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The current working definition of autophagy is the following: all processes in which intracellular material is degraded within the lysosome/vacuole and where the macromolecular constituents are recycled. There are several ways to classify the different types of autophagy. For example, we can separate autophagy into two primary types, based on the initial site of cargo sequestration. In particular, during microautophagy and chaperone-mediated autophagy, uptake occurs directly at the limiting membrane of the lysosome or vacuole. In contrast, macroautophagy—whether selective or nonselective—and endosomal microautophagy involve sequestration within an autophagosome or an omegasome, or late endosomes/multivesicular bodies, respectively; the key point being that in these types of autophagy the initial sequestration event does not occur at the limiting membrane of the degradative organelle. In any case, the cargo is ultimately delivered into the lysosome or vacuole lumen for subsequent degradation. Thus, I think most autophagy researchers view the degradative organelle as the ultimate destination of the pathway. Indeed, this fits with the general concept that organelles allow reactions to be compartmentalized. With regard to the lysosome or vacuole, this also confers a level of safety by keeping the lytic contents away from the remainder of the cell. If we are willing to slightly modify our definition of autophagy, with a focus on “degradation of a cell’s own components through the lysosomal/vacuolar machinery,” we can include a newly documented process, programmed nuclear destruction (PND).  相似文献   

That commensal bacteria play an important role in human health is beyond doubt, and it is now widely accepted that humans function as super organisms, whose collective metabolic potential exceeds the sum of our individual eukaryotic and prokaryotic components. However, while it is has been established that the prokaryotic component of the human superorganism is amenable to manipulation by chemotherapeutic, dietary or microbial interventions, the significance of such alterations in terms of human health or well being is less well established. Prebiotics (non- digestible food ingredients that stimulate the growth and/or activity of bacteria in the digestive system) and probiotics (live microorganisms that when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host) are often bracketed among 'alternative' approaches to influencing human health, such as homeopathy, naturopathy, acupuncture and hypnotherapy. Others believe that prebiotics and probiotics have proven their effectiveness in properly conducted, clinically controlled human trials and therefore can be considered as evidence-based alternatives or adjuncts to conventional medicines. My journey from a position of total skepticism to 'reluctant convert' is the basis of this article, which should not be considered in any sense as a review of the literature but simply a personal account of this transition. While I am not bent on converting other doubters, I will recount some of the thought processes and evidence that has helped to form my current opinion.  相似文献   

C. elegans is renowned for its invariant embryogenesis and functions as a major paradigm for a mode of development coupled to an invariant lineage. Recent work, however, suggests that the embryogenesis of the nematode is much more flexible than anticipated. The invariant premorphogenetic stage is formed from variable earlier stages through a sorting of cells. Cells do not act as individuals but already early in embryogenesis a regionalization of the embryo occurs. Cells are diversified by a binary specification of 'abstract' blastomere (regional) identities. The determination of tissues may thus be a very late event. It appears that C. elegans, although assigning cell fates in an invariant lineage pattern, uses the same strategies and mechanisms for embryogenesis as organisms with variable lineages.  相似文献   

Each year, millions of central venous catheter insertions are performed in intensive care units worldwide. The usage of these indwelling devices is associated with a high risk of bacterial and fungal colonization, leading to the development of microbial consortia, namely biofilms. These sessile structures provide fungal cells with resistance to the majority of antifungals, environmental stress and host immune responses. Based on different guidelines, colonized/infected catheters should be removed and changed immediately in the case of Candida-related central line infections. However, catheter replacement is not feasible for all patient populations. An alternative therapeutic approach may be antifungal lock therapy, which has received high interest, especially in the last decade. This review summarizes the published Candida-related in vitro, in vivo data and case studies in terms of antifungal lock therapy. The number of clinical studies remains limited and further studies are needed for safe implementation of the antifungal lock therapy into clinical practice.  相似文献   

The electrochemical H+ gradient generated in tonoplast vesicles isolated from maize seeds was found to be able to drive the reversal of the catalytic cycle of both vacuolar H+-pumps (Façanha and de Meis, 1998). Here we describe the reversibility of the vacuolar V-type H+-ATPase (V-ATPase) even in the absence of the H+ gradient in a water-Me2SO co-solvent mixture, resulting in net synthesis of [γ-32P]ATP from [32P]Pi and ADP. The water-Me2SO (5 to 20 %) media promoted inhibition of both PPi hydrolysis and synthesis reactions whereas it slightly affected the ATP hydrolysis and clearly stimulated the ATP synthesis, which was unaffected by uncoupling agents (FCCP, Triton X-100 or NH4+). This effect of Me2SO on the ATP⇔32P exchange reaction seems to be related to a decrease of the apparent Km of the V-ATPase for Pi. The results are in accordance to the concept that the energetics of ATP synthesis catalysis depends on the solvation energies interacting in the enzyme microenvironment. A possible physiological significance of this phenomenon for the metabolism of desiccation-tolerant plant cells is discussed.Key words: bind energy, proton pumps, proton gradient, DMSO, corn seeds, V1V0-ATPase, membrane bound H+-pyrophosphatase  相似文献   

Burwell RD  Furtak SC 《Neuron》2008,59(4):523-525
Familiarity and recollection are components of recognition memory. Whether these underlie two separate processes or a single process differing only in memory strength is a matter of continued debate. In this issue of Neuron, Haskins et al. provide further evidence in support of a dual-process perspective, whereas Shrager et al. provide evidence supporting a single-process viewpoint.  相似文献   

Synopsis Most fish species (and sometimes different life stages within a species) exhibit behavioral temperature selection. In nature, thermal gradients provide habitat structure to which fish orient. Apparently, fish have evolved to fit into thermal niches to optimize physiological, ecological, and reproductive performance in their native habitats. However, man has perturbed many of these habitats to the point where previously advantageous thermal preference behavior may now be inappropriate. Thermal perturbations are the most obviously related examples of man's interference, but a fish's inherent thermal preference behavior can also magnify the biological effects of changes in dissolved oxygen, food supply, toxicants, and physical barriers. Environmental management should (1) consider thermal preference behavior when evaluating habitat suitability, (2) manage for needed temperature and thermal structure, and (3) give priority attention to minimizing degradation of preferred thermal habitat, especially when it is in short supply.  相似文献   

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