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Postnatal restoration of the mouse urinary bladder urothelium   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Mouse urothelium is disrupted just before birth, followed by a postnatal restoration process which includes cell proliferation, death and differentiation. We assessed urothelial proliferation by the expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), desquamation by electron microscopy, and apoptosis by TUNEL staining and urothelial differentiation by the expression of uroplakins and cytokeratin 20 (CK20) as well as the apical plasma membrane maturation. Our results indicated that urothelial proliferation was high from birth until about the 14th postnatal day. A majority of basal cells and even occasional superficial cells were PCNA positive during the first 5 postnatal days. Cell death occurred during the first 9 postnatal days. Between birth and day 5, single cells underwent apoptosis, whereas between days 6 and 9 cells mainly desquamated. CK20 and uroplakins were expressed in all superficial cells in postnatal urothelium. Their subcellular distribution characteristically changed in accordance with the progressive differentiation of superficial cells. During the urothelial postnatal development, proliferation activity slowly decreases to the proliferatively quiescent urothelium of the adult animal. Apoptosis is present in the first 9 postnatal days and within a few days of this period it appears simultaneously with desquamation. Superficial urothelial cells gradually differentiate, which is reflected in the changeable morphology of the apical plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Postnatal growth and renewal of mouse urothelium start on the day of birth. In the present study, temporal and spatial dimensions of urothelial growth were studied during the first two postnatal weeks. Quantitative analysis showed that the rate of urothelial cell proliferation is significantly higher during all 14 postnatal days than in adult mice. Three peaks of proliferative and mitotic activity were revealed: on the day of birth and postnatal day 1, on days 6 and 7, and on day 14. The high proliferation rate around the day of birth and at postnatal days 6 and 7 coincides with cell death in the urothelium. Semiquantitative analysis showed that during all 14 postnatal days, the urothelial proliferative response is mostly confined to the basal cell layer. Urothelial cells divide predominantly in parallel to the plain of the urothelium on all chosen postnatal days. Increased portions of urothelial cells, dividing perpendicularly to the urothelium were observed only on the day of birth and on postnatal day 7. Our results suggest that postnatal growth of mouse urothelium is particularly the result of an increasing number of cells in individual cell layers and not the result of an increasing number of cell layers.  相似文献   

The urinary bladder urothelium is subjected to mechanical forces during cycles of distension and contraction, and its superficial cells are constantly flushed by toxic urine. Yet, the urothelium shows a very slow turnover of cells and superficial cells are extremely long lived. Autophagy has a well-known role in tissue homeostasis and serves as a protective mechanism against cellular stress. Therefore, the presence of autophagy as one of possible processes of survival in an unpleasant environment and during long lifetime of superficial cells was examined in mouse urothelium. We detected and evaluated autophagic activity of superficial urothelial cells under normal and stress conditions, caused by short-term starvation of newborn and 24-h-starved adult mice. Immunolabeling and Western blotting of essential effectors of autophagy, LC3 and Beclin 1, showed a weak signal in superficial urothelial cells. On the other hand, ultrastructural analysis, which proved to be the most reliable method in our study, revealed the presence of autophagic vacuoles, some of them containing specific urothelial structures, fusiform vesicles. Quantitative analysis showed increased autophagy in newborn and starved mice in comparison to a low basic level of autophagy in the urothelium of normal mice. Interestingly, some superficial cells of adults and neonates exhibit intense immunoreactions against LC3 and Beclin 1 and the typical ultrastructural characteristics of autophagy-dependent cell death. We conclude that autophagy, despite low basic activity under physiological conditions, plays an important role in urothelial homeostasis and stability under stress.  相似文献   

