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The purpose of this work is to quantify the effects that errors in genotyping have on power and the sample size necessary to maintain constant asymptotic Type I and Type II error rates (SSN) for case-control genetic association studies between a disease phenotype and a di-allelic marker locus, for example a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) locus. We consider the effects of three published models of genotyping errors on the chi-square test for independence in the 2 x 3 table. After specifying genotype frequencies for the marker locus conditional on disease status and error model in both a genetic model-based and a genetic model-free framework, we compute the asymptotic power to detect association through specification of the test's non-centrality parameter. This parameter determines the functional dependence of SSN on the genotyping error rates. Additionally, we study the dependence of SSN on linkage disequilibrium (LD), marker allele frequencies, and genotyping error rates for a dominant disease model. Increased genotyping error rate requires a larger SSN. Every 1% increase in sum of genotyping error rates requires that both case and control SSN be increased by 2-8%, with the extent of increase dependent upon the error model. For the dominant disease model, SSN is a nonlinear function of LD and genotyping error rate, with greater SSN for lower LD and higher genotyping error rate. The combination of lower LD and higher genotyping error rates requires a larger SSN than the sum of the SSN for the lower LD and for the higher genotyping error rate.  相似文献   

A human glutathione peroxidase cDNA has been used as a probe to hybridize to DNAs isolated from human - rodent somatic cell hybrids that have segregated human chromosomes. A 609 bp probe which contains the entire coding region hybridizes to human chromosomes 3, 21 and Xp. Fragments of the cDNA coding sequence and of the 3' untranslated region were also used as probes. These fragments hybridized to each of the three chromosomes with the same efficiency, suggesting similarity between the loci, whereas an intronic probe detected only the gene on chromosome 3. The general organization of each gene was determined from the hybridization data. The data suggest that the locus on chromosome 3 is a functional gene containing a single intron and a pattern of restriction sites identical to those found in the cDNA coding sequence. The data also suggest that the sequences on chromosomes X and 21 have equal conservation of the 3' untranslated and coding sequences but do not contain introns, providing evidence that the latter two sequences are processed pseudogenes. A simple two allele polymorphism in PvuII digests was detected at the locus on chromosome 21.  相似文献   

Population stratification may confound the results of genetic association studies among unrelated individuals from admixed populations. Several methods have been proposed to estimate the ancestral information in admixed populations and used to adjust the population stratification in genetic association tests. We evaluate the performances of three different methods: maximum likelihood estimation, ADMIXMAP and Structure through various simulated data sets and real data from Latino subjects participating in a genetic study of asthma. All three methods provide similar information on the accuracy of ancestral estimates and control type I error rate at an approximately similar rate. The most important factor in determining accuracy of the ancestry estimate and in minimizing type I error rate is the number of markers used to estimate ancestry. We demonstrate that approximately 100 ancestry informative markers (AIMs) are required to obtain estimates of ancestry that correlate with correlation coefficients more than 0.9 with the true individual ancestral proportions. In addition, after accounting for the ancestry information in association tests, the excess of type I error rate is controlled at the 5% level when 100 markers are used to estimate ancestry. However, since the effect of admixture on the type I error rate worsens with sample size, the accuracy of ancestry estimates also needs to increase to make the appropriate correction. Using data from the Latino subjects, we also apply these methods to an association study between body mass index and 44 AIMs. These simulations are meant to provide some practical guidelines for investigators conducting association studies in admixed populations.  相似文献   

The Cochran-Armitage trend test is commonly used as a genotype-based test for candidate gene association. Corresponding to each underlying genetic model there is a particular set of scores assigned to the genotypes that maximizes its power. When the variance of the test statistic is known, the formulas for approximate power and associated sample size are readily obtained. In practice, however, the variance of the test statistic needs to be estimated. We present formulas for the required sample size to achieve a prespecified power that account for the need to estimate the variance of the test statistic. When the underlying genetic model is unknown one can incur a substantial loss of power when a test suitable for one mode of inheritance is used where another mode is the true one. Thus, tests having good power properties relative to the optimal tests for each model are useful. These tests are called efficiency robust and we study two of them: the maximin efficiency robust test is a linear combination of the standardized optimal tests that has high efficiency and the MAX test, the maximum of the standardized optimal tests. Simulation results of the robustness of these two tests indicate that the more computationally involved MAX test is preferable.  相似文献   

