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Polyamines inhibit apoptosis in porcine parthenotes developing in vitro   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Polyamines, namely putrescine, spermidine, and spermine, are biogenic low-molecular-weight aliphatic amines which play essential roles in cell growth and proliferation. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of polyamines on the viability and development of porcine diploid parthenotes developing in vitro. The addition of 0.1 or 1.0 microM of putrescine, spermidine, or spermine, individually, to the culture medium did not enhance the development of 2-cell parthenotes to the blastocyst stage and did not change the total number of nuclei in the blastocysts. However, combined addition of these three compounds increased developmental rate to blastocyst and total cell numbers. Apoptosis in blastocyst stage parthenotes was decreased in the presence of exogenous polyamines. Real time PCR revealed that addition of polyamines to the culture media decreased the ratio of mRNA expression of Bak/Bcl-xL, Fas/Bcl-xL, and caspase 3, and enhanced mRNA expression of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) and spermidine synthase, enzymes of polyamine biosynthesis. In the presence of L-alpha-difluoromethyl ornithine (an inhibitor of ODC) or cyclohexylamine (an inhibitor of spermidine synthase) development of porcine parthenotes decreased, apoptosis increased, and mRNA expression of the ratio of Bak/Bcl-xL and Fas/Bcl-xL, and caspase 3 increased. These results suggest that exogenous polyamines in the culture medium prevent apoptosis of porcine parthenotes and results in the net enhancement of porcine embryo viability.  相似文献   

Polyamines and HeLa-cell DNA replication.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
HeLa cells were synchronized for S-phase DNA synthesis by the double thymidine-block procedure. A comparison was made of the polyamine content and S-phase DNA synthesis in cells from control cultures and cultures to which an inhibitor of polyamine biosynthesis, alpha-difluoromethylornithine, was added to the synchronization medium. Control cells showed a peak of synchronous DNA synthesis at 3 h and a maximum concentration of polyamines at 6-9 h after release of the second thymidine block. Cells from cultures containing the inhibitor were severely inhibited in the synthesis of DNA and contained no putrescine and only traces of spermidine while the spermine content was lowered by as much as 80%. Supplementation of cultures containing alpha-difluoromethylornithine with a polyamine, at the time of release of the second thymidine block, replenished the intracellular pool of the administered polyamine and partially restored S-phase DNA synthesis, with a lag of 3-6 h. Almost complete restoration of DNA synthesis in cells depleted of polyamines was achieved by the addition of a polyamine to cultures at least 10 h before release of the second thymidine block. The lag in initiation of synchronous S-phase DNA synthesis was eliminated in these cells. It is concluded that reversal by polyamines of the deficiency in S-phase DNA synthesis, in polyamine-depleted HeLa cells, is a time-dependent process indicative of the necessity for the replenishment of replication factors or their organization into an active replication complex.  相似文献   

H Weber  C Ziechmann    A Graessmann 《The EMBO journal》1990,9(13):4409-4415
A hemimethylated chimeric gene, containing the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, the beta-glucuronidase coding region and the polyadenylation signal of nopaline synthase, was introduced into tobacco protoplasts by polyethylene glycol mediated transfection. Hemimethylation led to complete inhibition of transient gene expression. In regenerated transgenic plants the integrated gene was constitutively hypermethylated at the sequences CpG and CpNpG and this was correlated with an inactivation of beta-glucuronidase in 12 out of 18 analyzed plant lines whereas two showed slight and four strong activity. From 10 control lines transformed with nonmethylated DNA, only two were inactive; three showed slight and five strong activity. 5-aza-cytidine treatment of plant tissue from 'hypermethylated' lines led to induction of beta-glucuronidase in most cases. Shoots regenerated from azaC treated calli revealed stable enzyme restoration and demethylation of the integrated transgene.  相似文献   

n-Butyrate inhibits the histone deacetylase from higher cells, but has little effect on the enzyme activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Spermine and spermidine were therefore tested as potential yeast deacetylase inhibitors and found to inhibit fully the enzyme at 2 and 5 mM, respectively. The utility of these inhibitors was demonstrated by showing that 2 mM spermine substantially increased the incorporation of [3H]acetate into histone in a yeast nuclear acetyltransferase assay.  相似文献   

