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The results of experiments on the infection of many different plants with seven biologic strains of known history of the nematode, Anguillulina dipsaci (Kühn), are given, together with the results obtained by other investigators. The technique by which the nematode was induced to infect other host plants is described in detail. The biologic strain theory in relation to A. dipsaci is discussed, together with the merits of the trinomial system of nomenclature in connexion with unspecialized races. The factors concerned with nematode outbreaks receive consideration. The relationship that exists between flower colour in herbaceous phloxes and the degree of infection by A. dipsaci is presented.  相似文献   

The putatively resistant lucerne cv. Euver was as susceptible to 11 English and 11 French populations of ‘lucerne race’ stem nematode, Ditylenchus dipsaci, as the susceptible cv. Europe. The ‘resistant’ cv. Vertus showed some resistance to five of the English and four of the French populations but was just as susceptible as Europe to three English and four French populations. Twelve annual species of Medicago were very resistant to a mixture of two English and two French populations of the nematode. None of 13 perennial spp. of Medicago was very resistant to the same mixture of nematodes but resistant plants were identified in M. borealis, M. dzhawakhetica, M. glutinosa and M. romanica. Twenty six spp. of Trifolium were resistant to a mixture of two English and two French populations of ‘red clover race’ stem nematode.  相似文献   

A bioassay technique, using forty onion seedlings per pot, was used to determine the soil population of the narcissus race of Ditylenchus dipsaci .
In experiments with narcissus, a progressive increase of D. dipsaci populations was shown, reaching a peak at the end of the growing season. This rise in population in May/June was associated with a rise in temperature. Increase in inoculum gave a significantly larger population in the foliage but not in the bulbs. Nematodes moved actively and were transported passively both up and down within the host plant. The presence of spikkels was associated with nematodes in the active intercalary meristem.
Migration from the plant into the soil and back into the plant, mostly via the base of the bulb, was continuous throughout the growing season and related to the population increase within the plant. Migration of nematodes from wetted dried leaf tissue continued over 60 days. Spread of the nematode through the soil was slow in the absence of external agencies, such as water run-off and methods of cultivation.  相似文献   

To date, 21 species of the genus Angiostrongylus (Nematoda:Angiostrongylidae) have been reported around the world, 15 of which are parasites ofrodents. In this study, new host, geographic records, and histopathologic studies ofAngiostrongylus spp in sigmodontine rodents from Argentina, withan updated summary of records from rodent hosts and host specificity assessment, areprovided. Records of Angiostrongylus costaricensis fromAkodon montensis andAngiostrongylus morerai fromsix new hosts and geographical localities in Argentina are reported. The gross andhistopathologic changes in the lungs of the host species due to angiostrongylosis aredescribed. Published records of the genus Angiostrongylus fromrodents and patterns of host specificity are presented. IndividualAngiostrongylusspecies parasitise between one-19 different hostspecies. The most frequent values of the specificity index (STD) were between 1-5.97.The elevated number of host species (n = 7) of A. morerai with a STD= 1.86 is a reflection of multiple systematic studies of parasites from sigmodontinerodents in the area of Cuenca del Plata, Argentina, showing that an increase insampling effort can result in new findings. The combination of low host specificityand a wide geographic distribution of Angiostrongylus spp indicatesa troubling epidemiological scenario although, as yet, no human cases have beenreported.  相似文献   

1. Interspecific competition among hymenopteran parasitoids may shape their behavioural strategies for host resource exploitation. In order to reduce or prevent competition, many parasitoid species have evolved the ability to discriminate between unparasitised hosts and hosts parasitised by another parasitoid species (i.e. heterospecific host discrimination). However, discriminatory ability might be affected by host instar. 2. This study reports the first results on whether host instar can influence the use of heterospecific‐parasitised hosts by sympatric parasitoids of the genus Aphytis (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae). 3. Aphytis melinus and Aphytis chrysomphali discriminated between unparasitised and heterospecific‐parasitised hosts when they found a third‐instar host (high quality), with a tendency to multi‐parasitise. However, this discrimination was not observed in the second instar (lower size). 4. The behavioural strategies adopted towards multi‐parasitise third‐instar hosts varied between both species. Aphytis chrysomphali reduced its clutch size in heterospecific‐parasitised hosts, whereas A. melinus tended to probe them for longer than healthy hosts. 5. Overall, our results highlight the importance of host instar in the study of intrinsic competition between parasitoids.  相似文献   

Bruchines damage agricultural crops and trees, reducing the quantity and quality of the seeds. The aim of this study is to record, for the first time, Paracrias pluteus as a parasitoid on the immature stages of Sennius spodiogaster and Sennius cupreatus on seeds of Melanoxylon brauna in Teixeiras, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Paracrias pluteus is a parasitoid without previous host records and known only from Costa Rica. Specimens obtained in this study add to knowledge of the biology of Paracrias species with a new host group (Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae), and the first host record and a new distribution for Paracrias pluteus.  相似文献   

