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For the first step toward resolution of the higher-level relationships of the order Aulopiformes (Teleostei: Eurypterygii) using longer DNA sequences, we determined the complete mitochondrial DNA sequence for Aulopus japonicus (Aulopodidae). The entire genome was purified by gene amplification using a long PCR technique, and the products were subsequently used as templates for PCR with 63 fish-versatile and 3 species-specific primers that amplify contiguous, overlapping segments of the entire genome. Direct sequencing of the PCR products demonstrated that the genome (16 653 base pairs [bp]) contained the same 37 mitochondrial genes (2 ribosomal RNA, 22 transfer RNA, and 13 protein-coding genes) as found in other vertebrates, with the gene order identical to that in typical vertebrates. Maximum-parsimony analysis using nucleotide sequences from the concatenated 12 protein-coding genes (no third codon positions and excluding the ND6 gene) plus 22 tRNA genes (stem regions only) from eight teleosts placed A. japonicus in a reasonable phylogenetic position; those from individual protein-coding genes and the concatenated 22 tRNA genes alone, however, did not reproduce the expected phylogeny with few exceptions, probably owing to insufficient phylogenetic information in these smaller data sets. This result suggests that further taxonomic sampling and sequencing efforts may clarify limits and intra- and interrelationships of this morphologically and ecologically diverse group of fishes using mitochondrial genomic (mitogenomic) data. Received: August 31, 2000 / Revised: December 20, 2000 / Accepted: January 23, 2001  相似文献   

The basal actinopterygians comprise four major lineages (polypteriforms, acipenseriforms, lepisosteids, and Amia) and have been collectively called "ancient fish." We investigated the phylogeny of this group of fishes in relation to teleosts using mitochondrial genomic (mitogenomic) data, and compared this to the various alternative phylogenetic hypotheses that have been proposed previously. In addition to the previously determined complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences from 14 teleosts and two outgroups, we used newly determined mitogenomic sequences of 12 purposefully chosen species representing all the ancient fish lineages plus related teleosts. This data set comprised concatenated nucleotide sequences from 12 protein-coding genes (excluding the ND6 gene and third codon positions) and 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes (stem regions only) and these data were subjected to maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analyses. The resultant trees from the three methods were well resolved and largely congruent, with most internal branches being supported by high statistical values. Mitogenomic data strongly supported not only the monophyly of the teleosts (osteoglossomorphs and above), but also a sister-group relationship between the teleosts and a clade comprising the acipenseriforms, lepisosteids, and Amia, with the polypteriforms occupying the most basal position in the actinopterygian phylogeny. Although the tree topology differed from any of the previously proposed hypotheses based on morphology, it exhibited congruence with a recently proposed novel hypothesis based on nuclear markers.  相似文献   

Evolutionary developmental biology ("evo-devo") has revolutionized evolutionary biology but has had relatively little impact on systematics. We show that similar large-scale developmental changes in distantly related lineages can dramatically mislead phylogenetic analyses based on morphological data. Salamanders are important model systems in many fields of biology and are of special interest in that many species are paedomorphic and thus never complete metamorphosis. A recent study of higher-level salamander phylogeny placed most paedomorphic families in a single clade based on morphological data. Here, we use new molecular and morphological data to show that this result most likely was caused by the misleading effects of paedomorphosis. We also provide a well-supported estimate of higher-level salamander relationships based on combined molecular and morphological data. Many authors have suggested that paedomorphosis may be problematic in studies of salamander phylogeny, but this hypothesis has never been tested with a rigorous phylogenetic analysis. We find that the misleading effects of paedomorphosis on phylogenetic analysis go beyond the sharing of homoplastic larval traits by paedomorphic adults, and the problem therefore is not solved by simply excluding suspected paedomorphic characters. Instead, two additional factors are critically important in causing paedomorphic species to be phylogenetically "misplaced": (1) the absence of clade-specific synapomorphies that develop during metamorphosis in nonpaedomorphic taxa and allow their "correct" placement and (2) parallel adaptive changes associated with the aquatic habitat of the larval stage. Our results suggest that the effects of paedomorphosis on phylogenetic analyses may be complex, difficult to detect, and can lead to results that are both wrong and statistically well supported by parsimony and Bayesian analyses.  相似文献   

