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Xcat mice display X-linked congenital cataracts and are a mouse model for the human X-linked cataract disease Nance Horan syndrome (NHS). The genetic defect in Xcat mice and NHS patients is not known. We isolated and sequenced a BAC contig representing a portion of the Xcat critical region. We combined our sequencing data with the most recent mouse sequence assemblies from both Celera and public databases. The sequence of the 2.2-Mb Xcat critical region was then analyzed for potential Xcat candidate genes. The coding regions of the seven known genes within this area (Rai2, Rbbp7, Ctps2, Calb3, Grpr, Reps2, and Syap1) were sequenced in Xcat mice and no mutations were detected. The expression of Rai2 was quantitatively identical in wild-type and Xcat mutant eyes. These results indicate that the Xcat mutation is within a novel, undiscovered gene.  相似文献   

Primary ciliary dyskinesia: genes, candidate genes and chromosomal regions   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a multisystem disease characterized by recurrent respiratory tract infections, sinusitis, bronchiectasis and male subfertility, associated in about 50% patients with situs inversus totalis (the Kartagener syndrome). The disease phenotype is caused by ultrastructural defects of respiratory cilia and sperm tails. PCD is a heterogenetic disorder, usually inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. So far, mutations in two human genes have been proved to cause the disease. However, the pathogenetics of most PCD cases remains unsolved. In this review, the disease pathomechanism is discussed along with the genes that are or may be involved in the pathogenesis of primary ciliary dyskinesia and the Kartagener syndrome.  相似文献   

Summary Salla disease is an inherited lysosomal storage disorder caused by accumulation of free sialic acid in the lysosomes. Lamp genes, lamp A and lamp B (lysosome associated membrane proteins), are the first known genes encoding for human lysosomal membrane proteins. Absence of linkage in a large group of families shows that lamp genes are not involved in Salla disease. The lamp genes were localized, using Southern hybridization in hamster — human hybrid cell panels, to chromosomes 13 (lamp A) and X (lamp B).  相似文献   

Pycnodysostosis (PKND) is a rare, autosomal recessive skeletal dysplasia, which has been mapped previously to a 4-cM interval between D1S442 to D1S305 at chromosome 1q21. Only D1S498 did not recombine with the disease locus in a large, consanguineous Arab family with PKND. In the present studies, five new Généthon markers (D1S2343, D1S2344, D1S2345, D1S2346, and D1S2347) were tested against DNA from this family and against the Stanford G3 diploid radiation hybrid panel. The results permitted ordering of some loci previously mapped at no recombinant distance: D1S442-D1S2344-(D1S498/ D1S2347)-(D1S2343/D1S2345)-D1S2346-D1S305. The PKND critical region was refined to the 2-cM interval from D1S2344 to D1S2343/D1S2347. In addition, sequence-tagged sites were developed for the two PKND candidate genes, IL6R and MCL1. Use of radiation hybrids revealed that IL6R was tightly linked to D1S305, excluding it from the PKND critical region. MCL1 was most tightly linked to D1S498 and D1S2347, placing it within the critical region. Received: 8 November 1995 / Revised: 12 February 1996  相似文献   

Wickner RB  Leibowitz MJ 《Genetics》1977,87(3):453-469
Yeast strains carrying a double-stranded RNA plasmid of 1.4–1.7 x 106 daltons encapsulated in virus-like particles secrete a toxin that kills strains lacking this plasmid. The plasmid requires at least 24 chromosomal genes (pets, and mak1 through mak23) for its replication or maintenance. We have detected dominant Mendelian mutations (called KRB1 for killer replication bypass) that bypass two chromosomal genes, mak7 and pets, normally needed for plasmid replication. Strains mutant in mak7 and carrying the bypass mutation (mak7–1 KRB1) are isolated as frequent K+R+ sectors of predominantly K-R - segregants from crosses of mak7–1 with a wild-type killer. All KRB1 mutations isolated in this way are inherited as single dominant centromere-linked chromosomal changes. They define a new centromere. KRB1 is not a translational suppressor. KRB1 strains contain a genetically normal killer plasmid and ds RNA species approximately the same in size and amount as do wild-type killers. Bypass of both mak7 and pets by one mutation suggests that these two genes are functionally related.

Two properties of the inheritance of KRB1 indicate an unusually high reversion frequency: (1) Heat or cycloheximide (treatments known to cure strains of the wild-type killer plasmid) readily induce conversion of mak7–1 KRB1 strains from killers to nonkillers with concomitant disappearance of KRB1 as judged by further crosses, and (2) mating two strains of the type mak7–1 KRB1 with each other yields mostly 2 K+R+: 2 K-R- segregation, although the same KRB1 mutation and the same killer plasmid are present in both parents.


