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The dominance of angiosperms has played a direct role in the diversification of insects, especially Coleoptera. The shift to angiosperm feeding from other diets is likely to have increased the rate of speciation in Phytophaga. However, Phytophaga is only one of many hyperdiverse lineages of beetles and studies of host-shift proliferation have been somewhat limited to groups that primitively feed on plants. We have studied the diet-diverse beetle family Erotylidae (Cucujoidea) to determine if diet is correlated with high diversification rates and morphological evolution by first reconstructing ancestral diets and then testing for associations between diet and species number and diet and ovipositor type. A Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of morphological data that was previously published in Leschen (2003, Pages 1-108 in Fauna of New Zealand, 47; 53 terminal taxa and 1 outgroup, 120 adult characters and 1 diet character) yielded results that are similar to the parsimony analyses of Leschen (2003). Ancestral state reconstructions based on Bayesian and parsimony inference were largely congruent and both reconstructed microfungal feeding (the diet of the outgroup Biphyllidae) at the root of the Erotylidae tree. Shifts among microfungal, saprophagous, and phytophagous diets were most frequent. The largest numbers of species are contained in lineages that are macrofungal feeders (subfamily Erotylinae) and phytophagous (derived Languriinae), although the Bayesian posterior predictive tests of character state correlation were unable to detect any significant associations. Ovipositor morphology correlated with diet (i.e., acute forms were associated with phytophagy and unspecialized forms were associated with a mixture of diets). Although there is a general trend to increased species number associated with the shift from microfungal feeding to phytophagy (based on character mapping and mainly restricted to shifts in Languriinae), there is a large radiation of taxa feeding on macrofungi. Cycad feeding is scattered in more deeply diverged taxa and may have preceded the evolution of angiosperm feeding in some groups. Preliminary analysis of diet mapped onto higher beetle phylogenies suggests that about half of the major Coleoptera lineages may have had fungus-feeding ancestors. We discuss the roles of stochastic models and prior distributions of the reconstruction of ancestral character states in the context of the current data.  相似文献   

Complementary DNA for a gene encoding trehalose phosphorylase (TP) that reversibly catalyzes trehalose synthesis and degradation from alpha-glucose-1-phosphate (alpha-Glc-1-P) and glucose was cloned from Pleurotus sajor-caju. The cDNA of P. sajor-caju TP (designated PsTP, GenBank Accession No. AF149777) encodes a polypeptide of 751 amino acids with a deduced molecular mass of 83.7 kDa. The PsTP gene is expressed in mycelia, pilei, and stipes of fruiting bodies. Trehalose phosphorylase PsTP was purified from PsTP-transformed Escherichia coli. The enzyme catalyzes both the phosphorolysis of trehalose to produce alpha-Glc-1-P and glucose, and the synthesis of trehalose. The apparent K(m) values for trehalose and Pi in phosphorolytic reaction at pH 7.0 were 74.8 and 5.4 mM, respectively. The PsTP gene complemented Saccharomyces cerevisiae Deltatps1, Deltatps2 double-mutant cells, allowing their growth on glucose medium. Furthermore, yeast transformed with PsTP produced 2-2.5-fold more trehalose than non-transformants or cells transformed with empty vector only.  相似文献   

Three different kinds of biomass, namely Populus deltoides, Eupatorium adenophorum and sericulture waste were used individually for the cultivation of Pleurotus sajor-caju, alone and mixed with paddy straw. P. sajor-caju, when used alone, exhibited a very good colonizing ability on these substrates, except in sericulture waste. The biological efficiency of P. deltoides and E. adenophorum when used as pure substrate was 75 and 77%, respectively, but it increased to 102% when P. sajor-caju was cultivated in a mixture with paddy straw in a ratio of 1:2. Experiments examining the growth on sericulture waste in both pure and mixed substrate are encouraging. From the analysis of substrate before and after the cultivation of P. sajor-caju it was noted that subsstrates were enriched in their protein content as a result of growth of this mushroom. The percentage of degradation of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin showed that P. sajor-caju is capable of utilizing all three major components. The fruit bodies of P. sajor-caju were analyzed for crude protein content, crude fat and carbohydrate content. The energy values in the fruit bodies of P. sajor-caju and different organic wastes were found to vary from 282 to 309 kcal/100 g and from 319 to 467 kcal/100 g, respectively. It was found, however, that the energy recovery from organic wastes by fruit bodies was very low, i.e. 4.19-8.73 kcal/100g of dry substrate.  相似文献   

