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The recent widespread application of Cre/loxP technology has resulted in a new generation of conditional animal models that can better recapitulate many salient features of human disease. These models benefit from the ability to monitor the expression and functionality of Cre protein. We have generated a conditional (Cre/loxP dependent) LacZ reporter rat (termed the LacZ541 rat) to monitor Cre in transgenic rats. When LacZ541 rats were bred with another transgenic rat line expressing Cre recombinase under the control of the CAG promoter, LacZ/Cre double transgenic embryos displayed ubiquitous expression of LacZ, and when LacZ541 rats were bred with transgenic rats expressing Cre/loxP‐dependent oncogenic H‐ or K‐ras, LacZ was expressed in the lesions resulting from the activation of the oncogene. The LacZ541 rat enables evaluation of the performance of Cre‐expressing systems which are based upon transgenic rats or somatic gene transfer vectors and provides efficient and simple lineage marking. genesis 51:268–274. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Cre/loxP system has become an important tool in designing postintegrational switch mechanisms for transgenes in mice. The power and spectrum of application of this system depends on transgenic mouse lines that provide Cre recombinase activity with a defined cell type-, tissue-, or developmental stage-specificity. We have developed a novel mouse line that acts as a Cre reporter. The mice, designated Z/EG (lacZ/EGFP), express lacZ throughout embryonic development and adult stages. Cre excision, however, removes the lacZ gene, which activates expression of the second reporter, enhanced green fluorescent protein. We have found that the double-reporter Z/EG line is able to indicate the occurrence of Cre excision from early embryonic to adult lineages. The advantage of the Z/EG line is that Cre-mediated excision can be monitored in live samples and that live cells with Cre-mediated excision can be isolated using a single-step FACS. It will be a valuable reagent for the increasing number of investigators taking advantage of the powerful tools provided by the Cre/loxP site-specific recombinase system.  相似文献   

Producing hybrid seed requires an efficient pollination control system to prevent unwanted self-pollination. For further breeding, it would be advantageous to restore pollen fertility in the hybrids. In this work we demonstrate the use of tapetum-specific expression of a stilbene synthase (sts) transgene to induce pollen sterility in tobacco as has been shown previously. The sts-coding region was flanked by loxP recognition sites for Cre-recombinase. From 10 T0-plants obtained, five proved to be male-sterile. They had smaller flowers with shorter stamina, but the vegetative phenotype was just as in the wild-type. Crossing male-sterile sts-plants with tobacco lines expressing the cre recombinase transgene resulted in site-specific recombination in the hybrids. GUS activity caused by fusion of the tap1-promoter with a promoterless gusA coding region indicated recombination events already in early stages of flower bud development. In all plants which had contained single or double sts-copies before crossing, these were excised, and pollen fertility was fully restored. The phenotype of these restored plants was as in wild-type controls. Contrary, from male sterile plants containing multiple copies of the sts-gene, not all copies were removed, and pollen sterility was maintained.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein as an all-purpose reporter in Petunia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Two critical attributes of a reporter gene are ease of scoring for activity and capacity for expression in all cell types. We have examined a variant of the gene encoding green fluorescent protein,mgfp5, for its ability to meet these criteria in petunia. Under regulation of the Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV) 35S promoter, GFP was detectable in all vegetative and most floral cell types. Promoters from petuniaadhl andadh2 allowed for production of GFP in those few cell types lacking GFP production from the CaMV 35S promoter, verifying its capacity for expression in all cell types. With the appropriate promoter, GFP fluorescence was thus readily detectable throughout the plant. A potential complication is the green autofluorescence exhibited by some plant tissues. This auto-fluorescence is for the most part distinguishable from that contributed by GFP, but under-scores the need for appropriate controls in GFP-reporter-based experiments. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Colonization behavior of endophytic bacteria Burkholderia cepacia strains RRE-3 and RRE-5 was studied in the seedlings of rice variety NDR97 using confocal laser scanning microscopy under controlled laboratory and greenhouse conditions. For studying colonization pattern, bacterial strains were tagged with pHRGFPGUS plasmid. The role of bacterial strains (both gfp/gus-tagged and untagged) in growth promotion was also studied. After coming into contact with the host root system the bacteria showed an irregular spreading. Dense colonization was observed on the primary and secondary roots and also on the junction of emergence of the lateral roots. Results showed that the colonization pattern of Burkholderia cepacia strains was similar to that of other endophytic bacteria isolated from non-legumes. Burkholderia cepacia got entry inside the root at the sites of emergence of lateral roots, without formation of infection threads as in the case of symbiotic rhizobacteria. Observations suggested that the endophytic bacterial strains RRE-3 and RRE-5 entered inside the rice roots in a progressive manner. Bacteria were found to line up along the intercellular spaces of adjoining epidermal cells adjacent to the lateral root junction, indicating endophytic colonization pattern of Burkholderia cepacia strains. Experiments with the rice seedlings inoculated with RRE-3 and RRE-5 strains revealed that both strains enhanced plant growth considerably when observed under laboratory and greenhouse conditions and produced significantly higher plant biomass. No considerable difference was observed between the gfp/gus-tagged and non-gfp/gus-tagged strains in the plant growth experiments both in the laboratory and greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   

