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Bile pigments, including bilirubin and biliverdin, are endogenous compounds belonging to the porphyrin family of molecules. In the past, bile pigments and bilirubin in particular were thought of as useless by-products of heme catabolism that can be toxic if they accumulate. However, in the past 20 years, research probing the physiological relevance of bile pigments has been mounting, with evidence to suggest bile pigments possess significant antioxidant and anti-mutagenic properties. More specifically, bile pigments are potent peroxyl radical scavengers and inhibit the mutagenic effects of a number of classes of mutagens (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, heterocyclic amines, oxidants). Coincidentally, persons with elevated circulating bilirubin concentrations have a reduced prevalence of cancer and cardio-vascular disease. Despite the encouraging in vitro anti-mutagenic effects of bile pigments, relatively little research has been conducted on their inhibitory capacity in bacterial and cultured cell assays of mutation, which might link the existing in vitro and in vivo observations. This is the first review to summarise the published data and it is our hope it will stimulate further research on these potentially preventative compounds.  相似文献   

The semireduced, semioxidized, and OH(.)-adduct radicals of bilirubin (BR) and biliverdin (BV) have been characterized using pulse radiolysis techniques. Laser flash photolysis (265-nm) of these pigments led to monophotonic photoionization with quantum yields of 0.08 for BR and 0.03 for BV. No evidence for triplet formation or for photoisomerization was found after 265-nm laser excitation. However, 347-nm excitation of BR in chloroform led to simultaneous photoisomerization and radical formation, but the radicals are thought to have originated from a pathway other than photoionization. The relevance of these observations to BR photoreactivity is discussed. BR radical ions in alkaline solution did not react with tryptophan (TrpH), but the semioxidized TrpH radical oxidized BR with k = 4.3 X 10(8) dm3 mole-1 sec-1. When human serum albumin (HSA) was oxidized using radiolytically generated azide radicals, a radical transformation involving TrpH and TyrOH residues occurred with k = 3.8 X 10(3) sec-1. When BR was complexed with the protein the transformation rate was reduced to 1.6 X 10(3) sec-1. This was interpreted in terms of a conformational change in the protein. Identification of the probable residues involved provided information about the primary BR binding site which was consistent with an earlier report.  相似文献   

The reversible denaturation and reduction with dithionite has been studied for the phycobiliproteins, C-phycocyanin (1) and allophycocyanin (2) from Spirulina platensis, and C-phycoerythrin (4) from Fremyella diplosiphon (both cyanobacteria). By treatment with sodium dithionite, the chromophores are selectively reduced at the central (C-10) methine bridge, producing pigments with bilirubinoid (lambda max = 418 nm from 1 and 2), and vinylpyrroloc (lambda max= 300 nm from 4) chromophores. The extent of reduction is dependent on the state of the protein. The chromophores of denatured biliproteins are completely reduced at 0.5 mM dithionite. In the native pigments, dithionite concentrations up to 0.5 mM lead only to partial reduction, thus forming products containing both reduced and oxidized chromophores (e.g. "phycocyanorubins" from 1 and 2). The reduction is non-statistical with respect to the different chromophores present in 1 and 4, the chromophores absorbing at shorter wavelengths being preferentially reduced. Renaturation of the proteins containing reduced chromophores is accompanied by their reoxidation. This oxidation is complete in the absence of dithionite or at concentrations up to 0.5 mM. At higher dithionite concentrations, the reoxidation is incomplete, and the products are spectroscopically identical to those obtained by reduction of the native pigments at similar concentrations of reductant. The results are interpreted by a model in which the protein is "transparent" to the reducing agent, dithionite. The difference in the extent of reduction of the native and denatured pigments can only be due to thermodynamic (viz. stability) differences in the susceptibility of the chromophores to reduction. Specifically, the (extended) chromophore present in the native pigment is much more difficult to reduce than the chromophore (present in a cyclic conformation) in the denatured pigment. The energetics of the process of refolding both the protein and the chromophores are discussed.  相似文献   

Separation of the bile pigments of serum,bile and urine   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文

Effect of the infusion of glycodeoxycholate (GDC), taurocholate (TC) and dehydrocholate (DHC) on bile flow and on bile salt, biliary lipid and bile pigment secretion, has been studied in pentobarbital-anesthetized rabbits. GDC increased bile flow the most, while DHC increased it more than TC. The different choleretic actions of these bile salts cannot be explained by means of variations in their capacity to form micelles. Only GDC and TC were able to stimulate biliary lipid secretion, which suggests that both bile salts increase the formation of mixed micelles. GDC and TC to a lesser extent increased bile pigment excretion, DHC being without effect. These results favour the hypothesis that micellar binding could be an important factor responsible for the effect of bile acids on bile pigment excretion and should not be completely ruled out.  相似文献   