Effects of DNA binding proteins on DNA methylation in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The inheritance of DNA methylation patterns may play an important role in the stability of the differentiated state. We have therefore studied the inhibitory effects of DNA binding proteins on DNA methylation in vitro. Mouse L1210 cells grown in the presence of 5-azacytidine acquire hemimethylated sites in their DNA. Purified hemimethylated DNA accepted methyl groups from S-adenosyl-L-methionine in the presence of a crude maintenance methylase more readily than purified DNA isolated from cells not exposed to 5-azacytidine. On the other hand, chromatin fractions isolated from cells grown in the presence or absence of 5-azacytidine were poor substrates for the maintenance methylase irrespective of the number of hemimethylated sites present in the DNA. Inhibition of DNA methylation was shown to be associated primarily with chromatin proteins bound to DNA, and trypsinization of nuclei increased their methyl accepting abilities. Methyl acceptance was increased by salt extraction of chromosomal proteins. These data suggest that association of histones with DNA may play a role in the modulation of methylation patterns.  相似文献   

Polyamines inhibit lipid peroxidation in senescing oat leaves   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Exogenous diaminopropane, spermidine, spermine and guazatine, an inhibitor of polyamine oxidase (EC activity, were able to inhibit loss of chlorophyll and reduce the level of malondialdehyde in dark-incubated Avena sativa L. cv. Victory leaves, as well as in leaves subjected to osmotica used for protoplast isolation. Both lipoxygenase (EC activity and enzyme-protein levels were reduced by incubation with spermine. The results provide support for the contention that the inhibition of lipid peroxidation by polyamines may be one of the mechanisms responsible for their anti-senescence effects.  相似文献   

In vitro methylation of DNA with Hpa II methylase.   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
The enzyme Hpa II methylase extracted and partially purified from Haemophilus parainfluenza catalyzes the methylation of the tetranucleotide sequence CCGG at the internal cytosine. The enzyme will methylate this sequence if both DNA strands are unmethylated or if only one strand is unmethylated. Conditions have been developed for producing fully methylated DNA from various sources. In vitro methylation of this site protects the DNA against digestion by the restriction enzyme Hpa II as well as the enzyme Sma I which recognizes the hexanucleotide sequence CCCGGG. These properties make this enzyme a valuable tool for analyzing methylation in eukaryotic DNA where the sequence CCGG is highly methylated. The activity of this methylase on such DNA indicates the degree of undermethylation of the CCGG sequence. Several examples show that this technique can be used to detect small changes in the methylation state of eukaryotic DNA.  相似文献   

DNA replication was studied in vitro in the presence of native and esterified milk proteins [-lactalbumin (ALA), β-lactoglobulin (BLG) and β-casein (BCN)]. Addition of unmodified proteins to the PCR medium did not change the result of the reaction seen by electrophoresis, even at excessive ratios of basic amino acids in proteins:phosphate groups in DNA as high as 100:1. Addition of esterified proteins greatly reduced the intensity of the bands corresponding to the newly synthesized DNA, at ratios as low as 1:1 and 5:1 in case of methylated-BLG and methylated-ALA, respectively. The inhibitory effect of esterified proteins was directly proportional to their extent of esterification and strongly related to their DNA-binding capacity. Generally, inhibition of PCR with esterified proteins was similar to what can be observed with histones. However, stronger inhibition was observed with highly esterified proteins when using a higher ratio of basic:acid residues (1:1) when compared with 0.5:1 ratio in case of histones. Highly esterified BCN did not exert any inhibitory effect because of its relatively lower pI when compared with that of other esterified milk proteins and due to its lower positive net charge at the pH used for PCR. During a second PCR run, only the addition of new DNA template was able to reinitiate the reaction, giving rise to new synthesized DNA. Addition of Taq DNA polymerase did not enhance DNA synthesis, showing that inhibition was performed only by binding of DNA template and not by the inhibition of the polymerase.  相似文献   

Positioned nucleosomes limit the access of proteins to DNA. However, the impact of nucleosomes on DNA methylation in vitro and in vivo is poorly understood. Here, we performed a detailed analysis of nucleosome binding and nucleosomal DNA methylation by the de novo methyltransferases. We show that compared to linker DNA, nucleosomal DNA is largely devoid of CpG methylation. ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling frees nucleosomal CpG dinucleotides and renders the remodelled nucleosome a 2-fold better substrate for Dnmt3a methyltransferase compared to free DNA. These results reflect the situation in vivo, as quantification of nucleosomal DNA methylation levels in HeLa cells shows a 2-fold decrease of nucleosomal DNA methylation levels compared to linker DNA. Our findings suggest that nucleosomal positions are stably maintained in vivo and nucleosomal occupancy is a major determinant of global DNA methylation patterns in vivo.  相似文献   

