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The evolution of large floral displays in hermaphroditic flowering plants has been attributed to natural selection acting to enhance male, rather than female, reproductive success. Proponents of the “pollen-donation hypothesis” have assumed that maternal resources, rather than levels of effective pollination, limit fruit set. We investigated the pollen-donation hypothesis in an experimental population of poke milkweed, Asclepias exaltata, where effective pollination did not limit fruit set. Specifically, we examined the effects of flower number per plant, and flower number per umbel on male reproductive success (number of fruits sired) and female reproductive success (number of fruits matured). In 1990, a paternity analysis was performed on fruits collected from 53 plants whose inflorescences were not manipulated. Flower number per plant was significantly correlated with male success, but not with plant gender. Flower number per plant was also significantly correlated with female success, but umbel number and stem number per plant together explained more than half (58%) the variation in female success. The percentage of fruit set was not significantly correlated with flower number per plant. Plants with large floral displays did not disproportionately increase in male reproductive success, relative to female success, as predicted by the pollen-donation hypothesis. In 1991, the effect of flower number per umbel on male and female reproductive success was investigated. Flower number per umbel was manipulated on four umbels per plant by removing flowers to leave 6, 12, or 18 flowers in each umbel. Plants with the largest umbels effectively pollinated twice as many flowers on other plants, but produced only 1.35 times as many fruits as plants with 6 and 12 flowers per umbel. Relative maleness of plants with large umbels was nearly twice that of small and medium umbels. Although these observations are consistent with the pollen-donation hypothesis at the level of umbels, they are problematic, because much of the variation in flower number per umbel exists within, rather than among, plants in natural populations. Thus, plants consist of both reproductively male (large) and female (small) inflorescences, which act to increase total reproductive success. It is therefore inappropriate to explain the evolution of large floral displays in milkweeds solely in terms of potential male reproductive success.  相似文献   

The relative allocation of resources to male and female functions may vary among flowers within and among individual plants for many reasons. Several theoretical models of sex allocation in plants predict a positive correlation between the resource status of a flower or individual and the proportion of reproductive resources allocated to female function. These models assume that, independent of resource status, a negative correlation exists between male and female investment. Focusing on the allocation of resources within flowers, we tested these theoretical predictions and this assumption using the annual Clarkia unguiculata (Onagraceae). We also sought preliminary evidence for a genetic component to these relationships. From 116 greenhouse-cultivated plants representing 30 field-collected maternal families, multiple flowers and fruits per plant were sampled for gamete production, pollen?:?ovule ratio, seed number, ovule abortion, seed biomass/fruit, mean individual seed mass, and petal area. If sex allocation changes as predicted, then (1) assuming that flowers produced early have access to more resources than those produced later, basal flowers should exhibit a higher absolute and proportional investment in female function than distal flowers and (2) plants of high resource status (large plants) should produce flowers with a higher proportional investment in female function than those of low resource status. Within plants, variation in floral traits conformed to the first prediction. Among plants and families, no significant effects of plant size (dry stem biomass) on intrafloral proportional sex allocation were observed. We detected no evidence for a negative genetic correlation between male and female investment per flower, even when controlling for plant size.  相似文献   

Green dragon (Arisaema dracontium; Araceae) is a perennial woodland herb capable of switching gender from year to year. Small flowering plants produce only male flowers but when larger they produce male and female flowers simultaneously. Distinct male and monoecious phenotypes (referred to hereafter as plants) share a single underlying cosexual genotype. Four populations in southern Louisiana were sampled to determine frequencies and size distributions of male and monoecious plants, and to determine the relationship of plant size with male and female flower production in monoecious plants. Male plants were significantly smaller than monoecious plants and made up 34%–78% of flowering plants within populations. Flower number (average = 120) was weakly positively correlated with size. Monoecious plants produced an average of 169 flowers (90 female) and had 100% fruit set, with individual berries containing an average of 2.5 ovules and 1.3 filled seeds. Male flower number was negatively correlated, and female flower number positively correlated, with basal stem diameter. Extrapolation of regression slopes suggested that green dragon should become completely female at a size 20% larger than the largest plant observed in this study. A simple model of inflorescence development is presented to illustrate how the reproductive system of green dragon is related to that of jack-in-the-pulpit (A. tnphyllum), which exhibits a more distinct switch between male and female phenotypes.  相似文献   

