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The principles which govern gas exchange by diffusion acrossthe pores of the avian eggshell are reviewed and compared withconvective gas exchange. The concept of conductance is definedfor both diffusive and convective gas exchange through pores,and methods of calculating pore size are described. Estimatesof conductances of the elements in the gas transfer path fromatmosphere to chorioallantoic capillary blood are discussed,and recent studies on the role of ternary diffusion and a convectivecomponent to gas fluxes are presented.  相似文献   

Gas moves through the pores of the egg shell by diffusion inthe gas phase. The gas flux is therefore determined by the productof the effective conductance of the shell and the partial pressuregradient of the gas between the ambient air and the inner sideof the shell. The partial pressure gradient of oxygen is decreasedby a reduction of the oxygen partial pressure in the ambientair. This can be achieved by reducing barometric pressure atnormal ambient oxygen concentration or by reducing ambient oxygenconcentration at standard barometric pressure. Both methodsare reported to decrease oxygen consumption of the embryo butto a different degree. At the same ambient oxygen pressure thereduction is less in eggs exposed to a reduced barometric pressure.In an attempt to explain this difference, chicken embryos aged16–19 days were exposed to various oxygen concentrationsand carbon dioxide production was measured. At subnormal oxygenconcentrations carbon dioxide output diminished as the oxygenconcentration was lowered and the duration of exposure was prolonged.At oxygen concentrations above normal a small but significantincrease in carbon dioxide production was found. Finally theresults are compared with those in the literature on the diverseeffects of a continuous reduction of barometric pressure andambient oxygen concentration. This difference is ascribed tothe fact that a reduction of barometric pressure not only decreasesoxygen partial pressure in the ambient air but also increaseseffective conductance of the egg shell, the latter being inverselyproportional to the barometric pressure.  相似文献   

Adaptation of the Avian Egg to High Altitude   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Theoretical predictions and experiments on eggs of domesticatedbirds indicate that the diffusion coefficient of gases is inverselyproportional to barometric pressure. Therefore potentially lethallosses of CO2 and water vapor from eggs laid at high altitudemight result if the increased tendency of gases to diffuse atreduced barometric pressure were not counteracted in some manner.Limited data from two wild populations indicate that water lossfrom eggs is independent of altitude over a 3000 m elevationalgradient. Four different possibilities are discussed by whichcompensation for increased diffusion of water vapor might beachieved at high elevations 1) a reduction in eggshell conductance(GH2O) 2) an increase in the initial water content of the eggs3) an increase in shell thickness, and 4) alteration of watervapor pressure in the nest microenvironment or incubation temperatureby variation in parental behavior. Mean GH2O of eggs of twoprecocial and four altricial species breeding above 2800 m issignificantly reduced below values of related birds breedingat lower elevations, but no change in initial water contentor shell thickness has been observed in such eggs. Observationsof parental behavior in species breeding over wide elevationalgradients have not yet been made. Identification of the mechanismsby which eggshell structure is modified to achieve a reducedGH2O the environmental cues used by females to determine theelevation of the breeding location and the rapidity with whichshell structuie can be modified awaits further research.  相似文献   

Water in the Avian Egg Overall Budget of Incubation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The loss of mass in eggs during incubation was examined andevidence is presented to show that this is essentially due toloss of water. The mean fraction of water lost by diffusionthroughout incubation is 0.150 ± 0.025 S D per gram ofegg and 0.162 ± 0.026 S D per gram of egg content for81 species. The water fraction of fresh eggs and of hatchingeggs was examined in 32 species divided according to maturityat hatching, and found to be very similar within each category(83% in altricial 83% in semi-altricial 78% in semi-precocial72% in precocial eggs). The 11% difference between the altricialand precocial categories is statistically significant. Duringincubation, dry matter is metabolized increasing the water fractionwhich is further increased by metabolic water production. Hence,water loss during incubation is mandatory if the relative watercontent of an egg at the end of incubation is to remain essentiallythe same as at the beginning. Equations are developed whichallow one to estimate the difference between diffusive waterloss and the total water loss in altricial and piecocial eggscaused by additional water loss during pipping and hatching.  相似文献   

