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Dual regulation of platelet protein kinase B   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Protein kinase B (PKB) is a serine/threonine kinase that is activated by growth hormones and implicated in prevention of apoptosis, glycogen metabolism, and glucose uptake. A key enzyme in PKB activation is phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase (PI-3K), which triggers the dual phosphorylation of PKB by phosphatidylinositol-dependent kinases (PDKs). Here we report that the major PKB subtype in platelets is PKBalpha, which is activated by phosphorylation of Thr(308) and Ser(473) and has a constitutively phosphorylated Thr(450) that does not contribute to PKB activation. alpha-Thrombin and thrombopoietin activate PKBalpha via PI-3K and trigger the concurrent phosphorylation of Thr(308) (via PDK1) and Ser(473) (via a not yet identified PDK2). In addition, alpha-thrombin activates a PI-3K-independent pathway involving phospholipase Cbeta and calcium-dependent protein kinase C subtypes (PKCalpha/beta). This route is specific for phosphorylation of Ser(473) and can be initiated by direct PKC activation with phorbol ester or purified active PKC catalytic fragment in platelet lysate. Different degrees of Ser(473) and Thr(308) phosphorylation correlate with different degrees of enzyme activity. These data reveal a PI-3K-independent PKB activation in which PKCalpha/beta regulates the phosphorylation of Ser(473) in PKBalpha. The independent control of the two phosphorylation sites may contribute to fine regulation of PKBalpha activity.  相似文献   

A historical account of the discovery of reversible protein phosphorylation is presented. This process was uncovered in the mid 1950s in a study undertaken with Edwin G. Krebs to elucidate the complex hormonal regulation of skeletal muscle glycogen phosphorylase. Contrary to the known activation of this enzyme by AMP which serves as an allosteric effector, its hormonal regulation results from a phosphorylation of the protein by phosphorylase kinase following the activation of the latter by Ca2+ and ATP. The study led to the establishment of the first hormonal cascade of successive enzymatic reactions, kinases acting on kinases, initiated by cAMP discovered by Earl Sutherland. It also showed how two different physiological processes, carbohydrate metabolism and muscle contraction, could be regulated in concert.  相似文献   

Ca2+-dependent protein kinase (CDPK-1) was purified from maize seedlings, and its substrate specificity studied using a set of synthetic peptides derived from the phosphorylatable sequence RVLSRLHS15VRER of maize sucrose synthase 2. The decapeptide LARLHSVRER was found to be efficiently phosphorylated as a minimal substrate. The same set of peptides were found to be phosphorylated by mammalian protein kinase Cbeta (PKC), but showed low reactivity with protein kinase A (PKA). Proceeding from the sequence LARLHSVRER, a series of cellulose-membrane-attached peptides of systematically modified structure was synthesised. These peptides had hydrophobic (Ala, Leu) and ionic (Arg, Glu) amino acids substituted in each position. The phosphorylation of these substrates by CDPK-1 was measured and the substrate specificity of the maize protein kinase characterised by the consensus sequence motif A/L-5X-4R-3X-2X-1SX+1R+2Z+3R+4, where X denotes a position with no strict amino acid requirements and Z a position strictly not tolerating arginine compared with the other three varied amino acids. This motif had a characteristic sequence element RZR at positions +2 to +4 and closely resembled the primary structure of the sucrose synthase phosphorylation site. The sequence surrounding the phosphorylatable serine in this consensus motif was similar to the analogous sequence K/RXXS/TXK/R proposed for mammalian PKC, but different from the consensus motif RRXS/TX for PKA.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of skeletal muscle glycogen synthase catalyzed by a protein kinase is stimulated up to 10-fold by the calcium-dependent regulator (CDR) protein. Half-maximal stimulation requires about 1 microgram of CDR/ml. Phosphorylation by the CDR-dependent synthase kinase is more rapid at pH 8.6 than at pH 6.8 and is blocked by ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl-ether)N,N'-tetraacetic acid and trifuloperazine. Approximately 60 to 70% of the phosphate is incorporated into the trypsin-insensitive region of glycogen synthase resulting in conversion of the a form to the b form of the enzyme. The CDR-dependent synthase kinase is not myosin light chain kinase, as this enzyme does not phosphorylate glycogen synthase. Furthermore, synthase phosphorylation by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit is not affected by CDR. The possibility that CDR-dependent synthase kinase may be phosphorylase kinase is being investigated.  相似文献   

