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Bleeding, the most serious complication of thrombolytic therapy with tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA), is thought to result from lysis of fibrin in hemostatic plugs and from the systemic lytic state caused by unopposed plasmin. One mechanism by which systemic plasmin can impair hemostasis is by partially degrading fibrinogen to fragment X, a product that retains clottability but forms clots with reduced tensile strength that stimulate plasminogen activation by t-PA more than fibrin clots. The purpose of this study was to elucidate potential mechanisms by which fragment X accelerates t-PA-mediated fibrinolysis. In the presence of t-PA, clots containing fragment X were degraded faster than fibrin clots and exhibited higher rates of plasminogen activation. Although treatment with carboxypeptidase B, an enzyme that reduces plasminogen binding to fibrin, prolonged the lysis times of fragment X and fibrin clots, clots containing fragment X still were degraded more rapidly. Furthermore, plasmin or trypsin also degraded clots containing fragment X more rapidly than fibrin clots, suggesting that this effect is largely independent of plasminogen activation. Fragment X-derived degradation products were not preferentially released by plasmin from clots composed of equal concentrations of fibrinogen and fragment X, indicating that fragment X does not constitute a preferential site for proteolysis. These data suggest that structural changes resulting from incorporation of fragment X into clots promote their lysis. Thus, attenuation of thrombolytic therapy-induced fragment X formation may reduce the risk of bleeding.  相似文献   

Clots of bovine fibrin, with both coarse and fine structure, and ligated to different extents by fibrinoligase, have been broken up by ultrasonic agitation and the sonicates have been examined by ultracentrifugal sedimentation. Sonication is followed by gross aggregation of the fragments unless guanidine hydrochloride is introduced (order of 1 M). In that case, sonicates of gamma-ligated fine clots contain two species whose sedimentation coefficients correspond to fibrin monomer and an oligomer with twice the monomer cross-section area and at least 20 monomer units, presumably with the structure of lateral dimerization with staggered overlapping. If the gamma ligation is incomplete, shorter oligomers are identified. The monomer and oligomer with degree of polymerization greater than 20 appear also in sonicates of coarse clots, but in smaller amounts, the principal product consisting of larger aggregates. The implications of these results with respect to metastability of the fine clot and the pattern of polymerization are discussed.  相似文献   

Viscoelastic properties of fibrin clots   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

Vitronectin is an abundant plasma protein that regulates coagulation, fibrinolysis, complement activation, and cell adhesion. Recently, we demonstrated that plasma vitronectin inhibits fibrinolysis by mediating the interaction of type 1 plasminogen activator inhibitor with fibrin (Podor, T. J., Peterson, C. B., Lawrence, D. A., Stefansson, S., Shaughnessy, S. G., Foulon, D. M., Butcher, M., and Weitz, J. I. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 19788-19794). The current studies were undertaken to further examine the interactions between vitronectin and fibrin(ogen). Comparison of vitronectin levels in plasma with those in serum indicates that approximately 20% of plasma vitronectin is incorporated into the clot. When the time course of biotinylated-vitronectin incorporation into clots formed from (125)I-fibrinogen is monitored, vitronectin incorporation into the clot parallels that of fibrinogen in the absence or presence of activated factor XIII. Vitronectin binds specifically to fibrin matrices with an estimated K(d) of approximately 0.6 microm. Additional vitronectin subunits are assembled on fibrin-bound vitronectin multimers through self-association. Confocal microscopy of fibrin clots reveals the globular vitronectin aggregates anchored at intervals along the fibrin fibrils. This periodicity raised the possibility that vitronectin interacts with the gamma A/gamma' variant of fibrin(ogen) that represents about 10% of total fibrinogen. In support of this concept, the vitronectin which contaminates fibrinogen preparations co-purifies with the gamma A/gamma' fibrinogen fraction, and clots formed from gamma A/gamma' fibrinogen preferentially bind vitronectin. These studies reveal that vitronectin associates with fibrin during coagulation, and may thereby modulate hemostasis and inflammation.  相似文献   