The caecilians, members of the amphibian Order Gymnophiona, are the least known Order of tetrapods, and their intra-relationships, especially within its largest group, the Family Caeciliidae (57% of all caecilian species), remain controversial. We sequenced thirteen complete caecilian mitochondrial genomes, including twelve species of caeciliids, using a universal primer set strategy. These new sequences, together with eight published caecilian mitochondrial genomes, were analyzed by maximum parsimony, partitioned maximum-likelihood and partitioned Bayesian approaches at both nucleotide and amino acid levels, to study the intra-relationships of caecilians. An additional multiple gene dataset including most of the caecilian nucleotide sequences currently available in GenBank produced phylogenetic results that are fully compatible with those based on the mitogenomic data. Our phylogenetic results are summarized as follow. The caecilian family Rhinatrematidae is the sister taxon to all other caecilians. Beyond Rhinatrematidae, a clade comprising the Ichthyophlidae and Uraeotyphlidae is separated from a clade containing all remaining caecilians (Scolecomorphidae, Typhlonectidae and Caeciliidae). Within this large clade, Scolecomorphidae is the sister taxon of Typhlonectidae and Caeciliidae but this placement did not receive strong support in all analyses. Caeciliidae is paraphyletic with regard to Typhlonectidae, and can be divided into three well-supported groups: Caeciliidae group 1 contains the African caeciliids Boulengerula and Herpele; Caeciliidae group 2 contains Caecilia and Oscaecilia and it is the sister taxon of Typhlonectidae; Caeciliidae group 3 comprises the remaining species of caeciliids. The mitochondrial genome data were also used to calculate divergence times for caecilian evolution using the penalized likelihood method implemented in the program R8S. The newly obtained dating results are compatible with (but a little older than) previous time estimates mainly based on nuclear gene data. The mitogenomic time tree of caecilians suggests that the initial diversification of extant caecilians most probably took place in Late Triassic about 228 (195–260) Ma. Caeciliids currently distributed in India and the Seychelles diverged from their African and American relatives most probably in Late Jurassic about 138 (112–165) Ma, fairly close to the time (130 Ma) when Madagascar–India–Seychelles separated from Africa and South America. The split between the Indian caeciliid Gegeneophis and Seychellean caeciliids occurred about 103 (78–125) Ma, predated the rifting of India and the Seychelles (65 Ma).  相似文献   

A recent preliminary study using complete mitochondrial DNA sequences from 48 species of teleosts has suggested that higher teleostean phylogenies should be reinvestigated on the basis of more intensive taxonomic sampling. As a second step towards the resolution of higher teleostean phylogenies, which have been described as the "(unresolved) bush at the top of the tree," we reanalyzed their relationships using mitogenomic data from 100 purposefully chosen species that fully represented all of the higher teleostean orders, except for the Batrachoidiformes. Unweighted and weighted maximum parsimony analyses were conducted with the data set that comprised concatenated nucleotide sequences from 12 protein-coding genes (excluding 3rd codon positions) and 21 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes (stem regions only) from each species. The resultant trees were well resolved and largely congruent, with most internal branches being supported by high statistical values. All major, comprehensive groups above ordinal level as currently defined in higher teleosts (with the exception of the Neoteleostei and several monotypic groups), such as the Eurypterygii, Ctenosquamata, Acanthomorpha, Paracanthopterygii, Acanthopterygii, and Percomorpha, appeared to be nonmonophyletic in the present tree. Such incongruities largely resulted from differences in the placement and/or limits of the orders Ateleopodiformes, Lampridiformes, Polymixiiformes, Ophidiiformes, Lophiiformes, Beryciformes, Stephanoberyciformes, and Zeiformes, long-standing problematic taxa in systematic ichthyology. Of these, the resulting phylogenetic positions of the Ophidiiformes and Lophiiformes were totally unexpected, because, although they have consistently been considered relatively primitive groups within higher teleosts (Paracanthopterygii), they were confidently placed within a crown group of teleosts, herein called the Percomorpha. It should be noted that many unexpected, but highly supported relationships were found within the Percomorpha, being highly promising for the next investigative step towards resolution of this remarkably diversified group of teleosts.  相似文献   

