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The complete amino acid sequence of the human monoclonal lambda VI light chain Bence Jones protein THO was determined. We have found it to have remarkable similarities to the previously sequenced lambda VI Bence Jones protein SUT. Immunochemical analyses demonstrated that both lambda VI chains belong to a V lambda VI sub-subgroup. The 98-residue V gene-encoded segments of proteins THO and SUT are closely homologous and are distinguished from other lambda VI chains by a one-residue deletion at the V-J recombination site. Proteins THO and SUT have identical 13-residue J segments and therefore are encoded by the same J lambda gene. Further, both proteins have identical 105-residue C regions that by sequence represent products of the C lambda 3 (Kern-, Oz+) gene. The primary structure and serologic properties of proteins THO and SUT imply at the protein level of association between certain types of V lambda, J lambda, and C lambda segments.  相似文献   

To ascertain if lambda VI light chains have unique structural features that account for the preferential association of these proteins with primary or multiple myeloma-related amyloidosis (amyloidosis AL) we have determined the complete amino acid sequence of the variable (V) region of the lambda VI Bence Jones protein SUT. This protein, obtained from a patient with amyloidosis AL, represents a complete light chain consisting of 216 residues and it has structural and serologic properties characteristic for lambda VI light chains. The sequence of the joining segment (J) (positions 100 to 111) of protein SUT is identical to that of the J lambda I segment of the mouse IG lambda light chain gene. V region SUT is closely homologous in sequence to that of another lambda VI amyloid fibrillar protein, AR, differing by 21 residues. The V regions of proteins SUT and AR contain a two-residue insertion at positions 68 and 69 that has also been found in two other lambda VI human light chains but not in the lambda-chains of other V region subgroups.  相似文献   

Light chain Sci was isolated from the urine of a patient affected by light chain deposition disease with an apparent exclusive localization to the kidney. Sci protein is an intact light chain: it consists of 214 amino acid residues and has an Mr of 23.65. Its complete primary structure has been determined by sequence analysis of the corresponding tryptic peptides and by partially sequencing the intact protein. Sequence comparison shows that Sci protein is strictly related to the light chains of kIIIa family (88% structural identity) which are usually expressed in autoimmune rheumatoid syndromes. Computer graphics model suggests a perturbation in k Sci three-dimensional structure due to the unusual replacement of residues 53 and 77.  相似文献   

Bence Jones proteins can be cleaved specifically by several types of endopeptidases into fragments corresponding to the amino-terminal, variant (VL) portion and to the carboxyl-terminal, constant (CL) portion of the light polypeptide chain. Two types of neutral proteases, designated elastase-like (ELP) and chymotrypsin-like (CLP), have been isolated and purified from human polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Because these proteases have defined proteolytic activity under physiologic conditions for several types of human proteins, we investigated their effect on human Bence Jones proteins. Incubation of kappa-type or lambda-type Bence Jones proteins with ELP or CLP under appropriate conditions resulted in cleavage of both types of light chains as evident by immunochemical and electrophoretic analyses. Treatment with ELP or CLP of one kappa Bence Jones protein resulted in the formation of a single component that had antigenic and electrophoretic properties similar to the VL fragment derived from pepsin digestion of the native protein. No component corresponding to the CL could be detected immunochemically or electrophoretically. Studies of isolated pepsin-labile (37 degrees C) and pepsin-stable (55 degrees C) CL fragments demonstrated the marked susceptibility of the carboxyl-terminal half of the light chain to proteolysis by the leukocyte-derived neutral proteases. Incubation with ELP of three other kappa Bence Jones proteins and three reduced-alkylated lambda Bence Jones proteins resulted, in each case, in the formation of a homogeneous component which was electrophoretically and immunochemically distinct from the pepsin-derived VL fragment. An identical component could also be formed by incubating a pepsin-derived VL fragment with ELP. In the ELP-treated samples, no CL-related material was detected electrophoretically or immunochemically with antisera possessing specificity for CL antigenic determinants present on the unfolded light polypeptide chain or on the isolated CL. The component formed by ELP or CLP treatment of certain Bence Jones proteins thus appears to be VL-related, but lacks the idiotypic antigenic determinant present on the native protein. In this respect, these neutral protease-derived light chain components are similar to the amyloid-like VL fragments generated in vitro from certain endopeptidase-treated Bence Jones proteins.  相似文献   

