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Although there is growing interest to take genomics into the complex realms of natural populations, there is a general shortage of genomic resources and tools available for wild species. This applies not at least to birds, for which genomic approaches should be helpful to questions such as adaptation, speciation and population genetics. In this study, we describe a genome-wide reference set of conserved avian gene markers, broadly applicable across birds. By aligning protein-coding sequences from the recently assembled chicken genome with orthologous sequences in zebra finch, we identified particularly conserved exonic regions flanking introns of suitable size for subsequent amplification and sequencing. Primers were designed for 242 gene markers evenly distributed across the chicken genome, with a mean inter-marker interval of 4.2 Mb. Between 78% and 93% of the markers amplified a specific product in five species tested (chicken, peregrine falcon, collared flycatcher, great reed warbler and blue tit). Two hundred markers were sequenced in collared flycatcher, yielding a total of 122.41 kb of genomic DNA sequence (12096 bp coding sequence and 110 314 bp noncoding). Intron size of collared flycatcher and chicken was highly correlated, as was GC content. A polymorphism screening using these markers in a panel of 10 unrelated collared flycatchers identified 871 single nucleotide polymorphisms (pi = 0.0029) and 33 indels (mainly very short). Avian genome characteristics such as uniform genome size and low rate of syntenic rearrangements suggest that this marker set will find broad utility as a genome-wide reference resource for molecular ecological and population genomic analysis of birds. We envision that it will be particularly useful for obtaining large-scale orthologous targets in different species--important in, for instance, phylogenetics--and for large-scale identification of evenly distributed single nucleotide polymorphisms needed in linkage mapping or in studies of gene flow and hybridization.  相似文献   

Twenty‐four microsatellite repeat sequences were identified by screening a total of 4446 eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, expressed sequence tags. Polymerase chain reaction primers were designed to amplify 12 of these loci. After optimizing reaction parameters, eight loci showed high variability with consistent amplification that could be scored unambiguously. Ninety two C. virginica from the James River, VA, were genotyped at these loci. Number of alleles per locus ranged from 11 to 53, expected and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.69 to 0.97, and from 0.30 to 0.99, respectively. Discrepancies between expected and observed heterozygosities were common and likely caused by null alleles.  相似文献   

PCR primers to amplify 16S rRNA genes from cyanobacteria.   总被引:23,自引:8,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
We developed and tested a set of oligonucleotide primers for the specific amplification of 16S rRNA gene segments from cyanobacteria and plastids by PCR. PCR products were recovered from all cultures of cyanobacteria and diatoms that were checked but not from other bacteria and archaea. Gene segments selectively retrieved from cyanobacteria and diatoms in unialgal but nonaxenic cultures and from cyanobionts in lichens could be directly sequenced. In the context of growing sequence databases, this procedure allows rapid and phylogenetically meaningful identification without pure cultures or molecular cloning. We demonstrate the use of this specific PCR in combination with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis to probe the diversity of oxygenic phototrophic microorganisms in cultures, lichens, and complex microbial communities.  相似文献   

Skinner BM  Griffin DK 《Heredity》2012,108(1):37-41
It is generally believed that the organization of avian genomes remains highly conserved in evolution as chromosome number is constant and comparative chromosome painting demonstrated there to be very few interchromosomal rearrangements. The recent sequencing of the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) genome allowed an assessment of the number of intrachromosomal rearrangements between it and the chicken (Gallus gallus) genome, revealing a surprisingly high number of intrachromosomal rearrangements. With the publication of the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) genome it has become possible to describe intrachromosomal rearrangements between these three important avian species, gain insight into the direction of evolutionary change and assess whether breakpoint regions are reused in birds. To this end, we aligned entire chromosomes between chicken, turkey and zebra finch, identifying syntenic blocks of at least 250 kb. Potential optimal pathways of rearrangements between each of the three genomes were determined, as was a potential Galliform ancestral organization. From this, our data suggest that around one-third of chromosomal breakpoint regions may recur during avian evolution, with 10% of breakpoints apparently recurring in different lineages. This agrees with our previous hypothesis that mechanisms of genome evolution are driven by hotspots of non-allelic homologous recombination.  相似文献   

