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The fifth EGF-like domain of thrombomodulin (TM), both with and without the amino acids that connect the fifth domain to the sixth domain, has been synthesized and refolded to form several different disulfide-bonded isomers. The domain without the connecting region formed three disulfide-bonded isomers upon refolding under redox conditions. Of these three isomers, the (1-2,3-4,5-6) bonded isomer was the best inhibitor of fibrinogen clotting and also of the thrombin-TM interaction that results in protein C activation, but all the isomers were inhibitors in both assays. The isomer containing an EGF-like disulfide-bonding pattern (1-3,2-4,5-6) was not found among the oxidation products. The domain with the connecting region amino acids (DIDE) at the C-terminus formed two isolable products upon refolding in redox buffer. These products had the same two disulfide-bonding patterns as the earliest and latest eluting isomers of the domain without the DIDE. In order to compare the thrombin-binding affinities of these isomers to the isomer with the EGF-like disulfide bonds, acetamidomethyl protection of the second and fourth cysteines was used to force the disulfide bonds into the EGF-like pattern. Thrombin-binding affinity, measured as inhibition of fibrinogen clotting and as inhibition of protein C activation correlated inversely with the number of crossed disulfide bonds. As was found for the domain without the connecting region, the isomer that was the best inhibitor of fibrinogen clotting and of protein C activation was the isomer with no crossing disulfide bonds (1-2,3-4,5-6).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A domain interaction map based on phylogenetic profiling   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Phylogenetic profiling is a well established method for predicting functional relations and physical interactions between proteins. We present a new method for finding such relations based on phylogenetic profiling of conserved domains rather than proteins, avoiding computationally expensive all versus all sequence comparisons among genomes. The resulting domain interaction map (DIMA) can be explored directly or mapped to a genome of interest. We demonstrate that the performance of DIMA is comparable to that of classical phylogenetic profiling and its predictions often yield information that cannot be detected by profiling of entire protein chains. We provide a list of novel domain associations predicted by our method.  相似文献   

The rates of folding and disulfide bond formation in reduced BPTI were measured in vitro in the presence and absence of total protein from the endoplasmic reticulum. The rates were increased substantially by the endoplasmic reticulum proteins, but only to the extent expected from the known content and activity of protein-disulfide-isomerase. No effects of added ATP or Ca2+ were observed, even though protein-disulfide-isomerase binds Ca2+ tightly.  相似文献   

Disulfide bonds and the stability of globular proteins.   总被引:13,自引:10,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
An understanding of the forces that contribute to stability is pivotal in solving the protein-folding problem. Classical theory suggests that disulfide bonds stabilize proteins by reducing the entropy of the denatured state. More recent theories have attempted to expand this idea, suggesting that in addition to configurational entropic effects, enthalpic and native-state effects occur and cannot be neglected. Experimental thermodynamic evidence is examined from two sources: (1) the disruption of naturally occurring disulfides, and (2) the insertion of novel disulfides. The data confirm that enthalpic and native-state effects are often significant. The experimental changes in free energy are compared to those predicted by different theories. The differences between theory and experiment are large near 300 K and do not lend support to any of the current theories regarding the stabilization of proteins by disulfide bonds. This observation is a result of not only deficiencies in the theoretical models but also from difficulties in determining the effects of disulfide bonds on protein stability against the backdrop of numerous subtle stabilizing factors (in both the native and denatured states), which they may also affect.  相似文献   

The effect of S-S bond cleavage of bovine serum albumin (BSA) on some of its structural properties, including solubility, viscosity, and conformation, were investigated. Cleavage of S-S bonds decreased the solubility of serum albumin and also shifted its isoelectric point to lowerpH values. S-S bond cleavage resulted in changes in shape and hydrodynamic volume of the protein, increasing the specific viscosity, with cleavage of up to 14 S-S bonds, followed by a decrease with further cleavage. Both UV difference and fluorescence spectral measurements indicated that conformational flexibility increases with S-S bond cleavage. Secondary structure estimations by far UV-CD suggested a gradual decrease in -helical content of the protein with progressive cleavage of its S-S bonds. However, fully S-S bond cleaved protein maintained some -helical structure. Sulfitolysis of the protein also decreased its I, 8-anilino-naphthalene sulfonate-binding ability.  相似文献   