Avian chemical communication is a rapidly emerging field, but has been hampered by a critical lack of information on volatile chemicals that communicate ecologically relevant information (semiochemicals). A possible, but as yet unexplored, function of olfaction and chemical communication in birds is in parent-embryo and embryo-embryo communication. Communication between parents and developing embryos may act to mediate parental behaviour, while communication between embryos can control the synchronicity of hatching. Embryonic vocalisations and vibrations have been implicated as a means of communication during the later stages of development but in the early stages, before embryos are capable of independent movement and vocalisation, this is not possible. Here we show that volatiles emitted from developing eggs of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) convey information on egg fertility, along with the sex and developmental status of the embryo. Specifically, egg volatiles changed over the course of incubation, differed between fertile and infertile eggs, and were predictive of embryo sex as early as day 1 of incubation. Egg odours therefore have the potential to facilitate parent-embryo and embryo-embryo interactions by allowing the assessment of key measures of embryonic development long before this is possible through other modalities. It also opens up the intriguing possibility that parents may be able to glean further relevant information from egg volatiles, such as the health, viability and heritage of embryos. By determining information conveyed by egg-derived volatiles, we hope to stimulate further investigation into the ecological role of egg odours.  相似文献   

Oxygen transport to avian embryo tissues occurs by three steps,two of which are driven by diffusion. This results in a seriesof stepwise decrements in PO2 between atmosphere and tissue.The PO2 decrements for embryos of the domestic fowl incubatedat different altitudes are used here to examine potential adaptationsto hypobanc hypoxia. With exposure to moderate hypoxia embryosof the domestic fowl appear to maintain adequate tissue oxygenation.Adaptive adjustments in the shell, shell membranes and chorioallantoiscomplex were not observed. However, hemoglobin O2 affinity wasincreased and preliminary evidence suggests a redistributionof blood flow to maintain adequate oxygenation in higher priorityareas of embryonic tissue. At severe hypoxia, embryos of thedomestic fowl show decreased O2 consumption, embryo mass andlengthened incubition period. Thus at severe hypoxin the embryoof the domestic fowl does not appear to provide a realisticmodel. Evidence from avian embryos of species native to highaltitude suggest that they are able to maintain adequate tissueoxygenation even at severe hypoxia. Preliminary evidence suggeststhat some of the blood vascular system and tissue level adaptationspresent in the chicken embryo are also present in species nativeto high altitude. One of these, an increase in embryonic hemoglobin-O2affinity which is physiologically mediated in the chicken embryois genetically-based in the embryo of the native high-altitudespecies.  相似文献   

Aquatic birds are exposed to selenium through their diet by ingesting aquatic invertebrates that have accumulated selenium from water and the food chain. However, dietary composition is highly variable among species, over time, and across sites, making it difficult to provide accurate estimations of dietary exposure for particular species at specific locations. Selenium accumulates in the egg, resulting in embryo malformation, embryonic death, and decreased survival of juveniles. If the relationship between egg concentration and these reproductive parameters can be defined with sufficient certainty, then risk assessments can be performed through analysis of egg selenium concentrations. Other researchers have proposed egg toxicity thresholds that lead to conclusions of widespread selenium toxicoses in waterbirds. However, we believe these values are overly conservative and that it is unlikely that selenium is posing a significant risk to wild birds in areas where the current water quality criterion is being met. Through the use of simple statistical models (logit, probit, and Weibull functions) we are able to express mortality and teratogenicity relationships for mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) in such a manner that the risk manager can be presented with information about the probability of reduced duckling survival if mean egg selenium (MES) concentrations are known. Data analysis indicates that the two endpoints (mortality and teratogenesis) cannot be distinguished statistically. Commonly used effects thresholds (the EC10 and EC20) correspond to 16 and 21?mg/kg dw MES using the most sensitive endpoint, chick mortality. Both of these values are higher than the 6?mg/kg dw level proposed by Skorupa (1998) who based his estimate on field-observational data potentially confounded by other environmental stress factors. The mortality and teratogenicity endpoints presented here relate selenium exposure to risk to individuals within a population and do not provide information about the probability of selenium causing changes in population growth rates, either at the local or regional levels.  相似文献   

鸟类学家提出了多种假说用于解释鸟类卵色的多态性,然而,不同学者的观点和研究结果不尽相同。本文从捕食者、警戒色、太阳辐射和巢寄生角度综述了各种假说和研究,探讨鸟类卵色的进化。  相似文献   