The structural repertoire of the human V kappa domain.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
In humans, the gene for the V kappa domain is produced by the recombination of one of 40 functional V kappa segments and one of five functional J kappa segments. We have analysed the sequences of these germline segments and of 736 rearranged V kappa genes to determine the repertoire of main chain conformations, or canonical structures, they encode. Over 96% of the sequences correspond to one of four canonical structures for the first antigen binding loop (L1) and one canonical structure for the second antigen binding loop (L2). Junctional diversity produces some variation in the length of the third antigen binding loop (L3) and in the identity of residues at the V kappa-J kappa join. However, this is limited and 70% of the rearranged sequences correspond to one of three known canonical structures for the L3 region. Furthermore, we show that the canonical structures selected during the primary response are conserved during affinity maturation: the key residues that determine the conformations of the antigen binding loops are unmutated or undergo conservative mutation. The implications of these results for immune recognition are discussed.  相似文献   

Serum from a patient (KK) with IgG2-lambda myeloma was shown to contain multiple paraproteins corresponding to an IgM-lambda monoclonal protein (MMP), a lambda-type Bence Jones protein (BJP), and a 30 kDa component in addition to the IgG2 myeloma protein (GMP). These proteins possessed common idiotypic determinants, as judged by their monoclonal reactivity with rabbit anti-GMP idiotype antibody (aId) in the immunofixation electrophoresis. Analysis with aId absorbed with either H or L chain of GMP revealed that the 30 kDa component shared both VH and VL with GMP and MMP, while BJP carried only the VL idiotype. The 30 kDa component, however, failed to react with antibody to either the mu, gamma, alpha, kappa, or lambda isotype, indicating that it had an Fv-like molecular composition. These results suggest that myeloma cells of KK had diverged from the same precursor B cell clone to produce MPs of different isotypes and altered molecular constructions.  相似文献   

A “naturally occurring” human κI VL dimer, designated Wat, has been isolated and crystallized. Protein Wat consists of two non-covalently bound monomers, each having a molecular weight of ~ 11,500. The monomer subunit is composed of an entire variable region light chain (VL) domain closely homologous to that of the κI Bence Jones protein Roy (Hilschmann &; Craig, 1965) as evidenced from amino acid composition, tryptic peptide map, and sequence analysis. Immunochemical studies substantiated that protein Wat is of the κ chain subgroup κI and lacks the isotypic and allotypic antigenic determinants associated with the κ constant region light chain domain. Two types of crystals of VL dimer Wat were obtained from ammonium sulfate or polyethylene glycol solutions. The type I crystals have unit cell dimensions of a = b = 82.6 A?, c = 60.3 A?, and the space group is hexagonal P62 or P64. The asymmetric unit consists of one VL dimer; the fractional volume of unit cell occupied by solvent is 0.51. The unit cell dimensions of the type II crystals are a = b = 1,08.3 A?, c = 108.8 A?; the space group is hexagonal P6122 or P6522. Three variable domains constitute the asymmetric unit of the type II crystals; the fractional value of the solvent (0.52) is compatible with the value obtained for the type I crystals.  相似文献   

Fluorimetric method has been used to study the thermally induced structural transitions of the variable and constant halves of Bence Jones proteins. Like the intact protein, both the variable and constant halves exhibit significant increase in their fluorescence intensity at 50–56° due to conformational unfolding. The intact protein and its variable half, thus unfolded, exhibit considerable ANS dye (8-Anilinonapthalene-I-sulfonate) binding capacity, as measured by the increase in ANS fluorescence. However, this is not true for the unfolded constant half. The thermosolubility properties, which are shown by intact Bence Jones proteins and their variable halves but not by their constant halves, appear to correlate with the exposure of hydrophobic binding sites at elevated temperature.  相似文献   

