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We investigated mechanisms responsible for the formation of spatial patterns in a dominant macro-invertebrate, the burrowing amphipod Corophium volutator, in relation to tide pools on intertidal mudflats of the upper Bay of Fundy, Canada. A field survey of 3 different mudflats showed that density of C. volutator at low tide was consistently higher inside than outside tide pools, and a manipulative field experiment indicated that C. volutator selected tide pools over the adjacent emerged areas. Differential survival in immersed and emerged areas at low tide did not explain the observed pattern, because short-term survival of amphipods was not affected by immersion at low tide. As well, immigration rates of C. volutator into immersed and emerged areas at low tide were similar after one day, so preferential settlement did not explain aggregation of amphipods. However, marked C. volutator departed from experimental areas that were immersed at low tide at a slower rate compared to emerged experimental areas. Thus, formation of the spatial pattern observed in the field (higher densities inside tide pools) is likely the result of an effect of immersion at low tide on proportion of individuals emigrating from an area every day.  相似文献   

The aim of the investigation was a comparison of osmoregulatory ability at different water temperatures and salinities by the stenothermic isopod Saduria entomon (Linnaeus, 1758) and the eurythermic amphipod Corophium volutator (Pallas, 1766) from the Baltic Sea. The experiments were performed under laboratory conditions at different water temperatures (5, 10 and 15?°C) and salinities (3, 6.6, 15 and 25 PSU for S. entomon and 3, 6.3, 15 and 25 PSU for C. volutator). The osmotic concentrations of the crustaceans’ haemolymph were determined using the melting point method. Temperature had a statistically significant effect on the osmoregulation in S. entomon, but had generally no statistical influence on the osmoregulation in C. volutator. This physiological information regarding adaptation provides a basis for predicting the distribution of these species in changing environments. The implications of the results for the comparative adaptability of the two species are considered.  相似文献   

We investigated interactions between two dominant invertebrate species of intertidal soft-sediment environments of the northwest Atlantic, the mud snail Ilyanassa obsoleta and the burrowing amphipod Corophium volutator, on a mudflat of the upper Bay of Fundy, Canada. Distribution of I. obsoleta on the mudflat was highly patchy and negatively correlated with density of C. volutator. Manipulation of snail density in cages showed that I. obsoleta influences C. volutator; specifically, increasing density of snails reduced density, increased patchiness in distribution, decreased recapture rates and decreased immigration of C. volutator. Ilyanassa obsoleta seems to be affecting C. volutator through an influence on survival rate and emigration rate, although temporal variation in these effects was observed. Given that both I. obsoleta and C. volutator show a preference for tide pools, an important microhabitat on mudflats, snails might have a profound impact on C. volutator population dynamics.  相似文献   

The diet of the amphipod Corophium volutator (Pallas) living on extensive intertidal mud flats in the Bay of Fundy, eastern Canada, was investigated by direct and indirect methods. Microscopic observation of gut contents revealed macrophyte detritus but few diatom frustules. Laboratory cultures showed good survival on a diet of benthic diatoms, while on a diet of Spartina detritus survival was poor, although significantly better than the survival of starved animals. The ratios of gut enzyme activities, amylase to protease and amylase to laminarinase, changed markedly with the season. In summer the ratio was similar to that of animals cultured on a diet of benthic diatoms; in spring it resembled that of animals cultured on Spartina detritus, while in winter it was similar to that of starved animals. It is concluded that in summer, rapid growth is made possible by feeding on benthic diatoms, while Spartina detritus is an inferior food source which aids survival at other times of the year.  相似文献   

