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A study was performed in and around Lake Mburo National Park (LMNP) to identify common helminths that parasitize both game and livestock. Various techniques including floatation, Baerman and sedimentation tests, faecal culturing and post‐mortem were used to identify helminths recovered during the survey. Identification was based on egg, larval and adult helminth developmental stages. Results showed that 22 species of parasitic nematodes, lungworms, ascaris, trematodes and tapeworms occur in both wild game and livestock found in and around the national park. The significance of the findings to helminth cross‐infection among game, livestock and man is discussed.  相似文献   

We examined patterns of crop raiding by elephants across gender and age classes in relation to elephant life history and sociobiology and estimated the quantitative contribution of crops to elephant diet in Kibale National Park (KNP). Elephant dung‐boli sizes were used to estimate age and sex, while the presence of crop remains in the dung of crop‐raiding elephants was used as evidence of repeated raiding. To estimate the expected proportion of elephants raiding per age class, the age distribution of raiders was compared with the age distribution of all KNP elephants. Elephants raiding crops were predominantly males. They began raiding in expected proportions at 10–14 years while a higher than expected proportion raided crops at 20–24 years. These results suggest that crop raiding is initiated at an age when male elephants leave their families and a large proportion of elephants raid when they are approaching reproductive competition. Evidence from dung of crop raiders, suggests that repeated raiding increases with age. Crop raiders derived 38% of their daily forage from the short time spent raiding, consistent with expectations of foraging theory. Males may be more likely to learn crop raiding because they are socially more independent and experience intense mating competition than females.  相似文献   

Very little information exists on mineral nutrition of tropical, forest-dwelling species, yet minerals are critical to growth, reproduction, and survival. We examined the mineral resources available to and consumed by colobus in Kibale National Park, Uganda. We combined behavioral data on black-and-white (Colobus guereza) and red colobus (Piliocolobus tephrosceles) in a section of unlogged forest, a heavily logged area, and a forest fragment with mineral analysis of their foods to estimate the proportion of the diet containing specific minerals (mineral content). We compared mineral content of colobus foods (natural and crops) across plant parts and among plant species. Additionally, we estimated mineral intake of frugivorous primates in Kibale from published dietary data and our estimates of mineral content of foods. Dietary mineral content for all colobus groups and frugivorous species is similar despite significant differences in the mineral content of foods. Ripe and unripe fruits are lower in mineral content than most foods. Foods rarely consumed, such as bark, petioles, and caterpillars have high levels of some minerals. The mineral content of crops is low in comparison to that ofnatural foods. For all colobus groups of both species, sodium content of foods was extremely low and iron content was generally low, suggesting that intake isbelow suggested requirements, though current suggested iron requirements may overestimate physiological needs. Copper content was marginal and deficient seasonally for most colobus groups. Despite a sodium-limiting environment, only one of 8 colobus groups appeared to select sodium; however, this may be due to a lack of variation in sodium content among plant species and a positive correlation between high plant sodium content and secondary compounds. Despite the lack of selection for sodium by colobines, some behaviors point to a potential sodium deficiency, including urine drinking, consumption of high-sodium swamp plants, and use of mud-puddles.  相似文献   

Crop raiding can reduce farmers' tolerance towards wildlife. Despite higher human population densities in rural areas, and more rapid conversion of forest to farmland, much less is known about crop raiding in Asia than in Africa. Over 14 months, we identified perceived and actual crop pests, and their patterns of crop raiding from farmland in and around Kerinci Seblat National Park, Sumatra. Farmers named either the wild boar Sus scrofa (80%) or the pig-tailed macaque Macaca nemestrina (20%) as the two most destructive crop pests. From 5125 crop raids by 11 species of mammal, most raids were indeed made by the wild boar (56%) and the pig-tailed macaque (19%). For all species combined, temporal crop raiding peaks were positively correlated with periods of high rainfall. Spatially, most crop raids occurred nearest to the forest edge and the local guarding strategies used were ineffective. However, raids by wild boars were more extensive than raids by pig-tailed macaques, which caused much greater crop damage (73%) than wild boars (26%), contrary to farmers' perceptions. Our research suggests that alternative mitigation strategies need to be trialed over dry and rainy seasons to identify the most effective strategies and that guarding effort should be increased during the rainy seasons and tailored towards specific crop raiding species based on their unique spatial patterns.  相似文献   

