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The development of Diapterus peruvianus (Sauvage 1879) is based on 60 larvae collected in superficial tows made in Bahía Concepción, and on 16 pre-juvenile and juvenile organisms collected in Bahía de La Paz, B. C. S., México, using a standard plankton net and a rectangular epibenthonic net, respectively. Larvae of D. peruvianus show three large blotches on the dorsum of the gut that can fuse together and give the appearance of one large continuous blotch. There are two to three pre-anal pigments and 16 post-anal pigments in the ventral midline; cephalic pigments are present from the postflexion stage, as well as a serrated preoperculum. The pre-juvenile and juvenile organisms are distinguished by their body depth, the anal-fin formula, the serrated pre-operculum and the base pigments in the dorsal and anal fins.  相似文献   

Light trap collections on oil and gas platforms in the northern Gulf of Mexico off Louisiana from 1995 to 1997 contained young of tessellated blenny Hypsoblennius invemar , freckled blenny Hypsoblennius ionthas , featherduster blenny Hypleurochilus multifilis , molly miller Scartella cristata and seaweed blenny Parablennius marmoreus , which are described. Interspecific differences were: number of dorsal, anal, pelvic and caudal fin elements; number of mandibular pores; presence or absence of canine teeth, hypural 5 and pectoral fin pigment; width of gill openings; length of preopercular spines (in larvae). Size at settlement differed among some taxa, but all five species settled within a narrow size window of c . 1·5 mm standard length ( L S). Hypsoblennius invemar , H. ionthas , H. multifilis and S. cristata settled at mean sizes between 11·3 and 12·1 mm L S, whereas P. marmoreus settled at a mean size of 19·3 mm L S. Sexually dimorphic differences were consistently evident by 17–18 mm L S in all species but P. marmoreus . The two smallest blennies with external characters normally associated with sexual maturity were a 20 mm male and 21 mm female H. multifilis . Primary caudal fin rays began to bifurcate between 17·0 and 18·3 mm L S in H. invemar , H. ionthas , H. multifilis and S. cristata . Hypleurochilus multifilis displayed the external characteristics of being sexually mature at 20–21 mm L S. Thus, bifurcation of primary caudal fin rays was an indicator of approaching sexual maturity in H. multifilis and this may also be true in the other species studied.  相似文献   

Ascarophis valentina n. sp. is described from Mullus surmuletus off the Valencian coast of Spain on the basis of both light and scanning electron microscopy. It can be distinguished from the other members of the genus by the length of the left (long) spicule of the males and by egg morphology. An updated grouping of the species of Ascarophis considered valid is provided with respect to these characters. The new species resembles Ascarophis capelanus, belonging to the group of species possessing eggs with a single polar knob with filaments, but is distinguished by the size of the body, the length of the esophagus (especially in relation to body length), the position of the vulva, and the size of the left spicule. The new species also shows substantial morphological differences compared with the 3 species, Ascarophis mullusi, Ascarophis upenei, and Ascarophis parupenei, previously described from mullid hosts.  相似文献   

Pearsonellum pygmaeus n. sp. is described from Cromileptes altivelis (Serranidae), the Barramundi Cod, from Heron Island (southern Great Barrier Reef) and Lizard Island (northern Great Barrier Reef). This new species differs from Pearsonellum corventum (type and only species) in the combination of smaller overall body size, the relative distance of the brain from the anterior end, the relative lengths of both the oesophagus and the testis, the degree to which the testis extends outside the intercaecal field, the shape of the testis, the shape and size of the ovary and the extent to which the uterus loops around the ovary. There are in addition, 20 base pair differences between the ITS2 rDNA sequence of P. pygmaeus n. sp. and that of P. corventum. Three new host records for P. corventum are reported. Adelomyllos teenae n. g., n. sp. is described from Epinephelus coioides (Serranidae), the Estuary Cod, from Moreton Bay, southeast Queensland. The new genus differs from the 22 other sanguinicolid genera in the combined possession of two testes, a cirrus-sac, separate genital pores, a post-ovarian uterus and an H-shaped intestine. A. teenae n. sp. is the third sanguinicolid described from the Epinephelinae. Sanguinicolids have now been reported from 11 species of Serranidae.  相似文献   

The circumtropical gobiid genus Bathygobius Bleeker is defined and three Eastern Pacific species are redescribed, with first dorsal fin pattern and postorbital blotches being shown to be additional characters of diagnostic value. Two mainland species are recognised, the Mexican-Panamanian B. ramosus Ginsburg 1947 and the Panamanian B. andrei (Sauvage 1880). B. ramosus is now reported from Clarión Island, Revillagigedos, and also from Cocos Island. Meristic variation of ramosus is tabulated for local populations and PCA analysis of their morphometry suggests regional differentiation in this species, with Tres Marias and Revillagigedos populations clustering away from mainland and Montuosa material. An insular species, B. lineatus (Jenyns 1842) from the Galapagos is defined, with B. arundelii (Garman 1899) from Clipperton Island and B. l. lupinus Ginsburg 1947 from Lobos de Afuera, off Peru, placed as nominal subspecies of lineatus. This species resembles the Indo-west Pacific B. fuscus and Atlantic basin B. soporator more closely than it does ramosus and andrei and may be the product of transpacific dispersal. A similar origin for B. ramosus is discussed but it seems more likely that both B. ramosus and B. andrei have Caribbean sister species.  相似文献   