This article describes an unusual system of ceremonial exchange found among Malagasy speakers on the island of Mayotte (Comoro Archipelago) and demonstrates the manner in which the person as citizen, the experience of aging, and ultimately society itself were constituted through it. The forces leading to the demise of the system and the manner in which the disarticulation of exchange obligations L being managed are described. The article portrays the holistic social world and experience created through participation in the exchange system, providing an implicit contrast with the more fragmented world that follows its dismantling.  相似文献   

禽流感病毒血凝素蛋白的结构、功能与表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
血凝素蛋白(HA)既是一种重要吸附蛋白,介导禽流感病毒吸附和穿入宿主细胞而发挥致病作用,也是一种良好的保护性抗原,对宿主抵抗禽流感起到了决定性保护作用。研究HA蛋白对揭示禽流感病毒的致病机理和免疫防治禽流感均具有重要意义。本文重点概述了HA蛋白的结构、功能和蛋白表达方面的研究进展,并对HA蛋白在禽流感疫苗中的应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

禽抗微生物肽的结构、分布及活性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗微生物肽是生物体产生的一种具有抗微生物活性的多肽,具有抵抗原生动物、真菌、病毒、革兰氏阳性菌和革兰氏阴性菌的活性,不易产生耐药性,有取代传统抗生素的发展趋势.众多学者对禽类抗微生物肽进行了大量的研究,从禽类中陆续分离到20多种新的抗微生物肽,主要综述了禽抗微生物肽的结构、分布及活性研究进展,为禽抗微生物肽的进一步探索研究奠定基础.  相似文献   

在人工气候箱中对盆栽虎耳草进行处理,测定不同温度条件下虎耳草叶片光合特征、叶绿素含量、抗氧化酶活性、叶肉结构等生理形态指标。结果表明:低温处理后,虎耳草叶片净光合速率、气孔导度下降迅速,叶绿素含量最少,SOD、CAT活性最低,MDA含量最高,栅栏组织排列更紧密,移置正常温度下,光合速率能在短时间内恢复;高温处理的净光合速率下降速度不及低温处理,但叶片海绵组织显著增加,光合速率恢复较慢。  相似文献   

The maculae of the labyrinths of several avian species were examined. The striola of the macula utriculi and lagenae is tri-zonal, consisting of two zones of hair cells type I (HC I) located on each side of a middle zone of hair cells type II (HC II). An exception is the mute swan, in which the macula utriculi has a striola consisting of one broad zone of HC I. The macula sacculi is, in its central part, mainly consisting of HC I, and the striola does not have a tri-zonal structure. The hair cells in the macula utriculi are polarized with their kinociliar end oriented towards the striola, while in the macula sacculi and lagenae they are oriented away from this dividing line. A varying number, from 1 to 12, of HC I are enclosed within the same nerve chalice. The macula sacculi seems to contain chalices with slightly more HC I than the two other maculae do.  相似文献   

Of the membrane proteins of known structure, we found that a remarkable 67% of the water soluble domains are structurally similar to water soluble proteins of known structure. Moreover, 41% of known water soluble protein structures share a domain with an already known membrane protein structure. We also found that functional residues are frequently conserved between extramembrane domains of membrane and soluble proteins that share structural similarity. These results suggest membrane and soluble proteins readily exchange domains and their attendant functionalities. The exchanges between membrane and soluble proteins are particularly frequent in eukaryotes, indicating that this is an important mechanism for increasing functional complexity. The high level of structural overlap between the two classes of proteins provides an opportunity to employ the extensive information on soluble proteins to illuminate membrane protein structure and function, for which much less is known. To this end, we employed structure guided sequence alignment to elucidate the functions of membrane proteins in the human genome. Our results bridge the gap of fold space between membrane and water soluble proteins and provide a resource for the prediction of membrane protein function. A database of predicted structural and functional relationships for proteins in the human genome is provided at sbi.postech.ac.kr/emdmp.  相似文献   