Intersexual and seasonal variation in foraging behaviour of impala (Aepyceros melampus), was studied in the Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda. There was a moderate seasonal difference in foraging efficiency (as measured by ‘acceptable food abundance’), with a minimum in dry season and a maximum in Rainy season. The variation between sexes was more distinct with a pronounced minimum in time spent browsing of males in early wet season. By distinguishing between feeding time spent grazing and feeding time spent browsing the seasonal variation was confirmed. The proportion of foraging time spent feeding (expressed as ‘food ingestion rate’) showed an inverse pattern with a maximum in the late dry season (75.5%), decreasing values throughout the Rainy season and a minimum in early dry season (57.8%). Differences between sexes were explained in terms of reproductive demands and seasonal balance in terms of moderate climate throughout the year. Impala foraging patterns in the bimodal tropics (two Rainy seasons) is discussed and compared with unimodal tropics. The findings are matched against current ideas on optimal foraging.  相似文献   

Conflict of Interest Between People and Baboons: Crop Raiding in Uganda   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Much has been written about insect damage to standing crops, but an area that has received little attention within agricultural development, conservation, and primatological literature is that of primates and the potential damage they can cause to farmers' fields. This is likely to become an increasingly important issue for people interested in primates, as conservation projects adopt a more integrated approach to take account of local people's perspectives and needs. The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of crop raiding by primates, particularly baboons, on farmers living around the southern edge of the Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda. I use data gathered during monthly farm surveys and informal discussion groups, along with time budget data, to demonstrate that 1) baboons can cause extensive damage to field crops, such as maize and cassava; 2) proximity of the farm to the forest edge and the presence or absence of neighboring farms affect the likelihood of any farm sustaining crop damage from baboons; and 3) in addition to the direct costs associated with crop losses attributed to baboon foraging activity, there are indirect costs of baboon crop raiding such as increased labor demands to protect crops from them and, occasionally, to replant crop stands badly damaged by baboons. These results have important implications for future primate conservation policy and practice.  相似文献   

The impact of fire on the foraging behaviour of impala (Aepyceros melampus), was studied in the Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda. Two indices of foraging efficiency were used to establish differences in feeding behaviour in burnt and unburnt control areas. These are acceptable grass/browse abundance (AGA/ABA), expressed in terms of feeding time achieved per 50 steps and food ingestion rate (FIR), expressed as the cumulative percentage. Accumulation of above ground grass biomass was also measured in burnt and control areas. After burning, the grazing efficiency remains constant throughout the dry season, while the browsing time achieved per 50 steps decreases drastically. In the control areas AGA decreased with increasing length of the dry season while ABA increased. When expressed in terms of cumulative percentage (FIR), the results show a significant increase of 31% in foraging time spent grazing and a 24% decrease in foraging time spent browsing, in burnt areas. The results confirm the classification of impalas as intermediate or mixed feeders with a distinct preference for grass. Impala foraging patterns after burning are discussed and compared with investigations on the effect of burning on the behaviour of impalas and Buffon's kob (Kobus kob kob) in other areas of Africa.  相似文献   

Until recently, the Bale monkey (Chlorocebus djamdjamensis), an arboreal primate endemic to the southern Ethiopian highlands, remained virtually unstudied, and its distribution pattern inadequately documented. To broaden our knowledge of the species' distribution and abundance, we carried out interviews with local people and total count surveys for Bale monkeys across 67 fragmented forest sites in human-dominated landscapes in the Oromia and Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People's Regions, Ethiopia. From January 2010 to May 2011, we discovered 26 new Bale monkey populations inhabiting forest fragments at elevations ranging from 2,355 to 3,204 m asl. Across these populations, we recorded 37 groups ranging in size from 9 to 29 individuals (Mean = 19.5, SD = 4.5), for a total of 722 individuals. Black-and-white colobus monkeys (Colobus guereza) were sympatric with Bale monkeys at all sites, while grivet monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops) were found only at sites where Bale monkeys did not occur. All of the newly discovered Bale monkey sites once contained bamboo forest, though at 35% of the sites bamboo forest had been eliminated during the past two decades. The persistence of Bale monkeys at fragmented sites lacking bamboo suggests greater habitat flexibility for the species than previously thought, though the long-term viability of populations both with and without bamboo remains uncertain. Human hunting in response to crop raiding, a behavior the monkeys engaged in at all sites, represents a major threat facing the newly discovered Bale monkey populations. Furthermore, despite their current lack of sympatry, apparently hybrid individuals between Bale monkeys and grivets were noted at three sites, posing yet another potential obstacle to Bale monkey conservation. Community conservation programs aimed at (1) protecting remaining habitat fragments, (2) planting bamboo and trees within and between fragments, and (3) reducing crop raiding represent the only hope for survival of the newly discovered Bale monkey populations.  相似文献   

Here, I examine overlapping resource use of forest and cultivated resources by villagers and tonkean macaques (Macaca tonkeana) in Lore Lindu National Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia. An integrative research design was employed, using methods from primatology and cultural anthropology, in conjunction with quantitative measurements of cacao crop loss. The results indicate that the current patterns of overlapping resource use may not be severely affecting the tonkean macaques or villagers in Lindu. The research does, however, point to possible future difficulty if cacao crop raiding by macaques increases, and as changing socioeconomic trends and loss of traditional folklore result in further modification of macaque habitat. Successful strategies to ameliorate human–macaque conflict may require efforts aimed at the adoption of alternative buffer zone crops that use shade-management systems, the deliberate protection of important macaque food species, and increasing local tolerance to crop raiding by exploring the role of macaques in forest regeneration.  相似文献   

