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The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlations between biomechanical outcome measures and weightlifting performance. Joint kinematics and kinetics of the hip, knee, and ankle were calculated while 10 subjects performed a clean at 85% of 1 repetition maximum (1RM). Kinematic and kinetic time-series patterns were extracted with principal components analysis. Discrete scores for each time-series pattern were calculated and used to determine how each pattern was related to body mass-normalized 1RM. Two hip kinematic and 2 knee kinetic patterns were significantly correlated with relative 1RM. The kinematic patterns captured hip and trunk motions during the first pull and hip joint motion during the movement transition between the first and second pulls. The first kinetic pattern captured a peak in the knee extension moment during the second pull. The second kinetic pattern captured a spatiotemporal shift in the timing and amplitude of the peak knee extension moment. The kinematic results suggest that greater lift mass was associated with steady trunk position during the first pull and less hip extension motion during the second-knee bend transition. Further, the kinetic results suggest that greater lift mass was associated with a smaller knee extensor moments during the first pull, but greater knee extension moments during the second pull, and an earlier temporal transition between knee flexion-extension moments at the beginning of the second pull. Collectively, these results highlight the importance of controlled trunk and hip motions during the first pull and rapid employment of the knee extensor muscles during the second pull in relation to weightlifting performance.  相似文献   

目的:通过观察肌电图(EMG)的变化,了解运动员与普通中学生在纵跳过程中,膝关节屈伸肌群工作特点,为运动员科学选材提供依据。方法:30名男女青少年运动员和30名男女普通中学生进行各种形式纵跳(蹲跳、反向跳、下落跳),测试膝关节屈伸肌群的EMG变化情况。结果:主动肌(股外肌)EMG的变化存在性别差异,随着下肢工作强度的增加,男运动员积分肌电图(iEMG)和平均功率频率(Fmean)均没有显著变化,女运动员iEMG增加,Fmean没有显著变化,对抗肌(股二头肌),随着下肢工作强度的增加。青少年运动员EMG活动变化较小,而普通中学生的EMG活动明显增加。结论:在增加工作负荷的过程中,男运动员膝关节伸肌群以提高效率为主,女运动员以提高肌肉的募集数量为主;运动员的对抗肌协调水平高于普通中学生。  相似文献   

Studies that seek to determine the effects of an intervention on knee biomechanics during landing from a jump implicitly assume that the variables of interest are reliable both within and between data collection sessions. Currently, such reliability data are not available for a stop jump. Standard three-dimensional motion analysis was used to determine sagittal and frontal plane peak angles and moments and peak vertical ground reaction force within and between sessions for a stop jump. Twelve female recreational athletes participated in two data collection sessions spaced two weeks apart. Interclass correlation coefficients and coefficient of multiple correlation were used to determine within and between session reliability of peak knee flexion angle, peak internal knee extension moment, peak knee abduction angle, peak internal knee adduction moment and peak vertical ground reaction force. Overall reliability within a session (ICC (3,1) 0.631-0.881; CMC 0.672-0.958) and between sessions (ICC (3,k) 0.685-0.959; CMC 0.598-0.944) was good. Peak angles and moments were similar between sessions. The stop jump is less reliable within a session than a drop vertical jump reported previously in the literature. This is likely due to increased intrasubject variability between trials due to the less constrained nature of the task. Reliability of the stop jump is comparable to the drop vertical jump between sessions. Reliability of knee adduction moment is lower than reported for the drop vertical jump. The results of this study support the use of a stop jump task to evaluate knee biomechanics during landing in longitudinal studies with a repeated measures design.  相似文献   

Some recommendations suggest keeping the shank as vertical as possible during the barbell squat, thus keeping the knees from moving past the toes. This study examined joint kinetics occurring when forward displacement of the knees is restricted vs. when such movement is not restricted. Seven weight-trained men (mean +/- SD; age = 27.9 +/- 5.2 years) were videotaped while performing 2 variations of parallel barbell squats (barbell load = body weight). Either the knees were permitted to move anteriorly past the toes (unrestricted) or a wooden barrier prevented the knees from moving anteriorly past the toes (restricted). Differences resulted between static knee and hip torques for both types of squat as well as when both squat variations were compared with each other (p < 0.05). For the unrestricted squat, knee torque (N.m; mean +/- SD) = 150.1 +/- 50.8 and hip torque = 28.2 +/- 65.0. For the restricted squat, knee torque = 117.3 +/- 34.2 and hip torque = 302.7 +/- 71.2. Restricted squats also produced more anterior lean of the trunk and shank and a greater internal angle at the knees and ankles. The squat technique used can affect the distribution of forces between the knees and hips and on the kinematic properties of the exercise. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS: Although restricting forward movement of the knees may minimize stress on the knees, it is likely that forces are inappropriately transferred to the hips and low-back region. Thus, appropriate joint loading during this exercise may require the knees to move slightly past the toes.  相似文献   