Analysis of DNA sequences of the human chromosomes 21 and 22 performed using a specially designed MegaGene software allowed us to obtain the following results. Purine and pyrimidine nucleotide residues are unevenly distributed along both chromosomes, displaying maxima and minima (Y waves phi) with a period of about 3 Mbp. Distribution of G + C along both chromosomes has no distinct maxima and minima, however, chromosome 21 contains considerably less G + C than chromosome 22. Both exons and Alu repeats are unevenly distributed along chromosome 21: they are scarce in its left part and abundant in the right part, while MIR elements are quite monotonously spread along this chromosome. The Alu repeats show a wave-like distribution pattern similar for both repeat orientations. The number of the Alu repeats of opposite orientations was equal for both studied chromosomes, and this may be considered a new property of the human genome. The positive correlation between the exon and Alu distribution patterns along the chromosome, the concurrent distribution of Alu repeats in both orientations along the chromosome, and the equal copy numbers for Alu in direct and inverted orientations within an individual chromosome point to their important role in the human genome, and do not fit the notion that Alu repeats belong to parasitic (junk) DNA.  相似文献   

Genomic developments have empowered the investigation of heritability in wild populations directly from genomewide relatedness matrices (GRM). Such GRM‐based approaches can in particular be used to improve or substitute approaches based on social pedigree (PED‐social). However, measuring heritability from GRM in the wild has not been widely applied yet, especially using small samples and in nonmodel species. Here, we estimated heritability for four quantitative traits (tarsus length, wing length, bill length and body mass), using PED‐social, a pedigree corrected by genetic data (PED‐corrected) and a GRM from a small sample (n = 494) of blue tits from natural populations in Corsica genotyped at nearly 50,000 filtered SNPs derived from RAD‐seq. We also measured genetic correlations among traits, and we performed chromosome partitioning. Heritability estimates were slightly higher when using GRM compared to PED‐social, and PED‐corrected yielded intermediate values, suggesting a minor underestimation of heritability in PED‐social due to incorrect pedigree links, including extra‐pair paternity, and to lower information content than the GRM. Genetic correlations among traits were similar between PED‐social and GRM but credible intervals were very large in both cases, suggesting a lack of power for this small data set. Although a positive linear relationship was found between the number of genes per chromosome and the chromosome heritability for tarsus length, chromosome partitioning similarly showed a lack of power for the three other traits. We discuss the usefulness and limitations of the quantitative genetic inferences based on genomic data in small samples from wild populations.  相似文献   

The human interferon-beta 2 gene (IFNB2) product is identical to that for the B-cell stimulation factor-2 (BSF-2), the hybridoma growth factor (HGF) ("interleukin-6"), and the hepatocyte stimulating factor (HSF). Proteins derived from this gene mediate the plasma protein response to tissue injury (acute-phase response) and regulate the growth and differentiation of both B and T cells. By using the enzymes MspI, BstNI, and BglI, three polymorphic systems were detected with probes for the IFNB2 gene. The MspI and BglI polymorphisms are likely to be due to base pair substitutions; the BstNI polymorphism was revealed by nine other enzymes and is likely to be due to DNA insertions within 1 kb of the 3' flanking region of the gene. This region is rich in AT dinucleotides, and slippage at DNA replication may generate the insertions of between 0.07 and 0.23 kb that were observed. The polymorphic MspI site also lies within the vicinity of the fifth exon. The BglI polymorphic site is likely to lie in 5' flanking DNA. The three polymorphisms are separate, and a variety of haplotypes was observed. A low level of linkage disequilibrium exists between the MspI and the BglI alleles. MspI and BstNI polymorphisms were observed in Caucasoids, CAR Pygmies, Zaire Pygmies, Melanesians, and Chinese but at differing frequencies, and not all alleles were present in all populations. The BglI polymorphism was observed in Caucasoids and Africans only. Linkage studies involving the IFNB2 gene and 27 other chromosome 7 markers have localized it to between D7S135 and D7S370 at 7p22-p21.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Optimizing bio-production involves strain and process improvements performed as discrete steps. However, environment impacts genotype and a strain that is optimal under one set of conditions may not be under different conditions. We present a methodology to simultaneously vary genetic and process factors, so that both can be guided by design of experiments (DOE). Advances in DNA assembly and gene insulation facilitate this approach by accelerating multi-gene pathway construction and the statistical interpretation of screening data. This is applied to a 6-aminocaproic acid (6-ACA) pathway in Escherichia coli consisting of six heterologous enzymes. A 32-member fraction factorial library is designed that simultaneously perturbs expression and media composition. This is compared to a 64-member full factorial library just varying expression (0.64 Mb of DNA assembly). Statistical analysis of the screening data from these libraries leads to different predictions as to whether the expression of enzymes needs to increase or decrease. Therefore, if genotype and media were varied separately this would lead to a suboptimal combination. This is applied to the design of a strain and media composition that increases 6-ACA from 9 to 48 mg/l in a single optimization step. This work introduces a generalizable platform to co-optimize genetic and non-genetic factors.  相似文献   