In Africa, most protected forests are in densely human-dominated landscapes where human–wildlife conflict is intense. We documented farmer perceptions and responses to crop-raiding wildlife from Kibale National Park, Uganda. Crop raiding was mostly (95%) by baboons (Papio anubis) and elephants (Loxodonta africana). While the financial loss caused by baboons and elephants did not differ, elephants were perceived as more damaging. Guarding and trenches were perceived as the most effective deterrent strategies for baboons and elephants, respectively. Distance from the park boundary and household income were significantly associated with a greater likelihood of crop raiding. Distance from the park, household head age and the species that raided crops, influenced whether a household applied one or more deterrent strategies. Households headed by women or older adults were most vulnerable, experiencing greater losses to raiding. Patterns of human–wildlife conflict around Kibale forest are complex, but the extent of crop damage was mostly determined by distance from the park and farm socio-economic status and thus their ability to mitigate or deter raiding. Managing crop raiding requires collaboration between the park and affected farmers to ensure that mutually managed deterrent methods, such as trenching (elephants) and guarding (baboons), are effectively shared, applied and maintained.  相似文献   



Brucellosis is the commonest zoonotic infection worldwide with symptoms similar to other febrile syndromes such as malaria and typhoid fever. It is often easily misdiagnosed, resulting in underreporting and misdirected treatments. Understanding of the factors that influence brucellosis care seeking is essential in enhancing its effective management. Our study sought to determine the factors associated with choice of provider in accessing care for brucellosis among pastoral communities in Uganda.


This was a cross-sectional survey involving 245 randomly selected respondents previously diagnosed and treated for brucellosis, two months before the study. They were enrolled from three sub-counties neighboring Lake Mburo National Park between December 2012 to April 2013. Data on socio-demographics, availability, accessibility, affordability and acceptability of health services were collected. A multivariable logistic regression model was fitted to determine association between independent and outcome variables using odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals with p-value≤0.05 considered statistically significant.


Of the 245 respondents, 127(51.8%) sought health care at government facilities and the rest at private. Respondents who were less likely to choose a government facility were either single (OR: 0.50, CI: 0.26–0.97), had general weakness (OR: 0.09, CI: 0.01–0.72) or whom family took a decision (OR: 0.52, CI: 0.28–0.97). At multivariable analysis, choice of government facility was influenced by primary education (aOR: 0.46, CI: 0.22–0.97), having six to ten household members (aOR:3.71, CI:1.84–7.49), family advice (aOR:0.64, CI: 0.23–0.91), distance ≥10 kms (aOR:0.44, CI: 0.21–0.92), high costs at private clinics (aOR:0.01, CI:0.02–0.15) and no diagnosis at government facility (aOR:0.11, CI:0.01–0.97). Females were more likely to seek health care at government facilities, while those with tertiary education were less likely, after the first provider.


Females and households with six to ten members were more likely to choose government facilities. Government facilities need to be equipped to attract more patients.  相似文献   

In August 2004, hippo mortality in the waters of Kazinga Channel, Lakes George and Edward within Queen Elizabeth National Park (QENP) was observed. Veterinary investigation confirmed the disease killing hippos to be anthrax, using clinical, postmortem and laboratory diagnosis, including the polymerase chain reaction technique. Anthrax is believed to have occurred in QENP in 1959, 1962 and 1991 amongst Hippopotamus amphibious but these was not as devastating as the outbreak of 2004–2005. During the outbreak, 306 hippopotami representing 11.63%, 63 zebras representing 1.47%, 60 buffaloes representing 0.9%, thirteen warthogs representing 0.69%, twelve kobs representing 0.07%, three waterbucks representing 0.09% and five elephants representing 0.02% died. A multisectoral National Taskforce was set up, to among other things contain the disease at source and halt its spread. Carcass disposal by burying and burning, decontamination of disposal sites by 10% formaldehyde, ring vaccination of cattle and sheep using blanthrax vaccine and community sensitization, were carried out by the taskforce. A surveillance programme is in place.  相似文献   