Unlike most protein crystals, form IX of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A diffracts well when severely dehydrated. Crystal structures have been solved after 2.5 and 4 days of desiccation with CaSO4, at 1.9 and 2.0 A resolution, respectively. The two desiccated structures are very similar. An RMS displacement of 1.6 A is observed for main-chain atoms in each structure when compared to the hydrated crystal structure with some large rearrangements observed in loop regions. The structural changes are the result of intermolecular contacts formed by strong electrostatic interactions in the absence of a high dielectric medium. The electron density is very diffuse for some surface loops, consistent with a very disordered structure. This disorder is related to the conformational changes. These results help explain conformational changes during the lyophilization of protein and the associated phenomena of denaturation and molecular memory.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-activated calmodulin (CaM) regulates many target enzymes by docking to an amphiphilic target helix of variable sequence. This study compares the equilibrium Ca2+ binding and Ca2+ dissociation kinetics of CaM complexed to target peptides derived from five different CaM-regulated proteins: phosphorylase kinase. CaM-dependent protein kinase II, skeletal and smooth myosin light chain kinases, and the plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase. The results reveal that different target peptides can tune the Ca2+ binding affinities and kinetics of the two CaM domains over a wide range of Ca2+ concentrations and time scales. The five peptides increase the Ca2+ affinity of the N-terminal regulatory domain from 14- to 350-fold and slow its Ca2+ dissociation kinetics from 60- to 140-fold. Smaller effects are observed for the C-terminal domain, where peptides increase the apparent Ca2+ affinity 8- to 100-fold and slow dissociation kinetics 13- to 132-fold. In full-length skeletal myosin light chain kinase the inter-molecular tuning provided by the isolated target peptide is further modulated by other tuning interactions, resulting in a CaM-protein complex that has a 10-fold lower Ca2+ affinity than the analogous CaM-peptide complex. Unlike the CaM-peptide complexes, Ca2+ dissociation from the protein complex follows monoexponential kinetics in which all four Ca2+ ions dissociate at a rate comparable to the slow rate observed in the peptide complex. The two Ca2+ ions bound to the CaM N-terminal domain are substantially occluded in the CaM-protein complex. Overall, the results indicate that the cellular activation of myosin light chain kinase is likely to be triggered by the binding of free Ca2(2+)-CaM or Ca4(2+)-CaM after a Ca2+ signal has begun and that inactivation of the complex is initiated by a single rate-limiting event, which is proposed to be either the direct dissociation of Ca2+ ions from the bound C-terminal domain or the dissociation of Ca2+ loaded C-terminal domain from skMLCK. The observed target-induced variations in Ca2+ affinities and dissociation rates could serve to tune CaM activation and inactivation for different cellular pathways, and also must counterbalance the variable energetic costs of driving the activating conformational change in different target enzymes.  相似文献   

Seed storage proteins accumulate either in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) or in vacuoles, and it would appear that polymerization events play a fundamental role in regulating the choice between the two destinies of these proteins. We previously showed that a fusion between the Phaseolus vulgaris vacuolar storage protein phaseolin and the N‐terminal half of the Zea mays prolamin γ‐zein forms interchain disulfide bonds that facilitate the formation of ER‐located protein bodies. Wild‐type phaseolin does not contain cysteine residues, and assembles into soluble trimers that transiently polymerize before sorting to the vacuole. These transient interactions are abolished when the C‐terminal vacuolar sorting signal AFVY is deleted, indicating that they play a role in vacuolar sorting. We reasoned that if the phaseolin interactions directly involve the C terminus of the polypeptide, a cysteine residue introduced into this region could stabilize these transient interactions. Biochemical studies of two mutated phaseolin proteins in which a single cysteine residue was inserted at the C terminus, in the presence (PHSL*) or absence (Δ418*) of the vacuolar signal AFVY, revealed that these mutated proteins form disulphide bonds. PHSL* had reduced protein solubility and a vacuolar trafficking delay with respect to wild‐type protein. Moreover, Δ418* was in part redirected to the vacuole. Our experiments strongly support the idea that vacuolar delivery of phaseolin is promoted very early in the sorting process, when polypeptides are still contained within the ER, by homotypic interactions.  相似文献   