While positive regulation of c-Akt (also known as protein kinase B) by receptor tyrosine kinases is well documented, compounds acting through G protein-coupled receptors can also activate Akt and its downstream targets. We therefore explored the role of G protein subunits in the regulation of Akt in cultured mammalian cells. In HEK-293 and COS-7 cells transiently transfected with beta(2)-adrenergic or m2 muscarinic receptors, respectively, treatment with agonist-induced phosphorylation of Akt at serine 473 as evidenced by phosphoserine-specific immunoblots. This effect was blocked by the phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase inhibitor LY294002 and wild-type Galpha(i1), and was not duplicated by co-transfection of the constitutively active Galpha(s)-Q227L or Galpha(i)-Q204L mutant. Co-transfection of Gbeta(1), Gbeta(2) but not Gbeta(5) together with Ggamma(2) activated the kinase when assayed in vitro following immunoprecipitation of the epitope-tagged enzyme. In contrast, constitutively activated G protein subunits representing the four Galpha subfamilies were found unable to activate Akt in either cell line. The latter results are in disagreement with a report by Murga et al. (Murga, C., Laguinge, L., Wetzker, R., Cuadrado, A., and Gutkind, J. S. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 19080-19085) that described activation of Akt in response to mutationally activated Galpha(q) and Galpha(i) transfection in COS cells. To the contrary, in our experiments Galpha(q)-Q209L inhibited Akt activation resulting from betagamma or mutationally activated H-Ras co-transfection in these cells. In HEK-293 cells Galpha(q)-Q209L transfection inhibited insulin-like growth factor-1 activation of epitope-tagged Akt. In m1 muscarinic receptor transfected HEK-293 cells, carbachol inhibited insulin-like growth factor-1 stimulated phosphorylation at Ser(473) of endogenous Akt in an atropine-reversible fashion. We conclude that G proteins can regulate Akt by two distinct and potentially opposing mechanisms: activation by Gbetagamma heterodimers in a phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase-dependent fashion, and inhibition mediated by Galpha(q). This work identifies Akt as a novel point of convergence between disparate signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The analysis of pea rbcS-3A promoter sequence showed that BoxII was necessary for the control of rbcS-3A gene expression by light. GT-1, a DNA-binding protein that interacts with BoxII in vitro, is a good candidate for being a light-modulated molecular switch controlling gene expression. However, the relationship between GT-1 activity and light-responsive gene activation still remains hypothetical. Because no marked de novo synthesis was detected after light treatment, light may induce post-translational modifications of GT-1 such as phosphorylation or dephosphorylation. Here, we show that recombinant GT-1 (hGT-1) of Arabidopsis can be phosphorylated by various mammalian kinase activities in vitro. Whereas phosphorylation by casein kinase II had no apparent effect on hGT-1 DNA binding, phosphorylation by calcium/calmodulin kinase II (CaMKII) increased the binding activity 10–20-fold. Mass spectrometry analyses of the phosphorylated hGT-1 showed that amongst the 6 potential phosphorylatable residues (T86, T133, S175, T179, S198 and T278), only T133 and S198 are heavily modified. Analyses of mutants altered at T86, T133, S175, T179, S198 and T278 demonstrated that phosphorylation of T133 can account for most of the stimulation of DNA-binding activity by CaMKII, indicating that this residue plays an important role in hGT-1/BoxII interaction. We further showed that nuclear GT-1 DNA-binding activity to BoxII was reduced by treatment with calf intestine phosphatase in extracts prepared from light-grown plants but not from etiolated plants. Taken together, our results suggest that GT-1 may act as a molecular switch modulated by calcium-dependent phosphorylation and dephosphorylation in response to light signals.  相似文献   

Signal regulatory protein alpha (SIRPalpha, SHPS-1) is a plasma membrane receptor for CD47 and a key regulator of phagocytosis, growth factor signaling, and migration. Phosphorylation of immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motifs in its cytoplasmic tail is essential for the functional effects of SIRPalpha, at least in part, because the phosphorylated immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motifs recruit Src homology 2 domain-containing tyrosine phosphatases. Ligation by CD47 and integrin engagement both have been thought to regulate SIRPalpha phosphorylation. However, their distinct contributions have not been distinguished. Here, we show that the importance of CD47 varies with cell type, since ligation of CD47 is not necessary for SIRPalpha phosphorylation in myeloid cells, whereas it is required in endothelial cells. In contrast, integrin-mediated adhesion is required for SIRPalpha phosphorylation in both cell types. This shows that SIRPalpha phosphorylation is dually regulated and demonstrates a new mechanism for functional cooperation between integrins and the integrin-associated protein CD47.  相似文献   

