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Four experimental stream channels were used to study instantaneous downstream dispersal rates of young trout, Salmo trutta L., and salmon, S. salur L ., relative to four different water velocities.
Young salmon showed a high rate of dispersal at a low velocity of 7.5 cm s−1 and lower rates at higher velocities of 25 to 70cm s−1. Trout showed their lowest rate at 25cm s−1 with a slightly higher rate at 7.5 cm s−1 and increasingly higher rates at velocities in excess of 25 cm s−1. These results are consistent with field observations on the velocity preferences of young trout and salmon.  相似文献   

Fry of brown trout, Atlantic salmon, brook trout and lake trout were tested for downstream migration and critical velocities with a method of stepwise increasing water velocities. Each velocity was tested for 15 min before increase to the next step. Critical velocities for fry entering the free-feeding stage, defined as the stage when the fry has resorbed its yolk sac and will have to ascend from the bottom gravel to catch food, were between 0.10 and 0.25 m s−1, varying among individuals and depending on species and water temperature. Downstream displacement started at lower velocities. Lake trout had the lowest critical velocity. Temperature influenced swimming performance considerably. On average, a 7°C increase in temperature resulted in a 0.05 m s−1 increase in critical velocity. The fry actively searched out the low-velocity niches in the channels. Flow-sensivity gradually decreases with fry development; when the fry had reached a length of 40–50 mm they were able to tolerate water velocities higher than 0.50 m s−1.  相似文献   

Abstract. Boundary-layer resistances of aquatic bryophytes for CO2 diffusion in water were estimated from wind tunnel measurements of evaporation of aniline in air, using the principle of dynamic similarity. The results indicated resistances at water velocities between 0.02 and 0.2 m s −1 ranging from about 35 to 5 s mm−1 and 70 to 9 s mm−1, respectively, for the mat-forming liverworts Nardia compressa and Scapania undulata , measured on a projected area (canopy) basis. Over a range of velocities from 0.01 to 0.2 m s−1 the estimated CO2 boundary-layer resistance of the streamer-like shoots of the moss Fontinalis antipyretica is between about 180 and 15 s mm−1. Comparison with experiments on photosynthetic 14CO2-uptake at a range of water velocities suggests that boundary-layer resistance limits photosynthesis at velocities below about 0.01 m s−l in Fontinalis and below about 0.1 m s−1 in the mat-forming species. It is suggested that high leaf-area index allows the mat growth form more effectively to exploit the low boundary-layer resistance at high velocities while remaining relatively invulnerable to drag. By contrast, the streamer form allows Fontinalis to maximize surface area under conditions where boundary-layer resistance is limiting.  相似文献   

The prolonged swimming speed and metabolic rate of 0+ year Arctic grayling Thymallus articus were examined with respect to current velocity, water temperature and fish size, and compared to conditions fish occupy in the river. Oxygen consumption (mg O2 h−1) increased with fish mass and temperature (6–23° C), with a steep increase in metabolic rate between 12 and 16° C. Absolute prolonged swimming speed (cm s−1) increased rapidly with fish size (total length, L T, and mass), however, fish in the natural stream habitat occupied current velocities between 15 and 25 cm s−1 or 4  L T s−1, approximately half their potential prolonged swimming speed (10  L T s−1).  相似文献   

Computer-assisted semen analysis (CASA) technology was applied to the measurement of sperm motility parameters in the common carp Cyprinus carpio. Activated sperm were videotaped at 200 frames s−1 and analysed with the CellTrak/S CASA research system. The percentage of motile cells and both sperm head curvilinear velocity and straight-line velocity were measured following exposure of carp sperm to three predilution conditions and activation in media of differing ionic strengths and osmotic pressures. The highest percentage of motile sperm was obtained following predilution of sperm in seminal plasma and activation in Na-HEPES buffer pH 8.0. This level of motility was equalled after predilution in 200 m m KCl for 2 h. Straight-line velocities and curvilinear velocities of 130 μm s−1 and 210 μm s−1, respectively, were observed. Duration of motility was higher under seminal plasma predilution conditions (over 50% motile sperm at 55 s post-activation). The application provides a sound basis for the assessment of Sperm Characteristics in fish.  相似文献   