Higher-level relationships of the basal Euteleostei (=Protacanthopterygii) are so complex and controversial that at least nine different morphology-based phylogenetic hypotheses have been proposed during the last 30 years. Relationships of the Protacanthopterygii were investigated using mitochondrial genomic (mitogenomic) data from 34 purposefully chosen species (data for 12 species being newly determined during the study) that fully represented major basal euteleostean lineages and some basal teleosts plus neoteleosts as outgroups. Unweighted and weighted maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood (ML) analyses were conducted with the data set that comprised concatenated nucleotide sequences from 12 protein-coding genes (excluding the ND6 gene and 3rd codon positions) and 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes (stem regions only) from the 34 species. The resultant trees were well resolved and largely congruent, with most internal branches being supported by high statistical values. Monophyly of the protacanthopterygians was confidently rejected by the mitogenomic data. Of the five major monophyletic groups that received high statistical support within the protacanthopterygians, a clade comprising members of the alepocephaloids was unexpectedly nested within the Otocephala, sister-group of the euteleosts. The remaining four major monophyletic groups, on the other hand, occupied phylogenetic positions intermediate between the otocephalans and neoteleosts, with a clade comprising esociforms + salmoniforms being more basal to the argentinoids and osmeroids. Although interrelationships of the latter two clades (argentinoids and osmeroids) with the neoteleosts remained ambiguous, the present results indicated explicitly that the protacanthopterygians as currently defined merely represent a collective, polyphyletic group of the basal euteleosts, located between the basal teleosts (elopomorphs and below) and neoteleosts (stomiiforms and above).  相似文献   

The avian clade Trogonidae (trogons) consists of approximately 40 species distributed pantropically in the Neotropical, Afrotropical and Indomalayan zoogeographical regions. In this study, we evaluate the basal phylogenetic relationships within the trogons based on DNA sequences from three nuclear introns [myoglobin intron 2, β -fibrinogen intron 7 and glyceraldehydes-3-phosphodehydrogenase (G3PDH) intron 11]. In addition, previously published cytochrome b and 12S sequences were re-analysed and combined with the nuclear data set. The analysis of the three nuclear genes combined suggests a sister group relationship between the Afrotropical ( Apaloderma ) and Indomalayan ( Harpactes ) clades, whereas the Neotropical taxa ( Trogon , Pharomachrus , and Priotelus ) form an unresolved polytomy basal to these two groups. In addition, two of the three individual gene trees also support a sister group relationship between the Afrotropical and Indomalayan trogons. This is at odds with previously published studies based on mitochondrial sequence data and DNA–DNA hybridization. The third nuclear intron (G3PDH), however, suggests that the Afrotropical trogons are basal relative the other trogons. This was also suggested by the mitochondrial data set, as well as the analysis of the combined nuclear and mitochondrial data. Both of these conflicting hypotheses are supported by high posterior probabilities. An insertion in β -fibrinogen further supports a basal position of the Afrotropical clade. Analyses of the myoglobin intron with additional outgroups place the root differently and strongly support monophyly of each of the zoogeographical regions (including the Neotropics), and these three clades form a basal trichotomy. This suggests that that rooting is a serious problem in resolving basal phylogenetic relationships among the trogons.  相似文献   

