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Streptomyces sp. DSM 41796 produced four major extracellular xylanases with Mr of 145, 120, 60 and 45 kDa. Those of 145 and 60 kDa formed a heterodimer. All xylanases, except that of 120 kDa, were induced by xylose, d-arabinose or sucrose, while commercial xylans induced the 60 kDa xylanase in a major proportion than others, and sugar-cane bagasse pith or lemon peel induced predominantly the 45 kDa xylanase.  相似文献   

Screening for novel thioglucoside hydrolase activity resulted in the isolation of Sphingobacterium sp. strain OTG1 from enrichment cultures containing octylthioglucoside (OTG). OTG was hydrolysed into octanethiol and glucose by cell free extracts. Besides thioglucoside hydrolysis, several other glucoside hydrolase activities were detected in the Sphingobacterium sp. strain OTG1 cell free extract. By adding beta-glucosidase inhibitors it was possible to discriminate between these different activities. Ascorbic acid and D-gluconic acid lactone inhibited the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl beta-glucoside, but did not affect octyl- and octylthioglucoside hydrolase activity. Besides OTG, various other thioglucosides were hydrolysed by the novel thioglucosidase, with almost the same activities regardless of the nature of the aglycone, including the myrosinase model substrate sinigrin (a glucosinolate). Sinigrin could also be used as a growth substrate by Sphingobacterium sp. strain OTG1, although at concentrations exceeding 0.15 mM degradation was not complete.  相似文献   

A new xylanolytic bacterium designated strain HESP1T (T = type strain) was isolated from a methanogenic digester. Strain HESP1T was a motile, rod shaped, spore-forming bacterium, which possessed a Gram-positive type cell wall. Glucose, fructose, lactose, trehalose, maltose, raffinose, sucrose, xylan, mannitol, cellobiose, galactose, mannose, melibiose, ribose were fermented to produce, acetate, butyrate, H2, CO2, formate, isobutyrate, and ethanol. Fumarate was fermented to acetate. Glycerol and methanol were also utilized. Sulfate, thiosulfate, nitrate, sulfur and fumarate were not used as electron acceptors. Strain HESP1T had a G + C content of 40 mol% and grew optimally at 37 degrees C and pH 7 on a fructose containing medium. Phylogenetically, strain HESP1T was most related to Clostridium aminovalericum (similarity of 94%) than to C. populeti, C. herbivorans and Eubacterium xylanophilum (average similarity of 92%), all members of subcluster XIVa of the low G + C containing Gram-positive branch. However, strain HESP1T shared little phenotypic and genotypic traits with C. aminovalericum and on the basis of this and phylogenetic evidence, we propose to tentatively designate strain HESP1T as a new species of the genus Clostridium, Clostridium xylanovorans sp. nov. The type strain is HESP1T (= DSM 12503).  相似文献   

鞘胺醇杆菌肝素酶的产生   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
肝素类分子是一类结构异常复杂的高度硫酸化的糖胺聚糖,是临床上的一种主要的抗凝剂。除了抗凝血及其相关的抗栓活性以外,肝素还具有多种其他生物学功能,如抗平滑肌细胞及肾小球系膜细胞的增殖^[1]、抗炎症^[2]和阻止肿瘤生长及转移的作用^[3]等。因而肝素可用于防治球囊扩充血管成型术后的血管再狭窄、肾小球系膜细胞增生性肾炎、病理性炎症及肿瘤。但由于完整肝素的抗凝血活性,会引起出血及血小板减少综合症等负作用,限制了肝素在这些方面的临床应用。研究表明,肝素的抗凝血活性依赖于一种独特的肝素五糖序列,约占完整肝素链的1/3,除了五糖序列以外,还需要附近的至少13糖残基,因而不含五糖序列或含五糖序列小于18糖的肝素其抗凝活性大大降低^[4]。而六糖以上的肝素片段就具有抗平滑肌细胞增生、抗炎症及抗肿瘤的活性,并且这些活性与抗凝活性无关。因此,可利用特异性的肝素酶降解肝素长链,产生一系列不同结构及大小的肝素片段,并从中筛选出具有不同生物活性的片段。  相似文献   

