza-5 alpha-androstan-3-one), on the pathways of testosterone oxidation catalyzed by rat liver microsomes. We have also determined which hydroxytestosterone metabolites are substrates for steroid 5 alpha-reductase. At concentrations of 0.1 to 10 microM, 4-MA completely inhibited steroid 5 alpha-reductase activity without inhibiting the pathways of testosterone oxidation catalyzed by liver microsomes from rats of different age and sex, and from rats induced with phenobarbital or pregnenolone-16 alpha-carbonitrile. 4-MA (10 microM) had little or no effect on the oxidation of testosterone catalyzed by liver microsomes from mature male rats (which have low steroid 5 alpha-reductase activity). In contrast, the hydroxylated testosterone metabolites formed by liver microsomes from mature female rats (which have high steroid 5 alpha-reductase activity) accumulated to a much greater extent in the presence of 4-MA. Evidence is presented that 4-MA increases the accumulation of hydroxytestosterones by two mechanisms. First, 4-MA inhibited the 5 alpha-reduction of those metabolites (such as 6 beta-hydroxytestosterone) that were found to be excellent substrates for steroid 5 alpha-reductase. In the absence of 4-MA, these metabolites eventually disappeared from incubations containing liver microsomes from mature female rats. Second, 4-MA inhibited the formation of 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone, which otherwise competed with testosterone for oxidation by cytochrome P-450. This second mechanism explains why 4-MA increased the accumulation of metabolites (such as 7 alpha-hydroxytestosterone) that were found to be poor substrates for steroid 5 alpha-reductase. Despite its marked effect on the accumulation of hydroxylated testosterone metabolites, 4-MA had no effect on their initial rate of formation by liver microsomes from either male or female rats.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The aging process is accompanied by decreased drug metabolism as well as lower levels of sex hormones such as testosterone. We examined the age-dependence of liver microsomal cytochromes P-450 from young (3 months) and old (24 months) male rats by absorption and ESR spectroscopy. Spectral perturbations by testosterone were used to identify testosterone-specific P-450 forms. Absorption difference spectra indicated that testosterone induced a greater conversion of P-450 to the high spin form in young rats than in old rats. ESR signals corresponding to total low spin P-450 were of higher intensity in the young rats and were increased by testosterone. Testosterone also interconverted one low spin P-450 species to another. These results demonstrate age-related differences in the types and amounts of testosterone-specific P-450's in rats.  相似文献   

The effects of phenobarbital (PB), 3-methylcholanthrene (MC), and alpha-naphthoflavone (alpha-NF) on the synthesis of drug-inducible forms of cytochrome P-450, P-450(PB-1), and P-450(MC-1), and sex-specific forms of cytochrome P-450, P-450(M-1), and P-450(F-1), in male and female rats were studied. Whereas P-450(PB-1) and P-450(MC-1) in liver microsomes were markedly induced in both sexes by treatment with PB and MC, respectively, the contents of P-450(M-1) and P-450(F-1) were significantly decreased by the treatments. alpha-NF, which is not a P-450 inducer, did not change the contents of sex-specific forms of cytochrome P-450. The translatable mRNAs of the P-450s were also determined by using an in vitro translation system. The mRNAs coding for P-450(PB-1) and P-450(MC-1) were increased by drug administrations. On the other hand, the mRNAs coding for P-450(M-1) and P-450(F-1) were transiently decreased by the drugs, and then returned to the normal levels. The time courses of the induction of the drug-inducible P-450s and the repression of the sex-specific P-450s showed no close correlation. alpha-NF had no effect on the synthesis of P-450(M-1) and P-450(F-1). We also found that the synthesis of P-450(M-1) in the livers of untreated rats showed no diurnal variations.  相似文献   