Age-related increases occur in the response of isolated urinary bladders to the parasympathetic neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh). Experiments were carried out to determine whether long-term elevation or diminution in the amount of ingested choline can also affect the response of the urinary bladder to ACh. Female C57BL/6J mice were maintained on a choline-deficient chow and on drinking water supplemented with either 0, 1.5, or 4.0 mg/ml choline chloride from 8 to 20 months of age. Isolated bladders from choline deficient animals showed a 46% increase in the maximum response to ACh as compared to those from normal choline animals, while bladders from animals on choline enriched diets showed a 15% decrease in maximum contractile response. Radioligand binding experiments suggested that the functional changes result from alterations in the density of muscarinic receptors in the bladder. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that muscarinic receptors are down-regulated to compensate for increased parasympathetic activity associated with choline-enriched diets and up-regulated to compensate for decreased parasympathetic activity associated with choline-deficient diets.  相似文献   

M. V. Skok 《Neurophysiology》2007,39(4-5):264-271
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) were initially discovered and studied as mediators of fast synaptic transmission in neuromuscular junctions and autonomic ganglia. Later on, they were found in the brain and in many nonexcitable tissues where they regulate vital cellular functions and the activity of other receptors. Primary immune organs, the bone marrow and thymus, are innervated with cholinergic nerves, which mediate the control of lymphopoiesis provided by the autonomic nervous system. In addition, lymphocytes are able to produce endogenous acetylcholine that can regulate the immune processes in an auto/paracrine way. Correspondingly, both T and B lymphocytes express functional nAChRs involved in the regulation of development and activation of these cells. This review describes the structure and roles of nAChRs in the immune system with regard to its potential regulation by the autonomic nervous system, as well as by self sources of endogenous agonists. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 39, Nos. 4/5, pp. 307–314, July–October, 2007.  相似文献   

BackgroundWhile studying a urothelium-derived inhibitory factor in guinea pig urinary bladders we observed considerable release of prostanoids, including PGD2-like activity. The present study was carried out to identify the prostanoids and to study their roles in modulating guinea pig urinary bladder motility.MethodsRelease of PGE2 and PGD2 in isolated guinea pig urinary bladder preparations was analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) combined with bioassay on bladder strips. Isolated urothelium-intact (UI) or -denuded (UD) bladder strips were subjected to electrical field stimulation (EFS) and applications of PGE2 and PGD2.ResultsA resting release of 95 ± 9 (n = 5) ng g tissue 1 h 1 PGE2-like activity and 210 ± 34 (n = 4) ng g tissue 1 h 1 PGD2-like activity was found, where PGD2-like was subject to marked spontaneous inactivation during isolation. Prostanoids release was decreased by 70–90% by the cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor diclofenac in UI preparations. Urothelium removal decreased prostanoids release by more than 90%.PGE2 increased basal tone and spontaneous contractions, whereas PGD2 had little or no effect on these. Exogenous PGE2 enhanced and PGD2 inhibited contractile responses to EFS, exogenous acetylcholine- and ATP, whereas PGD2 caused marked dose-dependent inhibition. PGE2 and PGD2 effects were more pronounced in diclofenac-treated UD tissues.ConclusionsPGD2 and PGE2 are released from guinea pig bladder urothelium and PGD2 has inhibitory effects on bladder motility, mainly through a postjunctional action on smooth muscle responsiveness.General significanceThe release and inhibitory effects merit further studies in relation to normal biological function as well as overactive bladder syndrome.  相似文献   

