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The F plasmid TraI protein (DNA helicase I) plays an essential role in conjugative DNA transfer as both a transesterase and a helicase. Previous work has shown that the 192-kDa TraI protein is a highly processive helicase, catalytically separating >850 bp under steady-state conditions. In this report, we examine the kinetic mechanism describing DNA unwinding of TraI. The kinetic step size of TraI was measured under both single turnover and pre-steady-state conditions. The resulting kinetic step-size estimate was approximately 6-8 bp step(-1). TraI can separate double-stranded DNA at a rate of approximately 1100 bp s(-1), similar to the measured unwinding rate of the RecBCD helicase, and appears to dissociate very slowly from the 3' terminus following translocation and strand-separation events. Analyses of pre-steady-state burst amplitudes indicate that TraI can function as a monomer, similar to the bacteriophage T4 helicase, Dda. However, unlike Dda, TraI is a highly processive monomeric helicase, making it unique among the DNA helicases characterized thus far.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli dam adenine-N6 methyltransferase modifies DNA at GATC sequences. It is involved in post-replicative mismatch repair, control of DNA replication and gene regulation. We show that E. coli dam acts as a functional monomer and methylates only one strand of the DNA in each binding event. The preferred way of ternary complex assembly is that the enzyme first binds to DNA and then to S-adenosylmethionine. The enzyme methylates an oligonucleotide containing two dam sites and a 879 bp PCR product with four sites in a fully processive reaction. On lambda-DNA comprising 48,502 bp and 116 dam sites, E. coli dam scans 3000 dam sites per binding event in a random walk, that on average leads to a processive methylation of 55 sites. Processive methylation of DNA considerably accelerates DNA methylation. The highly processive mechanism of E. coli dam could explain why small amounts of E. coli dam are able to maintain the methylation state of dam sites during DNA replication. Furthermore, our data support the general rule that solitary DNA methyltransferase modify DNA processively whereas methyltransferases belonging to a restriction-modification system show a distributive mechanism, because processive methylation of DNA would interfere with the biological function of restriction-modification systems.  相似文献   

A site- and strand-specific nick, introduced in the F plasmid origin of transfer, initiates conjugal DNA transfer during bacterial conjugation. Recently, molecular genetic studies have suggested that DNA helicase I, which is known to be encoded on the F plasmid, may be involved in this nicking reaction (Traxler, B. A., and Minkley, E. G., Jr. (1988) J. Mol. Biol. 204, 205-209). We have demonstrated this site- and strand-specific nicking event using purified helicase I in an in vitro reaction. The nicking reaction requires a superhelical DNA substrate containing the F plasmid origin of transfer, Mg2+ and helicase I. The reaction is protein concentration-dependent but, under the conditions used, only 50-70% of the input DNA substrate is converted to the nicked species. Genetic data (Everett, R., and Willetts, N. (1980) J. Mol. Biol. 136, 129-150) have also suggested the involvement of a second F-encoded protein, the TraY protein, in the oriT nicking reaction. Unexpectedly, the in vitro nicking reaction does not require the product of the F plasmid traY gene. The implications of this result are discussed. The phosphodiester bond interrupted by helicase I has been shown to correspond exactly to the site nicked in vivo suggesting that helicase I is the site- and strand-specific nicking enzyme that initiates conjugal DNA transfer. Thus, helicase I is a bifunctional protein which catalyzes site- and strand-strand specific nicking of the F plasmid in addition to the previously characterized duplex DNA unwinding (helicase) reaction.  相似文献   

The MER3 protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required for crossover in meiosis and has been suggested to act at the initiation of homologous pairing and the resolution of Holliday junctions. The purified MER3 protein is a DNA helicase that translocates along single-stranded DNA in the 3' to 5' direction displacing annealed DNA fragments. Here, MER3 was found to be able to unwind various double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) substrates, including a 30-bp dsDNA with a 20-nucleotide 3'-overhang, a 30-bp dsDNA with a 20-nucleotide 5'-overhang, a 50-bp dsDNA with blunt ends, and a Holliday junction with 25-bp arms, each of which had a blunt end. Efficient unwinding of the 3'-overhang substrate appeared to initiate by the binding of MER3 to the 3' single-stranded tail in a reaction that required six or more unpaired bases. Unwinding of the blunt end and 5'-overhang substrates appeared to initiate at the blunt ends of these substrates. Unwinding of the Holliday junction was more efficient than the unwinding of the blunt and 5'-overhang substrates and was influenced by Mg(2+) concentrations that cause changes in the structure of the junction. Possible roles for Holliday junction unwinding in meiotic crossover are discussed.  相似文献   