Pollen limitation and resource limitation were invoked to account for the pattern that flowering plants produce more flowers and ovules than fruits and seeds. This study aimed to determine their relative importance in Veratrum nigrum, a self-compatible, perennial, andromonoecious herb. In order to determine whether female production was limited by pollen grains on stigmas or by available resources, we performed supplemental hand pollination in three populations, male-flower-bud removal in three other populations, and emasculation of hermaphroditic flowers in still another population, resulting in a total of seven populations experimentally manipulated. Across the three populations, supplemental hand pollination did not significantly increase fruit set, seed number per fruit, and total seed production per individual, nor did emasculation of hermaphroditic flowers. Taken together, our results suggest that pollen grains deposited on stigmas were abundant enough to fertilize all the ovules. Male-flower-bud removal significantly increased the mean size of hermaphroditic flowers in all three populations. Female reproductive success was increased in one population, but not in the other two populations possibly due to heavy flower/seed predation. We concluded that the female reproductive success of V. nigrum was not limited by pollen grains but by available resources, which is consistent with Bateman's principle. Furthermore, the female reproduction increase of male-flower-bud removal individuals might suggest a trade-off between male and female sexual functions.  相似文献   

In order to produce seeds, animal-pollinated plants must flower synchronously with and be attractive to their pollinators while avoiding antagonists. Here, we explore temporal and inter-individual patterns in pollination and pre-dispersal seed predation of Dianthus sylvestris by Hadena moths, within and among three sex morphs. We scored plants that started flowering at different periods in 2001 and 2003 and found that fruit set decreased and predation rates increased over one season, and most of the other season, granting a female reproductive advantage to early flowering plants, though, we found no morph-specific temporal patterns. Female plants set more fruits, and more of their fruits escaped predation in one year, but this did not grant them a reproductive advantage since they produce fewer flowers per plant than the other morphs. Instead, mixed plants showed a clear female reproductive advantage. We also examined predation types by Hadena and seed production in attacked and intact fruits of individually marked flowers. Though female Hadena moths laid eggs preferentially into perfect flowers, flower sexes suffered similar predation by itinerant caterpillars. Attacked fruits contained fewer and lighter seeds than un-attacked ones. We conclude that pre-dispersal seed predation by Hadena may select on flowering onset of this sexually polymorphic species.  相似文献   

Deceptive orchids are generally characterized by low levels of fruit set; however, there may be substantial variations in fruit set between sites and years. Within a single population, individual plants may also differ greatly in their reproductive output as a result of differences in inflorescence size or local density. In this study, we determined flower and fruit production over 5 years in two populations of the food-deceptive orchid, Orchis purpurea . All plants were monitored annually for survival and flowering at each site to determine whether flowering and fruiting induced costs. The number of flowers per inflorescence varied considerably from year to year (min: 36.6, max: 49.5). Average fruit set was low (7%) and varied considerably among years and populations. A considerable proportion of plants also failed to set any fruit. However, the probability of producing at least one fruit was not affected by inflorescence size or local density. The number of fruits was significantly related to inflorescence size, but proportional fruit set was not. Local density also did not affect the number of fruits, nor proportional fruit set. There was also no evidence that plants with large inflorescence size or high fruiting success had a larger probability of remaining vegetative the year after flowering than plants with small inflorescence size or low fruiting success. Our results suggest that pollinator-mediated selective forces on inflorescence size through female reproductive success alone are weak, most likely because of the low overall level of visitation and the resulting uncertainty of pollination at the individual level. Our results further demonstrate that investigation of patterns of fruit set over several years is needed to better understand the variability in female reproductive success that is typical of most plant–pollinator interactions.  相似文献   