We constructed a gene encoding rCAS, recombinant constant and subrepeat protein, modeled after tandem repeats found in the major silk proteins synthesized by aquatic larvae of the midge, Chironomus tentans. Bacterially synthesized rCAS was purified to near homogeneity and characterized by several biochemical and biophysical methods including amino-terminal sequencing, amino acid compositional analysis, sedimentation equilibrium ultracentrifugation, and mass spectrometry. Complementing these techniques with quantitative sulfhydryl assays, we discovered that the four cysteines present in rCAS form two intramolecular disulfide bonds. Mapping studies revealed that the disulfide bonds are heterogeneous. When reduced and denatured rCAS was allowed to refold and its disulfide bonding state monitored, it again adopted a conformation with two intramolecular disulfide bonds. The inherent ability of rCAS to quantitatively form two intramolecular disulfide bonds may reflect a previously unknown feature of the in vivo silk proteins from which it is derived.  相似文献   

Ecotin: lessons on survival in a protease-filled world.   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Ecotin, an Escherichia coli periplasmic protein of 142 amino acids, has been shown to be a potent inhibitor of a group of homologous serine proteases with widely differing substrate recognition. It is highly effective against a number of enzymes, including both pancreatic and neutrophil-derived elastases, chymotrypsin, trypsin, factor Xa, and kallikrein. Recent structural and functional studies on ecotin and its interactions with different serine proteases have clarified these initial observations and revealed the remarkable features of this protein in inhibiting a strikingly large subset of the chymotrypsin family of serine proteases. The structures of the ecotin:serine protease complexes provide the first examples of protein-protein recognition where the concept of specificity of interactions needs to be reexamined. The binding sites show a fluidity of protein contacts derived from ecotin's innate flexibility in fitting itself to proteases while strongly interfering with their function.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the pathogen-host interactions between the species is essentialin order to develop a solution strategy against infectious diseases. In vitro methods take extended periods of time to detect interactions and provide very few of the possible interaction pairs. Hence, modelling interactions between proteins has necessitated the development of computational methods. The main scope of this paper is integrating the known protein interactions between thehost and pathogen organisms to improve the prediction success rate of unknown pathogen-host interactions. Thus, the truepositive rate of the predictions was expected to increase.In order to perform this study extensively, encoding methods and learning algorithms of several proteins were tested. Along with human as the host organism, two different pathogen organisms were used in the experiments. For each combination of protein-encoding and prediction method, both the original prediction algorithms were tested using only pathogen-host interactions and the same methodwas testedagain after integrating the known protein interactions within each organism. The effect of merging the networks of pathogen-host interactions of different species on the prediction performance of state-of-the-art methods was also observed. Successwas measured in terms of Matthews correlation coefficient, precision, recall, F1 score, and accuracy metrics. Empirical results showed that integrating the host and pathogen interactions yields better performance consistently in almost all experiments.  相似文献   