Invertebrates in soft-bottom marine communities exhibit a range of responses to predators and competitors, including both emigration and avoidance. Corophium volutator (Pallas), a burrowing amphipod abundant in the upper Bay of Fundy, Canada, frequently interacts with the eastern mudsnail, Ilyanassa obsoleta (Say), as both species utilize similar habitats and food resources. Typically these interactions result in negative effects on C. volutator. There is evidence that Corophium species exhibit avoidance behaviour when interacting with other species, but whether such a response occurs in the presence of I. obsoleta is unknown. To investigate C. volutator response to I. obsoleta, total C. volutator abundance and vertical distribution within the sediment was examined in a field experiment involving I. obsoleta enclosures and exclosures at two mudflats in the upper Bay of Fundy. I. obsoleta densities were manipulated between June and August 2008 and their effects on C. volutator abundance and vertical distribution observed. Results varied between mudflats and C. volutator size classes. At Peck's Cove, total C. volutator abundance was largely unaffected by I. obsoleta. No size class exhibited a distribution shift in response to I. obsoleta, though both mid-sized individuals and adults occupied deeper layers of sediment late in the summer. Abundance of C. volutator in all size classes at Grande Anse was reduced in July in direct proportion to exposure to I. obsoleta, and adults occupied higher sediment layers in July when I. obsoleta were excluded, suggesting that I. obsoleta curtailed use of these upper layers. Juvenile abundance rebounded in August, possibly due to the mass dispersal of a newly produced juvenile cohort. Adults were reduced in all treatments in August, probably as a result of normal seasonal mortality. Differences in C. volutator responses between mudflats highlight the site-specific nature of such interactions.  相似文献   

Selection experiments suggest that evolutionary modifications in amphipod demography can respond to local environmental changes and that local races of amphipods may be common. We tested this hypothesis in mudflat populations of Corophium volutator in the Bay of Fundy, Canada. Due to the unique topography of the Bay of Fundy, distinctive environmental conditions are prevalent in different branches of the Bay, while the impact of shorebird predation has also been shown to vary between populations. Several hypotheses have been suggested to explain ecological evidence which indicates that Corophium volutator (Pallas), a common amphipod crustacean, exhibits extensive life history variation in Bay of Fundy populations. We used RAPD-PCR techniques to examine populations of C. volutator in an investigation of genetic isolation in marine environments. Our data suggest that variation in selection pressures have played a significant role in the genetic divergence of populations of C. volutator in the Bay of Fundy.  相似文献   

The endogenous rhythm of swimming activity shown by the estuarine amphipod Corophium volutator (Pallas) has been studied in animals subjected to periodic inundation under controlled laboratory conditions. A rhythm of circatidal frequency which persisted under constant conditions was recorded in animals entrained to cycles of 8-, 12- and 24-h periods, whereas animals entrained to 6-h cycles appeared to follow the entraining regimen directly, although the free running rhythm was less distinct. Cycles of 4-h period failed to induce rhythmicity. The results support the hypothesis that the endogenous oscillator has a circatidal frequency.

The period for which the animals are submerged is important with regard to entrainment but the effective parameters of the imposed regimen are incompletely understood in this respect.  相似文献   

Pontoporeia affinis Lindström was subjected to slow horizontal water currents in narrow aquaria 3 m long and its swimming activity recorded by pairs of photocells. A relationship was established between the number of animals and activity level. By dividing the aquaria with intersecting walls during the day, when the animals hid in the sediment, the activity recorded in separate sections during subsequent nights revealed that Pontoporeia migrates upstream. This migration probably takes place only at the very beginning of the light period or just before it. The experimental method is explained in detail.  相似文献   

Little is known about the navigational abilities of domestic fowl. The question of how chickens represent and orient in space becomes relevant when they are kept in non-cage systems. Since the sun is known to be the dominant spatial organiser in other diurnal bird species, we started our investigation of the chicken’s spatial abilities by subjecting them to a food-searching task with the sun as the only consistent visual cue. In an additional experiment we tried to rule out the use of auditory cues in finding a food reward.