基于两个叶绿体基因(matK和rbcL)和一个核糖体基因(18S rDNA)的序列分析,对代表了基部被子植物和单子叶植物主要谱系分支的86科126属151种被子植物(单子叶植物58科86属101种)进行了系统演化关系分析。研究结果表明由胡椒目Piperales、樟目Laurales、木兰目Magnoliales和林仙目Canellales构成的真木兰类复合群是单子叶植物的姐妹群。单子叶植物的单系性在3个序列联合分析中得到98%的强烈自展支持。联合分析鉴定出9个单子叶植物主要谱系(广义泽泻目Alismatales、薯蓣目Dioscorcales、露兜树目Pandanales、天门冬目Asparagalcs、百合目Liliales、棕榈目Arecales、禾本目Poales、姜目Zingiberales、鸭跖草目Commelinales)和6个其他被子植物主要谱系(睡莲目Nymphaeales、真双子叶植物、木兰目、樟目、胡椒目、林仙目)。在单子叶植物内,菖蒲目Acorales(菖蒲属Acorus)是单子叶植物最早分化的一个谱系,广义泽泻目(包括天南星科Araceae和岩菖蒲科Toficldiaccae)紧随其后分化出来,二者依次和其余单子叶植物类群构成姐妹群关系。无叶莲科Petrosaviaceac紧随广义的泽泻目之后分化出来,无叶莲科和剩余的单子叶植物类群形成姐妹群关系,并得到了较高的支持率。继无叶莲科之后分化的类群形成两个大的分支:一支是由露兜树目和薯蓣目构成,二者形成姐妹群关系:另一支是由天门冬目、百合目和鸭跖草类复合群组成,三者之间的关系在单个序列分析和联合分析中不稳定,需要进一步扩大取样范围来确定。在鸭跖草类复合群分支内,鸭跖草目和姜目的姐妹群关系在3个序列联合分析和2个序列联合分析的严格一致树中均得到强烈的自展支持,获得的支持率均是100%。但是,对于棕榈目和禾本目在鸭跖草类中的系统位置以及它们和鸭跖草目-姜目之间的关系,有待进一步解决。值得注意的是,无叶莲科与其他单子叶植物类群(除菖蒲目和泽泻目外)的系统关系在本文中获得较高的自展支持率,薯蓣目和天门冬目的单系性在序列联合分析中都得到了较好的自展支持,而这些在以往的研究中通常支持率较低。鉴于菖蒲科和无叶莲科独特的系统演化位置,本文支持将其分别独立成菖蒲目和无叶莲目Petrosavialcs的分类学界定。  相似文献   



In the large angiosperm order Lamiales, a diverse array of highly specialized life strategies such as carnivory, parasitism, epiphytism, and desiccation tolerance occur, and some lineages possess drastically accelerated DNA substitutional rates or miniaturized genomes. However, understanding the evolution of these phenomena in the order, and clarifying borders of and relationships among lamialean families, has been hindered by largely unresolved trees in the past.  相似文献   

Evidence from DNA sequences on the phylogenetic systematics of primates is congruent with the evidence from morphology in grouping Cercopithecoidea (Old World monkeys) and Hominoidea (apes and humans) into Catarrhini, Catarrhini and Platyrrhini (ceboids or New World monkeys) into Anthropoidea, Lemuriformes and Lorisiformes into Strepsirhini, and Anthropoidea, Tarsioidea, and Strepsirhini into Primates. With regard to the problematic relationships of Tarsioidea, DNA sequences group it with Anthropoidea into Haplorhini. In addition, the DNA evidence favors retaining Cheirogaleidae within Lemuriformes in contrast to some morphological studies that favor placing Cheirogaleids in Lorisiformes. While parsimony analysis of the present DNA sequence data provides only modest support for Haplorhini as a monophyletic taxon, it provides very strong support for Hominoidea, Catarrhini, Anthropoidea, and Strepsirhini as monophyletic taxa. The parsimony DNA evidence also rejects the hypothesis that megabats are the sister group of either Primates or Dermoptera (flying lemur) or a Primate-Dermoptera clade and instead strongly supports the monophyly of Chiroptera, with megabats grouping with microbats at considerable distance from Primates. In contrast to the confused morphological picture of sister group relationships within Hominoidea, orthologous noncoding DNA sequences (spanning alignments involving as many as 20,000 base positions) now provide by the parsimony criterion highly significant evidence for the sister group relationships defined by a cladistic classification that groups the lineages to all extant hominoids into family Hominidae, divides this ape family into subfamilies Hylobatinae (gibbons) and Homininae, divides Homininae into tribes Pongini (orangutans) and Hominini, and divides Hominini into subtribes Gorillina (gorillas) and Hominina (humans and chimpanzees). A likelihood analysis of the largest body of these noncoding orthologues and counts of putative synapomorphies using the full range of sequence data from mitochondrial and nuclear genomes also find that humans and chimpanzees share the longest common ancestry. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