The gene for Escherichia coli rep helicase (rep protein) was subcloned in a pBR plasmid and the protein overproduced in cells transformed with the hybrid DNA. The effect of purified enzyme on strand unwinding and DNA replication was investigated by electron microscopy. The templates used were partial duplexes of viral DNA from bacteriophage fd::Tn5 and reannealed DNA from bacteriophage Mu. The experiments with the two DNA species show DNA unwinding uncoupled from replication. The single-stranded phage fd::Tn5 DNA with the inverted repeat of transposon Tn5 could be completely replicated in the presence of the E. coli enzymes rep helicase, DNA binding protein I, RNA polymerase and DNA polymerase III holoenzyme. A block in the unwinding step increases secondary initiation events in single-stranded parts of the template, as DNA polymerase III holoenzyme cannot switch across the stem structure of the transposon.  相似文献   

The gene product of F tral is a bifunctional protein which nicks and unwinds the F plasmid during conjugal DNA transfer. Further biochemical characterization of the Tral protein reveals that it has a second, much lower, Km for ATP hydrolysis, in addition to that previously identified. Measurement of the single-stranded DNA-stimulated ATPase rate indicates that there is co-operative interaction between the enzyme monomers for maximal activity. Furthermore, 18O-exchange experiments indicate that Tral protein hydrolyses ATP with, at most, a low-level reversal of the hydrolytic step during each turnover.  相似文献   

We recently demonstrated that the RecBCD enzyme is a bipolar DNA helicase that employs two single-stranded DNA motors of opposite polarity to drive translocation and unwinding of duplex DNA. We hypothesized that this organization may explain the exceptionally high rate and processivity of DNA unwinding catalyzed by the RecBCD enzyme. Using a stopped-flow dye displacement assay for unwinding activity, we test this idea by analyzing mutant RecBCD enzymes in which either of the two helicase motors is inactivated by mutagenesis. Like the wild-type RecBCD enzyme, the two mutant proteins maintain the ability to bind tightly to blunt duplex DNA ends in the absence of ATP. However, the rate of forward translocation for the RecB motor-defective enzyme is only approximately 30% of the wild-type rate, whereas for the RecD motor-defective enzyme, it is approximately 50%. More significantly, the processivity of translocation is substantially reduced by approximately 25- and 6-fold for each mutant enzyme, respectively. Despite retaining the capacity to bind blunt dsDNA, the RecB-mutant enzyme has lost the ability to unwind DNA unless the substrate contains a short 5'-terminated single-stranded DNA overhang. The consequences of this observation for the architecture of the single-stranded DNA motors in the initiation complex are discussed.  相似文献   

DNA helicase I was purified in large quantity from Escherichia coli cells harboring a plasmid that carries the gene encoding helicase I--the traI gene of the F sex factor--cloned in a high copy number vector. Electron microscopic studies on the purified material reveal new properties of the enzyme protein.  相似文献   

TraI (DNA helicase I) is an Escherichia coli F plasmid-encoded protein required for bacterial conjugative DNA transfer. The protein is a sequence-specific DNA transesterase that provides the site- and strand-specific nick required to initiate DNA strand transfer and a 5' to 3' DNA helicase that unwinds the F plasmid to provide the single-stranded DNA that is transferred from donor to recipient. Sequence comparisons with other transesterases and helicases suggest that these activities reside in the N- and C-terminal regions of TraI, respectively. Computer-assisted secondary structure probability analysis identified a potential interdomain region spanning residues 304-309. Proteins encoded by segments of traI, whose N or C terminus either flanked or coincided with this region, were purified and assessed for catalytic activity. Amino acids 1-306 contain the transesterase activity, whereas amino acids 309-1504 contain the helicase activity. The C-terminal 252 amino acids of the 1756-amino acid TraI protein are not required for either helicase or transesterase activity. Protein and nucleic acid sequence similarity searches indicate that the occurrence of both transesterase- and helicase-associated motifs in a conjugative DNA transfer initiator protein is rare. Only two examples (other than R100 plasmid TraI) were found: R388 plasmid TrwC and R46 plasmid (pKM101) TraH, belonging to the IncW and IncN groups of broad host range conjugative plasmids, respectively. The most significant structural difference between these proteins and TraI is that TraI contains an additional region of approximately 650 residues between the transesterase domain and the helicase-associated motifs. This region is required for helicase activity.  相似文献   

