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In bacteriorhodopsin Asp85 has been proposed to function both as a negative counterion to the Schiff base and as proton acceptor in the early stages of the photocycle. To test this proposal further, we have replaced Asp85 by His. The rationale for this replacement is that although His can function as a proton acceptor, it cannot provide a negative charge at residue 85 to serve as a counterion to the protonated Schiff base. We show here that the absorption spectrum of the D85H mutant is highly sensitive to the pH of the external medium. From spectroscopic titrations, we have determined the apparent pK for deprotonation of the Schiff base to be 8.8 +/- 0.1 and the apparent pK for protonation of the His85 side chain to be approximately 3.5. Between pH 3.5 and 8.8, where the Schiff base is protonated, and the His side chain is deprotonated, the D85H mutant is completely inactive in proton transport. Time-resolved studies show that there is no detectable formation of an M-like intermediate in the photocycle of the D85H mutant. These experiments show that the presence of a neutral proton-accepting moiety at residue 85 is not sufficient for carrying out light-driven proton transport. The requirements at residue 85 are therefore for a group that serves both as a negatively charged counterion and as a proton acceptor.  相似文献   

The atomic structure of bacteriorhodopsin and the outlines of its proton transport mechanism are now available. Photoisomerization of the retinal in the chromophore creates a steric and electrostatic conflict at the retinal binding site. The free energy gain sets off a sequence of reactions in which directed proton transfers take place between the protonated retinal Schiff base, Asp-85, and Asp-96. These internal steps, and other proton transfers at and near the two aqueous interfaces, add up to the translocation of a proton from the cytoplasmic to the extracellular side of the membrane. Bound water plays a crucial role in proton conduction in both extracellular and cytoplasmic regions, but the means by which the protons move from site to site differ. Proton release to the extracellular surface is through interaction of a hydrogen-bonded chain of identified aspartic acid, arginine, water, and glutamic acid residues with Asp-85, while proton uptake from the cytoplasmic surface utilizes a single aspartic acid, Asp-96, whose protonation state appears to be regulated by the protein conformation dependent hydration of this region. The directionality of the translocation is ensured by the accessibility of the Schiff base to the extracellular and cytoplasmic directions after the retinal is photoisomerized, as well as the changing proton affinities of the acceptor Asp-85 and donor Asp-96.  相似文献   

Addition of azide fully restored the proton pump activity of defective bacteriorhodopsin (BR) mutant protein Asp96----Asn. The decay time of M of BR Asp96----Asn, the longest living intermediate, was decreased from 500 ms at pH 7.0 to approximately 1 ms under conditions of saturating azide concentrations. This decay was faster than the decay of M in the wild-type, where no such azide effect was detectable. Stationary photocurrents, measured with purple membranes immobilized and oriented in a polyacrylamide gel, increased upon addition of azide up to the level of the wild-type. Different small anions of weak acids restored the pump activity with decreasing affinity in the order: cyanate greater than azide greater than nitrite greater than formiate greater than acetate. The activation energy of the M decay in the mutant was higher in the presence (48 kJ/mol) than in the absence (27 kJ/mol) of 100 mM azide even though the absolute rate was dramatically increased by azide. This effect of azide is due to the substitution of a carboxamido group for a carboxylic group at position 96 which removes the internal proton donor and causes an increase in the entropy change of activation for proton transfer which is reversed by azide.  相似文献   

王开彬  吴敏 《生命科学》2002,14(2):77-80
菌紫质(bR)是嗜盐菌紫膜中的唯一蛋白,具有光驱动的质子泵功能,迄今为止对于光循环和质子泵的具体分子机理仍未弄清楚,作者概述了近几年来关于bP质子泵机理的研究进展,介绍了两个较新的模型。  相似文献   

Halobacterium halobium swims by rotating its polarly inserted flagellar bundle. The cells are attracted by green-to-orange light which they can use for photophosphorylation but flee damaging blue or ultraviolet light. It is generally believed that this kind of 'colour vision' is achieved by the combined action of two photoreceptor proteins, sensory rhodopsins-I and -II, that switch in the light the rotational sense of the bundle and in consequence the swimming direction of a cell. By expressing the bacteriorhodopsin gene in a photoreceptor-negative background we have now demonstrated the existence of a proton-motive force sensor (protometer) and the function of bacteriorhodopsin as an additional photoreceptor covering the high intensity range. When the bacteriorhodopsin-generated proton-motive force drops caused by a sudden decrease in light intensity, the cells respond by reversing their swimming direction. This response does not occur when the proton-motive force is saturated by respiration or fermentation.  相似文献   

Structural features on the extracellular side of the D85S mutant of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) suggest that wild-type bR could be a hydroxyl-ion pump. A position between the protonated Schiff base and residue 85 serves as an anion-binding site in the mutant protein, and hydroxyl ions should have access to this site during the O-intermediate of the wild-type bR photocycle. The guanidinium group of R82 is proposed (1) to serve as a shuttle that eliminates the Born energy penalty for entry of an anion into this binding pocket, and conversely, (2) to block the exit of a proton or a related proton carrier.  相似文献   