Eight ISA Brown chicks were housed in outdoor pens. A separate test arena comprised an open-topped, opaque-sided wooden octagon (2 m wide and 1.5 m high). Eight goal boxes with food pots were attached to each of the arena sides; a wooden barrier inside each goal box prevented the birds from seeing the food pot before entering. After habituation we tested during five daily 5 min trials whether the chicks were able to find food in a systematically allocated goal direction. Food residue in every foot pot controlled for the use of olfactory cues and no external landmark cues were visible. Every day each box was unpredictably moved to a randomly assigned side of the arena and the side to face north was also randomly allocated, to prevent the chicks from using cues other than the sun’s position. Circular statistics were used to determine whether birds moved in a non-random direction and if so, if they significantly oriented goalwards. The results showed that seven of the eight birds moved significantly in the goal direction. It seems likely that the chicks used the sun to orient. Due to weather constraints only four chicks received the same treatment on a new location, to rule out the use of auditory cues. Two of these four chicks significantly moved in the goal direction.

The results from our experiments show that domestic chicks use spatial memory to orient towards a hidden goal. Moreover, their orientation is most likely to be based on sun cues opening up the possibility that the sun compass may dominate even in this ancestrally predominantly ground-living forest bird.  相似文献   

The changes in population of Baikal amphipod Pallasea cancellus (Pallas) from four remote local populations is described by comparing 21 morphological features. The population changes of individuals of different sexes, which allows the geographical variability of sexual dimorphism to be found, is shown. The morphological differences between crustaceans inhabiting different parts of Lake Baikal and the Angara River were estimated more precisely by analyzing the principal components. The junction between northwestern and southeastern population groups (which may be considered geographical allopatric races) was found.  相似文献   

The reproductive bionomics and life history traits of two corophiid amphipods (Ampithoe laxipodus, Cymadusa filosa) and one melitid (Mallacoota schellenbergi) were studied in Mauritius (Indian Ocean) for the period March 1999 to February 2000. Results on the population structure, monthly size class variations, sex ratio, female reproductive states and fecundity are presented. The study demonstrates multivoltinism and continuous reproduction in the three species. Increase in number of juveniles was observed in warmer months for C. filosa and A. laxipodus. Sexual maturity was attained at smaller sizes in warmer months in the three species. Linear relationship on body length and number of eggs in brood pouch are presented. Size-independent analysis of egg number revealed a decrease in number of eggs in cooler months. Sex ratio is male skewed in M. schellenbergi and female skewed in C. filosa and A. laxipodus. Some of the plausible explanations for the reproductive strategies adopted by these three species in a tropical system are discussed.  相似文献   

Behavioural investigations into the transmission of bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis) between badgers and cattle suggest that badger activity in farm buildings may incur a significant risk of cross-infection. However, measures to exclude badgers from buildings have not been systematically field-tested. In the present study, remote surveillance and radio-tracking were used to monitor the effect of electric fencing manipulations on the frequency of badger incursions into feed stores and cattle housing, and on badger ranging behaviour. Electric fencing was effective in preventing access to the farm buildings where it was installed and also significantly reduced incursions into unfenced buildings. Badger home range and core activity areas tended to increase in size when the fencing was installed, although they did not extend beyond the boundaries of the relevant social group territories. We discuss the logistical constraints of using electric fencing in this context and conclude that it is a potentially useful method of reducing contact between badgers and cattle, within farm buildings and yards.  相似文献   

Sniffing is one-way animals collect chemical signals, and many males self-groom when they encounter the odor of opposite-sex conspecifics. We tested the hypothesis that sexual chemical signals from females can induce self-grooming behavior in male root voles (Microtus oeconomus Pallas). Specifically, we investigated the sniffing pattern of male root voles in response to odors from the head, trunk, and tail areas of lactating and non-lactating females. The self-grooming behavior of males in response to female individual odorant stimuli was documented, and the relationship between self-grooming and sniffing of odors from the head, trunk, and tails areas were analyzed. Sniffing pattern results showed that males are most interested in odors from the head area, and more interested in odors from the tail as compared to the trunk area. Males displayed different sniffing and self-grooming behaviors when they were exposed to odors from lactating females as compared to non-lactating females. Males also spent more time sniffing and engaged in more sniffing behaviors in response to odors from the lactating females’ tail area as compared to the same odors from non-lactating females. Similarly, males spent more time self-grooming and engaged in more self-grooming behaviors in the presence of individual odors from lactating females as compared to individual odors from non-lactating females. Partial correlation analyses revealed that the frequency of self-grooming was significantly correlated with the frequency of tail area sniffs. Results from this experiment suggest that sexual attractiveness of lactating females is stronger than that of non-lactating females. Furthermore, the partial correlation analysis demonstrated that self-grooming in males is induced by odors from the tail area of females. Collectively, these results support the hypothesis that sexual chemical signals from females can induce self-grooming behavior in male root voles. Self-grooming may also reflect the groomer's sexual motivation and facilitate sexual interactions.  相似文献   