A paraffin embedding method to prepare whole rabbit knee joints for histological examination is described. This method provides good quality microscopic sections thin enough for the study of cellular detail and does not require prolonged processing. When examining pathologic changes in experimental arthritis, it is advantageous to be able to examine the intact joint with the structural relations of the joint components preserved. Sections of the whole joint provide numerous areas where bone, cartilage and synovium are contiguous for examination. Having obtained poor results using methods recommended for small bony specimens, we modified several existing procedures to obtain a reliable method for preparing excellent microscopic sections of the whole rabbit knee joint.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between hip and knee strength, and valgus knee motion during a single leg squat. Thirty healthy adults (15 men, 15 women) stood on their preferred foot, squatted to approximately 60 deg of knee flexion, and returned to the standing position. Frontal plane knee motion was evaluated using 3-D motion analysis. During Session 2, isokinetic (60 deg/sec) concentric and eccentric hip (abduction/adduction, flexion/extension, and internal/external rotation) and knee (flexion/extension) strength was evaluated. The results demonstrated that hip abduction (r2=0.13), knee flexion (r2=0.18), and knee extension (r2=0.14) peak torque were significant predictors of frontal plane knee motion. Significant negative correlations showed that individuals with greater hip abduction (r=-0.37), knee flexion (r=-0.43), and knee extension (r=-0.37) peak torque exhibited less motion toward the valgus direction. Men exhibited significantly greater absolute peak torque for all motions, excluding eccentric internal rotation. When normalized to body mass, men demonstrated significantly greater strength than women for concentric hip adduction and flexion, knee flexion and extension, and eccentric hip extension. The major findings demonstrate a significant role of hip muscle strength in the control of frontal plane knee motion.  相似文献   

Increase in moisture content of seeds of Lactuca sativa L. and Fraxinus americana L. in air-dry storage caused a rapid decline in longevity and an increase in the rate of accumulation of chromosome aberrations. Storage of seeds fully imbibed but unable to germinate allowed a high germination capacity to be maintained for long periods, together with a very low incidence of chromosome aberrations. Seedlings grown from dry-stored seeds showed an increase in morphological abnormalities with length of storage, whereas seedlings from imbibed-stored seeds appeared normal. It is suggested that in dry tissues, enzyme-controlled turnover and repair may be temporarily suspended, and that this may be an important factor in the loss of seed viability in storage. The effect of increasing seed longevity by lowering the moisture content of dry-stored seeds is discussed in relation to this hypothesis. The relevance of the proposal is also discussed in relation to ecological studies.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that chronic inflammation causes a reduction in sympathetic nerve-mediated vasoconstriction in rat knees. To determine whether this phenomenon is due to an alteration in smooth muscle adrenoceptor function, the present study compared the alpha-adrenoceptor profile of blood vessels supplying the anteromedial capsule of normal and chronically inflamed rat knee joints. While the rats were under urethan anesthesia, the alpha(1)-adrenoceptor agonists methoxamine and phenylephrine and the alpha(2)-adrenoceptor agonist clonidine (0.1-ml bolus; dose range 10(-12)-10(-7) mol) were applied to exposed normal rat knees, resulting in a dose-dependent fall in capsular perfusion. Comparison of drug potencies indicated that alpha(2)-adrenergic effects > alpha(1)-vasoactivity. One week after intra-articular injection of Freund's complete adjuvant to induce chronic joint inflammation, the vasoconstrictor effects of methoxamine, phenylephrine, and clonidine were all significantly attenuated compared with normal controls. These findings show that the preponderance of sympathetic adrenergic vasoconstriction in the anteromedial capsule of the rat is carried out by postjunctional alpha(2)-adrenoceptors. Chronic joint inflammation compromises alpha(1)- and alpha(2)-adrenoceptor function, and this change in alpha-adrenergic responsiveness may help explain the perfusion changes commonly associated with inflammatory arthritis.  相似文献   