Exposure to low temperature causes platelets to change shape in a manner similar to the shape change that precedes secretagogue-induced serotonin release. Previous studies have shown that two proteins, of approximately 20,000 and approximately 40,000 Mr, become phosphorylated before secretion. We have investigated whether low temperature can induce phosphorylation of these proteins and/or serotonin secretion. The data indicate that low-temperature-induced shape change has no requirement for extracellular calcium, whereas phosphorylation of the two proteins and subsequent serotonin release both have strong calcium requirements. Because cold treatment is thought to influence platelet shape through an effect on microtubules, the events in the shape change- release sequence would seem to be ordered as follows: microtubule disassembly leads to shape change leads to protein phosphorylation leads to secretion.  相似文献   

Protein I, a specific neuronal phosphoprotein, has previously been shown, using rat brain synaptosome preparations, to contain multiple sites of phosphorylation which were differentially regulated by cAMP and calcium. In the present study, Protein I was purified to homogeneity from rat brain and its phosphorylation was investigated using homogeneous cAMP-dependent protein kinase and a partially purified calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase from rat brain. Employing various peptide mapping techniques, a minimum of three phosphorylation sites could be distinguished in Protein I; the phosphorylated amino acid of each site was serine. One phosphorylation site was located in the collagenase-resistant portion of Protein I and was the principal target for phosphorylation by the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase. This site was also phosphorylated by calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase. The other two phosphorylation sites were located in the collagenase-sensitive portion of Protein I. These latter sites were markedly phosphorylated by calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase, but not by cAMP-dependent protein kinase in concentrations sufficient to phosphorylate maximally the site in the collagenase-resistant portion. Thus, the phosphorylation of purified Protein I by purified cAMP-dependent and calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinases provides an enzymological explanation for the regulation of phosphorylation of endogenous Protein I in synaptosome preparations by cAMP and by calcium observed previously. The studies suggest that certain of the synaptic actions of two distinct second messengers, cAMP and calcium, are expressed through the distinct specificities of cAMP- and calcium-dependent protein kinases for the multiple phosphorylation sites in one neuron-specific protein, Protein I.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic elongation factor 1 (eEF-1) contains the guanine nucleotide exchange factor eEF-1B that loads the G protein eEF-1A with GTP after each cycle of elongation during protein synthesis. Two features of eEF-1B have not yet been elucidated: (i) the presence of the unique valyl-tRNA synthetase; (ii) the significance of target sites for the cell cycle protein kinase CDK1/cyclin B. The roles of these two features were addressed by elongation measurements in vitro using cell-free extracts. A poly(GUA) template RNA was generated to support both poly(valine) and poly(serine) synthesis and poly(phenylalanine) synthesis was driven by a poly(uridylic acid) template. Elongation rates were in the order phenylalanine > valine > serine. Addition of CDK1/cyclin B decreased the elongation rate for valine whereas the rate for serine and phenylalanine elongation was increased. This effect was correlated with phosphorylation of the eEF-1delta and eEF-1gamma subunits of eEF-1B. Our results demonstrate specific regulation of elongation by CDK1/cyclin B phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Thymus myosin, light chains and a synthetic peptide (S-S-K-R-A-K-A-K-T-T-K-K-R-P-Q-R-A-T-S-N-V-F-S) corresponding to the N-terminal sequence of smooth muscle myosin light chains were compared as substrates for calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (MLCK), calcium/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (PKC), and a MgATP-activated protein kinase (H4PK) from lymphoid cells. All protein kinases catalyzed phosphorylation of the substrates although H4PK showed higher affinity for isolated light chains and the peptide. Phosphoamino acid analysis and analysis of thermolysin peptides established that PKC catalyzed phosphorylation of threonine-9 or 10. In addition, PKC and H4PK catalyzed phosphorylation at serine-19, the MLCK site. Collectively the data support the hypothesis that myosin filament assembly in nonmuscle cells may be regulated by a variety of calcium-dependent and calcium-independent protein kinases.  相似文献   

