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Low density lipoproteins (LDL) contain apolipoprotein B-100 and are cholesteryl ester-rich, triglyceride-poor macromolecules, arising from the lipolysis of very low density lipoproteins. This review will describe the receptors responsible for uptake of whole LDL particles (holoparticle uptake), and the selective uptake of LDL cholesteryl ester. The LDL-receptor mediates the internalization of whole LDL through an endosomal-lysosomal pathway, leading to complete degradation of LDL. Increasing LDL-receptor expression by pharmacological intervention efficiently reduces blood LDL concentrations. The lipolysis stimulated receptor and LDL-receptor related protein may also lead to complete degradation of LDL in presence of free fatty acids and apolipoprotein E- or lipase-LDL complexes, respectively. Selective uptake of LDL cholesteryl ester has been demonstrated in the liver, especially in rodents and humans. This activity brings five times more LDL cholesteryl ester than the LDL-receptor to human hepatoma cells, suggesting that it is a physiologically significant pathway. The lipoprotein binding site of HepG2 cells mediates this process and recognizes all lipoprotein classes. Scavenger receptor class B type I and CD36, which mediate the selective uptake of high density lipoprotein cholesteryl ester, are potentially involved in LDL cholesteryl ester selective uptake, since they both bind LDL with high affinity. It is not known whether they are identical to the uncloned lipoprotein binding site and if the selective uptake of LDL cholesteryl ester produces a less atherogenic particle. If this is verified, pharmacological up-regulation of LDL cholesteryl ester selective uptake may become another therapeutic approach for reducing blood LDL-cholesterol levels and the risk of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Previous reports attributed cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP)-mediated HDL cholesteryl ester (CE) selective uptake to the CETP-mediated transfer of CE from HDL to newly secreted apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins, which are then internalized by the LDL receptor (LDL-R). CETP has also been implicated in the remodeling of HDL, which renders it a better substrate for selective uptake by scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI). However, CETP-mediated selective uptake of HDL3-derived CE was not diminished in LDL-R null adipocytes, SR-BI null adipocytes, or in the presence of the receptor-associated protein. We found that monensin treatment or energy depletion of the SW872 liposarcoma cells with 2-deoxyglucose and NaN3 had no effect on CETP-mediated selective uptake, demonstrating that endocytosis is not required. This is supported by data indicating that CETP transfers CE into a compartment from which it can be extracted by unlabeled HDL. CETP could also mediate the selective uptake of HDL3-derived triacylglycerol (TG) and phospholipid (PL). The CETP-specific kinetics for TG and CE uptake were similar, and both reached saturation at approximately 5 microg/ml HDL. In contrast, CETP-specific PL uptake did not attain saturation at 5 microg/ml HDL and was approximately 6-fold greater than the uptake of CE. We propose two possible mechanisms to account for the role of CETP in selective uptake.  相似文献   

Plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) mediates the transfer of cholesteryl esters (CE) between lipoproteins and was reported to also directly mediate the uptake of high density lipoprotein (HDL) CE by human Hep G2 cells and fibroblasts. The present study investigates that uptake and its relationship to a pathway for "selective uptake" of HDL CE that does not require CETP. HDL3 labeled in both the CE and apoprotein moieties was incubated with Hep G2 cells. During 4-h incubations, CE tracer was selectively taken up from doubly labeled HDL3 in excess of apoA-I tracer, and added CETP did not modify that uptake. However, during 18-20-h incubations, CETP stimulated the uptake of CE tracer more than 4-fold without modifying the uptake of apoA-I tracer. This suggested that secreted products, perhaps lipoproteins, might be required for the CETP effect. Four inhibitors of lipoprotein uptake via low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors (heparin, monensin, an antibody against the LDL receptor, and antibodies against the receptor binding domains of apoB and apoE) effectively blocked the CETP stimulation of CE tracer uptake. Heparin caused an increase in CE tracer in a d less than 1.063 g/ml fraction of the medium that more than accounted for the heparin blockade of CETP-stimulated CE uptake. CETP did not affect the uptake of doubly labeled HDL3 by human fibroblasts, even at twice plasma levels of activity, and heparin did not modify uptake of HDL3 tracers. Thus the CETP effect on Hep G2 cells can be accounted for by transfer of HDL CE to secreted lipoproteins which are then retaken up, and there is no evidence for a direct effect of CETP on cellular uptake of HDL CE.  相似文献   

