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Functional and Structural Responses of a Degradative Microbial Community to Substrates with Varying Degrees of Complexity in Chemical Structure 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Abstract The objective of the present study was to determine whether cultivation of a degradative community on substrates with varying degrees of chlorination and complexity in chemical structure, as well as cultivation in batch and flow cell culture, would alter the community's functional capability. The community was isolated from oil-contaminated soil and maintained in the laboratory on 2,4,6-trichlorobenzoic acid for 5 months before its ability to grow on 15 different chemicals as sole carbon source was evaluated in batch and flow cell systems. While the community could grow and develop biofilms in flow cells on all the substrates, only 11 of the 15 substrates could support growth in batch culture. Although biofilm development was less extensive on chemicals such as pentachlorophenol (2.09% average area covered by biofilm; average biofilm depth = 3 μm) than on 2,4,6-trichlorobenzoic acid (50.84% area covered; biofilm depth = 6.4 μm), no correlation was observed between the degree of chlorination, or number of rings, and the number of planktonic cells or biofilm biomass. In contrast, physicochemical characteristics such as the octanol/water partition coefficient had a significant effect on the development of biofilm biomass. In the case of planktonic communities, the degree of chlorination and ring number also had no effect on the BIOLOG carbon utilization profiles of the resulting communities. Although the sessile communities generally clustered separately from their planktonic counterparts, principal component analysis of carbon utilization profiles of the sessile communities showed different grouping between growth on chlorinated and nonchlorinated substrates. Analysis of the degradative community maintained on 2,4,6-trichlorobenzoic acid over an extended period further showed that adaptation to a new chemical environment is a rather slow process, since the substrate utilization profiles did not stabilize even after 12 months. These results demonstrate the flexibility in metabolic ability and community structure found in microbial communities. Received: 30 November 1998; Accepted: 19 May 1999 相似文献
Forest productivity depends on nutrient supply, and sustained increases in forest productivity under elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) may ultimately depend on the response of microbial communities to changes in the quantity and chemistry of plant-derived substrates, We investigated microbial responses to elevated CO2 in a warm-temperate forest under free-air CO2 enrichment for 5 years (1997–2001). The experiment was conducted on three 30 m diameter plots under ambient CO2 and three plots under elevated CO2 (200 ppm above ambient). To understand how microbial processes changed under elevated CO2, we assayed the activity of nine extracellular enzymes responsible for the decomposition of labile and recalcitrant carbon (C) substrates and the release of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) from soil organic matter. Enzyme activities were measured three times per year in a surface organic horizon and in the top 15 cm of mineral soil. Initially, we found significant increases in the decomposition of labile C substrates in the mineral soil horizon under elevated CO2; this overall pattern was present but much weaker in the O horizon. Beginning in the 4th year of this study, enzyme activities in the O horizon declined under elevated CO2, whereas they continued to be stimulated in the mineral soil horizon. By year 5, the degradation of recalcitrant C substrates in mineral soils was significantly higher under elevated CO2. Although there was little direct effect of elevated CO2 on the activity of N- and P-releasing enzymes, the activity of nutrient-releasing enzymes relative to those responsible for C metabolism suggest that nutrient limitation is increasingly regulating microbial activity in the O horizon. Our results show that the metabolism of microbial communities is significantly altered by the response of primary producers to elevated CO2. We hypothesize that ecosystem responses to elevated CO2 are shifting from primary production to decomposition as a result of increasing nutrient limitation. 相似文献
不同施肥处理对玉米-小麦轮作土壤微生物群落功能多样性的影响 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
土壤微生物多样性能反应土壤的肥力,不同的施肥措施对土壤微生物的种群和功能多样性也会产生重要的影响。以山东德州连续两年小麦季和玉米季收获后土壤为研究对象,利用Biolog技术研究了6种不同施肥处理对土壤微生物群落功能多样性的影响。结果表明:其中各个施肥处理的平均颜色变化率(average well color development,AWCD)差异显著,常规氮磷钾肥+全量秸秆还田+秸秆腐熟剂(FS)处理代谢活性最高;物种丰富度指数(H)和均匀度指数(E)也表明各施肥方式均能够维持微生物种群的多样性,其中FS和30%猪粪+70%常规氮磷钾肥(OF)处理物种丰富度指数(H)和均匀度指数(E)最高;PCA及RDA分析显示,OF和FS处理微生物功能多样性相似,且其微生物功能多样性与有机质(Soil organic matter,SOM)、全氮(Total N,TN)、速效磷(Available P,AP)和速效钾(Available K,AK)密切相关。猪粪堆肥有机无机复合肥3 600 kg/hm2(OI2)处理与猪粪堆肥有机无机复合肥1 800 kg/hm2(OI1)处理相似,其功能多样性比常规施肥(CF)处理稍高。综上所述,OF处理和FS处理的土壤微生物群落功能多样性程度高于其他处理,说明秸秆还田+秸秆腐熟剂和有机肥部分替代氮磷钾肥能够显著提高土壤微生物功能多样性,有利于保护土壤微生态。 相似文献
Nicole Fahrenfeld Isabelle M. Cozzarelli Zach Bailey Amy Pruden 《Microbial ecology》2014,68(3):453-462
