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Alpha-scorpion toxins bind in a voltage-dependent way to site 3 of the sodium channels, which is partially formed by the loop connecting S3 and S4 segments of domain IV, slowing down fast inactivation. We have used Ts3, an alpha-scorpion toxin from the Brazilian scorpion Tityus serrulatus, to analyze the effects of this family of toxins on the muscle sodium channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. In the presence of Ts3 the total gating charge was reduced by 30% compared with control conditions. Ts3 accelerated the gating current kinetics, decreasing the contribution of the slow component to the ON gating current decay, indicating that S4-DIV was specifically inhibited by the toxin. In addition, Ts3 accelerated and decreased the fraction of charge in the slow component of the OFF gating current decay, which reflects an acceleration in the recovery from the fast inactivation. Site-specific fluorescence measurements indicate that Ts3 binding to the voltage-gated sodium channel eliminates one of the components of the fluorescent signal from S4-DIV. We also measured the fluorescent signals produced by the movement of the first three voltage sensors to test whether the bound Ts3 affects the movement of the other voltage sensors. While the fluorescence-voltage (F-V) relationship of domain II was only slightly affected and the F-V of domain III remained unaffected in the presence of Ts3, the toxin significantly shifted the F-V of domain I to more positive potentials, which agrees with previous studies showing a strong coupling between domains I and IV. These results are consistent with the proposed model, in which Ts3 specifically impairs the fraction of the movement of the S4-DIV that allows fast inactivation to occur at normal rates.  相似文献   

Calcium-dependent potassium (BK-type) Ca2+ and voltage-dependent K+ channels in chromaffin cells exhibit an inactivation that probably arises from coassembly of Slo1 alpha subunits with auxiliary beta subunits. One goal of this work was to determine whether the Ca2+ dependence of inactivation arises from any mechanism other than coupling of inactivation to the Ca2+ dependence of activation. Steady-state inactivation and the onset of inactivation were studied in inside-out patches and whole-cell recordings from rat adrenal chromaffin cells with parallel experiments on inactivating BK channels resulting from cloned alpha + beta2 subunits. In both cases, steady-state inactivation was shifted to more negative potentials by increases in submembrane [Ca2+] from 1 to 60 microM. At 10 and 60 microM Ca2+, the maximal channel availability at negative potentials was similar despite a shift in the voltage of half availability, suggesting there is no strictly Ca2+-dependent inactivation. In contrast, in the absence of Ca2+, depolarization to potentials positive to +20 mV induces channel inactivation. Thus, voltage-dependent, but not solely Ca2+-dependent, kinetic steps are required for inactivation to occur. Finally, under some conditions, BK channels are shown to inactivate as readily from closed states as from open states, indicative that a key conformational change required for inactivation precedes channel opening.  相似文献   

Kv4 channels mediate the somatodendritic A-type K+ current (I(SA)) in neurons. The availability of functional Kv4 channels is dynamically regulated by the membrane potential such that subthreshold depolarizations render Kv4 channels unavailable. The underlying process involves inactivation from closed states along the main activation pathway. Although classical inactivation mechanisms such as N- and P/C-type inactivation have been excluded, a clear understanding of closed-state inactivation in Kv4 channels has remained elusive. This is in part due to the lack of crucial information about the interactions between gating charge (Q) movement, activation, and inactivation. To overcome this limitation, we engineered a charybdotoxin (CTX)-sensitive Kv4.2 channel, which enabled us to obtain the first measurements of Kv4.2 gating currents after blocking K+ conduction with CTX (Dougherty and Covarrubias. 2006J. Gen. Physiol. 128:745-753). Here, we exploited this approach further to investigate the mechanism that links closed-state inactivation to slow Q-immobilization in Kv4 channels. The main observations revealed profound Q-immobilization at steady-state over a range of hyperpolarized voltages (-110 to -75 mV). Depolarization in this range moves <5% of the observable Q associated with activation and is insufficient to open the channels significantly. The kinetics and voltage dependence of Q-immobilization and ionic current inactivation between -153 and -47 mV are similar and independent of the channel's proximal N-terminal region (residues 2-40). A coupled state diagram of closed-state inactivation with a quasi-absorbing inactivated state explained the results from ionic and gating current experiments globally. We conclude that Q-immobilization and closed-state inactivation at hyperpolarized voltages are two manifestations of the same process in Kv4.2 channels, and propose that inactivation in the absence of N- and P/C-type mechanisms involves desensitization to voltage resulting from a slow conformational change of the voltage sensors, which renders the channel's main activation gate reluctant to open.  相似文献   

