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Engel MS 《ZooKeys》2011,(148):171-184
Forty-eight family-group names are identified for insects among the Isoptera (termites), representing a nearly 19% increase since the last compilation less than 10 years ago. Accordingly, these names are newly catalogued, including various updates from the original summary. The name Reticulitermitidae is recognized as a nomen nudum while Caatingatermitinae is newly considered a nomen invalidum, and neither is available in zoological nomenclature. A catalogue of the suprafamilial names for Isoptera is appended. The name Xylophagodea is formally proposed for the Isoptera + Cryptocercidae clade.  相似文献   

All genus-group names listed in the second edition of the catalogue (1833-1836) of Dejean’s beetle collection are recorded. For each new genus-group name the originally included available species are listed and for generic names with at least one available species, the type species and the current status are given. Names available prior to the publication of Dejean’s second catalogue (1833-1836) are listed in an appendix.The following new synonymies are proposed: Cyclonotum Dejean, 1833 (= Dactylosternum Wollaston, 1854) [Hydrophilidae], Hyporhiza Dejean, 1833 (= Rhinaspis Perty, 1830) [Scarabaeidae], Aethales Dejean, 1834 (= Epitragus Latreille, 1802) [Tenebrionidae], Arctylus Dejean, 1834 (= Praocis Eschscholtz, 1829) [Tenebrionidae], Euphron Dejean, 1834 (= Derosphaerus Thomson, 1858) [Tenebrionidae], Hipomelus Dejean, 1834 (= Trachynotus Latreille, 1828) [Tenebrionidae], Pezodontus Dejean, 1834 (= Odontopezus Alluaud, 1889) [Tenebrionidae], Zygocera Dejean, 1835 (= Disternopsis Breuning, 1939) [Cerambycidae], and Physonota Chevrolat, 1836 (= Anacassis Spaeth, 1913) [Chrysomelidae]. Heterogaster pilicornis Dejean, 1835 [Cerambycidae] and Labidomera trimaculata Chevrolat, 1836 [Chrysomelidae] are placed for the first time in synonymy with Anisogaster flavicans Deyrolle, 1862 and Chrysomela clivicollis Kirby, 1837 respectively. Type species of the following genus-group taxa are proposed: Sphaeromorphus Dejean, 1833 (Sphaeromorphus humeralis Erichson, 1843) [Scarabaeidae], Adelphus Dejean, 1834 (Helops marginatus Fabricius, 1792) [Tenebrionidae], Cyrtoderes Dejean, 1834 (Tenebrio cristatus DeGeer, 1778) [Tenebrionidae], Selenepistoma Dejean, 1834 (Opatrum acutum Wiedemann, 1823) [Tenebrionidae], Charactus Dejean, 1833 (Lycus limbatus Fabricius, 1801) [Lycidae], Corynomalus Chevrolat, 1836 (Eumorphus limbatus Olivier, 1808) [Endomychidae], Hebecerus Dejean, 1835 (Acanthocinus marginicollis Boisduval, 1835) [Cerambycidae], Pterostenus Dejean, 1835 (Cerambyx abbreviatus Fabricius, 1801) [Cerambycidae], Psalicerus Dejean, 1833 (Lucanus femoratus Fabricius, 1775) [Lucanidae], and Pygolampis Dejean, 1833 (Lampyris glauca Olivier, 1790) [Lampyridae]. A new name, Neoeutrapela Bousquet and Bouchard [Tenebrionidae], is proposed for Eutrapela Dejean, 1834 (junior homonym of Eutrapela Hübner, 1809).The following generic names, made available in Dejean’s catalogue, were found to be older than currently accepted valid names: Catoxantha Dejean, 1833 over Catoxantha Solier, 1833 [Buprestidae], Pristiptera Dejean, 1833 over Pelecopselaphus Solier, 1833 [Buprestidae], Charactus Dejean, 1833 over Calopteron Laporte, 1836 [Lycidae], Cyclonotum Dejean, 1833 over Dactylosternum Wollaston, 1854 [Hydrophilidae], Ancylonycha Dejean, 1833 over Holotrichia Hope, 1837 [Scarabaeidae], Aulacium Dejean, 1833 over Mentophilus Laporte, 1840 [Scarabaeidae], Sciuropus Dejean, 1833 over Ancistrosoma Curtis, 1835 [Scarabaeidae], Sphaeromorphus Dejean, 1833 over Ceratocanthus White, 1842 [Scarabaeidae], Psalicerus Dejean, 1833 over Leptinopterus Hope, 1838 [Lucanidae], Adelphus Dejean, 1834 over Praeugena Laporte, 1840 [Tenebrionidae], Amatodes Dejean, 1834 over Oncosoma Westwood, 1843 [Tenebrionidae], Cyrtoderes Dejean, 1834 over Phligra Laporte, 1840 [Tenebrionidae], Euphron Dejean, 1834 over Derosphaerus Thomson, 1858 [Tenebrionidae], Pezodontus Dejean, 1834 over Odontopezus Alluaud, 1889 [Tenebrionidae], Anoplosthaeta Dejean, 1835 over Prosopocera Blanchard, 1845 [Cerambycidae], Closteromerus Dejean, 1835 over Hylomela Gahan, 1904 [Cerambycidae], Hebecerus Dejean, 1835 over Ancita Thomson, 1864 [Cerambycidae], Mastigocera Dejean, 1835over Mallonia Thomson, 1857 [Cerambycidae], Zygocera Dejean, 1835 over Disternopsis Breuning, 1939 [Cerambycidae], Australica Chevrolat, 1836 over Calomela Hope, 1840 [Chrysomelidae], Edusa Chevrolat, 1836 over Edusella Chapuis, 1874 [Chrysomelidae], Litosonycha Chevrolat, 1836 over Asphaera Duponchel and Chevrolat, 1842 [Chrysomelidae], and Pleuraulaca Chevrolat, 1836 over Iphimeis Baly, 1864 [Chrysomelidae]. In each of these cases, Reversal of Precedence (ICZN 1999: 23.9) or an applicationto the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature will be necessary to retain usage of the younger synonyms.  相似文献   

