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Three new mite species of the genus Magimelia (Astigmata: Pterolichidae) are described from the plumage of various lapwings (Charadriidae: Vanellinae): M. breviloba n. sp. from Vanellus miles miles; M. thailandica n. sp. from V. indicus (type-host), V. duvaucelii and V. tricolor; and M. chilensis n. sp. from V. chilensis. An extended host range for M. dolichosikya Gaud, 1961 is given. A revised diagnosis of the genus and a key to known species are presented.  相似文献   

Twelve species of the genus Oswaldella Stechow have been studied, eight of which are new to science [Oswaldella delicata sp. nov., O. encarnae sp. nov., O. garciacarrascosai sp. nov., O. gracilis sp. nov., O. grandis sp. nov., O. incognita sp. nov., O. obscura sp. nov. and O. rigida sp. nov.], originating from the Weddell Sea and collected by several antarctic expeditions with R.V. Polarstem. Each is described and figured, its systematic position is considered and current data concerning its autecology and geographical distribution are given. Finally, a comparative table is presented including the principal features of all known species of the genus.  相似文献   

The genus Hemibidessus Zimmermann, 1921 is revised. Six species are recognized in the genus. Two new species are described, H. spirodiscus sp. n. from Bolivia and H. spangleri sp. n. from Argentina. A key for identifying the species is presented. The female genitalia are thoroughly illustrated and described for the first time for any species of Bidessini. Other important diagnostic structures are also illustrated including the male genitalia. A cladistic analysis is presented for 8 species (6 ingroup and 2 outgroup species) and 13 characters. A single most parsimonious cladogram was found.  相似文献   

记述了海南突眼蝇科Diopsidae泰突眼蝇属Teleopsis2新种,即海南泰突眼蝇Teleopsis hainanensis sp.nov.及拟截泰突眼蝇Teleopsis pseudotruncata sp.nov.,并讨论了它们与近缘种的区别.新种模式标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫博物馆.  相似文献   

记述中国瘦足蝇科裸瘦足蝇属Cliobata Enderlein 2新种:浅褐裸瘦足蝇Cliobata ecruis sp. nov.和周氏裸瘦足蝇Cliobata choui sp. nov.。浅褐裸瘦足蝇的鉴别特征为体浅褐色,胸部褐色具黄色斑;翅近端部具宽的透明带;生殖叉褐色,其臂部几乎与基部等长,臂基部中央具新月形凹陷。周氏裸瘦足蝇的鉴别特征为体黑色;翅近端部透明带窄;生殖叉黑褐色,其臂部长于基部,臂基部中央具半圆形凹陷。新种模式标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

A new genus Annectobracon (type species A. eventus sp.n. from China, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam) and A. excavata sp.n. from India and Sri Lanka belonging to the tribe Bathyaulacini are described and illustrated, and an identification key to the species is provided. A phylogenetic analysis of the tribes Bathyaulacini and Glyptomorphini is presented, and the new genus is shown to be the sister group of Ischnobracon Baltazar.  相似文献   

Seven new species of Paramunnidae from the Magellan Strait are described, two of which are placed in new genera: Paramunna magellanensis sp. nov., P. menziesi sp. nov., P. parasimplex sp. nov., P. patagoniensis sp. nov., Allorostrata ovalis gen. et sp. nov., Austrosignum dentatum sp. nov., and Magellianira serrata gen. et. sp. nov. Four known paramunnid species from the same location are redescribed: Parammunna integra, P. simplex, P. subtriangulata and Munnogonium tillerae . While investigating the genus Paramunna , two species of this group, Acutomunna foliacea (Chardy, 1975) gen. nov. and Paramunna foresti Carvacho , 1977 were removed, which involved the erection of a new genus. The allocation of P. foresti remains uncertain. Some diagnostic characters of the Paramunnidae and a key to the Magellanic species of Paramunna are presented.  相似文献   

The species of the genus Neochauliodes from Henan are reviewed. Three species are described as new to science: Neochauliodes digitiformis sp. nov., Neochauliodes parasparsus sp. nov. and Neochauliodes sparsus sp. nov. A key to the species from Henan is presented.  相似文献   

