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Muscle properties change profoundly as a result of disuse after spinal cord injury. To study the extent to which these changes can be reversed by electrical stimulation, tibialis anterior muscles in complete spinal cord-injured subjects were stimulated for progressively longer times (15 min, 45 min, 2 h, and 8 h/day) in 6-wk intervals. An index of muscle endurance to repetitive stimulation doubled (from 0.4 to 0.8), contraction and half-relaxation times increased markedly (from 70 to approximately 100 ms), but little or no change was measured in twitch or tetanic tension with increasing amounts of stimulation. The changes observed with 2 h/day of stimulation brought the physiological values close to those for normal (control) subjects. A decrease in the stimulation period produced a reversal of the changes. No effects were observed in the contralateral (unstimulated) muscle at any time, nor was there evidence of decreased numbers of motor units in these subjects secondary to spinal cord injury. Motor unit properties changed in parallel with those of the whole muscle. The occasional spasms occurring in these subjects are not sufficient to maintain normal muscle properties, but these properties can largely be restored by 1-2 h/day of electrical stimulation.  相似文献   

These studies examined Fos protein expression in spinal cord neurons synaptically activated by stimulation of bladder afferent pathways after spinal cord injury (SCI). In urethan-anesthetized Wistar rats after SCI for 6 wk, intravesical saline distension significantly (P 相似文献   

Opiate antagonists, at high doses, have been shown to improve physiological variables and outcome after experimental spinal injury. Dynorphin appears to be unique amongst opioids in producing hindlimb paralysis after intrathecal injection. Taken together, these findings suggest a possible pathophysiological role for endogenous opioids, particularly dynorphin, in spinal injury. In the present studies we examined the relationship between changes in dynorphin immunoreactivity (Dyn-ir) in rat spinal cord after traumatic injury and the subsequent motor dysfunction. Trauma was associated with significantly increased Dyn-ir at the injury site, but not distant from the lesion. Dyn-ir was found elevated as early as 2 h and as late as 2 weeks after trauma, and was significantly correlated with the degree of injury. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that dynorphin systems may be involved in the secondary injury that follows spinal trauma.  相似文献   

Impact spinal cord injury (20 g-cm) was induced in rat by weight drop. The immunoreactivity of mcalpain was examined in the lesion and adjacent areas of the cord following trauma. Increased calpain immunoreactivity was evident in the lesion compared to control and the immunostaining intensity progressively increased after injury. The calpain immunoreactivity was also increased in tissue adjacent to the lesion. mCalpain immunoreactivity was significantly stronger in glial and endothelial cells, motor neurons and nerve fibers in the lesion. The calpain immunoreactivity also increased in astrocytes and microglial cells in the adjacent areas. Proliferation of microglia and astrocytes identified by GSA histochemical staining and GFAP immunostaining, respectively, was seen at one and three days after injury. Many motor neurons in the ventral horn showed increased calpain immunoreactivity and were shrunken in the lesion. These studies indicate a pivotal role for calpain and the involvement of glial cells in the tissue destruction in spinal cord injury. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Marion E. Smith.  相似文献   

Failure of axon regeneration after traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) is attributable in part to the presence of inhibitory molecular interactions. Recent evidence demonstrates that activation of Eph signaling pathways leads to modulation of growth cone dynamics and repulsion through the activation of ephexin, a novel guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF). However, little is known about the expression and modulation of Eph molecular targets in the injured spinal cord. In this study, we determined the expression profile of ephexin after a moderate spinal cord contusion at thoracic level (T10) in young adult rats. Western-blot studies showed increased protein expression in injured rats at 4 and 7 days postinjury (DPI) when compared with control animals. The protein levels returned to normal at 14 DPI and remained steady until 28 DPI. However, immunoprecipitation studies of the phosphorylated ephexin demonstrated that this protein is activated by day 2 until 14 DPI. Expression of ephexin was noticeable in neurons, axons, microglia/macrophages, and reactive astrocytes, and co-localized with EphA3, A4, and A7. These results demonstrate the presence of ephexin in the adult spinal cord and its activation after SCI. Therefore, we show, for the first time, the spatiotemporal pattern of ephexin expression and activation after contusive SCI. Collectively, our data support our previous findings on the putative nonpermissive roles of Eph receptors after SCI and the possible involvement of ephexin in the intracellular cascade of events.  相似文献   