The polymerization of fibrin, at pH 8.5 and ionic strength 0.45, and under conditions where the action of thrombin on fibrinogen was the rate-determining step, was interrupted by inactivating thrombin with p-nitrophenyl-p′-guanidinobenzoate (NPGB). Addition of the tetrapeptide Gly-Pro-Arg-Pro (GPRP) partially dissociated the fibrin oligomers as shown by subsequent ligation with Factor XIIIa and calcium ion followed by denaturation and gel electrophoresis; polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with reduction showed a decrease in the proportion of γ-γ ligation compared with controls untreated by GPRP, and agarose gel electrophoresis showed a shift in the distribution of oligomer sizes. The dissociation was accomplished within 15 min and its extent was consistent with establishment of an equilibrium in which two molecules of GPRP react to sever an oligomer. When GPRP was introduced into fine unligated fibrin clots by diffusion, there was some dissociation as shown by differences in the degree of γ-γ ligation after treatment by Factor XIIIa; but the action of GPRP was much slower and less complete than on soluble oligomers. However, even a small amount of dissociation affected the mechanical properties of fine clots profoundly. The shear modulus (measured 25 s after application of stress) decreased progressively with increasing concentration of GPRP introduced by diffusion. The rate of shear creep under constant stress and the proportion of irrecoverable deformation also increased enormously. If the steadystate creep rate is interpreted in terms of an effective viscosity, the latter is decreased by up to three orders of magnitude by the presence of GPRP. In terms of transient network theories of viscoelasticity, the average lifetime of a network strand is greatly diminished. However, the total density of strands remains constant during creep and creep recovery as shown by constancy of the differential modulus or compliance. Removal of GPRP by diffusion only partially restores the original shear modulus and creep behavior of the original clot. Some limited data on the effect of the tetrapeptide Gly-His-Arg-Pro are also reported.  相似文献   

Effects of thrombospondin on fibrin polymerization and structure   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Thrombospondin (TSP) is a trace protein in plasma but is released in high concentrations from alpha-granules of activated platelets during hemostasis. It binds to the platelet membrane and becomes incorporated into fibrin clots. A variety of approaches were taken to learn the effects of TSP on fibrin polymerization and structure. 125I-TSP and 125I-fibrinogen were used to study the effect of TSP concentration on the extent of TSP and fibrin incorporation. Turbidity at 600 nm was used to monitor the time course of polymerization. Wavelength dependence of the turbidity was used to calculate the mass to length ratio, fiber diameter, and fiber density of fibrin formed in the presence and absence of TSP. Morphologies of control and TSP-containing clots were examined by electron microscopy following critical point drying. The initial TSP concentration influenced the amount of TSP incorporated but did not alter the extent of fibrin polymerization. TSP, in a concentration-dependent manner, reduced the lag time to turbidity rise and caused formation of more numerous but thinner fibers. Except for their diameter, these fibers were identical to fibers of control fibrin in terms of density and morphology. It is proposed that TSP interacts with fibrin intermediates to accelerate fiber growth, perhaps by serving as a trifunctional branching unit during network formation. The properties of fibrin around aggregating platelets, therefore, may be influenced considerably by secreted TSP.  相似文献   

Methods for continuous measurement of dissolution of experimentally induced radioactively labelled thrombi were described. They are suited for the use in artificial circulating systems and in animal experiments. The radioactivity can be measured continuously in a circulating system by fitting a flow through cell with a well scintillator. In order to measure thrombotic processes in vivo, we developed a specially adapted single hole collimator. By this device changes in radioactivity over a defined occluded area of the vessel could be detected. The usefulness of the methods was demonstrated by means of a thrombolytic agent.  相似文献   