Small-scale geochemical gradients are a key feature of aquifer contaminant plumes, highlighting the need for functional and structural profiling of corresponding microbial communities on a similar scale. The purpose of this study was to characterize the microbial functional and structural diversity with depth across representative redox zones of a hydrocarbon plume and an adjacent wetland, at the Bemidji Oil Spill site. A combination of quantitative PCR, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, and pyrosequencing were applied to vertically sampled sediment cores. Levels of the methanogenic marker gene, methyl coenzyme-M reductase A (mcrA), increased with depth near the oil body center, but were variable with depth further downgradient. Benzoate degradation N (bzdN) hydrocarbon-degradation gene, common to facultatively anaerobic Azoarcus spp., was found at all locations, but was highest near the oil body center. Microbial community structural differences were observed across sediment cores, and bacterial classes containing known hydrocarbon degraders were found to be low in relative abundance. Depth-resolved functional and structural profiling revealed the strongest gradients in the iron-reducing zone, displaying the greatest variability with depth. This study provides important insight into biogeochemical characteristics in different regions of contaminant plumes, which will aid in improving models of contaminant fate and natural attenuation rates. 相似文献
《Cell communication & adhesion》2013,20(6):171-187
AbstractDesmosomes anchor intermediate filaments at sites of cell contact established by the interaction of cadherins extending from opposing cells. The incorporation of cadherins, catenin adaptors, and cytoskeletal elements resembles the closely related adherens junction. However, the recruitment of intermediate filaments distinguishes desmosomes and imparts a unique function. By linking the load-bearing intermediate filaments of neighboring cells, desmosomes create mechanically contiguous cell sheets and, in so doing, confer structural integrity to the tissues they populate. This trait and a well-established role in human disease have long captured the attention of cell biologists, as evidenced by a publication record dating back to the mid-1860s. Likewise, emerging data implicating the desmosome in signaling events pertinent to organismal development, carcinogenesis, and genetic disorders will secure a prominent role for desmosomes in future biological and biomedical investigations. 相似文献
Genotypic and Phenotypic Responses of a Riverine Microbial Community to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Contamination 总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3

Donald E. Langworthy Raymond D. Stapleton Gary S. Sayler Robert H. Findlay 《Applied microbiology》1998,64(9):3422-3428
The phenotypic and genotypic adaptation of a freshwater sedimentary microbial community to elevated (22 to 217 μg g [dry weight] of sediment−1) levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was determined by using an integrated biomolecular approach. Central to the approach was the use of phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles to characterize the microbial community structure and nucleic acid analysis to quantify the frequency of degradative genes. The study site was the Little Scioto River, a highly impacted, channelized riverine system located in central Ohio. This study site is a unique lotic system, with all sampling stations having similar flow and sediment characteristics both upstream and downstream from the source of contamination. These characteristics allowed for the specific analysis of PAH impact on the microbial community. PAH concentrations in impacted sediments ranged from 22 to 217 μg g (dry weight) of sediment−1, while PAH concentrations in ambient sediments ranged from below detection levels to 1.5 μg g (dry weight) of sediment−1. Total microbial biomass measured by phospholipid phosphate (PLP) analysis ranged from 95 to 345 nmol of PLP g (dry weight) of sediment−1. Nucleic acid analysis showed the presence of PAH-degradative genes at all sites, although observed frequencies were typically higher at contaminated sites. Principal component analysis of PLFA profiles indicated that moderate to high PAH concentrations altered microbial community structure and that seasonal changes were comparable in magnitude to the effects of PAH pollution. These data indicate that this community responded to PAH contamination at both the phenotypic and the genotypic level. 相似文献
Metagenomics is a relatively new but fast growing field within environmental biology and medical sciences. It enables researchers to understand the diversity of microbes, their functions, cooperation, and evolution in a particular ecosystem. Traditional methods in genomics and microbiology are not efficient in capturing the structure of the microbial community in an environment. Nowadays, high-throughput next-generation sequencing technologies are powerfully driving the metagenomic studies. However, there is an urgent need to develop efficient statistical methods and computational algorithms to rapidly analyze the massive metagenomic short sequencing data and to accurately detect the features/functions present in the microbial community. Although several issues about functions of metagenomes at pathways or subsystems level have been investigated, there is a lack of studies focusing on functional analysis at a low level of a hierarchical functional tree, such as SEED subsystem tree.Results
A two-step statistical procedure (metaFunction) is proposed to detect all possible functional roles at the low level from a metagenomic sample/community. In the first step a statistical mixture model is proposed at the base of gene codons to estimate the abundances for the candidate functional roles, with sequencing error being considered. As a gene could be involved in multiple biological processes the functional assignment is therefore adjusted by utilizing an error distribution in the second step. The performance of the proposed procedure is evaluated through comprehensive simulation studies. Compared with other existing methods in metagenomic functional analysis the new approach is more accurate in assigning reads to functional roles, and therefore at more general levels. The method is also employed to analyze two real data sets.Conclusions
metaFunction is a powerful tool in accurate profiling functions in a metagenomic sample. 相似文献8.