Fluorescent proteins related to and derived from green fluorescent protein (GFP) are widely used as tools for investigating a wide range of biological processes. In particular, GFP and its relatives have been used extensively as qualitative reporters of gene expression in many different organisms, but relatively few studies have investigated fluorescent proteins as quantitative reporters of gene expression. GFP has some limitations as a reporter gene, including possible toxicity when expressed at high levels. Therefore, it would be useful if other fluorescent proteins could be identified for use as quantitative reporters. Toward this end, we investigated BFP as a quantitative reporter of promoter activity in E. coli and directly compared it with GFPuv using a set of well-characterized synthetic constitutive promoters. The fluorescence produced in E. coli strains expressing GFPuv or BFP grown on solid medium was quantified using a CCD camera and fluorimetry. GFPuv consistently gave more reliable and statistically significant results than did BFP in all assays. Correspondingly, we found that the signal-to-noise ratio for GFPuv fluorescence is substantially higher than for BFP. We conclude that, under the conditions assessed in this study, GFPuv is superior to BFP as a quantitative reporter of promoter activity in E. coli. J. Bayes, M. Calvey, L. Reineke, A. Colagiavanni, and M. Tscheiner made equivalent contributions to this work.  相似文献   

A plant transformation vector, pCLKSCLA25 (EU327498), was developed to contain eight cloning sites and the inducible self-excision system which provided an effective approach to eliminate the selectable marker gene(s) from transgenic plants. Upon induction by salicylic acid, the cre gene produced a recombinase that eliminated sequences encoding the selectable marker neomycin phosphotransferase and cre itself. The excision efficiency was 41% in transgenic tomato regenarants. The stilbene synthase gene (vst1) from Vitis vinifera L. was cloned into pCLKSCLA25. The expression of vst1 gene contributed to the accumulation of trans-reveratrol from 3.4 to 8.7 μg/g fresh wt in different marker-free transgenic tomato lines. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Kuo-Chen Chou 《Proteins》1995,21(4):319-344
The development of prediction methods based on statistical theory generally consists of two parts: one is focused on the exploration of new algorithms, and the other on the improvement of a training database. The current study is devoted to improving the prediction of protein structural classes from both of the two aspects. To explore a new algorithm, a method has been developed that makes allowance for taking into account the coupling effect among different amino acid components of a protein by a covariance matrix. To improve the training database, the selection of proteins is carried out so that they have (1) as many non-homologous structures as possible, and (2) a good quality of structure. Thus, 129 representative proteins are selected. They are classified into 30 α, 30 β, 30 α + β, 30 α/β, and 9 ζ (irregular) proteins according to a new criterion that better reflects the feature of the structural classes concerned. The average accuracy of prediction by the current method for the 4 × 30 regular proteins is 99.2%, and that for 64 independent testing proteins not included in the training database is 95.3%. To further validate its efficiency, a jackknife analysis has been performed for the current method as well as the previous ones, and the results are also much in favor of the current method. To complete the mathematical basis, a theorem is presented and proved in Appendix A that is instructive for understanding the novel method at a deeper level. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