A partially purified HeLa cell DNA methylase will methylate a totally unmethylated DNA (de novo methylation) at about 3-4% the rate it will methylate a hemimethylated DNA template (maintenance methylation). Our evidence suggests that many, if not most, dCpdG sequences in a natural or synthetic DNA can be methylated by the enzyme. There is a powerful inhibitor of DNA methylase activity in crude extracts which has been identified as RNA. The inhibition of DNA methylase by RNA may indicate that this enzyme is regulated in vivo by the presence of RNA at specific chromosomal sites. The pattern of binding of RNA to DNA in the nucleosome structure and the DNA replication complex may determine specific sites of DNA methylation. An even more potent inhibition of DNA methylase activity is observed with poly(G), but not poly(C), poly(A), or poly(U). The only other synthetic polynucleotides studied which inhibit DNA methylation as well as poly(G) are the homopolymers poly(dC).poly(dG) and poly (dA).poly(dT). These results point out the unique importance of the guanine residue itself in the binding of the DNA methylase to dCpdG, the site of cytosine methylation. The surprising inhibition of the methylation reaction by poly(dA).poly(dT), which is itself not methylated by the enzyme, suggests the possible involvement of adjacent A and T residues in influencing the choice of sites of methylation by the enzyme.  相似文献   

An in vitro DNA synthesizing system from mouse fibroblasts has been used to study DNA methylation. DNA methylation occurs in two phases, one at the replication fork and the other farther behind it. Although 4% of the dCMP residues in mouse cell DNA are mdCMP, only 1.7% of the total [alpha 32P]dCMP in newly replicated DNA is methylated in vitro. No methylation of Okazaki fragments was detected. Nearest neighbor analysis of the newly replicated DNA revealed that, although 40% of the CpG dinucleotides were methylated, significant amounts of cytosine methylation were also found in CpC, CpT, and CpA dinucleotides.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of DNA methylation, such as 5-azacytidine, induce gene expression. We have previously reported that cloned T cells treated with 5-azacytidine lose the requirement for Ag and can be activated by autologous HLA-D molecules alone, thus becoming auto-reactive. This phenomenon could potentially mediate an autoimmune disease in vivo. Inasmuch as several drugs are known to cause autoimmune disease, we asked whether they exert the same effects on T cells as 5-azacytidine. We report that hydralazine and procainamide, two drugs associated with a lupus-like autoimmune disease, also inhibit DNA methylation and induce self-reactivity in cloned T cell lines. These results suggest that drug-induced autoimmune disease may be due to activation of as yet unidentified genes through mechanisms involving DNA methylation.  相似文献   

Inhibition of DNA methylation by chemical carcinogens in vitro   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
V L Wilson  P A Jones 《Cell》1983,32(1):239-246
A diverse range of ultimate chemical carcinogens inhibited the transfer of methyl groups from S-adenosylmethionine to hemimethylated DNA in a reaction catalyzed by mouse spleen methyltransferase. The formation of alkali-labile sites in DNA lessened its ability to accept methyl groups in vitro, but the methylation reaction was much less sensitive to thymine dimers or double-strand breaks. Carcinogens induced the formation of alkali-labile DNA lesions, but the degree of methyltransferase inhibition observed was greater than that expected for this damage alone. Certain carcinogens were also capable of direct modification and inactivation of the methyltransferase enzyme. Benzo(a)pyrene treatment of living BALB/3T3 A31 clone 1-13 but not C3H/10T1/2 clone 8 cells resulted in a 12% decrease in total 5-methylcytosine content of cellular DNA. Carcinogenic agents may therefore cause heritable changes in 5-methylcytosine patterns in certain cell types by a variety of mechanisms, including adduct formation, induction of apurinic sites and single-strand breaks and direct inactivation of DNA methyltransferase.  相似文献   