Recombinant high density lipoprotein (rHDL) particles were prepared by cosonication of purified lipids and human apoproteins and incubated with partly purified cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) and low density lipoprotein (LDL) containing [3H]cholesteryl ester. Increasing the triglyceride content relative to cholesteryl ester in rHDL significantly decreased the ability of the particles to accept cholesteryl esters transferred by CETP. Kinetic analysis of the data was performed to numerically define the maximum velocity of lipid transfer, Tmax, and the HDL concentration required for half maximal velocity, KH. Increases in rHDL-triglyceride content were shown to result in a significant reduction in the Tmax without a major change in KH. When the free cholesterol content was increased relative to phospholipid, the ability of the particles to accept cholesteryl esters was also decreased in a similar manner. Conversely, rHDL prepared from purified apoprotein A-I, A-II, or mixtures of both, had significantly elevated Tmax and KH values for their interaction with CETP. The results suggest that increases in triglyceride or free cholesterol content of an rHDL particle decrease the catalytic ability of CETP by noncompetitive inhibition. In addition, some component(s) of HDL apoproteins, other than A-I or A-II, were shown to uncompetitively inhibit the activity of CETP, by modifying both Tmax and the KH for the reaction. This study has shown that altered HDL composition may have marked effects on the transfer and equilibration of cholesteryl esters within the HDL pool.  相似文献   

The human cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) facilitates the exchange of neutral lipids among lipoproteins. In order to evaluate the effects of increased plasma CETP on lipoprotein levels, a human CETP minigene was placed under the control of the mouse metallothionein-I promoter and used to develop transgenic mice. Integration of the human CETP transgene into the mouse genome resulted in the production of active plasma CETP. Zinc induction of CETP transgene expression caused depression of serum cholesterol due to a significant reduction of high density lipoprotein cholesterol. There was no change in total cholesterol content in very low and low density lipoproteins. However, there was a decrease in the free cholesterol/cholesteryl ester ratio in plasma and in all lipoprotein fractions of transgenic mouse plasma, suggesting stimulation of plasma cholesterol esterification. The results suggest that high levels of plasma CETP activity may be a cause of reduced high density lipoproteins in humans.  相似文献   

Cholesteryl ester-loaded macrophages, or foam cells, are a prominent feature of atherosclerotic lesions. Low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor-mediated endocytosis of native LDL is a relatively poor inducer of macrophage cholesteryl ester accumulation. However, the data herein show that in the presence of a very small amount of sphingomyelinase, LDL receptor-mediated endocytosis of 125I-LDL was enhanced and led to a 2-6-fold increase in 125I-LDL degradation and up to a 10-fold increase in cholesteryl ester accumulation in macrophages. The enhanced lipoprotein uptake and cholesterol esterification was seen after only approximately 12% hydrolysis of LDL phospholipids, was specific for sphingomyelin hydrolysis, and appeared to be related to the formation of fused or aggregated spherical particles up to 100 nm in diameter. Sphingomyelinase-treated LDL was bound by the macrophage LDL receptor. However, when unlabeled acetyl-LDL, a scavenger receptor ligand, was present during or after sphingomyelinase treatment of 125I-LDL, 125I-LDL binding and degradation were enhanced further through the formation of LDL-acetyl-LDL mixed aggregates. Experiments with cytochalasin D suggested that endocytosis, not phagocytosis, was involved in internalization of sphingomyelinase-treated LDL. Nonetheless, the sphingomyelinase effect on LDL uptake was macrophage-specific. These data illustrate that LDL receptor-mediated endocytosis of fused LDL particles can lead to foam cell formation in cultured macrophages. Furthermore, since both LDL and sphingomyelinase are present in atherosclerotic lesions and since some lesion LDL probably is fused or aggregated, there is a possibility that sphingomyelinase-treated LDL is a physiologically important atherogenic lipoprotein.  相似文献   