P. Strasser  G. Falkner 《Planta》1986,168(3):381-385
The permeability properties of the cell membrane of a symbiotic Nostoc sp. for glutamate and aspartate were investigated. These compounds were translocated across the plasmalemma by a transport system which showed a very high affinity for glutamate and a lower one for aspartate. Since a concomitant release of glutamate was observed during the uptake of these two amino acids it is concluded that the transport proceeds via a counterexchange mechanism. In addition to this counterexchange a net release of glutamate occurred in the dark. Some aspects concerning the possible function of this transport system in the symbiotic association Geosiphon pyriforme are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The xylanase activity of the new thermophilic, anaerobic, Clostridium sp. EPP100 was induced by xylan, cellobiose, and lactose, a pattern previously noted only in cellulolytic organisms. The lactose-induced xylanase had microcrystalline cellulose binding activity. Induction of xylanase activity was dependent on inducer concentration and was not fully repressible by glucose, xylose, or any mono-sugars tested. The -glycosidases and xylanase were not induced coordinately by lactose and cellobiose.  相似文献   

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek - A Gram-reaction-negative halotolerant bacterial strain, designated Ka21T, was isolated from agricultural soil and characterised using a polyphasic approach to determine...  相似文献   

A free-living Gram-negative bacterial strain CR11(T) was isolated from corn roots. Polyphasic taxonomy was performed, including API20 NE and API50 CH bacterial identification kits, Biolog analysis, lipids and fatty acid analysis, DNA-DNA hybridization, 16S rRNA and cpn60 gene sequence analyses. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis indicated that strain CR11(T) belonged to the genus Sphingobacterium and was closely related to Sphingobacterium multivorum IFO 14947(T) (98% similarity) and Sphingobacterium. thalpophilum ATCC 43320(T) (97% similarity). DNA-DNA hybridization showed 11% and 13% DNA re-association with S. multivorum LMG 8342(T) and S. thalpophilum LMG 11520(T), respectively. Major fatty acids (16:0, 15:0 iso and 17:0 iso 3-OH) and the G+C content of the DNA (40.5 mol%), were also similar to those of the genus Sphingobacterium. The predominant respiratory quinone was MK-7. In all analyses, including phenotypic characterization, this isolate was found to be different from the closely related species, S. multivorum and S. thalpophilum. On the basis of these results, this strain represents a new species within the genus Sphingobacterium. The name Sphingobacterium canadense sp. nov. is suggested and the type strain is CR11(T) (=NCCB 100125(T)=LMG 23727(T)).  相似文献   

A Gram-positive, aerobic, rod-shaped, nonmotile, endospore-forming bacterium, designated Gsoil 349T, was isolated from soil of a ginseng field and characterized using a polyphasic approach. Comparative analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that the strain Gsoil 349T belongs to the family Paenibacillaceae, and the sequence showed closest similarity with Cohnella thermotolerans DSM 17683T (94.1%) and Cohnella hongkongensis DSM 17642T (93.6%). The strain showed less than 91.3% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity with Paenibacillus species. In addition, the presence of MK-7 as the major menaquinone and anteiso-C(15:0), iso-C(16:0), and C(16:0) as major fatty acids suggested its affiliation to the genus Cohnella. The G+C content of the genomic DNA was 53.4 mol%. On the basis of its phenotypic characteristics and phylogenetic distinctiveness, strain Gsoil 349T should be treated as a novel species within the genus Cohnella for which the name Cohnella panacarvi sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is Gsoil 349T (=KCTC 13060T = DSM 18696T).  相似文献   

As part of a study of the biogas production from cattle waste, xylanolytic bacteria were isolated from enrichments of fermenting cattle manure. From 34 isolates, mostly Gram-negative rods, a typical strain was investigated in more detail. It was an anaerobic non-sporeforming, Gramnegative rod, which was motile with peritrichous flagella. This organism fermented xylan and many soluble sugars (glucose, cellobiose, mannose, xylose, arabinose). Other hemicelluloses such as gum xanthan, laminaran, locust bean gum, and gum arabic were not utilized. It also could not use cellulose. Fermentation products were carbon dioxide, hydrogen, acetate and ethanol. The bacterium produced carboxymethylcellulase and xylanase, especially when growing on xylan. Growth was optimal between 25°C and 40°C and between pH 6.5 and 7.5. The guanine plus cytosine content of the DNA was 34.8±0.8%. The isolate was identified as a member of the genus Bacteroides, and a new species is proposed: Bacteroides xylanolyticus (xylan dissolving). The type strain of B. xylanolyticus is strain X5-1 (DSM 3808).  相似文献   