The RNA helicase/protease NS3 plays a central role in the RNA replication of hepatitis C virus (HCV), a cytoplasmic RNA virus that represents a major worldwide health problem. NS3 is, therefore, an important drug target in the effort to combat HCV. Most work has focused on the protease, rather than the helicase, activities of the enzyme. In order to further characterize NS3 helicase activity, we evaluated individual stages of duplex unwinding by NS3 alone and in complex with cofactor NS4A. Despite a putative replicative role in RNA unwinding, we found that NS3 alone is a surprisingly poor helicase on RNA, but that RNA activity is promoted by cofactor NS4A. In contrast, NS3 alone is a highly processive helicase on DNA. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that this robust DNA helicase activity is not vestigial and may have specifically evolved in HCV. Given that HCV has no replicative DNA intermediate, these findings suggest that NS3 may have the capacity to affect host DNA.  相似文献   

DNA helicase I, encoded on the Escherichia coli F plasmid, catalyzes a site- and strand-specific nicking reaction within the F plasmid origin of transfer (oriT) to initiate conjugative DNA strand transfer. The product of the nicking reaction contains a single phosphodiester bond interruption as determined by single-nucleotide resolution mapping of both sides of the nick site. This analysis has demonstrated that the nick is located at precisely the same site previously shown to be nicked in vivo (T. L. Thompson, M. B. Centola, and R. C. Deonier, J. Mol. Biol. 207:505-512, 1989). In addition, studies with two oriT point mutants have confirmed the specificity of the in vitro reaction. Characterization of the nicked DNA product has revealed a modified 5' end and a 3' OH available for extension by E. coli DNA polymerase I. Precipitation of nicked DNA with cold KCl in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate suggests the existence of protein covalently attached to the nicked DNA molecule. The covalent nature of this interaction has been directly demonstrated by transfer of radiolabeled phosphate from DNA to protein. On the basis of these results, we propose that helicase I becomes covalently bound to the 5' end of the nicked DNA strand as part of the reaction mechanism for phosphodiester bond cleavage. A model is presented to suggest how helicase I could nick the F plasmid at oriT and subsequently unwind the duplex DNA to provide single-stranded DNA for strand transfer during bacterial conjugation.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli DNA helicases: mechanisms of DNA unwinding   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
DNA helicases are ubiquitous enzymes that catalyse the unwinding of duplex DNA during replication, recombination and repair. These enzymes have been studied extensively; however, the specific details of how any helicase unwinds duplex DNA are unknown. Although it is clear that not all helicases unwind duplex DNA in an identical way, many helicases possess similar properties, which are thus likely to be of general importance to their mechanism of action. For example, since helicases appear generally to be oligomeric enzymes, the hypothesis is presented in this review that the functionally active forms of DNA helicases are oligomeric. The oligomeric nature of helicases provides them with multiple DNA-binding sites, allowing the transient formation of ternary structures, such that at an unwinding fork, the helicase can bind either single-stranded and duplex DNA simultaneously or two strands of single-stranded DNA. Modulation of the relative affinities of these binding sites for single-stranded versus duplex DNA through ATP binding and hydrolysis would then provide the basis for a cycling mechanism for processive unwinding of DNA by helicases. The properties of the Escherichia coli DNA helicases are reviewed and possible mechanisms by which helicases might unwind duplex DNA are discussed in view of their oligomeric structures, with emphasis on the E. coli Rep, RecBCD and phage T7 gene 4 helicases.  相似文献   

The direction of the DNA-unwinding reaction catalysed by Escherichia coli DNA helicase II was studied using gapped linear DNA molecules with short duplex ends as substrate. The results suggest that DNA helicase II unwinds with 3'-5' polarity relative to the single strand of the DNA partial duplex. At high enzyme DNA ratio the enzyme also unwinds the duplex connected to the 3' end of the single strand and, as further studies show, fully duplex linear DNA. The fraction of DNA unwound decreases as the length of the duplex substrate increases. The preference of DNA helicase II for a short duplex can obscure the fact that the typical substrate is duplex connected to the 5' end of a single strand.  相似文献   

