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The development of a bovine in vitro embryo production system where individual oocytes could be followed through to the morula or blastocyst stage would be of interest to several fields of study and would allow us to characterise developmentally competent oocytes and their corresponding follicular environment. Several studies have, however, reported significantly reduced embryo development when oocytes or embryos were cultured individually compared to in groups. The aim of this study was to establish such an embryo production system, with embryo development rates similar to that observed under control (grouped) conditions. This study showed that conservation of the oocyte/embryo medium densities generally employed for grouped culture does not facilitate embryo development if oocytes/embryos are cultured individually. However, individual oocytes could effectively undergo IVM/IVF/IVC to the expanded blastocyst stage with some small modifications to the standard protocol. Individual IVF was effective if carried out in either 100 μl of medium in wells or in 50 μl droplets. Individual IVC, if carried out in 10 or 20 μl droplets of SOF with FCS added at either 0 or 24 hr, was effective in terms of blastocyst yields but 20 μl droplets did yield significantly fewer hatched blastocysts compared to grouped controls (P < 0.05). An entirely individual embryo production system was effective when it included individual IVM in 10 μl droplets of M199 + 10 ng/ml EGF resulting in day 8 blastocyst yields not significantly different from controls (38% vs. 35% respectively). The use of 10% FCS during individual IVM appeared, at least under our experimental conditions, to be detrimental to subsequent development. The uses of an individual system for embryo production are many and varied. The results of this study show clearly that a large proportion of bovine oocytes can develop to the blastocyst stage when matured, fertilized, and cultured individually. This opens the way for studies regarding the quality of specific oocytes in such a way as will greatly improve our understanding of the events of late folliculogenesis. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the suitability of sex-sorted sperm for producing viable in vitro embryos for subsequent transfer into recipient cows and heifers on commercial dairy farms. From August 2002 to June 2003, ovaries were collected from 104 producer-nominated Holstein donor cows on seven Wisconsin farms via colpotomy or at slaughter. Oocytes (N=3526) were aspirated from these ovaries, fertilized 22+/-0.2h later, and cultured to the morula or blastocyst stage. The fluorescence-activated cell sorting ("Beltsville") approach was used to produce (primarily) X-bearing sperm from the ejaculates of three young Holstein sires, and 365 transferable embryos were produced. On average, 3.6+/-0.3 (means+/-S.E.M.) transferable embryos were produced per donor, including 1.4+/-0.2 (Grade 1), 1.5+/-0.2 (Grade 2), and 0.7+/-0.1 (Grade 3) embryos. Number of usable oocytes per donor (33.9+/-3.3) and percent cleavage (51.1+/-1.9) were significant predictors of the number of blastocysts that developed. Mean conception rates for the resulting in vitro embryos were 34.2+/-1.6% in yearling heifer recipients and 18.2+/-0.7% in lactating cow recipients. Additional oocytes (N=3312) from ovaries of anonymous donors (N unknown) collected at a commercial abattoir were fertilized using unsorted sperm, and the percentage of these that developed to blastocyst stage (20.1+/-2.9) was greater (P<0.05) than the corresponding percentage (12.2+/-2.3) achieved with sex-sorted sperm using oocytes (N=1577) from the same source. In summary, we inferred that in vitro embryo production may be a promising application of sex-sorted sperm in dairy cattle breeding, but that the biological causes of impaired embryo development in vitro and compromised conception rates of transferred embryos should be further investigated.  相似文献   

