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鸡卵黄免疫球蛋白研究动态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
钟青萍  杨荣鉴 《生命科学》1998,10(5):252-254
当用某种抗原免疫产卵母鸡时,鸡可产生相应的鸡卵黄免疫球蛋白(IgY)储存于卵黄中。母鸡经免疫应答后,可从其不断产出的鸡卵的卵黄中得到大量的、均一的、高效价的IgY。IgY类似于哺乳动物的IgG,但又有其独特的优点。近年来国外对IgY的研究比较活跃。本文对IgY的特点、制备提纯及其在检测诊断上和疾病防治方面的应用作了较详细的论述。可以预见,随着研究的进一步深入,IgY的应用将不断扩大。  相似文献   

目的 考察乙型肝炎人免疫球蛋白的稳定性.方法 对乙型肝炎人免疫球蛋白成品进行(25±2)℃条件下为期6个月的加速稳定性试验和(6±2)℃条件下为期4年的长期稳定性试验,对考察的制品按2010版《中国药典》三部进行全面检测,检测其抗-HBs效价、蛋白质含量、纯度、pH值、分子质量大小分布(单体+二聚体)、麦芽糖含量、甘氨酸、无菌检查、异常毒性检查、热稳定性试验、热原检查、外观检查、鉴别试验等质量指标,用t检验分析各质量指标检测数据的变化趋势.结果 乙型肝炎人免疫球蛋白制品在进行加速试验后,单体+二聚体、抗-HBs效价值都有下降趋势.在进行长期试验后,除单体+二聚体有所下降趋势之外,其他各项质量指标的变化均无统计学意义.结论 乙型肝炎人免疫球蛋白的稳定性良好,在进行6个月的加速破坏性试验和4年的长期稳定性试验后,其质量仍能符合2010版《中国药典》三部的规定要求.  相似文献   

本文介绍了近年来免疫球蛋白(Ig)基因的分子生物学研宄概况。其中包括抗体的多样性产生机制与Ig基因家族成员重排、拼接和体细胞突变的关系,Ig重链类别转换与其恒定区基因上游的S序列间重组的关系,还有Ig启动子和增强子对Ig基因在B细胞中特异性转录的调控作用。最后简要概述了Ig超基因家族和其分子进化研究以及Ig的基因和发育工程研究状况。  相似文献   

采用先进的生物工程技术或分离技术制备的以健康人血浆为原料的静注人免疫球蛋白,是治疗原发性免疫缺乏症、继发性免疫缺陷病、自身免疫性疾病(如川崎病、特发性血小板减少性紫癜)的有效药物,有着其它药品不可替代的作用。近年来,随着临床适应症的不断增加和新技术的应用,静注人免疫球蛋白的需求量在血浆蛋白制品中一直保持高增长的势头,这种倾向仍在继续。本文就静注人免疫球蛋白的研究与应用进展作一简要综述。  相似文献   

<正>许多静注免疫球蛋白(IVIG)制品有传染输血后肝炎(PTH)的记录而肌肉注射免疫球蛋白(IMIG)却有良好的病毒安全性记录,在许多IVIG制备过程中。血浆首先被低温乙醇法分离,该法也用于制备常规的IMIG。尽管如此,IMIG与IVIG的制备在分离过程的结尾即乙醇的去除方法上有所不同:Cohn乙醇法(IMIG)中通常使用冻干法,而在IVIG的生产中却使用了凝胶过滤或透析过滤法。此外,通过使用如胃蛋白酶或PEG处理的生产工艺去除IVIG中的聚合免疫球蛋白。使用胃蛋白酶和  相似文献   

