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F Letourneur  R D Klausner 《Cell》1992,69(7):1143-1157
Partial complexes of the T cell antigen receptor lacking zeta chains are delivered to lysosomes. Chimeric proteins composed of the Tac antigen fused to the cytoplasmic domains of each CD3 chain has allowed the identification of lysosomal targeting sequences. Tac-gamma and Tac-delta chimeras are retained in the endoplasmic reticulum because of the presence of basic residues reminiscent of sequences responsible for the localization of endoplasmic reticulum resident proteins. Truncation of these retention motifs revealed lysosomal targeting of both Tac-gamma and delta chimeras. A di-leucine- and a tyrosine-based motif are individually sufficient to induce both endocytosis and delivery to lysosomes of Tac. In contrast with chimeras containing only one of these motifs, the chimera containing both was predominantly delivered directly to lysosomes without going through the cell surface. These two sequences may represent two families of targeting motifs that determine the fate of proteins within the peripheral membrane system.  相似文献   

Recombinant avian adenovirus CELO bearing sequence RGD in the structure of a HI-loop of long fiber was designed. Experiments in vitro revealed that introduction of RGD-motif into fiber of CELO increased the ability of the virus to be attached to a surface of CAR-negative cells, and raised efficiency of the process of internalization of the virus both in CAR-positive, and in CAR-negative cells.  相似文献   

Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is a transmembrane protein expressed at high levels in prostate cancer and in tumor-associated neovasculature. In this study, we report that PSMA is internalized via a clathrin-dependent endocytic mechanism and that internalization of PSMA is mediated by the five N-terminal amino acids (MWNLL) present in its cytoplasmic tail. Deletion of the cytoplasmic tail abolished PSMA internalization. Mutagenesis of N-terminal amino acid residues at position 2, 3, or 4 to alanine did not affect internalization of PSMA, whereas mutation of amino acid residues 1 or 5 to alanine strongly inhibited internalization. Using a chimeric protein composed of Tac antigen, the alpha-chain of interleukin 2-receptor, fused to the first five amino acids of PSMA (Tac-MWNLL), we found that this sequence is sufficient for PSMA internalization. In addition, inclusion of additional alanines into the MWNLL sequence either in the Tac chimera or the full-length PSMA strongly inhibited internalization. From these results, we suggest that a novel MXXXL motif in the cytoplasmic tail mediates PSMA internalization. We also show that dominant negative micro2 of the adaptor protein (AP)-2 complex strongly inhibits the internalization of PSMA, indicating that AP-2 is involved in the internalization of PSMA mediated by the MXXXL motif.  相似文献   

The F(1)F(0)-ATP synthase enzyme is located in the inner mitochondrial membrane, where it forms dimeric complexes. Dimerization of the ATP synthase involves the physical association of the neighboring membrane-embedded F(0)-sectors. In yeast, the F(0)-sector subunits g and e (Su g and Su e, respectively) play a key role in supporting the formation of ATP synthase dimers. In this study we have focused on Su g to gain a better understanding of the function and the molecular organization of this subunit within the ATP synthase complex. Su g proteins contain a GXXXG motif (G is glycine, and X is any amino acid) in their single transmembrane segment. GXXXG can be a dimerization motif that supports helix-helix interactions between neighboring transmembrane segments. We demonstrate here that the GXXXG motif is important for the function and in particular for the stability of Su g within the ATP synthase. Using site-directed mutagenesis and cross-linking approaches, we demonstrate that Su g and Su e interact, and our findings emphasize the importance of the membrane anchor regions of these proteins for their interaction. Su e also contains a conserved GXXXG motif in its membrane anchor. However, data presented here would suggest that an intact GXXXG motif in Su g is not essential for the Su g-Su e interaction. We suggest that the GXXXG motif may not be the sole basis for a Su g-Su e interaction, and possibly these dimerization motifs may enable both Su g and Su e to interact with another mitochondrial protein.  相似文献   