An extracellular chitosanase produced by Rhodotorula gracilis CFR-1 that catalyses a limited degradation of chitosan with no detectable generation of glucosamine or reducing groups was identified. Ultracentrifugation, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and gel permeation studies suggest that chitosan of average molecular mass 36000 Da was reduced by the enzymic catalysis to nearly one-fourth this size without further hydrolysis of the products. The enzyme, produced constitutively by this yeast, was partially purified and some of its properties were studied.  相似文献   

Summary Two closely similar phycoerythrins were purified from Cryptomonas sp. The two proteins were indistinguishable with respect to native molecular weight, subunit structure, photolability and immunological specificity, and differed only in their isoelectric points (pH 5.74 and 6.35), as determined by isoelectric focussing in polyacrylamide gels. Each protein consisted of two unequal subunits, (mol. wt. 11,800) and (mol. wt. 19,000), and each subunit contained covalently bound chromophore. In contrast to the blue-green and red algal phycoerythrins studied thus far, the Cryptomonas sp. phycoerythrins are extremely photolabile; exposure of the purified proteins to relatively short periods of intense illumination with visible light produces a marked decrease in fluorescence and in absorbance at 567 m.Abbreviation used SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of a bacterium, strain NCCP-246T, isolated from rhizosphere of Vigna mungo, was determined using a polyphasic taxonomic approach. The strain NCCP-246T can grow at 16–37 °C (optimum 32 °C), at pH ranges of 6–8 (optimum growth occurs at pH 7) and in 0–4 % (w/v) NaCl. Phylogenetic analysis based upon on 16S rRNA gene sequence comparison revealed that strain NCCP-246T belonged to genus Sphingobacterium. Strain NCCP-246T showed highest similarity to the type strain of Sphingobacterium canadense CR11T (97.67 %) and less than 97 % with other species of the genus. The DNA–DNA relatedness value of strain NCCP-246T with S. canadense CR11T and Sphingobacterium thalpophilum JCM 21153T was 55 and 44.4 %, respectively. The chemotaxonomic data revealed the major menaquinone as MK-7 and dominant cellular fatty acids were summed feature 3 [C16:1 ω7c/C16:1 ω6c] (37.07 %), iso-C15:0 (28.03 %), C16:0 (11.85 %), C17:0 cyclo (8.84 %) and C14:0 (2.42 %). The G+C content of the strain was 39.2 mol%. On the basis of DNA–DNA hybridization, phylogenetic analyses, physiological and, biochemical data, strain NCCP-246T can be differentiated from the validly named members of genus Sphingobacterium and thus represents as a new species, for which the name, Sphingobacterium pakistanensis sp. nov. is proposed with the type strain NCCP-246T (= JCM18974 T = KCTC 23914T).  相似文献   

Rhizobium sp. wild-type strain GRH2 was originally isolated from root nodules of the leguminous tree Acacia cyanophylla and has a broad host range which includes herbaceous legumes, e.g., Trifolium spp. We examined the extracellular exopolysaccharides (EPSs) produced by strain GRH2 and found three independent glycosidic structures: a high-molecular-weight acidic heteropolysaccharide which is very similar to the acidic EPS produced by Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii ANU843, a low-molecular-weight native heterooligosaccharide resembling a dimer of the repeat unit of the high-molecular-weight EPS, and low-molecular-weight neutral beta (1,2)-glucans. A Tn5 insertion mutant derivative of GRH2 (exo-57) that fails to form acidic heteropolysaccharides was obtained. This Exo- mutant formed nitrogen-fixing nodules on Acacia plants but infected a smaller proportion of cells in the central zone of the nodules than did wild-type GRH2. In addition, the exo-57 mutant failed to nodulate several herbaceous legume hosts that are nodulated by wild-type strain GRH2.  相似文献   