Heterologous expression of sodium channel mutations in hypokalemic periodic paralysis reveals 2 variants on channel dysfunction. Charge-reducing mutations of voltage sensing S4 arginine residues alter channel gating as typically studied with expression in mammalian cells. These mutations also produce leak currents through the voltage sensor module, as typically studied with expression in Xenopus oocytes. DIIIS4 mutations at R3 in the skeletal muscle sodium channel produce gating defects and omega current consistent with the phenotype of reduced excitability. Here, we confirm DIIIS4 R3C gating defects in the oocyte expression system for fast inactivation and its recovery. We provide novel data for the effects of the cysteine mutation on voltage sensor movement, to further our understanding of sodium channel defects in hypokalemic periodic paralysis. Gating charge movement and its remobilization are selectively altered by the mutation at hyperpolarized membrane potential, as expected with reduced serum potassium.  相似文献   

Heterologous expression of sodium channel mutations in hypokalemic periodic paralysis reveals 2 variants on channel dysfunction. Charge-reducing mutations of voltage sensing S4 arginine residues alter channel gating as typically studied with expression in mammalian cells. These mutations also produce leak currents through the voltage sensor module, as typically studied with expression in Xenopus oocytes. DIIIS4 mutations at R3 in the skeletal muscle sodium channel produce gating defects and omega current consistent with the phenotype of reduced excitability. Here, we confirm DIIIS4 R3C gating defects in the oocyte expression system for fast inactivation and its recovery. We provide novel data for the effects of the cysteine mutation on voltage sensor movement, to further our understanding of sodium channel defects in hypokalemic periodic paralysis. Gating charge movement and its remobilization are selectively altered by the mutation at hyperpolarized membrane potential, as expected with reduced serum potassium.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of inactivation gating of the neuronal somatodendritic A-type K(+) current and the cardiac I(to) were investigated in Xenopus oocyte macropatches expressing Kv4.1 and Kv4.3 channels. Upon membrane patch excision (inside-out), Kv4.1 channels undergo time-dependent acceleration of macroscopic inactivation accompanied by a parallel partial current rundown. These changes are readily reversible by patch cramming, suggesting the influence of modulatory cytoplasmic factors. The consequences of these perturbations were investigated in detail to gain insights into the biophysical basis and mechanisms of inactivation gating. Accelerated inactivation at positive voltages (0 to +110 mV) is mainly the result of reducing the time constant of slow inactivation and the relative weight of the slow component of inactivation. Concomitantly, the time constants of closed-state inactivation at negative membrane potentials (-90 to -50 mV) are substantially decreased in inside-out patches. Deactivation is moderately accelerated, and recovery from inactivation and the peak G--V curve exhibit little or no change. In agreement with more favorable closed-state inactivation in inside-out patches, the steady-state inactivation curve exhibits a hyperpolarizing shift of approximately 10 mV. Closed-state inactivation was similarly enhanced in Kv4.3. An allosteric model that assumes significant closed-state inactivation at all relevant voltages can explain Kv4 inactivation gating and the modulatory changes.  相似文献   

Most known organisms encode proteases that are crucial for constitutive proteolytic events. In the present paper, we describe a method to define these events in proteomes from Escherichia coli to humans. The method takes advantage of specific N-terminal biotinylation of protein samples, followed by affinity enrichment and conventional LC (liquid chromatography)-MS/MS (tandem mass spectrometry) analysis. The method is simple, uses conventional and easily obtainable reagents, and is applicable to most proteomics facilities. As proof of principle, we demonstrate profiles of proteolytic events that reveal exquisite in vivo specificity of methionine aminopeptidase in E. coli and unexpected processing of mitochondrial transit peptides in yeast, mouse and human samples. Taken together, our results demonstrate how to rapidly distinguish real proteolysis that occurs in vivo from the predictions based on in vitro experiments.  相似文献   