Saithe Pollachius virens , tracked diurnally with a split-beam echosounder, showed no relationship between size and swimming speed. The average and the median swimming speeds were 1·05 m s−1(±0·09 m s−1) and 0·93 m s−1, respectively. However, ping-to-ping speeds up to 3·34 m s−1 were measured for 25–29 cm fish, whose swimming speeds were significantly higher at night (1·08 m s−1) than during the day (0·72 m s−1). The high average swimming speed could be related to the foraging or streaming part of the population and not to potential weakness of the methodology. However, the uncertainty of target location increased with depth and resulted in calculated average swimming speeds of 0·15 m s−1 even for a stationary target. With increasing swimming speed the average error decreased to 0 m s−1 for speeds >0·34 m s−1. Species identity was verified by trawling in a pelagic layer and on the bottom.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Experiments conducted in an artificial stream showed that significantly more nymphs drifted from an inorganic substrate at a mean current velocity of 28.5 cm s−1 than at 18.5 cm s−1. Drift density, however, was not affected. Disproportionately large numbers of nymphs drifted while current velocities were being increased from 18.5 to 28.5 cm s−1.
Both drift numbers and drift density were greater in turbid water, after the addition of large amounts of inorganic sediment, than under clear-flowing conditions during dark periods but not in the light. The interaction of increasing current velocity and sediment levels resulted in a significantly greater number of drifting nymphs under lighted conditions.
Minor spates which do not seriously disturb the stream bed may initiate significant increases in macroinvertebrate drift.  相似文献   

In late summer (13 August–13 September 1998), at water temperatures of 12·0–15·7° C, grayling ( n =14) stayed mainly in the riffle-section where they were captured in a large regulated river in northern Finland, moving little between consecutive days. In autumn (2–30 October 1998), at 1·7–6·7° C, the fish ( n =16) migrated to potential overwintering sites 0–14 km up- or downstream by mid October, moving mainly short distances thereafter. The daily movement rates, and the total ranges covered by the fish in late summer and autumn were 54±32 m (mean± s.d ) and 1053±1636 m, and 190±168 m and 3135±1850 m, respectively. In autumn the fish used deeper habitats (most suitable range 150–400 cm) with lower current velocities (20–80 cm s−1) and finer bottom substrata (mainly sand) than in late summer (depth 100–325 cm, velocity 30–110 cm s−1, and cobble-boulder substrata).  相似文献   

