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Forty-four undergraduate students enrolled in a psychology course entitled "Biofeedback and Self-Regulation" over a period of three semesters. Twenty percent of each student's grade in the course was derived from the level of self-regulation skills, as measured in an individual performance examination. Results show students can develop impressive self-regulation skills in a course format. Results also indicate that the performance examination measures abilities which are altogether different from those utilized in written examinations.  相似文献   

《Biochemical education》1999,27(3):131-134
We describe a novel course in first year undergraduate practical biology, which introduces students to the principles and practice of a variety of biological techniques. In addition, students develop conceptual skills in experimental design, problem solving, gathering and analysis of data and report writing. The course provides a theoretical foundation and repeated practice of a range of laboratory tasks. Students proceed to higher levels of study with experience in the application and use of basic spectrophotometry and light microscopy, the estimation of unknowns from standard curves, volumetric work including the performance of serial dilutions, and gram stains and the maintenance of bacterial cultures. The unit content can be modified to suit specific curriculums without loss of efficiency or impact.  相似文献   

The topic of psychoactive drugs is one of inherent interest to college students. We used this insight to design and implement a multidisciplinary undergraduate course with psychoactive drugs as the central theme. The Medical Science of Psychoactive Drugs examines the biological mechanisms underlying all major effects of psychoactive drugs, including the effects on the brain and other organs and tissues. Physiological principles, molecular mechanisms, and genetic factors involved in drug-induced therapeutic and adverse effects are emphasized. The course is open to undergraduate students at all levels and carries no prerequisites, and enrollment is limited to approximately 50 students. Major teaching modes include lecture, short homework papers on topics related to the previous class meeting, small-group discussions at several points during each class, and whole class discussions. Because of the diversity of students' knowledge of basic science, we employ a variety of methods designed to help students grasp the necessary scientific concepts. Our methods are intended to be inquiry based and highly interactive. Our goals are 1) to foster the development of an organized knowledge base about psychoactive drugs that will have practical applicability in the daily lives of the students; 2) to promote the rational application of this knowledge in thinking about current medical, social, legal, and ethical issues involving psychoactive drugs; and 3) to cultivate science literacy, critical thinking, and communication skills among students.  相似文献   

Physiology is often considered a challenging course for students. It is up to teachers to structure courses and create learning opportunities that will increase the chance of student success. In an undergraduate exercise physiology course, concept maps are assigned to help students actively process and organize information into manageable and meaningful chunks and to teach them to recognize the patterns and regularities of physiology. Students are first introduced to concept mapping with a commonly relatable nonphysiology concept and are then assigned a series of maps that become more and more complex. Students map the acute response to a drop in blood pressure, the causes of the acute increase in stroke volume during cardiorespiratory exercise, and the factors contributing to an increase in maximal O(2) consumption with cardiorespiratory endurance training. In the process, students draw the integrative nature of physiology, identify causal relationships, and learn about general models and core principles of physiology.  相似文献   



The rapidly evolving discipline of biological and biomedical engineering requires adaptive instructional approaches that teach students to target and solve multi-pronged and ill-structured problems at the cutting edge of scientific research. Here we present a modular approach to designing a lab-based course in the emerging field of biofabrication and biological design, leading to a final capstone design project that requires students to formulate and test a hypothesis using the scientific method.


Students were assessed on a range of metrics designed to evaluate the format of the course, the efficacy of the format for teaching new topics and concepts, and the depth of the contribution this course made to students training for biological engineering careers. The evaluation showed that the problem-based format of the course was well suited to teaching students how to use the scientific method to investigate and uncover the fundamental biological design rules that govern the field of biofabrication.


We show that this approach is an efficient and effective method of translating emergent scientific principles from the lab bench to the classroom and training the next generation of biological and biomedical engineers for careers as researchers and industry practicians.