Rat skeletal muscle (Skm1) sodium channel alpha and beta 1 subunits were coexpressed in Xenopus oocytes, and resulting sodium currents were recorded from on-cell macropatches. First, the kinetics and steady-state probability of both fast and slow inactivation in Skm1 wild type (WT) sodium channels were characterized. Next, we confirmed that mutation of IFM to QQQ (IFM1303QQQ) in the DIII-IV 'inactivation loop' completely removed fast inactivation at all voltages. This mutation was then used to characterize Skm1 slow inactivation without the presence of fast inactivation. The major findings of this paper are as follows: 1) Even with complete removal of fast inactivation by the IFM1303QQQ mutation, slow inactivation remains intact. 2) In WT channels, approximately 20% of channels fail to slow-inactivate after fast-inactivating, even at very positive potentials. 3) Selective removal of fast inactivation by IFM1303QQQ allows slow inactivation to occur more quickly and completely than in WT. We conclude that fast inactivation reduces the probability of subsequent slow inactivation.  相似文献   

The site 3 toxin, Anthopleurin-A (Ap-A), was used to modify inactivation of sodium channels in voltage-clamped single canine cardiac Purkinje cells at approximately 12 degrees C. Although Ap-A toxin markedly prolonged decay of sodium current (INa) in response to step depolarizations, there was only a minor hyperpolarizing shift by 2.5 +/- 1.7 mV (n = 13) of the half-point of the peak conductance- voltage relationship with a slight steepening of the relationship from - 8.2 +/- 0.8 mV to -7.2 +/- 0.8 mV (n = 13). Increases in Gmax were dependent on the choice of cation used as a Na substitute intracellularly and ranged between 26 +/- 15% (Cs, n = 5) to 77 +/- 19% (TMA, n = 8). Associated with Ap-A toxin modification time to peak INa occurred later, but analysis of the time course INa at multiple potentials showed that the largest effects were on inactivation with only a small effect on activation. Consistent with little change in Na channel activation by Ap-A toxin, INa tail current relaxations at very negative potentials, where the dominant process of current relaxation is deactivation, were similar in control and after toxin modification. The time course of the development of inactivation after Ap-A toxin modification was dramatically prolonged at positive potentials where Na channels open. However, it was not prolonged after Ap-A toxin at negative potentials, where channels predominately inactivate directly from closed states. Steady state voltage-dependent availability (h infinity or steady state inactivation), which predominately reflects the voltage dependence of closed-closed transitions equilibrating with closed-inactivated transitions was shifted in the depolarizing direction by only 1.9 +/- 0.8 mV (n = 8) after toxin modification. The slope factor changed from 7.2 +/- 0.8 to 9.9 +/- 0.9 mV (n = 8), consistent with a prolongation of inactivation from the open state of Ap-A toxin modified channels at more depolarized potentials. We conclude that Ap-A selectively modifies Na channel inactivation from the open state with little effect on channel activation or on inactivation from closed state(s).  相似文献   

Single channel currents of chloramine-T (Chl-T) and sea anemone toxin (ATX-II) modified sodium channels were studied in neuroblastoma cells. With both substances similar subconductance states have been observed. The conductances of the sublevels were multiples of the unit step which was about onefourth of the most frequently occurring main conductance. Thus, the current levels observed were one fourth, half and five-fourths of the main current size. Both substances caused a slower decay of the averaged current compared to the current of the native channels. The main single-channel conductance was 15.2 pS (T=16°C) for the Chl-T and 10.8 pS (T=12°C) for the ATX-II modified channels. The channel open time was doubled by ATX-II, but was not increased significantly by Chl-T. The existence of the subconductance states suggests that the native channels may also have multiple open conformations.  相似文献   

