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Abstract Many dacine (Diptera: Tephritidae) species are attracted to one of two chemical substances, 4-allyl-1,2-dimethoxybenzene (methyl eugenol (ME)) or 4-( p -hydroxyphenyl)-2-butanone (cue lure). Despite the fact that these chemicals or analogs occur naturally, their significance in the biology/ecology of the Dacinae has seldom been examined. In this study, we examine the patterns in feeding behaviour of Bactrocera cacuminata (Hering), a monophagous non-pest fruit fly, on ME. Based on a laboratory assay, we found that males of this species fed on ME multiple times within a single day and on multiple days. The pattern of repeat feeding was not related to time since previous feeding or duration of prior feeding. Our results contrast those obtained on a similar study on a related polyphagous species ( Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)). We discuss the implications of our findings with a view to explaining the functional significance of dacine response to these plant-derived chemicals.  相似文献   

记述自中国云南的果实蝇属Bactrocera Macquart 1新种,即保山果实蝇Bactrocera (Zeugodacus)baoshanensis,sp.nov..模式标本保存于福建农林大学益虫研究所.  相似文献   

Bactrocera carambolae is a quarantine pest found in Brazil, restricted to the states of Amapá, Pará and Roraima. This fruit fly can potentially cause extensive socioeconomic and environmental damage in the country, if it disperse into areas where fruit is grown for exporting. The objective of this work was to study the biology of B. carambolae on fruits of Averrhoa carambola L. (Oxalidaceae), Psidium guajava L. (Myrtaceae), Spondias mombin L. (Anacardiaceae) and Eugenia stipitata McVaugh (Myrtaceae). The following parameters were investigated: duration of egg-larva, pupal, egg-adult, pre-oviposition, oviposition and post-oviposition periods, pupal weight and viability, sex ratio, fecundity, fertility and longevity. All parameters except pupal weight, oviposition and post-oviposition period, egg fertility and sex ratio were influenced by the host plant on which the larvae were reared. The carambola fruit fly completes its development on all those hosts studied here, with the highest fecundities on A. carambola and P. guajava.  相似文献   

Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt), is the economically most significant Australian tephritid pest species with a large invasion potential, yet relatively little work on its biological control has been undertaken. Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) are of potential interest for control of this fruit fly species as it pupates in the soil. Specifically, the pre-pupal stage of B. tryoni may present a unique window for EPN application, as fully developed larvae drop from infested fruit to the soil for pupation. For the first time, we tested the capacity of three EPN species with different foraging strategies, Steinernema feltiae, Steinernema carpocapsae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, to cause larval and pupal mortality in B. tryoni across a range of EPN concentrations (50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 infective juveniles IJs cm-2), substrate moisture (10, 15, 20 and 25% w/v) and temperatures (15, 20, 25 and 30 °C). We found that all EPN species tested caused environment and density dependent mortality in the third larval instar while pupae were not affected. Steinernema feltiae caused high mortality across different IJ concentrations and over a wider moisture and temperature range than the other two EPN species. High mortality caused by S. carpocapsae and H. bacteriophora was more limited to high IJ concentrations and a narrower moisture and temperature range. Our findings highlight the potential of EPNs for the control of B. tryoni and warrant further laboratory and field experiments to evaluate their efficacy under the wide environmental conditions that B. tryoni can occur in.  相似文献   

记述果实蝇属Bactrocera Macquart 1新种:甘肃果实蝇Bactrocera(Zeugodacus)gansuica Chen,Han et Zhousp.nov.及老挝果实蝇属1新记录种:黑颜果实蝇B(Z.)vultus(Hardy,1973),并附形态特征图。新种和盾条果实蝇B.(Z.)adusta(Wang & Zhao)及塔帕果实蝇Bactrocera(B.)tappanus(Shiraki)相似,均仅具1对小盾鬃,中胸盾片除2侧纵条及1中纵条外,余均黑色,以及小盾片具1黑色宽纵条。主要区别在于:1)前足股节端半深棕色,而非几乎全黑;2)中、后足股节端部约1/3深棕色;3)翅前缘带与端斑明显相连,而非与端斑明显分离。  相似文献   

Two new species of the sciaenid genusNibea are described;N. squamosa from northern Australia and Papua New Guinea andN. microgenys from northern Australia. Both species differ from all known congeners in having a small, inferior mouth, with the lower jaw teeth uniform in size.N. squamosa is distinguished fromN. microgenys by a higher number of lateral line scales (57–60 vs. 48–50), the last pleural rib on the 11th vertebra (vs. 10th), and a longer and more slender caudal peduncle (length 25.9–30.4%SL, depth 6.3–7.9% SL vs. 21.5–26.3, 8.0–10.3).N. squamosa exhibits hyperostosis in some elements, such as the frontals and dorsal and anal pterygiophores.  相似文献   


In Anastrepha sp.2 aff. fraterculus, the egg-cell harbours a large population of endosymbionts. The bacteria were identified as belonging to genus Wolbachia by PCR assay using primers of the ftsZ gene followed by sequencing of the amplified band. Newly deposited eggs stained in toto by Hoechst show that the bacteria are unevenly dispersed throughout the egg-cell, with a higher accumulation at the posterior pole, and that the degree of infestation varies from egg to egg. Analysis by transmission electron microscopy shows that bacteria are present in the female germ line of embryonic and larval stages, as well as in the different cell types of the ovaries at the adult stage. Mature ova within the follicles harbour a large population of the symbionts. The results indicate the existence of a transovarian transmission of the endosymbionts in this fly.  相似文献   

