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The evolutionary history and biogeography of freshwater-dependent taxa in Australia is of intrinsic interest given the present-day aridity of this continent. Cherax is the most widespread and one of the most species-rich of Australia's nine freshwater crayfish genera. The phylogenetic relationships amongst 19 of the 23 Australian Cherax were established from mitochondrial DNA sequences representing the 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA gene regions. The relationships among species support an initial east–west separation, followed by a north–south divergence in eastern Australia. Molecular clock estimations suggest that these divergences date back to the Miocene. The phylogenetic relationships support endemic speciation within geographical regions and indicate that long-distance dispersal has not led to recent speciation as previously hypothesized. This new evolutionary scenario is consistent with the climatic history of Australia and the evolutionary history of other similarly distributed freshwater-dependent organisms in Australia.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 81 , 553–563.  相似文献   

The molecular phylogeny and biogeography of the East Asian freshwater crabs of the genus Nanhaipotamon (Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae) were studied, using two mitochondrial (16S rRNA and cytochrome oxidase I) and one nuclear (28S rRNA) markers, and correlated with various vicariant and dispersal events which have occurred in this region. The results showed Nanhaipotamon to be a monophyletic taxon with four clades which correspond to the topography of the coastal region of southeastern China and Taiwan Island. Mountains appear to play an important role in the distribution. The genus occurs only from east of the Wuyishan Range (Zhejiang and Fujian) and south of the Nanling Range (Guangdong) in southern China, and is also present west of the Central Range in Taiwan. The molecular and geological data suggest that Nanhaipotamon originated in an area between the Wuyishan and Nanling Ranges. In this area, the main and earliest cladogenesis occurred at ~4.8 million years ago (mya), with speciation probably taking place at around 4mya. The molecular evidence strongly supports the recent invasion of the genus into Taiwan Island from northeastern Fujian, via the paleo-Minjiang River on the landbridge of Taiwan Strait. The presence of the genus in Dongyin Island, however, is through invasion from southeastern Zhejiang, during the Pleistocene glaciation period. Nanhaipotamon reached Taiwan and Dongyin Island at ~1.0 and 0.4 mya, respectively. A small population of Nanhaipotamon formosanum from Penghu Islands (Pescadores) in the central Taiwan Strait has a slightly different genetic constitution and suggests it is a relict of past Pleistocene glaciations.  相似文献   

Aim The phylogeographic relationships among populations of the common Cape River crab, Potamonautes perlatus, are examined to investigate whether the contemporary population genetic structure is congruent with the hypothesized hydrographic evolution of drainage systems established during the Pliocene, or whether it reflects an older Miocene climatic amelioration. Location 139 samples of P. perlatus were collected from 31 populations distributed among the five major perennial drainage systems and a number of smaller catchments in the Western and Eastern Cape, South Africa. Methods Phylogeographic analysis using parsimony, maximum likelihood, minimum evolution and Bayesian inferences was employed for the 16S rRNA mtDNA gene region, while bootstrapping and posterior probabilities were used to assess the robustness of clades. In addition, nested clade analysis was performed in an attempt to disentangle the contemporary and historical factors that have sculpted genealogical relationships among conspecific populations of P. perlatus. Results Phylogenetic topologies were congruent irrespective of the evolutionary method employed. Two highly distinct reciprocally monophyletic clades characterized by marked levels of corrected sequence divergence were present, with no shared haplotypes between the two major phylogroups. Phylogroup one comprises the populations of the westward‐flowing drainages (mainly the Berg and Olifants drainages), and phylogroup two comprises all of the southward‐flowing drainages and can further be divided into two subclades – one containing the Breede River populations, and the other containing the Gamtoos and Gourits drainage systems. The nested clade analysis demonstrated restricted gene flow and long‐distance dispersal for a number of higher clade levels. The higher‐level groups and results for the total cladogram suggest either fragmentation or isolation by distance. Main conclusions Freshwater crabs are generally highly philopatric, and dispersal, although not common, has occurred historically. The westward‐flowing drainages (Berg, Olifants, Eerste, Liesbeeck and Tokai) are isolated from the southward‐flowing drainages by the Cape Fold Mountains, while the southward‐flowing drainages have a number of tributaries that extend into the low‐lying regions, allowing for gene flow between these three major drainages systems (Breede, Gamtoos and Gourits). Among the westward‐flowing drainages, a more intensive sampling regime is required to understand evolutionary relationships. Our molecular results suggest that the observed patterns pre‐date the formation of contemporary hydrographic patterns in the Cape. This suggests that an older Late Miocene event has severely impacted the contemporary population structure in this species, as recent Pliocene hydrographic boundaries do not correspond to the phylogeographic pattern observed. Conservation efforts for aquatic taxa should clearly be directed at the catchments, in an attempt to conserve biological diversity.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the phylogeographic structure of the widespread freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium australiense, within and between major Australian drainage basins using mitochondrial sequence data. This will enable the investigation of historical connections between major drainages and examination of hypotheses of biogeographic associations among Australian freshwater basins. Location Inland, eastern and northern Australia. Methods Sequencing 16S rRNA and ATPase 6 protein coding mitochondrial DNA genes from M. australiense from 19 locations from inland, eastern and northern Australia. Results Within drainage basins, haplotype trees are monophyletic, with the exception of the Finke River from the Lake Eyre Basin. Macrobrachium australiense from the two main inland drainages, the Murray–Darling and Lake Eyre Basin are divergent from each other and do not form a monophyletic group, instead the Murray–Darling Basin haplotypes clade with eastern coastal haplotypes. Haplotypes from neighbouring eastern coastal drainages were found to be quite divergent from each other. Main conclusions The phylogeographic relationships among M. australiense suggest that the two major inland drainages, the Murray–Darling Basin and the Lake Eyre Basin, are not biogeographically closely associated to each other. Instead the Murray–Darling Basin is more closely allied with the eastern coastal drainages across the Great Dividing Range. Despite their proximity the neighbouring southeast Queensland coastal Mary and Brisbane Rivers are also biogeographically divergent from each other. The results also indicate that the Finke River appears to have been isolated from the remainder of the Lake Eyre Basin catchment for a significant period of time.  相似文献   