HeLa cell OTF-1 has been purified on the basis of its DNA binding activity and used to raise a polyclonal rabbit antiserum. This antiserum is shown to recognize both native and denatured OTF-1 from both human and a similar protein from Xenopus culture cells, but to react either more weakly or not at all with the lymphoid cell-specific OTF-2. Separately, NFIII has been purified on the basis of its ability to stimulate Adenovirus DNA replication in vitro. On denaturing polyacrylamide gels OTF-1 and NFIII exhibit identical mobility. Anti-OTF-1 antiserum recognizes NFIII and neutralizes its stimulatory effect on DNA replication. Moreover, OTF-1 can functionally replace NFIII. Taken together with previously published DNA binding data, this indicates that OTF-1 and NFIII are either very closely related or identical.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic and autotrophic culture in agar and in polyurethane foam, the latter used as an alternative tissue support to agar, resulted in potato microplants with different in vitro morphologies. The microplants were visually characterised in terms of their relative developmental maturity, by comparing the respective leaf shapes in vitro with ontogenetic differences in leaf shape in glasshouse-grown potato plants. Cytosine methylation in the DNA of microplants of the different morphologies was determined using a method based on the AFLP technique but employing methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes (MSAP analysis) to test the hypothesis that DNA methylation could be used to characterise differences in microplant development in vitro. In three of the four treatments there was a good correlation between the visual assessment of relative morphological maturity and DNA base methylation levels. In these microplants there was increased DNA methylation in the leaves with mature leaf morphology represented by a decreased number of restriction fragments. The fourth in vitro morphology had the most juvenile leaf shape but did not have the predicted level of DNA methylation, having a relatively low number of restriction fragments. Subtraction analysis was used to discriminate the fragments that were unique to the juvenile and mature in vivo leaf morphologies. Comparison of the fragment patterns from the microplants with the latter reference profiles, confirmed the relationship with the total DNA methylation as detected by MSAP analysis, that is, the number of common fragments with the juvenile or mature in vivo leaf profiles, respectively. However, none of the fragment profiles, while sharing some common bands at random, was identical to any other; or to that of either the juvenile or mature in vivo leaf. The anomalous relationship of the microplants with most juvenile leaf shape and highest DNA methylation was confirmed. The measurement of DNA methylation in in vitro plants is discussed in the context of the development of a method to assess the quality of microplants produced by different in vitro protocols.  相似文献   

Polyamines interact with DNA as molecular aggregates.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
New compounds, named nuclear aggregates of polyamines, having a molecular mass of 8000, 4800 and < 1000 Da, were found in the nuclear extracts of several replicating cells. Their molecular structure is based on the formation of ionic bonds between polyamine ammonium and phosphate groups. The production of the 4800 Da compound, resulting from the aggregation of five or more < 1000 Da units, was increased in Caco-2 cells treated with the mitogen gastrin. Dissolving single polyamines in phosphate buffer resulted in the in vitro aggregation of polyamines with the formation of compounds with molecular masses identical to those of natural aggregates. After the interaction of the 4800 Da molecular aggregate with the genomic DNA at 37 degrees C, both the absorbance of DNA in phosphate buffer and the DNA mobility in agarose gel increased greatly. Furthermore, these compounds were able to protect the genomic DNA from digestion by DNase I, a phosphodiesterasic endonuclease. Our data indicate that the nuclear aggregate of polyamines interacts with DNA phosphate groups and influence, more efficaciously than single polyamines, both the conformation and the protection of the DNA.  相似文献   

E F Wajnberg  J M Fagan 《FEBS letters》1989,243(2):141-144
Reticulocytes contain a soluble nonlysosomal proteolytic pathway that requires ATP and ubiquitin. Polyamines at physiological concentrations were found to inhibit rapidly the ATP-dependent proteolytic system in reticulocyte lysates; spermidine and putrescine inhibited this process by 26-72% and spermine by 71-96%. Spermine had little effect on the ATP-independent breakdown of oxidant-treated hemoglobin. By fractionating the ATP-dependent system, we show that polyamines inhibit the ATP-dependent degradation of ubiquitin-protein conjugates.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic DNA methylases and their use for in vitro methylation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA methylases from mouse and pea have been purified and characterized. Both are high molecular mass enzymes that show greater activity with hemimethylated than unmethylated substrate DNA. Both methylate cytosines in CpG preferentially, but not exclusively and show similar kinetics of methylation, which makes it difficult to saturate all possible sites on the DNA, but procedures are described that circumvent this problem.  相似文献   

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