Hector F. Castro Aimée T. Classen Emily E. Austin Richard J. Norby Christopher W. Schadt 《Applied and environmental microbiology》2010,76(4):999-1007
Researchers agree that climate change factors such as rising atmospheric [CO2] and warming will likely interact to modify ecosystem properties and processes. However, the response of the microbial communities that regulate ecosystem processes is less predictable. We measured the direct and interactive effects of climatic change on soil fungal and bacterial communities (abundance and composition) in a multifactor climate change experiment that exposed a constructed old-field ecosystem to different atmospheric CO2 concentration (ambient, +300 ppm), temperature (ambient, +3°C), and precipitation (wet and dry) might interact to alter soil bacterial and fungal abundance and community structure in an old-field ecosystem. We found that (i) fungal abundance increased in warmed treatments; (ii) bacterial abundance increased in warmed plots with elevated atmospheric [CO2] but decreased in warmed plots under ambient atmospheric [CO2]; (iii) the phylogenetic distribution of bacterial and fungal clones and their relative abundance varied among treatments, as indicated by changes in 16S rRNA and 28S rRNA genes; (iv) changes in precipitation altered the relative abundance of Proteobacteria and Acidobacteria, where Acidobacteria decreased with a concomitant increase in the Proteobacteria in wet relative to dry treatments; and (v) changes in precipitation altered fungal community composition, primarily through lineage specific changes within a recently discovered group known as soil clone group I. Taken together, our results indicate that climate change drivers and their interactions may cause changes in bacterial and fungal overall abundance; however, changes in precipitation tended to have a much greater effect on the community composition. These results illustrate the potential for complex community changes in terrestrial ecosystems under climate change scenarios that alter multiple factors simultaneously.Soil microbial communities are responsible for the cycling of carbon (C) and nutrients in ecosystems, and their activities are regulated by biotic and abiotic factors such as the quantity and quality of litter inputs, temperature, and moisture. Atmospheric and climatic changes will impact both abiotic and biotic drivers in ecosystems and the response of ecosystems to these changes. Feedbacks from ecosystem to the atmosphere may also be regulated by soil microbial communities (3). Although microbial communities regulate important ecosystem processes, it is often unclear how the abundance and composition of microbial communities correlate with climatic perturbations and interact to effect ecosystem processes. As such, much of the ecosystem climate change research conducted to date has focused on macroscale responses to climatic change such as changes in plant growth (43, 44), plant community composition (2, 37), and coarse scale soil processes (14, 18, 21, 26), many of which may also indirectly interact to effect microbial processes. Studies that have addressed the role of microbial communities and processes have most often targeted gross parameters, such as microbial biomass, enzymatic activity, or basic microbial community profiles in response to single climate change factors (22, 28, 29, 33, 61, 63).Climate change factors such as atmospheric CO2 concentrations, warming, and altered precipitation regimes can potentially have both direct and indirect impacts on soil microbial communities. However, the direction and magnitude of these responses is uncertain. For example, the response of soil microbial communities to changes in atmospheric CO2 concentrations can be positive or negative, and consistent overall trends between sites and studies have not been observed (1, 28, 34-36). Further, depending on what limits ecosystem productivity, precipitation and soil moisture changes may increase or decrease the ratio of bacteria and fungi, as well as shift their community composition (8, 50, 58). Increasing temperatures can increase in microbial activity, processing, and turnover, causing the microbial community to shift in favor of representatives adapted to higher temperatures and faster growth rates (7, 46, 60, 64, 65). Atmospheric and climatic changes are happening in concert with one another so that ecosystems are experiencing higher levels of atmospheric CO2, warming, and changes in precipitation regimes simultaneously. Although the many single factor climate change studies described above have enabled a better understanding of how microbial communities may respond to any one factor, understanding how