To determine the genetic and molecular basis for rheumatoid factor (RF) autoantibody reactivity in patients with destructive, erosive arthritis, we established a human lymphoblastoid cell line (hRF-1) from a patient with polyarthritis that produced an IgG RF mAb, mAb hRF-1. Studies of isolated H and L chains showed that the specificity of RF reactivity is conferred by mAb hRF-1 L chains. The L chain gene was cloned from a cDNA library prepared from hRF-1 cells. The nucleotide sequence was similar to known V kappa II L chains except for a two nucleotide change corresponding to a change of two amino acids in an invariable region of FR3. A germ-line gene with one of the nucleotide changes was identified by polymerase chain reaction in multiple cell lines, including K562 that does not rearrange Ig genes, but the other nucleotide change appeared to be due to mutation. Either or both of these amino acid changes may contribute to the RF reactivity, because an antibody with the same V kappa II L chain except for these two amino acid changes in FR3 did not have RF reactivity. The RF reactivity of isolated L chains from mAb hRF-1 was confirmed by transfecting COS cells with an expression vector encoding the hRF-1 kappa-chain and showing that the secreted k-chains had RF reactivity. Expression of this variant V kappa II L chain gene may form the basis for RF autoantibody reactivity in some patients.  相似文献   

Mutations in the fibrinogen gamma chain (FGG) gene have been associated with various disorders, such as dysfibrinogenemia, thrombophilia, and hypofibrinogenemia. A literature survey showed that a residue exchange in fibrinogen Milano I from γ Asp to Val at position 330 impairs fibrin polymerization. The D356V (D330V) mutation located in the C-terminus was predicted to be highly deleterious and to affect the function of the protein. The pathogenicity of the altered gene and changes in protein functions were predicted using in silico methods, such as SIFT, PolyPhen 2, I-Mutant 3.0, Align GV–GD, PhD–SNP, and SNPs&GO. The secondary structure of the mutant protein was unwound by the end of the 50-ns simulation period, and a structural change in the helix-turn transition of the alpha-helical (352–356) region residues was observed. Moreover, a change in the length of the helical region was visualized in the mutant trajectory file, indicating the local transient unfolding of the protein. The obtained computational results suggest that the substitution of the neutral amino acid valine for the acidic amino acid aspartic acid at position 356 results in an unwound conformation within 50 ns, which might contribute to defective polymerization. Our analysis also provides insights into the effect of the conformational change in the D356V (D330V) mutant on protein structure and function.  相似文献   

A pBR322::Rous sarcoma virus(RSV)-based shuttle vector was used to insert fused genes, composed of the amino-terminal portion of the bacterial chloramphenicol-acetyltransferase gene (cat) and the entire coding region for the C-terminally derived light (L) chain of human tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) cDNA. Cotransfection of rat 3Y1 cells with pRSVneo DNA and pRSVcat/t-PA DNA yielded stably integrated G418-resistant transfectants which contain unrearranged copies of pRSVcat/t-PA DNA. These transfectants synthesize cat/t-PA L-chain mRNA, apparently correctly initiated and terminated. With the help of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), it is demonstrated that these cells produce human t-PA antigen. Furthermore, pRSVcat/t-PA L-chain cDNA-containing rat 3Y1 cells synthesize a plasminogen-dependent amidolytic activity which is suppressed by specific anti-human t-PA antibodies. This activity cannot be stimulated by fibrin, a property displayed by native t-PA. It is concluded that the t-PA L-chain cDNA contains the complete genetic information for the plasminogen activator activity.  相似文献   