The adherence of six Candida species to fibrin clots was studied using a simple, in vitro technique. Yeast suspensions were incubated with fibrin clots and the number of adherent organisms quantified as follows: after washing, the clots were subjected to vortex mixing and the number of CPU's which subsequently grew on Sabourauds medium were counted. Adhesion was directly proportional to the concentration of Candida species in the suspension (r=0.99 p<0.001). C. albicans and C. tropicalis exhibited marked adherence whereas C. krusei, C. gulliermondi and C. glabrata adhered less readily. C. parapsilosis was intermediate in its ability to adhere.  相似文献   

Clotting and fibrinolysis are initiated simultaneously in vivo, and fibrinolysis usually occurs without any individualized lysis front (intrinsic fibrinolysis). We have developed a novel model to assess whether morphological changes resulting from intrinsic fibrinolysis are similar to those previously reported at the lysis front using externally applied lytic agents. Fibrin assembly and fibrinolysis were followed in real-time by confocal microscopy using gold-labeled fibrinogen molecules. An increase in fiber absorbance (30%, p < 0.01) and a decrease in fiber diameter (60%, p < 0.01) due to the ongoing accumulation and packing of fibrin molecules were the most significant detectable features occurring during fibrin assembly. Similar features with a similar magnitude were observed during fibrin dissolution, but in the reverse order and with a 3-fold increase in duration. Then, lysing fibers were progressively transected laterally, and thinner fibers were cleaved at a 2.5-fold faster rate than thicker fibers (p < 0.001). Frayed lysing fibers were seen to interact progressively with adjoining fibers (agglomeration), leading to a 76 and 88% increase in the network pore diameter (p < 0.05) and fiber diameter (p < 0.01), respectively. At the maximum decrease in fiber absorbance (46%, p < 0.05), the network suddenly collapsed with the release of large fragments that gradually vanished. Morphological changes of fibrin that occur during intrinsic fibrinolysis are similar as those observed next to the lysis front, although they are not restricted spatially to the clot/surrounding milieu interface but are observed through the entire clot.  相似文献   

In any therapeutic model involving a tissue-engineering approach to the repair of partial-thickness articular cartilage defects, a chondrogenic differentiation factor is required to ensure tissue-specific healing. Transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) is known to act in this capacity, but at such high concentrations as to render its direct injection into the joint cavity inadvisable. This situation calls for a delivery system that can be applied directly to the defect site and that will release the drug gradually over a period of some weeks. Liposome encapsulation represents one such system, and has been recently implemented with some success in an animal model for cartilage repair. However, the kinetics of TGF-beta1 release have not been determined, it was the purpose of the present study to characterize these. The liberation of [(125)I]-labeled TGF-beta1 from fibrin matrices containing this agent in either a free or liposome-encapsulated form was monitored by liquid scintillation counting for 25 days in vitro. During the initial 5 days, fibrin clots containing liposome-encapsulated TGF-beta1 released this cytokine at a slower rate (2% to 4% per day) than did those containing the free molecules (10% to 20% per day); thereafter, the release rates were similar. At the end of the incubation period, only 40% of the liposome-encapsulated TGF-beta1 had been released from the fibrin clots, as compared with 68% from those containing the free molecules. Liposome encapsulation thus represents a suitable means of establishing a slow-delivery system in tissue-engineering approaches to articular cartilage repair.  相似文献   