Genetic mapping of quantitative traits requires genotypic data for large numbers of markers in many individuals. For such studies, the use of large single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping arrays still offers the most cost‐effective solution. Herein we report on the design and performance of a SNP genotyping array for Populus trichocarpa (black cottonwood). This genotyping array was designed with SNPs pre‐ascertained in 34 wild accessions covering most of the species latitudinal range. We adopted a candidate gene approach to the array design that resulted in the selection of 34 131 SNPs, the majority of which are located in, or within 2 kb of, 3543 candidate genes. A subset of the SNPs on the array (539) was selected based on patterns of variation among the SNP discovery accessions. We show that more than 95% of the loci produce high quality genotypes and that the genotyping error rate for these is likely below 2%. We demonstrate that even among small numbers of samples (n = 10) from local populations over 84% of loci are polymorphic. We also tested the applicability of the array to other species in the genus and found that the number of polymorphic loci decreases rapidly with genetic distance, with the largest numbers detected in other species in section Tacamahaca. Finally, we provide evidence for the utility of the array to address evolutionary questions such as intraspecific studies of genetic differentiation, species assignment and the detection of natural hybrids.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic maps are useful tools for several applications, such as the physical anchoring of linkage and RH maps or genome sequence contigs to specific chromosome regions or the analysis of chromosome rearrangements. Recently, a detailed RH map was reported in OAR1. In the present study, we selected 38 markers equally distributed in this RH map for identification of ovine genomic DNA clones within the ovine BAC library CHORI-243 using the virtual sheep genome browser and performed FISH mapping for both comparison of OAR1 and homoeologous chromosomes BBU1q-BBU6 and BTA1-BTA3 and considerably extending the cytogenetic maps of the involved species-specific chromosomes. Comparison of the resulting maps with human-identified homology with HSA2q, HSA3, HSA21 and HSA1q reveals complex chromosome rearrangements differentiating human and bovid chromosomes. In addition, we identified 2 new small human segments from HSA2q and HSA3q conserved in the telomeric regions of OAR1p and homoeologous chromosome regions of BTA3 and BBU6, and OAR1q, respectively. Evaluation of the present OAR1 cytogenetic map and the OAR1 RH map supports previous RH assignments with 2 main exceptions. The 2 loci BMS4011 and CL638002 occupy inverted positions in these 2 maps.  相似文献   

The human teratocarcinoma derived growth factor 1 (TDGF1) gene maps on chromosome (Chr) 3p21.3. One pseudogene (TDGF3) maps on Chr Xq21-->q22. We now report the nucleotide sequence and chromosome location of three additional TDGF pseudogenes. The three new sequences (TDGF2, TDGF4 and TDGF5) are truncated at the 5' end and have accumulated several point mutations, deletions and insertions. TDGF2, TDGF4 and TDGF6 map on Chrs 2q37, 6p25 and 3q22, respectively. Finally, Southern blot analysis of DNA from normal individuals shows a highly variable restriction pattern of the TDGF sequences.  相似文献   