The genus Portunus encompasses a comparatively large number of species distributed worldwide in temperate to tropical waters. Although much has been reported about the biology of selected species, taxonomic identification of several species is problematic on the basis of strictly adult morphology. Relationships among species of the genus are also poorly understood, and systematic review of the group is long overdue. Prior to the present study, there had been no comprehensive attempt to resolve taxonomic questions or determine evolutionary relationships within this genus on the basis of molecular genetics. Phylogenetic relationships among 14 putative species of Portunus from the Gulf of Mexico and other waters of the western Atlantic were examined using 16S sequences of the rRNA gene. The resultant molecularly based phylogeny disagrees in several respects with current morphologically based classification of Portunus from this geographical region. Of the 14 species generally recognized, only 12 appear to be valid. We recommend that P. vossi be hereafter regarded as a junior synonym of P. spinimanus and that P. bahamensis be regarded as a junior synonym of P. depressifrons . Our analysis suggests that western Atlantic members of the genus can be subdivided into at least three well-defined clades. Pending further molecular analyses with a large subset of species, it appears that the genus is not monophyletic and that it warrants further taxonomic revision.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 150 , 211–220.  相似文献   

The evolutionary importance of cryptic taxa is well documented, yet few studies have examined them with a view to conservation. In the present study, the significance of cryptic speciation in freshwater crabs is examined. Allozyme and 16S rRNA sequence data were used to explore the degree of population differentiation between mountain stream populations of two distinct freshwater crab species. Marked patterns of differentiation were evident among populations; those in close geographical proximity were characterized by the fixation of alternate alleles at certain loci, indicating that currently there is no gene flow among populations. Both allozyme and sequence data provide evidence for the recognition of at least five distinct evolutionary lineages with pronounced levels of genetic differentiation. Morphometric data failed to detect any distinct geographically intermediate population groupings. Our findings indicate the presence of five phylogeographical units, all worthy of conservation, three of which are evolutionarily significant.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78 , 129–147.  相似文献   

The family Galatheidae is among the most diverse families of anomuran decapod crustaceans, and the South‐West Pacific is a biodiversity hot spot for these squat lobsters. Attempts to clarify the taxonomic and evolutionary relationships of the Galatheidae on the basis of morphological and molecular data have revealed the existence of several cryptic species, differentiated only by subtle morphological characters. Despite these efforts, however, relationships among genera are poorly understood, and the family is in need of a detailed systematic review. In this study, we assess material collected in different surveys conducted in the Solomon Islands, as well as comparative material from the Fiji Islands, by examining both the morphology of the specimens and two mitochondrial markers (cytochrome oxidase subunit I, COI, and 16S rRNA). These two sources of data revealed the existence of eight new species of squat lobster, four of which were ascribed to the genus Munida, two to the genus Paramunida, one to the genus Plesionida, and the last species was ascribed to the genus Agononida. These eight species are described along with phylogenetic relationships at the genus level. Our findings support the taxonomic status of the new species, yet the phylogenetic relationships are not yet fully resolved. Further molecular analysis of a larger data set of species, and more conserved genes, will help clarify the systematics of this group. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 156 , 465–493.  相似文献   