Rep protein and helicase IV, two DNA-dependent adenosine 5'-triphosphatases with helicase activity, have been purified from Escherichia coli and characterized. Both enzymes exhibit a distributive interaction with single-stranded DNA as DNA-dependent ATPases in a reaction that is relatively resistant to increasing NaCl concentration and sensitive to the addition of E. coli single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB). The helicase reaction catalyzed by each protein has been characterized using a direct unwinding assay and partial duplex DNA substrates. Both Rep protein and helicase IV catalyzed the unwinding of a duplex region 71 bp in length. However, unwinding of a 119-bp or 343-bp duplex region was substantially reduced compared to unwinding of the 71-bp substrate. At each concentration of protein examined, the number of base pairs unwound was greatest using the 71-bp substrate, intermediate with the 119-bp substrate and lowest using the 343-bp substrate. The addition of E. coli SSB did not increase the fraction of the 343-nucleotide fragment unwound by Rep protein. However, the addition of SSB did stimulate the unwinding reaction catalyzed by helicase IV approximately twofold. In addition, ionic strength conditions which stabilize duplex DNA (i.e. addition of MgCl2 or NaCl), markedly inhibited the helicase reaction catalyzed by either Rep protein or helicase IV while having little effect on the ATPase reaction. Thus, these two enzymes appear to share a common biochemical mechanism for unwinding duplex DNA which can be described as limited unwinding of duplex DNA. Taken together these data suggest that, in vitro, and in the absence of additional proteins, neither Rep protein nor helicase IV catalyzes a processive unwinding reaction.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli MutL loads DNA helicase II onto DNA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Previous studies have shown that MutL physically interacts with UvrD (DNA helicase II) (Hall, M. C., Jordan, J. R., and Matson, S. W. (1998) EMBO J. 17, 1535-1541) and dramatically stimulates the unwinding reaction catalyzed by UvrD in the presence and absence of the other protein components of the methyl-directed mismatch repair pathway (Yamaguchi, M., Dao, V., and Modrich, P. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 9197-9201). The mechanism of this stimulation was investigated using DNA binding assays, single-turnover helicase assays, and unwinding assays involving long duplex DNA substrates. The results indicate that MutL binds DNA and loads UvrD onto the DNA substrate. The interaction between MutL and DNA and that between MutL and UvrD are both important for stimulation of UvrD-catalyzed unwinding. MutL does not clamp UvrD onto the substrate; and therefore, the processivity of unwinding is not increased in the presence of MutL. The implications of these results are discussed, and models are presented for the mechanism of MutL stimulation as well as for the role of MutL as a master coordinator in the methyl-directed mismatch repair pathway.  相似文献   

Helicases are thought to function as oligomers (generally dimers or hexamers). Here we demonstrate that although Escherichia coli DNA helicase II (UvrD) is capable of dimerization as evidenced by a positive interaction in the yeast two-hybrid system, gel filtration chromatography, and equilibrium sedimentation ultracentrifugation (Kd = 3.4 microM), the protein is active in vivo and in vitro as a monomer. A mutant lacking the C-terminal 40 amino acids (UvrDDelta40C) failed to dimerize and yet was as active as the wild-type protein in ATP hydrolysis and helicase assays. In addition, the uvrDDelta40C allele fully complemented the loss of helicase II in both methyl-directed mismatch repair and excision repair of pyrimidine dimers. Biochemical inhibition experiments using wild-type UvrD and inactive UvrD point mutants provided further evidence for a functional monomer. This investigation provides the first direct demonstration of an active monomeric helicase, and a model for DNA unwinding by a monomer is presented.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli dnaB replication protein is a DNA helicase   总被引:55,自引:0,他引:55  
Genetic and biochemical analyses indicate that the Escherichia coli dnaB replication protein functions in the propagation of replication forks in the bacterial chromosome. We have found that the dnaB protein is a DNA helicase that is capable of unwinding extensive stretches of double-stranded DNA. We constructed a partially duplex DNA substrate, containing two preformed forks of single-stranded DNA, which was used to characterize this helicase activity. The dnaB helicase depends on the presence of a hydrolyzable ribonucleoside triphosphate, is maximally stimulated by a combination of E. coli single-stranded DNA-binding protein and E. coli primase, is inhibited by antibody directed against dnaB protein, and is inhibited by prior coating of the single-stranded regions of the helicase substrate with the E. coli single-stranded DNA-binding protein. It was determined that the dnaB protein moves 5' to 3' along single-stranded DNA, apparently in a processive fashion. To invade the duplex portion of the helicase substrate, the dnaB protein requires a 3'-terminal extension of single-stranded DNA in the strand to which it is not bound. Under optimal conditions at 30 degrees C, greater than 1 kilobase pair of duplex DNA can be unwound within 30 s. Based on these findings and other available data, we propose that the dnaB protein is the primary replicative helicase of E. coli and that it actively and processively migrates along the lagging strand template, serving both to unwind the DNA duplex in advance of the leading strand and to potentiate synthesis by the bacterial primase of RNA primers for the nascent (Okazaki) fragments of the lagging strand.  相似文献   

A DNA helicase activity gel was developed based on the assumption that DNA helicases could unwind double-stranded DNA in a polyacrylamide matrix. The production of single-stranded DNA was detected by staining the activity gel with acridine orange and visualizing the gel under long-wave UV light. The products of DNA helicase activities appeared as red bands within a green fluorescent background. A novel DNA helicase, called helicase IV, was detected in crude extracts of Escherichia coli with the use of the helicases activity gel assay. The new DNA helicase was purified to near homogeneity. The chromatographic properties and the sequence of its 11 amino-terminal residues proved that helicase IV was distinct from all of the previously described DNA helicases from E. coli.  相似文献   

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