Therapeutic interventions after spinal cord injury   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Spinal cord injury (SCI) can lead to paraplegia or quadriplegia. Although there are no fully restorative treatments for SCI, various rehabilitative, cellular and molecular therapies have been tested in animal models. Many of these have reached, or are approaching, clinical trials. Here, we review these potential therapies, with an emphasis on the need for reproducible evidence of safety and efficacy. Individual therapies are unlikely to provide a panacea. Rather, we predict that combinations of strategies will lead to improvements in outcome after SCI. Basic scientific research should provide a rational basis for tailoring specific combinations of clinical therapies to different types of SCI.  相似文献   

GeneChip analysis after acute spinal cord injury in rat.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

P W Nance  A H Shears  D M Nance 《CMAJ》1985,133(1):41-42
A 16-year-old girl, one of dizygotic twins, presented in 1976 complaining of a 1-year history of a lack of coordination and an inability to run. The results of biochemical tests confirmed the diagnosis of classic abetalipoproteinemia. In addition to the recognized neurologic features of this disorder, she had a reduced evoked motor unit potential and markedly elevated serum levels of muscle enzymes, which suggested myositis. The serum vitamin E level was markedly decreased. Oral therapy with vitamin E, 800 mg daily, was begun, and in 1981 the dosage was increased to 3200 mg daily. Over the 7 years of follow-up she improved clinically, there was an increase in the evoked motor unit potential, the serum levels of some of the muscle enzymes decreased to normal, and the serum and tissue vitamin E levels increased significantly. It was concluded that treatment with high doses of vitamin E was responsible for the arrest of the usually progressive neuropathy and myopathy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between inactivity and shear stress, the frictional force of blood against the endothelium, in spinal cord injury (SCI) subjects. SCI group offers a unique "model of nature" to study the effects of inactivity. Nine SCI subjects with upper (SCI-U) and 5 with a lower (SCI-L) motoneuron lesion and 10 able-bodied controls (C) were included. A venous blood sample was withdrawn to determine blood viscosity. Red blood cell velocities and arterial diameters of the common carotid artery (CCA) and common femoral artery (CFA) were measured by using echo-Doppler ultrasound in a supine position. No differences were observed in wall shear stress in the CCA between groups. In the CFA, peak and mean wall shear stress were significantly increased in SCI (14.1 and 1.2 Pa, respectively) compared with C (10.2 and 0.9 Pa, respectively). Because SCI-U and SCI-L showed no differences in shear stress levels, inactivity and not nerve degeneration seems to cause the elevated shear stress levels in the CFA in SCI. However, the lack of central neural control as a causal factor cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Excess glutamate release and associated neurotoxicity contributes to cell death after spinal cord injury (SCI). Indeed, delayed administration of glutamate receptor antagonists after SCI in rodents improves tissue sparing and functional recovery. Despite their therapeutic potential, most glutamate receptor antagonists have detrimental side effects and have largely failed clinical trials. Topiramate is an AMPA-specific, glutamate receptor antagonists that is FDA-approved to treat CNS disorders. In the current study we tested whether topiramate treatment is neuroprotective after cervical contusion injury in rats. We report that topiramate, delivered 15-minutes after SCI, increases tissue sparing and preserves oligodendrocytes and neurons when compared to vehicle treatment. In addition, topiramate is more effective than the AMPA-receptor antagonist, NBQX. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report documenting a neuroprotective effect of topiramate treatment after spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

