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We previously described a dominant negative secY -d 1 allele in Escherichia coli, whose product interferes with protein export, presumably by sequestering SecE, the stabilizing partner of SecY. Syd is the product of a multicopy suppressor of the secY -d 1 phenotype, and its overproduction preferentially stabilizes the wild-type SecY protein. In contrast, overproduction of Syd is toxic to the secY24 mutant, which shows a partial defect in SecY-SecE interaction. We isolated Syd-resistant revertants from the secY24 mutant. Pseudo-reversions mapped to sites at or near the secY24 mutation site (Gly240→Asp). The secY249 mutation (Ala249→Val) intragenically suppressed Syd sensitivity, but not the temperature-sensitive Sec phenotype of the secY24 mutation. The SecY249 mutant protein shows a reduced capacity to be stabilized by Syd, suggesting that the mutation weakens the SecY-Syd interaction. The other two mutations changed residue 240 (the site of the secY24 alteration) to Asn (secY245) or Ala (secY241) and restored the ability of the cell to export protein. Although the secY245 mutant retained some sensitivity␣to Syd overproduction, the secY241 mutant was completely Syd-resistant. Furthermore, the secY241 mutation seemed to represent a “hyper reversion” with respect to the SecY-SecE interaction. Protein export in this mutant was no longer sensitive to SecY-d1. When the secY -d 1 mutation was combined intragenically with secY241, the resulting double mutant gene (secY -d 1–241) showed an increased ability to interfere with protein export. On the basis of our model for SecY-d1, these results suggest that the secY241 alteration enhances SecY-SecE interaction. These results indicate that residue 240 of SecY is crucial for the interaction between the cytosolic domains of SecY and SecE required for the establishment of the translocase complex. Received: 20 October 1997 / Accepted: 1 December 1997  相似文献   

The SecY protein is a membrane-bound factor required for bacterial protein export and embedded in the cytoplasmic membrane by its 10 transmembrane segments. We previously proposed a topology model for this protein by adapting the Manoil-Beckwith TnphoA approach, a genetic method to assign local disposition of a membrane protein from the enzymatic activity of the alkaline phosphatase (PhoA) mature sequence attached to the various regions. SecY-PhoA hybrid proteins with the PhoA domain exported to the periplasmic side of the membrane have been obtained at the five putative periplasmic domains of the SecY sequence. We now extended this method to apply it to follow export of the newly synthesized PhoA domain. Trypsin treatment of detergent-solubilized cell extracts digested the internalized (unfolded) PhoA domain but not those exported and correctly folded. One of the hybrid proteins was cleaved in vivo after export to the periplasm, providing a convenient indication for the export. Results of these analyses indicate that export of the PhoA domain attached to different periplasmic regions of SecY occurs rapidly and requires the normal functioning of the secY gene supplied in trans. Thus, this membrane protein with multiple transmembrane segments contains multiple export signals which can promote rapid and secY-dependent export of the PhoA mature sequence attached to the carboxyl-terminal sides.  相似文献   

An ftsZ thermonull mutant has been constructed in which the ftsZ gene has been deleted from the Escherichia coli chromosome while maintaining a wild-type copy of the gene in a thermosensitive plasmid. Under conditions in which the ftsZ+ allele is unable to be replicated at the same pace as the chromosome, the cells become non-viable and grow as filaments, indicating that, contrary to other reports, FtsZ performs a function essential for cell survival. Antibodies raised against FtsZ have been used to detect the cellular location of FtsZ and its contents per cell. Fractionation experiments indicate that most of the total FtsZ present in the cell stays in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Y Akiyama  K Ito 《The EMBO journal》1987,6(11):3465-3470
The secY (prlA) gene product is an essential component of the Escherichia coli cytoplasmic membrane, and its function is required for the translocation of exocytoplasmic proteins across the membrane. We have analyzed the orientation of the SecY protein in the membrane by examining the hydropathic character of its amino acid sequence, by testing its susceptibility to proteases added to each side of the membrane, and by characterizing SecY-PhoA (alkaline phosphatase) hybrid proteins constructed by TnphoA transpositions. The orientation of the PhoA portion of the hybrid protein with respect to the membrane was inferred from its enzymatic activity as well as sensitivity to external proteases. The results suggest that SecY contains 10 transmembrane segments, five periplasmically exposed parts, and six cytoplasmic regions including the amino- and carboxyterminal regions.  相似文献   

