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Summary Tactile spines are large cuticular sense organs that appear to provide insects with a sense of touch which is spatially coarse but of great sensitivity. Cockroach legs have a number of these spines on each leg and a particularly prominent spine on the end of each femur, the femoral tactile spine. The ease of recording afferent activity from this spine during mechanical stimulation has made it one of the most thoroughly studied insect mechanoreceptors and yet it has never been examined by electron microscopy.We report here the results of an examination of the femoral tactile spine by both scanning and transmission electron microscopy, as well as by light microscopy. The spine is shown to be innervated by a single sensory bipolar neuron with its soma located in the base of the spine. A canal through the wall of the spine leads to the outside and emerges just above the junction between the base of the spine and its articulating socket membrane. The sensory dendrite of the neuron passes from the soma through this canal and forms a modified ciliary sensory ending with the typical dendritic sheath and dense tubular body that is characteristic of insect mechanosensory cuticular sensilla. The tubular body is embedded in a cuticular terminal plug which closes the exterior end of the canal but appears to be fastened to the spine by a very flexible ring of cuticle. This plug is connected to the socket membrane by a specialized socket attachment which presumably serves to move the plug relative to the wall of the spine during movement of the spine within the socket. The morphology of this sensillum is discussed in terms of the possible ways in which it is stimulated by movements of the spine and also in light of the dynamic behaviour of the receptor which is now very well described.Supported by the Canadian Medical Research Council. The authors gratefully acknowledge the expert technical assistance of Sita Prasad and Rodney Gramlich  相似文献   

We show that the “escape response” (running) of the cockroach Periplaneta americana is interrupted when the insect runs through a shadow. Shadows were cast by holding an opaque plastic sheet so that the cockroach ran beneath it. In control experiments, a similarly positioned clear plastic sheet was ineffective. Removal of the shadow stimulus allowed running to continue. The likelihood that cockroaches would resume running after removal of the shadow stimulus decreased with the time they were allowed to remain in shadow.  相似文献   

Summary The femoral tactile spine of the cockroach (Periplaneta americana) contains a single sensory neuron, which adapts rapidly and completely to step deformations of the spine. Techniques for stable intracellular recording from the tactile spine neuron have recently been established, allowing electrophysiological investigation of mechanotransduction and adaptation in this sensory neuron. However, intracellular recordings from the neuron produce a wide range of action potential heights and thresholds, raising the possibility that some penetrations are in adjacent, but closely coupled supporting glial cells. This problem is exacerbated because the cell cannot be visualized during penetration.Systematic measurements of action potential heights and thresholds were made in tactile spine cells, together with identification of some penetrated cells by intracellular injection of Lucifer Yellow. All stained cells were clearly sensory neurons, although their action potentials amplitudes varied from 9 mV to 80 mV. Smaller action potentials were broader than larger action potentials, and the changes in height and shape could be explained by a simple cable conduction model using measured morphological and electrical parameters. The model could also account for the observed relationship between action potential height and threshold.These results indicate that reliable recording from the tactile spine neuron is possible, but that variability in the positions of the penetration or the spike initiating zone cause an apparently wide range of electrophysiological measurements.  相似文献   

Summary We have recently examined the electrophysiology and ultrastructure of approximately 100 tactile spines from the metathoracic legs of adult cockroaches. In only one animal the single sensory neuron that innervates the spine was replaced with a pair of apparently identical neurons which we believe were both functional. As far as we are aware this is the first reported study of unprovoked duplication in a peripherally-located insect sensory neuron.Supported by the Canadian Medical Research Council and the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research  相似文献   

The threshold of the cockroach tactile neuron increases strongly with depolarization by a process involving at least two time constants. This effect is probably responsible for the rapid and complete adaptation of the neuron's response to step inputs. A technique for intracellular recording and stimulation of the neuron has recently been established and this allows direct observation of the dynamic response of the neuronal encoder. A white noise stimulus was used to modulate the membrane potential of the neuron. The first-order frequency response function between membrane potential and action potential discharge could be explained by a variable threshold model with two time constants. Second-order frequency response functions could be accounted for by a Wiener cascade model. The dynamic nonlinear behavior of the encoder can therefore be explained by a unidirectional threshold which increases linearly and dynamically with membrane potential.  相似文献   