The uptake and metabolism of [14C]cholesteryl ester in bovine LDL to cortisol and to cholesteryl ester was studied in monolayer cultures of bovine adrenal cortical cells over short time periods of up to 8 h. The experiments were designed to determine the intracellular pathway followed by the cholesterol derived from the LDL cholesteryl ester and how this is modified in the short term by the tropic hormone ACTH. The cells were cultured in the presence of mevinolin to remove the contribution of endogenous synthesis of cholesterol for supply of substrate for steroidogenesis. The specific activity of the cortisol secreted by the cells was measured under a variety of conditions. Control incubations showed a relatively steady specific activity in the cortisol secreted over an 8 h period. In the presence of ACTH the specific activity of the cortisol was significantly reduced for the first 2 h of the experiment. This is consistent with dilution of the [14C]cholesterol from the LDL with non-radioactive free cholesterol released from the intracellular stores of cholesteryl ester in the presence of ACTH. The inhibitor of acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase, Sandoz compound 58-035, increased the specific activity of the secreted cortisol in the absence of ACTH, indicating that much of the incoming cholesterol would normally be esterified but was here diverted to steroidogenesis. In the presence of ACTH this increase was observed only during the first 2 h of the experiment, after which inhibition of acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase had no effect on the specific activity of the cortisol. The adrenal cells were further fractionated into mitochondrial, lysosomal and microsomal plus cytosol fractions and the appearance of free and esterified cholesterol from the labelled LDL measured in these fractions over a period of up to 8 h. ACTH stimulated the uptake of LDL-cholesteryl ester into the cells and tended to increase the relative amounts of free cholesterol in the cells, consistent with its role in promoting supply of cholesterol for steroidogenesis. These experiments allow the roles of endogenous cholesteryl ester and lipoprotein-derived cholesteryl ester in the bovine adrenal cortical cells to be observed over a short time scale. They show that the cells make a substantial change in the internal flux of cholesterol in a short time after stimulation with ACTH and in these cultures the full expression of the presence of ACTH takes up to 2 h.  相似文献   

This study compares the specificities of selective uptake and transfer mediated by plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) for various species of cholesteryl esters in high density lipoproteins (HDL). [3H]Cholesterol was esterified with a series of variable chain length saturated acids and a series of variably unsaturated 18-carbon acids. These were incorporated into synthetic HDL particles along with 125I-labeled apoA-I as a tracer of HDL particles and [14C]cholesteryl oleate as an internal standard for normalization between preparations. Selective uptake by Y1-BS1 mouse adrenal cortical tumor cells was most extensively studied, but uptake by human HepG2 hepatoma cells and fibroblasts of human, rat, and rabbit origin were also examined. Acyl chain specificities for selective uptake and for CETP-mediated transfer were conversely related; selective uptake by all cell types decreased with increasing acyl chain length and increased with the extent of unsaturation of C18 chains. In contrast, CETP-mediated transfer increased with acyl chain length, and decreased with unsaturation of C18 chains. The specificities of human and rabbit CETP were also compared, and were found to differ little. Associated experiments showed that HDL-associated triglycerides, traced by [3H]glyceryl trioleyl ether, were selectively taken up but at a lesser rate than cholesteryl esters. The mechanism of this uptake appears to be the same as for selective uptake of cholesteryl esters.  相似文献   