Sperm structure and motility of the freshwater teleost Cottus gobio   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When motility of spermatozoa of Cottos gobio was initiated with distilled water, the motility rate decreased to 0% within 1 min, and significant signs of osmotic alterations were observed at the end of the motility period. By contrast, in 50 mmol 1−1 NaCl solution, the motility rate persisted for 120–140 min. In both distilled water and in 50 mmol 1−1 NaCl solution, the main swimming type of spermatozoa was linear motion during the whole motility period. The initial swimming velocity (50.0 ± 2.1 μm s−1) measured 10 s after motility initiation was similar in both distilled water and in 50 mmol 1−1 NaCl solution. In distilled water, the velocity decreased to <20 μm s−1 (locally motile) during the first minute of the motility phase. In 50 mmol 1−1 NaCl solutions, it remained at a constant level during the first 60 min of the motility period, but then started to decrease to <20 μm s−1 after 120 min. When 5 mmol 1−1 potassium cyanide, antimycin or atractyloside was added to the 50 mmol 1−1 NaCl solution, the motility period was reduced to ≤2min. Ten millimoles per litre 2-deoxy-D-glucose, malonate or a mixture of 5 mmol 1−1 atractyloside and 5 mmol 1−1 carnithine did not effect the duration of the motility period. This indicates that sperm energy metabolism depends mainly on respiration rate and fatty acid metabolism.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The velocity preferences of larval and pupal blackflies were studied experimentally by comparing the colonization of plastic strings placed in different velocity ranges; and also by investigating the simuliid microdistribution under natural conditions in the river. This required a novel method described for taking spot measurements of water velocity.
2. Simulium mcmahoni de Meillon, S.hirsutum Pomeroy and S.cervicor-nutum Pomeroy were most abundant in slow velocities (0.3-1.0 m s_1), S.colasbelcouri Grenier & Ovazza and S.hargreavesi Gibbins preferred 1.1-1.8 m s_1, S.squamosum Enderlein and S.vorax Pomeroy 1.9-2.2 m s_1.
3. The larvae of S.hargreavesi and S.cervicornutum preferred a higher velocity range compared with their pupae.
4. In moderate velocities (1.1-1.4 m s_1), the abundance of S.hargreavesi was greater under turbulent conditions than in smooth-flowing water, but this was reversed at very high velocities (2.3-2.6 m s_1).
5. Velocity had no apparent effect on substrate preference when substrates of different flexibilities were compared for three blackfly species. All avoided the most flexible substrates and preferred ones consisting of rigid articulating plates. Anisopteran predators were found to have a similar substrate choice.  相似文献   

When swimming at low speeds, steelhead trout and bluegill sunfish tilted the body at an angle to the mean swimming direction. Trout swam using continuous body/caudal fin undulation, with a positive (head-up) tilt angle ( 0 , degrees) that decreased with swimming speed ( u , cm s−1) according to: 0 =(164±96).u(−1.14±0.41) (regression coefficients; mean±2 s.e. ). Bluegill swimming gaits were more diverse and negative (head down) tilt angles were usual. Tilt angle was −3·0 ± 0.9° in pectoral fin swimming at speeds of approximately 0.2–1.7 body length s−1 (Ls−1; 3–24 cm s−1), −4.5 ±2.6° during pectoral fin plus body/caudal fin swimming at 1·2–1·7 L s−1 (17–24cm s−1), and −5.0± 1.0° during continuous body/caudal fin swimming at 1.6 and 2.5 L s−1 (22 and 35cm s−1). At higher speeds, bluegill used burst-and-coast swimming for which the tilt angle was 0.1±0.6°. These observations suggest that tilting is a general phenomenon of low speed swimming at which stabilizers lose their effectiveness. Tilting is interpreted as an active compensatory mechanism associated with increased drag and concomitant increased propulsor velocities to provide better stabilizing forces. Increased drag associated with trimming also explains the well-known observation that the relationship between tail-beat frequency and swimming speed does not pass through the origin. Energy dissipated because of the drag increases at low swimming speeds is presumably smaller than that which would occur with unstable swimming.  相似文献   

Twenty-two salmon smolts, Salmo salar L., carrying miniature sonic tags were tracked individually for periods of up to 175 h in Loch Voil, Scotland, during May 1979 and 1980. Activity was predominantly nocturnal, 80% occurring between 21.00 and 06.00 hours, and was apparently undirected. Average velocities during this active interval were 0.6 body lengths per second (bl s−1), with 98 and 93% of the time spent moving at less than 2 and less than 1 bl s−1, respectively. The rates of downstream displacement were 0.04 bl s−1 in 1979 and 0.01 bl s−1 in 1980. The direction of displacement of smolts and of movement of water at a depth of 1 m was positively correlated ( P <0.001) and smolt displacement was biassed slightly ahead of water movement. Mean step lengths were 141 and 200 m in 1979 and 1980, respectively. Rates of downstream passage of 327 ICES plate-tagged smolts released 16.8 km upstream of the fish trap at Clunie dam, Loch Tummel, during the spring migrations of 1975 and 1976 averaged 0.13 bl s−1 in each year: net surface water movement was about 3.7 times this rate during the same intervals. These data are consistent with the model of passive smolt migration postulated by Tytler et al. (1978) and suggest that the active component required to ensure passage through a loch (Thorpe & Morgan, 1978) is very small.  相似文献   