The inactivation by 21-chlorinated steroids of rabbit liver cytochromes P-450 involved in the hydroxylation of progesterone has been investigated in intact microsomes encompassing two phenotypes of 21-hydroxylase activity, two phenotypes of 16 alpha-hydroxylase activity, and three phenotypes of 6 beta-hydroxylase activity. In liver microsomes from outbred New Zealand White male rabbits exhibiting a high content of cytochrome P-450 1, 21,21-dichloropregnenolone caused a time- and NADPH-dependent loss of 21-hydroxylase activity. This loss of activity exhibited a number of characteristics of mechanism-based inactivation, including irreversibility, saturation with increasing inhibitor concentrations, and protection by substrate, and was also documented with purified P-450 1 in a reconstituted system. 21,21-Dichloropregnenolone caused no time-dependent loss of 6 beta-hydroxylase activity in microsomes from the New Zealand White rabbits or from control or rifampicin-treated rabbits of the inbred B/J strain. In contrast, in the microsomes from the B/J rabbits, some inactivation of the 16 alpha-hydroxylase was observed (k = 0.04 min-1), regardless of the rifampicin treatment. The other two compounds tested, 21-chloropregnenolone and 21,21-dichloroprogesterone, were less effective than the dichloropregnenolone as inactivators of cytochrome P-450 1. On the other hand, 21,21-dichloroprogesterone, but not 21,21-dichloropregneolone, caused a rapid time-dependent loss of 21-hydroxylase activity in rabbit adrenal microsomes. The results indicate that the introduction of a dichloromethyl group into a substrate bearing a methyl group normally hydroxylated by only one or a few forms of cytochrome P-450 may be a rational means of designing selective inhibitors of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The properties and subcellular distribution of anterior pituitary delta4-steroid (progesterone) 5alpha-reductase, which stimulates the conversion of progesterone to 5alpha-pregnane-3,20-dione, have been investigated utilizing 3H-substrate and a reverse isotopic dilution assay system. The enzymic activity was stimulated by NADPH but not NADH and exhibited a Km of 2.7+/-0.9 times 10(-7) M for progesterone. The substrate specificity of the enzyme for other delta4-3-ketosteroids and the effect of estradiol-17beta were also studied. 20alpha-hydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one was more reactive than progesterone, while testosterone was less reactive. Estradiol-17beta in vitro had an inhibitory effect on the 5alpha-reduction of progesterone. Studies on the subcellular distribution of the 5alpha-reductase activity indicate that the bulk of the activity was widely distributed amongst particulates sedimenting at 1,000, 15,000 and 100,000xg; with the 15,000xg pellet containing the most enzymic activity. The 100,000xg supernatant possessed only a small fraction of the total activity. After further fractionation of the 1,000xg pellet, the activity was distributed equally between the purified nuclear and cell debris-membranes fractions.  相似文献   

Methods have been developed for the purification of eight rat liver microsomal cytochrome P-450 (P-450) isoenzymes. Another rat P-450, responsible for the metabolism of the genetic polymorphism prototype debrisoquine, has also been partially purified from rat liver. Six P-450s have been purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from human liver preparations. The rat and human P-450s can be quantified in crude samples using 'immunoblotting' methods coupled with peroxidase visualization. A study on the effects of a family of polybrominated biphenyl congeners led to the conclusion that the levels of all of the rat P-450s considered above are under some degree of independent regulation. In monolayer culture, different P-450s show different stabilities and levels of several are selectively regulated by various media components. Studies with the eight isolated rat P-450s indicate that the iron spin state, oxidation-reduction potential (Fe3+/Fe2+ couple), and catalytic activity towards substrates are not related to each other. The major function of phospholipid in reconstituted P-450/NADPH-P-450 reductase systems is the facilitation of formation of a complex of the two proteins. Studies on the regioselective hydroxylation of warfarin have been used to develop an order of binding affinity of the different P-450s for NADPH-P-450 reductase.  相似文献   