流行性出血热免疫球蛋白的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首次报告采用纯化灭活流行性出血热(EHF)Ⅰ型疫苗免疫健康献血员,采集EHF抗体高滴度的血浆,用低温乙醇法及盐析法分离纯化三批EHF免疫球蛋白。结果表明:(1)采用0,1,3,4(月)或0,1,4,5(月)免疫程序,疫苗剂量1~2ml(0.15~0.30mg蛋白),受免献血员血清平均抗体滴度可达1∶406(ELISA)或1∶112(RPHI)。(2)通过生化检定,三批制品的电泳纯度为97.05%,96.84%,99.26%;IgG单体和二聚体含量为89.55%,91.30%和98.21%。(3)用空斑抑制中和试验及免疫印染试验证明所纯化的免疫球蛋白具有抗EHF病毒特异性。(4)三批EHF免疫球蛋白的效价测定,结果为ELISA滴度≥1∶512,RPHI滴度≥1∶1024,PRNT(中和抗体)滴度1∶40。按16%蛋白计,EHF免疫球蛋白的效价可达原料血浆的10倍以上。(5)无菌、安全、毒性及热原质试验检定结果,全部通过《中国生物制品规程》要求。  相似文献   

鲤鱼皮肤粘液与血清中免疫球蛋白的比较研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
鱼类是比较低等的脊椎动物,它的免疫机理远不如哺乳类和鸟类完善,其血清中存在的免疫球蛋白主要是IgM。除此之外,在某些鱼类的皮肤粘液中也发现有大量的免疫球蛋白,它们在鱼类的免疫中起着相当重要的作用。人们已经从羊头鲷(Archosargusprobato...  相似文献   

适应性免疫一直被认为是脊椎动物特有的免疫机制,然而近年来许多研究表明 ,无脊椎动物体内也存在许多在结构或功能上与脊椎动物适应性免疫分子类似的免 疫成分. 免疫球蛋白超家族是适应性免疫的重要组成部分,本文主要综述近年来关 于水生无脊椎动物中肌联蛋白、唐氏综合症细胞黏着分子、特异性凝集素、几丁质 结合蛋白和185/133基因家族以及含有V和C结构域的蛋白等免疫球蛋白超家族成员研 究进展,这有助于深入理解无脊椎动物的免疫系统并揭示脊椎动物适应性免疫起源 与进化.  相似文献   

加热灭活病毒的静脉注射免疫球蛋白的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>静脉注射免疫球蛋白(IVIG)的研究已有30多年的历史,能够大量供临床应用还是近十几年的事情。自1987年以来,我国的IVIG研究发展很快,已有较大规模生产条件问世,并已在加紧研究灭活病毒的新工艺。IVIG的出现,为需要大剂量注射免疫球蛋白的病人带来了许多好处和方便。但随之也不断出现因输注IVIG而发生非甲非乙肝炎的报导。近年来,日本学者致力于灭活病毒的IVIG-IH生产研究,并取得了成功。我有幸在1991年春赴日学习该技术,在导师指导下进行了VIG的提取及质量分析研究,现将结果介绍如下:  相似文献   

对鲁豫皖三省主要液体奶生产企业的液体奶产品进行了检验 ,初步了解了三省液体奶的质量状况。  相似文献   

Milk, as the sole source of nutrition for the newborn mammal, provides the necessary nutrients and energy for offspring growth and development. It also contains a vast number of bioactive compounds that greatly affect the development of the neonate. The analysis of milk components will help elucidate key factors that link maternal metabolism and health with offspring growth and development. The laboratory rat represents a popular model organism for maternal studies, and rat milk can be used to examine the effect of various maternal physiological, nutritional, and pharmacological interventions on milk components, which may then impact offspring health. Here a simple method of manually collecting milk from the lactating rat that can be performed by a single investigator, does not require specialized vacuum or suction equipment, and provides sufficient milk for subsequent downstream analysis is described. A method for estimating the fat content of milk by measuring the percentage of cream within the milk sample, known as the creamatocrit, is also presented. These methods can ultimately be used to increase insight into maternal-child health and to elucidate maternal factors that are involved in proper growth and development of offspring.  相似文献   

