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Grindelia coronensis, a new species from the Meseta del Somuncura, Prov. Río Negro, Argentina, is described and illustrated. It is similar toG. chiloensis (Cornel.) Cabrera but it is readily distinguished by its leaves which are conspicuosly differentiated into a obovate blade and a long petiole.  相似文献   

Johnsson  R. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,(1):427-430
A new species of Acontiophorus belonging to the family Asterocheridae was found in Ushuaia, Patagonia, southern Argentina. The new species is distinctive in having 9-segmented antennule, five setae on terminal endopodal segment of leg 1, seven elements on terminal segment of leg 1 and leg 4 exopods, and characteristic setation on maxillule lobes. This combination of characteristic features does not occur in any other species of the genus. The genus Acontiophorus is recorded for the first time from the South Atlantic.  相似文献   

Nine species of Lippia (Verbenaceae) were studied by RAPD markers in order to evaluate the degree of genetic diversity. The following species were collected at the Cadeia do Espinhaço Mountains, Southeast Brazil: L. corymbosa, L. diamantinensis, L. filifolia, L. florida, L. hermannioides, L. lupulina, L. rotundifolia, L. rosella and L. sidoides. The analysis was performed using 18 primers that generated 490 fragments and only one primer was found to be monomorphic in all individuals. The average interspecific genetic distances were similar for all species and higher than the intraspecific genetic distances. Species with narrow occurrence did not show low intraspecific diversity. The molecular data were used to generate an UPGMA dendrogram that showed two major groups with a clear distribution among the species. RAPD analysis was efficient to address the genetic diversity of Lippia species and contributed to understand the adaptation to the environment, conservation and taxonomic implications.  相似文献   

康云  张明理 《广西植物》2017,37(2):225-227
原簇毛黄耆亚属的部分种类从黄耆属中分出,在此基础上恢复了膨果豆属,由此也产生了许多新组合。其中,新组合蒺藜叶膨果豆包含了原蒺藜叶黄耆和甘青黄耆。为验证该分类处理的合理性,该文统计分析了蒺藜叶黄耆和甘青黄耆在果实形态上的差异,同时比较了二者的地理分布式样。结果表明:甘青黄耆和蒺藜叶黄耆之间存在着明显区别,甘青黄耆种级的分类学地位应予以保留,新组合为甘青膨果豆[Phyllolobium tangutica(Batalin)Y.Kang M.L.Zhang]。  相似文献   

No species of the genus Diacyclops has been so far cited from continental Argentina. Specimens collected from a roadside pool in the province of Catamarca on a plateau at 3700 m a.s.l. turned out to belong to a new species, Diacyclops andinus, which is described and illustrated in detail for both sexes. Main diagnostic features are: spine formula of swimming legs 3, 4, 4, 4; terminal spines of the distal endopod segment of leg 4 subequal; smooth furcal rami. The new species is a member of the D. bicuspidatus group, and is probably near the base of this line.  相似文献   

A review of the Argentinean specimens ofHaplopappus Cass. has revealed two new species from Mendoza province, both of the sectionHaplopappus:H. boelkei, unique by its caespitose habit and long petiolate leaves, andH. mendocinus, related toH. macrocephalus (Less.) DC.,H. ochagavianus Phil. andH. tiltilensis Phil.  相似文献   

Solanum homalospermum (Solanum subgen.Leptostemonum) is described and illustrated from central Argentina.Solanum homalospermum is characterized by having heteromorphic gynoecia, strongly flattened seeds, unequal anthers, and gemmiferous roots.  相似文献   

Carlos Parra-O 《Brittonia》2000,52(4):320-324
Morella chevalieri is described as new and is illustrated; it grows in the Andes in northern Argentina and southern and central Bolivia. A key that differentiates this new species from the monoeciousMyrica pubescens is presented. The dioecious Morella chevalieri is characterized by the following: leaf blade elliptic to narrowly elliptic, margin serrate (at least in the distal 2/3); staminate flowers with one or no secondary bracts (if present, linear or band-shaped) and secondary bracts in the pistillate flower 2–3 (seldom 4).
Resumen  Se describe e ilustra aMorella chevalieri como nueva especie; se distribuye en los Andes de la parte norte de Argentina y de las partes sur y central de Bolivia. Se presenta una clave que diferencia a esta nueva especie de la monóicaMyrica pubescens. La dióica Morella chevalieri se reconoce por los siguientes caracteres: lámina de la hoja elíptica o angostamente elíptica, margen aserrada (al menos en las dos terceras partes distales); flores estaminadas sin o con una bráctea secundaria (esta con forma linear o acintada) y brácteas secundarias de la flores pistiladas de 2 a 3 (raramente 4).

Dalea pseudocorymbosa is described from the western part of the state of Durango, Mexico. It is referred to Dalea subgenus Parosela section Parosela series Psoraleoides. It is morphologically most similar to Dalea tomentosa var. mota but is distinguished from it by characters of the leaf, inflorescence, and flower.
Resumen   Dalea pseudocorymbosa es descrita de la parte oeste del estado de Durango, México. Pertenece al subgénero Parosela sección Parosela serie Psoraleoides. Es morfológicamente muy similar a Dalea tomentosa var. mota pero se distingue de esta por sus caracteres de hoja, inflorescencia y flores.