Although hip flexion is integral in sports, hip flexion exercises are seldom emphasized in strength and conditioning for sports performance. This study aimed to determine whether a hip flexor resistance-training program could improve performance on a variety of tasks. Thirteen men and 11 women completed an 8-week hip flexion resistance-training program. Eleven men and 13 women served as controls. Isometric hip flexion strength, 40-yd dash time and the time for the first 10-yds, 4 x 5.8-m shuttle run time, and vertical jump height were evaluated at the beginning and end of the training and control period. Improvements were observed in the training group but not in the control group. Individuals in the training group improved hip flexion strength by 12.2% and decreased their 40-yd and shuttle run times by 3.8% and 9.0%, respectively. An increase in hip flexion strength can help to improve sprint and agility performance for physically active, untrained individuals.  相似文献   

The present study tested the hypotheses that Achilles tendon forces during fast concentric actions do not differ between extended and flexed knee positions, and this phenomenon is attributable to the force-length characteristics and electromyograms (EMGs) of gastrocnemius muscle. Seven healthy men performed static and concentric plantarflexions at fully extended (K0) and 0.785 rad (45 degrees ) flexed (K45) knee positions with the maximal effort. In concentric actions, the angular velocities were set at 0.524 (slow) and 6.109 rad s(-1) (fast). Fascicle length of medial gastrocnemius (MG) was determined with ultrasonography. Surface EMGs of the MG were recorded during each action. Achilles tendon force was calculated from the torque and moment arm of the tendon. Peak tendon forces in fast concentric actions were similar in K0 and in K45, but those in static and slow concentric actions significantly (P<0.05) differed between the two positions. When the tendon force peaked, the fascicle lengths in each action and fascicle velocities in both concentric actions were significantly (P<0.05) greater in K0 than in K45. The EMGs were significantly (P<0.05) higher in K0 than K45 during each action. The results suggest that (1) the difference in the tendon forces between the two positions can be explained by the force-length and -velocity characteristics and the EMGs of the MG, and (2) the contribution of the MG to the tendon force in flexed knee positions is greater in concentric actions than expected from the results in static actions.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to investigate the adjustment of running mechanics by wearing five different types of running shoes on tartan compared to barefoot running on grass focusing on the gearing at the ankle and knee joints. The gear ratio, defined as the ratio of the moment arm of the ground reaction force (GRF) to the moment arm of the counteracting muscle tendon unit, is considered to be an indicator of joint loading and mechanical efficiency. Lower extremity kinematics and kinetics of 14 healthy volunteers were quantified three dimensionally and compared between running in shoes on tartan and barefoot on grass. Results showed no differences for the gear ratios and resultant joint moments for the ankle and knee joints across the five different shoes, but showed that wearing running shoes affects the gearing at the ankle and knee joints due to changes in the moment arm of the GRF. During barefoot running the ankle joint showed a higher gear ratio in early stance and a lower ratio in the late stance, while the gear ratio at the knee joint was lower during midstance compared to shod running. Because the moment arms of the counteracting muscle tendon units did not change, the determinants of the gear ratios were the moment arms of the GRF's. The results imply higher mechanical stress in shod running for the knee joint structures during midstance but also indicate an improved mechanical advantage in force generation for the ankle extensors during the push-off phase.  相似文献   

Summary Ontogenetic development of the synovial A cells in fetal rat knee joints was investigated by immunohistochemistry, immuno-electron microscopy, cultivation, and autoradiography. At day 17 of gestation, immature macrophages were first seen in the articular interzone, and thereafter they differentiated into macrophages (synovial A cells), which were found in the synovial intima. The degree of reactivity of macrophages with five monoclonal antibodies increased in the developing synovial membranes of fetal rats as shown by immunohistochemistry. Similar findings were obtained in organ cultures of fetal knee joints. A marked difference of proliferative potential was found between A and B cells during ontogeny. A cells after birth did not incorporate 3H-thymidine in contrast to B cells. Before birth, B cells had a labelling index which was at least five times larger than that of A cells. The results of this study indicate that the synovial A cells are derived from both monocytes and fetal macrophages circulating in peripheral blood and that they differ from the synovial B cells in morphology, differentiation, and proliferative potential.  相似文献   

The conformational preference of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and its Lys-8 mutant, studied earlier with a continuum model, was revisited using an explicit solvent model and thermodynamic integration to calculate the solvents contribution to the conformation-dependence of its free energy. In addition, the Proximity Criterion was used to further analyze the effects of conformational changes.  相似文献   

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