Amides obtained by the condensation of some bile acid chlorides with 2-amino-2-methyl-l-propanol on cyclization yield bile acid oxazolines. Physical properties of these bile acid derivatives are described. Some of the oxazolines are non-toxic and are inhibitors of 7-dehydroxylaseactivity in fecal anaerobic bacteria and purified enzymes from these bacteria.  相似文献   

A method for improving the assay of beta-glucuronidase in hepatic and gallbladder bile is described. The method uses ion-pair extraction with N,N,N-triheptyl-1-heptanaminium bromide to remove pigments and bile acids. Conjugated bilirubin, unconjugated bilirubin, and taurine and glycine conjugates of deoxycholic and chenodeoxycholic acids are extracted efficiently from bile by the procedure. The sensitivity of the spectrophotometric assay of beta-glucuronidase in bile using phenolphthalein glucuronide is increased significantly.  相似文献   

Treatment of cobalt-substituted haemoglobin and myoglobin with ascorbate and molecular O2 (coupled oxidation) resulted in biliverdin formation from the cobalt(II) derivatives but not from the cobalt(III) derivatives. This was apparently due to the inability of ascorbate to reduce cobalt(III) haemoproteins. Isomer analysis of the biliverdins produced from coupled oxidation of cobalt(II) oxyhaemoglobin suggested that the orientation of the cobalt protoporphyrin IX in the haem pocket differed slightly from that of the haem in native haemoglobin.  相似文献   

Bile acid derivatives have been prepared by reaction of their mixed anhydrides with diaminoethane. The new compounds have side chains modified by amide bond formation which extends the side chain by two carbon atoms and terminates in a primary amino group. Important properties of the new compounds are their solubility in acid, and their ability to act as nucleophiles in the carbodiimide reaction or mixed anhydride reaction. The derivatives have been used to prepare high molar ratio immunogens with bovine serum albumin and to prepare I labelled ligands for radioimmunoassay  相似文献   

The carotenoids found in adult kite swallowtails ( Graphium spp.) and the Danaid glassy tigers ( Ideopsis, Tirumala and Parantica ), butterflies with exposed blue/green pigmented wing membranes (which contain pterobilins) and a modified scale vestiture, were compared with those of related species of Papilios and Danaids with concealed wing membranes an an entire scale vestiture. It was found that both the kite swallowtails contained only lutein, and even lacked β-carotene, the first known instance among butterflies. This was presumably due to selective storage by the larva since the food-plant was found to be rich in varied carotenoids. A possible link between the high concentration of pterobilins in the wing membrane and the lack of carotenoids is discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the potential pro- and anti-mutagenic effects of endogenous bile pigments unconjugated bilirubin (BR), biliverdin (BV) and a synthetic, water soluble conjugate, bilirubin ditaurate (BRT) in the Ames Salmonella test. The bile pigments were tested over a wide concentration range (0.01-2 micromol/plate) in the presence of three bacterial strains (TA98, TA100, TA102). A variety of mutagens including benzo[alpha]pyrene (B[alpha]P), 2,4,7 trinitrofluorenone (TNFone), 2-aminofluorene (2-AF), sodium azide (NaN(3)) and tertiary-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BuOOH), were used to promote the formation of mutant revertants. Tests were conducted with (B[alpha]P, 2-AF, t-BuOOH) and without (TNFone, NaN(3), t-BuOOH) metabolic activation incorporating the addition of the microsomal liver preparation, S9. The bile pigments alone did not induce mutagenicity in any of the strains tested (p>0.05). Anti-mutagenic effects of the bile pigments were observed in the presence of all mutagens except for NaN(3) and the anti-mutagenic effects appeared independent of the strain tested. For TNFone induced genotoxicity, the order of effectiveness was BR> or =BRT>BV. However, the order was BV> or =BRT> or =BR for 2-AF. Antioxidant testing in the TA102 strain revealed bile pigments could effectively inhibit the genotoxic effect of t-BuOOH induced oxidative stress. The apparent antioxidant and anti-mutagenic behaviour of bile pigments further suggests their presence in biological systems is of possible physiological importance.  相似文献   

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