MalF is an essential cytoplasmic membrane protein of the maltose transport system of Escherichia coli. We have developed a general approach for analysis of the mechanism of integration of membrane proteins and their membrane topology by characterizing a series of fusions of beta-galactosidase to MalF. The properties of the fusion proteins indicate the following. (1) The first two presumed transmembrane segments of MalF are sufficient to anchor beta-galactosidase firmly to the inner membrane. (2) Hybrid proteins with beta-galactosidase fused to a presumed cytoplasmic domain of MalF have high beta-galactosidase specific activity; fusions to periplasmic domains have low activity. We propose therefore, that periplasmic and cytoplasmic domains of integral membrane proteins can be distinguished by the enzymatic properties of such hybrid proteins. In general, it appears that cleaved or non-cleaved signal sequences when attached to beta-galactosidase cause it to become embedded in the membrane, and this results in the inability of the hybrid proteins to assemble into active enzyme. Additional properties of these fusion proteins contribute to our understanding of the regulation of MalF synthesis. The MalF protein, synthesized as part of the malEFG operon of E. coli, is approximately 30-fold less abundant in the cell than MalE protein (the maltose-binding protein). Differential amounts of the fusion proteins indicate that a regulatory signal occurs within the malF gene that is responsible for the step-down in expression from the malE gene to the malF gene.  相似文献   

The effect of the overproduction of SecF encoded by the tac-secF gene on a plasmid on the synthesis of other Sec proteins was studied in Escherichia coli. SecF overproduction resulted in the simultaneous overproduction of SecD encoded by the tac-secD gene on a plasmid. Deletion of the orf6 gene, located downstream of the secF gene, had no effect on SecD overproduction. A pulse-chase experiment revealed that the overproduction was due to stabilization of SecD with SecF. SecF overproduction also resulted in the overproduction of SecY encoded by the tac-secY gene on a plasmid as well. SecF overproduction also enhanced the level of SecY expressed by the chromosomal secY gene. This SecF effect was not due to its effect on SecD or SecE, since SecF overproduction did not affect the levels of SecD and SecE expressed by the chromosomal secD and secE genes, respectively. SecE-dependent overproduction of SecY has already been demonstrated. It is suggested that SecF interacts with both SecD and SecY. SecE-SecY interaction has been demonstrated. It is likely, therefore, that all Sec proteins in the cytoplasmic membrane interact with each other.  相似文献   

Using a reconstitution system for protein translocation, the involvement of SecY in the translocation of secretory proteins across the cytoplasmic membrane of Escherichia coli was studied. Anti-SecY antibodies raised against the N- and C-terminal sequences prevented the functional reconstitution of the translocation system. Depletion of SecY from the solubilized membrane preparation was performed by treatment with anti-SecY IgG, followed by removal of IgG with protein A-agarose. The SecY-depleted preparation was inactive as to functional reconstitution. However, reconstitution with it was demonstrated in the presence of a protein fraction, which was released from the anti-SecY immunoprecipitate upon addition of the SecY fragment used to raise the antibody. Reconstitution with the SecY-depleted membrane fraction was also demonstrated in the presence of a purified SecY preparation. OmpT proteinase specifically cleaved SecY in the solubilized membrane preparation. The cleavage was accompanied by a decrease in the reconstituted activity. Based on these findings we conclude that SecY is an indispensable component of the secretory machinery.  相似文献   