应用简并引物扩增黑木耳信息素受体基因片段   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Degenerate primers, br1-F and br1-R, designed based on the conserved amino acid sequence of STE3 pheromone receptor in Schizophyllum commune, were used to amplify genomic DNA of monkaryotic parental strains(H2, J3) and fifty-nine monokaryons of their F1 progenies in Auricularia auricula. A fragment of the PCR product 811bp in length were amplified from the parental strain H2, nine monokaryons of the H2 mating –type and fifteen ones of the J3 mating –type of F1 progenies. After cloning , sequencing the fragm…  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that hybridization can be a creative process by acting as a conduit for the spread of adaptive traits between species, but few provide the mechanism that favours this spread. In the hybrid zone between the golden- (Manacus vitellinus) and white-collared (Manacus candei) manakins, sexual selection drives the introgression of golden/yellow plumage into the white species; however, the mechanism for the yellow male's mating advantage and the reasons why yellow plumage has not swept further into the white species remain mostly speculative. We quantified the colour properties of male plumage, the background and the ambient light at the hybrid zone, and allopatric golden and white populations. As measured by the perceived difference in colour between plumage and background, we found that yellow plumage appears more conspicuous than white plumage in the hybrid zone and allopatric golden-collar habitats, whereas white plumage appears more conspicuous than yellow plumage in the allopatric white-collared habitat. These results suggest a mechanism for the unidirectional spread of yellow plumage across the hybrid zone but slowed movement beyond it.  相似文献   

Postglacial migration studies in Quercus rubra L. (northern red oak) are hampered by low levels of population differentiation in the widely used universal chloroplast primers. We sequenced the large single copy (LSC) regions of the Q. rubra and Quercus ellipsoidalis chloroplasts to enable us to query additional regions for future studies on migration and speciation. Using 454 sequencing of long-range PCR amplicons and Sanger sequencing for gap closure, we report 65 coding sequences from Q. rubra and 59 from Q. ellipsoidalis. Comparison of our de novo assembly of the LSC region sequence for Q. rubra to Q. rubra chloroplast sequence (NCBI Reference Sequence: NC_020152.1) from a different tree revealed 106 polymorphisms, all within intergenic regions, that can serve as tools for postglacial migration studies and taxonomic studies within the Lobatae. Sequence alignment for the 59 complete coding regions in common for theQ. rubrachloroplast reference sequence, our Q. rubra sequence and our Q. ellipsoidalis sequence revealed no sequence polymorphisms and no indels. We also report the 52 primer pairs we used for gap closure, including 53 new primer pairs not previously reported. We tested these 52 primer pairs against 11 species representing the Tracheophyta and detected 47 that produced amplicons in all 11 species. The new universal primers we have identified provide additional tools for resolving the taxonomic relationships among the congeneric taxa of forest trees in the temperate and subtropical forests of the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

We present a new set of 12 highly polymorphic simple sequence repeat primer sequences for use with Brassica species. These new primers, and four from A.K.S. SzewcMcFadden and colleagues, were tested in four Brassica species (B. rapa, B. napus, B. oleracea and B. nigra). Most primers successfully amplified products within all species and were polymorphic. Due to the risk of gene flow from GM oilseed rape to its wild relatives, hybrid formation in the Brassicaceae is of great interest. We identify six primer pairs as specific to the A, B or C genomes that could be used to identify such hybrids.  相似文献   

All 10 chromosomes of maize (Zea mays, 2n = 2x = 20) were recovered as single additions to the haploid complement of oat (Avena sativa, 2n = 6x = 42) among F(1) plants generated from crosses involving three different lines of maize to eight different lines of oat. In vitro rescue culture of more than 4,300 immature F(1) embryos resulted in a germination frequency of 11% with recovery of 379 F(1) plantlets (8.7%) of moderately vigorous growth. Some F(1) plants were sectored with distinct chromosome constitutions among tillers of the same plant and also between root and shoot cells. Meiotic restitution facilitated development of un-reduced gametes in the F(1). Self-pollination of these partially fertile F(1) plants resulted in disomic additions (2n = 6x + 2 = 44) for maize chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 9. Maize chromosome 8 was recovered as a monosomic addition (2n = 6x + 1 = 43). Monosomic additions for maize chromosomes 5 and 10 to a haploid complement of oat (n = 3x + 1 = 22) were recovered several times among the F(1) plants. Although partially fertile, these chromosome 5 and 10 addition plants have not yet transmitted the added maize chromosome to F(2) offspring. We discuss the development and general utility of this set of oat-maize addition lines as a novel tool for maize genomics and genetics.  相似文献   

