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Identification of subjects with a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes (T2D) is fundamental for prevention of the disease. Consequently, it is essential to search for new biomarkers that can improve the prediction of T2D. The aim of this study was to examine whether 5 DNA methylation loci in blood DNA (ABCG1, PHOSPHO1, SOCS3, SREBF1, and TXNIP), recently reported to be associated with T2D, might predict future T2D in subjects from the Botnia prospective study. We also tested if these CpG sites exhibit altered DNA methylation in human pancreatic islets, liver, adipose tissue, and skeletal muscle from diabetic vs. non-diabetic subjects. DNA methylation at the ABCG1 locus cg06500161 in blood DNA was associated with an increased risk for future T2D (OR = 1.09, 95% CI = 1.02–1.16, P-value = 0.007, Q-value = 0.018), while DNA methylation at the PHOSPHO1 locus cg02650017 in blood DNA was associated with a decreased risk for future T2D (OR = 0.85, 95% CI = 0.75–0.95, P-value = 0.006, Q-value = 0.018) after adjustment for age, gender, fasting glucose, and family relation. Furthermore, the level of DNA methylation at the ABCG1 locus cg06500161 in blood DNA correlated positively with BMI, HbA1c, fasting insulin, and triglyceride levels, and was increased in adipose tissue and blood from the diabetic twin among monozygotic twin pairs discordant for T2D. DNA methylation at the PHOSPHO1 locus cg02650017 in blood correlated positively with HDL levels, and was decreased in skeletal muscle from diabetic vs. non-diabetic monozygotic twins. DNA methylation of cg18181703 (SOCS3), cg11024682 (SREBF1), and cg19693031 (TXNIP) was not associated with future T2D risk in subjects from the Botnia prospective study.  相似文献   

LOX-1 (Lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor-1) is the primary endothelial receptor of oxidized LDL (oxLDL). Both in vitro and in vivo experiments have shown this protein to be important in the initiation of atherosclerosis and to be up-regulated by pro-atherogenic factors. Recently, it has been demonstrated that Olr1, the gene encoding Lox-1, is important for tumor growth and for maintaining the transformed state in different cancer cell lines, suggesting that it acts in a molecular pathway connecting cancer and atherosclerosis. Both diseases in humans are characterized by uncontrolled regulation of cellular growth and differentiation.We present evidence that Olr1 is expressed during mouse embryogenesis in developmental stages (from 7.5 to 9.5 dpc) in which cardiogenesis occurs. In addition, we identify two novel Olr1 isoform (hereafter referred to as D3D5Olr1 and D2D5Olr1) whose spatio-temporal expression pattern overlaps with Olr1 in vivo. In vitro, D3D5Olr1 localizes to the cell surface membrane as Olr1, in contrast with D2D5Olr1; these data suggest that D2D5Olr1 isoform translates a receptor that does not reach the plasma membrane. Accordingly, in silico transmembrane protein topology prediction analyses, show that D2D5Olr1 does not contain any transmembrane region. Finally, both isoforms can activate the same genetic pathways underlying Olr1 expression, such as, hypoxia and inflammation, even if with a different efficiency.All these data suggest a new functional involvement of Olr1, and probably of its spliceforms, in murine cardiogenesis and angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is a thermogenic organ with a vital function in small mammals and potential as metabolic drug target in humans. By using high-resolution LC-tandem-mass spectrometry, we quantified 329 lipid species from 17 (sub)classes and identified the fatty acid composition of all phospholipids from BAT and subcutaneous and gonadal white adipose tissue (WAT) from female and male mice. Phospholipids and free fatty acids were higher in BAT, while DAG and TAG levels were higher in WAT. A set of phospholipids dominated by the residue docosahexaenoic acid, which influences membrane fluidity, showed the highest specificity for BAT. We additionally detected major sex-specific differences between the BAT lipid profiles, while samples from the different WAT depots were comparatively similar. Female BAT contained less triacylglycerol and more phospholipids rich in arachidonic and stearic acid whereas another set of fatty acid residues that included linoleic and palmitic acid prevailed in males. These differences in phospholipid fatty acid composition could greatly affect mitochondrial membranes and other cellular organelles and thereby regulate the function of BAT in a sex-specific manner.  相似文献   