Pot experiments were designed to evaluate the efficacy of Streptomyces nobilis, S. ochraceiscleroticus, Neocosmospora vasmfecta var. Africana and Acrophialophora levis isolates in reducing the damping-off on pepper in comparison with a strong mycoparasitic isolate of Trichoderma harzianum. Two pathogenic and five potential antagonistic isolates were grown seperately m flasks containing a mixture of sand-perlite-corn meal and potato-sucrose broth for 4 weeks. Soil infestation was achieved by mixing these stock cultures separately into the pot soils. Disease incidence was expressed as the percentages of dead seedlings in each pot and the protective values of the antagonists were calculated according to Abbott formula. Results indicated that all of the five test isolates have provided the seedhngs with protection of statistical value against Pythium uhimum and Rhizocionia solani reducing disease incidence between 28.14 to 79.14 % and 22.76 to 66.83 %, respectively. However, T. harzianum isolate proved to be the least effective antagonist against both pathogens.  相似文献   

Information is presented for the first time on laelapid mites associated with wild rodents in Uruguay. Specimens of the following species were identified: Laelapinae: Androlaelaps fahrenholzi (Berlese), Androlaelaps rotundus (Fonseca), Gigantolaelaps wolffsohni (Oudemans), Laelaps paulistanensis (Fonseca), Laelaps manguinhosi (Fonseca) and Mysolaelaps microspinosus Fonseca; Haemogamasinae: Eulaelaps stabularis (Koch). Most of the ectoparasite-host associations are reported for the first time. New host and locality records presented in this study are in accordance with previous findings on the same and/or related host species in nearby South American localities.  相似文献   

Solenopsis invicta Buren, also known as the red imported fire ant (RIFA), has had a very negative effect on biological diversity, public safety, agriculture, and economics. Because of the growth in global trade, the RIFA threat to China will continue to increase. To better understand characteristics of newly observed distributions of RIFA, we studied the effects of three factors including provincial areas, landcover types, and climatic conditions on the 130 new occurrence records in 2021. (1) We found that RIFA preferred to invade Sichuan and Guangxi, and provinces that are large agricultural producers were more vulnerable to invasive RIFA. Guangdong was the most damaged province, and wealthy provinces, especially southeastern coastal provinces, were more at risk and suffered a bigger loss from the further RIFA threat. (2) Compared with other habitats, plantations received more significant damage from invasive RIFA. (3) Areas with an annual precipitation of 516.4 mm, annual average temperature of 18.6°C, or elevation of 569.9 m had a great abundance of invasive RIFA. Our study suggests that stringent inspection and quarantine measures are necessary in new occurrence areas to prevent further RIFA outbreak, and highlights the need for cross-provincial cooperation and national coordination to slow its spread.  相似文献   

Megaselia donaldsonae Disney sp. nov., M. flava (Fallén), M. gotoi Disney, M. kanekoi Disney, M. margaretae Disney sp. nov., M. nakayamai Disney sp. nov., M. salteri Disney sp. nov. and M. stepheni Disney sp. nov. were reared from sporophores of fungi.  相似文献   

Feeding and maturation by the soybean looper, Pseudoplusia includens (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), were investigated in a 2-yr study on 'Davis' soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., grown alone and combined with the weed hemp sesbania, Sesbania exaltata (Raf.) Rybd. ex. A. W. Hill, the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid & White) Chitwood, and the charcoal rot fungus, Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. Of the three pests, hemp sesbania had the greatest effects on plant growth and insect feeding and maturation. When fed foliage from soybean stressed by hemp sesbania, soybean looper larvae remained longer in feeding stages, consumed more foliage, and showed altered weight gain compared with larvae fed control foliage. Results suggest that nutrient (s) critical for proper development of larvae may have been limited in weed-stressed soybean foliage. Less dramatic results were observed when larvae fed on foliage from soybean with roots colonized by the charcoal rot fungus. Such larvae consumed more foliage, weighed more, and showed a slight increase in larval feeding period, but only in 1 yr of the study. Colonization of soybean roots by the root-knot nematode had no consistent effects on either the soybean host or insect.  相似文献   

Tilletia laevis Kühn (syn. Tilletia foetida (Wallr.) Liro.) causes wheat common bunt, which is one of the most devastating plant diseases in the world. Common bunt can result in a reduction of 80% or even a total loss of wheat production. In this study, the characteristics of T. laevis infection in compatible wheat plants were defined based on the combination of scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and laser scanning confocal microscopy. We found T. laevis could lead to the abnormal growth of wheat tissues and cells, such as leakage of chloroplasts, deformities, disordered arrangements of mesophyll cells and also thickening of the cell wall of mesophyll cells in leaf tissue. What’s more, T. laevis teliospores were found in the roots, stems, flag leaves, and glumes of infected wheat plants instead of just in the ovaries, as previously reported. The abnormal characteristics caused by T. laevis may be used for early detection of this pathogen instead of molecular markers in addition to providing theoretical insights into T. laevis and wheat interactions for breeding of common bunt resistance.  相似文献   

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