根据核糖体DNA ITS序列分析苜蓿属的系统分类   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对苜蓿属28个种和1个草木樨种的核糖体基因的内转录间隔子区(internal transcribed spacer,ITS)的核苷酸序列变异做了分析。黄香草木樨被用作外类群。系统分析产生的进化树与该属传统分类基本一致。本研究提示,黄花苜蓿应与紫色苜蓿列入一种。M.hybrida,M.cancellata和M.prostrata是与栽培苜蓿亲缘关系较近的野生种。研究结果证实先前被称做胡卢巴属的植物种应被归于苜蓿属,而芷蓿属内的Heynianae,Platycarpae和Spirocarpos等族的分类应予以重新考虑。  相似文献   

This study analyzed 76 species of Carnivora using a concatenated sequence of 6243 bp from six genes (nuclear TR-i-I, TBG, and IRBP; mitochondrial ND2, CYTB, and 12S rRNA), representing the most comprehensive sampling yet undertaken for reconstructing the phylogeny of this clade. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian methods were remarkably congruent in topologies observed and in nodal support measures. We recovered all of the higher level carnivoran clades that had been robustly supported in previous analyses (by analyses of morphological and molecular data), including the monophyly of Caniformia, Feliformia, Arctoidea, Pinnipedia, Musteloidea, Procyonidae + Mustelidae sensu stricto, and a clade of (Hyaenidae + (Herpestidae + Malagasy carnivorans)). All of the traditional "families," with the exception of Viverridae and Mustelidae, were robustly supported as monophyletic groups. We further have determined the relative positions of the major lineages within the Caniformia, which previous studies could not resolve, including the first robust support for the phylogenetic position of marine carnivorans (Pinnipedia) within the Arctoidea (as the sister-group to musteloids [sensu lato], with ursids as their sister group). Within the pinnipeds, Odobenidae (walrus) was more closely allied with otariids (sea lions/fur seals) than with phocids ("true" seals). In addition, we recovered a monophyletic clade of skunks and stink badgers (Mephitidae) and resolved the topology of musteloid interrelationships as: Ailurus (Mephitidae (Procyonidae, Mustelidae [sensu stricto])). This pattern of interrelationships of living caniforms suggests a novel inference that large body size may have been the primitive condition for Arctoidea, with secondary size reduction evolving later in some musteloids. Within Mustelidae, Bayesian analyses are unambiguous in supporting otter monophyly (Lutrinae), and in both MP and Bayesian analyses Martes is paraphyletic with respect to Gulo and Eira, as has been observed in some previous molecular studies. Within Feliformia, we have confirmed that Nandinia is the outgroup to all other extant feliforms, and that the Malagasy Carnivora are a monophyletic clade closely allied with the mongooses (Herpestidae [sensu stricto]). Although the monophyly of each of the three major feliform clades (Viverridae sensu stricto, Felidae, and the clade of Hyaenidae + (Herpestidae + Malagasy carnivorans)) is robust in all of our analyses, the relative phylogenetic positions of these three lineages is not resolvable at present. Our analyses document the monophyly of the "social mongooses," strengthening evidence for a single origin of eusociality within the Herpestidae. For a single caniform node, the position of pinnipeds relative to Ursidae and Musteloidea, parsimony analyses of data for the entire Carnivora did not replicate the robust support observed for both parsimony and Bayesian analyses of the caniform ingroup alone. More detailed analyses and these results demonstrate that outgroup choice can have a considerable effect on the strength of support for a particular topology. Therefore, the use of exemplar taxa as proxies for entire clades with diverse evolutionary histories should be approached with caution.The Bayesian analysis likelihood functions generally were better able to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships (increased resolution and more robust support for various nodes) than parsimony analyses when incompletely sampled taxa were included. Bayesian analyses were not immune, however, to the effects of missing data; lower resolution and support in those analyses likely arise from non-overlap of gene sequence data among less well-sampled taxa. These issues are a concern for similar studies, in which different gene sequences are concatenated in an effort to increase resolving power.  相似文献   

