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Plasminogen, the zymogen form of the fibrinolytic enzyme plasmin, is known to undergo plasmin-mediated modification in vitro. The modified form, Lys-plasminogen, is superior to the native Glu-plasminogen in fibrin binding and as a substrate for activation by tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA). The present study was undertaken to determine the existence and significance of the Glu- to Lys-plasminogen conversion during t-PA-mediated lysis of plasma clots in vitro. When human plasma was supplemented with exogenous Lys-plasminogen and clotted, a dose-dependent shortening of lysis time was observed. Formation of Lys-plasminogen in situ during fibrinolysis was determined using 131I-Glu-plasminogen-supplemented plasma. By the time of lysis, Lys-plasminogen had accumulated to about 20% of the initial concentration of Glu-plasminogen. Quantitation of activation of both Glu- and Lys-plasminogen as well as the conversion of Glu- to Lys-plasminogen in plasma supplemented with both 131I-Glu-plasminogen and 125I-Lys-plasminogen was accomplished by determining the flux of the isotopically labeled species along three pathways: Glu-plasminogen-->Glu-plasmin, Glu-plasminogen-->Lys-plasminogen, and Lys-plasminogen-->Lys-plasmin. After a brief lag, the Glu-plasminogen activation rate was constant until lysis was achieved, at which point activation ceased. The Lys-plasminogen activation rate also was essentially constant until lysis but was not characterized by a lag phase. The rate of conversion of Glu- to Lys-plasminogen was nonlinear and correlated directly with the rate of fibrinolysis. By the time lysis had occurred, Glu-plasminogen consumption had been distributed equally between direct activation to plasmin and conversion to Lys-plasminogen, and 45% of the plasmin which had been formed was derived from Lys-plasminogen. These results demonstrate both the formation and the subsequent activation of Lys-plasminogen during fibrinolysis. As a result of improved fibrin binding and activation of Lys-plasminogen compared to Glu-plasminogen, the formation of Lys-plasminogen within a clot constitutes a positive feedback mechanism that can further stimulate the activation of plasminogen by t-PA as fibrinolysis progresses.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that bovine core histones are natively unfolded proteins in solutions with low ionic strength due to their high net positive charge at pH 7.5. Using a variety of biophysical techniques we characterized their conformation as a function of pH and ionic strength, as well as correlating the conformation with aggregation and amyloid fibril formation. Tertiary structure was absent under all conditions except at pH 7.5 and high ionic strength. The addition of trifluoroethanol or high ionic strength induced significant alpha-helical secondary structure at pH 7.5. At low pH and high salt concentration, small-angle X-ray scattering and SEC HPLC indicate the histones are present as a hexadecamer of globular subunits. The secondary structure at low pH was independent of the ionic strength or presence of TFE, as judged by FTIR. The data indicate that histones are able to adopt five different relatively stable conformations; this conformational variability probably reflects, in part, their intrinsically disordered structure. Under most of the conditions studied the histones formed amyloid fibrils with typical morphology as seen by electron microscopy. In contrast to most aggregation/amyloidogenic systems, the kinetics of fibrillation showed an inverse dependence on histone concentration; we attribute this to partitioning to a faster pathway leading to non-fibrillar self-associated aggregates at higher protein concentrations. The rate of fibril formation was maximal at low pH, and decreased to zero by pH 10. The kinetics of fibrillation were very dependent on the ionic strength, increasing with increasing salt concentration, and showing marked dependence on the nature of the ions; interestingly Gdn.HCl increased the rate of fibrillation, although much less than NaCl. Different ions also differentially affected the rate of nucleation and the rate of fibril elongation.  相似文献   

Clotting and fibrinolysis are initiated simultaneously in vivo, and fibrinolysis usually occurs without any individualized lysis front (intrinsic fibrinolysis). We have developed a novel model to assess whether morphological changes resulting from intrinsic fibrinolysis are similar to those previously reported at the lysis front using externally applied lytic agents. Fibrin assembly and fibrinolysis were followed in real-time by confocal microscopy using gold-labeled fibrinogen molecules. An increase in fiber absorbance (30%, p < 0.01) and a decrease in fiber diameter (60%, p < 0.01) due to the ongoing accumulation and packing of fibrin molecules were the most significant detectable features occurring during fibrin assembly. Similar features with a similar magnitude were observed during fibrin dissolution, but in the reverse order and with a 3-fold increase in duration. Then, lysing fibers were progressively transected laterally, and thinner fibers were cleaved at a 2.5-fold faster rate than thicker fibers (p < 0.001). Frayed lysing fibers were seen to interact progressively with adjoining fibers (agglomeration), leading to a 76 and 88% increase in the network pore diameter (p < 0.05) and fiber diameter (p < 0.01), respectively. At the maximum decrease in fiber absorbance (46%, p < 0.05), the network suddenly collapsed with the release of large fragments that gradually vanished. Morphological changes of fibrin that occur during intrinsic fibrinolysis are similar as those observed next to the lysis front, although they are not restricted spatially to the clot/surrounding milieu interface but are observed through the entire clot.  相似文献   