干热处理法对人免疫球蛋白某些特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人免疫球蛋白制品以蔗糖为热稳定剂经60℃80小时和72℃80小时干热处理后理化性质的改变结果表明,60℃80小时干热处理后IgG各成份相对含量,重新溶解后外观等结果与干热处理前基本相同,经选择不同种类糖作热稳定剂比较,以7-8%蔗糖浓度稳定效果较好  相似文献   

To assess the ability of immunoglobulin production in vivo, we enumerated the immunoglobulin secreting cells in the peripheral blood of patients with an IgA deficiency and of those with hyper-IgAemia. All seven patients with primary IgA deficiency and two of the three patients with secondary IgA deficiency had low numbers of IgA secreting cells. In all five patients with hyper-IgA the number of IgA secreting cells was increased. Our results suggest that measurement of immunoglobulin secreting cells in PBMCs is useful in the assessment of ability of immunoglobulin production in vivo.Abbreviations PBMCs peripheral blood mononuclear cells - MEM minimum essential medium - PFC plaque forming cells - VH immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region - CH immunoglobulin heavy chain constant region  相似文献   

The ongoing interest in the interrelationships of Jewish populations justifies inclusion of the immunoglobulin allotypes in an ethnohistorical analysis. A total of 2,184 serum specimens obtained from unrelated Israeli Jewish and self-identified Milwaukee, WI, Jewish blood donors were classified as Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Asiatic, or North African and tested for G1m (a, x, z, and f), G3m (b0, b1, b3, b5, g), A2m (1 and 2), and Km (1). Selected sera were also tested for G3m (s, t, c3, c5). The estimated maximum likelihood Gm-Am haplotype frequencies were used in a heterogeneity chi-square analysis. The results indicate that there is less heterogeneity within Jewish populations from Europe, Middle East, and North Africa than in corresponding non-Jewish populations representing the same geographical areas. In order to avoid the hazards of a univariate focus, previously published data were incorporated into two additional analyses: 15 populations with information on 16 genetic loci and 24 populations with information on five genetic loci. Both sets of data were analyzed using principal-components and cluster analysis. In both sets of analyses, with the exception of the Yemenite Jews, Jewish populations grouped together. These analyses support the belief that Jewish populations appear to be derived from a common gene pool, and there has been some genetic drift and minimal gene flow with surrounding populations.  相似文献   

The mammalian gastrointestinal (GI) tract harbors a diverse population of commensal species collectively known as the microbiota, which interact continuously with the host. From very early in life, secretory IgA (SIgA) is found in association with intestinal bacteria. It is considered that this helps to ensure self-limiting growth of the microbiota and hence participates in symbiosis. However, the importance of this association in contributing to the mechanisms ensuring natural host-microorganism communication is in need of further investigation. In the present work, we examined the possible role of SIgA in the transport of commensal bacteria across the GI epithelium. Using an intestinal loop mouse model and fluorescently labeled bacteria, we found that entry of commensal bacteria in Peyer''s patches (PP) via the M cell pathway was mediated by their association with SIgA. Preassociation of bacteria with nonspecific SIgA increased their dynamics of entry and restored the reduced transport observed in germ-free mice known to have a marked reduction in intestinal SIgA production. Selective SIgA-mediated targeting of bacteria is restricted to the tolerogenic CD11c+CD11b+CD8 dendritic cell subset located in the subepithelial dome region of PPs, confirming that the host is not ignorant of its resident commensals. In conclusion, our work supports the concept that SIgA-mediated monitoring of commensal bacteria targeting dendritic cells in the subepithelial dome region of PPs represents a mechanism whereby the host mucosal immune system controls the continuous dialogue between the host and commensal bacteria.  相似文献   