【目的】寡雄腐霉(Pythium oligandrum Drechsler)是一种对动、植物和环境无害,兼具杀菌和增产效果的生防真菌。通过研究建立农杆菌介导的寡雄腐霉遗传转化体系。【方法】选用EHA105、AGL-1、LBA4404三种农杆菌菌株对寡雄腐霉进行遗传转化研究,通过对影响遗传转化效果的条件参数试验优化,确立适宜寡雄腐霉遗传转化的农杆菌菌株及转化条件,建立农杆菌介导的寡雄腐霉遗传转化体系。【结果】经研究发现,所选3种农杆菌菌株中EHA105菌株对寡雄腐霉的遗传转化效果最好,其次是AGL-1菌株,LBA4404菌株转化效果不好。EHA105菌株经IM(含300μmol/L AS)诱导培养至OD_(600)=0.6时,与浓度为10~6–10~7个/m L的寡雄腐霉孢子悬浮液以1–10:1的比例混合,在25–26°C以液体振荡的方式避光共培养72 h(pH 5.0,含300μmol/L AS),寡雄腐霉菌体液体振荡恢复培养24 h,涂布抗性选择平板筛选寡雄腐霉转化子,即可得到寡雄腐霉基因工程菌株,其转化率可达到130个转化子/106个孢子。【结论】本研究首次构建了农杆菌介导的寡雄腐霉遗传转化体系,研究结果可为寡雄腐霉的生防机制及分子育种研究提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Colonization ability of the two endophytic bacteria, isolated from surface sterilized seeds of Jaisurya variety of deep-water rice viz., Pantoea sp. and Ochrobactrum sp., was compared after genetically tagging them with a constitutively expressing green fluorescent protein gene (gfp). Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) of hydroponically grown seedlings of Jaisurya rice, inoculated with gfp-tagged endophytes, revealed that both Pantoea sp. and Ochrobactrum sp. colonized the intercellular spaces in the root cortex when inoculated separately. Colonization by gfp-tagged Ochrobactrum sp. was severely inhibited when co-inoculated with an equal number (10(5) c.f.u. ml(-1)) of wild type Pantoea sp., but the converse was not true. Pantoea sp. was a more aggressive endophytic colonizer of its host than Ochrobactrum sp. The potential of using GFP reporter and CLSM as tools in evaluating competitive ability of colonization among endophytes is herewith demonstrated.  相似文献   

Cao Y  Peng G  He Z  Wang Z  Yin Y  Xia Y 《Biotechnology letters》2007,29(6):907-911
A plasmid, pBGFP, carrying green fluorescent protein (gfp) and benomyl-resistance genes was constructed and transformed into Metarhizium anisopliae. The transformants grew normally and GFP fluorescence was detected. No change was found in virulence for the transformants. Fluorescence was detected in hyphae from the haemolymph of the infected locust, and the benomyl-resistance was maintained. Results suggested that the two markers provided a useful tool for screening and monitoring the engineered strains even after infection.  相似文献   

The parasitic plant Cuscuta campestris is dependent on its host for water, assimilates and amino acids. It can be controlled by the herbicide glyphosate, which inhibits 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS), resulting in shikimate accumulation. In this study, C. campestris was parasitic on transgenic tobacco plants expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) in the phloem. Changes in [14C]sucrose and GFP accumulation in the parasite were used as indicators of the herbicides effect on translocation between the host and parasite. Host plants were treated with glyphosate 22 days after sowing. Shikimate accumulation in the parasite 1 day after glyphosate treatment (DAGT) confirmed EPSPS inhibition in C. campestris. No damage was visible in the host plants for the first 3 DAGT, while during that same time, a significant reduction in [14C]sucrose and GFP accumulation was observed in the parasite. Thus, we propose that the parallel reduction in GFP and sucrose accumulation in C. campestris is a result of a glyphosate effect on the parasites ability to withdraw assimilates from the host.Abbreviations CLSM Confocal laser-scanning microscope - DAGT Days after glyphosate treatment - DAS Days after sowing - EPSPS 5-Enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase - GFP Green fluorescent protein  相似文献   

D'Haeze W  Gao M  Holsters M 《Plasmid》2004,51(3):185-191
Compared with other labeling techniques, the use of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) is advantageous to visualize bacteria because observations can be performed in real time. This feature is particularly interesting to study invasion events of rhizobia during nodule development on their legume host plant. To investigate the symbiotic interaction between Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS571 and Sesbania rostrata, we constructed two plasmids, pMP220-hem-gfp5 and pBBR5-hem-gfp5-S65T, that carry a modified gfp gene, the expression of which is controlled by the constitutive hem promoter. Introduction of either of these plasmids into A. caulinodans allowed the visualization of single bacteria. Determination of the plasmid stability in cultured bacteria and in nodules demonstrated that pBBR5-hem-gfp5-S65T is more stable than pMP220-hem-gfp5. The plasmid pBBR5-hem-gfp5-S65T can be used to study early invasion events during nodule development on hydroponic roots of S. rostrata.  相似文献   

Jin K  Zhang Y  Luo Z  Xiao Y  Fan Y  Wu D  Pei Y 《Biotechnology letters》2008,30(8):1379-1383
An improved transformation method for the biocontrol agent, Beauveria bassiana, was developed. For convenience of transformation selection and detection, the coding regions of the genes for phosphinothricin acetyltransferase and green fluorescent protein were fused and an expression vector, pBFT, carrying this fusion was constructed. Under optimum conditions, over 60 transformants microg(-1) plasmid DNA were obtained. B. bassiana conidia frozen 1 month at -80 degrees C were fully competent for transformation. The method was significantly less laborious and more rapid than current methods for B. bassiana. The bar::egfp provides a selectable and visible marker which may expedite future genetic engineering of this fungus.  相似文献   