Lipidation catalyzed by protein prenyltransferases is essential for the biological function of a number of eukaryotic proteins, many of which are involved in signal transduction and vesicular traffic regulation. Sequence similarity searches reveal that the alpha-subunit of protein prenyltransferases (PTalpha) is a member of the tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) superfamily. This finding makes the three-dimensional structure of the rat protein farnesyltransferase the first structural model of a TPR protein interacting with its protein partner. Structural comparison of the two TPR domains in protein farnesyltransferase and protein phosphatase 5 indicates that variation in TPR consensus residues may affect protein binding specificity through altering the overall shape of the TPR superhelix. A general approach to evolutionary analysis of proteins with repetitive sequence motifs has been developed and applied to the protein prenyltransferases and other TPR proteins. The results suggest that all members in PTalpha family originated from a common multirepeat ancestor, while the common ancestor of PTalpha and other members of TPR superfamily is likely to be a single repeat protein.  相似文献   

A new cysteine-based disulfide linker for Fmoc solid phase peptide synthesis was developed (Fmoc-Cys(3-mercapto-3-methylbutanoic acid)OPp) that allows the on-resin assembly and side chain deprotection of cyclic peptides. Model peptides and a cyclic peptide library of the structure [a-a-x-x-a-a-c] composed of D-amino acids were assembled and the synthesis and cleavage conditions studied. The best cyclization results were obtained with PyBOP/HOAt/diisopropylethyl amine. Racemization rates of the cysteine in the analyzed model sequences were between 5.2 and 12.3%. Cleavage of the disulfide bond was best carried out with DTT in 50% 2-propanol/100 mM ammonium bicarbonate. The cleaved peptides can be used directly in biological assays.  相似文献   

The C2 domain is one of the most frequent and widely distributed calcium-binding motifs. Its structure comprises an eight-stranded beta-sandwich with two structural types as if the result of a circular permutation. Combining sequence, structural and modelling information, we have explored, at different levels of granularity, the functional characteristics of several families of C2 domains. At the coarsest level, the similarity correlates with key structural determinants of the C2 domain fold and, at the finest level, with the domain architecture of the proteins containing them, highlighting the functional diversity between the various sub-families. The functional diversity appears as different conserved surface patches throughout this common fold. In some cases, these patches are related to substrate-binding sites whereas in others they correspond to interfaces of presumably permanent interaction between other domains within the same polypeptide chain. For those related to substrate-binding sites, the predictions overlap with biochemical data in addition to providing some novel observations. For those acting as protein-protein interfaces, our modelling analysis suggests that slight variations between families are a result of not only complementary adaptations in the interfaces involved but also different domain architecture. In the light of the sequence and structural genomic projects, the work presented here shows that modelling approaches along with careful sub-typing of protein families will be a powerful combination for a broader coverage in proteomics.  相似文献   

生物信息学方法预测蛋白质相互作用网络中的功能模块   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛋白质相互作用是大多数生命过程的基础。随着高通量实验技术和计算机预测方法的发展,在各种生物中已获得了数目十分庞大的蛋白质相互作用数据,如何从中提取出具有生物学意义的数据是一项艰巨的挑战。从蛋白质相互作用数据出发获得相互作用网络进而预测出其中的功能模块,对于蛋白质功能预测、揭示各种生化反应过程的分子机理都有着极大的帮助。我们分类概括了用生物信息学预测蛋白质相互作用功能模块的方法,以及对这些方法的评价,并介绍了蛋白质相互作用网络比较的一些方法。  相似文献   