The gating charge and voltage dependence of the open state to the inactivated state (O-->I) transition was measured for the voltage- dependent mammalian cardiac Na channel. Using the site 3 toxin, Anthopleurin-A (Ap-A), which selectively modifies the O-->I transition (see Hanck, D. A., and M. F. Sheets. 1995. Journal of General Physiology. 106:601-616), we studied Na channel gating currents (Ig) in voltage-clamped single canine cardiac Purkinje cells at approximately 12 degrees C. Comparison of Ig recorded in response to step depolarizations before and after modification by Ap-A toxin showed that toxin-modified gating currents decayed faster and had decreased initial amplitudes. The predominate change in the charge-voltage (Q-V) relationship was a reduction in gating charge at positive potentials such that Qmax was reduced by 33%, and the difference between charge measured in Ap-A toxin and in control represented the gating charge associated with Na channels undergoing inactivation by O-->I. By comparing the time course of channel activation (represented by the gating charge measured in Ap-A toxin) and gating charge associated with the O-->I transition (difference between control and Ap-A charge), the influence of activation on the time course of inactivation could be accounted for and the inherent voltage dependence of the O-->I transition determined. The O-->I transition for cardiac Na channels had a valence of 0.75 e-. The total charge of the cardiac voltage-gated Na channel was estimated to be 5 e-. Because charge is concentrated near the opening transition for this isoform of the channel, the time constant of the O-->I transition at 0 mV could also be estimated (0.53 ms, approximately 12 degrees C). Prediction of the mean channel open time-voltage relationship based upon the magnitude and valence of the O- ->C and O-->I rate constants from INa and Ig data matched data previously reported from single Na channel studies in heart at the same temperature.  相似文献   

DeltaKPQ, a three amino acid [lysine (K), proline (P), glutamine (Q)] deletion mutation of the human cardiac Na channel (hH1), which is one cause of long QT syndrome (LQT3), has impaired inactivation resulting in a late sodium current. To better understand inactivation in DeltaKPQ, we applied a site-3 toxin anthopleurin A, which has been shown to inhibit inactivation from the open state with little or no effect on inactivation from the closed state(s) in wild-type hH1. In contrast to the effect of site-3 toxins on wild-type hH1, inactivation from closed state(s) in toxin-modified DeltaKPQ demonstrated a large negative shift in the Na channel availability curve of nearly -14 mV. Recovery from inactivation showed that toxin-modified DeltaKPQ channels recovered slightly faster than those in control, whereas development of inactivation at potentials negative to -80 mV showed that inactivation developed much more rapidly in toxin-modified DeltaKPQ channels compared with control. An explanation for our results is that closed-state inactivation in toxin-modified DeltaKPQ is enhanced by the mutated inactivation lid being positioned "closer" to its receptor resulting in an increased rate of association between the inactivation lid and its receptor.  相似文献   

The effects of two toxins extracted from the tentacles of Anemonia sulcata on ionic currents have been tested on the nodal membrane of myelinated nerve fibres from Rana esculenta. While external application of Toxin I at 100 muM leaves both specific ionic currents unmodified, Toxin II at 10 muM reacts with a receptor site associated with the sodium conductance inactivation gating. Since internal application by diffusion of Toxin II at a concentration of 700 muM leaves the ionic currents unchanged, the receptor site is most likely located on the external side of the nodal membrane. An equilibrium dissociation constant for the effects of Toxin II was estimated as 20 muM. The on-reaction is fast (rate constant for the on-reaction roughly equal to 3.103 M-1) suggesting a readily accesible receptor site for the toxin. The kinetics characteristics of the sodium currents recorded in the presence of Toxin II suggest that there are at least two steps in the reaction leading to Na+ -channels with the inactivation gate completely immobilized. The relatively fast reversibility of the intermediate stage of the reaction and the rather slow but, in the end, complete reversal of the toxin effects suggest that the toxin acts by modifying the energy profile for the transition "inactivation gate in the open configuration to inactivation gate in the closed configuration." Toxin II at higher concentrations (greater than 100 muM) also inhibits the potassium currents but these effects were not studied in any detail.  相似文献   