Tamutis V  Tamutė B  Ferenca R 《ZooKeys》2011,(121):1-494
This paper presents the first complete and updated list of all 3597 species of beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) belonging to 92 familiesfound and published in Lithuania until 2011, with comments also provided on the main systematic and nomenclatural changes since the last monographic treatment in two volumes (Pileckis and Monsevičius 1995, 1997). The introductory section provides a general overview of the main features of the territory of Lithuania, the origins and formation of the beetle fauna and their conservation, the faunistic investigations in Lithuania to date revealing the most important stages of the faunistic research process with reference to the most prominent scientists, an overview of their work, and their contribution to Lithuanian coleopteran faunal research.Species recorded in Lithuania by some authors without reliable evidence and requiring further confirmation with new data are presented in a separate list, consisting of 183 species. For the first time, analysis of errors in works of Lithuanian authors concerning data on coleopteran fauna has been conducted and these errors have been corrected. All available published and Internet sources on beetles found in Lithuania have been considered in the current study. Over 630 literature sources on species composition of beetles, their distribution in Lithuania and neighbouring countries, and taxonomic revisions and changes are reviewed and cited. An alphabetical list of these literature sources is presented. After revision of public beetle collections in Lithuania, the authors propose to remove 43 species from the beetle species list of the country on the grounds, that they have been wrongly identified or published by mistake. For reasons of clarity, 19 previously noted but later excluded species are included in the current checklist with comments. Based on faunal data from neighbouring countries, species expected to occur in Lithuania are matnioned. In total 1390 species are attributed to this category and data on their distribution in neighbouring countries is presented. Completion of this study provides evidence that the Lithuanian coleopteran fauna has yet to be completely investigated and it is estimated that approximately 28 % of beetle species remain undiscovered in Lithuania. More than 85% of beetle species expected for Lithuania have been found in the following families: Cerylonidae, Geotrupidae, Haliplidae, Kateridae, Lycidae, Lucanidae, Mycetophagidae, Scarabaeidae and Silphidae. In families with few species such as Alexiidae, Boridae, Byturidae, Dascilidae, Drilidae, Eucinetidae, Lampyridae, Lymexilidae, Megalopodidae, Nemonychidae, Nosodendridae, Noteridae, Orsodacnidae, Pyrochroidae, Pythidae, Psephenidae, Rhysodidae, Sphaeritidae, Sphaeriusidae, Sphindidae, Stenotrahelidae and Trogidae, all possible species have already been discovered. However in some beetle families such as Aderidae, Bothrideridae, Eucnemidae, Laemoploeidae, Mordellidae, Ptiliidae, Scraptidae and Throscidae less than 50% of all possible species are known. At present the beetle species recorded in Lithuania belong to 92 families, with species from 9 other families such as Agyrtidae, Biphylidae, Deradontidae, Mycteridae, Ochodaeidae, Phleophilidae, Phloeostichidae, Prostomidae, Trachypachidae are expected to be found.A bibliography and a index of subfamily and genus levels are provided. The information published in the monograph will serve to further faunistic and distribution research of beetles and will help to avoid confusion in the identificatation of coleopteran fauna of Lithuania.  相似文献   