Ecosystem metabolism, that is, gross primary productivity (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (ER), controls organic carbon (OC) cycling in stream and river networks and is expected to vary predictably with network position. However, estimates of metabolism in small streams outnumber those from rivers such that there are limited empirical data comparing metabolism across a range of stream and river sizes. We measured metabolism in 14 rivers (discharge range 14–84 m3 s?1) in the Western and Midwestern United States (US). We estimated GPP, ER, and gas exchange rates using a Lagrangian, 2-station oxygen model solved in a Bayesian framework. GPP ranged from 0.6–22 g O2 m?2 d?1 and ER tracked GPP, suggesting that autotrophic production supports much of riverine ER in summer. Net ecosystem production, the balance between GPP and ER was 0 or greater in 4 rivers showing autotrophy on that day. River velocity and slope predicted gas exchange estimates from these 14 rivers in agreement with empirical models. Carbon turnover lengths (that is, the distance traveled before OC is mineralized to CO2) ranged from 38 to 1190 km, with the longest turnover lengths in high-sediment, arid-land rivers. We also compared estimated turnover lengths with the relative length of the river segment between major tributaries or lakes; the mean ratio of carbon turnover length to river length was 1.6, demonstrating that rivers can mineralize much of the OC load along their length at baseflow. Carbon mineralization velocities ranged from 0.05 to 0.81 m d?1, and were not different than measurements from small streams. Given high GPP relative to ER, combined with generally short OC spiraling lengths, rivers can be highly reactive with regard to OC cycling.  相似文献   

Continuously growing cultures of Chlorella pyrenoidosa Starr 252, operating at constant density and under constant environmental conditions, produced uniform photosynthetic quotient (PQ = CO2/O2) and O2 values during 6 months of observations. The PQ for the entire study was 0.90 ± 0.024. The PQ remained constant over a threefold light-intensity change and a threefold change in O2 production (0.90 ± 0.019). At low light intensities, when the rate of respiration approached the rate of photosynthesis, the PQ became extremely variable. Six lamps of widely different spectral-energy distribution produced no significant change in the PQ (0.90 ± 0.025). Oxygen production was directly related to the number of quanta available, irrespective of spectral-energy distribution. Such dependability in producing uniform PQ and O2 values warrants a consideration of algae to maintain a constant gas environment for submarine or spaceship use.  相似文献   

The avian embryo exchanges the oxygen and carbon dioxide withthe ambient air by diffusion. The respiratory organ is the chorioallantois,endowed with a rich circulation. Between ambient air and chorioallantoiccapillary blood are interposed the porous shell fibrous shellmembranes, and the chorioendothelium which compose the diffusionbarrier. The air cell is formed between the two shell membranesin the blunt end of the egg. The diffusion barrier is dividedinto an outer barrier (shell plus outer membrane) and an innerbarrier (inner membrane plus chorioendothelium and capillaryblood). The resistance to gas diffusion (the reciprocal of thediffusive conductance) in the outer barrier is almost fixedthroughout incubation while that in the inner barrier decreasesas the embryo develops. Because of the fixed outer barrier conductance,the embryo is obliged to take up oxygen under hypoxic conditionsagainst increasing metabolism with development and encountersa relative respiratory acidosis. In connection with the diffusivehypoventilation caused by the fixed outer barrier conductancethe respiratory factors of the allantoic circulation changeprogressively with development to moderate the restraint ofgas exchange through the shell. Blood oxygen capacity and hemoglobinincrease with development in association with an increase inerythrocyte count and hematocrit value. In addition, a progressiveleftward shift of the oxygen dissociation curve occurs. Theincreases in the allantoic blood flow and chorioallantoic capillaryvolume contribute to the increasing conductance of the innerbarrier. Furthermore regulation of acid base balance is inferredin the developing embryo.  相似文献   

The pineal is structurally very diverse among the avian speciesthat have been examined. In some birds, especially owls, thepineal is virtually absent. Sympathetic innervation is providedby projections from the superior cervical ganglia. Several celltypes are present in the pineal body, among which are largecells, associated with lamellar bodies, that are commonly consideredto be abortive or vestigial photoreceptors. Diurnal cycles ofserotonin and melatonin content of the pineal are responsiveto photoperiod, and there is a small amount of evidence thatthe avian pineal may serve as a pacemaker for diurnal rhythmsof activity. Pinealectomy indicates a role for this body incontrolling gonadal function, but the evidence is not consistent.Indole amines may be the mediators of this presumed endocrinerole, but the supporting evidence is not very convincing.  相似文献   

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