Sex-allocation models predict that the evolution of self-fertilization should result in a reduced allocation to male function and pollinator attraction in plants. The evolution of sex allocation may be constrained by both functional and genetic factors, however. We studied sex allocation and genetic variation for floral sex ratio and other reproductive traits in a Costa Rica population of the monoecious, highly selfing annual Begonia semiovata. Data on biomass of floral structures, flower sex ratios, and fruit set in the source population were used to calculate the average proportion of reproductive allocation invested in male function. Genetic variation and genetic correlations for floral sex ratio and for floral traits related to male and female function were estimated from the greenhouse-grown progeny of field-collected maternal families. The proportion of reproductive biomass invested in male function was low (0.34 at flowering, and 0.07 for total reproductive allocation). Significant among-family variation was detected in the size (mass) of individual male and female flowers, in the proportion of male flowers produced, and in the proportion of total flower mass invested in male flowers. Significant among-family variation was also found in flower number per inflorescence, petal length of male and female flowers, and petal number of female flowers. Except for female petal length, we found no difference in the mean value of these characters between selfed and outcrossed progeny, indicating that, with the possible exception of female petal length, the among-family variation detected was not the result of variation among families in the level of inbreeding. Significant positive phenotypic and broad-sense genetic correlations were detected between the mass of individual male and female flowers, between male and female petal length, and between number of male and number of female flowers per inflorescence. The ratio of stamen-to-pistil mass (0.33) was low compared to published data for autogamous species with hermaphroditic flowers, suggesting that highly efficient selfing mechanisms may evolve in monoecious species. Our results indicate that the study population harbors substantial genetic variation for reproductive characters. The positive genetic correlation between investment in male and female flowers may reflect selection for maximum pollination efficiency, because in this self-pollinating species, each female flower requires a neighboring male flower to provide pollen.  相似文献   

Gender expression, flowering phenology, reproductive performance and factors affecting fruit set (i.e., flowering synchrony, size and distance to the nearest pollen donor) were investigated in a cultivated population of a wind-pollinated self-compatible heterodichogamous Juglans regia (Juglandaceae). Four flowering morphs, (i.e., protandrous, protogynous, male and female) were observed. The sexual functions of the protandrous and protogynous morphs were almost synchronous; however, they were not reciprocal, and the separation of male and female flowering within most monoecious individuals was not complete. Thus, within-morph mating and geitonogamous pollination may be common. The ratio of protandrous versus protogynous morphs was biased towards the protandrous morph, but the fruit set did not differ between the morphs, suggesting that the fruit set of the protandrous morph could be partly compensated by within-morph pollination. The ratio of the female flower number or fruit number to the total male catkin length was higher in the protogynous morph than in the protandrous morph and did not vary with plant size, suggesting that gender variation was not size dependent and that the sexual function of protandrous morphs was more male biased. Fruit set depended on plant size only for protandrous morphs. The fruit set of individual plants decreased with increasing distance to the nearest pollen donor regardless of morph, possibly because of pollen limitation. The fruit set of individual plants increased with flowering synchrony, indicating that flowering synchrony could affect reproductive success.  相似文献   

Bateman’s principle states that male fitness is usually limited by the number of matings achieved, while female fitness is usually limited by the resources available for reproduction. When applied to flowering plants this principle leads to the expectation that pollen limitation of fruit and seed set will be uncommon. However, if male searching for mates (including pollen dissemination via external agents) is not sufficiently successful, then the reproductive success of both sexes (or both sex functions in hermaphroditic plants) will be limited by number of matings rather than by resources, and Bateman’s principle cannot be expected to apply. Limitation of female success due to inadequate pollen receipt appears to be a common phenomenon in plants. Using published data on 258 species in which fecundity was reported for natural pollination and hand pollination with outcross pollen, I found significant pollen limitation at some times or in some sites in 159 of the 258 species (62%). When experiments were performed multiple times within a growing season, or in multiple sites or years, the statistical significance of pollen limitation commonly varied among times, sites or years, indicating that the pollination environment is not constant. There is some indication that, across species, supplemental pollen leads to increased fruit set more often than increased seed set within fruits, pointing to the importance of gamete packaging strategies in plant reproduction. Species that are highly self-incompatible obtain a greater benefit relative to natural pollination from artificial application of excess outcross pollen than do self-compatible species. This suggests that inadequate pollen receipt is a primary cause of low fecundity rates in perennial plants, which are often self-incompatible. Because flowering plants often allocate considerable resources to pollinator attraction, both export and receipt of pollen could be limited primarily by resource investment in floral advertisement and rewards. But whatever investment is made is attraction, pollinator behavioral stochasticity usually produces wide variation among flowers in reproductive success through both male and female functions. In such circumstances the optimal deployment of resources among megaspores, microspores, and pollinator attraction may often require more flowers or more ovules per flower than will usually be fertilized, in order to benefit from chance fluctuations that bring in large number of pollen grains. Maximizing seed set for the entire plant in a stochastic pollination environment might thus entail a packaging strategy for flower number or ovule number per flower that makes pollen limitation of fruit or seed set likely. Pollen availability may limit female success in individual flowers, entire plants (in a season or over a lifetime), or populations. The appropriate level must be distinguished depending on the nature of the question being addressed.  相似文献   