The typification of six Linnaean Datura names ( D. stramonium, D. metel, D. arborea, D. ferox, D. fastuosa and D. tatuld ) is discussed. A modification to the typification of D.fastuosa is proposed and a lectotype for D. tatula is designated here.  相似文献   

The typification of the Linnaean names Anthemis italica and A. tinctoria var. triumfettii is discussed. Specimens from LINN (no. 1016.4) and SBT (no. 72) are designated as lectotypes. The name A. italica is proposed as a synonym of A. maritima, while A. tinctoria var. triumfettii is currently accepted under the genus Cota, as C. triumfettii.  相似文献   

杨永 《西北植物学报》2005,25(6):1275-1278
统计麻黄属属下名称33个,其中包括13个合法名称,19个不合格发表的名称和1个晚出同名。  相似文献   

Boissier described several taxa in Anthriscus , summarized in his Flora orientalis account. The names include A. lamprocarpa, A. kotschyi, A. ruprechtii, A. tenerrima, A. t. var. leiocarpa, A. anatolica, A. macrocarpa, A. nemorosa var. mollis, A. n. var. glabra; the hst four are still recognized as separate species. These names are typified in this paper, based on the material in Boissier herbarium at G.  相似文献   

Mongol names and toponyms are most often used by paleontologists for designation of new forms of fossil fauna and flora from the Cenozoic of Central Asia.  相似文献   

Twenty modes of stereotyped righting motions were observed in 116 representative species of coleoptera. Methods included cine and stereocine recording with further frame by frame analysis, stereogrammetry, inverse kinematic reconstruction of joint angles, stroboscopic photography, recording of electromyograms, 3D measurements of the articulations, etc. The basic mode consists of a search phase, ending up with grasping the substrate, and a righting, overturning phase. Leg coordination within the search cycle differs from the walking cycle with respect to phasing of certain muscle groups. Search movements of all legs appear chaotic, but the tendency to move in antiphase is still present in adjacent ipsilateral and contralateral leg pairs. The system of leg coordination might be split: legs of one side might search, while contralateral legs walk, or fore and middle legs walk while hind legs search. Elaborated types of righting include somersaults with the aid of contralateral or diagonal legs, pitch on elytra, jumps with previous energy storage with the aid of unbending between thoracic segments (well-known for Elateridae), or quick folding of elytra (originally described in Histeridae). Righting in beetles is compared with righting modes known in locusts and cockroaches. Search in a righting beetle is directed dorsad, while a walking insect searches for the ground downwards. Main righting modes were schematized for possible application to robotics.  相似文献   