Sublethal exposures of the marine amphipod Gammarus locusta to a concentration range of copper (Cu) in water (4 days' exposure; 3, 5 and 10 μg Cu l-1) or spiked sediments (28 days' exposure; 1, 3 and 6 mg Cu kg-1 dry weight) were performed, and the resulting bioaccumulation of Cu and effects on putative metallothionein (MT) and lipid peroxidation (LP) were investigated. A time-course exposure study (over 10 days) to a single water-borne concentration of Cu (4 μg l-1) was also carried out. MT and LP were quantified, respectively, by differential pulse polarography and as thiobarbituric acid-reactive malondialdehyde equivalents. The increasing levels of Cu in water and sediment exposures resulted in enhanced uptake of the metal by G. locusta. Synthesis of putative MT occurred in response to exposure to water-borne Cu, the levels being higher (p < 0.05) over the dose range of Cu compared with controls. A positive correlation was observed between putative MT levels and the Cu body-burden concentration (p < 0.001). However, no increase in LP was observed in these animals. In contrast, in the time-course experiment, LP levels increased within 1 day of exposure, subsequently peaking at 4 days (68% greater than control, p < 0.001), before returning to control values by day 6. Higher levels of MT were also observed in this exposure, but at days 6 and 10 (55% and 38%, respectively), paralleling the decrease in LP. No increase in MT levels was recorded with exposure to Cu-contaminated sediments, whereas higher levels of LP were seen in comparison with controls (p < 0.001). Overall, the inverse relationship between putative MT induction and the occurrence of LP indicates that MT may protect against the prooxidant effects of Cu. It is concluded that MT and LP offer potential for application as biomarkers in G. locusta.  相似文献   

The role of phytochemical diversity in plant defense was studied using the specialist herbivore Trioza anceps Tuthill (avocado gall-forming insect), and the volatile fraction of the foliar chemicals of its host, the creole avocado (Persea americana var. drymifolia (Schect. &; Cham.) Blake). Two hypotheses were tested: a) plant defense is determined by phytochemical diversity, and b) plant defense is determined by single compounds or specific blends of compounds. Simple and multiple regressions and a size and shape analysis (which considers the compounds relative and absolute concentrations within the leaf blend) were used to test these hypotheses. Simple regressions of gall incidence and chemical diversity and the tree origin elevation and latitude were very weak. The linear multiple regression to explain gall incidence with 33 foliar compounds and geographical data produced a model with low predictive power (R2 = 0.13). The size and shape analysis showed intraspecific variation in leaf chemical profiles among five tree groups, classified by the number of galls per 10 cm2 of leaf. Discriminant analysis separated clearly the tree groups’ chemical profiles through specific compounds. These results suggest that the gall incidence is associated with specific chemical profiles, rather than to high or low foliar phytochemical diversity.  相似文献   

Stage specific functional response of Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) to varying densities of Aphis gossypii Glover was examined in a simplified cucumber leaf arena under laboratory conditions. All stages of H. axyridis were isolated individually for 24 h with different prey densities at 25 °C and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D) h. The number of prey consumed by the predator was checked at 3, 6, 12, and 24 h. All stages of H. axyridis showed a Type II functional response. Based on the random predator equation, estimated attack rates of H. axyridis at 24 h were 0.0037, 0.0442, 0.3590, 0.3228, and 0.1456, and estimated handling times were 4.1001, 2.4575, 0.7500, 0.2132, and 0.1708 h for the first, second, third, and fourth instars, and female adult, respectively.  相似文献   