In order to account for the large variety of kinetic phenomena in the light-induced reactions of bacteriorhodopsin's retinal chromophore (BR), a scheme of parallel photocycles has been proposed [W. Eisfeld, C. Pusch, R. Diller, R. Lohrmann and M. Stockburger, Biochemistry, 32 (1993) 7196-7215]. In the present study an experimental test for the validity of this model is described which is based on the fact that in the alkaline region the longest-living intermediates M(f), M(S) or N in each of the proposed cycles have significantly different lifetimes. A condition for the existence of parallel cycles would be that the population of M(f), M(S) or N is accompanied by a respective depletion of BR in each individual cycle. Dual-beam laser experiments were performed which showed that this condition is fulfilled. It is concluded that those proton transfer steps which are important for the function as a proton pump are the same for all cycles.  相似文献   

Proton translocation activity of bacteriorhodopsin mutants lacking the proton acceptor Asp-85 was investigated using the black lipid membrane technique. Mutants D85N, D85T, and D85,96N were constructed and homologously expressed in Halobacterium salinarium to yield a membrane fraction with a buoyant density of 1.18 g/cm3, i.e., identical to that of wild-type purple membrane. In all mutants, the absorbance maximum was red-shifted between 27 and 49 nm compared with wild type, and the pKa values of the respective Schiff bases were reduced to between 8.3 and 8.9 compared with the value of > 13 in wild type. Therefore, a mixture of chromophores absorbing at 410 nm (deprotonated form) and around 600 nm (protonated form) exists at physiological pH. In continuous blue light, the deprotonated form generates stationary photocurrents. The currents are enhanced by a factor of up to 50 upon addition of azide in D85N and D85,96N mutants, whereas D85T shows no azide effect. The direction of these currents is the same as in wild type in yellow light. Yellow light alone is not sufficient to generate stationary currents in the mutants, but increasing yellow light intensity in the presence of blue light leads to an inversion of the current. Because all currents are carried by protons, this two-photon process demonstrates an inverted proton translocation by BR mutants.  相似文献   

Y Cao  G Váró  M Chang  B F Ni  R Needleman  J K Lanyi 《Biochemistry》1991,30(45):10972-10979
During the M in equilibrium with N----BR reaction sequence in the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle, proton is exchanged between D96 and the Schiff base, and D96 is reprotonated from the cytoplasmic surface. We probed these and the other photocycle reactions with osmotically active solutes and perturbants and found that the M in equilibrium with N reaction is specifically inhibited by withdrawing water from the protein. The N----BR reaction in the wild-type protein and the direct reprotonation of the Schiff base from the cytoplasmic surface in the site-specific mutant D96N are much less affected. Thus, it appears that water is required inside the protein for reactions where a proton is separated from a buried electronegative group, but not for those where the rate-limiting step is the capture of a proton at the protein surface. In the wild type, the largest part of the barrier to Schiff base reprotonation is the enthalpy of separating the proton from D96, which amounts to about 40 kJ/mol. We suggest that in spite of this D96 confers an overall kinetic advantage because when this residue becomes anionic in the N state its electric field near the cytoplasmic surface lowers the free energy barrier of the capture of a proton in the next step. In the D96N protein, the barrier to the M----BR reaction is 20 kJ/mol higher than what would be expected from the rates of the M----N and N----BR partial reactions in the wild type, presumably because this mechanism is not available.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectra have been obtained for the bR----K, bR----L, and bR----M photoreactions in bacteriorhodopsin mutants in which Asp residues 85, 96, 115, and 212 have been replaced by Asn and by Glu. Difference peaks that had previously been attributed to Asp COOH groups on the basis of isotopic labeling were absent or shifted in these mutants. In general, each COOH peak was affected strongly by mutation at only one of the four residues. Thus, it was possible to assign each peak tentatively to a particular Asp. From these assignments, a model for the proton-pumping mechanism of bR is derived, which features proton transfers among Asp-85, -96, and -212, the chromophore Schiff base, and other ionizable groups within the protein. The model can explain the observed COOH peaks in the FTIR difference spectra of bR photointermediates and could also account for other recent results on site-directed mutants of bR.  相似文献   

Photoinduced changes in absorption of the deprotonated M-form in the mutant bacteriorhodopsin without primary proton acceptor Asp-85 were studied and additional evidence in support of the complete transmembrane proton transfer in photocycle was obtained. Measurements of the absorption spectrum were carried out at various pH, temperature, and humidity. The direction of proton transfer was the same as in the normal photocycle of the wild-type bacteriorhodopsin: from the internal to the external side of the membrane. The effect on this process of a terminal acceptor Glu-204 was shown.  相似文献   