Common names for Australian ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Most insects do not have common names, and this is a significant barrier to public interest in them, and to their study by non-specialists. This holds for even highly familiar insect groups such as ants. Here, I propose common names for all major native Australian ant genera and species-groups, as well as for many of the most abundant and distinctive species. Sixty-two genera, 142 species-groups and 50 species are given names. The naming system closely follows taxonomic structure; typically a genus is given a general common name, under which species-group and species names are nested.  相似文献   

Darwin considered the horns of male beetles to be among the most striking examples of sexual selection. As with antlers in deer or elk, beetle horns scale positively with male body size, with the result that large males have disproportionately longer horns than small males. It is generally assumed that such scaling relationships (''static allometries'') are insensitive to short-term changes in the environment, and for this reason they are regularly used as diagnostic attributes of populations or species. Here I report breeding experiments on horned beetles that demonstrate that the scaling relationship between male horn length and body size changes when larval nutrition changes. Males reared on a low-quality diet had longer horn lengths at any given body size than sibling males reared on a high-quality diet. Such ''allometry plasticity'' may explain seasonal changes observed in this same scaling relationship in a natural population. These experiments demonstrate that scaling relationships of sexually selected traits can respond facultatively to variation in the environment, thereby revealing a new mechanism by which males regulate the production of exaggerated secondary sexual traits.  相似文献   

After a brief synopsis of the history of mantodean classification, a re-organized systematic arrangement of extant praying mantids is provided. To overcome past homoplasy problems, a phylogenetic framework based on male genital structure was used, supplemented by published morphological, chromosomal and molecular data. As already noticed by previous authors, external morphology is highly homoplastic and does not provide useful systematic tools above subfamily level. In contrast, the morphology of male external genitalia is largely congruent with the results of recent molecular phylogenies, but contradicts the most widely used past systems. Additionally, some genital structures widely used for taxonomic purposes could be shown to be not homologous, most notably the distal process. Evolutionary transitions of the distal process and the phalloid apophysis across the mantodean phylogenetic tree are identified and named. The phalloid apophysis of many derived mantodeans shows a tendency towards bifurcation into an anterior and a posterior lobe. This and other observed genital traits are hypothesized to be an adaptation of males towards a stable copulatory grasp in groups exhibiting increased sexual dimorphism, associated with an increased risk for the male to be cannibalized during copulation. Genital characters allowed most genera to be unambiguously assigned to the major clades (superfamilies) recovered by our genital and previous molecular data. The few exceptions concern genera with secondarily simplified genitalia lacking diagnostic structures. Taxonomic literature is very heterogeneous, and several subfamilies yet lacking any modern revisionary treatment will need further refinement. To account for phylogenetic constraints, i.e. correct for past polyphyletic groupings, the number of families was elevated to 29, and the number of subfamilies to 60. We establish the new family Leptomantellidae, the new subfamilies Brancsikiinae and Deiphobinae, the new tribes Leptomiopterygini, Hagiomantini, Gonypetellini, Bolbellini, Epsomantini, Neomantini, Amantini, Armenini, Danuriellini, Deiphobini, Cotigaonopsini, Didymocoryphini, Oxyelaeini, Heterochaetulini, Rhodomantini and Pseudoxyopsidini, and the new subtribes Amphecostephanina, Bolbina, Tricondylomimina, Gonypetyllina, Antistiina, Toxomantina and Tarachomantina. New morphological diagnoses are provided for the currently recognized families. Despite a few yet to be solved problems, this work offers the urgently needed working base for future studies in Mantodean systematics, life history and ecology.  相似文献   