Combined lipase deficiency (cld) is a recessive mutation in mice that causes a severe lack of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and hepatic lipase (HL) activities, hyperlipemia, and death within 3 days after birth. Earlier studies showed that inactive LPL and HL were synthesized by cld/cld tissues and that LPL synthesized by cld/cld brown adipocytes was retained in their ER. We report here a study of HL in liver, adrenal, and plasma of normal newborn and cld/cld mice. Immunofluorescence studies showed HL was present in extracellular space, but not in cells, in liver and adrenal of both normal and cld/cld mice. When protein secretion was blocked with monensin, HL was retained intracellularly in liver cell cultures and in incubated adrenal tissues of both groups of mice. These findings demonstrated that HL was synthesized and secreted by liver and adrenal cells in normal newborn and cld/cld mice. HL activities in liver, adrenal, and plasma in cld/cld mice were very low, <8% of that in normal newborn mice, indicating that HL synthesized and secreted by cld/cld cells was inactive. Livers of both normal newborn and cld/cld mice synthesized LPL, but the level of LPL activity in cld/cld liver was very low, <9% of that in normal liver. Immunofluorescence studies showed that LPL was present intracellularly in liver of cld/cld mice, indicating that LPL was synthesized but not secreted by cld/cld liver cells. Immunofluorescent LPL was not found in normal newborn liver cells unless the cells were treated with monensin, thus demonstrating that normal liver cells synthesized and secreted LPL. Livers of both groups of mice contained an unidentified alkaline lipase activity which accounted for 34-54% of alkaline lipase activity in normal and 65% of that in cld/cld livers. Our findings indicate that liver and adrenal cells synthesized and secreted HL in both normal newborn and cld/cld mice, but the lipase was inactive in cld/cld mice. That cld/cld liver cells secreted inactive HL while retaining inactive LPL indicates that these closely related lipases were processed differently.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, mortality from lung cancer has sharply and continuously increased in China, ascending to the first cause of death among all types of cancer. The ability to identify the actual sequence of gene mutations may help doctors determine which mutations lead to precancerous lesions and which produce invasive carcinomas, especially using next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology. In this study, we analyzed the latest lung cancer data in the COSMIC database, in order to find genomic “hotspots” that are frequently mutated in human lung cancer genomes. The results revealed that the most frequently mutated lung cancer genes are EGFR, KRAS and TP53. In recent years, EGFR and KRAS lung cancer test kits have been utilized for detecting lung cancer patients, but they presented many disadvantages, as they proved to be of low sensitivity, labor-intensive and time-consuming. In this study, we constructed a more complete catalogue of lung cancer mutation events including 145 mutated genes. With the genes of this list it may be feasible to develop a NGS kit for lung cancer mutation detection.  相似文献   

Aromatic amino acid hydroxylase (AAAH) genes and insulin-like genes form part of an extensive paralogy region shared by human chromosomes 11 and 12, thought to have arisen by tetraploidy in early vertebrate evolution. Cloning of a complementary DNA (cDNA) for an amphioxus (Branchiostoma floridae) hydroxylase gene (AmphiPAH) allowed us to investigate the ancestry of the human chromosome 11/12 paralogy region. Molecular phylogenetic evidence reveals that AmphiPAH is orthologous to vertebrate phenylalanine (PAH) genes; the implication is that all three vertebrate AAAH genes arose early in metazoan evolution, predating vertebrates. In contrast, our phylogenetic analysis of amphioxus and vertebrate insulin-related gene sequences is consistent with duplication of these genes during early chordate ancestry. The conclusion is that two tightly linked gene families on human chromosomes 11 and 12 were not duplicated coincidentally. We rationalize this paradox by invoking gene loss in the AAAH gene family and conclude that paralogous genes shared by paralogous chromosomes need not have identical evolutionary histories.  相似文献   

张杨  沈晓沛  王靖  朱晶  郭政 《生物信息学》2011,9(3):217-219,223
癌是一种涉及多基因变异的遗传异质性疾病,涉及多种生物学功能通路中不同基因的遗传变异。因此,识别癌基因是一项富有挑战性的工作。提出通过寻找在癌样本中突变显著共发生的基因筛选候选癌基因的方法。应用该方法,通过分析蛋白激酶基因在癌组织中的突变谱数据,发现了167个显著共发生突变的基因对,包含85个基因。分析这167个基因对发现:(1)发生共突变的基因富集已知的癌基因;(2)共突变基因对倾向于共扰动与癌症相关的通路对。以上结果提示,在癌样本中显著共发生突变的基因倾向于候选癌基因;在癌发生过程中起重要作用的基因倾向于协同扰动不同的癌相关细胞生物学过程。  相似文献   

The Acetobacter diazotrophicus nifA gene was isolated by its ability to restore a Nif+ phenotype to a nifA mutant of Azotobacter vinelandii. Sequencing revealed that the nifA gene was upstream and adjacent to the nifB gene and both are transcribed in the same direction but independently from different promoters. The 3′ end of the nifB gene was located approximately 2.5 kb upstream of the nitrogenase structural gene cluster, nifHDK. The deduced amino acid sequences of the A. diazotrophicus nifA and nifB gene products were most similar to the NifA and NifB proteins of Azorhizobium caulinodans and Rhodobacter capsulatus, respectively. A. diazotrophicus nifA expression was repressed in cultures exposed to high levels of ammonium while oxygen apparently had no influence. Both oxygen and ammonium prevented expression of a nifB-reporter strain, consistent with the observation that ammonium repressed nifA expression, and indicating that A. diazotrophicus NifA activity is inhibited by oxygen as in other Proteobacterial α group diazotrophs.  相似文献   

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