Gynodioecy, a state where female and hermaphrodite plants coexist in populations, has been widely proposed an intermediate stage in the evolutionary pathway from hermaphroditism to dioecy. In the gynodioecy–dioecy pathway, hermaphrodites may gain most of their fitness through male function once females invade populations. To test this prediction, comprehensive studies on sex ratio variation across populations and reproductive characteristics of hermaphrodite and female phenotypes are necessary. This study examined the variation in sex ratio, sex expression, flower and fruit production and sexual dimorphism of morphological traits in a gynodioecious shrub, Daphne jezoensis, over multiple populations and years. Population sex ratio (hermaphrodite:female) was close to 1:1 or slightly hermaphrodite‐biased. Sex type of individual plants was largely fixed, but 15% of plants changed their sex during a 6‐year census. Hermaphrodite plants produced larger flowers and invested 2.5 times more resources in flower production than female plants, but they exhibited remarkably low fruit set (proportion of flowers setting fruits). Female plants produced six times more fruits than hermaphrodite plants. Low fruiting ability of hermaphrodite plants was retained even when hand‐pollination was performed. Fruit production of female plants was restricted by pollen limitation under natural conditions, irrespective of high potential fecundity, and this minimised the difference in resources allocated to reproduction between the sexes. Negative effects of previous flower and fruit production on current reproduction were not apparent in both sexes. This study suggests that gynodioecy in this species is functionally close to a dioecious mating system: smaller flower production with larger fruiting ability in female plants, and larger flower production with little fruiting ability in hermaphrodite plants.  相似文献   

从植株群体和单穗调查分析‘草莓荔’雌雄花开花特性,结果表明,‘草莓荔’雌雄花交替开放的顺序主要是雌→雄,即前期开雌花,后期开雄花;但也有少量交替开放顺序是雄→雌→雄,即先开雄花,中期开雌花后再开雄花。植株群体的花期和雌雄花开放相遇时间比单穗长,更有利于传粉受精。落果从花后15d开始出现,并在花后18~25d出现第一次落果高峰,落果最多,开花后51~58d为第二次落果高峰。  相似文献   

Abstract: We studied the reproductive success and pollinators of Cucurbita maxima ssp. andreana in different disturbed habitats where it grows naturally. Data were obtained from three populations. One grew within a soybean crop, the other within a corn crop, and the third in an abandoned crop field. Cucurbita maxima ssp. andreana is an annual vine with a flowering period from December to April. Male flowers appear first, thereafter female and male flowers appear together. Flower lifetime (9 h) was similar in male and female flowers. The pollinator guild was comparable for the three populations but some differences in the frequency of the insect species were observed. Native bees were the main pollinators in the population in the abandoned field, while beetles pollinated the populations in crop fields. These differences were not linked with the pre-emergent reproductive success, fruit and seed set, or fruit quality. This is a self-compatible plant. Fruit and seed set and fruit traits (total mass, width and length of fruits, number of seeds per fruit, and seed mass) did not show significant differences between hand-cross and hand-self pollinated flowers. This wild cucurbit is a generalist with respect to pollinator guild, and flower visitors seem to be highly efficient in pollen transference. Cucurbita maxima ssp. andreana is well adapted to disturbed habitats because plants ripened fruits successfully, regardless of the group of insects visiting flowers.  相似文献   