During blood clot formation in vivo, plasma fibronectin (pFN) is cross-linked to fibrin by coagulation factor XIIIa. Cellular FN (cFN), which localizes to connective tissue, is distinguished from pFN by the inclusion of alternatively spliced segments. To determine if these two FNs are functionally equivalent in blood clotting, the cross-linking of rat pFN and cFN to fibrin was compared in an in vitro clotting assay. Fibrinogen and FN were incubated at physiological ratios in the presence of thrombin and factor XIIIa. Cross-linking of FN to fibrin was monitored by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting. Over 24 h, cFN was incorporated at a significantly slower rate than pFN and was not completely cross-linked to fibrin at a temperature that favors this interaction (0 degrees C). This difference was observed with purified fibrinogens from human, rat, and bovine and with rat plasma and was maintained even after incubation of pFN with rat fibroblasts for several days. Using the same assay, purified recombinant V(+)-V0 and V(+)-V+ FN dimers resembling pFN and cFN, respectively, showed a similar difference in cross-linking kinetics. These results suggest that the asymmetric distribution of the V region among pFN dimers plays a role in regulating its incorporation into blood clots. In fibrin clots, cFN was converted into a set of cross-linked intermediates distinct from those of pFN. For example, while pFN was initially cross-linked into a pFN-fibrin alpha heterodimer, this product was not a major intermediate in clots formed with cFN. This finding, in conjunction with evidence for the formation of factor XIIIa-catalyzed cFN-cFN cross-links, indicated that cFN molecules interact with each other, and with fibrin, differently from pFN. Together, these results show an important functional distinction between pFN and cFN.  相似文献   

Fibrinogen is a circulating multifunctional plasma protein vital for hemostasis. Activation of the coagulation cascade converts soluble fibrinogen to insoluble polymerized fibrin, which, along with platelets, forms the hemostatic clot. However, inappropriate formation of fibrin clots may result in arterial and venous thrombotic disorders that may progress to life-threatening adverse events. Often thrombotic disorders are associated with inflammation and the production of oxidants. Fibrinogen represents a potential target for oxidants, and several oxidative posttranslational modifications that influence fibrinogen structure and function have been associated with disease pathogenesis. Here, we review various oxidative modifications of fibrinogen and the consequences of these modifications on protein structure and the ability to form fibrin and how the resulting alterations affect fibrin architecture and viscoelastic and biochemical properties that may contribute to disease.  相似文献   

Creep and creep recovery of human fibrin clots in small shearing deformations have been investigated over a time scale from 24 to 104 s. Coarse, unligated dots and fine dots ligated by fibrinoligase in the presence of calcium ions were studied to suppllement previous data on coarse ligated and fine unligated clots. Stress was found to be proportional to strain up to at least a maximum shear strain (in torsion geometry) of 2.6%. The initial modulus (25 s after imposition of stress) is proportional to approximately the 1.5 power of concentration for fine ligated and coarse unligated clots. For fine unligated clots, there is comparatively little creep subsequent to the initial deformation; ligation (in this case involving mostly the γ chains) reduces the creep to nearly zero. For coarse unligated dots, there is substantially more creep under constant stress, and creep recovery is not complete. legation (in this casa involving both γ and α chains) largely suppresses the creep and causes the recovery to be complete. If the structure is fully formed before creep begins, tests of creep recovery by the Boltzmann superposition principle show adherence to linear viscoelastic behavior for all four clot types. Otherwise, the Boltzmann test fails and the recovery is much less than calculated. For fine ligated clots, the observed recovery agrees well with that calculated on the basis of a dual structure model in which an additional independent structure is built up in the deformed state, so that the state of ease after removal of stress is a balance between two structures deformed in opposite senses, it is postulated that the coherence and elastic modulus of the fine ligated dot are largely due to steric blocking of long protofibrils with a high flexural stiffness. In the coarse clot, it is proposed that the structure involves extensive branching of thick bundles of protofibrils, which become permanently secured by the ligation of the α chains of the fibrin.  相似文献   