介绍了细花萤科的识别特征,总结了该科分类历史,提供了属级检索表,编制了中国已知种类名录。基于标本检视信息,对一些物种地理分布地进行了补充,包括 Lobonyx guerryi (Pic, 1920)、Prionocerus bicolor Redtenbacher, 1868、P. coeruleipennis Perty,1831、Idgia deusta Fairmaire,1878和I. flavirostris Pascoe,1860。  相似文献   

New data concerning the occurrence of pleasing fungus beetles (Coleoptera: Erotylidae) in Poland are given, with a focus on rare and difficult to identify Central European taxa. Cryptophilus cf. integer (Heer) (Cryptophilinae) is reported from the Polish territory for the first time based on adult and larval specimens collected in the Wielkopolska-Kujawy Lowland. Identification problems concerning species of Cryptophilus introduced to Europe are discussed. Triplax carpathica Reitter (Erotylinae) is recorded from the Białowieża Primeval Forest, which is the first known non-Carpathian finding of this species, located in the close proximity of the Polish-Belarussian UNESCO World Heritage Site “Białowieża Forest”. Discussion of Triplax carpathica being conspecific with Siberian Triplax rufiventris Gebler is provided. New Polish localities of several other Erotylidae are reported, and an updated key to Central European species of Triplax is given. The Triplax key is supplemented with dorsal and ventral habitus images of all treated Triplax species. One of the rarest Central European erotyline species Combocerus glaber (Schaller) is recorded from xerothermic grasslands in North-West Poland.  相似文献   

Summary. Members of the family Erotylidae and especially of the subfamily Erotylinae possess a whole arsenal of compound integumentary glands. Their external pores are located in several parts of the body, mainly in the corners and along the lateral margins of the pronotum, beside the compound eyes (periocular glands), on the subgenal braces (subocular glands), on the abdominal ventrites, and more rarely on the prosternal and mesoventral intercoxal processes, the mentum and the mandibles. To evaluate the evolution of the various exocrine glands their occurrence is described for 55 species of Erotylidae (including the former Languriidae), and data from the literature are included for nine further species and two subfamilies. In some phylogenetically crucial cases, the glandular nature was verified by internal inspection (search for glandular ducts), and in some critical species or genera an extended sample was studied. Gland characters and their phylogenetic implications are discussed and mapped on a previously published erotylid phylogeny.

Résumé. La distribution et l’évolution des glandes exocrines composées chez les Erotylinae (Insecta: Coleoptera: Erotylidae). Les membres de la famille des Erotylidae et spécialement de la sous-famille des Erotylinae ont un large arsenal de glandes tégumentaire composées. Leurs pores externes sont situés dans différentes parties du corps, surtout dans les coins et les bords des marges latérales du pronotum, à côté des yeux composés (glandes péri-oculaires), sur les ventrites abdominaux, et plus rarement sur les processus prosternaux intercoxal et mésoventral, le mentum et les mandibules. Pour évaluer l’évolution des différentes glandes exocrines, leur occurrence est décrite pour 55 espèces d'Erotylidae (y compris les anciens Languriidae), tandis que des données de la littérature sont incluses pour 9 espèces supplémentaires et 2 sous-familles. Dans certains cas phylogénétiquement cruciaux, la nature glandulaire a été vérifiée par un examen interne (recherche de canaux glandulaires). L’échantillonnage a été étendu pour certaines espèces ou certains genres critiques. Les caractères des glandes et leurs implications phylogénétiques sont discutées et cartographiées à partir d'une phylogénie des Erotylidae précédemment parue.  相似文献   

The first Erotylidae of the subfamily Xenoscelinae from the Late Eocene Baltic amber, Warnis tvanksticus gen. et sp. nov., is described. The new genus is distinguished from closely related Xenoscelis Woll. and Zavaljus Reitt. by the presence of well-developed femoral lines on the first abdominal ventrite and also the shape of the pronotum, the body size, the absence of lateral carina on the elytra or pits at the base of the pronotum, and the presence of a gular pit.  相似文献   

Abstract. Phylogenetic relationships of Erotylidae (pleasing fungus beetles) were inferred based on DNA sequence data. Relationships of clades within Erotylidae were examined, as was the relationship of the entire family to Languriidae (lizard beetles). 18S and 28S ribosomal DNA were sequenced for sixty‐one taxa representing major erotylid lineages and outgroups. Phylogenetic analyses under varying parameter settings using standard parsimony and likelihood techniques were performed. These data indicate a paraphyletic Erotylidae and Languriidae. Encaustinae (including Coptengis), Megalodacninae and Erotylinae are supported as monophyletic, whereas Dacninae and Tritominae are paraphyletic. Taxonomic and biological implications are discussed. Gregariousness has arisen at least three times in Erotylidae. The erotylid clade has experienced at least one evolutionary transition from mycophagy (on Aphyllophorales) to phytophagy, three transitions from Aphyllophorales hosts to Euagarics, and one transition from Euagarics hosts to Mucorales (Zygomycetes). There are no recognizable phylogenetic trends in coloration across higher‐level erotylid lineages.  相似文献   