Three new open reading frames, mraZ, mraW and mraR (also called ftsL), were revealed by DNA sequencing immediately upstream of gene pbpB in the dcw cluster of Escherichia coli. We have found that mraW and mraZ are active genes, coding for two proteins with relative molecular masses of 34 800 and 17 300, respectively. MraW is a cytoplasmic protein that under overproduction condition is also loosely bound to the membrane. Soluble MraW was purified up to 90% by a single high performance electrophoresis (HPEC) step from an extract of an overproducing strain. The protein exhibits a S-adenosyl-dependent methyltransferase activity on membrane-located substrates.  相似文献   

Skp of Escherichia coli (OmpH of Salmonella typhimurium) is a protein whose precise function has been obscured by its ubiquity in a wide range of subcellular fractions such as those containing DNA, ribosomes, and outer membranes. Combining in vitro and in vivo techniques we show that Skp is synthesized as a larger precursor that is processed upon translocation across the plasma membrane. Translocation is dependent on the H(+)-gradient, ATP, SecA, and SecY. Upon cellular subfractionation (avoiding non-specific electrostatic interactions) Skp partitions with beta-lactamase into the fraction of soluble, periplasmic proteins. In the context of the export factor properties of Skp previously demonstrated in vitro it is conceivable that this protein is involved in the later steps of protein translocation across the plasma membrane and/or sorting to the outer membrane.  相似文献   

The genetic analysis of essential genes has been generally restricted to the use of conditional mutations, or inactivating chromosomal mutations, which require a complementing plasmid that must either be counterselected or lost to measure a phenotype. These approaches are limited because they do not permit the analysis of mutations suspected to affect a specific function of a protein, nor do they take advantage of the increasing abundance of structural and bioinformatics data for proteins. Using the dnaC gene as an example, we developed a genetic method that should permit the mutational analysis of other essential genes of Escherichia coli and related enterobacteria. The method consists of using a strain carrying a large deletion of the dnaC gene, which is complemented by a wild-type copy expressed from a plasmid that requires isopropyl-beta-d-thiogalactopyranoside for maintenance. Under conditions in which this resident plasmid is lost, the method measures the function of a dnaC mutation encoded by a second plasmid. This methodology should be widely applicable to the genetic analysis of other essential genes.  相似文献   

The preprotein translocase of Escherichia coli is a multisubunit enzyme with two domains, the peripheral membrane protein SecA and the membrane-embedded SecY/E protein. SecY/E has been isolated as a complex of three polypeptides, SecY, SecE, and band 1. We now present four lines of evidence that the active species of SecY/E is composed of a tightly associated complex of these three subunits: 1) antibodies to SecY efficiently precipitate SecY/E activity as well as all three polypeptides; 2) the proportions of SecY, SecE, and band 1 in the immunoprecipitates are the same as in the starting fraction; 3) the immunoprecipitable complex is not disrupted by treatment with either high salt or urea but is disrupted by brief incubation at 20 degrees C, and the kinetics of dissociation of both band 1 and SecE from SecY at 20 degrees C parallel the loss of translocation ATPase activity; 4) upon immunoprecipitation of similar units of activity of translocase from detergent solutions from either wild-type membranes or a SecY and SecE overproducer strain, the SecE and band 1 subunits are recovered in the same proportions. These data establish that the subunits of SecY/E are firmly associated and that it is the associated complex which is active for translocation.  相似文献   

Genetic approaches can address the question of how integral membrane Sec factors interact with each other and facilitate protein translocation across the cytoplasmic membrane of E. coli. This review summarizes genetic analyses of SecY, SecE and some other protein translocation factors, utilizing 'prl' mutations, 'sec' mutations, 'suppressor-directed inactivation', 'Sec titration', dominant negative mutations and their suppressors. Evidence suggests that co-ordinate participation of SecY, SecE, SecD, SecF, and probably some other factors, is crucial for the process.  相似文献   

