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Trees of Sassafras albidum (Nuttall) Nees. display leaves that fall into discrete categories of form. Unlobed leaves, with undissected margins, predominate at proximal and distal nodes of shoots, while lobed leaves are most common at intermediate nodes. In this study we investigated the hypothesis that shoots of sassafras respond to environmental changes over the growing season by generating predictable nodal patterns for leaf morphology and physiology. We recorded leaf shape category and measured leaf surface area, node number, chlorophyll content, nitrogen content, and photosynthesis in four trees. Over 1,000 measurements of photosynthesis were made in situ, using the LI-Cor LI 6200 portable photosynthesis system. The two trees growing under heavy shade had few lobed leaves (2.0% and 18.8%) and often had negative carbon balance, with positive net photosynthesis occurring during sun flecks. The two trees growing in more open conditions had many more lobed leaves (56.3% and 61.0%) and higher, less variable net photosynthetic rates. As indicated by chlorophyll and nitrogen contents, the highest leaf photosynthetic rates occurred at intermediate nodes (nodes six to nine), and this was shifted distally along the shoot during the growing season. Leaves at intermediate nodes also had the largest surface areas and the greatest frequency of lobing. In comparative experiments with models, lobing was shown to enhance free-convectional heat loss relative to unlobed leaves of the same surface area. Due to their large surface area, these leaves also have the highest rates of whole leaf photosynthesis. Under conditions of equivalent photosynthetically active radiation, lobed leaves had higher rates of net photosynthesis than did unlobed leaves. We conclude that shoots of sassafras produce groups of leaves with predictably different morphological and physiological specializations.  相似文献   

淹涝胁迫对水稻叶鞘和叶片中淀粉粒分布的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
淹涝是世界上当前所面临的最严重自然灾害之一,尤其是近几年来,淹涝给我国的农业生产带来了巨大损失,全国平均每年受涝面积814万hm2,其中成灾面积448万hm2,损失粮食约28亿kg〔1〕。水稻是我国的主要粮食作物,并且分布于淹涝易发生的南方多雨潮湿地区和北方低洼地带,淹涝对水稻产量影响极大,因此,研究淹涝胁迫对水稻的伤害及水稻的耐淹机制越来越受到人们的重视〔2〕。淹涝对植物的伤害并非是因为水分过多而造成的直接伤害,而是由于淹涝造成的次生胁迫,其中最严重的是缺氧。在缺氧条件下,细胞中的碳水化合物代谢途径改变,对植物的生长和发育…  相似文献   

小麦经200mmol NaCl溶液培养3天后,采用改进的焦锑酸钾方法对叶肉细胞中Na~+及Cl~-进行超微结构定位。电镜观察及电子探针X-射线显微分析表明,Cl~-主要分布在细胞间隙、细胞壁及细胞质膜中。用电子探针X~-射线能谱仪在这些部位中未探测出Na~+,提示Cl~-比Na~+更多地进入小麦的叶肉细胞。此外,在叶肉细胞的细胞核、线粒体及叶绿体中也可见到离子沉淀颗粒。经氯化钠溶液培养的小麦幼苗,其叶肉细胞的叶绿体、线粒体的超微结构受损,植株生长受到抑制。  相似文献   

天童国家森林公园常见植物凋落叶分解的研究   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文
 选择天童地区常绿阔叶林及其退化群落常见植物种为对象,着重探讨分解速率和基质营养含量以及比表面积(Specific Leaf Area, SLA)的关系,并试图通过单独分解试验和混合分解试验的比较,从物种、功能群角度探讨凋落叶多样性和分解这一生态系统过程的关系,为深入研究常绿阔叶林常见植物种的营养策略、群落养分循环等奠定基础,也为植被恢复、森林生态系统管理提供理论依据。结果表明:所有凋落叶随时间进程失重率增大,但失重率并不与时间呈线性相关;凋落叶分解后N、P均发生了变化,大多数凋落叶在分解初期N、P均发生了积累,营养元素的释放和富集与凋落叶初始营养状况无明显的相关性。凋落叶的年分解系数与凋落叶中的初始N含量有较高的相关性,而与初始P含量则无显著的相关性;凋落叶的分解速率与成熟叶的面积无相关性,而与其SLA有很强的相关性。通过模型分析,天童地区大多数常见树种凋落叶分解95%需1~4年,平均是2.54年;分解率最高的物种为山鸡椒(Litsea cubeba),其值为6.280,最低的为黄丹木姜子(Litsea elongata),其值为0.558。凋落物混合对分解有很大的影响,虽在初期对分解有阻碍作用,但长期是促进的。若不考虑功能群差异,则可得出多样性的增加有利于分解的结论。功能群数目的增加在凋落物分解前期对分解起促进作用,但这种作用随分解的进展逐渐减小。混合物种的特性往往是决定分解过程的最重要的因素。  相似文献   