Summary Genomic DNA from 18 phylogenetically diverse species of bony fish was hybridized with probes specific for the channel catfish immunoglobulin heavy chain constant (CH) gene, as well as with immunoglobulin heavy chain variable (VH) probes specific for five channel catfish VH gene families. The results showed that CH probes strongly hybridized only to genomic fragments from other catfish species. In contrast, restricted DNA from most other species hybridized with at least two channel catfish VH probes. In those species whose DNA hybridized with multiple VH probes, the restriction pattern of hybridizing fragments was probe-dependent. These studies suggest that (1) the CH gene defined in channel catfish appears to share similarity only with CH genes in other catfish species, (2) families of VH genes appear to have diverged in early phylogenetic lineages of teleosts, and (3) VH genes similar to those defined in catfish appear to be widely represented in phylogenetically diverse species of teleosts.  相似文献   

免疫球蛋白缓释微囊的制备、结构表征与性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微囊化是实现生物药物制剂缓控释放的最重要方法之一。以乙基纤维素(EC)为囊材,采用物理化学方法制备了免疫球蛋白乙基纤维素微囊。用扫描电镜(SEM)考察了微囊的孔结构和形貌特征,并通过体外溶出实验考察了微囊的缓释效果。结果表明,在给定制备条件下制得的微囊圆整度好,孔径分布范围较窄,在模拟条件下具有良好的缓释性能。微囊最佳制备工艺条件如下:囊心囊材比2.5∶1,30℃下反应6h,搅拌速率250r/min,吐温80用量8ml。  相似文献   

目的:探讨重症肌无力患者采用免疫球蛋白治疗的最佳剂量。方法:选择2007年8月到2014年11月在我院收治的174例重症肌无力患者,随机分为ACS组、小剂量IgG组和大剂量IgG组,分别每日静脉滴注15 mg肾上腺素、250 mg免疫球蛋白和500 mg免疫球蛋白进行治疗,对比三组的临床疗效、住院时间和呼吸机辅助时间。结果:经过治疗后,小剂量IgG组与ACS组总有效率无显著性差异(P0.05);大剂量IgG组总有效率明显高于小剂量IgG组和ACS组,具有显著性差异(P0.05);大剂量IgG组患者的住院时间和呼吸机辅助时间均明显少于ACS组和小剂量IgG组,具有显著性差异(P0.05)。结论:500 mg免疫球蛋白静脉滴注临治疗重症肌无力,临床疗效显著,能明显缩短患者的住院时间和呼吸机辅助时间,值得在临床上推广。  相似文献   

韩蕴卿  景雪薇  刘玉田  刘艳芬  李慧 《生物磁学》2013,(35):6942-6944,6997
目的:探讨中性粒细胞明胶酶相关脂质运载蛋白、胱抑素C和免疫球蛋白水平检测在儿童过敏性紫癜(HSP)早期肾损害诊断中的应用价值及相关性。方法:将60患儿分为HSP普通型组30例、HSP肾型组30例,另随机选择同期门诊体检儿童60例为对照组,检测受试者血浆NGAL、尿胱抑素和免疫球蛋白(IgA、IgM、IgG)的水平。结果:3组患儿NGAL、胱抑素C和IgA水平比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);3组IgM、IgG之间比较,差异无统计学意3k(P〉0.05)。HSP肾型组较NGAL、胱抑素c和IgA含量高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(x。122.4,28.3,19.7,P〈0.05);HSP肾型组NGAL、胱抑素C和Iga含量高于HSP普通型组,差异有统计学意义(x^2=25.7,32.6,22.1,P〈0.05)。NGAL与胱抑素C呈正相关(r=12.36,P〈0.05);NGAL与IgA呈正相关(r=17.01,P〈0.05);胱抑素C与IgA呈正相关(r=22.25,P〈0.05)。结论:NGAL、胱抑素和免疫球蛋白水平对于HSP的诊断具有一定的价值,尤其对患儿肾功能早期损害的诊断,早期联合检测三者的水平,适时地给予预防性治疗,对保护HSP患儿的脏器功能、改善预后具有重要的临床意义。  相似文献   

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