Interleukin (IL)-13 receptor alpha2 (IL-13Ralpha2) chain is an essential binding component for IL-13-mediated ligand binding. Recently, we have demonstrated that this receptor chain also plays an important role in the internalization of IL-13. To study the mechanism of IL-13 internalization, we generated mutated IL-13Ralpha2 chains that targeted trileucine residues (Leu(335), Leu(336), and Leu(337)) in the transmembrane domain and a tyrosine motif (Tyr(343)) in the intracellular domain and transfected these cDNAs in COS-7 cells. Cells that expressed a C-terminally truncated IL-13Ralpha2 chain (Delta335) did not bind IL-13, suggesting that the trileucine region modulates IL-13 binding. Truncation of IL-13Ralpha2 chain with a mutation in the trileucine region resulted in significantly decreased internalization compared with wild type IL-13Ralpha2 chain transfected cells. COS-7 cells transfected with tyrosine motif mutants exhibited a similar internalization level compared with wild type IL-13Ralpha2 chain transfected cells; however, dissociation of cell surface IL-13 was faster compared with wild type IL-13Ralpha2 transfectants. These results were further confirmed by determining the cytotoxicity of a chimeric protein composed of IL-13 and a mutated form of Pseudomonas exotoxin (IL13-PE38QQR) to cells that expressed IL-13Ralpha2 chain mutants. We further demonstrate that the IL-13Ralpha2 chain is not ubiquitinated and that internalization of IL-13Ralpha2 did not depend on ubiquitination. Together, our findings suggest that the dileucine motif in the trileucine region and tyrosine motif participate in IL-13Ralpha2 internalization in distinct manners.  相似文献   

The x-ray structure analysis of photosystem I (PS I) crystals at 4-A resolution (Schubert et al., 1997, J. Mol. Biol. 272:741-769) has revealed the distances between the three iron-sulfur clusters, labeled F(X), F(1), and F(2), which function on the acceptor side of PS I. There is a general consensus concerning the assignment of the F(X) cluster, which is bound to the PsaA and PsaB polypeptides that constitute the PS I core heterodimer. However, the correspondence between the acceptors labeled F(1) and F(2) on the electron density map and the F(A) and F(B) clusters defined by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy remains controversial. Two recent studies (Diaz-Quintana et al., 1998, Biochemistry. 37:3429-3439;, Vassiliev et al., 1998, Biophys. J. 74:2029-2035) provided evidence that F(A) is the cluster proximal to F(X), and F(B) is the cluster that donates electrons to ferredoxin. In this work, we provide a kinetic argument to support this assignment by estimating the rates of electron transfer between the iron-sulfur clusters F(X), F(A), and F(B). The experimentally determined kinetics of P700(+) dark relaxation in PS I complexes (both F(A) and F(B) are present), HgCl(2)-treated PS I complexes (devoid of F(B)), and P700-F(X) cores (devoid of both F(A) and F(B)) from Synechococcus sp. PCC 6301 are compared with the expected dependencies on the rate of electron transfer, based on the x-ray distances between the cofactors. The analysis, which takes into consideration the asymmetrical position of iron-sulfur clusters F(1) and F(2) relative to F(X), supports the F(X) --> F(A) --> F(B) --> Fd sequence of electron transfer on the acceptor side of PS I. Based on this sequence of electron transfer and on the observed kinetics of P700(+) reduction and F(X)(-) oxidation, we estimate the equilibrium constant of electron transfer between F(X) and F(A) at room temperature to be approximately 47. The value of this equilibrium constant is discussed in the context of the midpoint potentials of F(X) and F(A), as determined by low-temperature EPR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Siglec-5 (CD170) is a member of the recently described human CD33-related siglec subgroup of sialic acid binding Ig-like lectins and is expressed on myeloid cells of the hemopoietic system. Similar to other CD33-related siglecs, Siglec-5 contains two tyrosine-based motifs in its cytoplasmic tail implicated in signaling functions. To investigate the role of these motifs in Siglec-5-dependent signaling, we used transfected rat basophil leukemia cells as a model system. Tyrosine phosphorylation of Siglec-5 led to recruitment of the tyrosine phosphatases SHP-1 and SHP-2, as seen in both pull-down assays and microscopy. Siglec-5 could efficiently inhibit FcepsilonRI-mediated calcium fluxing and serotonin release after co-cross-linking. Surprisingly, a double tyrosine to alanine mutant of Siglec-5 could still mediate strong inhibition of serotonin release in the absence of detectable tyrosine phosphorylation, whereas a double tyrosine to phenylalanine mutant lost all inhibitory activity. In comparison, suppression of Siglec-5-dependent adhesion to red blood cells was reversed by either tyrosine to alanine or tyrosine to phenylalanine mutations of the membrane proximal tyrosine-based motif. Using an in vitro phosphatase assay with synthetic and recombinant forms of the cytoplasmic tail, it was shown that a double alanine mutant of Siglec-5 had weak, but significant SHP-1 activating properties similar to those of wild type, non-phosphorylated cytoplasmic tail, whereas a double phenylalanine mutant was inactive. These findings establish that Siglec-5 can be classified as an inhibitory receptor with the potential to mediate SHP-1 and/or SHP-2-dependent signaling in the absence of tyrosine phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Signaling by protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR1), a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) for thrombin, is regulated by desensitization and internalization. PAR1 desensitization is mediated by β-arrestins, like most classic GPCRs. In contrast, internalization of PAR1 occurs through a clathrin- and dynamin-dependent pathway independent of β-arrestins. PAR1 displays two modes of internalization. Constitutive internalization of unactivated PAR1 is mediated by the clathrin adaptor protein complex-2 (AP-2), where the μ2-adaptin subunit binds directly to a tyrosine-based motif localized within the receptor C-tail domain. However, AP-2 depletion only partially inhibits agonist-induced internalization of PAR1, suggesting a function for other clathrin adaptors in this process. Here, we now report that AP-2 and epsin-1 are both critical mediators of agonist-stimulated PAR1 internalization. We show that ubiquitination of PAR1 and the ubiquitin-interacting motifs of epsin-1 are required for epsin-1-dependent internalization of activated PAR1. In addition, activation of PAR1 promotes epsin-1 de-ubiquitination, which may increase its endocytic adaptor activity to facilitate receptor internalization. AP-2 also regulates activated PAR1 internalization via recognition of distal C-tail phosphorylation sites rather than the canonical tyrosine-based motif. Thus, AP-2 and epsin-1 are both required to promote efficient internalization of activated PAR1 and recognize discrete receptor sorting signals. This study defines a new pathway for internalization of mammalian GPCRs.  相似文献   