Creep and creep recovery in small shearing deformations have been studied in fibrin clots at pH 8.5 and ionic strength 0.45, where the fine, transparent clot is formed with very little lateral aggregation of protofibrils. The initial shear modulus G1 was measured 25 s after deformation on clots aged long enough for complete development of structure. For both human and bovine fibrin, the data were approximately described by log G1 = 1.45 + 1.90 log c, where c is concentration in gl and G1 is in dyncm2, over a range of c from 4 to 13 gl. For bovine clots with completely developed structure, creep and creep recovery showed substantial irrecoverable deformation but the differential modulus GΔ measured at intervals agreed with G1 and did not change during the course of the experiment; it also agreed with the value calculated from the initial recovery after removal of stress. Moreover, several tests showed that the course of recovery conformed closely to the Boltzmann superposition principle. Thus the irrecoverable strain was associated with a structural rearrangement which caused no permanent damage. The irrecoverable deformation relative to the initial deformation was proportional to the elapsed time during creep in the early stages with a proportionality constant that decreased somewhat with increasing clot age prior to imposition of stress; it corresponded to a pseudo-viscosity of the order of 107 poise. However, the irrecoverable deformation does not represent viscous flow and appears to approach a limiting value at long times. Experiments on clots without completely developed structure, i.e., with imposition of stress at an earlier clot age, showed an increase in the differential modulus GΔ during creep. The irrecoverable deformation was greater and a portion of it could be attributed to the balance between two structures formed in the unstrained and strained states. However, unlike the case of ligated clots strained before complete development of structure, where the irrecoverable deformation is entirely due to a two-structure balance, there is also a contribution from structural rearrangement. Experiments with reverse creep and creep recovery showed that the structural rearrangement is symmetrical with respect to direction of deformation. The interpretation of these results in terms of clot structure and internal motions of protofibrils is discussed.  相似文献   

Shear moduli and creep compliances have been measured for four types of clots of human fibrin (about 7 mgml) clotted with and without human plasma fibronectin (usually 1.2 mgml). Fine clots (with little lateral aggregation of the fibrin protofibrils) were formed at pH 8.5, ionic strength 0.45 ; coarse clots (with substantial lateral aggregation) were formed at pH 7.5, ionic strength 0.15; in both cases with and without ligation by fibrinougase. In fine clots, the addition of fibronectin without ligation scarcely affected the shear modulus; with ligation, the modulus was decreased by a factor of 0.48. In coarse clots, the shear modulus was increased by addition of fibronectin. The increase was by a factor of 2.0 without ligation and by a factor of 2.4 with ligation. Creep and creep recovery in clots formed with and without fibronectin were similar except for the scale factor represented by the change in modulus.  相似文献   

Mechanical creep and creep recovery in small shearing deformations have been studied in unligated clots formed with both thrombin and ancrod. In thrombin clots, both A binding sites (which interact with “a” sites to link monomer units within a protofibril) and B sites (which interact with “b” sites to form links between protofibrils) are exposed to enable formation of linkages; in ancrod clots, only the A sites are exposed. Fine clots (with minimal lateral aggregation of protofibrils), coarse clots (with substantial aggregation of fibril bundles), and clots of intermediate coarseness were compared. Fine thrombin clots showed less creep at short times but more creep at long times than coarse or intermediate clots and had more irrecoverable deformation relative to the initial elastic deformation. Ancrod clots had greater irrecoverable deformation than the corresponding thrombin clots, both fine and coarse. The permanent deformation in fine ancrod clots was enormous, corresponding almost to fluid character; the rate of permanent deformation was larger than that in fine thrombin clots by more than two orders of magnitude. For all types of clots, differential measurements of compliance (or its reciprocal, elastic modulus), as well as the applicability of the Boltzmann superposition principle to calculation of creep recovery, showed that the overall density of structure remained constant throughout the mechanical history; i.e., if structural elements were breaking, they were reforming at the same rate in different configurations. The possibility that the weakness of ancrod clots is attributable to partial degradation of α-chains rather than absence of Bb linkages was eliminated by comparisons of clots made with thrombin, ancrod, and ancrod plus thrombin; the last two showed identical partial degradation of α-chains (by gel electrophoresis), but the first and third had essentially identical initial elastic moduli and creep behavior. Two alternative mechanisms for irrecoverable deformation in fine clots are discussed, involving rupture of protofibrils and slippage of twisted segments, respectively.  相似文献   