Changes in the fibrinolytic activity of blood flowing from the skeletal muscles during electrostimulation of the peripheral end of the cut-off sympathetic chain at the blockade of alpha-adrenoceptors have been studied in the acute experiments on cats. It is stated, that this action induces not only an increase of vascular conductivity but also fibrinolysis stimulation relating to the secretion of plasminogen activators to the blood. The effect of fibrinolysis stimulation was reproduced during intraarterial infusion of acetylcholine and was blocked by atropine. The vasodilating reactions on sodium nitroprusside and papaverine similar by intensity to the cholinergic reactions induce no plasminogen activator release. The existence of the specific regulation mechanism of plasminogen activator secretion, mediated by M-cholinoceptors is suggested.  相似文献   

The intramolecular melting of the human Lys-plasminogen and its different fragments were studied by the differential scanning microcalorimetry method. Thermodynamical analysis of melting curves showed that the Lys-plasminogen molecule consists of 7 domains. Five of them are formed by five homologeus regions of the polypeptide chain (kringle), while two domains are formed by the part of the polypeptide chain corresponding to the plasmin light chain. The domains included in the fragments seem to be rather independent, since fragmentation does not lead to noticeable changes of their stability in comparison to that of the intact molecule. It has been shown also that plasminogen-plasmin conversion is accompanied by structural transformation of the molecule which results in the destabilization of one of the light chain domains.  相似文献   

Mathematical models of three-consumer-two-resource systems are used to explore the possibility of coexistence when one consumer is a generalist utilizing both resources, and the other two are specialists utilizing only one. Such coexistence requires strongly saturating functional or numerical responses in at least one consumer and the presence of sustained asynchronous variation in resource abundances. Given these conditions, the effects of three dichotomous factors on the range of parameters allowing coexistence are examined: flexible versus inflexible resource choice by the generalist, endogenous or exogenous cause of resource cycles, and location of the two resources in a single habitat versus two habitats. Coexistence of all three species is found to be possible for all combinations of these factors except for inflexible choice in a two-habitat environment. Generalists experience frequency-dependent fitness because, when they are abundant, they synchronize resource cycles and/or reduce their amplitude. When the generalist can adaptively adjust its relative foraging on the two resources, coexistence conditions are broadened considerably, and coexistence commonly occurs readily with exogenous variation in resource growth and with resources located in distinct habitats. Adaptive behavior increases the generalist's ability to both synchronize and dampen resource cycles.  相似文献   

Inner clot diffusion and permeation during fibrinolysis.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文

Chronological gene expression patterns of biofilm-forming cells are important to understand bioactivity and pathogenicity of biofilms. For Porphyromonas gingivalis ATCC 33277 biofilm formation, the number of genes differentially regulated by more than 1.5-fold was highest during the growth stage (312/2,090 genes), and some pathogen-associated genes were time-dependently controlled.  相似文献   

Information on the existence of the interspecific constitutional polymorphism in rabbits of chinchilla [correction of "Shinshilla"] and "white giant" to ophthalmic hypertension and glaucoma in abundance of catecholamine was presented. Experiences show that rabbits of chinchilla [correction of "shinshilla"] under the abundance of catecholamine in difference of "albino" rabbits do not have glaucoma. Albinos are not protected from the abundance of POL under the influence of catecholamine.  相似文献   

In the mouse stomach exist two acid proteases separable on the polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. One of them increases in activity after weaning and is a pepsinogen immunologically related to the pepsinogens of other vertebrates. The other is predominant before weaning and is presumed to be a chymosin-like acid protease.  相似文献   

We have developed a rapid and sensitive method by which to quantitate proteolysis of fibrin(ogen) at interfaces. Microscopic polystyrene-divinylbenzene beads coated with a mixed monomolecular film of lecithin and fibrinogen aggregate in aqueous media following exposure to thrombin or enzymes of thrombin-like activity. This aggregation is a consequence of interbead association of fibrin. As an indirect measure of the rate of fibrin formation, the rate of aggregation of beads can be used advantageously to assay enzymes and enzyme regulators pertinent to coagulation. Since the apparent absorbance of monodisperse beads is greater than that of bead aggregates, determination of the rate of change of apparent absorbance of a stirred dispersion of beads following addition of enzyme or enzyme-regulator mixture is a convenient and simple means by which to quantitate the rate of bead aggregation. Using a simple spectrophotometer or aggregometer, the method can be used to quantitate as little as 0.0005 NIH unit of thrombin. Aggregates of fibrin-coated beads can be disaggregated by several proteinases, most notably plasmin. Thus, just as bead aggregation can be used to quantitate effectors of fibrin formation, dissociation of aggregates of fibrin-coated beads can be used to quantitate effectors of fibrinolysis. Using disaggregation as a measure of fibrinolysis, the method is sensitive to as little as 0.005 unit of plasmin. Fibrin(ogen)-coated beads should prove a useful tool for studying proteolysis of fibrin(ogen) in general, and adsorbed fibrin(ogen) in particular.  相似文献   

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