The human plasma serine protease, activated protein C (APC), primarily exerts its anticoagulant function by proteolytic inactivation of the blood coagulation cofactors Va and VIIIa. A recombinant active site Ser 360 to Ala mutation of protein C was prepared, and the mutant protein was expressed in human 293 kidney cells and purified. The activation peptide of the mutant protein C zymogen was cleaved by a snake venom activator, Protac C, but the "activated" S360A APC did not have amidolytic activity. However, it did exhibit significant anticoagulant activity both in clotting assays and in a purified protein assay system that measured prothrombinase activity. The S360A APC was compared to plasma-derived and wild-type recombinant APC. The anticoagulant activity of the mutant, but not native APC, was resistant to diisopropyl fluorophosphate, whereas all APCs were inhibited by monoclonal antibodies against APC. In contrast to native APC, S360A APC was not inactivated by serine protease inhibitors in plasma and did not bind to the highly reactive mutant protease inhibitor M358R alpha 1 antitrypsin. Since plasma serpins provide the major mechanism for inactivating APC in vivo, this suggests that S360A APC would have a long half-life in vivo, with potential therapeutic advantages. S360A APC rapidly inhibited factor Va in a nonenzymatic manner since it apparently did not proteolyze factor Va. These data suggest that native APC may exhibit rapid nonenzymatic anticoagulant activity followed by enzymatic irreversible proteolysis of factor Va. The results of clotting assays and prothrombinase assays showed that S360A APC could not inhibit the variant Gln 506-FVa compared with normal Arg 506-FVa, suggesting that the active site of S360A APC binds to FVa at or near Arg 506.  相似文献   

Kalkhof S  Haehn S  Paulsson M  Smyth N  Meiler J  Sinz A 《Proteins》2010,78(16):3409-3427
Basement membranes are thin extracellular protein layers, which separate endothelial and epithelial cells from the underlying connecting tissue. The main noncollagenous components of basement membranes are laminins, trimeric glycoproteins, which form polymeric networks by interactions of their N-terminal (LN) domains; however, no high-resolution structure of laminin LN domains exists so far. To construct models for laminin β(1) and γ(1) LN domains, 14 potentially suited template structures were determined using fold recognition methods. For each target/template-combination comparative models were created with Rosetta. Final models were selected based on their agreement with experimentally obtained distance constraints from natural cross-links, that is, disulfide bonds as well as chemical cross-links obtained from reactions with two amine-reactive cross-linkers. We predict that laminin β(1) and γ(1) LN domains share the galactose-binding domain-like fold.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Candida albicans yeasts frequently cause infections in hospitals. Antifungal drugs lose effectiveness due to other Candida species and resistance. New medications are thus required. Secreted aspartic protease of C. parapsilosis (Sapp1p) is a promising target. We have thus solved the crystal structures of Sapp1p complexed to four peptidomimetic inhibitors. Three potent inhibitors (Ki: 0.1, 0.4, 6.6 nM) resembled pepstatin A (Ki: 0.3 nM), a general aspartic protease inhibitor, in terms of their interactions with Sapp1p. However, the weaker inhibitor (Ki: 14.6 nM) formed fewer nonpolar contacts with Sapp1p, similarly to the smaller HIV protease inhibitor ritonavir (Ki: 1.9 µM), which, moreover, formed fewer H-bonds. The analyses have revealed the structural determinants of the subnanomolar inhibition of C. parapsilosis aspartic protease. Because of the high similarity between Saps from different Candida species, these results can further be used for the design of potent and specific Sap inhibitor-based antimycotic drugs.  相似文献   

Antibody folding is a complex process comprising folding and association reactions. Although it is usually difficult to characterize kinetic folding intermediates, in the case of the antibody Fab fragment, domain-domain interactions lead to a rate-limiting step of folding, thus accumulating folding intermediates at a late step of folding. Here, we analyzed a late folding intermediate of the Fab fragment of the monoclonal antibody MAK 33 from mouse (kappa/IgG1). As a strategy for accumulation of this intermediate we used partial denaturation of the native Fab by guanidinium chloride. This denaturation intermediate, which can be populated to about 90%, is indistinguishable from a late-folding intermediate with respect to denaturation and renaturation kinetics. The spectroscopic analysis reveals a native-like secondary structure of this intermediate with aromatic side chains only slightly more solvent exposed than in the native state. The respective partner domains are weekly associated. From these data we conclude that the intramolecular association of the two chains during folding, with all domains in a native-like structure, follows a two-step mechanism. In this mechanism, presumably hydrophobic interactions are followed by rearrangements leading to the exact complementarity of the contact sites of the respective domains.  相似文献   

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