The effect of treatment of donor cattle with progestagen and oestradiol or FSH on in vivo oocyte recovery and in vitro embryo production was studied. Forty-eight beefxFriesian cows formed eight replicates of six treatments in a 2 (no steroid versus steroid)x3 (none, single or multiple dose(s) of FSH) factorial design in which follicles were aspirated once weekly for 3 weeks. Oocytes were graded, washed, matured for 20-24h and then inseminated with frozen/thawed semen from a single sire followed by coculture on granulosa cell monolayers.Treatment with steroid had no significant effect on any follicular, oocyte or embryo production variate other than to reduce the number (P<0.05) and the diameter of large follicles>10mm (P<0.01) present at aspiration. FSH increased numbers of medium (6-10mm) and large follicles (P<0.01) and there was a corresponding decrease in the number of small follicles (2-5mm; P<0. 01). The total number of follicles at aspiration increased from 17. 7+/-1.60 for animals not treated with FSH to 23.6+/-1.97 following multiple dose treatment with FSH (P<0.05). Significantly, more follicles were aspirated following FSH treatment (no FSH 9.7+/-1.09, single dose FSH 13.6+/-1.30, multiple dose FSH 17.3+/-1.52; P<0.05) and numbers of oocytes recovered per cow per week increased (no FSH 4.1+/-0.76, single dose FSH 5.3+/-0.87, multiple dose FSH 5.9+/-0. 94) but the differences were not significant. Significantly, more good oocytes (Category 1) were recovered from animals treated with FSH (P<0.05). There was no overall significant effect of FSH on embryo production rate or the total number of transferable embryos produced but the number of transferable embryos was highest following administration of multiple doses of FSH.In conclusion, progestagen plus oestradiol 17beta treatment did not affect follicle, oocyte and embryo production of oocyte donors aspirated once per week. FSH treatment, however, significantly increased the number of follicles aspirated and Category 1 oocytes recovered. Multiple dose administration of FSH resulted in the production of the highest number of transferable embryos but this effect was not significant.  相似文献   

In vitro production of embryos in swine.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In recent years, progress has been achieved in the production of pig embryos through IVM and IVF techniques. Cytoplasmic maturation of oocytes has been improved by modifications to IVM procedures. However, the historical problem of polyspermic penetration still remains a major issue to be solved. Recent studies indicate that the type of IVF medium and certain modifications to that medium can reduce polyspermy. Efforts should be directed to increase the developmental competence and quality of embryos. At present, many embryo culture (EC) media are available that can overcome the historical 4-cell block and support development of early in vivo derived embryos to the blastocyst stage. In contrast, blastocyst development of in vitro produced embryos in these culture media varies significantly. Furthermore, morphology and cell numbers in in vitro produced blastocysts are inferior to their in vivo counterparts. However, several modifications to EC techniques have improved embryo quality and developmental competence. Testing embryo viability through surgical transfer to recipient animals has resulted in acceptable pregnancy rates with moderate litter sizes. Although reliable in vitro systems are available for the generation of pig embryos, the problem of polyspermy and poor embryo development hamper their large-scale implementation. Further research efforts should be directed to improve oocyte/embryo quality and the methods to minimize polyspermy through development of novel IVM, IVF, and EC techniques.  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were to compare (1) Holstein-Friesian heifers versus early postpartum lactating cows, and (2) different age categories of crossbred beef heifers versus cows, in terms of oocyte yield, morphological quality and developmental competence. Four experiments were designed to test the associated hypotheses. In Experiment 1, ovum pick up was carried out twice weekly for a period of 5 weeks on Holstein-Friesian heifers (n = 8) and early postpartum cows (n = 8). Oocytes were submitted to in vitro maturation (IVM), fertilization and culture. Significantly more follicles were punctured on the ovaries of heifers than cows (10.4 versus 7.8, P < 0.001). This was reflected in a significantly higher number of total oocytes (4.7 versus 2.8, P < 0.001) and grade 1-2 oocytes recovered/animal from heifers than from cows (3.0 versus 1.8, P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in the percentage of oocytes cleaving after fertilization, or in the percentage reaching the blastocyst stage between heifers and cows. In Experiment 2, oocytes were obtained by manual aspiration from the ovaries of slaughtered crossbred beef heifers (under 30 months, n = 