During the whole life cycle of mammals,new neurons are constantly regenerated in the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus and in the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricles.Thanks to emerging methodologies,great progress has been made in the characterization of spinal cord endogenous neural stem cells(ependymal cells) and identification of their role in adult spinal cord development.As recently evidenced,both the intrinsic and extrinsic molecular mechanisms of ependymal cells control the sequential steps of the adult spinal cord neurogenesis.This review introduces the concept of adult endogenous neurogenesis,the reaction of ependymal cells after adult spinal cord injury(SCI),the heterogeneity and markers of ependymal cells,the factors that regulate ependymal cells,and the niches that impact the activation or differentiation of ependymal cells.  相似文献   

Each year about 2,000 women of childbearing age in the United States have a spinal cord injury. Only a few mostly anecdotal reports describe pregnancy after such an injury. In a retrospective study of 16 women with a spinal cord injury, half of whom have a complete injury and about half quadriplegia, 25 pregnancies occurred, with 21 carried to full term. The women delayed pregnancy an average of 6.5 years after their injury, with an average age at first pregnancy of 26.8 years. Cesarean section was necessary in 4 patients because of inadequate progress of labor. In 5 deliveries an episiotomy and local anesthesia were required, 7 required epidural anesthesia, including all cesarean sections, and 10 did not require anesthesia. Several complications have been identified in the antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum periods including autonomic hyperreflexia, premature labor, pressure sores, urinary tract infections, abnormal presentation, and failure to progress. Ultrasonography and amniocentesis were used selectively. Women with spinal cord injuries can have healthy children, although there are significant risks and these women have special needs.  相似文献   

We investigated whether imatinib (Gleevec?, Novartis), a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, could improve functional outcome in experimental spinal cord injury. Rats subjected to contusion spinal cord injury were treated orally with imatinib for 5 days beginning 30 minutes after injury. We found that imatinib significantly enhanced blood-spinal cord-barrier integrity, hindlimb locomotor function, sensorimotor integration, and bladder function, as well as attenuated astrogliosis and deposition of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans, and increased tissue preservation. These improvements were associated with enhanced vascular integrity and reduced inflammation. Our results show that imatinib improves recovery in spinal cord injury by preserving axons and other spinal cord tissue components. The rapid time course of these beneficial effects suggests that the effects of imatinib are neuroprotective rather than neurorestorative. The positive effects on experimental spinal cord injury, obtained by oral delivery of a clinically used drug, makes imatinib an interesting candidate drug for clinical trials in spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

Limited axonal plasticity within the central nervous system (CNS) is a major restriction for functional recovery after CNS injury. The small GTPase RhoA is a key molecule of the converging downstream cascade that leads to the inhibition of axonal re-growth. The Rho-pathway integrates growth inhibitory signals derived from extracellular cues, such as chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans, Nogo-A, myelin-associated glycoprotein, oligodendrocyte-myelin glycoprotein, Ephrins and repulsive guidance molecule-A, into the damaged axon. Consequently, the activation of RhoA results in growth cone collapse and finally outgrowth failure. In turn, the inhibition of RhoA-activation blinds the injured axon to its growth inhibitory environment resulting in enhanced axonal sprouting and plasticity. This has been demonstrated in various CNS-injury models for direct RhoA-inhibition and for downstream/upstream blockade of the RhoA-associated pathway. In addition, RhoA-inhibition reduces apoptotic cell death and secondary damage and improves locomotor recovery in clinically relevant models after experimental spinal cord injury (SCI). Unexpectedly, a subset of "small molecules" from the group of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, particularly the FDA-approved ibuprofen, has recently been identified as (1) inhibiting RhoA-activation, (2) enhancing axonal sprouting/regeneration, (3) protecting "tissue at risk" (neuroprotection) and (4) improving motor recovery confined to realistic therapeutical time-frames in clinically relevant SCI models. Here, we survey the effect of small-molecule-induced RhoA-inhibition on axonal plasticity and neurofunctional outcome in CNS injury paradigms. Furthermore, we discuss the body of preclinical evidence for a possible clinical translation with a focus on ibuprofen and illustrate putative risks and benefits for the treatment of acute SCI.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of treatment with eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) after spinal cord compression injury in adult rats. Saline or EPA (250 nmol/kg) was administered intravenously 30 min after compression injury. Locomotor recovery was assessed daily using the BBB open-field locomotor score. One week after injury, animals were sacrificed and the spinal cord tissue containing the compression epicenter, and the adjacent rostral and caudal segments, was immunostained using specific markers for neurons, oligodendrocytes, axonal injury, and macrophages/microglia. Administration of EPA resulted in decreased axonal injury and increased neuronal and oligodendrocyte survival, in the lesion epicenter and adjacent tissue. The behavioural assessment mirrored the neuroprotective effects and showed a significantly improved functional recovery in animals treated with EPA compared to the saline-treated controls over the 7-day period. These observations suggest that EPA has neuroprotective properties when administered after spinal cord trauma.  相似文献   