We report on a large Dutch family with a syndrome characterized by severe hand and/or foot anomalies, and hypoplasia/aplasia of the mammary gland and nipple. Less frequent findings include lacrimal-duct atresia, nail dysplasia, hypohydrosis, hypodontia, and cleft palate with or without bifid uvula. This combination of symptoms has not been reported previously, although there is overlap with the ulnar mammary syndrome (UMS) and with ectrodactyly, ectodermal dysplasia, and clefting syndrome. Allelism with UMS and other related syndromes was excluded by linkage studies with markers from the relevant chromosomal regions. A genomewide screening with polymorphic markers allowed the localization of the genetic defect to the subtelomeric region of chromosome 3q. Haplotype analysis reduced the critical region to a 3-cM interval of chromosome 3q27. This chromosomal segment has not been implicated previously in disorders with defective development of limbs and/or mammary tissue. Therefore, we propose to call this apparently new disorder "limb mammary syndrome" (LMS). The SOX2 gene at 3q27 might be considered an excellent candidate gene for LMS because the corresponding protein stimulates expression of FGF4, an important signaling molecule during limb outgrowth and development. However, no mutations were found in the SOX2 open reading frame, thus excluding its involvement in LMS.  相似文献   

Four new folate-sensitive fragile sites are documented at 6p23, 9p21, 9q32, and 11q23. These have all been shown to be heritable except for the one at 9p21, which has been seen only in a single individual. As with the other autosomal fragile sites, these appear to be innocuous in heterozygotes.  相似文献   

Recombinant human interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) in aqueous solutions unfolds and aggregates when subjected to hydrostatic pressures greater than about 180 MPa. This study examined the mechanism and thermodynamics of pressure-induced unfolding and aggregation of IL-1ra. The activation free energy for growth of aggregates (DeltaG-/+(aggregation)) was found to be 37 +/- 3 kJ/mol, whereas the activation volume (DeltaV-/+(aggregation)) was -120 +/- 20 mL/mol. These values compare closely with equilibrium values for denaturation: The free energy for denaturation, DeltaG(denaturation), was 20 +/- 5 kJ/mol, whereas the partial specific volume change for denaturation, DeltaV(denaturation), was -110 +/- 30 mL/mol. When IL-1ra begins to denature at pressures near 140 MPa, cysteines that are normally buried in the native state become exposed. Under oxidizing conditions, this results in the formation of covalently cross-linked aggregates containing nonnative, intermolecular disulfide bonds. The apparent activation free energy for nucleation of aggregates, DeltaG-/+(nuc), was 42 +/- 4 kJ/mol, and the activation volume for nucleation, DeltaV-/+(nuc),was -175 +/- 37 mL/mol, suggesting that a highly solvent-exposed conformation is needed for nucleation. We hypothesize that the large specific volume of IL-1ra, 0.752 +/- 0.004 mL/g, coupled with its relatively low conformational stability, leads to its susceptibility to denaturation at relatively low pressures. The positive partial specific adiabatic compressibility of IL-1ra, 4.5 +/- 0.7 +/- 10(-12) cm2/dyn, suggests that a significant component of the DeltaV(denaturation) is attributable to the elimination of solvent-free cavities. Lastly, we propose that hydrostatic pressure is a useful variable to conduct accelerated formulation studies of therapeutic proteins.  相似文献   

Genetic maps of the homoeologous group-6 chromosomes of bread wheat, Triticum aestivum, have been constructed spanning 103 cM on 6A, 90 cM on 6B and 124 cM on 6D. These maps were transferred to a Chinese Spring (CS) x line #31 cross to locate a dominant powdery mildew resistance gene, Pm12, introgressed into line #31 from Aegilops speltoides. Pm12 was shown to lie on the short arm of translocation chromosome 6BS-6SS.6SL in line #31, but could not be mapped more precisely due to the lack of recombination between the 6S Ae. speltoides segment and chromosome 6B. Possible strategies to reduce the size of the alien segment, which probably encompasses the complete long arm and more than 82% of the short arm of chromosome 6B, are discussed.  相似文献   