Systemic inflammation induces various adaptive responses including tachycardia. Although inflammation-associated tachycardia has been thought to result from increased sympathetic discharge caused by inflammatory signals of the immune system, definitive proof has been lacking. Prostanoids, including prostaglandin (PG) D(2), PGE(2), PGF(2alpha), PGI(2) and thromboxane (TX) A(2), exert their actions through specific receptors: DP, EP (EP(1), EP(2), EP(3), EP(4)), FP, IP and TP, respectively. Here we have examined the roles of prostanoids in inflammatory tachycardia using mice that lack each of these receptors individually. The TXA(2) analog I-BOP and PGF(2alpha) each increased the beating rate of the isolated atrium of wild-type mice in vitro through interaction with TP and FP receptors, respectively. The cytokine-induced increase in beating rate was markedly inhibited in atria from mice lacking either TP or FP receptors. The tachycardia induced in wild-type mice by injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was greatly attenuated in TP-deficient or FP-deficient mice and was completely absent in mice lacking both TP and FP. The beta-blocker propranolol did not block the LPS-induced increase in heart rate in wild-type animals. Our results show that inflammatory tachycardia is caused by a direct action on the heart of TXA(2) and PGF(2alpha) formed under systemic inflammatory conditions.  相似文献   

To examine the relationship between endosome acidification and receptor trafficking, transferrin receptor trafficking was characterized in Chinese hamster ovary cells in which endosome acidification was blocked by treatment with the specific inhibitor of the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase, bafilomycin A1. Elevating endosome pH slowed the receptor externalization rate to approximately one-half of control but did not affect receptor internalization kinetics. The slowed receptor externalization required the receptor's cytoplasmic domain and was largely eliminated by substitutions replacing either of two aromatic amino acids within the receptor's cytoplasmic YTRF internalization motif. These results confirm, using a specific inhibitor of the vacuolar proton pump, that proper endosome acidification is necessary to maintain rapid recycling of intracellular receptors back to the plasma membrane. Moreover, receptor return to the plasma membrane is slowed in the absence of proper endosome acidification by a signal-dependent mechanism involving the receptor's cytoplasmic tyrosine-containing internalization motif. These results, in conjunction with results from other studies, suggest that the mechanism for clustering receptors in plasma membrane clathrin-coated pits may be an example of a more general mechanism that determines the dynamic distribution of membrane proteins among various compartments with luminal acidification playing a crucial role in this process.  相似文献   