We have cloned a novel nuclear gene for a ribosomal protein of rice and Arabidopsis that is like the bacterial ribosomal protein S9. To determine the subcellular localization of the gene product, we fused the N-terminal region and green fluorescent protein and expressed it transiently in rice seedlings. Localized fluorescence was detectable only in chloroplasts, indicating that this nuclear gene encodes chloroplast ribosomal protein S9. The N-terminal region of rice ribosomal protein S9 was found to have a high sequence similarity to the transit peptide region of the rice chloroplast ribosomal protein L12, suggesting that these transit peptides have a common lineage.  相似文献   

N‐myc belongs to the Myc oncogene family and plays an essential role in mammalian embryonic development. The expression of N‐myc is dynamically regulated during embryonic development; however, its expression pattern has not been well characterized due to the lack of a suitable animal model. In this paper, a genetically modified mouse model was generated in which the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) coding sequence was inserted into the N‐myc locus, so that endogenous N‐myc expression could be traced by the signal of EGFP. The EGFP signal in the transgenic mouse was confirmed to be consistent with the expression pattern of endogenous N‐myc by fluorescence microscopy and immunohistochemical staining. Furthermore, the spatial and temporal expression of EGFP was observed in the central and peripheral nervous system, heart, lung and kidney, given the known indispensable role of N‐myc in their formation. EGFP was also strongly detected in the liver, paranephros and the epithelium of the intestine. The EGFP signal can be used to trace N‐myc expression in this transgenic mouse model. N‐myc expression was observed in specific locations and cell lineages, and dynamically changed during embryonic development. The changing N‐myc expression pattern seen in mouse embryonic development and the animal model described in this paper provide important insights and a new tool to research N‐myc function.  相似文献   

Using a fluorescent whole-cell Escherichia coli biosensor previously developed in our laboratory, we determined total and bioavailable lysine in four feed ingredients (soybean, cottonseed, meat and bone meal, and sorghum) and three complete feeds (chick starter and finisher, and swine starter). The same feed sources were analyzed for total lysine by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and bioavailable lysine by chick bioassay. No significant differences were found between bioavailable lysine estimates for soybean, cottonseed, meat and bone meal, chick starter and finisher, and swine starter obtained by the fluorescent E. coli biosensor and chick bioassay. Except for sorghum, the E. coli biosensor estimates for total lysine were highly comparable to those obtained by HPLC. Comparisons were also conducted between conventionally performed optical density-based and the newly developed fluorescence-based lysine assay. The lack of significant differences in data obtained for total and bioavailable lysine by both detection modes indicated reliance and accuracy of the fluorescent E. coli biosensor. Overall results suggest that the microbial assay based on green fluorescent protein fluorescence represents a promising alternative method for lysine quantification.  相似文献   

The effect of islet neogenesis-associated protein pentadecapeptide (INGAP-PP) administration to normal male hamsters upon serum glucose and triglyceride levels, β-cell mass and function was studied. INGAP-PP (500 μg) or saline was injected twice daily during 10 days. Both groups showed comparable body weight, serum glucose and triglyceride levels. INGAP-PP treated animals had significantly higher HOMA-IR and HOMA-β and their islets released more insulin in response to glucose; they had lower islet DNA content, significantly increased number of islets/unit area, β-cell replication rate and mass, cells co-expressing Pdx-1/INGAP and islets in contact with ducts, and decreased β-cell apoptosis rate. The percentage of cells expressing Pdx-1 alone or together with INGAP or insulin increased significantly in ducts. These animals also showed a significantly higher concentration of Pdx-1 and Ngn-3 mRNA and a lower number of INGAP-positive cells. In conclusion, INGAP-PP promoted a controlled and functionally active increase of β-cell mass; our data demonstrate for the first time the mechanism responsible for such changes; that Ngn-3 would be involved in INGAP-PP-induced neogenesis; and the existence of a negative feedback loop with endogenous INGAP-producing cells. Accordingly, INGAP-PP could be used to induce these effects in people with or at risk of developing diabetes.  相似文献   

Production of recombinant proteins at low temperatures is one strategy to prevent formation of protein aggregates and the use of an expensive inducer such as IPTG. We report on the construction of two expression vectors both containing the cold-inducible des promoter of Bacillus subtilis, where one allows intra- and the other extracellular synthesis of recombinant proteins. Production of recombinant proteins started within the first 30min after temperature downshock to 25 degrees C and continued for about 5h.  相似文献   

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