Two new species Micrencaustes (Mimencaustes) renshiae sp. n. and Micrencaustes (Mimencaustes) biomaculata sp. n. are described and illustrated from China. A key to Chinese species of subgenus Mimencaustes Heller is provided.  相似文献   

Abstract. In many ways, the apposition eye of the erotylid fungus beetle Neotriplax lewisi resembles that of chrysomelids: its 400–500 mostly hexagonal ommatidia are of the acone type and possess "open rhabdoms," a tapetum is not present, and axons penetrate the basement membrane in distinct bundles of eight. The eye also shows some unusual features that, at present, defy clear functional interpretation. Firstly, the cuticle of the interfacetal areas stains differently from that of the corneal lenses and, secondly, the two rhabdom systems in each ommatidium (central and peripheral) both possess microvilli that are oriented in such a way as to permit e-vector discrimination. On the basis of comparisons with other open rhabdom eyes, it is postulated that vision in N. lewisi involves neither high resolving power nor superior absolute sensitivity. However, this beetle can distinguish illuminated from shaded areas, and seems specialized to make use of sky polarization (probably in the UV and green regions of the spectrum) and/or the position of the sun as a course-stabilizing function during flights.  相似文献   

The traditionally defined ‘Nanos group’, composed of the genera Nanos Westwood, 1842, Cambefortantus Paulian, 1986 and Apotolamprus Olsoufieff, 1947, represents the most recent Malagasy dung beetle radiation. Species in this group have been ecologically very successful with many being numerically dominant in local dung beetle communities in Madagascar. In this study the phylogenetic relationships of species in this group are inferred using molecular data from mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase I) and nuclear (rudimentary, topoisomerase I and 28S) genes.The monophyly of Apotolamprus is supported both by molecular and morphological characters, but that of Nanos, supported by only one morphological character, is questioned. Congruent species groups can be defined within Nanos on the base of morphology and molecular results. In addition to the phylogenetic study, the revision of the genus Nanos Westwood, 1842, s.l., is presented. Nanos antsihanakensis (Lebis, 1953) stat.n . is re‐established. Thirteen new species – Nanos pseudofusconitens sp.n ., Nanos magnus sp.n ., Nanos marojejyensis sp.n ., Nanos bemarahaensis sp.n ., Nanos andreiae sp.n ., Nanos mirjae sp.n ., Nanos pseudorubromaculatus sp.n ., Nanos pseudominutus sp.n ., Nanos mixtus sp.n ., Nanos ranomafanaensis sp.n ., Nanos manongorivoensis sp.n ., N. pseudoviettei sp.n . and N. constricticollis sp.n . – are described and compared with their most closely related taxa. Sphaerocanthon fallaciosus Lebis, 1953, is synonymised with Nanos fusconitens (Fairmaire, 1899) syn.n . and Nanos neoelectrinus Montreuil & Viljanen, 2007, with Nanos humeralis Paulian, 1975 syn.n . Lectotypes are designated for Epilissus fusconitens var. agaboides Boucomont, 1937, Epilissus punctatus Boucomont, 1937, Epilissus sinuatipes Boucomont, 1937, Epilissus semiscribrosus Fairmaire, 1898, Epilissus fusconitens Fairmaire, 1899, and Sphaerocanthon vadoni Lebis, 1953. Aedeagus and male pro‐ and metatibiae are illustrated for each species. This published work has been registered in Zoobank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C1F29A37‐E380‐4D87‐871F‐039227547156 .  相似文献   

A water-soluble glucan was obtained from the fruit bodies of an edible mushroom, Pleurotus sajor-caju, by hot water extraction, ethanol precipitation, dialysis, and Sepharose 6B gel filtration. On the basis of total hydrolysis, methylation analysis, periodate oxidation, and NMR studies ((1)H, (13)C, DQF-COSY, TOCSY, NOESY, and HSQC), the structure of the repeating unit of the glucan is determined as [carbohydrate structure: see text].  相似文献   