Zapoteca quichoi, a new species endemic to southern Tabasco, Mexico, is described and illustrated. This species exhibits morphological characteristics that place it within subgenus Amazonica, together with Z. amazonica and Z. microcephala, from Peru and Colombia, respectively.
Resumen  Se describe e ilustra Zapoteca quichoi (Leguminosae, Mimosoideae), una nueva especie de Tabasco, México. Esta especie exhibe características morfológicas que la ubican dentro del subgénero Amazonica, junto con Z. amazonica y Z. microcephala, especies nativas de Perú y Colombia respectivamente.

The Japanese kelp Undaria pinnatifida was found on 7th September 2005 in Ría Deseado (Santa Cruz, Argentina). This invasive algae was registered from the lower intertidal to the upper levels of the subtidal zone. The sporophytes were fixed to slabs, gravel and rocks of variable sizes and were also present as epibionts of tunicates. The sporophytes total length ranged between 3 and 88 cm, with a mean of 28.75 cm in the intertidal and 38.3 cm in the subtidal. The density and biomass increased from the intertidal to the subtidal. The kelp population showed a higher number of small immature individuals in the intertidal than␣subtidal where the organisms were bigger and with more individual biomass. This first record of U. pinnatifida in Southern Patagonia extends its southern distribution limit in Argentina, showing progressive expansion in the southwestern Atlantic. More surveys must be conducted to understand the evolution of U. pinnatifida invasion and its impact on the native benthic community.  相似文献   

Lonchocarpus castaneifolius, L. grazielae, L. longiunguiculatus, and L. montanus from Brazil are described and illustrated based on field and herbarium studies. The first species belongs to Lonchocarpus sect. Punctati and is restricted to northeastern Brazil (Bahia state). The other three are included in sect. Laxiflori. Lonchocarpus grazielae is restricted to the southern coastal region (Santa Catarina state), L. montanus is found in northeastern Brazil (Bahia and Piauí states), the west-central region (Goiás and Tocantins states) and the southeast (Minas Gerais state), and L. longiunguiculatus occurs in northeastern (Bahia state) and southeastern (Minas Gerais state) Brazil.  相似文献   

Amphicypris argentinensis sp. nov., is described and illustrated from Laguna Caliba, an ephemeral fresh water lake from the southern coast of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Specimens were raised from dried sediment recovered from a bank of ostracod shells found at the edges of the lake. Deposition of progressively smaller ostracod valves stacked one into another (cup-in-cup structure) is documented. The geographical distribution and ecology of the genus is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Astragalus mario-sousae is described from the central part of state of Nuevo León, Mexico. It differs fromAstragalus esperanzae by its habit, peduncles, pedicels, and fruits.
Resumen   Astragalus mario-sousae (Fabaceae: Galegeae), a new species from northeastern Mexico. Brittonia 57: 314–319. 2005.—Astragalus mario-sousae es propuesta como especie nueva. Se conoce solo de la porción central del estado mexicano de Nuevo León. Se presentan una descripción e ilustración. Difiere deAstragalus esperanzae por su hábito erecto, pedúnculos, pedicelos y frutos más cortos.

The kelp Undaria pinnatifida(Phaeophyceae) is a seaweed native to northeast Asia, but during the last two decades, it has been accidentally or intentionally introduced in several temperate coasts worldwide. In central Patagonia (Argentina), this species was first detected in late 1992, and it is progressively spreading from the point of introduction. Through a manipulative experiment involving Undaria removal in 2001, we found that its presence is associated with a dramatic decrease in species richness and diversity of native seaweeds in Nuevo Gulf. Future prospects are worrisome, as, in addition to the negative impact from a biodiversity viewpoint, native commercial macroalgae and invertebrates might also be affected.  相似文献   

Three new species of Swartzieae are described and illustrated:Swartzia alternifoliolata, S. capixabensis, andZollernia cowanii. Swartzia apetala var.blanchetii and var.subcordata are considered to be synonyms ofS. apetala var.apetala, andS. grazielana a synonym ofS. macrostachya var.macrostachya. Keys to southeastern Brazil members ofSwartzia andZollernia are provided.  相似文献   

Seedling morphology was studied in 22 species ofLespedeza, of which six belong to subgenusMacroles-pedeza and 16 to subgenusLespedeza. Two seedling types were recognized: 1) those with opposite leaves at the first node; 2) those having the first and subsequent leaves alternate. The two types are distinguished in the number of leaf primordia in the plumule of the seed: the opposite type has two leaf primordia, but the alternate type has only one primordium. Most species exhibited one of the two types, but rarely both types were observed in several species. In species having two types, one type always far outnumbers the other. The opposite type was common in Asian species, while the alternate type was common in North American ones. Because seedlings are of the opposite type inKummerowia which is the most closely related genus withLespdeza, the alternate type is considered to be apomorphic inLespedeza. The apomorphic seedling morphology is, there-fore, dominantly occurred in North American species ofLespedeza. This fact may be an evidence which suggests a monophyletic origin for North American species from an Asian ancesfor.  相似文献   

Juan C. Paggi 《Hydrobiologia》1996,319(2):137-147
Daphnia (Ctenodaphnia) menucoensis n. sp. is described from various localities in arid and semiarid Argentina. D. menucoensis has no ocellus, and a characteristic head, fornices, ephippium and denticular arrangement of postabdomen in females and males. The species belongs to a group, along with D. mediterranea, D. dolichocephala Negrea 1984, and D. salina, sharing ecological and morphological characteristics.  相似文献   

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