n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) might regulate metabolism by lowering endocannabinoid levels. We examined time-dependent changes in adipose tissue levels of endocannabinoids as well as in parameters of glucose homeostasis induced by n-3 PUFA in dietary-obese mice, and compared these results with the effect of n-3 PUFA intervention in type 2 diabetic (T2DM) subjects. Male C57BL/6J mice were fed for 8, 16 or 24?weeks a high-fat diet alone (cHF) or supplemented with n-3 PUFA (cHF?+?F). Overweight/obese, T2DM patients on metformin therapy were given for 24?weeks corn oil (Placebo; 5?g/day) or n-3 PUFA concentrate as above (Omega-3; 5?g/day). Endocannabinoids were measured by liquid chromatography-tandem mass-spectrometry. Compared to cHF-fed controls, the cHF?+?F mice consistently reduced 2-arachidonoylglycerol (up to ~2-fold at week 24) and anandamide (~2-fold) in adipose tissue, while the levels of endocannabinoid-related anti-inflammatory molecules N-eicosapentaenoyl ethanolamine (EPEA) and N-docosahexaenoyl ethanolamine (DHEA) increased more than ~10-fold and ~8-fold, respectively. At week 24, the cHF?+?F mice improved glucose tolerance and fasting blood glucose, the latter being positively correlated with adipose 2-arachidonoylglycerol levels only in obese cHF-fed controls, like fasting insulin and HOMA-IR. In the patients, n-3 PUFA failed to reduce 2-arachidonoylglycerol and anandamide levels in adipose tissue and serum, but they increased both adipose tissue and serum levels of EPEA and DHEA. In conclusion, the inability of n-3 PUFA to reduce adipose tissue and serum levels of classical endocannabinoids might contribute to a lack of beneficial effects of these lipids on glucose homeostasis in T2DM patients.  相似文献   

Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is a crucial regulator of energy expenditure. Emerging evidence suggests that n-3 PUFA potentiate brown adipogenesis in vitro. Since the pregnancy and lactation is a critical time for brown fat formation, we hypothesized that maternal supplementation of n-3 PUFA promotes BAT development in offspring. Female C57BL/6 mice were fed a diet containing n-3 PUFA (3%) derived from fish oil (FO), or an isocaloric diet devoid of n-3 PUFA (Cont) during pregnancy and lactation. Maternal n-3 PUFA intake was delivered to the BAT of neonates significantly reducing the n-6/n-3 ratio. The maternal n-3 PUFA exposure was linked with upregulated brown-specific gene and protein profiles and the functional cluster of brown-specific miRNAs. In addition, maternal n-3 PUFA induced histone modifications in the BAT evidenced by 1) increased epigenetic signature of brown adipogenesis, i.e., H3K27Ac and H3K9me2, 2) modified chromatin-remodeling enzymes, and 3) enriched the H3K27Ac in the promoter region of Ucp1. The offspring received maternal n-3 PUFA nutrition exhibited a significant increase in whole-body energy expenditure and better maintenance of core body temperature against acute cold treatment. Collectively, our results suggest that maternal n-3 PUFA supplementation potentiates fetal BAT development via the synergistic action of miRNA production and histone modifications, which may confer long-lasting metabolic benefits to offspring.  相似文献   

Methionine- and choline-deficient diet (MCD) is a model for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) in rodents. However, the mechanism of NASH development by dietary methionine/choline deficiency remains undetermined. To elucidate the early metabolic changes associated with MCD-NASH, serum metabolomic analysis was performed using mice treated with MCD and control diet for 3 days and 1  week, revealing significant increases in oleic and linoleic acids after MCD treatment. These increases were correlated with reduced body weight and white adipose tissue (WAT) mass, increased phosphorylation of hormone-sensitive lipase, and up-regulation of genes encoding carboxylesterase 3 and β2-adrenergic receptor in WAT, indicating accelerated lipolysis in adipocytes. The changes in serum fatty acids and WAT by MCD treatment were reversed by methionine supplementation, and similar alterations were detected in mice fed a methionine-deficient diet (MD), thus demonstrating that dietary methionine deficiency enhances lipolysis in WAT. MD treatment decreased glucose and increased fibroblast growth factor 21 in serum, thus exhibiting a similar metabolic phenotype as the fasting response. Comparison between MCD and choline-deficient diet (CD) treatments suggested that the addition of MD-induced metabolic alterations, such as WAT lipolysis, to CD-induced hepatic steatosis promotes liver injury. Collectively, these results demonstrate an important role for dietary methionine deficiency and WAT lipolysis in the development of MCD-NASH.  相似文献   

De-regulated cellular energetics is an emerging hallmark of cancer with alterations to glycolysis, oxidative phosphorylation, the pentose phosphate pathway, lipid oxidation and synthesis and amino acid metabolism. Understanding and targeting of metabolic reprogramming in cancers may yield new treatment options, but metabolic heterogeneity and plasticity complicate this strategy. One highly heterogeneous cancer for which current treatments ultimately fail is the deadly brain tumor glioblastoma. Therapeutic resistance, within glioblastoma and other solid tumors, is thought to be linked to subsets of tumor initiating cells, also known as cancer stem cells. Recent profiling of glioblastoma and brain tumor initiating cells reveals changes in metabolism, as compiled here, that may be more broadly applicable. We will summarize the profound role for metabolism in tumor progression and therapeutic resistance and discuss current approaches to target glioma metabolism to improve standard of care.  相似文献   

