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Time dependence of airways and lung parenchymal recoil hysteresis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hysteresis of airways and lung parenchymal recoil was examined in normal subjects by measuring specific conductance (sGaw) and lung elastic recoil (Pst,L) before and 5, 10, 15, and 30 s after deep inspiration (DI). Routine lung function tests were normal before and after inhaled metaproterenol. sGaw increased significantly for 10 s after DI. Also, sGaw(DI) was greater than sGaw in 11 of 12, 8 of 12, 7 of 12, and 6 of 12 subjects at 5, 10, 15, and 30 s, respectively, after DI. The response of sGaw to DI and metaproterenol correlated significantly with each other (r = 0.82, P less than 0.001). However, after metaproterenol, sGaw(DI) did not exceed sGaw. Pst,L decreased significantly for 15 s after DI, with the lowest measured Pst,L(DI) values occurring 5 s after DI (P less than 0.01-0.001). Both sGaw(DI) and Pst,L(DI) values returned to base line (preinspiration) in a time-dependent exponential manner, with time constants of 9.2 +/- 4.9 and 11.3 +/- 6.1 s, respectively; these time constants were not significantly different from each other. We conclude that airways hysteresis is the predominant finding in normal subjects (even without prior pharmacological bronchoconstriction) before but not after metaproterenol; Pst,L decreases after DI and, in normal individuals, returns to base line in a time-dependent manner; and the time-dependent behavior of airways and lung parenchymal hysteresis have opposite (and unequal) effects on airway caliber.  相似文献   

Relative hysteresis of the dead space and lung in vivo   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The resistance to airflow that develops in most obstructive processes takes place in the small airways. The aim of the present paper is to describe bronchial hysteresis morphometrically in a respiratory cycle model. As a working hypothesis, it is proposed that the changes that take place in the respiratory tract during the respiratory cycle are related to the bronchial size. Specimen rat lungs were organized into five groups: In the first group, the lungs were filled with a liquid fixative to 25 cm of H2O transpulmonary pressure. The following four groups were inflated with air and fixed through the pulmonary artery. Groups 2 and 3 were fixed at 10 and 20 cm transpulmonary pressure in inflation. The last two groups were fixed in deflation and, for this purpose, the transpulmonary pressure was increased to 27 cm and decreased to 20 and 10 cm, respectively. The lungs were processed for morphometrical study and the following variables were quantified: pulmonary volume, internal area, internal perimeter, wall area, internal area radius and bronchial wall radius. The diameter of the airways studied varied between 84.06 microm and 526.4 microm. The results were classified into three subgroups consisting of small, medium-sized and large bronchi. With a single exception--the internal area in the medium-sized bronchi inflated to 20 cm--all the results obtained in deflation were higher than those obtained in inflation. The internal area increased or decreased significantly upon raising or lowering the transpulmonary pressure respectively, in the small and medium-sized bronchi. The wall area in the large bronchi showed significant differences between inflation and deflation at 10 and 20 cm transpulmonary pressure. The wall area was modified significantly in the lungs fixed at 20 cm in the small bronchi and at 10 cm in medium-sized bronchi. The bronchial wall radius was significantly greater in the large bronchi and smaller in the small bronchi. The lumen of the medium-sized and small bronchi increases in inspiration and decreases in expiration. The wall thickness displayed differences between inflation and deflation. The most marked hysteresis was presented by the bronchial wall in the large bronchi. Our results suggest that the behavior of the bronchi varies according to their size.  相似文献   

Airway responsiveness to inhaled cholinergic agonist during the early stage of pulmonary O2 toxicity was examined to determine whether normobaric hyperoxia alters airway function. Eight healthy nonsmoking males with moderate base-line methacholine responsiveness breathed normobaric O2 (greater than or equal to 95%) over 12 h and on another occasion breathed air in an identical protocol. Vital capacity, expiratory flow, airway responsiveness to methacholine, and respiratory symptoms were measured at 0, 4, 8, and 12 h while subjects breathed O2 and 12 h afterwards. After 12 h, forced vital capacity was significantly decreased with O2 breathing but not with air breathing. At 4, 8, or 12 h of exposure and 12 h after exposure, there was no difference in methacholine sensitivity or reactivity between O2 and air-exposure trials. The earliest manifestations of pulmonary normobaric O2 toxicity in normal adults include diminished vital capacity and the onset of respiratory symptoms, but early O2 toxicity does not produce altered responsiveness to inhaled methacholine.  相似文献   

Light microscopy as well as scanning and transmission electron microscopy revealed the lungs of loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta), hatchlings to be multichambered with several separate open chambers communicating with a cartilage-reinforced central intrapulmonary bronchus. This central bronchus is structurally analogous to an oversized mammalian respiratory bronchiole. The subsequent branching airways, chambers and niches, are in many ways structurally and functionally similar to mammalian alveolar ducts and alveolar sacs, respectively. The airways are lined by a pseudostratified, columnar epithelium comprised of ciliated, nonciliated secretory, and basal cells. Histochemically, the epithelium is found to contain cells secreting both sialomucins and sulfomucins, as well as a neutral serous secretion. Small granule cells, a type of neuroendocrine cell similar to those seen in mammals, are scattered among the other airway cells. The gas-exchange areas, termed ediculae, are lined by the respiratory type I and type II pneumocytes, as in mammals. Abundant smooth muscle is seen in the trabeculae and interedicular septa of the lung tissue. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Specific conductance (sGaw) was measured without prior pharmacological induction of bronchoconstriction before and 5-10 s after a total lung capacity (TLC) volume history in normal subjects and in individuals with chronic airflow obstruction (CAO); increased sGaw after inspiration to TLC was considered evidence of airway hysteresis. Lung elastic recoil [Pst(L)] was also measured before and after inspiration to TLC. In the normal subjects 1) prebronchodilator sGaw increased significantly, whereas Pst(L) decreased significantly after inspiration to TLC; 2) modulators of cyclooxygenase activity had no significant effects on sGaw responses to deep inspiration; and 3) airway hysteresis diminished after inhalation of atropine or metaproterenol. In the CAO group 1) prebronchodilator sGaw and Pst(L) decreased significantly after inspiration to TLC, and 2) bronchoconstriction after deep inspiration diminished after inhalation of atropine or metaproterenol. This study demonstrates that normal airways exhibit hysteresis even without alteration of resting airway tone and that airway hysteresis is impaired in CAO.  相似文献   