Sixty-four post-larvae of the King George whiting Sillaginodes punctata were tested in swimming chambers, against one of five flow-through velocities (2, 4, 6, 8 or 10 cm s −1) for up to a maximum of 120 min. Fish were determined by regression to have an FV50 (50% fatigue velocity) of 6.0 cm s−1. No fish survived the full 120 min at 10 cm s−1. Sixteen individuals were tested in a swimming chamber against a flow-through velocity of 6 cm s −1 and allowed to swim to exhaustion. Fish swam between 25 and 538 min with a peak at c . 6–8 h. Total swimming time was not correlated with standard length of fish although the size range examined was narrow. Relative to recent studies on the swimming abilities of late-stage larvae of reef fishes, this study indicates that post-larval King George whiting are weak swimmers. The weak swimming ability of post-larval King George whiting is consistent with studies showing passive dispersal and recruitment of this species.  相似文献   

Formation of a hanging dam, a large, thick sub-surface accumulation of frazil ice that blocked river flow, altered physical environmental conditions dramatically and common carp Cyprinus carpio , and brown trout Salmo trutta , evacuated the pool in which the dam developed. A mean of 80·1% of the pool volume was filled with frazil ice. Mean and bottom water velocities in the pool increased from 6 to 27 cm s−1 and from 4 to 21 cm s−1, respectively, when the hanging dam formed, and water depth decreased from a mean of 2·25 to 0·45 m. Activity levels of fish leaving the pool varied. Two carp had higher swimming activities when in the over wintering pool, compared to the period when they were out of it, and a third showed opposite results.  相似文献   

Abstract A study of the development of biofilm colonizing the surfaces of pipes in a drinking-water distribution system has shown that water velocity significantly influenced the nature and physiological activity of the biofilm. Biofilm developed at a velocity of 0.5 m s−1 actively oxidized and deposited manganese, but at 0.01 m s−1 no manganese was deposited. Budding bacteria were the dominant microorganisms depositing manganese but a variety of other organisms were also present in the biofilms. The budding bacteria oxidizing manganese were Pedomicrobium manganicum and Metallogenium .  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Field experiments were performed in the day and night at six modal water velocities (range 10–52cm s−1), using: (i) newly- emerged fry without neutral buoyancy; (ii) older fry in poor condition (weight well below that expected for resident fry); (iii) older fry in good condition (weight similar to that of resident fry); (iv) dead fry.
2. An exponential model described the return rate of fry to the stream bottom; the mean distance travelled downstream varied considerably between the four fry categories, but always increased linearly with increasing water velocity.
3. Results were similar for dead fry and newly-emerged fry released at night; 50% of the fry returned to the bottom in 10–11 s and nearly all returned in c . 70s, the maximum distance travelled ranging from c . 7 m at 10 cm s−1 to c . 37m at 52cm s−1, Newly-emerged fry released in the day returned slightly faster (54s for 99% return to bottom).
4. Older fry in poor condition returned to the bottom slightly faster in the day than at night, but took about 2 min and travelled about twice the distance covered by dead fry. Older fry in good condition returned to the bottom at the fastest rate (3–6s for 50% and c . 30s for the rest), and travelled only about half (at night) or a third (in day) of the distance covered by dead fry.
5. The implications of this investigation are discussed and it is concluded that, apart from water velocity, the age and condition of the fry were the two most important factors affecting their downstream movement.  相似文献   