We explored the phylogenetic utility and limits of the individual and concatenated mitochondrial genes for reconstructing the higher-level relationships of teleosts, using the complete (or nearly complete) mitochondrial DNA sequences of eight teleosts (including three newly determined sequences), whose relative phylogenetic positions were noncontroversial. Maximum-parsimony analyses of the nucleotide and amino acid sequences of 13 protein-coding genes from the above eight teleosts, plus two outgroups (bichir and shark), indicated that all of the individual protein-coding genes, with the exception of ND5, failed to recover the expected phylogeny, although unambiguously aligned sequences from 22 concatenated transfer RNA (tRNA) genes (stem regions only) recovered the expected phylogeny successfully with moderate statistical support. The phylogenetic performance of the 13 protein-coding genes in recovering the expected phylogeny was roughly classified into five groups, viz. very good (ND5, ND4, COIII, COI), good (COII, cyt b), medium (ND3, ND2), poor (ND1, ATPase 6), and very poor (ND4L, ND6, ATPase 8). Although the universality of this observation was unclear, analysis of successive concatenation of the 13 protein-coding genes in the same ranking order revealed that the combined data sets comprising nucleotide sequences from the several top-ranked protein-coding genes (no 3rd codon positions) plus the 22 concatenated tRNA genes (stem regions only) best recovered the expected phylogeny, with all internal branches being supported by bootstrap values >90%. We conclude that judicious choice of mitochondrial genes and appropriate data weighting, in conjunction with purposeful taxonomic sampling, are prerequisites for resolving higher-level relationships in teleosts under the maximum-parsimony optimality criterion.  相似文献   

DNA sequences from the first intron of the nuclear gene rhodopsin (RDP1) and from the mitochondrial gene ND2 were used to construct a phylogeny of the avian family Megapodiidae. RDP1 sequences evolved about six times more slowly than ND2 and showed less homoplasy, substitution bias, and rate heterogeneity across sites. Analysis of RDP1 produced a phylogeny that was well resolved at the genus level, but RDP1 did not evolve rapidly enough for intrageneric comparisons. The ND2 phylogeny resolved intrageneric relationships and was congruent with the RDP1 phylogeny except for a single node: this node was the only aspect of tree topology sensitive to weighting in parsimony analyses. Despite differences in sequence evolution, RDP1 and ND2 contained congruent phylogenetic signal and were combined to produce a phylogeny that reflects the resolving power of both genes. This phylogeny shows an early split within the megapodes, leading to two major clades: (1) Macrocephalon and the mound-building genera Talegalla, Leipoa, Aepypodius, and Alectura, and (2) Eulipoa and Megapodius. It differs significantly from previous hypotheses based on morphology but is consistent with affiliations suggested by a recent study of parasitic chewing lice.  相似文献   