Despite extensive studies and characterizations of the high density lipoprotein-cholesteryl ester (HDL-CE)-selective uptake pathway, the mechanisms by which the hydrophobic CE molecules are transferred from the HDL particle to the plasma membrane have remained elusive, until the discovery that scavenger receptor BI (SR-BI) plays an important role. To elucidate the molecular mechanism, we examined the quantitative relationships between the binding of HDL and the selective uptake of its CE in the murine adrenal Y1-BS1 cell line. A comparison of concentration dependences shows that half-maximal high affinity cell association of HDL occurs at 8.7 +/- 4.7 micrograms/ml and the Km of HDL-CE-selective uptake is 4.5 +/- 1.5 micrograms/ml. These values are similar, and there is a very high correlation between these two processes (r2 = 0.98), suggesting that they are linked. An examination of lipid uptake from reconstituted HDL particles of defined composition and size shows that there is a non-stoichiometric uptake of HDL lipid components, with CE being preferred over the major HDL phospholipids, phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin. Comparison of the rates of selective uptake of different classes of phospholipid in this system gives the ranking: phosphatidylserine > phosphatidylcholine approximately phosphatidylinositol > sphingomyelin. The rate of CE-selective uptake from donor particles is proportional to the amount of CE initially present in the particles, suggesting a mechanism in which CE moves down its concentration gradient from HDL particles docked on SR-BI into the cell plasma membrane. The activation energy for CE uptake from either HDL3 or reconstituted HDL is about 9 kcal/mol, indicating that HDL-CE uptake occurs via a non-aqueous pathway. HDL binding to SR-BI allows access of CE molecules to a "channel" formed by the receptor from which water is excluded and along which HDL-CE molecules move down their concentration gradient into the cell plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The interaction between high density lipoproteins (HDL) and adipose tissue is an important pathway for cholesterol and cholesteryl ester flux. In intact fat cells, a disproportionately greater net uptake of cholesteryl ester occurs subsequent to lipoprotein binding than would have been predicted from a consideration of holoparticle uptake alone. To characterize the early events in this process, cholesteryl hexadecyl ether, a nonmetabolizable, accumulative marker of cholesteryl ester, was incorporated into canine HDL2, and its uptake by omental adipocyte plasma membranes was measured in relation to the binding of HDL2, which in this animal species is enriched in apolipoprotein A-I and free of apolipoprotein E. The dose-response profile for HDL2 binding was consistent with a single lipoprotein binding site at all concentrations of HDL2, whereas uptake of cholesteryl ester from HDL2 was biphasic, suggesting a high affinity site at low HDL2 concentrations and a low affinity site at high lipoprotein concentrations. Pronase treatment stimulated binding twofold and this was accompanied by a parallel twofold stimulation of cholesteryl ester uptake. EDTA, on the other hand, reduced binding and uptake of cholesteryl ester by 20%, indicating partial dependence upon divalent cations. The proportion of HDL2 cholesteryl ester accumulated by plasma membranes relative to HDL2 protein bound was not altered by either pronase or EDTA, despite the fact that these agents had opposite effects upon binding. In dissociation studies, a portion of membrane-associated HDL2 did not equilibrate with exogenous HDL2 and a greater proportion of the cholesteryl ester failed to dissociate. A stepwise mechanism for cholesteryl ester uptake, involving (i) saturable, high affinity HDL2 binding to cell surface sites, (ii) vectoral, HDL2 concentration-dependent delivery of cholesteryl ester to the membrane, and (iii) cholesteryl ester sequestration into a nonexchangeable membrane compartment, appears to be independent of metabolic energy or cell processing.  相似文献   