Typification of the names Antirrhinum barrelieri Boreau, A. controversum Pau and A. litigiosum Pau (Antirrhineae, Plantaginaceae) is needed to clarify the use and concept of these three names. The origin of a misinterpretation of the name A. barrelieri, which conditioned the subsequent use of these three names, is discussed. The previous ‘lectotype’ of A. barrelieri designated by Rothmaler from a Barrelier's illustration is shown to be ineffective, being contrary to Art. 9.12 of the ICN, and therefore a lectotype is designated from a syntype preserved in the herbarium of the Muséum des sciences naturelles d'Angers (France) at ANG. The Pau's names A. controversum and A. litigiosum have not been typified before, and lectotypes are here designated from specimens preserved at P and MA, respectively. As a consequence, the name A. litigiosum should be treated as a later heterotypic synonym of A. barrelieri.  相似文献   

In 2007 the Systematic and Evolutionary Biogeographical Association (SEBA) wrote and ratified the first draft of the International Code of Area Nomenclature (ICAN), which was posted subsequently on the SEBA website. The ICAN was published, along with an explanatory discussion, by Ebach et al. ( Journal of Biogeography , 35 , 2008, 1153–1157), an article that is the subject of criticism by Zaragüeta-Bagils et al. ( Journal of Biogeography , 36 , 2009, 1617–1618). We welcome discussion of the issues raised by these authors and respond to them briefly here. For many reasons, we reject the proposition that implementation of the ICAN be postponed until it is flawless. The ICAN has already been implemented. Further, it is the nature of nomenclatural codes to be proposed and then revised periodically to suit our applications. Most importantly, standardization of area names in biogeography is long overdue.  相似文献   

Abstract: Four well‐preserved beetles, attributed to Eodromeinae within Trachypachidae, are described from the Mesozoic of Inner Mongolia, China. Eodromeus robustus sp. nov., E. daohugouensis sp. nov. and Unda chifengensis sp. nov. are from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou. The diagnostic characters for the two genera are revised, and all species of these genera are keyed. A new genus and species, Sinodromeus liutiaogouensis gen. nov., sp. nov., is described from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Liutiaogou. The current fossil records of Trachypachidae from China are reviewed, and only five species (four described here) can be convincingly attributed to this family. The morphological disparity of Mesozoic Eodromeinae suggests that they evolved a broad spectrum of locomotory lifestyles.  相似文献   