In previous studies we showed that the plasma protein histidine-rich glycoprotein (HRG) binds strongly to pooled human IgG. In the present work myeloma proteins consisting of different human IgG subclasses were examined for their ability to interact with human HRG. Using an IAsys optical biosensor we found initially that IgG subclasses differ substantially in their affinity of interaction with HRG. However, the most striking finding was the observation that the kinetics of the HRG interaction was dramatically affected by whether the IgG subclasses contained the kappa or lambda light (L)-chains. Thus, the on-rate for the binding of HRG to the kappa L-chain containing IgG1 and IgG2 (IgG1kappa and IgG2kappa) was approximately 4- and approximately 10-fold faster than that for the binding of HRG to lambda L-chain containing IgG1 and IgG2 (IgG1lambda and IgG2lambda), respectively, with the dissociation constants (K(d)) in the range 3-5 nM and 112-189 nM for the kappa and lambda isoforms, respectively. In contrast, the on-rate for the binding of HRG to IgG3kappa and IgG4kappa was found to be 9- and 20-fold slower than that for the binding of HRG to IgG3lambda and IgG4lambda, respectively, with the K(d) in the range 147-268 nM and 96-109 nM for the kappa and lambda isoforms, respectively. The binding of HRG to immunoglobulins containing the kappa L-chain (particularly IgG1kappa) was generally potentiated in the presence of a physiological concentration (20 microM) of Zn(2+) (K(d) decreased to 0.60 +/- 0.01 for IgG1kappa), but Zn(2+) had no effect or slightly inhibited the binding of HRG to immobilized IgG subclasses possessing the lambda L-chain. Interestingly, HRG also bound differentially to Bence Jones (BJ) proteins containing kappa and lambda L-chains, with HRG having a 14-fold lower K(d) for BJkappa than for BJlambda when 20 microM Zn(2+) was present. HRG also bound to IgM (IgMkappa), but the affinity of this interaction (K(d) approximately 1.99 +/- 0.05 microM) was markedly lower than the interaction with IgG, and the affinity was actually decreased 4-fold in the presence of Zn(2+). The results demonstrate that both the heavy (H)- and L-chain type have a profound effect on the binding of HRG to different IgG subclasses and provide the first evidence of a functional difference between the kappa and lambda L-chains of immunoglobulins.  相似文献   

Two apparently homogeneous electrophoretic bands were found in the serum of a patient (DA) with multiple myeloma. These M-components were identified as IgA-lambda and IgG-kappa paraproteins bearing different idiotypic determinants. Further analysis of the L chains showed that the lambda-chain was homogeneous but the kappa-chain could be separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis into two different bands. Both of them were associated with gamma-chains but one (termed kappa n) had normal m.w. (24,500) whereas the other (termed kappa h) was larger (m.w. 30,000). Sugar content of the two DA IgG, as determined by anthrone reaction, was similar in DA IgG kappa n (0.73%) and in DA IgG kappa h (1.1%), clearly demonstrating that the difference in m.w. was not due to a large sugar chain. Furthermore, the peptide map of the kappa h chain included nine peptides absent in those of four other control kappa-chains. Sequence analysis showed that the first 25 N-terminal amino acids of the kappa n differed from those of the kappa h chain at positions 4, 5, 15, 18, and 21. Thus the two kappa-chains had different framework regions.  相似文献   

We have produced mice that carry the human Ig heavy (IgH) and both kappa and lambda light chain transloci in a background in which the endogenous IgH and kappa loci have been inactivated. The B lymphocyte population in these translocus mice is restored to about one-third of normal levels, with preferential (3:1) expression of human lambda over human kappa. Human IgM is found in the serum at levels between 50 and 400 microg/ml and is elevated following immunization. This primary human Ab repertoire is sufficient to yield diverse Ag-specific responses as judged by analysis of mAbs. The use of DH and J segments is similar to that seen in human B cells, with an analogous pattern of N nucleotide insertion. Maturation of the response is accompanied by somatic hypermutation, which is particularly effective in the light chain transloci. These mice therefore allow the production of Ag-specific repertoires of both IgM,kappa and IgM,lambda Abs and should prove useful for the production of human mAbs for clinical use.  相似文献   

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