Previously only one species of the genus Ocydromia Meigen was recorded from China. Here a second species of the genus from China, Ocydromia shanxiensis sp. n., is reported. A key to the species of the genus from the Palaearctic and Oriental regions is presented.  相似文献   

异环足摇蚊属隶属于双翅目摇蚊科直突摇蚊亚科,全世界已记录4种。本文对中国产本属进行了系统研究。记述了2新种:简异环足摇蚊A.simplex sp.nov.和扎陵异环足摇蚊A.zhalingensis sp.nov.,重新核定了亮异环足摇蚊A.lucens(Zett.)。提供了世界本属雄成虫检索表。依据中国标本和相关文献,对Cranston等1989年所描述的本属的触角比、前足比、下附器的形状等属级鉴别特征予以订正。模式标本均保存于南开大学生物系。简异环足摇蚊A.simplexsp.nov.:正模:雄性,西藏建日,9/3/1987,邓成玉采。与本属已知种的区别:后足胫节无栉;无额鬃和唇基毛; R2+3脉清晰。扎陵异环足摇蚊A.zhalingensis sp.nov.:正模:雄性,青海扎陵湖,8/20/1986,任淑智采。与本属已知种的区别:个体大;无唇基毛;翅臀叶强烈突出,半球状;下附器三角形,强烈骨化,抱器端节具有13根粗长的刚毛。  相似文献   

记述中国真叶蝇属6新种:短须真叶蝇P.brevipalpis sp.nov.,瘤突真叶蝇P.gangliiformisa sp.nov.,李氏真叶蝇P.lii sp.nov.,长毛真叶蝇P.longisetae sp.nov.,黑腹真叶蝇P.melanogastera sp.nov.和黑缘真叶蝇P.nigrimarginata sp.nov.,编制了本属中国种类的检索表.  相似文献   

Enenterum elsti sp. nov. and E. prudhoei sp. nov. are described from the intestine of Neoscorpis lithophilus off Mapelane, Natal, South Africa. These species differ from others of the genus Enenterum in the ratio of oral sucker to body-length and in the length of the prepharynx. E. elsti differs from E. prudhoei in size, in sucker-ratio and in the number and configuration of the oral lobes. A key to the species of Enenterum is presented and the status of the genus briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Three new species of the genus Psen Latreille from China are described: Psen yunnanensis Ma et Li, sp. nov., from Yunnan Province; Psen lacuniventris Ma et Li, sp. nov., from Zhejiang and Sichuan Provinces; and Psen spinitibialis Ma et Li, sp. nov., from Zhejiang Province. Two species of the genus Psen are recorded from China for the first time. Modifications to the key to species of the genus Psen, as developed by van Lith in 1968, are presented.  相似文献   

Keys for the identification of the presently known species of the genus Leptosagitta (fam. Sagittidae) are presented. Four new species of this genus found in shallow waters of Vostok Bay, Amursky Bay (Peter the Great Bay), and Kievka Bay (all of the Sea of Japan) are described in detail: L. kiyashkoi sp. n., L. latyshevi sp. n., L. magna sp. n., and L. pauca sp. n.  相似文献   

Abstract The genus Acricotopus Kieffer including three species from China is reviewed. Acricotopus lucens (Zetterstedt) is reexamined. Two species A. simplex sp. nov. and A. zhalingensis sp. nov. are described as male imagines. Acricotopus simplex sp. nov. was collected from Xizang, Sichuan and Qinghai Provinces; the species differs from others of the genus by the absence of hind tibial comb, temporal and clypeal seta. Acricotopus zhalingensis sp. nov. was collected from Qinghai Province; the species is recognized by a combination of characters: the larger body size; the clypeus without setae; anal lobe strongly produced, nearly hemispherical shape; inferior volsella triangular, strongly sclerotized; gonostylus with 13 very long setae. A key to the world males of the genus is presented. The generic diagnosis is emended. All the types described in this paper are deposited in Department of Biology, Nankai University, China (BDN).  相似文献   

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