The Galliformes is a well-known and widely distributed Order in Aves. The phylogenetic relationships of galliform birds, especially the turkeys, grouse, chickens, quails, and pheasants, have been studied intensively, likely because of their close association with humans. Despite extensive studies, convergent morphological evolution and rapid radiation have resulted in conflicting hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships. Many internal nodes have remained ambiguous.  相似文献   

The surprising fact that global statistical properties computed on a genomewide scale may reveal species information has first been observed in studies of dinucleotide frequencies. Here we will look at the same phenomenon with a totally different statistical approach. We show that patterns in the short-range statistical correlations in DNA sequences serve as evolutionary fingerprints of eukaryotes. All chromosomes of a species display the same characteristic pattern, markedly different from those of other species. The chromosomes of a species are sorted onto the same branch of a phylogenetic tree due to this correlation pattern. The average correlation between nucleotides at a distance k is quantified in two independent ways: (i) by estimating it from a higher-order Markov process and (ii) by computing the mutual information function at a distance k. We show how the quality of phylogenetic reconstruction depends on the range of correlation strengths and on the length of the underlying sequence segment. This concept of the correlation pattern as a phylogenetic signature of eukaryote species combines two rather distant domains of research, namely phylogenetic analysis based on molecular observation and the study of the correlation structure of DNA sequences.  相似文献   

利用叶绿体DNA trnL-F序列初步探讨菊科风毛菊属的系统发育   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
风毛菊属Saussurea DC.是菊科物种分化十分剧烈和分类处理十分困难的一个属。该属的单系起源性质、属下分类系统以及一些独特形态物种的系统位置尚不清楚,有待进一步验证。本文测定了代表该属5个亚属37种植物43个样品和川木香属Dolomiaea DC.的1种样品的叶绿体DNA trnL-F序列,并调取菜蓟族Cardueae Cass.与风毛菊属具有一定亲缘关系的13属的该序列,一起进行了分支分析,重点验证该属的属下形态分类系统以及形态特殊、青藏高原地区特有的雪兔子亚属subgen. Eriocoryne  相似文献   

Saussurea DC., a highly diversified genus with about 400 species in the Asteraceae, has been an extremely difficult group in both taxonomical and phylogenetic studies. The monophyletic origin, infrageneric classification and systematic positions of some s  相似文献   

Although the order Gonorynchiformes includes only 31 species assigned to seven genera and four families, it exhibits a large variety of anatomical structures, making difficult the reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships among its representatives. Within the basal teleosts, the Gonorynchiformes belong to the Otocephala where they have been alternatively placed as the sister group of the Otophysi and of the Clupeiformes. In this context, we investigated the phylogeny of the Gonorynchiformes using whole mitogenome sequences from 40 species (six being newly determined for this study). Our taxonomic sampling included at least one species of each gonorynchiform genus and of each other major otocephalan lineage. Unambiguously aligned, concatenated mitogenomic sequences (excluding the ND6 gene and control region) were divided into five partitions (1st, 2nd, and 3rd codon positions, tRNA genes, and rRNA genes) and partitioned Bayesian analyses were conducted. The resultant phylogenetic trees were fully resolved, with most of the nodes well supported by the high posterior probabilities. As expected, the Otocephala were recovered as monophyletic. Within this group, the mitogenome data supported the monophyly of Alepocephaloidei, Gonorynchiformes, Otophysi, and Clupeiformes. The Gonorynchiformes and the Otophysi formed a sister group, rending the Ostariophysi monophyletic. This result conflicts with previous mitogenomic phylogenetic studies, in which a sister relationship was found between Clupeiformes and Gonorynchiformes. We discussed the possible causes of this incongruence. Within the Gonorynchiformes, the following original topology was found: (Gonorynchus (Chanos (Phractolaemus (Cromeria (Grasseichthys (Kneria, Parakneria)))))). We confirmed that the paedomorphic species Cromeria nilotica and Grasseichthys gabonensis belong to the family Kneriidae; however, the two species together did not form a monophyletic group. This result challenges the value of reductive or absent characters as synapomorphies in this group.  相似文献   

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