Leiopotherapon unicolor is the most widespread freshwater fish species in Australia. A comprehensive allozyme and mitochondrial DNA 16S rRNA data set was assembled from 141 specimens of L. unicolor collected Australia-wide in order to test for cryptic speciation in this far-ranging species. Surprisingly, little genetic diversity was observed within L. unicolor and provided no evidence for the existence of cryptic species within this lineage. In contrast, a small sample set of L. aheneus used as the outgroup showed two highly divergent haplotypes strongly suggestive of cryptic speciation. L. unicolor has a number of ecological and life history attributes that may explain the lack of significant genetic divergence over substantial geographical distances. The occurrence of other widespread fish and crustacean species that also display only limited genetic diversity indicate that climate conditions more favourable to dispersal across central and northern Australia than is suggested by the extent of present-day aridity have occurred in the relatively recent geological past.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 87 , 537–552.  相似文献   

从线粒体16S rDNA序列探讨绒螯蟹类的系统发生关系   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
测定了绒螯蟹类各物种的线粒体16SrDNA部分片段的序列,构建了NJ树、ML树和MP树。序列歧异数据比较和各系统发生树都支持新绒螯蟹属(Neoeriocheir)为一个独立的属。在3种系统发生树中,直额绒螯蟹(Eriocheir recta)都是绒螯蟹属(Eriocheir)所有其它成员的姐妹群,并且广东珠江1只直额绒螯蟹标本的16SrDNA部分序列与台湾产台湾绒螯蟹(Eriocheir formasa)的相应序列相同。这些结果不支持平绒螯蟹属(Platyeriocheir)是一个有效的属,并表明E.formosa是E.recta的同物异名。绒螯蟹属(Eriocheir)所有其它成员聚为一个单系的分支,支持中华绒螯蟹、合浦绒螯蟹与日本绒螯蟹属于同一个物种Eriocheir japonica。16SrDNA部分序列的比对表明,产于台湾的日本绒螯蟹的此段序列与合浦绒螯蟹的相同,产于崇明岛的和产于美国旧金山海湾的中华绒螯蟹的此段序列与中华绒螯蟹单元型B的序列相同。  相似文献   