1241) and cows (over 4 years old, n = 1125), and processed in vitro as above. No significant difference was observed between the two groups in terms of the number of aspirated follicles or oocytes recovered. A significantly higher proportion (P < 0.01) of cow oocytes than heifer oocytes reached the blastocyst stage (Day 8: 46.5% versus 33.4%). In Experiment 3, ovaries were separated according to age of heifer into three groups: (1) 12-18 months, (2) 19-24 months and (3) 25-30 months, and compared with cow oocytes. There was no significant difference in the blastocyst yield between the different age groups of heifers. Irrespective of heifer age, the blastocyst yield on Day 8 was significantly lower than that from cow oocytes (35.0, 35.2, 36.5 and 48.3%, respectively, P < 0.05). In Experiment 4, a significantly higher proportion (P < 0.001) of presumptive zygotes derived from abattoir-derived cow oocytes reached the blastocyst stage following culture in vivo in the ewe oviduct than those derived from heifer oocytes (Day 8: 53.1% versus 25.2% for cow and heifer oocytes, respectively). In conclusion, the origin of the oocyte has a significant impact on its subsequent developmental potential. These results would suggest that in an in vitro production system, cow oocytes should be preferentially used over those from heifers in order to maximize blastocyst development.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the overall process of in vitro production and cryopreservation of bovine embryos in Belgium. Three laboratories are involved in this field, one at the University of Liège, one at the University of Ghent and ours at the University of Louvain-La-Neuve. Each one uses this technology as a tool to reach different goals. This paper refers mainly to the work done in Louvain-La-Neuve. Oocytes are obtained by punction of 2-4 mm follicles on slaughtered cow ovaries. They are matured in hormone-supplemented TCM199 containing 10% heat-treated fetal calf serum. In vitro fertilization by Percoll-selected spermatozoa is followed by in vitro culture in oviduct-conditioned medium for 7-9 days. Six calves have been born from in vitro produced blastocysts. Recently, full development was obtained in conditioned medium without protein supplementation. This finding will allow further investigations on oviduct/embryo molecular communication and research of oviduct-secreted embryotrophic proteins which were impaired in previous culture systems using serum-supplemented media. In vitro produced blastocysts were frozen-thawed and non-surgically transferred: 7/19 recipients remained pregnant beyond 2 months. Embryo loss was high between day 21 and 35 (31%).  相似文献   

Hoshi H 《Theriogenology》2003,59(2):675-685
This review introduces newly developed serum-free media (IVD101 and IVMD101), that are effective for producing high yields of transferable embryos of good quality from in vitro-matured and -fertilized oocytes. Both serum-free media produced better results than serum-containing medium, including increased rates of blastocyst formation, post-thaw embryo viability, and pregnancy after transfer. In addition, reduced risks of calf mortality and large calf syndrome were also observed for the serum-free-derived embryos. Serum-derived embryos contained a large number of lipid droplets and immature mitochondria in their cytoplasm that may account for the lower production of transferable embryos and poor embryo quality. A non-invasive technique using scanning electrochemical microscopy was successful in quantitatively measuring oxygen consumption of single embryos. This technique may prove to be reliable for predicting embryo viability and subsequent developmental ability.  相似文献   

Recovery of oocytes from ovaries collected at slaughter was carried out at three ambient temperatures (25 degrees, 30 degrees and 35 degrees C) to assess the effect on subsequent embryonic production in vitro. Oocytes recovered at each temperature were thereafter maintained at temperatures > or =35 degrees C as they were subjected to in vitro maturation, fertilization and culture (IVM/IVF/IVC). The oocytes and resulting embryos within each temperature group were subsequently evaluated for their rates of fertilization, cleavage and development to blastocysts, as well as for the number of cells/blastocyst. The results demonstrate that exposure of cumulus-ocyte-complexes (COCs) to temperatures below 35 degrees C during oocyte recovery is detrimental to optimal embryo production. Although the