multiple climate change factors interact with each other to influence microbial community responses is poorly understood. For example, elevated atmospheric [CO2] and precipitation changes might increase soil moisture in an ecosystem, but this increase may be counteracted by warming (10). Similarly, warming may increase microbial activity in an ecosystem, but this increase may be eliminated if changes in precipitation lead to a drier soil condition or reduced litter quantity, quality, and turnover. Such interactive effects of climate factors in a multifactorial context have been less commonly studied even in plant communities (45), and detailed studies are rarer still in soil microbial communities (25). Clearly, understanding how microbial communities will respond to these atmospheric and climate change drivers is important to make accurate predications of how ecosystems may respond to future climate scenarios.To address how multiple climate change drivers will interact to shape soil microbial communities, we took advantage of a multifactor climatic change experiment that manipulated atmospheric CO2 (+300 ppm, ambient), warming (+3°C, ambient) and precipitation (wet and dry) in a constructed old-field ecosystem that had been ongoing for 3.5 years at the time of sampling. Previous work on this project has demonstrated direct and interactive effects of the treatments on plant community composition and biomass (15, 30), soil respiration (56), microbial activity (30), nitrogen fixation (21), and soil carbon stocks (20). These results led us to investigations of how the soil bacterial and fungal communities, important regulators of some of these processes, were responding using culture-independent molecular approaches. Our research addresses two overarching questions. (i) Do climatic change factors and their interactions alter bacterial and fungal abundance and diversity? (ii) Do climatic change factors and their interactions alter bacterial or fungal community composition? 相似文献
The objective of this study was to analyze bacterial diversity in two different concrete samples to understand the dominant types of bacteria that may contribute to concrete corrosion. Two concrete samples, HN-1 from the sunny side and HN-2 from dark and damp side, were collected from Zijin Mountain in Nanjing and genomic DNA was extracted. The partial bacterial 16S rRNA gene fragment was PCR amplified and two clone libraries were constructed. Amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) was performed by digestion of the 16S rRNA gene and each unique restriction fragment polymorphism pattern was designated as an operational taxonomic unit (OTU). Phylogenetic trees of bacterial 16S rDNA nucleotide sequences were constructed. Sample HN-1 and HN-2 contained 21 OTUs and 26 OTUs, respectively. Proteobacteria and Planctomycetes were the predominant bacteria in both samples, and they are distributed among Herbaspirillum, Archangium, Phyllobacteriaceae and Planctomycetaceae. Cyanobacteria and Rubrobacter sp. are dominant in HN-1; while Acidobacteriaceae, Adhaeribacter sp. and Nitrospira sp. are predominant in HN-2. This distribution pattern was consistent with local environmental conditions of these two samples. The inferred physiological characteristics of these bacteria, based on relatedness of the DNA clone sequences to cultivated species, revealed different mechanisms of concrete corrosion depending on the local environmental conditions. 相似文献
PCR-DGGE技术分析染整废水微生物群落多样性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
旨在揭示水解酸化-生物接触氧化工艺处理染整废水过程中的微生物多样性.取初级沉淀池,水解酸化池,生物接触氧化池和二沉池的活性污泥,通过细胞裂解直接提取基因组DNA,以细菌通用引物进行16S rRNA基因V3区域PCR扩增,将PCR产物进行变性梯度凝胶电泳,获得微生物群落的DNA特征指纹图谱,并对条带进行统计分析和切胶测序,进行了同源性分析并建立了系统发育树.研究表明,整个水处理过程中含有丰富的微生物群落,其中初级沉淀池、水解酸化池、二沉池和生物接触氧化池的污泥样品分别测出36条带、42条带、30条带和29条带.不同区段微生物群落间相似度最高达68%,最低达42.4%,说明群落间演替明显,不同工艺区段既存在共同的微生物种属也存在特异微生物种属. 相似文献
Soil Stoichiometry Mediates Links Between Tree Functional Diversity and Soil Microbial Diversity in a Temperate Forest 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Sanaei Anvar Sayer Emma J. Yuan Zuoqiang Lin Fei Fang Shuai Ye Ji Liu Shufang Hao Zhanqing Wang Xugao 《Ecosystems》2022,25(2):291-307
Ecosystems - Interactions between plants and soil microbial communities underpin soil processes and forest ecosystem function, but the links between tree diversity and soil microbial diversity are... 相似文献
Yun Wang Yin Chen Qian Zhou Shi Huang Kang Ning Jian Xu Robert M. Kalin Stephen Rolfe Wei E. Huang 《PloS one》2012,7(10)