Efficient cholinergic transmission requires accurate targeting of vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) to synaptic vesicles (SVs). However, the signals that regulate this vesicular targeting are not well characterized. Although previous studies suggest that the C-terminus of the transporter is required for its SV targeting, it is not clear whether this region is sufficient for this process. Furthermore, a synaptic vesicle-targeting motif (SVTM) within this sequence remains to be identified. Here we use a chimeric protein, TacA, between an unrelated plasma membrane protein, Tac, and the C-terminus of VAChT to demonstrate the sufficiency of the C-terminus for targeting to synaptic vesicle-like vesicles (SVLVs) in PC12 cells. TacA shows colocalization and cosedimentation with the SV marker synaptophysin. Deletion mutation analysis of TacA demonstrates that a short, dileucine motif-containing sequence is required and sufficient to direct this targeting. Dialanine mutation analysis within this sequence suggests indistinguishable signals for both internalization and SV sorting. Using additional chimeras as controls, we confirm the specificity of this region for SVLVs targeting. Therefore, we suggest that the dileucine-containing motif is sufficient as a dual signal for both internalization and SV targeting during VAChT trafficking.  相似文献   

Two classes of enzymes, poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase and mono(ADP-ribosyl)transferases, catalyze covalent attachment of multiple or single residues, respectively, of the ADP-ribose moiety of NAD+ to various proteins. In order to find good inhibitors of poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase free of side actions and applicable to in vivo studies, we made a large scale survey using an in vitro assay system, and found many potent inhibitors. The four strongest were 4-amino-1,8-naphthalimide, 6(5H)- and 2-nitro-6(5H)-phenanthridinones, and 1,5-dihydroxyisoquinoline. Their 50% inhibitory concentrations, 0.18-0.39 microM, were about two orders of magnitude lower than that of 3-aminobenzamide that is currently most popularly used. A common structural feature among all potent inhibitors, including 1-hydroxyisoquinoline, chlorthenoxazin, 3-hydroxybenzamide, and 4-hydroxyquinazoline, in addition to the four mentioned above, was the presence of a carbonyl group built in a polyaromatic heterocyclic skeleton or a carbamoyl group attached to an aromatic ring. Most of the inhibitors exhibited mixed-type inhibition with respect to NAD+. Comparative studies of the effects on poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase and mono(ADP-ribosyl)transferase from hen heterophils revealed high specificity of most of the potent inhibitors for poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase. On the other hand, unsaturated long-chain fatty acids inhibited both enzymes, and saturated long-chain fatty acids and vitamin K1 acted selectively on mono(ADP-ribosyl)transferase. The finding of many inhibitors of ADP-ribosyltransferases, especially poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase, supports the view that ADP-ribosylation of proteins may be regulated by a variety of metabolites or structural constituents in the cell.  相似文献   

Arginyl-glycyl-aspartic acid (RGD): a cell adhesion motif   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
The tripeptide Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) was originally identified as the sequence within fibronectin that mediates cell attachment. The RGD motif has now been found in numerous other proteins and supports cell adhesion in many, but not all, of these. The integrins, a family of cell-surface proteins, act as receptors for cell adhesion molecules. A subset of the integrins recognize the RGD motif within their ligands, the binding of which mediates both cell-substratum and cell-cell interactions. RGD peptides and mimetics, in addition to providing insights into the fundamental mechanisms of cell adhesion, are potential therapeutic agents for the treatment of diseases such as thrombosis and cancer.  相似文献   