Summary Coupled ligand-colloidal gold complexes were found to provide a convenient approach for the localization by scanning electron microscopy of cell surface membrane antigens and lectin-binding sites on bladder urothelium and for the immunocytochemical identification of urothelial cell populations at different stages of differentiation. The ligands used to probe the membrane were a urothelium-specific rabbit antibody raised to a urothelial membrane-associated antigen (UMA), and two lectins: Concanavalin A (Con A) and peanut agglutinin (PNA). A complex luminal surface distribution pattern was demonstrated by the UMA antigen related to the stage of urothelial cell maturation and differentiation. UMA could be detected on the surface of immature and early differentiating intermediate cells, but was absent from the late differentiation stage, becoming re-expressed as the cells matured and was found in greatest abundance on the terminally differentiated superficial cells. It was absent on cells in benign hyperplasia of the urothelium. Cellular and regional differences in lectin binding to the urothelial cell surface was suggested with Con A receptors localized uniformly over the superficial cells, and PNA receptors confined to linear arrays or occasional clusters over the apical surface but evenly dispersed over the lateral surface of these cells.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine (ACh) and its receptors play a crucial role in bladder physiology. Here, we investigated the presence of muscarinic receptor subtypes (MR) and nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) alpha-subunits in the mouse urothelium by RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. With RT-PCR, we detected mRNAs coding for all of the five different MR subtypes and for the nicotinic receptor subunits alpha2, alpha4, alpha5, alpha6, alpha7, alpha9 and alpha10, whereas the alpha3-subunit was not expressed. Using immunohistochemistry, we localised a panel of acetylcholine receptors in the different layers of the murine bladder urothelium, with predominant appearance in the basal plasma membrane of the basal cell layer and in the apical membrane of the umbrella cells. M2R and subunit alpha9 were observed exclusively in the umbrella cells, whereas the MR subtypes 3-5 and the nAChR subunits alpha4, alpha7 and alpha10 were also detected in the intermediate and basal cell layers. The subunit alpha5 was localised only in the basal cell layer. In conclusion, the murine urothelium expresses multiple cholinergic receptors, including several subtypes of both MR and nAChR, which are differentially distributed among the urothelial cell types. Since these receptors have different electrophysiological and pharmacological properties, and therefore are considered to be responsible for different cellular responses to ACh, this differential distribution is expected to confer cell type-specificity of cholinergic regulation in the bladder urothelium.  相似文献   

The authors examined the influence of acetylcholinesterase inhibitor (neostigmine) on the in vitro reactivity of urinary bladder smooth muscle (UBSM) in guinea pigs. The aim of the present study was to determine the participation of pharmacokinetic properties of acetylcholine and carbachol in different UBSM reactivity to these mediators. In vitro method of organ baths was used and reactivity of UBSM strips to cumulative doses of acetylcholine and carbachol was tested before and after the incubation with neostigmine (10(-4) mol.l(-1)). Neostigmine caused a significant increase of UBSM reactivity to acetylcholine. The UBSM reactivity to acetylcholine was significantly higher at concentrations of 10(-5) and 10(-4) mol.l(-1) compared to carbachol at the same concentrations. These findings indicate that in addition to different mediator affinity to muscarinic receptors and to their different intrinsic activity, the pharmacokinetic properties of acetylcholine and carbachol also participate in UBSM reactivity.  相似文献   

Cell cycle of normal bladder urothelium in developing and adult mice   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The present research has employed a novel, nonradioactive technique to quantitatively study normal urothelial proliferation in foetal, neonatal, juvenile and adult mouse bladder. Using whole mount histological preparations, the total number of urothelial nuclei per mouse bladder, and per given urothelial cell layer, have been assessed to provide data of the (unstimulated) kinetic behaviour of basal urothelial cells (the proliferative population), to analyse characteristics of the normal urothelial cell cycle. The urothelial cell cycle time increases from 30.6 h (foetal) to 40 weeks (adult), the duration of mitosis from 0.23 h (foetal) to 2.71 h (adult) and the duration of DNA synthesis from 2.52 h (neonatal) to 10.83 h (adult). These are average values for the urothelial cell cycle, which do not preclude the possible existence of proliferative units. The ratio of superficial nuclei to basal and intermediate nuclei, possibly indicative of a urothelial proliferative unit, declines to reach a plateau (1:40) in adult mice. These findings indicate that rapid urothelial proliferation during early murine development was likely to be a) biologically useful, since intrauterine foetal metabolic activity may require a functional bladder urothelium at an early stage, b) kinetically similar to acutely regenerating adult urothelial cells after cytotoxic insult. During murine life, the range of durations of mitosis and DNA synthesis is much less than the range of cell cycle times. Normal unstimulated urothelium of adult mice was confirmed to proliferate slowly.  相似文献   