Neuronal axons are guided by attractive and repulsive cues in their local environment. Since the identification of the repulsive guidance molecule (RGM) a (RGMa) as an axon repellent in the visual system, diverse functions, as part of the developing and adult central nervous system (CNS), have been ascribed to it. The binding of RGMa to its receptor neogenin has been shown to induce RhoA activation, leading to inhibitory/repulsive behavior and the collapse of the neuronal growth cone. In this paper, we provide evidence to suggest the involvement of RGMb, another member of the RGM family, in the rat CNS. RGMb inhibits neurite outgrowth in postnatal cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs) in vitro. RGMb is expressed by oligodendrocytes and neurons in the adult rat CNS, and the expression of this molecule is upregulated around the site of spinal cord injury. RGMb is present in myelin isolated from an adult rat brain. RGMb and neogenin are coexpressed in CGNs and entorhinal cortex neurons. These findings suggest that RGMb is a myelin-derived inhibitor of axon growth in the CNS. Inhibition of RGMb may provide an alternative approach for the treatment of spinal injuries.  相似文献   

The impact of a 6-mo body-weight-supported treadmill training program on glucose homeostasis and muscle metabolic characteristics was investigated. Nine individuals (31 +/- 3 yr, 8.1 +/- 2.5 yr postinjury; means +/- SE) with incomplete spinal cord injury trained three times weekly for a total of 6 mo. Training session duration and intensity (velocity) increased by 54 +/- 10% (P < 0.01) and 135 +/- 20%, respectively. Muscle biopsies and a modified glucose tolerance test (100 g glucose with [U-(13)C]glucose) were performed before (Pre) and after training (Post). Training resulted in a reduction in area under the curve of glucose x time (-15 +/- 4%) and insulin x time (-33 +/- 8%; both P < 0.05). Oxidation of exogenous (ingested) glucose increased as a result of training (Pre = 4.4 +/- 0.7 g/h, Post = 7.4 +/- 0.6 g/h; P < 0.05), as did oxidation of endogenous (liver) glucose (Pre = 3.8 +/- 0.3 g/h, Post = 5.2 +/- 0.3 g/h; P < 0.05). Training resulted in increased muscle glycogen (80 +/- 23%; P < 0.05) and GLUT-4 content and hexokinase II enzyme activity (126 +/- 34 and 49 +/- 4%, respectively, both P < 0.01). Resting muscle phosphocreatine content also increased after training (Pre = 62.1 +/- 4.3, Post = 78.7 +/- 3.8, both mmol/kg dry wt and P < 0.05). Six months of thrice-weekly body-weight-supported treadmill training in persons with an incomplete spinal cord injury improved blood glucose regulation by increasing oxidation and storage of an oral glucose load. Increases in the capacity for transport and phosphorylation glucose in skeletal muscle likely play a role in these adaptations.  相似文献   

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