Most microorganisms in nature are uncultured with unknown functionality. Sequence-based metagenomics alone answers ‘who/what are there?’ but not ‘what are they doing and who is doing it and how?’. Function-based metagenomics reveals gene function but is usually limited by the specificity and sensitivity of screening strategies, especially the identification of clones whose functional gene expression has no distinguishable activity or phenotypes. A ‘biosensor-based genetic transducer’ (BGT) technique, which employs a whole-cell biosensor to quantitatively detect expression of inserted genes encoding designated functions, is able to screen for functionality of unknown genes from uncultured microorganisms. In this study, BGT was integrated with Stable isotope probing (SIP)-enabled Metagenomics to form a culture-independent SMB toolbox. The utility of this approach was demonstrated in the discovery of a novel functional gene cluster in naphthalene contaminated groundwater. Specifically, metagenomic sequencing of the 13C-DNA fraction obtained by SIP indicated that an uncultured Acidovorax sp. was the dominant key naphthalene degrader in-situ, although three culturable Pseudomonas sp. degraders were also present in the same groundwater. BGT verified the functionality of a new nag2 operon which co-existed with two other nag and two nah operons for naphthalene biodegradation in the same microbial community. Pyrosequencing analysis showed that the nag2 operon was the key functional operon in naphthalene degradation in-situ, and shared homology with both nag operons in Ralstonia sp. U2 and Polaromonas naphthalenivorans CJ2. The SMB toolbox will be useful in providing deep insights into uncultured microorganisms and unravelling their ecological roles in natural environments. 相似文献
Forest floor mineral soil mix (FMM) and peat mineral soil mix (PMM) are cover soils commonly used for upland reclamation post open-pit oil sands mining in northern Alberta, Canada. Coarse woody debris (CWD) can be used to regulate soil temperature and water content, to increase organic matter content, and to create microsites for the establishment of microorganisms and vegetation in upland reclamation. We studied the effects of CWD on soil microbial community level physiological profile (CLPP) and soil enzyme activities in FMM and PMM in a reclaimed landscape in the oil sands. This experiment was conducted with a 2 (FMM vs PMM) × 2 (near CWD vs away from CWD) factorial design with 6 replications. The study plots were established with Populus tremuloides (trembling aspen) CWD placed on each plot between November 2007 and February 2008. Soil samples were collected within 5 cm from CWD and more than 100 cm away from CWD in July, August and September 2013 and 2014. Microbial biomass was greater (p<0.05) in FMM than in PMM, in July, and August 2013 and July 2014, and greater (p<0.05) near CWD than away from CWD in FMM in July and August samplings. Soil microbial CLPP differed between FMM and PMM (p<0.01) according to a principal component analysis and CWD changed microbial CLPP in FMM (p<0.05) but not in PMM. Coarse woody debris increased microbial community functional diversity (average well color development in Biolog Ecoplates) in both cover soils (p<0.05) in August and September 2014. Carbon degrading soil enzyme activities were greater in FMM than in PMM (p<0.05) regardless of distance from CWD but were not affected by CWD. Greater microbial biomass and enzyme activities in FMM than in PMM will increase organic matter decomposition and nutrient cycling, improving plant growth. Enhanced microbial community functional diversity by CWD application in upland reclamation has implications for accelerating upland reclamation after oil sands mining. 相似文献
The Ancaster sulfur spring is a cold (9°C) sulfur spring located near Ancaster, Ontario, Canada, which hosts an abundant and diverse microbial mat community. We conducted an extensive microscopical study of the microbial community of this spring using a number of techniques: phase light, confocal scanning laser microscopy, conventional scanning electron microscopy using both chemical/critical point drying and cryofixation preparative techniques, environmental scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. The latter two techniques were coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry for elemental analysis to complement wet geochemical data collected on bulk spring water and mat pore water. In the anoxic source of the spring, green and purple sulfur bacteria were found together with a sulfide-utilizing type of cyanobacteria that had the unusual characteristic of storing colloidal sulfur intracellularly. Deeper within the source, the mats were dominated by green sulfur bacteria and thick biofilms of cells that precipitated Fe and Zn sulfide minerals on their surfaces. Downstream from the source, thick, filamentous