To date, six species of terrestrial isopods were known from Brazilian caves, but only four could be classified as troglobites. This article deals with material of Oniscidea collected in many Brazilian karst caves in the states of Pará, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, and São Paulo, and deposited in the collections of the Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, the Coleção de Carcinologia do Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, and the collection of the Natural History Museum, Section of Zoology ‘La Specola’, Florence. Three new genera have been recognized: Spelunconiscus gen. nov. and Xangoniscus gen. nov. (Styloniscidae), and Leonardoscia gen. nov. (Philosciidae). Twenty‐two species have been identified, 11 of which in the families Styloniscidae, Philosciidae, Scleropactidae, Plathyartridae, Dubioniscidae, and Armadillidae are new to science: Leonardoscia hassalli sp. nov., Metaprosekia quadriocellata sp. nov. , Metaprosekia caupe sp. nov. , Amazoniscus leistikowi sp. nov. , Novamundoniscus altamiraensis sp. nov. , Trichorhina yiara sp. nov. , Trichorhina curupira sp. nov. , and Ctenorillo ferrarai sp. nov. from Pará; Xangoniscus aganju sp. nov. from Bahia; and Spelunconiscus castroi sp. nov. and Trichorhina anhanguera sp. nov. from Minas Gerais. Four new species in the families Styloniscidae ( Spelunconiscus castroi sp. nov. and Xangoniscus aganju sp. nov. ), Philosciidae ( Leonardoscia hassalli sp. nov. ), and Scleropactidae ( Amazoniscus leistikowi sp. nov. ) with highly troglomorphic traits can be considered as troglobitic, whereas all the remaining species are either troglophilic or accidentals. Brazilian caves are now under potential threat because of recent legislation, and the knowledge of the subterranean biodiversity of the country is thus of primary importance. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenetic analysis presents two challenges when it is transformed into formal classifications: the taxonomic challenge (whether and how to distinguish monophyletic sister clades or how to deal with paraphyletic grades) and the nomenclatural challenge (naming clades, i.e. placing name‐giving types accurately on a tree). One approach to the latter is morphology‐based phylogenetic binning, which places specimens based on phenotypic features on a molecular tree and assigns uncertainty values to alternative placement options. Here, we use the example of the lichenized fungal genus Leptotrema to demonstrate how morphology‐based phylogenetic binning can help to clarify taxonomic and nomenclatural issues when naming phylogenetically defined entities. Leptotrema is known for a common and widespread species, L. wightii, and phylogenetic analyses have been based exclusively on this species, including the recognition of a separate tribe, Leptotremateae. However, the genus name Leptotrema and the tribal name Leptotremateae are based on the name L. zollingeri, which was initially considered to be a synonym of L. wightii, but has recently been shown to represent a distinct species. As L. zollingeri differs considerably in phenotypic features from L. wightii, it can be questioned whether the two are at all related or whether L. zollingeri is actually closer to the genera Myriotrema and Ocellularia in tribe Ocellularieae. The solution to this problem is not trivial, as it affects the correct use of the names Leptotrema and Leptotremateae. Morphology‐based phylogenetic binning indeed demonstrated that L. zollingeri clusters with the Myriotrema album group in tribe Ocellularieae with high support. Hence, in contrast with current use, the name Leptotrema becomes available for the M. album group and Leptotremateae becomes a synonym of Ocellularieae. As a consequence, the new names Sanguinotrema and Sanguinotremateae are introduced to accommodate L. wightii and the tribe including this species and the genus Reimnitzia. Although the studied case is specific to lichen fungi, the approach can be used in a much broader context with any kind of taxon or organism. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179 , 436–443.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic Relationships of the Suborders of Coleoptera (Insecta)   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
One hundred seven external and internal characters of larval and adult representatives of 28 genera of the coleopteran suborders were analyzed cladistically. Four groups of Neuropterida were introduced as outgroup. The analysis yielded 18 trees with a minimum of 194 steps (CI 0.691). All trees support the monophyly of all four suborders and a branching pattern (Archostemata + (Adephaga + (Myxophaga + Polyphaga))). The presence of elytra with meso- and metathoracic locking devices, the specific hind-wing folding, the close connection of exposed sclerites, the absence of the mera, the absence of eight thoracic muscles, the reduced abdominal sternite I, and the invagination of terminal segments are autapomorphies of Coleoptera. The monophyly of Coleoptera excl. Archostemata is supported by further transformations of the thoracic sclerites such as absence of the mesothoracic discriminal line and katepisternal joint, by an internalized or absent metathoracic trochantin, by the presence of a bending zone in the hind-wing, and by eight further muscle losses. Fusion of tibia and tarsus and presence of a single claw are larval synapomorphies of Myxophaga and Polyphaga. Adults are characterized by fusion of protrochantin and propleura and by the rigid connection of the meso- and metathoracic ventrites. The eucinetoid lineage of Polyphaga is characterized by the secondary absence of the bending zone of the alae. This results in a distinctly simplified wing folding mechanism. The monophyly of Cucujiformia (+ Bostrichoidea) is supported by the presence of cryptonephric Malpighian tubules. Transformations of fore-and hind-wings, reinforcement and simplification of the thoracic exoskeleton, and an efficient use of a distinctly reduced set of thoracic muscles play an important role in the early evolution of Coleoptera. Many different larval character transformations take place in the earlier Mesozoic within the suborders.  相似文献   

The nomenclatures of the taxa of the mangrove Rhizophoraceae of India have been scrutinized and 20 names are lectotypified or neotypified. In addition, the holotypes of some names are located for the first time with clarifications provided. Since natural hybridization is common in Rhizophoraceae, its consequences for the correct application of names is also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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