YihA has previously been characterized as an essential gene of unknown function in both Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis. It is conserved in bacteria and represents an attractive target for the discovery of new antibiotics. YihA encodes a putative GTP-binding protein. We have cloned and overexpressed the gene encoding E. coli YihA and initiated biochemical studies as a first step towards understanding its biological function. We showed by circular dichroism that the purified protein has a secondary structure typical of most GTP-binding proteins. It binds guanine nucleotides specifically, as demonstrated by fluorescence resonance energy transfer between 2'-(or-3')-O-(N-methylanthraniloyl) nucleotides (mant-nucleotides) and the tryptophans of YihA. The K(d) values for GDP and GTP were determined by competition with 2'-(or-3')-O-(N-methylanthraniloyl) GDP to be 3 and 27 microM, respectively. Using mutants of YihA we show that nucleotide binding occurs at the putative GTP-binding domain predicted from the primary sequence.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, adaptation to extra-cytoplasmic stress relies on sigma(E) activation to induce a rescue pathway. Under non-stressed conditions, sigma(E) is sequestered by the inner membrane protein RseA. Extra-cytoplasmic stress activates DegS-dependent cleavage of RseA, rendering RseA sensitive to further degradation by the YaeL protease. YaeL contains two motifs characteristic of a family of metallo-proteases, as well as a periplasmic PDZ domain. We report results of mutational analyses of the YaeL domains. Surprisingly, expression in a strain depleted for wild-type YaeL or YaeL variants having a 40 amino acid deletion of the PDZ domain or amino acid substitutions of conserved amino acids of the YaeL PDZ domain did not affect cell viability. The proteolytic activity against RseA of these YaeL variants became independent of DegS. These observations suggest that the YaeL PDZ domain exerts a negative control on YaeL activity. Rather than being involved in substrate recognition, the PDZ domain of YaeL is likely to act as an inhibitor of proteolytic activity.  相似文献   

Chromosomal genes conferring resistance to trimethoprim were transferred from three independently isolated thy+ clinical strains of Escherichia coli to Escherichia coli K12 by using P1 transduction. Trimethoprim-resistant transductants were obtained less frequently than transductants of other chromosomal markers, suggesting that there were problems related to the expression of the trimethoprim resistance genes in E. coli K12. Mapping studies revealed that one of the resistance determinants was located at a similar position on the chromosome (1 min) to the fol-type mutations previously described in E. coli K12. The two remaining resistance determinants mapped at separate positions between 2.5 and 3 min on the chromosome. The presence of one of these determinants reduced the efficiency with which either donor or recipient cells carrying it could participate in conjugation mediated by the sex factor F and also resulted in phenotypic interaction with the azi gene. The mechanisms of trimethoprim resistance in the three clinical E. coli isolates studied were more complex and diverse than was expected from previous studies of E. coli K12 mutants.  相似文献   

The gene product of secY (prlA) is an integral membrane protein with an essential role in protein export in Escherichia coli. When the protein was overproduced, using a plasmid, it was degraded rapidly in the cell. The lon or the htpR mutation did not slow down this degradation, but low-temperature growth conditions (30 degrees C) did so appreciably. On the other hand, the copy number of the pUC8-based plasmid was higher at higher temperatures. Thus, the plasmid was first amplified at 42 degrees C and the protein was then accumulated at 30 degrees C. The SecY protein was isolated in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-denatured form from the membranes of the overproducing cells, using SDS-SDS two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Its NH2-terminal sequence confirmed the secY reading frame and the translation initiation site assigned previously. The SecY protein does not undergo NH2-terminal processing except for the removal of the initiator methionine.  相似文献   

Molecular Genetics and Genomics - Ribosomal protein S1 from a newly isolated Escherichia coli mutant has a molecular weight of about 54,000 which is smaller than the wild type S1 (M.W. 65,000). The...  相似文献   

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