Rapid sensory adaptation in the cockroach tactile spine neuron has previously been associated with a labile threshold for action potentials, which changes with the membrane potential by a process involving two time constants. A feed-forward, variable-threshold model has previously been used to account for the frequency response function of the neuron when stimulated with small-signal, white-noise currents. Here, we used a range of accurately controlled steps of extracellular current to stimulate the neuron. The same model was able to predict the individual step responses and could also fit the entire set of step responses from a single neuron if an initial, saturating, static nonlinearity was included. These results indicate that the two-time-constant, variable-threshold model can account for most of the rapidly adapting behavior of the tactile spine neuron.  相似文献   

The morphology of the nerve and tracheal supply to the extensor tibiae muscle in normal legs was compared to that in regenerate legs. In normal femurs, the extensor nerve and trachea extend along the posterior surface of the extensor muscle. The nerve and trachea are closely associated and branch coincidently at regular intervals. In regenerate femurs, the nerve and trachea are not closely associated with each other, and both structures differ from normals in their branching patterns. The results suggest that tissue level interactions during regeneration differ from those during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

 Neuronal mode analysis is a recently developed technique for modelling the behavior of nonlinear systems whose outputs consist of action potentials. The system is modelled as a set of parallel linear filters, or modes, which feed into a multi-input threshold. The characteristics of the principal modes and the multi-input threshold device can be derived from Laguerre function expansions of the computed first- and second-order Volterra kernels when the system is stimulated with a randomly varying input. Neuronal mode analysis was used to model the encoder properties of the cockroach tactile spine neuron, a nonlinear, rapidly adapting, sensory neuron with reliable behavior. The analysis found two principal modes, one rapid and excitatory, the other slower and inhibitory. The two modes have analogies to two of the pathways in a block-structured model of the encoder that was developed from previous physiological investigations of the neuron. These results support the block-structured model and offer a new approach to identifying the components responsible for the nonlinear dynamic properties of this neuronal encoder. Received: 30 December 1994/Accepted in revised form: 25 April 1995  相似文献   

Receåfindings indicate that cockroaches escape in response to tactile stimulation as well as they do in response to the classic wind puff stimulus. The thoracic interneurons that receive inputs from ventral giant interneurons also respond to tactile stimulation and therefore, represent a potential site of convergence between wind and tactile stimulation as well as other sensory modalities. In this article, we characterize the tactile response of these interneurons, which are referred to as type-A thoracic interneurons (TIAs). In response to tactile stimulation of the body cuticle, TIAs typically respond with a short latency biphasic depolarization which often passes threshold for action potentials. The biphasic response is not typical of responses to wind stimulation nor of tactile stimulation of the antennae. It is also not seen in tactile responses of thoracic interneurons that are not part of the TIA group. The responses of individual TIAs to stimulation of various body locations were mapped. The left-right directional properties of TIAs are consistent with their responses to wind puffs from various different directions. Cells that respond equally well to wind from the left and right side also respond equally well to tactile stimuli on the left and right side of the animal's body. In contrast, cells that are biased to wind on one side are also biased to tactile stimulation on the same side. In general, tactile responses directed at body cuticle are phasic rather than tonic, occurring both when the tactile stimulator is depressed and released. The response reflects stimulus strength and follows repeated stimulation quite well. However, the first phase of the biphasic response is more robust during high-frequency stimulation than the second phase. TIAs also respond to antennal stimulation. However, here the response characteristics are complicated by the fact that movement of either antenna evokes descending activity in both left and right thoracic connectives. The data suggest that the TIAs make up a multimodal site of sensory convergence that is capable of generating an oriental escape turn in response to any one of several sensory cues. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the femoral extensors of the metathoracic leg of the cockroach, Periplaneta americana was studied to determine morphological correlations with the known patterns of innervation, physiological properties and biochemical properties. Three different types of muscle fibers were described. Type 1 consisted of short sarcomeres (mean 3.7 μm), few mitochondria and sparse glycogen-like material; Type 2, short sarcomeres (4.2 μm), numerous mitochondria, large amounts of glycogen; Type 3, long sarcomeres (7.5 μm), numerous mitochondria and large amounts of glycogen. A qualitative examination of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and transverse tubular system (TTS) revealed the density of SR and TTS to be greatest in Type 1 and least in Type 3. There were obvious correlations between the morphological features and the other known characteristics of these muscle fibers. The role of these different muscle fiber types in different locomotory behaviors was discussed. In summary, the three types of muscle fibers are used in three different behaviors: Type 1, rapid walking; Type 2, slow walking; Type 3, postural control.  相似文献   