Chen H  Wang Y  Bai C  Wang X 《Journal of Proteomics》2012,75(10):2835-2843
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the leading causes of mortally and morbidity, associated with acute exacerbations (AECOPD) resulted from smoking, infection or air pollution. Systemic inflammation has been considered as one of major pathophysiologic alterations in AECOPD. The present study aimed at developing disease-specific biomarker evaluation by integrating proteomic profiles of inflammatory mediators in AECOPD with clinical and biological informatics. Plasma samples from 18 subjects including healthy people or patients with stable COPD or AECOPD were collected to measure 507 inflammatory mediators using antibody microarray. Clinical informatics was achieved by a Digital Evaluation Score System (DESS) for assessing severity of patients. 20 mediators were significantly different between 3 groups (p<0.05), of which, Cerberus 1, Growth Hormone R, IL-1F6, IL-17B R, IL-17D, IL-19, Lymphotoxin beta, MMP-10, Thrombopoietin and TLR4 were correlated with DESS scores (p<0.05). There was a down-regulation of systemic inflammatory responses in AECOPD. The integration of proteomic profile with clinical informatics as part of clinical bioinformatics is important to screen disease-specific and disease-staged biomarkers. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Proteomics: The clinical link.  相似文献   

Severe rheumatoid cachexia is associated with pronounced loss of muscle and fat mass in patients with advanced rheumatoid arthritis. This condition is associated with dyslipidemia and predisposition to cardiovascular diseases. Circulating levels of triglycerides (TG) and free fatty acids (FFA) have not yet been consistently defined in severe arthritis. Similarly, the metabolism of these lipids in the arthritic liver has not yet been clarified. Aiming at filling these gaps this study presents a characterization of the circulating lipid profile and of the fatty acids uptake and metabolism in perfused livers of rats with adjuvant-induced arthritis. The levels of TG and total cholesterol were reduced in both serum (10–20%) and liver (20–35%) of arthritic rats. The levels of circulating FFA were 40% higher in arthritic rats, possibly in consequence of cytokine-induced adipose tissue lipolysis. Hepatic uptake and oxidation of palmitic and oleic acids was higher in arthritic livers. The phenomenon results possibly from a more oxidized state of the arthritic liver. Indeed, NADPH/NADP+ and NADH/NAD+ ratios were 30% lower in arthritic livers, which additionally presented higher activities of the citric acid cycle driven by both endogenous and exogenous FFA. The lower levels of circulating and hepatic TG possibly are caused by an increased oxidation associated to a reduced synthesis of fatty acids in arthritic livers. These results reveal that the lipid hepatic metabolism in arthritic rats presents a strong catabolic tendency, a condition that should contribute to the marked cachexia described for arthritic rats and possibly for the severe rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

The human gut microbiota and microbial influences on lipid and glucose metabolism, satiety, and chronic low-grade inflammation are known to be involved in metabolic syndrome. Fermentation end products, especially short chain fatty acids, are believed to engage the epigenetic regulation of inflammatory reactions via FFARs (free fatty acid receptor) and other short chain fatty acid receptors.  相似文献   

The metabolic syndrome (MetS) represents an emerging health burden for governments and health care providers. Particularly relevant for prevention and early management of MetS are lifestyle conditions including physical activity and the diet. It has been shown that green tea, when consumed on a daily basis, supports health. Many of the beneficial effects of green tea are related to its catechin, particularly (−)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), content. There is conclusive evidence from in vitro and animal studies which provide the concepts for underlying functional mechanisms of green tea catechins and their biological actions. An increasing number of human studies have explored the effects of green tea catechins on the major MetS conditions such as obesity, type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular risk factors. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the human studies addressing the potential benefits of green tea catechins on the MetS.The number of human studies in this field is still limited. However, the majority of human epidemiological and intervention studies demonstrate beneficial effects of green tea or green tea extracts, rich in EGCG on weight management, glucose control and cardiovascular risk factors. The optimal dose has not yet been established.The current body of evidence in humans warrants further attention. In particular, well-controlled long-term human studies would help to fully understand the protective effects of green tea catechins on parameters related to the MetS.  相似文献   