Nanosecond-to-microsecond time-resolved Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy in the 3000-1000-cm(-1) region has been used to examine the polarizable proton continua observed in bacteriorhodopsin (bR) during its photocycle. The difference in the transient FTIR spectra in the time domain between 20 ns and 1 ms shows a broad absorption continuum band in the 2100-1800-cm(-1) region, a bleach continuum band in the 2500-2150-cm(-1) region, and a bleach continuum band above 2700 cm(-1). According to Zundel (G., J. Mol. Struct. 322:33-42), these continua appear in systems capable of forming polarizable hydrogen bonds. The formation of a bleach continuum suggests the presence of a polarizable proton in the ground state that changes during the photocycle. The appearance of a transient absorption continuum suggests a change in the polarizable proton or the appearance of new ones. It is found that each continuum has a rise time of less than 80 ns and a decay time component of approximately 300 micros. In addition, it is found that the absorption continuum in the 2100-1800-cm(-1) region has a slow rise component of 190 ns and a fast decay component of approximately 60 micros. Using these results and those of the recent x-ray structural studies of bR(570) and M(412) (H. Luecke, B. Schobert, H.T. Richter, J.-P. Cartailler, and J. K., Science 286:255-260), together with the already known spectroscopic properties of the different intermediates in the photocycle, the possible origins of the polarizable protons giving rise to these continua during the bR photocycle are proposed. Models of the proton pump are discussed in terms of the changes in these polarizable protons and the hydrogen-bonded chains and in terms of previously known results such as the simultaneous deprotonation of the protonated Schiff base (PSB) and Tyr185 and the disappearance of water molecules in the proton release channel during the proton pump process.  相似文献   

Five mol of lysine per mol of bacteriorhodopsin were modified with methylacetimidate. This treatment did not inactivate bacteriorhodopsin but prevented all lysines from subsequent reaction with diazotized sulfanilic acid. This reaction predominantly modified tyrosine 64 and light-induced proton translocation was abolished. Reduction of the mono(p-azobenzene sulfonic acid) tyrosine 64 to the corresponding 3-amino derivative with sodium dithionite led to complete reactivation of the proton translocation activity of bacteriorhodopsin. The relative location of tyrosines 26 and 64 and the COOH terminus on the two surfaces of the purple membrane was determined by incorporation into phospholipid vesicles, subsequent modification, and proteolytic treatment. The results obtained support the models proposed by Engelmann et al. (Engelman, D. M., Henderson, R. McLauchlan, A. D., and Wallace, B. A. (1980) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 77, 2023-2027) and by Ovchinnikov et al. (Ovchinnikov, Yu. A., Abdulaev, N. G., Feigina M. Yu., Kiselev A. V., and Lobanov, N. A. (1979) FEBS Lett. 100, 219-224). Tyrosine 64 is located on the extracellular side of the membrane, whereas tyrosine 26 and the COOH terminus are located on the cytoplasmic side. Because specific nitration of tyrosine 26 also leads to inactivation of bacteriorhodopsin (Lemke, H. D., and Oesterhelt, D. (1981) Eur. J. Biochem. 115, 595-604), the results obtained demonstrate that amino acid residues located on both surfaces of the purple membrane are involved in proton translocation.  相似文献   

Titration of Asp-85, the proton acceptor and part of the counterion in bacteriorhodopsin, over a wide pH range (2-11) leads us to the following conclusions: 1) Asp-85 has a complex titration curve with two values of pKa; in addition to a main transition with pKa = 2.6 it shows a second inflection point at high pH (pKa = 9.7 in 150-mM KCl). This complex titration behavior of Asp-85 is explained by interaction of Asp-85 with an ionizable residue X'. As follows from the fit of the titration curve of Asp-85, deprotonation of X' increases the proton affinity of Asp-85 by shifting its pKa from 2.6 to 7.5. Conversely, protonation of Asp-85 decreases the pKa of X' by 4.9 units, from 9.7 to 4.8. The interaction between Asp-85 and X' has important implications for the mechanism of proton transfer. In the photocycle after the formation of M intermediate (and protonation of Asp-85) the group X' should release a proton. This deprotonated state of X' would stabilize the protonated state of Asp-85.2) Thermal isomerization of the chromophore (dark adaptation) occurs on transient protonation of Asp-85 and formation of the blue membrane. The latter conclusion is based on the observation that the rate constant of dark adaptation is directly proportional to the fraction of blue membrane (in which Asp-85 is protonated) between pH 2 and 11. The rate constant of isomerization is at least 10(4) times faster in the blue membrane than in the purple membrane. The protonated state of Asp-85 probably is important for the catalysis not only of all-trans <=> 13-cis thermal isomerization during dark adaptation but also of the reisomerization of the chromophore from 13-cis to all-trans configuration during N-->O-->bR transition in the photocycle. This would explain why Asp-85 stays protonated in the N and O intermediates.  相似文献   

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