Entomological Review - A new genus Eremohypera gen. n. with the type species Smicronyx alfierii Pic, 1913 from Egypt and Israel and its close relative Eremohypera turkmenica sp. n. from western...  相似文献   

The lizard beetle Doubledaya bucculenta (Coleoptera: Erotylidae: Languriinae) female has evident asymmetric head morphology. The females excavate small holes in host bamboo internodes for the deposition of eggs. To understand the asymmetry and allometry of male and female adults and larvae of D. bucculenta, mandibular length, genal and head width, and elytral length were measured, and the oviposition preference for different-sized internodes of the bamboo Pleioblastus simonii and the relationship between internode size and emerging adult size were examined. Larval mandibles exhibited no clear asymmetry pattern, and genae showed fluctuating asymmetry in length. Adult male mandibles showed left-directional asymmetry, but genae showed fluctuating asymmetry. Adult female mandibles and genae exhibited marked left-directional asymmetry. The degree of asymmetry of mandibles and genae remained constant regardless of body size. Large females tended to choose large-diameter internodes of P. simonii and to lay eggs successfully, whereas small females tended to choose intermediate-diameter internodes, but to fail in oviposition, suggesting that small females pay a high cost on oviposition. There was a positive correlation between internode size and emerging adult size. Marked directional asymmetry of female mandibles and genae are discussed in relation to greater frequency of cutting bamboo fibers compared with adult males, and the traits of bamboo internode.  相似文献   

This work treats species of the genus Microsternus Lewis, 1887 from Asia and North America. A new genus is described: Neosternus (type species Microsternus higonius Lewis, 1887). A new species is described: Microsternus pengzhongi. A new synonym is provided: Microsternus tricolor taiwanicus Nakane (=Microsternus tricolor Lewis). Three species previously placed in Microsternus Lewis, 1887 are transferred to Neosternus resulting in the following three new combinations: Neosternus higonius (Lewis, 1887), Neosternus taiwanus (Chûjô, 1976), and Neosternus hisamatsui (Nakane, 1981).  相似文献   

Pleurotus sajor-caju, strain Pl-27, produces manganese-dependent peroxidase (MnP) and laccase, but not lignin peroxidase, when grown on a defined medium with glucose as sole carbon source. MnP activity was detected in fungal cultures supplemented with both high (26 mM-N) and low (2.6 mM-N) nutrient nitrogen although higher specific activity values were recorded under the latter conditions. Conversely, laccase production was not influenced by nutrient nitrogen levels under the growth conditions adopted. Both the titre and time of appearence of MnP were also affected by the concentration of Mn in the culture medium with highest enzyme levels recorded in cultures supplemented with 15 ppm Mn. Two MnP and five laccase isoforms were identified by FPLC and gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

吐鲁番地区葡萄斑叶蝉发生规律及种群空间分布型研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对新疆吐鲁番地区葡萄斑叶蝉在葡萄园葡萄上的发生规律及种群空间分布型进行了研究。结果表明,该蝉在吐鲁番地区1年发生4代,1代高峰在5月中旬,其余各代世代重叠。其空间分布和温度变化关系密切,在春季平均气温20~30℃之间,种群趋于分布在藤架的中、高部位,而随着夏季温度的升高,种群向中、低位较荫蔽的部位转移,并通过在遮蔽物下躲藏或在阴凉湿润的土壤表面停留降温等措施度过极端温度。采用Taylor幂法则、Iwao的m-m回归分析法分析表明,吐鲁番地区葡萄斑叶蝉发生活动期为聚集分布,并且随种群密度的变化,呈现扩散-聚集-扩散-聚集-扩散-聚集的变化规律。  相似文献   

【目的】本文描述了首次在贵州猕猴桃上发生的一种害虫——端齿材小蠹Anisandrus apicalis(Blandford)。【方法】通过对当地修文县谷堡乡平滩村猕猴桃病树上小蠹的观察和形态研究,进行分类和鉴定。【结果】此次发现的端齿材小蠹是贵州省境内第一次报道,也是首次发现在猕猴桃病枝上发生。本文提供了该小蠹的分类和鉴别,附有相关近缘种的形态特征图和检索表,并介绍了其寄主和分布,以及在贵阳修文猕猴桃的危害和发生等情况。【结论】此次发生在猕猴桃上的端齿材小蠹是贵州省境内的首例,本文结果可以为当地植物检疫和猕猴桃种植管理提供参考。虽然此次端齿材小蠹在猕猴桃上发生,但是未发现其会直接为害猕猴桃健康植株,需要在将来进行深入的实验调查。  相似文献   

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