Atoplastic surgery using intestinal tissue has been used for the reconstructive therapy of the urinary tract since the mid-20th century; however, cell mechanisms of the urothelium engraftment are still unclear. Intestinal stem cells possess plasticity and, after autoplastic surgery, are presumably able to transdifferentiate into mature cells of the urinary tract. Using the preliminarily developed model for evaluating of the transdifferentiaion of somatic cells into urothelium in vivo, we found that, in syngeneic C57BL mice, epithelial Gfp-producing intestinal cells transdifferentiate into the cryoinjured bladder urothelium. Gfp was detected in the bladder tissue of recipient mice using reverse polymerase chain reaction, fluorescence and immunofluorescence. Colocalization of Her-4 protein revealed by common urothelium expression pattern and Gfp was demonstrated in few urothelial cells by double immunohistochemical staining of the bladder tissue with specific antibodies. The results obtained suggest that epithelial intestinal cells are able to transdifferentiate into bladder urothelium; however, the level of transdifferentiation is low and, presumably, cannot ensure the full functional urothelium engraftment in the case of autoplastic bladder surgery using intestinal tissue.  相似文献   

In 35 rats tumors of the urinary bladder were induced by nitrosomethylurea. A rubber loop was established on the neck of the urinary bladder and tightened for 1.5 h. This allowed one to completely isolate the tumor from the circulation. Shortly after the tightening of the loop 3H-thymidine was injected intraperitoneally. The rats were sacrificed at different times after the loop was removed. The tumors were examined by histoautoradiography. Lymphocytes were the first labeled cells that appeared in the stroma of the tumors 9 h after operation. Following 36 hours the radioisotope was detectable in the epitheliocytes. That meant that the label was reutilized by the tumor urothelium. It was shown that the only donor of the isotope could be a live labeled lymphocyte transmitting its own DNA in the course of a direct contact with the tumor cell. That was a manifestation of the trophic function of lymphocytes. It is concluded that lymphocytes support the proliferative activity of the tumorous tissue.  相似文献   

Human bladder urothelium is able to secrete tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA). The aim of our study was to analyse localisation of tPA antigen in comparison to differentiation state of cells in samples of histologically normal urothelium and non-invasive tumours of the human urinary bladder. Twenty-five samples of normal urothelium and 31 non-invasive papillary tumours from 36 patients were examined. The presence of tPA antigen was evaluated immunohistochemically. Differentiation of superficial cells was assessed by the presence of urothelial cell differentiation markers, uroplakins (UPs; immunohistochemistry) and cell's apical surface architecture (scanning electron microscopy). All tissue samples stained anti-tPA positive. In normal urothelium, the intensity of anti-tPA staining was the strongest in superficial cells, which were well-differentiated. In tumours, all cell layers stained anti-tPA positive. The intensity of anti-tPA positive reaction in the upper cell layer correlated with the percentage of anti-UP positive superficial cells. Superficial cells showed various differentiation states. The localisation of tPA antigen in human in vivo tissue is not confined to the well-differentiated superficial cells. Our results suggest a positive correlation between tPA secretion and cell differentiation.  相似文献   

The autoplastic surgery by intestine tissue has been used for reconstructive therapy of the urinary tract since the middle of the last century; however, cell mechanisms of the urothelium engraftment are still obscure. Intestine stem cells possess plasticity and presumably enable after the autoplastic surgery to transdifferentiate into mature cells of urinary tract. Using the preliminary developed in vivo model for evaluation of somatic cells transdifferentiation into urothelium, we have found that the epithelial intestine cells producing Gfp transdifferentiate into the cryoinjured bladder urothelium of the syngenetic C57BL mice. Gfp was detected in the bladder tissue of mice-recipients using reverted polymerase chain reaction, primary fluorescence and immunofluorescence, while colocalization of the Gfp and Her-4 revealing similar to urothelium staining pattern was demonstrated in a few urothelium cells by double immunohistochemical staining of the bladder tissue with specific antibodies. The results obtained suggest that epithelial intestine cells enable to transdifferentiate into bladder urothelium, however the transdifferentiation level is low and presumably can not provide full functional urothelium engraftment in the case of autoplastic bladder surgery by intestine tissue.  相似文献   

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