Understanding miRNAs' regulatory networks and target genes could facilitate the development of therapies for human diseases such as cancer. Although much useful gene expression profiling data for tumor cell lines is available, microarray data for miRNAs and mRNAs in the human HepG2 cell line have only been compared with that of other cell lines separately. The relationship between miRNAs and mRNAs in integrated expression profiles for HepG2 cells is still unknown. To explore the miRNA–mRNA correlations in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells, we performed miRNA and mRNA expression profiling in HepG2 cells and normal liver HL-7702 cells at the genome scale using next-generation sequencing technology. We identified 193 miRNAs that are differentially expressed in these two cell lines. Of these, 89 miRNAs were down-regulated in HepG2 cells compared with HL-7702 cells, while 104 miRNAs were up-regulated. We also observed 3035 mRNAs that are significantly dys-regulated in HepG2 cells. We then performed an integrated analysis of the expression data for differentially expressed miRNAs and mRNAs and found several miRNA–mRNA pairs that are significantly correlated in HepG2 cells. Further analysis suggested that these differentially expressed genes were enriched in four tumorigenesis-related signaling pathways, namely, ErbB, JAK–STAT, mTOR, and WNT, which until now had not been fully reported. Our results could be helpful in understanding the mechanisms of HCC occurrence and development.  相似文献   

Membranes are known to respond rapidly to various environmental perturbations by changing their composition and microdomain organization. In previous work we showed that a membrane fluidizer benzyl alcohol (BA) could mimic the effects of heat stress and enhance heat shock protein synthesis in different mammalian cells. Here we explore heat- and BA-induced stress further by characterizing stress-induced membrane lipid changes in mouse melanoma B16 cells. Lipidomic fingerprints revealed that membrane stress achieved either by heat or BA resulted in pronounced and highly specific alterations in lipid metabolism. The loss in polyenes with the concomitant increase in saturated lipid species was shown to be a consequence of the activation of phopholipases (mainly phopholipase A2 and C). A phospholipase C–diacylglycerol lipase–monoacylglycerol lipase pathway was identified in B16 cells and contributed significantly to the production of several lipid mediators upon stress including the potent heat shock modulator, arachidonic acid. The accumulation of cholesterol, ceramide and saturated phosphoglyceride species with raft-forming properties observed upon both heat and BA treatments of B16 cells may explain the condensation of ordered plasma membrane domains previously detected by fluorescence microscopy and may serve as a signalling platform in stress responses or as a primary defence mechanism against the noxious effects of stresses.  相似文献   

Jagannathan L  Swaminathan K  Kumar SM  Kumar GR  Dey A 《Gene》2012,494(1):130-139
Alcohol induced liver injury has been studied extensively. Using literature search and bioinformatics tools, the present study characterizes the genes involved in alcohol induced liver injury. The cellular and metabolic processes in which genes involved in alcohol induced liver injury are implicated are also discussed. The genes related to alcohol induced liver injury are also involved in affecting certain molecular functions and metabolism of drugs, besides being associated with diseases. In conclusion, the changes in regulation of genes implicated in alcohol induced liver injury apart from causing alcohol mediated hepatic dysfunction may affect other vital processes in the body.  相似文献   

Disruption of the Pex2 gene leads to peroxisome deficiency and widespread metabolic dysfunction. We previously demonstrated that peroxisomes are critical for maintaining cholesterol homeostasis, using peroxisome-deficient Pex2−/− mice on a hybrid Swiss Webster × 129S6/SvEv (SW/129) genetic background. Peroxisome deficiency activates hepatic endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress pathways, leading to dysregulation of the endogenous sterol response mechanism. Herein, we demonstrate a more profound dysregulation of cholesterol homeostasis in newborn Pex2−/− mice congenic on a 129S6/SvEv (129) genetic background, and substantial differences between newborn versus postnatal Pex2−/− mice in factors that activate ER stress. These differences extend to relationships between activation of genes regulated by SREBP-2 versus PPARα. The SREBP-2 pathway is induced in neonatal Pex2−/− livers from 129 and SW/129 strains, despite normal hepatic cholesterol levels. ER stress markers are increased in newborn 129 Pex2−/− livers, which occurs in the absence of hepatic steatosis or accumulation of peroxins in the ER. Moreover, the induction of SREBP-2 and ER stress pathways is independent of PPARα activation in livers of newborn 129 and SW/129 Pex2−/− mice. Two-week-old wild-type mice treated with the peroxisome proliferator WY-14,643 show strong induction of PPARα-regulated genes and decreased expression of SREBP-2 and its target genes, further demonstrating that SREBP-2 pathway induction is not dependent on PPARα activation. Lastly, there is no activation of either SREBP-2 or ER stress pathways in kidney and lung of newborn Pex2−/− mice, suggesting a parallel induction of these pathways in peroxisome-deficient mice. These findings establish novel associations between SREBP-2, ER stress and PPARα pathway inductions.  相似文献   

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