The fig tree, Ficus curtipes, hosts an obligate pollinating wasp, an undescribed Eupristina sp., but can also be pollinated by two inquiline (living in the burrow, nest, gall, or other habitation of another animal) wasps, Diaziella yangi and an undescribed Lipothymus sp. The two inquilines are unable to independently induce galls and depend on the galls induced by the obligate pollinator for reproduction and, therefore, normally enter receptive F. curtipes figs colonised by the obligate pollinators. However, sometimes the inquilines also enter figs that are not colonised by the pollinators, despite consequent reproductive failure. It is still unknown which signal(s) the inquilines use in entering the colonised and non-colonised figs. We conducted behavioural experiments to investigate several possible signals utilised by the inquilines in entering their host receptive figs. Our investigation showed that both inquiline species enter the receptive F. curtipes figs in response to the body odours of the obligate wasps and one of the main compounds emitted by the figs, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one. The compound was not found in the pollinator body odours, suggesting that the two inquiline wasps can utilise two signals to enter their host figs, which is significant for the evolution of the fig-fig wasp system. These inquilines could evolve to become mutualists of the figs if they evolve the ability to independently gall fig flowers; there is, however, another possibility that a monoecious Ficus species hosting such inquilines may evolve into a dioecious one if these inquilines cannot evolve the above-mentioned ability. Additionally, this finding provides evidence for the evolution of chemical communication between plants and insects.  相似文献   

Cyclicity in behaviours, including reproduction, in relation to the lunar cycle is widely documented in some phyla, but weak or unknown in Class Mammalia. In this paper we present long-term video surveillance data of wild Eurasian badgers Meles meles, which reveal a strong correlation between reproductive behaviour and the lunar cycle. Squat marking and raised-leg urination, which increase in frequency at times of reproductive activity, showed maxima around day 22 of the lunar cycle (i.e. new moon). These findings were supported by observations of matings, together with published records, which showed significantly higher occurrence in the lunar dark phase (last quarter to first quarter). We propose that the lunar cycle has the potential to act as a regulator of the reproductive cycle in the badger.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to provide basic information to allow improved scientific assessment of velvet antlers’ quality by investigating the change of chemical composition depending on antler growth period in sika deer (Cervus nippon). Twelve antlers harvested from sika deer stags (aged 4–5 years) by antler growth periods of 40 days (FDG) and 60 days (SDG) after the casting of antler buttons from the previous set were analysed to compare the chemical composition, such as crude protein, ash, ether extract, amino acid, collagen, glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), uronic acid and sialic acid. The weight of velvet antler in FDG was lower than that of the SDG (P<0.05). SDG had a higher (P<0.05) content of crude ash than FDG. FDG had a higher (P<0.05) content of crude protein than SDG. Amino acid composition was also higher in FDG than in SDG for all sections. The content of collagen was higher in SDG than in FDG for the middle and base (P<0.05) sections. However, collagen levels were exceptionally higher (P<0.05) in FDG than in SDG for the upper section. While the content of collagen was significantly higher (P<0.05) for the upper section than for the middle and base sections in FDG, this was significantly increased (P<0.05) downward from the upper to the base section in SDG. Uronic acid content was higher in FDG than SDG for all three sections but there was no significant difference between groups in the middle and base sections. The content of GAGs was significantly higher (P<0.05) in FDG than SDG for all three sections. The content of sialic acid was the same as that of GAGs. Consequently, in this study, velvet antler production was increased with the extension of antler growth period, but the contents of protein, total amino acid composition, GAGs, uronic acid and sialic acid were decreased and those of ash and collagen were increased. Therefore, it is expected that the quality of velvet antler may be decreased greatly by extension of antler growth period.  相似文献   

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