Abstract. Gas exchange measurements were made on single leaves of three C3 and one C4 species at air speeds of 0.4 and 4.0 m s−1 to determine if boundary layer conductance substantially affected the substomatal pressure of carbon dioxide. Boundary layer conductances to water vapour were 0.4 to 0.5 mol m−2 s−1 at the lower air speed, and 1.2 to 1.5 mol m−2 s−1 at the higher air speed. Substomatal carbon dioxide pressures were about 5 Pa lower at low boundary layer conductance in the C3 species, and about 3 Pa lower in the C4 species when measurements were made at high and moderate photosynthetic photon flux densities. No evidence of stomatal adjustment to altered boundary layer conductance was found. Photosynthetic rates at high photon flux densities were reduced by about 20% at the low air speed in the C3 species. The commonly reported values of substomatal carbon dioxide pressure for C3 and C4 species were found to occur only when measurements were made at the higher air speed.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Filamentous algae in flowing freshwaters can represent a spatially and temporally distinct sub-habitat for epiphytic diatom communities. This sub-habitat is described in a low discharge, spring-fed stream with extensive filamentous green algal mats, and in a tuft of Cladophora glomerata (L.) Kützing from a large river.
2. Oxygen micro-electrodes, a thermistor current velocity probe, a standard pH probe and water chemistry were employed to assess spatial heterogeneity. Temporal patterns of epiphyte colonization were evaluated on filamentous artificial substrates.
3. There were steep spatial gradients in the low discharge stream. At mid-day, O2 ranged from 0–1.5 times air-saturated O2 concentrations, pH varied from 7.25–8.0, and current velocity spanned 0–0.5 m s−1. Areas near the surface of algal mats had high O2, pH and current velocity. These patterns were correlated with epiphyte community structure.
4. In the interior of C. glomerata tufts O2 concentration was raised and current velocity depressed compared to the surrounding water, even when external current velocity was as high as 0.4 m s−1.
5. After thirty-five days of colonization of artificial substrate in the low discharge environment, epiphyte communities were similar to those on filamentous atgae. Epiphyte diversity on artificial substrates subsequently decreased compared to natural substrates as did the similarity between the types on substrates, suggesting that microscale renewal of epiphyte habitat (growth of filamentous algae) maintains high epiphytic diversity.  相似文献   

The nutrient supply rates within the canopy of the economically important red algal species, Eucheuma serra J. Agardh were determined experimentally in a recirculating flow-chamber. A single individual was placed in the working section of the 2000 × 200 × 250 mm3 acrylic flow-chamber and subjected to unidirectional water velocities from 1.0 to 9.3 cm s−1. Rates of nutrient supply were determined using 9.7 mm diameter CaSO4 (gypsum) spheres that were attached to the thallus inside and outside of the canopy. The supply rates within the canopy were 56% less than outside of the canopy. Increases in internal and external water velocity asymptotically increased the nutrient supply rates regardless of location. A model was developed to examine how changes in ammonium and nitrate supply compared with the physiologically maximum uptake rates of these nutrients. The results suggest that when the ammonium concentration in the water was 20 µmol L−1 uptake rates were limited by the supply rate especially at velocities below 5 cm s−1, whereas in the case of 20 µmol L−1 of nitrate, the supply of nitrate was more than adequate to maximize nutrient uptake.  相似文献   

The cost of swimming is a key component in the energy budgets of marine mammals. Unfortunately, data to derive predictive allometric equations are limited, and estimates exist for only one other species of otariid. Our study measured the oxygen consumption of three juvenile Steller sea lions ( Eumetopias jubatus ) swimming in a flume tank at velocities up to 2.2 m sec−1. Minimum measured cost of transport ranged from 3.5–5.3 J kg−1 m−1, and was reached at swimming speeds of 1.7–2.1 m s−1. These cost-of-transport values are higher than those reported for other marine mammals. However, once differences in stationary metabolic rate were accounted for, the locomotor costs (LC) for the Steller sea lions were commensurate with those of other marine mammals. Locomotor costs (LC in J m−1) appeared to be directly proportional to body mass (M in kg) such that LC = 1.651M1.01. These estimates for the cost of locomotion can be incorporated into bioenergetic models and used to determine the energetic consequences of observed swimming behavior in wild marine mammals.  相似文献   

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