Tentatively dated, the Plio‐/Pleistocene origin of the ancient Lake Ohrid on the Balkan Peninsula makes it the oldest ancient lake in Europe. Given the surface area of the lake and the adjusted endemicity rate, it may be also defined as the most diverse of all the ancient lakes in the world. From all the animal groups endemic to this lake, gammarids are amongst the most scarcely known in terms of their diversity and phylogenetic relationships. Partial DNA sequences of two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome oxidase subunit I (cox1) and 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) of eight known endemic Gammarus species from the Lake Ohrid valley were analysed. Phylogenetic analyses showed that endemic Gammarus species comprise an ancient species flock, with Gammarus sketi from the feeder springs being their sister taxon outside the lake. Amongst the species inhabiting the lake, Gammarus solidus and Gammarus salemaai are morphologically and molecularly well defined. By contrast, Gammarus ochridensis, Gammarus parechiniformis, Gammarus lychnidensis, and Gammarus stankokaramani revealed high discrepancy between morphological and genetic data. None of these morphospecies form a monophyletic clade and a significant degree of apparent gene flow occurs between them. This could be caused by incomplete lineage sorting and/or hybridization events. Two novel mtDNA lineages were found within the lake, possibly constituting two new species (Gammarus sp. 1 and Gammarus sp. 2). Molecular clock analysis showed that the split between G. sketi and the Gammarus species flock from the lake occurred approximately 5–7 Mya, whereas within the flock there were at least two intralacustrine radiations: one estimated at 2–3 Mya and the second at less than 1 Mya. The first one could be associated with the origin of the lake and the second with the lake water‐level fluctuations during Pleistocene. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Three endemic Cretan land snail species of the genus Mastus (Beck, 1837) from the island group of Koufonisi (south-east Crete) and the eastern part of Crete, were studied by multivariate analysis of shell morphology and analysis of mtDNA sequences. The phylogeny of the populations studied and the processes effecting the genetic and morphological diversity of the species were investigated. Extremely high mtDNA sequence divergence was observed both within and between populations. The Cretan populations could not be distinguished morphologically, while the populations of the islets were more distinct. We argue that the active geological past of the area (including sea level changes) and the long-term presence of humans has produced a mixing up of Mastus populations leading to the accumulation of high divergence of mtDNA sequences on a small spatial scale. The limited morphological diversity and the distinct shell 'identity' of the islets' populations can be attributed to the selective pressures of the island group.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78, 383–399.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationship among freshwater crab species of Geothelphusa from northern Taiwan and the Yaeyama Group of islands (including Iriomote and Ishigaki) in the southern Ryukyus was studied using the mitochondrial genes 16S rRNA and COI. Our results support the hypothesis that speciation of Geothelphusa among these islands was the result of cyclic glaciations and interglaciations during the Pleistocene. Two main clades, one the Taiwan Group (containing several clades, including most Taiwanese Geothelphusa species except Geothelphusa miyazakii but including Geothelphusa minei from Yaeyama), was estimated to be separated from its sister group, the southern Ryukyus-northern Taiwan (SRN) clade (including G. miyazakii, Geothelphusa shokitai, Geothelphusa fulva and G. marginata from northern Taiwan, the Pinnacle Islands [=Diaoyutai Islands or Senkaku Islands] and Yaeyama) at about 5.3 million years ago (mya). G. shokitai was separated from others within the SRN clade at 2.4 mya, but was probably derived from G. miyazakii in northern Taiwan. The ancestor of G. miyazakii is hypothesised to have dispersed from ancestors in Yaeyama and then isolated at 2.0 mya during the Pleistocene interglaciations. This is similar to the speciation of G. minei in Yaeyama at 1.5 mya, except that its ancestors originated from north-eastern Taiwan. Four clades of freshwater crabs are present in the Fushan Botanical Garden, located in the mountainous area of north-eastern Taiwan, which might be due to the historical rearrangements of the drainage and proximity of the various river origins.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial DNA segment encoding the 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) gene sequence (ca. 600 bp) was compared among Trichiurus sp. 2 (sensu Nakabo, 2002) (obtained from various areas of Japan), T. japonicus Temminck and Schlegel (collected from various localities within Japan), and true T. lepturus Linnaeus (caught off the Atlantic coast of the United States and Brazil) of the family Trichiuridae using 10, 10, and 15 specimens, respectively. Based on phylogenetic analysis using a neighbor-joining (NJ) algorithm, the haplotypes of Trichiurus sp. 2, T. japonicus, and T. lepturus indicated three distinct monophyletic lineages, being supported by 100% bootstrap values with no haplotypes overlapping or sharing among the lineages. Trichiurus sp. 2, T. japonicus, and T. lepturus are genetically different from each other, suggesting that they are three distinct species.  相似文献   

Shifting drainage patterns in western North America, shaped by geological activity and changing global climates, have influenced the evolution of many aquatic taxa. We investigated the role of late Pleistocene high stands in pluvial Lake Lahontan on the genetic structure of Richardsonius egregius, a minnow endemic to the Lahontan Basin of the western Great Basin. We used the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene to generate a phylogeny and assess intraspecific genetic diversity, to estimate divergence times between clades, and to evaluate whether gene flow currently occurs. The results obtained show that R. egregius exhibits genetic divergence between eastern and western Lahontan Basin populations. Divergence time estimates show that intraspecific genetic diversification began in the Pliocene or early Pleistocene, before the pluvial lake high stands associated with the last glacial maximum. These results imply that the fluctuating water levels in pluvial Lake Lahontan had a minimal effect on shaping the genetic architecture of R. egregius. Coalescent analyses using the immigration with migration model show that contemporary gene flow between eastern and western Lahontan Basin populations does not occur. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 163–176.  相似文献   

Aim To infer the phylogenetic relationships within the freshwater shrimp genus Paratya Miers, 1882 (Atyidae) and to use these data to answer biogeographical questions about the location, timing and form of evolution of this genus in the South Pacific. Location Paratya are spread throughout various freshwater habitats in the western Pacific, with a disjunct northern range in the North Pacific (Japan, Korea, Ryukyu Islands, Siberia) and South Pacific (Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Lord Howe, Norfolk Island). Methods Specimens were obtained from throughout its range. Mitochondrial sequences of cytochrome oxidase subunit I and 16S ribosomal DNA were analysed using phylogenetic techniques to identify whether landmasses are monophyletic and what the relationships are between landmasses. Molecular clock dating methods were used to date divergences between taxa. Results Each landmass was recovered as monophyletic. Japan/Ryukyu Islands is the most basal group, followed by New Zealand. Australian specimens form a sister group to a clade made up of two groups (New Caledonia and Lord Howe/Norfolk Island). The oldest divergence within the genus (between North and South Pacific) took place 12–19 Ma. Main conclusions The geographical origin of the genus (either Gondwana or Laurasia) is unclear. Dispersal occurred between the North and South Pacific long after the split up of Gondwana. Dispersal likely explains the presence of Paratya on each landmass in the South Pacific, from continent to isolated oceanic island. This dispersal is conjectured to have taken place through oceanic currents because of the amphidromous life cycle of some taxa of Paratya, given that amphyidromy is plesiomorphic in atyid shrimp.  相似文献   