The relation between the delta-aminolevulinate-synthase and heme-oxygenase activities and the contents of cytochromes b5 and P-450 in rat liver after phenobarbital and CoCl2 injections was studied. Two hours after a single injection of phenobarbital the delta-aminolevulinate-synthase activity is increased, showing a further rise after 24 hrs. The content of cytochrome b5 is not changed, while that of cytochrome P-450 is increased 24 hrs after the injection. The heme-oxygenase activity remains unaffected thereby. The increase in the enzyme activity and cytochrome P-450 content induced by phenobarbital is eliminated by a preliminary administration of actinomycin D. The administration of CoCl2 is accompanied by a decrease in the delta-aminolevulinate-synthase activity after 2 hrs and its further increase after 24 hrs. The heme-oxygenase activity shows a sharp rise 24 hrs after the injection. The rise in the delta-aminolevulinate-synthase activity induced by CoCl2 is removed by actinomycin D. CoCl2 decreases the content of cytochromes b5 and P-450 24 hrs after the injection. It is assumed that the correlation between the delta-aminolevulinate-synthase activity and cytochrome P-450 content is observed only in the case when the heme-oxygenase activity is not increased. The cytochrome b5 content is independent of the changes in the activity of the key enzyme of heme synthesis and depends to a certain extent on the rate of heme degradation by heme-oxygenase.  相似文献   

The subcellular distribution and properties of rat hypothalamic progesterone 5 alpha-reductase, which accelerates the conversion of progesterone to 5 alpha-pregnane-3,20-dione, have been investigated by utilizing 3H-labeled substrate and a reverse isotopic dilution assay system. The enxymic activity was associated primarily with a cell debris-membranes fraction deribed from the 100 x g pellet. This fraction contained mainly membrane-like particulates and was free of nuclei. Little or no activity was associated with the purified nuclei. The hypothalamic 5 alpha-reductase was stimulated by NADPH but not by NADH. The reaction proceeded optimally over a pH range of 6.0 to 7.2 and at a temperaturhe substrate specificity of the enzyme for other delta 4-3-ketosteroids and the ability of these steroids to inhibit the 5 alpha reduction of [1,2-3H]progesterone as well as the effect of 17 beta-estradiol were also studied. 20 alpha-hydroxypregn-4-en-3-one was more reactive that progesterone, while testosterone was the least reactive. The estimated Km for 20 alpha-hydroxypregn-4-en-3-one was 8.6 +/- 1.9 x 10(-7) M, and for testosterone, 1.6 +/- 1.4 x 10(-5) M. The inhibition studies indicate that 20 alpha-hydroxypregn-4-en-3-one and 17 beta-estradiol are competitive and noncompetitive inhibitors, respectively, of the 5 alpha reduction of progesterone with Ki of 6.0 +/- 3.0 x 10(-8) M for 20 alpha-hydroxypregn-4-en-3-one and Kii (intercept inhibition constant) of 2.6 +/- 0.7 x 10(-5) M and Kis (slope inhibition constant) of 3.6 +/- 0.6 x 10(-5) M for 17 beta-estradiol. Testosterone is a poor competitive inhibitor of the reaction.  相似文献   