fertilization and cleavage rates of oocytes recovered at temperatures below 35 degrees C were not significantly lower than that of the controls, the percentage of oocytes recovered at 35 degrees C that developed to the blastocyst stage following fertilization and culture (33.7%) was significantly greater than those from oocytes recovered at either 25 degrees C (22.4%) or 30 degrees C (19.5%). The mean numbers of blastomeres/embryo were significantly lower in embryos derived from oocytes collected at either 25 degrees or 30 degrees compared with those collected at 35 degrees C. The results of this study suggest that exposure of COCs to temperatures below 35 degrees C during oocyte recovery may significantly decrease both the quantity and quality of embryos produced by in vitro methods.  相似文献   

The effects of frequency of follicular aspiration and treatment of donor cattle with FSH on in vivo oocyte recovery and in vitro embryo production were studied. Simmental heifers (n = 24) formed 8 replicates of 3 treatments in which oocyte donors were aspirated 1) once a week, 2) twice a week, or 3) once a week following treatment with FSH for 3 d prior to aspiration. Oocytes were graded, washed, matured for 20 to 24 h and then inseminated with frozen/thawed semen from a single sire, followed by co-culture on granulosa cell layers. Embryo development was observed until Day 7 after insemination. Significantly fewer follicles per heifer per week were counted (14.7+/-2.3 vs. 27.4+/-3.1 vs. 23.1+/-2.8) and aspirated (12.0+/-2.0 vs. 21.8+/-2.7 vs. 20.1+/-2.6) in heifers on the once-weekly than twice-weekly aspiration treatment (P<0.01) or on the once-weekly aspiration after FSH treatment (P<0.05). There were no significant differences between treatments in the total number of oocytes recovered per week (5.6+/-1.2 vs. 8.9+/-1.5 vs. 6.1+/-1.2), but significantly more oocytes per heifer per week recovered from animals treated with FSH were graded Category 1 (2.8+/-0.4), i.e., >4 layers good cumulus with a clear, even cytoplasm, than from animals aspirated once (0.9+/-0.2; P<0.01) or twice a week (1.5+/-0.3; P<0.05). The number of transferable morulae plus blastocysts produced per heifer per week was higher from animals aspirated twice a week (2.4+/-0.4; P<0.05) or once a week following FSH treatment (2.1+/-0.4; P<0.05) than from animals aspirated once a week without FSH treatment (1.0+/-0.3). In conclusion, FSH treatment of bovine oocyte donors aspirated once a week enabled a similar number of transferable embryos to be produced per donor week as aspiration twice a week without FSH treatment. These 2 treatments produced twice as many transferable embryos per donor week as aspiration once a week without FSH treatment.  相似文献   

Published data on in vitro stimulation of oocyte maturation and ovulation by gonadotropic and steroid hormones in different teleost species are reviewed. The involvement of meiosis-inducing steroids, eicosanoids, and nuclear progestogen receptor in the mechanism of ovulation induction is considered.  相似文献   

In vitro production of pig embryos: comparisons of culture media and boars   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The utilization of in vitro produced pig embryos for commercial production or research is dependent upon the development of improved methodology. Our objective was to establish a consistent in vitro embryo production (IVP) system and subsequently utilize the procedures to evaluate culture system components and boar effects. To summarize the IVP system, 403 inseminated oocytes from a total of 2243 were analyzed across 17 replicates for maturation and fertilization efficiency, while 1838 zygotes were cultured in 26 replicates for developmental data. Penetration, cleavage and blastocyst development rates were determined at 18, 44 and either 144 or 168 h post insemination, respectively. Monospermic penetration averaged 31.8+/-7.3% while polyspermy was 30.8+/-17.2%. Cleavage rate was 44.9+/-16.1%, with 21.8+/-7.5% of fertilized oocytes and 51.9+/-15.9% of cleaved embryos developing to blastocysts. For culture medium comparison, fertilized oocytes were cultured in either BECM-6, BECM-7, NCSU-23 or NCSU-23aa and supplemented on Day 5 post insemination (pi) with 10% FCS. These treatments resulted in 4.0, 4.9, 19.8 and 13.6% (+/-3.2%) blastocysts by Day 7 pi, with an average cell number of 44.4+/-9.0, 65.1+/-8.2, 61.3+/-4.5 and 64.4+/-4.8, respectively. These IVP procedures consistently produced zygotes from semen of several different boars, capable of forming blastocysts in vitro. Comparison of developmental rates among the boars indicated that this system is variable among boars but not strictly boar-dependent. Culture media comparisons suggest that NCSU-23 yielded a higher percentage of blastocysts than the other media in this IVP system.