Scavenger receptor BI, SR-BI, is a physiologically relevant receptor for high density lipoprotein (HDL) that mediates the uptake of cholesteryl esters and delivers them to a metabolically active membrane pool where they are subsequently hydrolyzed. A previously characterized SR-BI mutant, A-VI, with an epitope tag inserted into the extracellular domain near the C-terminal transmembrane segment, revealed a separation-of-function between SR-BI-mediated HDL cholesteryl ester uptake and cholesterol efflux to HDL, on one hand, and cholesterol release to small unilamellar phospholipid vesicle acceptors and an increased cholesterol oxidase-sensitive pool of membrane free cholesterol on the other. To further elucidate amino acid residues responsible for this separation-of-function phenotype, we engineered alanine substitutions and point mutations in and around the site of epitope tag insertion, and tested these for various cholesterol transport functions. We found that changing amino acid 420 from glycine to histidine had a profound effect on SR-BI function. Despite the ability to mediate selective HDL cholesteryl ester uptake, the G420H receptor had a greatly reduced ability to: 1) enlarge the cholesterol oxidase-sensitive pool of membrane free cholesterol, 2) mediate cholesterol efflux to HDL, even at low concentrations of HDL acceptor where binding-dependent cholesterol efflux predominates, and 3) accumulate cholesterol mass within the cell. Most importantly, the G420H mutant was unable to deliver the HDL cholesteryl ester to a metabolically active membrane compartment for efficient hydrolysis. These observations have important implications regarding SR-BI function as related to its structure near the C-terminal transmembrane domain.  相似文献   

Plasma levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and its major protein component apolipoprotein (apo) A-I are significantly reduced in both acute and chronic inflammatory conditions, but the basis for this phenomenon is not well understood. We hypothesized that secretory phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2)), an acute phase protein that has been found in association with HDL, promotes HDL catabolism. A series of HDL metabolic studies were performed in transgenic mice that specifically overexpress human sPLA(2) but have no evidence of local or systemic inflammation. We found that HDL isolated from these mice have a significantly lower phospholipid and cholesteryl ester and significantly greater triglyceride content. The fractional catabolic rate (FCR) of (125)I-HDL was significantly faster in sPLA(2) transgenic mice (4.08 +/- 0.01 pools/day) compared with control wild-type littermates (2.16 +/- 0.48 pools/day). (125)I-HDL isolated from sPLA(2) transgenic mice was catabolized significantly faster than (131)I-HDL isolated from wild-type mice after injection in wild-type mice (p < 0.001). Injection of (125)I-tyramine-cellobiose-HDL demonstrated significantly greater degradation of HDL apolipoproteins in the kidneys of sPLA(2) transgenic mice compared with control mice (p < 0.05). The fractional catabolic rate of [(3)H]cholesteryl ether HDL was significantly faster in sPLA(2)-overexpressing mice (6.48 +/- 0.24 pools/day) compared with controls (4.80 +/- 0.72 pools/day). Uptake of [(3)H] cholesteryl ether into the livers and adrenals of sPLA(2) transgenic mice was significantly enhanced compared with control mice. In summary, these data demonstrate that overexpression of sPLA(2) alone in the absence of inflammation causes profound alterations of HDL metabolism in vivo and are consistent with the hypothesis that sPLA(2) may promote HDL catabolism in acute and chronic inflammatory conditions.  相似文献   

Scavenger receptor, class B, type I (SR-BI) is a cell-surface glycoprotein that mediates selective uptake of high density lipoprotein cholesteryl ester (CE) without the concomitant uptake and degradation of the particle. We have investigated the endocytic and selective uptake of low density lipoprotein (LDL)-CE by SR-BI using COS-7 cells transiently transfected with mouse SR-BI. Analysis of lipoprotein uptake data showed a concentration-dependent LDL-CE-selective uptake when doubly labeled LDL particles were incubated with SR-BI-expressing COS-7 cells. In contrast to vector-transfected cells, SR-BI-expressing COS-7 cells showed marked increases in LDL cell association and CE uptake by the selective uptake pathway, but only a modest increase in CE uptake by the endocytic pathway. SR-BI-mediated LDL-CE-selective uptake exceeded LDL endocytic uptake by 50-100-fold. SR-BI-mediated LDL-CE-selective uptake was not inhibited by the proteoglycan synthesis inhibitor, p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-xylopyranoside or by the sulfation inhibitor sodium chlorate, indicating that SR-BI-mediated LDL-CE uptake occurs independently of LDL interaction with cell-surface proteoglycan. Analyses with subclones of Y1 adrenocortical cells showed that LDL-CE-selective uptake was proportional to the level of SR-BI expression. Furthermore, antibody directed to the extracellular domain of SR-BI blocked LDL-CE-selective uptake in adrenocortical cells. Thus, in cells that normally express SR-BI and in transfected COS-7 cells SR-BI mediates the efficient uptake of LDL-CE via the selective uptake mechanism. These results suggest that SR-BI may influence the metabolism of apoB-containing lipoproteins in vivo by mediating LDL-CE uptake into SR-BI-expressing cells.  相似文献   