The hormonal regulation of the sexually differentiated cytochrome P-450 isozyme which catalyzes 16 alpha-hydroxylation of testosterone and 4-androstene-3,17-dione in male rat liver (P-450(16) alpha) was investigated. Estradiol valerate injection of male rats caused a decrease in P-450(16) alpha levels to almost the female level, while methyltrienolone injection had the reverse effect in female animals. Hypophysectomy abolished the sex difference in P-450(16) alpha levels. Human growth hormone infusion into male rats, mimicking the female pattern of growth hormone secretion, caused a feminization of P-450(16) alpha levels. The same effect was also seen in hypophysectomized rats of both sexes. In contrast, a different administration schedule involving 12 h injections of human growth hormone, mimicking the male pattern of growth hormone secretion, caused a masculinization of P-450(16) alpha levels in hypophysectomized rats, at a daily dose which causes feminization when given by infusion. Thus, the level of expression of P-450(16) alpha in the liver is dependent on the temporal pattern of blood growth hormone levels. While infusion of rat growth hormone into male rats also feminized the P-450(16) alpha levels, infusion of ovine prolactin had no effect. Ontogenic studies showed that the developmental pattern of P-450(16) alpha expression in the liver coincided with the known pattern of development of the sexual differentiation of hepatic steroid 16 alpha-hydroxylase activity and of the diurnal pattern of growth hormone secretion.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which 2-bromo-4'-nitroacetophenone (BrNAP) inactivates cytochrome P-450c, which involves alkylation primarily at Cys-292, is shown in the present study to involve an uncoupling of NADPH utilization and oxygen consumption from product formation. Alkylation of cytochrome P-450c with BrNAP markedly stimulated (approximately 30-fold) its rate of anaerobic reduction by NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase, as determined by stopped flow spectroscopy. This marked stimulation in reduction rate is highly unusual in that Cys-292 is apparently not part of the heme- or substrate-binding site, and its alkylation by BrNAP does not cause a low spin to high spin state transition in cytochrome P-450c. Under aerobic conditions the rapid oxidation of NADPH catalyzed by alkylated cytochrome P-450c was associated with rapid reduction of molecular oxygen to hydrogen peroxide via superoxide anion. The intermediacy of superoxide anion, formed by the one-electron reduction of molecular oxygen, established that alkylation of cytochrome P-450c with BrNAP uncouples the catalytic cycle prior to introduction of the second electron. The generation of superoxide anion by decomposition of the Fe2+ X O2 complex was consistent with the observations that, in contrast to native cytochrome P-450c, alkylated cytochrome P-450c failed to form a 430 nm absorbing chromophore during the metabolism of 7-ethoxycoumarin. Alkylation of cytochrome P-450c with BrNAP did not completely uncouple the catalytic cycle such that 5-20% of the catalytic activity remained for the alkylated cytochrome compared to the native protein depending on the substrate assayed. The uncoupling effect was, however, highly specific for cytochrome P-450c. Alkylation of nine other rat liver microsomal cytochrome P-450 isozymes with BrNAP caused little or no increase in hydrogen peroxide formation in the presence of NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase and NADPH.  相似文献   

To elucidate the phenotypic expression of proliferating prostatic cells, rats were castrated, and the regenerating process of involuted ventral prostates during testosterone propionate (TP) administration was investigated by examining morphology, [5-125I]iododeoxyuridine (125I-UdR) uptake, DNA content, weight, acid phosphatase, and delta 4-steroid 5 alpha-reductase (5 alpha-reductase) activities. Morphologically, TP treatment initially increased the number of epithelial cells lining glandular lobules and subsequently restored the shape of epithelial cells. 125I-UdR uptake peaked on Day 3 of TP treatment and stayed at higher levels than for uncastrated controls until Day 14 of treatment. Prostatic weight, protein content, acid phosphatase, and DNA content returned to uncastrated control levels by Day 14 of TP treatment. TP administration markedly stimulated prostatic 5 alpha-reductase activity, which peaked on the Day 5 of treatment and decreased to uncastrated control levels by Day 14 of treatment. It is concluded that TP administration to castrated rats initially induced active mitotic division of the remaining stem cells, followed by formation of differentiated functional epithelial cells. Prostatic 5 alpha-reductase was highly active at the initial phase of active mitotic cell division. The major portion of the increased enzyme activity can be regarded as a phenotypic expression of stem or transient cells of prostatic epithelium.  相似文献   

Thin sectioning and freeze-fracture electron microscopy have been used to show that it is possible to obtain topologically closed vesicles by means of reconstitution of rat liver microsomal membrane "ghosts." The reconstitution by 15 hr dialysis resulted in the formation of vesicles with intramembrane particles (IMP) while after 40 hr dialysis no IMP were observed in the membranes. The protein/lipid ratio and functional activity of NADPH- and NADH-linked enzyme systems were similar in both cases. Cytochrome P-450 (LM2) was incorporated into liposomes of different composition (protein: lipid ratio--1:200). IMP were observed only when the incorporation of cytochrome P-450 was performed in the presence of detergent Emulgen 913 as specific additive to the initial protein-lipid-sodium cholate mixture or in the course of incubation of proteoliposomal suspensions at 37 degrees C. After the incorporation of cytochrome b5 into azolectin liposomes vesicular membranes contain IMP if the incorporated membrane protein: lipid ratio is at least 1:50. Pronase-induced splitting off of a 11 kDa heme-containing fragment of cytochrome b5 did not affect IMP content. The conditions of IMP formation in reconstituted membranes and in microsomal ghosts are discussed.  相似文献   