white mats lined the stream channel, formed by a diverse mass of nonphotosynthetic sulfur oxidizers, which were responsible for forming thick masses of spherical colloidal sulfur. These were distinguished by ESEM-EDS from cells by their simple elemental composition (only S was detected). Aqueous geochemistry analysis by ICP-MS showed that some elements (Fe, C, P, Zn, Mg, Ba) were present at higher levels in mat pore water than in bulk spring water. Our approach allowed us to gain an appreciation of the characteristics of this microbial community and allowed us to develop a good understanding of the types of microorganisms present and infer some of the relationships among the members of the community. In addition, we wish to convey the utility of a thorough microscopical approach in geomicrobiological and microbial ecology studies. 相似文献
Microbial Diversity and Community Structure in Two Different Agricultural Soil Communities 总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32
Abstract In this study, two different agricultural soils were investigated: one organic soil and one sandy soil, from Stend (south of Bergen), Norway. The sandy soil was a field frequently tilled and subjected to crop rotations. The organic soil was permanent grazing land, infrequently tilled. Our objective was to compare the diversity of the cultivable bacteria with the diversity of the total bacterial population in soil. About 200 bacteria, randomly isolated by standard procedures, were investigated. The diversity of the cultivable bacteria was described at phenotypic, phylogenetic, and genetic levels by applying phenotypical testing (Biolog) and molecular methods, such as amplified rDNA restriction analysis (ARDRA); hybridization to oligonucleotide probes; and REP-PCR. The total bacterial diversity was determined by reassociation analysis of DNA isolated from the bacterial fraction of environmental samples, combined with ARDRA and DGGE analysis. The relationship between the diversity of cultivated bacteria and the total bacteria was elucidated. Organic soil exhibited a higher diversity for all analyses performed than the sandy soil. Analysis of cultivable bacteria resulted in different resolution levels and revealed a high biodiversity within the population of cultured isolates. The difference between the two agricultural soils was significantly higher when the total bacterial population was analyzed than when the cultivable population was. Thus, analysis of microbial diversity must ultimately embrace the entire microbial community DNA, rather than DNA from cultivable bacteria. 相似文献
Chih-Ying Lay Nadia C. S. Mykytczuk étienne Yergeau Guillaume Lamarche-Gagnon Charles W. Greer Lyle G. Whyte 《Applied and environmental microbiology》2013,79(12):3637-3648
The Lost Hammer (LH) Spring is the coldest and saltiest terrestrial spring discovered to date and is characterized by perennial discharges at subzero temperatures (−5°C), hypersalinity (salinity, 24%), and reducing (≈−165 mV), microoxic, and oligotrophic conditions. It is rich in sulfates (10.0%, wt/wt), dissolved H2S/sulfides (up to 25 ppm), ammonia (≈381 μM), and methane (11.1 g day−1). To determine its total functional and genetic potential and to identify its active microbial components, we performed metagenomic analyses of the LH Spring outlet microbial community and pyrosequencing analyses of the cDNA of its 16S rRNA genes. Reads related to Cyanobacteria (19.7%), Bacteroidetes (13.3%), and Proteobacteria (6.6%) represented the dominant phyla identified among the classified sequences. Reconstruction of the enzyme pathways responsible for bacterial nitrification/denitrification/ammonification and sulfate reduction appeared nearly complete in the metagenomic data set. In the cDNA profile of the LH Spring active community, ammonia oxidizers (Thaumarchaeota), denitrifiers (Pseudomonas spp.), sulfate reducers (Desulfobulbus spp.), and other sulfur oxidizers (Thermoprotei) were present, highlighting their involvement in nitrogen and sulfur cycling. Stress response genes for adapting to cold, osmotic stress, and oxidative stress were also abundant in the metagenome. Comparison of the composition of the functional community of the LH Spring to metagenomes from other saline/subzero environments revealed a close association between the LH Spring and another Canadian high-Arctic permafrost environment, particularly in genes related to sulfur metabolism and dormancy. Overall, this study provides insights into the metabolic potential and the active microbial populations that exist in this hypersaline cryoenvironment and contributes to our understanding of microbial ecology in extreme environments. 相似文献