High concentrations of hydroxycinnamic acids in the hemicellulosic fraction of dry season tropical grasses may influence the rate of microbial degradation of arabinoxylans by ruminant animals. The ability of 22 strains of Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens, other ruminal bacteria (Ruminococcus albus SY3, Ruminococcus flavefaciens RF1,Prevotella ruminicola AR20) and the ruminal phycomycete Neocallimastix patriciarum CX to digest the tropical grass Heteropogon contortus(spear grass) and hydrolyse esterified ferulic and p-coumaric acid was examined. Significant digestion (8-36%) of spear grass occurred with the B. fibrisolvens strains H17c, A38, LP92-1-1, 49,R. albus SY3 and N. patriciarum. Hydrolysis of ester-linked ferulic and p-coumaric acid occurred with all organisms except B. fibrisolvens strains GS113, OB156 and LP1028 and P. ruminicola AR20. The ratio of ferulic to p-coumaric acid hydrolysed by different strains of Butyrivibrio spp. varied markedly from 0.96 for AR 51 to 0.16 for A38. Butyrivibrios which were fibrolytic (H17c and A38) had higher extracellular cinnamoyl esterase activity than bacteria that did not digest spear grass fibre (LP 91-4-1 and AR 20) which had low activities or only produced cell associated enzyme. Cell associated and extracellular esterase activity were induced when Butyrivibrio spp. strains H17c, A38 and E14 and the Ruminococcus spp. were grown on birchwood xylan but induction did not occur to the same extent with N. patriciarum. This is the first reported observation of cinnamoyl esterase activity in the genus Ruminococcus. The fungus N. patriciarum had significantly higher digestibility of spear grass and solubilisation of phenolic acids than the bacteria. The study shows that high levels of extracellular cinnamoyl esterases are characteristic of a selection of fibre-degrading ruminal bacteria and fungi which probably indicates that these enzymes are common amongst xylanolytic ruminal microorganisms.  相似文献   

Streptococci and veillonellae occur in mixed-species colonies during formation of early dental plaque. One factor hypothesized to be important in assembly of these initial communities is coaggregation (cell-cell recognition by genetically distinct bacteria). Intrageneric coaggregation of streptococci occurs when a lectin-like adhesin on one streptococcal species recognizes a receptor polysaccharide (RPS) on the partner species. Veillonellae also coaggregate with streptococci. These genera interact metabolically; lactic acid produced by streptococci is a carbon source for veillonellae. To transpose these interactions from undisturbed dental plaque to an experimentally tractable in vitro biofilm model, a community consisting of RPS-bearing streptococci juxtaposed with veillonellae was targeted by quantum dot-based immunofluorescence and then micromanipulated off the enamel surface and cultured. Besides the expected antibody-reactive cell types, a non-antibody-reactive streptococcus invisible during micromanipulation was obtained. The streptococci were identified as Streptococcus oralis (RPS bearing) and Streptococcus gordonii (adhesin bearing). The veillonellae could not be cultivated; however, a veillonella 16S rRNA gene sequence was amplified from the original isolation mixture, and this sequence was identical to the sequence of the previously studied organism Veillonella sp. strain PK1910, an oral isolate in our culture collection. S. oralis coaggregated with S. gordonii by an RPS-dependent mechanism, and both streptococci coaggregated with PK1910, which was used as a surrogate during in vitro community reconstruction. The streptococci and strain PK1910 formed interdigitated three-species clusters when grown as a biofilm using saliva as the nutritional source. PK1910 grew only when streptococci were present. This study confirms that RPS-mediated intrageneric coaggregation occurs in the earliest stages of plaque formation by bringing bacteria together to create a functional community.  相似文献   

N-Acetyltransferase from Chryseobacterium sp. strain 5-3B is an acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA)-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the enantioselective transfer of an acetyl group from acetyl-CoA to the amino group of l-2-phenylglycine to produce (2S)-2-acetylamino-2-phenylacetic acid. We purified the enzyme from strain 5-3B and deduced the N-terminal amino acid sequence. The gene, designated natA, was cloned with two other hypothetical protein genes; the three genes probably form a 2.5-kb operon. The deduced amino acid sequence of NatA showed high levels of identity to sequences of putative N-acetyltransferases of Chryseobacterium spp. but not to other known arylamine and arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferases. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that NatA forms a distinct lineage from known N-acetyltransferases. We heterologously expressed recombinant NatA (rNatA) in Escherichia coli and purified it. rNatA showed high activity for l-2-phenylglycine and its chloro- and hydroxyl-derivatives. The Km and Vmax values for l-2-phenylglycine were 0.145 ± 0.026 mM and 43.6 ± 2.39 μmol · min−1 · mg protein−1, respectively. The enzyme showed low activity for 5-aminosalicylic acid and 5-hydroxytryptamine, which are reported as good substrates of a known arylamine N-acetyltransferase and an arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase. rNatA had a comparatively broad acyl donor specificity, transferring acyl groups to l-2-phenylglycine and producing the corresponding 2-acetylamino-2-phenylacetic acids (relative activity with acetyl donors acetyl-CoA, propanoyl-CoA, butanoyl-CoA, pentanoyl-CoA, and hexanoyl-CoA, 100:108:122:10:<1).  相似文献   

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