The storage and loss shear moduli (G', G″) of human fibrin clots have been measured in small oscillating deformations over a frequency range of 0.01 to 160 Hz with the modified Birnboim transducer apparatus. Most clots were prepared by the action of thrombin on purified fibrinogen, under various conditions of pH and ionic strength to produce networks ranging from coarse to fine structure; some were liaated by fibrinoligase. The fine, unligated clot showed very little mechanical loss or frequency dependence of G' over the experimental frequency range, though loss mechanisms evidently appear at higher frequencies; G' was proportional to the 1.5 power of fibrin concentration. The coarse, unligated clot showed a slight increase of G' with frequency, reflecting some relaxation mechanisms with time constants whose reciprocals lie in the experimental frequency range. Ligation did not greatly affect the magnitude of G'. However, clots prepared by dilution of solutions of fibrin monomer in 1 M sodium bromide had smaller moduli by a factor of ten than corresponding clots prepared by the action of thrombin of fibrinogen. Oscillatory measurements in the Birnboim apparatus with closed-end (annular pumping) geometry revealed a low-frequency anomaly which was shown to be due to permeation of fluid through the clot structure, and from these measurements the Darcy constants for coarse clots were calculated. From the Darcy constants, the average thicknesses of the fibrous elements of the structures were estimated to be from 300 to 700 A.  相似文献   

Measurements of small oscillatory deformations of a fibrin clot by axial motion of a rod in a closed tube reveal an anomalous mechanical loss due to permeation of fluid through the clot structure. The Darcy constant for permeation can be calculated from data at the frequency where the apparent storage and loss shear moduli are equal, without the necessity of measurements at much lower frequencies as previously employed. From the Darcy constant, the average number of fibrin monomer units (v) per cross-section of a fibrous element of the clot can be calculated; it ranges from 4 to several hundred. In the range of fibrin concentration(c) from 3 to 14 milligrams, v is approximately proportional to c-2 for clots of coarse structure and to c-0.5 for clots of fine structure.  相似文献   

R A Bok  W F Mangel 《Biochemistry》1985,24(13):3279-3286
The binding of human Glu- and Lys-plasminogens to intact fibrin clots, to lysine-Sepharose, and to fibrin cleaved by plasmin was quantitatively characterized. On intact fibrin clots, there was one strong binding site for Glu-plasminogen with a dissociation constant, Kd, of 25 microM and one strong binding site for Lys-plasminogen with a Kd of 7.9 microM. In both cases, the number of plasminogen binding sites per fibrin monomer was 1. Also, a much weaker binding site for Glu-plasminogen was observed with a Kd of about 350 microM. Limited digestion of fibrin by plasmin created additional binding sites for plasminogen with Kd values similar to the binding of plasminogen to lysine-Sepharose. This was predictable given the observations that plasminogen binds to lysine-Sepharose and can be eluted with epsilon-aminocaproic acid [Deutsch, D.G., & Mertz, E.T. (1970) Science (Washington, D.C.) 170, 1095-1096] and that plasmin preferentially cleaves fibrin at the carboxy side of lysyl residues [Weinstein, M.J., & Doolittle, R.F. (1972) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 258, 577-590], because the structures of the lysyl moiety in lysine-Sepharose and of epsilon-aminocaproic acid are identical with the structure of a COOH-terminal lysyl residue created by plasmin cleavage of fibrin. The Kd for the binding of Glu-plasminogen to lysine-Sepharose was 43 microM and for fibrin partially cleaved by plasmin 48 microM. The Kd for the binding of Lys-plasminogen to lysine-Sepharose was 30 microM. With fibrin partially cleaved by plasmin, there were two types of binding sites for Lys-plasminogen, one with a Kd of 7.6 microM and the other with a Kd of 44 microM.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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