The crab genus Brachynotus de Haan, 1833 is restricted to the intertidal and shallow subtidal of the Mediterranean and northeastern Atlantic. It is presently recognized to consist of four species, of which three (B. foresti, B. gemmellari and B. sexdentatus) are endemic to the Mediterranean. The fourth species, B. atlanticus, is found along the Atlantic coasts of northern Africa and southern Europe, but also extends into the western Mediterranean. This high level of endemism suggests that speciation within Brachynotus is strongly correlated with the geography and geology of the Mediterranean Sea. A molecular phylogeny based on the mitochondrial large subunit (16S) rRNA gene indicates that the four species of Brachynotus form a monophyletic group within Atlantic Varunidae. The DNA sequence data also show that the genus Brachynotus can be subdivided into two species groups, one comprising B. atlanticus and B. foresti, and the other one B. gemmellari and B. sexdentatus. While B. atlanticus and B. foresti are clearly genetically distinct, B. gemmellari and B. sexdentatus are identical in the studied region of the 16S rRNA gene, suggesting a recent separation or continuing gene flow.  相似文献   

The genus Pimelia is represented in Sicily by the two species P. grossa and P. rugulosa, the latter with the two subspecies P. r. rugulosa and P. r. sublaevigata. A third subspecies, P. r. apula, is present only in Puglia. The phylogeographic history of this genus in Sicily was reconstructed using sequences of the complete cox2 gene, applying phylogenetic and molecular dating methods. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed the monophyly of the two species, as well as the subdivision of P. rugulosa in the three morphological subspecies. One previously undetected and deeply divergent lineage was described that is geographically related to the Hyblean massif. It is therefore suggested that the deep divergence of the two major P. rugulosa clades in Sicily reflects an ancient separation between the Hyblean massif and the other land masses of Sicily. Dating analysis confirmed that the timing of P. rugulosa genetic divergence is compatible with the formation of the Hyblean massif. Furthermore, P. rugulosa populations of the Hyblean massif, whose taxonomy has been historically problematic, display levels of genetic divergence comparable to those observed at the species level. The possibility that this new lineage might deserve species rank is presented.  相似文献   

The Australian continent is notable for the faunal radiations which have occurred in its saline inland waters. The endemic brine shrimp genus Parartemia inhabits many of these habitats. The complex pattern of morphological variation in parartemiids has impeded the establishment of a sound scheme of species relationships. The present study provides an explicit hypothesis of relationships for the genus based on nucleotide sequence data from a segment of mitochondrial DNA coding for the large subunit rRNA gene. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that the eight known species are genetically distinct, and revealed the existence of at least two new species. The molecular data support certain morphology-based relationships among species, but are inconsistent with other hypotheses. There is evidence that most members of the genus arose in a short interval, followed by remarkable genetic divergence. Comparisons of levels of mt DNA sequence divergence between lineages from saline inland waters and freshwaters using representative crustacean groups from Australia that included parartemiids indicated profound differences in rates of evolution, with halophiles exhibiting greater rates of change than their counterparts from freshwaters.  相似文献   

The morphology and phylogeny of 13 strains of a thermophilic cyanobacterium, Mastigocladus laminosus Cohn, isolated from hot springs in Japan and Myanmar were analyzed to determine taxonomy and biogeography. From the morphological observations of cell size, there were significant differences among strains. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed two lineages: Lineages I and II. Lineage I consisted of strains collected in Japan and reference strains from a previous study (CCMEE 5329 and 5331, Hakone, Japan); Lineage II included all of the Myanmar strains and one Japanese strain, and was a novel lineage in phylogeographic studies on M. laminosus. Since strains in the Lineage II tended to have larger cells than those in the Lineage I, the morphological and phylogenetic lineages corresponded well with each other.  相似文献   

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