The cytochrome P-450 content of rat hepatocytes declined rapidly over 72 h in culture, due primarily to denaturation to cytochrome P-420. Six different media were investigated for their ability to conserve cytochrome P-450 during culture, and the most successful was a modified Earle's medium. After 72 h culture in this medium, cytochromes P-450 and b5, NADH-cytochrome b5- and NADPH-cytochrome c-reductases were maintained at 40, 100, 35 and 52% of fresh cell values, respectively. Cytochrome P-450 showed differential functional stability during culture with ethoxyresorufin O-deethylation being more stable than either pentoxyphenoxazone O-depentylation or biphenyl 4-hydroxylation. Monooxygenase than did cytochrome P-450 content. This discrepancy was not explained by loss of flavin nucleotides, FMN or FAD.  相似文献   

The alkylating agent 2-bromo-4'-nitroacetophenone (BrNAP) binds covalently to each of 10 isozymes of purified rat liver microsomal cytochrome P-450 (P-450a-P-450j) but substantially inhibits the catalytic activity of only cytochrome P-450c. Regardless of pH, incubation time, presence of detergents, or concentration of BrNAP, treatment of cytochrome P-450c with BrNAP resulted in no more than 90% inhibition of catalytic activity. Alkylation with BrNAP did not cause the release of heme from the holoenzyme or alter the spectral properties of cytochrome P-450c, data that exclude the putative heme-binding cysteine, Cys-460, as the major site of alkylation. Two residues in cytochrome P-450c reacted rapidly with BrNAP, for which reason maximal loss of catalytic activity was invariably associated with the incorporation of approximately 1.5 mol of BrNAP/mol of cytochrome P-450c. Two major radio-labeled peptides were isolated from a tryptic digest of [14C]BrNAP-treated cytochrome P-450c by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography. The amino acid sequence of each peptide was determined by microsequence analysis, but the identification of the residues alkylated by BrNAP was complicated by the tendency of the adducts to decompose when subjected to automated Edman degradation. However, results of competitive binding experiments with the sulfhydryl reagent 4,4'-dithiodipyridine identified Cys-292 as the major site of alkylation and Cys-160 as the minor site of alkylation by BrNAP in cytochrome P-450c.  相似文献   

Low-temperature EPR examination of rat liver microsomes from control, phenobarbital-treated, and methylcholanthrene-treated animals showed the presence of both high- and low-spin ferric cytochromes P-450 and P-448. Partially purified cytochromes P-450 (from control and phenobarbital-treated rats) and P-448 (from methylcholanthrene-treated rats) were also examined with EPR. In all cases, both high- and low-spin ferric forms of cytochromes P-450 and P-448 could be observed and were found to be essentially identical compared to the microsomal preparations. However, the level of high-spin species in the soluble P-448 preparation from methylcholanthrene-treated animals was less than could be observed in the liver microsomes from the same animals. The addition of substrates increased the concentration of the high-spin form in the soluble preparations obtained from drug-treated animals. Thus, cytochromes P-450 and P-448 exist as mixtures of high- and low-spin forms. It is concluded that the substrate specificity of these cytochromes is not predetermined by the spin state of the hemoprotein. In all liver microsomal and soluble preparations, the low-spin ferric form of the hemoprotein consisted of more than a single species as determined from the EPR examinations. Each of these species upon reduction and the addition of CO yielded an identical optical spectrum. In all cases, for the ferric protein, a mercaptide sulfur is believed to be a heme ligand while the other heme ligand is variable.  相似文献   

In previous reports from various laboratories, the levels of the microsomal cytochromes b5 and P-450 in hepatocytes in primary culture have been found to be very low and difficult to measure. The studies reported in this paper demonstrate that cytochromes b5 and P-450 in hepatocytes cultured on floating collagen membranes for periods of at least 10 days are maintained at levels readily measured by conventional techniques and comparable to those of liver invivo. Addition of high levels of hydrocortisone (10?4M) to the culture medium for periods up to 10 days resulted in further increases in the levels of these cytochromes. Cells cultured in the presence of hydrocortisone exhibited the appearance of cytochrome P-448, in contrast to the cells cultured in the absence of hydrocortisone, where cytochrome P-450 was maintained.  相似文献   

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