Pyrethrin, the active principle of pyrethrum powder, is insoluble in water but is soluble in, the body fluid of the cockroach. It has a selective action on nerve ganglia, and the destruction of their cells is responsible for the death of the insect. Whereas pyrethrum, when used -either in the powdered form or in a fluid state mixed with kerosene and introduced directly into the body cavity reaches the ganglion with the circulation, its mode of action when it acts through the spiracles is different. Kerosene-pyrethrum mixture when introduced into the tracheal trunks through the spiracles is quickly diffused into the haemocoele. When the dry powder is inserted into the trachea, its mode of action is analogous to a fluid preparation. As the conversion of pyrethrum from a dry into a fluid state is alone possible in the interior of the trachea, the natural conclusion is that a fluid analogous to the body fluid is present in the same situation. As soon as the pyrethrin is dissolved, it is quickly diffused into the haemocoele and thus reaches the nearest ganglion.  相似文献   

Cercal ablation caused a significant loss in acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity of the cercal nerves and terminal ganglion within 12 hr while a similar reduction in enzyme activity of connectives was noticed at least one day after cercectomy. The decrease in AChE activity of the nervous tissues showed a recovery toward control levels from 20 days of unilateral cercectomy whereas the bilateral cercectomy produced a continuous and irreversible decline in enzyme activity. These localized changes in AChE activity of the abdominal nervous system of the cockroach were attributed to be regulated by the cercal sensory innervation.  相似文献   

The searching behavior of blinded cockroaches was examined under unrestrained conditions, in an arena, and on a treadmill. When cockroaches searching in a circular arena touched a stationary object (metal pole) with their antennae, they frequently approached the object more closely, and then climbed up it. Similar orientation behavior was observed in tethered animals in open loop conditions, walking on a Styrofoam ball. In these restrained cockroaches, a single antenna sufficed to distinguish the angular positions of an object, in the horizontal plane (0 degrees, 45 degrees, and 90 degrees). A group of mechanosensitive hairs on the basal segment of the antenna (scapal hair plate) appears to play a major role in antennal object detection in the horizontal plane, as gauged by shaving off these scapal hair plates. In unrestrained cockroaches, shaving the scapal hair plate increased the time needed to approach an object. Under tethered conditions, the ability to turn towards and to establish antennal contact with a test object was significantly impaired.  相似文献   

Summary The trochanteral hair plate of the cockroach leg contains approximately 60 hair sensilla that are deflected by a joint membrane during flexion of the leg. Previous work has shown that the organ is a mechanoreceptor which limits leg flexion during walking by reflex connections to flexor and extensor motoneurons. Functional analysis of the largest sensilla has shown that their behaviour may be well approximated by a velocity detector followed by a unidirectional rectifier.We report here the results of an examination of the largest sensilla by scanning and transmission electron microscopy in an attempt to correlate the structure with the known functional elements. Each hair is innervated by a single sensory dendrite which is surrounded by an electron dense dendritic sheath. The dendrite terminates below the hair shaft in a tubular body containing a parallel array of microtubules embedded in an electron dense matrix, while the dendritic sheath extends beyond the tubular body to form the walls of the ecdysial canal. At the proximal end of the tubular body the dendritic sheath and sensory dendrite are anchored to the cuticular socket by a fibrous dome which seems to form a fulcrum around which the tubular body can be deflected by movements of the hair. We suggest that the basis for the detection of velocity may be mechanical differentiation by a fluid space between the dendritic sheath and the tubular body. The structure is also discussed with relation to the mechanism of sensory transduction and the possible causes of the unidirectional sensitivity.Supported by the Canadian Medical Research Council. The authors gratefully acknowledge the expert technical assistance of Sita Prasad  相似文献   

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