Previously we demonstrated that insulin-like growth factor-I mediates the sustained phosphorylation of Akt, which is essential for long term survival and protection of glial progenitors from glutamate toxicity. These prosurvival effects correlated with prolonged activation and stability of the insulin-like growth factor type-I receptor. In the present study, we investigated the mechanisms whereby insulin-like growth factor-I signaling, through the insulin-like growth factor type-I receptor, mediates the sustained phosphorylation of Akt. We showed that insulin-like growth factor-I stimulation induced loss of receptors from the cell surface but that surface receptors recovered over time. Blocking receptor internalization inhibited Akt phosphorylation, whereas inhibition of receptor trafficking blocked receptor recovery at the cell surface and the sustained phosphorylation of Akt. Moreover the insulin-like growth factor type-I receptor localized with the transferrin receptor and Rab11-positive endosomes in a ligand-dependent manner, further supporting the conclusion that this receptor follows a recycling pathway. Our results provide evidence that ligand stimulation leads to internalization of the insulin-like growth factor type-I receptor, which mediates Akt phosphorylation, and that receptor recycling sustains Akt phosphorylation in glial progenitors. Mathematical modeling of receptor trafficking further supports these results and predicts an additional kinetic state of the receptor consistent with sustained Akt phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The mammalian endopeptidase, furin, is predominantly localized to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) at steady state. The localization of furin to this compartment seems to be the result of a dynamic process in which the protein undergoes cycling between the TGN and the plasma membrane. Both TGN localization and internalization from the plasma membrane are mediated by targeting information contained within the cytoplasmic domain of furin. Here, we report the results of a mutagenesis analysis aimed at identifying the source(s) of targeting information within the furin cytoplasmic domain. Our studies show that there are at least two cytoplasmic determinants that contribute to the steady-state localization and trafficking of furin. The first determinant corresponds to a canonical tyrosine-based motif, YKGL (residues 758-761), that functions mainly as an internalization signal. The second determinant consists of a strongly hydrophilic sequence (residues 766-783) that contains a large cluster of acidic residues (E and D) and is devoid of any tyrosine-based or di-leucine-based motifs. This second determinant is capable of conferring localization to the TGN as well as mediating internalization from the plasma membrane. Thus, these observations establish the existence of a novel, autonomous determinant distinct from sorting signals described previously.  相似文献   

Lai XH  Bai ZW  Ng SC  Ching CB 《Chirality》2004,16(9):592-597
Two chiral stationary phases, ph-alpha-CD and ph-gamma-CD, were prepared from mono(6(A)-azido-6(A)-deoxy)perphenylcarbamoylated alpha- and gamma-cyclodextrin immobilized onto silica gel via the Staudinger reaction. The chromatographic characteristics of these two chiral stationary phases were evaluated. The influence of different cyclodextrins (CDs) on the enantioselectivities was also investigated in this study. Compared to ph-gamma-CD, ph-alpha-CD exhibited quite good enantioselectivity toward the analytes with bulky molecular structures. It was found that the formation of inclusion complex might play a quite important role in the chiral recognition not only under reverse phases but also under normal phases.  相似文献   

The thromboxane A(2) receptor (TP) is a G protein-coupled receptor that is expressed as two alternatively spliced isoforms, alpha (343 residues) and beta (407 residues) that share the first 328 residues. We have previously shown that TPbeta, but not TPalpha, undergoes agonist-induced internalization in a dynamin-, GRK-, and arrestin-dependent manner. In the present report, we demonstrate that TPbeta, but not TPalpha, also undergoes tonic internalization. Tonic internalization of TPbeta was temperature- and dynamin-dependent and was inhibited by sucrose and NH(4)Cl treatment but unaffected by wild-type or dominant-negative GRKs or arrestins. Truncation and site-directed mutagenesis revealed that a YX(3)phi motif (where X is any residue and phi is a bulky hydrophobic residue) found in the proximal portion of the carboxyl-terminal tail of TPbeta was critical for tonic internalization but had no role in agonist-induced internalization. Interestingly, introduction of either a YX(2)phi or YX(3)phi motif in the carboxyl-terminal tail of TPalpha induced tonic internalization of this receptor. Additional analysis revealed that tonically internalized TPbeta undergoes recycling back to the cell surface suggesting that tonic internalization may play a role in maintaining an intracellular pool of TPbeta. Our data demonstrate the presence of distinct signals for tonic and agonist-induced internalization of TPbeta and represent the first report of a YX(3)phi motif involved in tonic internalization of a cell surface receptor.  相似文献   

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