A comparison of the dose-response behavior of canine airways and parenchyma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We compared the histamine responsiveness of canine airways and parenchymal tissues in six anesthetized paralyzed open-chest mongrel dogs, partitioning total lung resistance (RL) into airway resistance (Raw) and tissue viscance (Vti). Pressure was measured during tidal breathing (frequency was 0.3 Hz) at the trachea and in three alveolar regions by use of alveolar capsules. Measurements were taken before and after the delivery of increasing concentrations of aerosolized histamine (0.1-30 mg/ml). We found that Vti accounted for 78 +/- 8% of RL under base-line conditions; this proportion remained relatively constant throughout the histamine concentration-response curve. There was a significant correlation between percent change in Vti and percent change in Raw at all levels of histamine-induced constriction (P less than 0.001). Moreover, the sensitivity of the tissues and airways (defined as the concentration of histamine required to double resistance) was remarkably similar. We conclude that, at this frequency of ventilation, Vti accounts for the major portion of RL both under base-line conditions and after histamine-induced constriction. Although increases in RL cannot be attributed solely to events occurring in the airways, the close correlation between changes in Raw and Vti and the similar sensitivities of the two support the use of indexes reflecting changes in airway caliber as an indicator of overall lung histamine responsiveness.  相似文献   

Neurogenic mechanisms seem to play a role in the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), as suggested by a number of in vitro data. However, few studies have investigated the presence of neuropeptides in the airways of patients with COPD, and they have yielded conflicting results. The aim of this study is to compare the expression of the neuropeptide substance P (SP), vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), and neuropeptide Y (NPY) in the airways of smokers with and without COPD. Surgical lung samples were obtained from 15 smokers with COPD and 16 smokers with normal lung function, who underwent lobectomy for a solitary lung carcinoma. Airway expression and distribution of SP, VIP, and NPY were identified by immunohistochemistry and analyzed by a computerized image analysis system. Compared to smokers with normal lung function, COPD patients exhibited an increased immunoreactivity for SP and VIP, paralleled by a decreased NPY expression in the epithelium and glands, and a decreased expression of all these three neuropeptides in the smooth muscle layer. Therefore, in the present study we have documented a different expression and distribution of the neuropeptides SP, VIP, and NPY in the airways of smokers with and without COPD. These findings suggest a possible involvement of such neuropeptides in the pathogenesis of some changes occurring in COPD.  相似文献   

We compared the changes in nasal and pharyngeal resistance induced by modifications in the central respiratory drive in 8 patients with sleep apnea syndrome (SAS) with the results of 10 normal men. Upper airway pressures were measured with two low-bias flow catheters; one was placed at the tip of the epiglottis and the other above the uvula. Nasal and pharyngeal resistances were calculated at isoflow. During CO2 rebreathing and during the 2 min after maximal voluntary hyperventilation, we continuously recorded upper airway pressures, airflow, end-tidal CO2, and the mean inspiratory flow (VT/TI); inspiratory pressure generated at 0.1 s after the onset of inspiration (P0.1) was measured every 15-20 s. In both groups upper airway resistance decreased as P0.1 increased during CO2 rebreathing. When P0.1 increased by 500%, pharyngeal resistance decreased to 17.8 +/- 3.1% of base-line values in SAS patients and to 34.9 +/- 3.4% in normal subjects (mean +/- SE). During the posthyperventilation period the VT/TI fell below the base-line level in seven SAS patients and in seven normal subjects. The decrease in VT/TI was accompanied by an increase in upper airway resistance. When the VT/TI decreased by 30% of its base-line level, pharyngeal resistance increased to 319.1 +/- 50.9% in SAS and 138.5 +/- 4.7% in normal subjects (P less than 0.05). We conclude that 1) in SAS patients, as in normal subjects, the activation of upper airway dilators is reflected by indexes that quantify the central inspiratory drive and 2) the pharyngeal patency is more sensitive to the decrease of the central respiratory drive in SAS patients than in normal subjects.  相似文献   

By use of the method of Konno and Mead and the respiratory magnetometer, the partition of respired gas volumes into rib cage and diaphragm-abdomen components was accomplished in 81 normal subjects including 32 young and middle-aged men, 29 young and middle-aged women, and 20 elderly men. Studied were isovolume maneuvers and the relaxation configuration over the inspiratory capacity range, quiet tidal breathing, increased amplitudes of slow breathing, rapid inspirations and expirations, and both quiet and forceful phonation. No major differences were noted between men and women or between the young and the elderly during any respiratory acts. During quiet breathing most normal subjects are abdominal breathers when supine and thoracic breathers when upright. Rapid respiratory maneuvers were accomplished mostly through rib cage displacement suggesting that rib cage muscles are capable of more rapid action than diaphragm and abdominal muscles. Data from deep breathing and rapid maneuvers supported the view that abdominal and rib cage muscles often act to optimize the mechanical (length-tension) advantage of the diaphragm.  相似文献   

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