Ecological interactions between flowers and pollinators greatly affect the reproductive success. To facilitate these interactions, many flowers are known to display their attractive qualities, such as scent emission, flower rewards and floral vertical direction, in a rhythmic fashion. However, less is known about how plants regulate the relationship between these flower traits to adapt to pollinator visiting behavior and increase reproduction success. Here we investigated the adaptive significance of the flower bending from erect to downward in Trifolium repens. We observed the flowering dynamic characteristics (changes of vertical direction of florets, flowering number, pollen grain numbers, pollen viability and stigma receptivity over time after blossom) and the factors affecting the rate of flower bending in T. repens. Then we altered the vertical direction of florets in inflorescence of different types (upright and downward), and compared the pollinator behaviors and female reproductive success. Our results showed that florets opened sequentially in inflorescence, and then bend downwards slowly after flowering. The bending speed of florets was mainly influenced by pollination, and bending angle increased with the prolongation of flowering time, while the pollen germination rate, stigma receptivity and nectar secretion has a rhythm of “low-high-low” during the whole period with the time going. The visiting frequency of all the four species of pollinators on upward flowers was significantly higher than that of downward flowers, and they especially prefer to visit flowers with a bending angle of 30°–60°, when the flowers was exactly of the highest flower rewards (nectar secretion and number of pollen grains), stigma receptivity and pollen germination rate. The seed set ratio and fruit set ratio of upward flowers were significantly higher than downward flowers, but significantly lower than unmanipulated flowers. Our results indicated that the T. repens could increase female and male fitness by accurate pollination. The most suitable flower angle saves pollinators’ visiting energy and enables them to obtain the highest nectar rewards. This coordination between plants and pollinators maximizes the interests of them, which is a crucial factor in initiating specialized plant-pollinator relationships.  相似文献   

Herbivory is an important selection pressure in the life history of plants. Most studies use seed or fruit production as an indication of plant fitness, but the impact of herbivory on male reproductive success is usually ignored. It is possible that plants compensate for resources lost to herbivory by shifting the allocation from seed production to pollen production and export, or vice versa. This study examined the impact of herbivory by Helix aspersa on both male and female reproductive traits of a monoecious plant, Cucumis sativus. The effects of herbivory on the relative allocation to male and female flowers were assessed through measurements of the number and size of flowers of both sexes, and the amount of pollinator visitation. We performed two glasshouse experiments; the first looked at the impact of three levels of pre-flowering herbivory, and the second looked at four levels of herbivory after the plants had started to flower. We found that herbivory during the flowering phase led to a significant increase in the number of plants without male flowers. As a consequence there was significantly less pollen export from this population, as estimated by movement of a pollen analog. The size of female flowers was reduced by severe herbivory, but there was no affect on pollen receipt by the female flowers of damaged plants. The decrease in allocation to male function after severe herbivory may be adaptive when male reproductive success is very unpredictable.  相似文献   

Field studies on two populations of Agalinis strictifolia were conducted over a 3-year period to investigate the relationship between flowering time of individuals and plant size, flowering duration, flower and fruit production, fruit predation, and growth rate. Seasonal patterns of pollinator visitation were compared with those of individual flowering time, flower density, percent fruit production, and mean seeds/fruit. In general, early and middle flowering individuals (as determined by either first flowering date or peak flowering) were larger, flowered longer, and produced more flowers and fruits than late flowering individuals. Early and middle flowering individuals (based on first flowering date) also grew faster than late flowering individuals. Although early and middle flowering individuals produced more fruits, fruit predators did not damage a disproportionate number of fruits compared to late flowering individuals. Patterns of bee visitation showed no association with seasonal patterns of flower density, percent fruit production, mean seed/fruit, or individual flowering time. In populations of A. strictifolia, it would seem that biotic or environmental determinants of growth rate (hence size and reproductive success) may be more important in generating variation in individual flowering time than patterns of pollinator visitation or fruit predation.  相似文献   

Flowering plant density can increase number of visits and fruit set in multi-flowering plants, however this aspect has not been studied on few flower species. We studied the effects of individual floral display and plant density on the fruit production of the epiphytic, moth-pollinated orchid, Ryncholaelia glauca, in an oak forest of Chavarrillo, Veracruz, Mexico. Species is non-autogamous, and produced one flower per flowering shoot each flowering season. We hypothesized that orchids with more flowering shoots and those on trees with clumps of conspecific should develop more fruits than isolated ones. R. glauca population flowers synchronouly, and individual flowers last up to 18 days, with flowers closing rapidly after pollination. Individuals produced few flowers per year, although some plants developed flowers in both seasons and fewer of them developed fruits both years. There was no relationship between flower number per orchid, or per host tree, with the number of fruits developed per plant. Host trees with flowering and fruiting orchids were randomly dispersed and the pattern of distribution of flowering and fruiting plants was not related. Apparently, pollinators visit the flowers randomly, with no evidence of density dependence. The fruit set of R. glauca was as low as fruit set of multi-flowered orchids moth pollinated, suggesting that fruit set on moth pollinated orchids could be independent of the number of flowers displayed.  相似文献   