洋麻(Hibiscus cannabinus)一生中叶形态的变化有着一定的规律性(雅库希金1947)。茎上基部的叶子为锯齿卵形,中部为深裂叶,叶子的分裂程度随着叶子的层次逐渐加大,菜片由3裂、5裂、发展到7裂。以后分裂的程度开始下降由7裂降到5裂、3裂。顶端的叶子篇锯齿狭长叶。根据以上的现象,可以看出随着洋麻发育的进程叶片分裂的程度有着周期性的变化。洋麻可以用缩短光照的处理来加速它的开花结实。在短光照条件下的洋麻是否因为光照期的缩短加速了叶形态周期性的变化?当洋麻从短光照的条件下进入长光照之  相似文献   

The distribution of a phenotypic state is often discontinuous and dispersed. An example of such a distribution can be found in the shell shapes of terrestrial gastropods, which exhibit a bimodal distribution whereby species possess either a tall shell or a flat shell. Here we propose a simple model to test the hypothesis that the bimodal distribution relates to the optimum shape for shell balance on the substrates. This model calculates the theoretical shell balance by moment and obtains empirical distribution of shell shape by compiling published data and performing a new analysis. The solution of the model supports one part of the hypothesis, showing that a low-spired shell is the best balanced and is better suited for locomotion on horizontal surface. Additionally, the model shows that both high- and low-spired shells are well balanced and suited on vertical surfaces. The shell with a spire index (shell height divided by diameter) of 1.4 is the least well balanced as a whole. Thus, spire index is expected to show a bimodal distribution with a valley at 1.4. This expectation was supported by empirical distribution of a spire index, suggesting that the bimodality of shell shape in terrestrial gastropods is related to shell balance.  相似文献   

长白山散孔材树种的保留原因及其分布规律   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
谷安根  黄耀亚  谷颐 《植物研究》1984,4(3):179-190
大量的地史学资料和已被发掘出来的古植物化石证明,在新第三纪(Newgene)之前是不存在环孔材的。这就说明环孔之出现,是与新第三纪之后,地球上的气候发生了巨大变化有关。特别是北温带的气候状况,不仅四季变得甚为明显,而且早春的干旱更显得格外突出。  相似文献   

Infestations of apterous Aphis fabae Scop, on potted sugar beets have been followed in detail for several weeks. The plants were somewhat stunted and their crowns presented an unusually complete series of leaf ages. Records were kept of the changing number and size of the leaves and of their stage of growth. Parallel records were kept of the changing population of aphids on every leaf, and the figures are analysed in various ways to show how suitability for the aphids varied through the life cycle of the leaves.
The leaves were very suitable when young, became unsuitable as they matured, became suitable again just after maturity and then unsuitable again as they senesced. But among leaves at any given stage, those which were growing or senescing rapidly were more suitable than those changing slowly, unless the rate of senescence was very high. The differences of population density on different-aged leaves were due largely to the preferences exercised by the apterous adults. The added effect of differences in the fecundity of these mothers while feeding on different leaves was not excluded, but could not be assessed. It is concluded that the physiological development of the plant as a whole determines, through the growth and senescence among its total complement of leaves, the progress and pattern of its aphid infestation.  相似文献   

光强度和光照时间对色叶树叶色变化的影响   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
李红秋  刘石军 《植物研究》1998,18(2):194-208
1994~1997年我们应用分光光度计法(光谱分析法),对引进的8种色叶树在生长季节叶片自身的光合色素及花色素含量生理指标测定,绘制光合色素含量随时间变化曲线,从而找到了不同季节叶色变化的成因(内因)。由于光合色素含量与温度的关系,光照度的强弱,日照时间的长短等外部因素变化导致色叶树色深浅的变化。  相似文献   

Exposing both surfaces of leaves systemically infected with cabbage black ring spot virus (CBRSV) or henbane mosaic virus to ultra-violet radiation decreases the infectivity of expressed sap to about one-fifth. As irradiation probably inactivates virus mainly in the epidermis, which occupies about one-quarter the volume of the leaves, these viruses seem to occur at much higher concentrations in sap from the epidermis than in sap from other cells. By contrast, tobacco mosaic virus seems not to occur predominantly in the epidermis.
CBRSV and henbane mosaic virus are normally transmitted most frequently by previously fasted aphids that feed for only short periods on infected leaves, but aphids treated like this transmit rarely from leaves that have been exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Irradiation has relatively little effect on the proportion of aphids that transmit after long infection feedings. Fasting seems to increase transmission by increasing the probability that aphids will imbibe sap from the epidermis of leaves they newly colonize. With longer periods on infected leaves, the ability of fasted aphids to transmit probably decreases because they then feed from deeper cells and their stylets contain sap with less virus. Only virus contained in the stylets seems to be transmitted, not virus taken into the stomach. About half the transmissions of henbane mosaic virus by aphids that have colonized tobacco leaves for hours may be caused by insects that temporarily cease feeding on the phloem and newly penetrate the epidermis.
Irradiating infected leaves affected the transmission of sugar-beet mosaic virus in the same way as that of henbane mosaic virus, but had little effect on the transmission of beet yellows virus, whose vectors become more likely to transmit the longer they feed on infected plants.  相似文献   

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