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined the importance of the time during which oocytes are left in the ovaries following animal slaughter. The objective of this study was to determine the optimal time for retrieving oocytes after slaughter and to ascertain if superovulating cows in association with this optimal time could increase the developmental competence of bovine oocytes. In Experiment 1, oocytes were left in the postmortem ovaries for 2,3,4,5,6 or 7 h and were then transported to the laboratory at approximately 30 degrees C. Recovered oocytes were processed in vitro using standard techniques. In Experiment 2, cyclic heifers (n = 18) were superovulated between Days 8 and 12 of the estrous cycle with 8 constant doses (4 mg each, twice daily) or 8 decreasing doses (2 injections of 4,3,2 and 1 mg every 12 h) of FSH-P +/- 1 mg prostaglandin 24 or 48 h before slaughter. Oocytes were left in the ovaries for 4 h and were classified according to the state of their cumulus and cytoplasm. The results indicated that oocytes aspirated from ovaries collected 4 h after slaughter produced significantly more > or =64-cell embryos after 7 d of in vitro development than those collected 2, 6 or 7 h postslaughter. Oocytes (87%) from superovulated animals had numerous layers of cumulus cells and originated from medium (2.7 to 8 mm) and large (> or =8 mm) follicles. Significantly more oocytes developed from large follicles than from medium follicles. Although individual culture of the oocytes negatively affected the percentage of embryos produced, group culture of oocytes from animals that were superovulated and left in the postmortem ovaries for 4 h resulted in exceptionally high rates of embryos after 5 d of IVD. On average, 60 to 80% of 16-cell embryos were produced, indicating that under the proper conditions, developmental competence is acquired before in vitro maturation.  相似文献   

Assisted reproductive technologies in the llama (Lama glama) are needed to provide alternative methods for the propagation, selection and genetic improvement; however, recovery of adequate quantity and quality of spermatozoa for conventional IVF is problematic. Therefore, an effort was made to adapt the intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) procedure for the in vitro production of llama embryos. The specific objectives of this study were: (1) to determine in vitro maturation rates of oocytes recovered by transvaginal ultrasound-guided oocyte aspiration (TUGA) or flank laparotomy; (2) to evaluate the effects of activation treatments following ICSI; (3) to evaluate the development of llama ICSI embryos in CR1aa medium or in an oviduct cell co-culture system. Llamas were superstimulated by double dominant follicle reduction followed by oFSH administered in daily descending doses over a 3-day interval. Oocytes were harvested by flank laparotomy or TUGA and matured in vitro for 30 h. Mature oocytes were subjected to ICSI followed by no chemical activation (Treatment A), ionomycin only (Treatment B) or ionomycin/DMAP activation (Treatment C). More oocytes were recovered by flank laparotomy procedure compared with TUGA (94% versus 61%, P<0.05) and a greater number of oocytes harvested by flank laparotomy reached the metaphase-II stage (77% versus 44%, P<0.05). After ICSI, the proportion of cleaved and 4-8-cell stages embryos was significantly greater when injected oocytes were activated with ionomycin/DMAP combination (63% and 38%, respectively, P<0.05). The co-culture of ICSI embryos with llama oviduct epithelial cells resulted in progression to morula (25%) and blastocyst (12%) stages; whereas, all embryos cultured in CR1aa medium arrested at the 8-16-cell developmental stage.