Fluorescence and stopped-flow spectrophotometric studies on three plant lectins fromPsophocarpus tetragonolobus (winged bean),Glycine max (soybean) andArtocarpus integrifolia (jack fruit) have been studied usingN-dansylgalactosamine as a fluorescent ligand. The best monosaccharide for the winged bean agglutinin I (WBA I) and soybean (SBA) is Me-GalNAc and for jack fruit agglutinin (JFA) is Me-Gal. Examination of the percentage enhancement and association constants (1.51×106, 6.56×106 and 4.17×105 M–1 for SBA, WBA I and JFA, respectively) suggests that the combining regions of the lectins SBA and WBA I are apolar whereas that of JFA is polar. Thermodynamic parameters obtained for the binding of several monosaccharides to these lectins are enthalpically favourable. The binding of monosaccharides to these lectins suggests that the-OH groups at C-1, C-2, C-4 and C-6 in thed-galactose configuration are important loci for interaction with these lectins. An important finding is that the JFA binds specifically to Galß1-3GaINAc with much higher affinity than the other disaccharides which are structurally and topographically similar.The results of stopped-flow spectrometry on the binding ofN-dansylgalactosamine to these lectins are consistent with a bimolecular single step mechanism. The association rate constants (2.4×105, 1.3×104, and 11.7×105 M–1 sec–1 for SBA, WBA I and JFA, respectively) obtained are several orders of magnitude slower than the ones expected for diffusion controlled reactions. The dissociation rate constants (0.2, 3.2×10–2, 83.3 sec–1 for SBA, WBA I and JFA, respectively) obtained for the dissociation ofN-dansylgalactosamine from its lectin complex are slowest for SBA and WBA I when compared with any other lectin-ligand dissociation process.Abbreviations SBA Soybean agglutinin - WBA I Winged bean agglutinin (Basic) - JFA Jack fruit agglutinin - PNA Peanut agglutinin - Con A Concanavalin A - Dansyl (Dns) 5-dimethylaminonaphthalene-I-sulphonyl - 2GaINDns N-dansylgalactosamine - dGal 2-deoxygalactose - l-Ara l-arabinose - d-Fuc d-fucose - l-Rha l-rhamnose - N-acetyllactosamine Galß4GlcNAc - melibiose Gal6Glc  相似文献   

We have performed genetic linkage analysis in 13 large multiply affected families, to test the hypothesis that there is extensive heterogeneity of linkage for genetic subtypes of schizophrenia. Our strategy consisted of selecting 13 kindreds containing multiple affected cases in three or more generations, an absence of bipolar affective disorder, and a single progenitor source of schizophrenia with unilineal transmission into the branch of the kindred sampled. DNA samples from these families were genotyped with 365 microsatellite markers spaced at approximately 10-cM intervals across the whole genome. We observed LOD scores >3.0 at five distinct loci, either in the sample as a whole or within single families, strongly suggesting etiological heterogeneity. Heterogeneity LOD scores >3.0 in the sample as a whole were found at 1q33.2 (LOD score 3.2; P=.0003), 5q33.2 (LOD score 3.6; P=.0001), 8p22.1-22 (LOD score 3.6; P=.0001), and 11q21 (LOD score 3.1; P=.0004). LOD scores >3.0 within single pedigrees were found at 4q13-31 (LOD score 3.2; P=.0003) and at 11q23.3-24 (LOD score 3.2; P=.0003). A LOD score of 2.9 was also found at 20q12.1-11.23 within in a single family. The fact that other studies have also detected LOD scores >3.0 at 1q33.2, 5q33.2, 8p21-22 and 11q21 suggests that these regions do indeed harbor schizophrenia-susceptibility loci. We believe that the weight of evidence for linkage to the chromosome 1q22, 5q33.2, and 8p21-22 loci is now sufficient to justify intensive investigation of these regions by methods based on linkage disequilibrium. Such studies will soon allow the identification of mutations having a direct effect on susceptibility to schizophrenia.  相似文献   

The chromosomal locations of three cloned human DNA fragments encompassing tRNA genes have been determined by Southern analysis of human-rodent somatic cell hybrid DNAs with subfragments from these cloned genes and flanking sequences used as hybridization probes. These three DNA segments have been assigned to human chromosomes 1, 5, and 16, and homologous sequences are probably located on chromosome 14 and a separate locus on chromosome 1. These studies, combined with previous results, indicate that tRNA genes and pseudogenes are dispersed on at least seven different human chromosomes and suggest that these sequences will probably be found on most, if not all, human chromosomes. Short (8-12 nucleotide) direct terminal repeats flank many of the dispersed tRNA genes. The presence of these flanking repeats, combined with the dispersion of tRNA genes throughout the human genome, suggests that many of these genes may have arisen by an RNA-mediated retroposition mechanism. The possible functional significance of this gene dispersion is considered.  相似文献   

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