The increase in demand for the certification of oak seed lots, as well as control of the geographical origin of oak wood, has led us to develop powerful genetic markers permitting us to discriminate among provenance regions. With the aim of detecting new chloroplast variants, we have identified 17 potential cpSSRs motifs from available oak sequences and tested their variability among French oak populations. Six loci were polymorphic at the intraspecific level in Quercus petraea and Q. robur. Moreover, conservation of the primer pairs was checked on a set of 21 forest tree species and they were all shown to work well on several Quercus species, and even within Fagacaea.  相似文献   

MatK and rbcL are recommended as the official barcode loci for higher plants but there remains a need for additional universal markers. We generated a series of 84 new universal primers targeting 42 plastid loci that all yielded single amplicons when applied to DNA templates from 19 diverse higher plant families. Marker utility ultimately depends on sequence variability, with rapidly evolving loci being useful for barcoding or biogeographic applications and more conserved loci being better suited to deep phylogeny reconstruction. Whereas excessive size variation is undesirable for many applications, modest size variability caused by indels and the sequence variation frequently associated with indels are highly desirable. We therefore performed a quick screen of the markers for size and sequence variation using pooled DNA templates from 96 taxonomically diverse species. All markers produced little or no size variation (consistent with the presence of minor indels). The seven regions exhibiting most size variation in pooled templates (rpl23&rpl2.1, 16S, 23S, 4.5S&5S, petB&D and rpl2, rpoC1 and trnK introns) were then amplified for all species individually, confirming the pooled template results. When the most variable loci (introns of trnK and rpoC1) were sequenced for all 96 species, a high level of sequence variation (nucleotide substitutions and indels) was observed among congeneric species groups for both loci. Both markers therefore have potential as supplementary barcode markers.  相似文献   

Vaccination can be a useful tool for control of avian influenza outbreaks in poultry, but its use is reconsidered in most of the countries worldwide because of its negative effects on the disease control. One of the most important negative effects is the potential for emergence of vaccine-resistant viruses. Actually, in the vaccination program in China and Mexico, several vaccine-resistant strains were confirmed. Vaccine-resistant strains usually cause a loss of the protection effectiveness of vaccination. Therefore, a vaccination program that engenders the emergence of the resistant strain might promote the spread of the resistant strain and undermine the control of the infectious disease, even if the vaccination protects against the transmission of a vaccine-sensitive strain. We designed and analyzed a deterministic patch-structured model in heterogeneous areas (with or without vaccination) illustrating transmission of vaccine-sensitive and vaccine-resistant strains during a vaccination program. We found that the vaccination program can eradicate the vaccine-sensitive strain but lead to a prevalence of vaccine-resistant strain. Further, interestingly, the replacement of viral strain could occur in another area without vaccination through a migration of non-infectious individuals due to an illegal trade of poultry. It is also a novel result that only a complete eradication of both strains in vaccination area can achieve the complete eradication in another areas. Thus we can obtain deeper understanding of an effect of vaccination for better development of vaccination strategies to control avian influenza spread.  相似文献   

A set of BAC clones spanning the human genome   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Using the human bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) fingerprint-based physical map, genome sequence assembly and BAC end sequences, we have generated a fingerprint-validated set of 32855 BAC clones spanning the human genome. The clone set provides coverage for at least 98% of the human fingerprint map, 99% of the current assembled sequence and has an effective resolving power of 79 kb. We have made the clone set publicly available, anticipating that it will generally facilitate FISH or array-CGH-based identification and characterization of chromosomal alterations relevant to disease.  相似文献   

Eight primers were developed for the amplification of mitochondrial DNA control region of Old world porcupines (subgenus Hystrix). Successful amplifications of low‐quality DNA extracted from old (12 years old) and recent quills were performed, thus facilitating field sampling. Successful cross‐species amplifications were obtained for Hystrix africaeaustralis, H. cristata and H. indica. Length and structure of mitochondrial DNA control region were analysed and its usefulness as genetic marker for interspecific and population investigation was discussed.  相似文献   

We present a set of 35 chloroplast microsatellite primers for Eucalyptus. Ten of the microsatellites displayed intraspecific polymorphism, and identified nine haplotypes among 16 Eucalyptus globulus individuals. Primer conservation was high, with a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) success rate of 98% when tested on four other Eucalyptus species and seven additional myrtaceous genera. Chloroplast microsatellites have applications in phylogeographic studies, fingerprinting and progeny analysis.  相似文献   

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