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of different types of microinjections, such as the mechanical damage to cytoplasmic and nuclear membranes of the zygote and the injection of various gene-engineering constructs or buffer solutions into the cytoplasm or the pronucleus, on the preimplantation of murine embryos (CBA x x C57BL)F1. The survival rate of the embryos was estimated by their capacity to develop in vitro to the blastocyst or hatched blastocyst stages. Puncture of the cytoplasm using a microneedle and injection of buff or foreign DNA did not affect the zygotes capacity for further in vitro development. But, the puncture of the pronucleus and microinjection of gene-engineering constructs or buffer into it reliably decreased the survival rate of embryos, as compared to the control. The differences were found in the capacity of murine zygotes for in vitro development after injection with gene-engineering constructs.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the possibility of using F1 crossbreed cattle (Holstein x Zebu) as donors of oocytes for in vitro fertilization (IVF) and for pronuclear gene microinjection into in vitro-produced embryos. In the first part of the experiment oocytes from Bos taurus (Holstein), Bos indicus (Zebu) and F1 crossbred Bos taurus x Bos indicus (Holstein x Zebu) genotypes were inseminated with Bos taurus (Holstein) semen and were allocated for in vitro embryo production using conventional IVF procedures. No differences were observed on the in vitro maturation (IVM) rates between breeds (Holstein x Holstein:85%, Zebu x Holstein:84% and Zebu x Holstein x Holstein:88%). Holstein cows yielded the highest number of cumulus oocyte complexes (6.8 per ovary) for in vitro maturation, differing (P<0.05) from Zebu x Holstein and Zebu x Holstein x Holstein F1 by 5.1 and 5.8, respectively. However, the Holstein breed also yielded the lowest percentage of cleavage (45.1 vs 71.9% for Zebu x Holstein and 65.1% for Zebu x Holstein x Holstein). Of the 3 genotypes, the hybrid F1 breed was the most efficient source of oocytes for the production of embryos capable of reaching morulae and blastocyst stages (76 250 ; P< 0.001). In the second part of the study, 599 oocytes from the F1 breed were fertilized in vitro, 1 group of 150 oocytes was used for the determination of the optimal pronuclear visualization period. The highest number of oocytes with 2 pronuclei was observed between 24 to 28 h after IVF (27 to 42%). The remaining 399 oocytes were microinjected with a gene construct bearing the bacterial lacZ gene as the reporter for gene expression. Survival of embryos to microinjection was 73.8%, and 45.5% of them (50 110 ) cleaved in culture. Of the microinjected embryos, 1 out of 50 showed beta-galactosidase activity. These findings indicate that a tropical crossbreed of cattle (Zebu x Holstein x Holstein) can be used as a source of oocytes for IVF programs and gene microinjection studies.  相似文献   

Development of new technology related to in vitro embryo production has allowed for the commercial use of this method of reproduction. In the present work, we evaluate the efficiency of this technology compared with conventional embryo production based on results obtained with a standard procedure, including the sexing of embryos. The donor animals were mature nonlactating dairy cows (n = 92) kept under a constant environment and feeding program in an ET center. Ultrasound guided transvaginal ovum pick-up following 48 h pre-treatment with FSH has been used for the IVF-IVC protocol. A total of 437 oocyte recovery sessions performed on 92 cows yielded 4145 oocytes, which were used in an IVF-IVC protocol. Using the conventional approach, 156 embryo collections on 49 cows yielded 1652 ova and embryos. All Quality 1 and 2 embryos were sexed by a PCR procedure, and embryos of the desired sex were transferred to synchronized recipients located at the center. The results obtained in the IVF protocol showed that 4 oocyte collections per cow performed within 60 d, yielded 38 oocytes, which resulted in 18.8 viable embryos, of which 7.05 were female. After transfer of the female embryos, an average of 3.8 recipients were pregnant at 60 d. One embryo collection under the conventional approach yielded an average of 1.2 female pregnancies, which was confirmed during the same 60-d time period. These results indicate that IVF procedures can effectively replace conventional embryo production methods when a predetermined number of pregnancies of known sex are needed within a short period of time.