Here we demonstrate that phosphorylation of the sphingosine 1-phosphate (SSP) receptor "endothelial differentiation gene 1" (EDG1 or S1P(1)) receptor is increased in response to either SSP or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) exposure but not lysophosphatidic acid. Phosphoamino acid analysis demonstrated that SSP stimulated the accumulation of phosphoserine and phosphothreonine but not phosphotyrosine. An inhibitor of PMA-stimulated EDG1 phosphorylation failed to block SSP-stimulated phosphorylation. Additionally, removal of 12 amino acids from the carboxyl terminus of EDG1 specifically reduced SSP- but not PMA-stimulated phosphorylation, suggesting that SSP and PMA increase EDG1 phosphorylation via distinct mechanisms. In vitro assays revealed that G-protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 may be at least partially responsible for SSP-stimulated EDG1 phosphorylation observed in intact cells. In addition, phosphorylation by PMA and SSP were associated with a loss of EDG1 from the cell surface by distinct mechanisms. Removal of 12 residues from the carboxyl terminus of EDG1 completely inhibited SSP-mediated internalization, suggesting that this domain dictates susceptibility to receptor internalization while retaining sensitivity to SSP-stimulated phosphorylation. Thus, we conclude that (a) EDG1 phosphorylation and internalization are controlled via independent mechanisms by agonist occupation of the receptor and protein kinase C activation, and (b) although determinants within the receptor's carboxyl-terminal tail conferring EDG1 sensitivity to agonist-mediated internalization and G-protein-coupled receptor kinase phosphorylation exhibit a degree of overlap, the two phenomena are separable.  相似文献   

The regulation of phospholipase D1 (PLD1), which has been shown to be activated by protein kinase C (PKC) alpha, was investigated in the human melanoma cell lines. In G361 cell line, which lacks PKCalpha, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA)-induced PLD activation was potentiated by introducing PKCalpha by the adenovirus vector. The kinase-negative PKCalpha elevated TPA-induced PLD activity less significantly than the wild type. A PKC specific inhibitor GF109203X lowered PLD activation in the cells expressing PKCalpha, but did not prevent PLD potentiation induced by the kinase-negative PKCalpha. Expression of PKCbetaII and the kinase-negative PKCbetaII enhanced TPA-stimulated PLD activity moderately in MeWo cell line, in which PKCbetaII is absent. Furthermore, the TPA treatment increased the association of PKCalpha, PKCbetaII, and their kinase-negative mutants with PLD1 in melanoma cells. These results indicate that PLD1 is dually regulated through phosphorylation as well as through the protein-protein interaction by PKCalpha, and probably by PKCbetaII, in vivo.  相似文献   

Ha-AP10 is a basic antifungal peptide from sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus antifungal peptide of 10 kDa) belonging to the family of plant lipid transfer proteins. We report here its expression in E. coli [Glutathione S-transferase (GST) system] and its phosphorylation by endogenous membrane-bound calcium-dependent protein kinases.  相似文献   

The multiple functions of calmodulin in brain bring to light an apparent paradox in the mechanism of action of this multifunctional regulatory protein: How can the simultaneous calmodulin stimulation of enzymes with opposing functions such as cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases and adenylate cyclase, which are responsible for the degradation and synthesis of cAMP, respectively, be physiologically significant? The same question applies to the simultaneous activation of protein kinases (in particular calmodulin kinase II) and a protein phosphatase (calcineurin). One could propose that the protein kinase(s) and the phosphatase may be located in different cells or in different cellular compartments, and are therefore not antagonizing each other. The same result could be achieved if the specific substrates of these enzymes have different cellular localizations. This does not seem to be the case. In many areas of the brain the two enzymes and their substrates coexist in the same cell. For example, the hippocampus is rich in calmodulin kinase II, calcineruin and substrates for the two enzymes. A more general scheme is presented here, based on different mechanisms of the calmodulin regulation of the two classes of enzyme, which helps to solve this apparent inconsistency in the mechanism of action of calmodulin.  相似文献   

Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) of Apicomplexan parasites are crucial for the survival of the parasite throughout its life cycle. CDPK1 is expressed in the asexual blood stages of the parasite, particularly late stage schizonts. We have identified two substrates of Plasmodium falciparum CDPK1: myosin A tail domain-interacting protein (MTIP) and glideosome-associated protein 45 (GAP45), both of which are components of the motor complex that generates the force required by the parasite to actively invade host cells. Indirect immunofluorescence shows that CDPK1 localizes to the periphery of P. falciparum merozoites and is therefore suitably located to act on MTIP and GAP45 at the inner membrane complex. A proportion of both GAP45 and MTIP is phosphorylated in schizonts, and we demonstrate that both proteins can be efficiently phosphorylated by CDPK1 in vitro. A primary phosphorylation of MTIP occurs at serine 47, whereas GAP45 is phosphorylated at two sites, one of which could also be detected in phosphopeptides purified from parasite lysates. Both CDPK1 activity and host cell invasion can be inhibited by the kinase inhibitor K252a, suggesting that CDPK1 is a suitable target for antimalarial drug development.  相似文献   

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