Hybrid courses allow students additional exposure to course content that is not possible in a traditional classroom environment. This exposure may lead to an improvement in academic performance. In this report, I describe the transition of a large undergraduate exercise physiology course from a traditional lecture format to a hybrid lecture-online format. A total of 658 final grades (traditional = 346, hybrid = 312) was used to evaluate the effect of course format on academic performance. The hybrid online portion was delivered using WebCT Vista, enhanced with various instructional technologies. The hybrid lecture portion was enhanced with an in-class response system. PowerPoint files were used to distribute in-class lectures in both formats of the course. Final student grades were 9.9% higher (83% of the increase due to an increase in the exam grade) when the course was administered in a hybrid format (P = 0.01), which translated to a one letter grade increase on a standard grading scale. Transition from a traditional lecture format to a hybrid format significantly enhanced student learning; presumably, this increase is due to the fact that students were able to increase their exposure to course content via access to material on WebCT.  相似文献   

Undergraduate biology majors require biological literacy about the critical and dynamic relationships between plants and ecosystems and the effect human-made processes have on these systems. To support students in understanding systems relationships, we redesigned an undergraduate botany course using an ecological framework and embedded systems modelling to support students in understanding the criticality of plant processes to the global carbon cycle. The class meetings included lectures, opportunities to develop systems models identifying the relationships between plant processes and other systems, reflections on their systems understanding and open-floor discussions about assigned primary and secondary readings that explored the relationships between plant systems, abiotic and biotic processes and global carbon cycling in their systems models. We used the systems models students developed at the beginning and end of the course to examine how their systems understanding grew. Our results suggest that at the beginning of term, students’ ideas about plants were egocentric identifying the purpose of plants was to support human life and they did not consider relationships between plants and global carbon systems. By the end of the term, their models and reflections identified elements of a systems perspective and the students considered human impact on this delicate balance.  相似文献   

为了培养本科生的分子生物学实验设计与操作技能,在实践教学中实现培养本科创新人才的目标,以用大肠杆菌发酵生产重组细菌碱性磷酸酶为案例,通过碱性磷酸酶基因的克隆、原核表达、发酵生产、提取纯化以及酶活性检测等系列实验,把本科的基因工程、发酵工程和生物化学3门综合性独立实验课程有机地组合成一个内容相关联的超大型综合性生物技术大实验,进一步凸显了生物技术中以基因工程技术为核心的上游核酸操作、中游发酵生产和下游蛋白分离纯化三大技术模块的有机联系,大大地提高了本科实验教学的综合性和研究性,提升了实践教学水平,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   


The impact of evolutionary processes in understanding human health and disease is an important idea for future health professionals to understand. These students, however, typically receive little to no formal instruction in the role of evolution in not only understanding human health, but its impact on how to treat human diseases. To address this issue, we developed and implemented a case-study based learning module designed with a learning cycle implementation as part of a larger evolution across the curriculum program. The module focused on the evolution of skin color to illustrate that natural selection occurs in humans, and that the process of evolution involves tradeoffs (a balance of costs and benefits). Student understanding of the tradeoffs of natural selection was assessed through a pre- post- test design, with students answering a set of questions before instruction and again after. The modules helped improve student comprehension of natural selection, particularly for lower-performing students who were not biology majors, and for those whom reported less interest in evolution.  相似文献   

Undergraduate biology curricula are being modified to model and teach the activities of scientists better. The assignment described here, one that investigates protein structure and function, was designed for use in a sophomore-level cell physiology course at Earlham College. Students work in small groups to read and present in poster format on the content of a single research article reporting on the structure and/or function of a protein. Goals of the assignment include highlighting the interdependence of protein structure and function; asking students to review, integrate, and apply previously acquired knowledge; and helping students see protein structure/function in a context larger than cell physiology. The assignment also is designed to build skills in reading scientific literature, oral and written communication, and collaboration among peers. Assessment of student perceptions of the assignment in two separate offerings indicates that the project successfully achieves these goals. Data specifically show that students relied heavily on their peers to understand their article. The assignment was also shown to require students to read articles more carefully than previously. In addition, the data suggest that the assignment could be modified and used successfully in other courses and at other institutions.  相似文献   