Low density lipoprotein (LDL) can follow either a holoparticle uptake pathway, initiated by the LDL receptor (LDLr), and be completely degraded, or it can deliver its cholesteryl esters (CE) selectively to HepG2 cells. Although high density lipoprotein-CE selective uptake has been shown to be linked to cell cholesterol homeostasis in nonhepatic cells, there is no available information on the effect of LDL-CE selective uptake on hepatic cell cholesterol homeostasis. In order to define the role of the LDL-CE selective uptake pathway in hepatic cell cholesterol homeostasis, we used a cellular model that expresses constitutively a LDLr antisense mRNA and that shows LDLr activity at 31% the normal level (HepG2-all cells). The addition of a specific antibody anti-LDLr (IgG-C7) reduces LDL protein degradation (LDLr activity) to 7%. This cellular model therefore reflects, above all, LDL-CE selective uptake activity when incubated with LDL. The inactivation of LDLr reduces LDL-protein association by 78% and LDL-CE association by only 43%. The LDL-CE selective uptake was not reduced by the inactivation of LDLr. The activities of the various enzymes involved in cell cholesterol homeostasis were measured in normal and LDLr-deficient cells during incubation in the absence or presence of LDL as a cholesterol source. Essentially, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase and acyl coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) activities responded to LDL in LDLr-deficient cells as well as in normal HepG2 cells. Inhibition of lysosomal hydrolysis with chloroquine abolished the effect measured on ACAT activity in the presence of LDL, suggesting that CE of LDL, but not free cholesterol, maintains cell cholesterol homeostasis. Thus, in HepG2 cells, when LDLr function is virtually abolished, LDL-CE selective uptake is coupled to cell cholesterol homeostasis.  相似文献   

Previously, we isolated and characterized unique liposomal-like, cholesterol-rich lipid particles that accumulate in human atherosclerotic lesions. Human plasma low density lipoprotein (LDL) has a molar ratio of total cholesterol to phospholipid (3:1) similar to that of this lesion cholesterol-rich lipid particle. However, LDL is enriched in cholesteryl ester while the lesion lipid particle is enriched in unesterified cholesterol. To examine a possible precursor-product relationship between LDL and the lesion lipid particle, we hydrolyzed the cholesteryl ester core of LDL with cholesterol esterase. Cholesteryl ester hydrolysis occurred only after LDL was treated with trypsin. Trypsin pretreatment was not required for cholesteryl ester hydrolysis of LDL oxidized with copper, a treatment that also degrades apolipoprotein B, the major protein moiety in LDL. In contrast to greater than 90% hydrolysis of cholesteryl ester in trypsin-cholesterol esterase-treated or copper-oxidized LDL, there was only 18% hydrolysis of cholesteryl ester in similarly treated high density lipoprotein. With a limited 10-min hydrolysis of LDL cholesteryl ester, LDL-sized particles and newly formed larger flattened films or discs were present. With complete hydrolysis of LDL cholesteryl ester, LDL particles converted to complex multilamellar, liposomal-like, structures with sizes approximately five times larger than native LDL. These liposomal-like particles derived from LDL were chemically and structurally similar to unesterified cholesterol-rich lipid particles that accumulate in atherosclerotic lesions.  相似文献   