The α-subunit of both the human heart (hH1) and human skeletal muscle (hSkM1) sodium channels were expressed in a mammalian expression system. The channels displayed slow (hH1) and fast (hSkM1) current decay kinetics similar to those seen in native tissues. Hence, the aim of this study was to identify the region on the α-subunit involved in the differences of these current-decay kinetics. A series of hH1/hSkM1 chimeric sodium channels were constructed with the focus on the C-terminal region. Sodium currents of chimeric channels were recorded using the patch-clamp technique in whole-cell configuration. Chimeras where the C-terminal region had been exchanged between hH1 and hSkM1 revealed that this region contains the elements that cause differences in current decay kinetics between these sodium channel isoforms. Other biophysical characteristics (steady-state activation and inactivation and recovery from inactivation) were similar to the phenotype of the parent channel. This indicates that the C-terminus is exclusively implicated in the differences of current decay kinetics. Several other chimeras were constructed to identify a specific region of the C-terminus causing this difference. Our results showed that the first 100-amino-acid stretch of the C-terminal region contains constituents that could cause the differences in current decay between the heart and skeletal muscle sodium channels. This study has uncovered a direct relationship between the C-terminal region and the current-decay of sodium channels. These findings support the premise that a novel regulatory component exists for fast inactivation of voltage-gated sodium channels. Received: 1 March 2001/Revised: 18 May 2001  相似文献   

Voltage-gated sodium channels are critical for the generation and propagation of electrical signals in most excitable cells. Activation of Na+ channels initiates an action potential, and fast inactivation facilitates repolarization of the membrane by the outward K+ current. Fast inactivation is also the main determinant of the refractory period between successive electrical impulses. Although the voltage sensor of domain IV (DIV) has been implicated in fast inactivation, it remains unclear whether the activation of DIV alone is sufficient for fast inactivation to occur. Here, we functionally neutralize each specific voltage sensor by mutating several critical arginines in the S4 segment to glutamines. We assess the individual role of each voltage-sensing domain in the voltage dependence and kinetics of fast inactivation upon its specific inhibition. We show that movement of the DIV voltage sensor is the rate-limiting step for both development and recovery from fast inactivation. Our data suggest that activation of the DIV voltage sensor alone is sufficient for fast inactivation to occur, and that activation of DIV before channel opening is the molecular mechanism for closed-state inactivation. We propose a kinetic model of sodium channel gating that can account for our major findings over a wide voltage range by postulating that DIV movement is both necessary and sufficient for fast inactivation.  相似文献   

Delta-atracotoxins (delta-ACTXs) from Australian funnel-web spiders differ structurally from scorpion alpha-toxins (Sc(alpha)Tx) but similarly slow sodium current inactivation and compete for their binding to sodium channels at receptor site-3. Characterization of the binding of 125I-labelled delta-ACTX-Hv1a to various sodium channels reveals a decrease in affinity for depolarized (0 mV; Kd=6.5 +/- 1.4 nm) vs.polarized (-55 mV; Kd=0.6 +/- 0.2 nm) rat brain synaptosomes. The increased Kd under depolarized conditions correlates with a 4.3-fold reduction in the association rate and a 1.8-increase in the dissociation rate. In comparison, Sc(alpha)Tx binding affinity decreased 33-fold under depolarized conditions due to a 48-fold reduction in the association rate. The binding of 125I-labelled delta-ACTX-Hv1a to rat brain synaptosomes is inhibited competitively by classical Sc(alpha)Txs and allosterically by brevetoxin-1, similar to Sc(alpha)Tx binding. However, in contrast with classical Sc(alpha)Txs, 125I-labelled delta-ACTX-Hv1a binds with high affinity to cockroach Na+ channels (Kd=0.42 +/- 0.1 nm) and is displaced by the Sc(alpha)Tx, Lqh(alpha)IT, a well-defined ligand of insect sodium channel receptor site-3. However, delta-ACTX-Hv1a exhibits a surprisingly low binding affinity to locust sodium channels. Thus, unlike Sc(alpha)Txs, which are capable of differentiating between mammalian and insect sodium channels, delta-ACTXs differentiate between various insect sodium channels but bind with similar high affinity to rat brain and cockroach channels. Structural comparison of delta-ACTX-Hv1a to Sc(alpha)Txs suggests a similar putative bioactive surface but a 'slimmer' overall shape of the spider toxin. A slimmer shape may ease the interaction with the cockroach and mammalian receptor site-3 and facilitate its association with different conformations of the rat brain receptor, correlated with closed/open and slow-inactivated channel states.  相似文献   

