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Adh1, the maize gene encoding alcohol dehydrogenase ADH1, mRNA is efficiently translated in O2-deprived roots of maize, whereas many normal cellular mRNAs are poorly translated. It has been shown that adh, the 5' untranslated region of adh1 mRNA, provides effective translation of mRNA under hypoxia and heat shock conditions in Nicotiana benthamiana plants. We found that adh contains the internal ribosome entry site (IRES) active both in vivo, in N. benthamiana cells, and in vitro, in rabbit reticulocyte lysate translation system. It is widely supposed that cap-independent internal initiation may maintain efficient translation of particular cellular mRNAs under a variety of stresses and other special conditions when cap-dependent protein synthesis is impaired. We evaluated the level of IRES activity of adh and found that its contribution to the overall translation of adh-containing mRNA in plant cells is less than 1% both under normal conditions and under heat shock. The low efficiency of this IRES is inconsistent with its possible role as a main factor ensuring efficient translation of adh1 mRNA under stress conditions.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that the 5'UTR of mRNAs affects regulation of gene expression in eukaryotic cells. We examined the overexpression of the mu-opioid receptor in High Five insect cells, employing rat mu-receptor cDNA linked to variable lenghts of their native 5'UTR. The sequences employed consist of either 209 nucleotides (termed ,,long") upstream the translation initiation site of the mu-receptor mRNA, or a truncated 5'UTR comprising only 11 nucleotides (,,short"). These constructs served to generate recombinant baculovirus for the expression of mu-receptor protein in High Five insect cells. 48 hours after baculovirus infection cells were harvested for mu-receptor characterization or RNA analysis. Scatchard analysis of radioligand binding consistently revealed three to four fold higher concentrations of the mu-opioid receptors expressed with the ,,long" over the ,,short" UTR containing baculovirus. The distinct expression rates of mu-receptors paralleled the amounts of mRNAs determined by RNase protection assay. Regardless of the distinct 5'UTR regions, the expressed opioid receptors displayed identical high affinity binding characteristics for the opioid antagonist diprenorphine and similar EC50 values to inhibit forskolin (10(-5) M) stimulated cAMP synthesis. Our results demonstrate that the native 5'UTR of the mu-opioid receptor has an enhancing effect on expression in the baculovirus/insect cell system.  相似文献   

Human aldehyde dehydrogenase-5 gene (originally named as ALDHX) is expressed in liver and testis. The ALDH5 does not contain introns in the coding sequence for 517 amino acid residues. Within a short nucleotide region of the gene, the following three nucleotide changes were found in high frequencies, i.e., a silent CT at nucleotide (nt) 183, CT at nt 257 associated with a ValAla substitution, and TG at nt 320 associated with a ArgLeu substitution. The frequency of C at nt 183 is 81% in Caucasians and 65% in Japanese, and the difference is statistically not significant. The frequency of C at nt 257 is 76% in Caucasians and 55% in Japanese, and the difference is statistically significant (P = 0.02). The frequency of T at nt 320 is 71% in Caucasians, while it is only 27% in Japanese. The racial difference at nt 320 is highly significant (P < 0.001). No significant difference was found in the genotypes of the three nucleotide positions between alcoholic and nonalcoholic Caucasians within the limited numbers of subjects examined.  相似文献   

Collagen type I 2 (COL1A2) and parathyroid hormone (PTH)/PTH-related peptide receptor (PTHR1) are two prominent candidate genes for bone mineral density (BMD). To test their importance for BMD variation in Chinese, we recruited 388 nuclear families composed of both parents and at least one healthy daughter with a total of 1,220 individuals, and simultaneously analyzed population stratification, total-family association, and within-family association between BMD at the spine and hip and the (GT)n marker in the intron 1 of the COL1A2 gene and the (AAAG)n marker in the P3 promoter of PTHR1 gene. We also performed these association analyses with haplotypes of the MspI and (GT)n polymorphisms in the COL1A2 gene. Significant within-family association was found between the M(GT)12 haplotype and trochanter BMD (P<0.001). Individuals with this haplotype have, on average, 9.53% lower trochanter BMD than the non-carriers. Suggestive evidence of the within-family association was detected between the (GT)17 allele and BMD at the spine (P=0.012), hip (P=0.011), femoral neck (P=0.032), trochanter (P=0.023), and intertrochanter (P=0.034). The association was confirmed by subsequent permutation tests. For the association, the proportion of phenotypic variance explained by the detected markers ranged from 1.2 to 3.9%, with the highest 3.9% at the trochanter for the M(GT)12 haplotype. This association indicates that there is strong linkage disequilibrium between the polymorphisms (MspI and GT repeat polymorphism) in the COL1A2 gene and a nearby quantitative trait locus (QTL) underlying BMD variation in Chinese, or the markers themselves may have an important effect on the variation of BMD. On the other hand, no significant within-family association, population stratification and total-family association between the PTHR1 polymorphism and BMD were found in our Chinese population.S.-F. Lei and F.-Y. Deng contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

五指山猪IGF2基因5′调控区单核苷酸多态性分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用PCR产物直接测序法, 对五指山猪、滇南小耳猪、香猪、梅山猪和大白猪共60个样本的IGF2基因5'调控区部分片段的单核苷酸多态性进行了研究。找到13个SNP, 分别是: C5872T、C5888T、A5976G、C6010T、T6029A、C6037T、C6043T、C6063T、C6112T、C6164T、G13520A、G13563A和G13669A。T6029A为T←→A碱基颠换, A5976G、G13520A、G13563A和G13669A为A←→G转换, 其他均为C←→T转换。针对13个SNP位点得到23种组合基因型。统计各位点等位基因和基因型以及各组合基因型在总群体与各品种内的分布频率, 发现3个小型猪在A5976G、C6164T和G13669A位点上的优势等位基因均分别为G、T和A, 而梅山猪和大白猪的优势等位基因均分别为A、C和G; H19型为3个小型猪的特征组合基因型, 而另两个猪品种为H15型。同时对123头五指山猪IGF2基因C5888T位点进行了PCR-RFLP分析, 研究表明该位点C为优势等位基因(0.8536), CC为优势基因型(0.7235)。卡方检验表明该位点处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态。这些结果可为五指山猪等小型猪的生长发育规律、矮小机制等方面的研究提供遗传学依据。  相似文献   

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