In these laboratory exercises, developed for a sophomore/junior-level undergraduate course in Developmental Biology, students explore the processes of differentiation and morphogenesis in sea urchin embryos by monitoring the spatio-temporal expression pattern of the endoderm marker, alkaline phosphatase. Once students have determined the normal alkaline phosphatase expression pattern, they are asked to treat sea urchin embryos in some way that perturbs normal morphogenesis. Their task is to discover whether the chosen treatment perturbs both morphogenesis and differentiation of the gut or only morphogenesis. The ease with which sea urchin embryos can be cultured and manipulated provide the Developmental Biology instructor with a powerful system for inviting students to explore questions regarding differentiation and morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Case-based learning (CBL) has been proposed as an effective method to promote student knowledge and motivation. The timing and methods for implementation have varied among schools, and data regarding the effectiveness of this pedagogy compared to other learning modalities are inconclusive. We introduced five different cases in the first course of our medical school as part of small-group CBL, and monitored student satisfaction and performance in summative evaluations. We observed that (1) students were very satisfied with the CBL sessions; (2) performance in essay examinations was significantly higher in CBL topics, compared to non-CBL topics, as evaluated at the end of the course, and three months after course conclusion; and (3) there was a trend of higher performance in multiple-choice questions about CBL topics, but this was not statistically significant. Our results indicate that CBL is an acceptable pedagogy to be incorporated from the beginning of undergraduate medical education to promote acquisition and retention of knowledge, students’ interest in foundational sciences, and integration of basic science disciplines and clinical medicine. When evaluating knowledge acquired using the CBL method, integrative essays represent a valuable tool to assess the depth of comprehension and application of information.  相似文献   

Sleister HM 《Genetics》2007,177(2):677-688
An upper-level genetics research course was developed to expose undergraduates to investigative science. Students are immersed in a research project with the ultimate goal of identifying proteins important for chromosome transmission in mitosis. After mutagenizing yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells, students implement a genetic screen that allows for visual detection of mutants with an increased loss of an ADE2-marked yeast artificial chromosome (YAC). Students then genetically characterize the mutants and begin efforts to identify the defective genes in these mutants. While engaged in this research project, students practice a variety of technical skills in both classical and molecular genetics. Furthermore, students learn to collaborate and gain experience in sharing scientific findings with others in the form of written papers, poster presentations, and oral presentations. Previous students indicated that, relative to a traditional laboratory course, this research course improved their understanding of scientific concepts and technical skills and helped them make connections between concepts. Moreover, this course allowed students to experience scientific inquiry and was influential for students as they considered future endeavors.  相似文献   

Most librarians, and at least some lecturers in institutions of higher education, recognise the need for students to receive instruction in the use of information sources. In the life sciences, the continuing growth in the number of these sources creates problems for biologists. To help students cope with the situation, a compulsory course in Communication and Information Retrieval has been introduced into the BSc degree in biology at Paisley College of Technology. The course, taught by the College library staff, covers the structure of scientific literature, the language barrier, techniques of literature searching and scientific writing, and the information network in the life sciences.  相似文献   

Problem-based learning (PBL) is now an established method in undergraduate medical education that aims to develop reasoning skills based on clinical problems. More recently, the use of concept mapping in medical education aims to improve meaningful learning. At the New University of Lisbon, we have been using PBL as a major educational method in a pathophysiology course. In 2003-2004, we started to use Inspiration, a computer-based concept mapping tool, with a single tutorial PBL group. A total of 36 maps were constructed related to short cases, already used in the PBL course, in which a certain number of key nodes were hidden to allow the students to fill in the gaps. The results obtained appear to indicate that the use of concept maps stimulated meaningful learning within a PBL course.  相似文献   

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