Jon Ågren 《Oecologia》1988,76(2):175-183
Summary The flowering and fruiting patterns of the dioecious perennial herb Rubus chamaemorus L. were studied in frost-prone (open) and frost-sheltered (Shaded) habitats in northern Sweden over 6 years. The number of ramets with flower buds, the proportion of flower buds that opened, and fruit set varied markedly between years. In the frost-prone populations, the occurrence or absence of detrimental frosts during the development of flowers and fruit could explain much of the variation, both in the proportion of flower buds that developed into flowers, and in fruit set. In the frost-sheltered populations, most female flowers that did not develop into fruit aborted without any signs of physical damage and before any ovules had begun to enlarge. Flower mortality caused by herbivores feeding on reproductive parts was commonly low, but reached values higher than 10% in one of the shaded populations. Hand-pollination increased the proportion of ovules producing seeds in the mature fruits by about 20%, and in one year also increased fruit set significantly in one population. Fruit-producing female ramets had a higher mortality and a lower probability of flowering in the subsequent year than male ramets and non-fruiting female ramets. In R. chamaemorus, the conditions for fruit maturation are highly unpredictable at the time of flower initiation. It is suggested that the apparent over-initiation of flower buds is advantageous, as it allows the plant to attain a high reproductive success in years favourable for flowering and fruit development.  相似文献   

Sex-allocation trade-offs may maintain variation in secondary sexual characteristics if such traits vary in their benefits or costs in association with different genders. In Polemonium viscosum, large flowers benefit both male and female aspects of reproduction. In this study, I explore how resource investment in flower size influences the cost of allocation to male and female function. Large flowers exact a water cost in P. viscosum under dry conditions. In an extreme drought in 1997, experimentally watered plants had higher survival and fecundity than controls. By comparing allocation patterns between plants dying from drought and survivors, I tested whether the demographic cost of large flowers increases with allocation to fecundity. Controls that died showed a positive relationship between flower size and fruit production, while survivors showed a negative relationship or trade-off. Watered plants showed no such trade-off. To test whether drought affects the relationship of corolla size to male function, I used leaf-water potential in 1998 to classify plants as stressed or unstressed. Corolla size showed positive correlations to pollen per flower regardless of drought stress. I conclude that under drought the demographic cost of producing large flowers is gender dependent, such that viability selection favors either small-flowered plants with female-biased reproduction or larger-flowered plants with male-biased reproduction.  相似文献   

从植株群体和单穗调查分析‘草莓荔’雌雄花开花特性,结果表明,‘草莓荔’雌雄花交替开放的顺序主要是雌→雄,即前期开雌花,后期开雄花;但也有少量交替开放顺序是雄→雌→雄,即先开雄花,中期开雌花后再开雄花。植株群体的花期和雌雄花开放相遇时间比单穗长,更有利于传粉受精。落果从花后15d开始出现,并在花后18~25d出现第一次落果高峰,落果最多,开花后51~58d为第二次落果高峰。  相似文献   

The pattern of biomass allocation of males and females and the sex ratio and growth characteristics of plants from three seed-size classes in Silene alba were investigated in a greenhouse study. Seed size significantly affected adult plant size and flower production of both male and female plants, but there was no significant difference in the proportion of males and females emerging in three seed-size categories. Male and female plants differed in the proportion of total biomass allocated to vegetative and reproductive structures and these differences were consistent across all seed-size categories. Males allocated a greater proportion of their biomass to flowers than did females. Female reproductive effort was dependent upon the percentage of flowers producing mature capsules. Only females with greater than 20% fruit set have a higher reproductive expenditure than males. Consequently, female expenditure is potentially greater than males, but is spread out over a longer portion of the growing season. This difference in the timing of reproductive expenditures by males and females allows females to allocate more biomass to growth during the early flowering period and may therefore account for the common pattern in herbaceous perennial dioecious species in which adult females are larger than adult males.  相似文献   

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