Larvae of Crystallodytes pauciradiatus (Creediidae) are described from 47 individuals (2·9–21·3 mm). They are elongate, slender, lightly pigmented, have prominent preopercular spines and unique small spines on the lower jaw. Early stages are restricted to the nearshore water around Easter Island, South Pacific.  相似文献   

During surveys of helminth parasites of marine fishes from the Pacific coast of the Guerrero State in Mexico, 2 undescribed species of Haliotrema Johnston and Tiegs, 1922 (sensu Young, 1968) (Dactylogyridae) were found infecting the gills of the giant hawkfish Cirrhitus rivulatus Valenciennes, 1846 (Perciformes, Cirrhitidae), i.e., Haliotrema cirrhitusi n. sp. and Haliotrema pollexinus n. sp. The new species are similar with respect to the morphology of the anchors with base-shaft junction crazed, hinged, or both; dorsal anchors with an elongate superficial root; a tubular male copulatory organ (MCO) with a cylinder-shaped base diagonally opening; and a membranous accessory piece, shaped like a vane, encircling MCO to form 2 complete spirals from the anterior margin of base to the terminal portion of the MCO. While H. cirrhitusi and H. pollexinus differ from all other species of the genus in the general morphology of the copulatory complex, only H. pollexinus notably differs from all these species in having a superficial, blade-like projection from the inner surface on the distal shaft of anchors. Haliotrema cirrhitusi and H. pollexinus are the only members of the genus recorded in the Mexican Pacific and from a cirrhitid host.  相似文献   

 A new gobiid fish, Asterropteryx atripes, is described on the basis of eight specimens from Iriomote-jima Island, Ryukyu Islands, and El Nido, Philippines. It differs from its congeners by having the following combination of characters: 3rd spine of first dorsal fin long, filamentous, distal tip usually over end of 2nd dorsal fin base when appressed in both sexes; pelvic fins almost separated, innermost (=5th) segmented rays connected by rudimentary low membrane between bases, and no frenum; 4–7 short spines on posterior margin of preopercle (the uppermost spine usually just behind the cephalic sensory canal pore N); eye large, 32.3–35.8% of head length; enlarged haemal arches on 1st two caudal vertebrae; a distinct black band from posterior margin of eye to caudal fin base (indistinct in dark-phase individuals); black pelvic fin (vivid in dark-phase individuals); numerous minute bright blue spots on head and body in life; no distinct dark spots on head and body; iris entirely reddish-brown or dusky (bright white ventrally in pale-phase individuals) when alive or fresh, and entirely black in preservation, without white transverse bar on middorsal surface; hovering habit. The new species appears to be most closely related with the other only known hovering species, A. striata; the latter is readily distinguished from the former in having no long, filamentous dorsal spine; semitranslucent pelvic fin; and a series of small black spots along dorsal fin base and dorsal edge of caudal peduncle. Asterropteryx contains two distinct groups, and the monophyly of the genus is open to question. Received: March 19, 2000 / Revised: February 25, 2002 / Accepted: April 25, 2002  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - The new cardinalfish Rhabdamia novaluna sp. nov. (Apogonidae) is described on the basis of 79 specimens collected from the western Pacific Ocean. The new species is most...  相似文献   

Larval development from the early stages to metamorphosis ofthe Pleuronectiform Citharus linguatula is described and illustratedfor the first time; until now only its eggs and newly hatchedlarvae were known. The specimens used in this study were collectedon plankton samples taken from the Catalan continental shelf(western Mediterranean) on two surveys made in September andOctober 1983. The descnption of larval development includesmorphological and morphometnc characters and pigmentation. Relationshipsbetween various parts of the body and standard length duringdevelopment are also considered. Information of their seasonaland spatial distribution along the studied area is provided.  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - Pteragogus turdus sp. nov. (Labridae) is described on the basis of 65 specimens (18.5–81.4 mm in standard length: SL) from the eastern Indian Ocean (Western...  相似文献   

A method is described for rearing the offspring of wild-captured Pacific bonito. Six basic stages of post-embryonic development were determined based on ontogenetic changes in morphology and behaviour. Each stage corresponded with a different food source preference, related to the development of new swimming and predatory behaviours. A controlled environment is required to study the processes underlying development of those behaviours adeptly performed by bonito and other scombrids, including high-efficiency swimming and visually guided predation on other advanced species.  相似文献   

We report Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Ohmi) Papenfuss from the Pacific coast of North America based on a morphoanatomical revision and comparison of sequences of the nuclear gene coding for the small subunit of ribosomal RNA and the internal transcribed spacers of populations from Baja California, Mexico and Hiroshima, Japan. It is the first convincing report of this species out of its center of distribution in western north Pacific, where it has been considered as a synonym of former ‘G. verrucosa’ records. G. vermiculophylla also occurs in central California as indicated by internal transcribed spacer sequences of a previously unknown Gracilaria Greville material. In the northeastern Pacific G. vermiculophylla is characterized by a robust somewhat vermiform, well‐branched cylindrical thallus, with gradual cell size transition from cortex to medulla, deep spermatangial conceptacles, regular chains of carposporangia and carposporangial initials, downwardly oriented tubular nutritive cells, but rarely with upwardly oriented tubular nutritive cells. In some features of its cystocarp anatomy G. vermiculophylla is related to Gracilariopsis E. Y. Dawson or Hydropuntia Montagne and it is a relevant species for discussions about Gracilariaceae genera.  相似文献   

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