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybrid embryos are useful models for the study of maternal-fetal interactions, transmission pattern of species-specific markers and parental contributions to growth and developmental potential of pre-attachment embryos. In an attempt to investigate the possibility of producing hybrid embryos of domestic cattle (Bos taurus) and water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), cattle oocytes were exposed to buffalo sperm and buffalo oocytes were exposed to cattle sperm and the cleavage rate and the post-fertilisation features of hybrid embryos up to the blastocyst stage were compared with those of buffalo and cattle embryos. The cleavage rate in buffalo oocytes exposed to cattle sperm was low (40.8%), with only 8.8% of these hybrid embryos reaching the blastocyst stage. Cattle oocytes exposed to buffalo sperm showed 86.3% cleavage, while 25.9% of these attained the blastocyst stage. The speed of development of both types of hybrids was intermediate between that of cattle and buffalo embryos, with hatching occurring on day 7.5 in hybrid embryos, day 8-9 in cattle and day 7 in buffalo. The proportions of cells contributing to the trophectoderm and the inner cell mass were closer to those of the maternal species in both types of hybrid embryos. Our results indicate that cattle-water buffalo hybrid embryos produced using inter species gametes are capable of developing to advanced blastocyst stages and that their in vitro fate, and developmental potential, are influenced by the origin of the oocyte.  相似文献   

Appreciable progress has been made in the development of assisted reproductive technology (ART) for creating in vitro embryos in cats. Moreover, the extent of advancement in the last decade has been similar, albeit of more modest magnitude, to that seen in some other domestic and laboratory species, particularly when the disparities in financial, and, hence, scientific, resources are considered. The recent progress in domestic felid ART has made it possible to envisage their potential role in supporting the conservation of endangered felid species, which, in reality, is a multifarious process requiring wide-ranging, yet coordinated approaches. The prospect of incorporating ART into that intricate domain, with limited exceptions, remains a long-term, but highly motivating objective. Meanwhile, the straightforward accessibility and abundant supply of domestic cat gametes from local veterinary clinics provides a valuable and practical source of material for further research on the basic aspects of in vitro oocyte maturation, fertilization and early embryo development. Furthermore, extrapolating the domestic biotechniques to non-domestic felids has produced encouraging results in some species.  相似文献   

Ultrasound-guided transvaginal follicular aspiration of oocytes from live cows combined with IVM, IVF and in vitro culture (IVC) is a procedure for producing preimplantation-stage bovine embryos and a source of oocytes for pronuclear microinjection of DNA for producing transgenic cattle. This experiment was designed to compare in vitro embryo development rates between oocytes derived from transvaginal follicular aspiration and those obtained from cows at slaughter. Nine cows were subject to a twice-weekly aspiration. Oocytes were aspirated with a 5 MHz ultrasound transducer packaged in a vaginal probe equipped with a dorsal-mounted needle guide (16-ga). All visible follicles (>2 mm) were punctured with a 17-ga, 55-cm needle at each aspiration session and the contents removed under vacuum suction. Oocytes underwent IVM/IVF/IVC. Microinjection of DNA was performed during the pronuclear stage of development, and the zygotes were co-cultured on Buffalo Rat Liver (BRL) cells in modified M199 at 39 degrees C in 5% CO2 and air. After 7 d in culture, embryos were removed and scored for development. A Chi-square analysis was used to compare transvaginal follicular-derived oocytes (microinjected and not) and slaughterhouse-derived, matured in transit oocytes (SHDMT; microinjected and not). Nonmicroinjected embryos resulting from IVF of transvaginal aspiration-derived oocytes developed to blastocysts at a higher rate than SHDMT oocytes (40.0 vs 30.8%; P < 0.05). There was no difference in development rates between the microinjected groups (aspiration = 15.9% vs SHDMT = 12.8%). Higher proportions of the embryos generated from the aspirated oocytes were of excellent or good quality following culture (P < 0.05). In the present experiments the effects of microinjection may overshadow some effects of ova source, but transvaginal follicular aspiration may provide a more consistent, synchronous population of oocytes than those derived from commercial slaughter house sources for use with in vitro systems.  相似文献   

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