In order to determine the role of hepatic lipase in the hepatic uptake and metabolism of high density lipoprotein (HDL) triglycerides, cholesteryl esters, and phospholipids, isolated rat livers were perfused with a reconstituted HDL (rHDL) radiolabeled with [3H]triolein and [14C]cholesteryl oleate or palmitoyl-[14C]linoleoyl phosphatidylcholine. A bolus of radiolabeled rHDL was injected into the portal vein and livers were perfused for 5 min using a nonrecirculating perfusion system. Recovery of rHDL triolein in the liver as intact triolein was used to determine the amount of unmetabolized rHDL remaining in the liver. After correcting for the amount of unmetabolized rHDL remaining in the liver, about 30% of the rHDL triolein was hydrolyzed of which 19% was recovered in the liver and 11% in the perfusate. Moreover, about 7% of the rHDL phosphatidylcholine was hydrolyzed to lysophosphatidylcholine, all of which was recovered in the perfusate. Although there was no hydrolysis of rHDL cholesteryl oleate, about 30% of the cholesteryl oleate was taken up by the liver. Preperfusion of the liver with heparin to deplete the liver of hepatic lipase resulted in about a 70% reduction in rHDL triolein hydrolysis and about a 75% reduction in rHDL cholesteryl oleate uptake. Although hepatic lipase hydrolyzes both triglycerides and phosphatidylcholines, elimination of the triolein from rHDL had no effect on the uptake of rHDL cholesteryl oleate, but replacement of the rHDL phosphatidylcholine with a nonhydrolyzable phosphatidylcholine diether resulted in an 87% reduction in cholesteryl oleate uptake. These results indicate that hepatic lipase is necessary for the hepatic uptake of both HDL triglycerides and cholesteryl esters and that the uptake of cholesteryl esters is not dependent on the hydrolysis of HDL triglycerides but is dependent on the hydrolysis of HDL phospholipids.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the association of the I14A mutation, the D442G mutation, and the TaqIB polymorphism of the cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) gene in 718 Chinese individuals with high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels (HDL-C) living in Taiwan. The analysis revealed that the I14A mutation was not present in any of the 110 subjects with HDL-C levels above 60 mg/dl. By contrast, the D442G mutation was present in 48 of the 718 (6.7%) subjects tested. Significantly higher HDL-C levels were noted for bearers of the D442G mutation compared with non-bearers; however, this association was weaker for males and for subjects carrying the TaqIB1 allele. The TaqIB2 allele was also associated with higher HDL-C levels. From multivariate analysis, independent associations were demonstrated for the TaqIB2 polymorphism and the D442G mutation, and elevated HDL-C levels. For obese subjects, however, the presence of the TaqIB2 or D442G allele was not associated with increased HDL-C levels. For subjects with triglycerides at a concentration greater than 150 mg/dl, the association of both alleles with HDL-C levels was also diminished. Thus, genetic variation at the CETP gene locus may account for a significant proportion of the difference in HDL-C levels; however, it seems reasonable to suggest that the effects of the allele interact with genetic variations expressed within the sample population, and with sex, obesity, and plasma triglyceride levels.  相似文献   

Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) is a target of therapeutic intervention for coronary heart disease. Anacetrapib, a potent inhibitor of CETP, has been shown to reduce LDL-cholesterol by 40% and increase HDL-cholesterol by 140% in patients, and is currently being evaluated in a phase III cardiovascular outcomes trial. HDL is known to possess anti-inflammatory properties, however with such large increases in HDL-cholesterol, it is unclear whether CETP inhibition perturbs HDL functionality such as anti-inflammatory effects on endothelial cells. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether CETP inhibition by anacetrapib affects the anti-inflammatory properties of HDL. HDL was isolated from either hamsters treated with vehicle or anacetrapib for 2 weeks, or from normal human subjects treated either placebo, 20 mg, or 150 mg anacetrapib daily for 2 weeks. Anacetrapib treatment increased plasma HDL cholesterol levels by 65% and between 48 and 82% in hamsters and humans, respectively. Pre-incubation of human aortic endothelial cells with HDL isolated from both control and anacetrapib treated hamsters suppressed TNFα induced expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and E-selectin. Similar results were obtained with human HDL samples pre and post treatment with placebo or anacetrapib. Further, HDL inhibited TNFα-induced MCP-1 secretion, monocyte adhesion and NF-κB activation in endothelial cells, and the inhibition was similar between control and anacetrapib treated groups. These studies demonstrate that anacetrapib treatment does not impair the ability of HDL to suppress an inflammatory response in endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Murine and human macrophages rapidly decreased the level of cholesteryl ester hydroperoxides in low density lipoprotein (LDL) when cultured in media non-permissive for LDL oxidation. This process was proportional to cell number but could not be attributed to the net lipoprotein uptake. Macrophage-mediated loss of lipid hydroperoxides in LDL appears to be metal ion-independent. Degradation of cholesteryl linoleate hydroperoxides was accompanied by accumulation of the corresponding hydroxide as the major product and cholesteryl keto-octadecadienoate as a minor product, although taken together these products could not completely account for the hydroperoxide consumption. Cell-conditioned medium possessed a similar capacity to remove lipid hydroperoxides as seen with cellular monolayers, suggesting that the activity is not an integral component of the cell but is secreted from it. The activity of cell-conditioned medium to lower the level of LDL lipid hydroperoxides is associated with its high molecular weight fraction and is modulated by the availability of free thiol groups. Cell-mediated loss of LDL cholesteryl ester hydroperoxides is facilitated by the presence of alpha-tocopherol in the lipoprotein. Together with our earlier reports on the ability of macrophages to remove peroxides rapidly from oxidized amino acids, peptides, and proteins as well as to clear selectively cholesterol 7-beta-hydroperoxide, results presented in this paper provide evidence of a potential protective activity of the cell against further LDL oxidation by removing reactive peroxide groups in the lipoprotein.  相似文献   

Human low density lipoprotein (LDL), radiolabeled in the cholesteryl ester moiety, was injected into estrogen-treated and -untreated rats. The hepatic and extrahepatic distribution and biliary secretion of [3H]cholesteryl esters were determined at various times after injection. In order to follow the intrahepatic metabolism of the cholesteryl esters of LDL in vivo, the liver was subfractioned into parenchymal and Kupffer cells by a low temperature cell isolation procedure. In control rats, the LDL cholesteryl esters were mainly taken up by the Kupffer cells. After uptake, the [3H]cholesteryl esters are rapidly hydrolyzed, followed by release of [3H]cholesterol from the cells to other sites in the body. Up to 24 h after injection of LDL, only 9% of the radioactivity appeared in the bile, whereas after 72 h, this value was 30%. Hepatic and especially the parenchymal cell uptake of [3H]cholesteryl esters from LDL was strongly increased upon 17 alpha-ethinylestradiol treatment (3 days, 5 mg/kg). After rapid hydrolysis of the esters, [3H]cholesterol was both secreted into bile (28% of the injected dose in the first 24 h) as well as stored inside the cells as re-esterified cholesterol ester. It is concluded that uptake of human LDL by the liver in untreated rats is not efficiently coupled to biliary secretion of cholesterol (derivatives), which might be due to the anatomical localization of the principal uptake site, the Kupffer cells. In contrast, uptake of LDL cholesterol ester by liver hepatocytes is tightly coupled to bile excretion. The Kupffer cell uptake of LDL might be necessary in order to convert LDL cholesterol (esters) into a less toxic form. This activity can be functional in animals with low receptor activity on hepatocytes, as observed in untreated rats, or after diet-induced down-regulation of hepatocyte LDL receptors in other animals.  相似文献   

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