Illumination of crayfish giant axons, during internal perfusion with 0.5 mM methylene blue (MB), produces photodynamic effects that include (i) reduction in total sodium conductance, (ii) shifting of the steady-state inactivation curve to the right along the voltage axis, (iii) reduction in the effective valence of steady-state inactivation and, (iv) potentially complete removal of fast inactivation. Additionally, the two kinetic components of fast inactivation in crayfish axons are differentially affected by MB+light. The intercept of the faster component (tau h1) is selectively reduced at shorter MB+light exposure times. Neither tau h1 nor the slower (tau h2) process was protected from MB+light by prior steady-state inactivation of sodium channels. However, carotenoids provide differing degrees of protection against each of the photodynamic actions listed above, suggesting that the four major effects of MB+light are mediated by changes occurring within different regions of the sodium channel molecule.  相似文献   

Seibert AL  Liu J  Hanck DA  Blumenthal KM 《Biochemistry》2003,42(49):14515-14521
Anthopleurin B (ApB) is a high-affinity sea anemone neurotoxin that interacts with voltage-sensitive sodium (Na(V)) channels, causing a delay in channel inactivation. The solution structures of all known anemone toxins having this activity include a poorly defined region encompassing ApB residues 8-17, which we call the Arg-14 loop. We propose that the inherent mobility of the Arg-14 loop is necessary for the toxins' ability to maintain a high-affinity channel complex throughout the continual conformational transitions experienced by the channel during its functional cycle. We have previously shown that Arg-12, located in this loop, and Leu-18, which is adjacent, are important for ApB activity. Here, we characterized the role of two glycines located within the loop (Gly-10 and Gly-15) and an additional glycine positioned immediately C-terminal to it (Gly-20). We used site-directed replacement by alanine to assess the functional contribution to toxin binding of each of these residues singly and in combination. Gly-20 was found to be an essential toxin folding determinant; Gly-10 and Gly-15 were important for determining toxin affinity. Compared to wild-type toxin, the G10A and G15A toxins displayed significantly higher K(D) values for both cardiac (Na(V)1.5) and neuronal (Na(V)1.2) channels, although both demonstrated greater isoform discrimination for Na(V)1.5 than did wild-type ApB. For both G10A and G15A, significant Na(V) isoform differences were evident for on- and off-rates, with the most dramatic effect of a single mutation being the 467-fold reduction in the on-rate for G10A binding to Na(V)1.2, suggestive of a more accommodating binding site on Na(V)1.5 as compared to Na(V)1.2. Because alanine replacement of glycines is known to be associated with reduced backbone freedom, these results suggest an essential role for Arg-14 loop flexibility in toxin function, although a direct steric effect of the mutant methyl group cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Toxin II isolated from the sea anemone Anemonia sulcata enhances activation of the action potential sodium ionophore of electrically excitable neuroblastoma cells by veratridine and batrachotoxin. This heterotropic cooperative effect is identical to that observed previously with scorpion toxin but occurs at a 110-fold higher concentration. Depolarization of the neuroblastoma cells inhibits the effect of sea anemone toxin as observed previously for scorpion toxin. Specific scorpion toxin binding is inhibited by sea anemone toxin with KD approximately equal to 90 nM. These results show that the polypeptides scorpion toxin and sea anemone toxin II share a common receptors site associated with action potential sodium ionophores.  相似文献   

The effect of sea anemone toxins from Parasicyonis actinostoloides and Anemonia sulcata on the Na conductance in crayfish giant axons was studied under voltage-clamp conditions. The toxin slowed the Na inactivation process without changing the kinetics of Na activation or K activation in an early stage of the toxin effect. An analysis of the Na current profile during the toxin treatment suggested an all-or-none modification of individual Na channels. Toxin-modified Na channels were partially inactivated with a slower time course than that of the normal inactivation. This slow inactivation in steady state decreased in its extent as the membrane was depolarized to above -45 mV, so that practically no inactivation occurred at the membrane potentials as high as +50 mV. In addition to inhibition of the normal Na inactivation, prolonged toxin treatment induced an anomalous closing in a certain population of Na channels, indicated by very slow components of the Na tail current. The observed kinetic natures of toxin-modified Na channels were interpreted based on a simple scheme which comprised interconversions between functional states of Na channels. The voltage dependence of Parasicyonis toxin action, in which depolarization caused a suppression in development of the toxin effect, was also investigated.  相似文献   

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