Brachypalpus (Brachypalpus) longifacies sp. nov. is described and illustrated from Eastern Asia (Russian Far East and Japan). It differs from other species of the nominative subgenus by several unusual characters, i.e. face in profile weakly convex dorsally and concave ventrally, antennae very elongated, and abdomen with reddish transversal maculae on 2nd tergum (male) or 2nd and 3rd terga (female). A key is given for known species of the subgenus Brachypalpus.LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:634CB6E2-B2C1-40EC-8811-BF3DD4BDE69A  相似文献   

首次报道西藏准驼舞虻属Parahybos,并记述2新种:短突准驼舞虻Parahybos breviprocerus sp.nov.和长突准驼舞虻P.longiprocerus sp.nov.。  相似文献   

Abstract  In the Kimberley region of Western Australia, Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly) Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) is only established at Broome. From 1998 to 2001 extensive fruit sampling was carried out at Broome during a trial investigating the eradication of medfly from the Kimberley using the sterile insect technique. Fruit was collected from 82 native and introduced plants growing in and surrounding the town of Broome and held for emergence of medfly. Eighteen plants, including the native tree Terminalia petiolaris , were found to be medfly hosts . On the basis of abundance, fruiting phenology and host suitability, eight species (kumquat Fortunella japonica , mango Magnifera indica , Barbados cherry Malpighia glabra , orange jessamine Murraya paniculata , guava Psidium guajava , Pacific almond Terminalia catapa , blackberry tree Terminalia petiolaris and yellow oleander Thevetia peruviana ) were the most important hosts ensuring medfly survival and population growth. Despite medfly being reared from T. petiolaris , it is likely that medfly can only maintain populations in areas close to human habitation, and eradication from these areas would lead to eradication from the whole Kimberley region.  相似文献   

The biology of the fruit fly Bactrocera tau, an important horticultural pest, was studied under laboratory conditions at 25°C and 60–70% relative humidity on Cucurbita maxima. The duration of mating averaged 408.03 ± 235.93 min. After mating, the female fly had a preoviposition period of 11.7 ± 4.49 days. The oviposition rate was 9.9 ± 8.50 eggs and fecundity was 464.6 ± 67.98 eggs/female. Eggs were elliptical, smooth and shiny white, turning darker as hatching approached, and measured 1.30 ± 0.07 mm × 0.24 ± 0.04 mm. The chorion has polygonal microsculpturing and is species-specific with polygonal walls. The egg period lasts for 1.3 ± 0.41 days. The duration of the larval period is 1.2 ± 0.42, 1.7 ± 0.48 and 4.0 ± 0.94 days for first, second and third instars, respectively. Pupation occurs in the sand or soil and pupal periods are 7.0 ± 0.47 days. The life cycle from egg to adult was completed in 14.2 ± 1.69 days; the longevity of mated females and males was 130.33 ± 14.18 and 104.66 ± 31.21 days, respectively. At least two to three generations were observed from June 2008 to June 2009.  相似文献   

Bactrocera synnephes, a fruit fly species common in Taiwan, was first detected in Japan in 2006, when several male adults were trapped at Kanokawa, an uninhabited coastal area of Iriomote Island, Okinawa (200 km from Taiwan). To examine potential colonization by B. synnephes, we collected fruit of the wild gourd Diplocyclos palmatus (Cucurbitaceae), a host of the fruit fly, as well as other cucurbitaceous species, in Kanokawa and other areas of Iriomote Island. No B. synnephes infestation was found on any cucurbitaceous plants. Based on these results, we conclude that B. synnephes had very recently invaded Iriomote Island, possibly from Taiwan, but had failed to colonize. Bactrocera synnephes may have entered Iriomote Island by natural or human‐induced means, but a human‐induced invasion pathway is less likely in light of the non‐pest status of the species in Taiwan. The disappearance of B. synnephes from Iriomote Island may be related to the loss of host fruit as a result of tropical cyclones. Although B. synnephes is not regarded as a pest elsewhere, the pest status of the species is unclear in Okinawa, where no fruit fly pests currently attack commercial cucurbitaceous fruit. We must remain alert for possible re‐invasion by B. synnephes.  相似文献   

Fruit flies cause significant damage to crop and fruit production worldwide. Therefore, it is essential to identify these organisms to species level; however, immature stages are often impossible to be identified morphologically; thus, the application of DNA barcoding has greatly assisted in species identification. Nuclear, mitochondrial pseudo-COI (NUMT) can be co-amplified with mitochondrial DNA when using generic primers and therefore impair the efficacy of DNA barcoding. This study detected two types of NUMTs from Bactrocera passiflorae, one of them is novel. Therefore, the new finding will assist future species identification by avoiding misidentification using ambiguous NUMT sequences. In addition, this study has developed primers to target the COI gene of B. passiflorae, not the NUMT copies. The newly designed primers have demonstrated its efficiency in amplifying the Mt-COI of B. passiflorae and can be used in routine diagnostics.  相似文献   

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