Baboons are the most successful and ubiquitous African primates, renowned for their behavioral and reproductive flexibility, which enable them to inhabit a wide variety of habitat types. Owing to a number of long‐term field studies, comparative behavioral, developmental, demographic, and life‐history data are available from several populations, but study sites show a heavy bias toward South and East African savannahs, with little research in West or Central Africa. Life‐history data from such areas are important if we are fully to understand the nature of the environmental factors that limit baboon distribution. Here, we present demographic data for olive baboons at Gashaka‐Gumti National Park (GGNP), Nigeria, collected from December 2000–February 2006, and use these data to test comparative models of baboon life‐history. The GGNP habitat, which includes large areas of rainforest, is an environment in which baboons are little studied, and rainfall is much higher than at previous study sites. GGNP troop size data are presented from censuses, as well as life‐history data for two troops, one of which is within the park and wild‐feeding (Kwano troop), whereas the other dwells at the park edge, and supplements its diet by crop‐raiding (Gamgam troop). Troop sizes at GGNP are small compared with other field sites, but fit within previously suggested ranges for baboons under these climatic conditions. Inter‐birth intervals in Kwano troop were long compared with most studied populations, and values were not as predicted by comparative models. Consistent with known effects of food enhancement, Gamgam troop experienced shorter inter‐birth intervals and lower infant mortality than Kwano troop. We indicate some possible factors that exclude baboons from true rainforest, and suggest that the clearing of forests in Central and West Africa for agricultural land may allow baboons to extend their range into regions from which they are currently excluded. Am. J. Primatol. 71:293–304, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Lake Mburo and Lake Kachera are shallow, eutrophic lakes in mid‐western Uganda. Lake Mburo recorded higher values of Secchi and eutrophic depths and lower extinction coefficient (k) values. The lakes showed a ‘red shift’ phenomenon in maximum light transmission. The average values of electrical conductivity in Lake Mburo and Lake Kachera were 136 and 244 μS cm?1, respectively. The pH values indicated high photosynthetic activity. Dissolved oxygen concentration averaged 6.9 and 7.8 mg l?1 in Lake Mburo and Lake Kachera, respectively. The lakes had high total nitrogen (TN) : total phosphorus (TP) ratios averaging 200 and 280 in Lake Mburo and Lake Kachera, respectively. The lakes are dominated by cyanobacterial blooms that reduce light penetration to less than 1 m. Lake Mburo had a lower algal biomass than Lake Kachera. Chlorophyll a concentrations correlated positively (r = 0.73, P < 0.05) with the extinction coefficient in Lake Mburo but not in Lake Kachera. The correlations between chlorophyll a and TN and TP were also high. Both lakes recorded high primary productivity, Lake Mburo showing higher values. The study highlighted the need to investigate the organism–community interrelationships in the two water bodies.  相似文献   

A survey of people's needs and attitudes around Kasungu National Park shows that there are 11 resources that the people want to utilize from the Park. Bee-keeping is the most popular activity. Others include collection of caterpillars, firewood, building materials and mushrooms. There is no significant difference in demand for all these resources between subsistence and commercial farmers (t=3.26, n=11, p>0.01). Also, the difference between commercial farmers and urban respondents is not significant (t=1.92, n=11, p>0.01). On the other hand significantly more commercial than subsistence farmers need land from the Park, while more subsistence than commercial farmers wish to harvest resources that satisfy basic needs (t=3.34, n=11, p<0.01). Therefore, we recommend that the Department should extend the resource use programme and diversify its activities. The main target communities should be the subsistence farmers in Chulu and Kaphaizi villages.Most respondents to the survey believe that bee-keeping and tree caterpillar collection are beneficial as a source of food and income. About 90% of the respondents would like to participate in these activities. This is a reflection of positive attitudes towards these activities and it is enough justification for encouragement of bee-keeping and caterpillar collection. Although the respondents' attitudes towards the project are not negative, we recommend the involvement of local people in all stages of future activities.  相似文献   

World-wide declines in arthropod abundance and diversity are a major concern, particularly given their importance in ecosystem functioning. Yet, data documenting long-term trends are rare from the tropics, particularly the Afrotropics. Here we evaluate changes in the arthropod communities in Kibale National Park, Uganda across almost four decades. Systematic sweep-net sampling was conducted in two forested sections of the park that had been logged and in one old-growth forest area over 12 consecutive months in 1983/1984 and 2020/2021. This data was augmented with intermittent samples taken in 1986 and 1995. Arthropod abundance declined in all areas, but only significantly so in the moderately logged forestry compartment (41%). Permutational multivariate analysis of variance indicated that community compositions of arthropods differed between the censuses. Understanding the drivers of changes in the arthropod communities is difficult as the system is complex and dynamic. We document an increase in temperature, but no change in rainfall, increases in 11 mammal species, including a marked increase in elephant numbers, and changes in forest structure. We also report on changes in the landscape outside of the park, which includes the human population increasing by a factor of four and agricultural intensification that now includes the use of pesticides. We document that many components of the ecosystem we studied changed simultaneously, which signals that for effective conservation planning, more long-term multi-disciplinary efforts are needed.  相似文献   

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